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We describe a disseminated fungal infection by Conidiobolus lamprauges in a patient with malignant lymphoma. Histopathology and mycological studies were performed, along with molecular analyses. This is the first record of this species causing human disease and the fifth reported disseminated infection by a Conidiobolus sp. in humans.  相似文献   

We report the case of an exuberant ulcerative angiomatoid nasal lesion in a cocaine abuser. The lesion was made up of polymorphous endothelial cells with occasional mitoses, arranged in a lobular pattern with infiltrative-looking areas. There were extensive areas of thrombosis with focal recanalization. Intravascular proliferation was not observed. The clinical, radiological, and histological features suggested hemangiosarcoma as the main differential diagnosis, but the lobular architecture of the lesion and the widespread thrombosis favoured the diagnosis of a benign reactive process.  相似文献   

A 58-year-old male diabetic who was operated for carcinoma larynx 4 years back was admitted with exertional dyspnoea and bilateral leg swelling for the past 2 years. Over the last 2 months, there was a progressive worsening of symptoms. Echocardiography done 2 years back showed pericardial effusion. Echo done during the current admission also showed pericardial effusion with preserved left ventricular function; cytological examination of the pericardial fluid showed larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis. He was treated with antinematodal drugs. A follow-up echo done at discharge showed no pericardial effusion and the patient was completely asymptomatic. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of Strongyloides pericardial effusion in a diabetic patient.  相似文献   

A case of fatal disseminated fungal infection due to Conidiobolus coronatus in a patient with a renal transplant is described. This organism, known to cause localized infections in otherwise healthy individuals in the tropics, is now recognized as a cause of fatal infection in immunosuppressed hosts. Histologically, localized infections are characterized by lack of vessel invasion and the presence of an eosinophilic sleeve around fungal elements, called the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. The histologic findings in the present case were more typical of mucormycosis, and the correct diagnosis was established only after the organism was isolated and identified in culture.  相似文献   

Lovell RD  Moll M  Allen J  Cicci LG 《The AIDS reader》2002,12(5):212-3, 218, 221
We describe a case of disseminated Paecilomyces lilacinus infection occurring in a patient with advanced HIV infection. P lilacinus is a ubiquitous environmental fungus that has been associated with infection in various immunocompromised hosts, in patients with invasive medical devices, and in contact-lens wearers. The clinical features, morphologic characteristics, and response to antifungal therapy in our patient are similar to findings reported in disseminated infection due to Penicillium marneffei, another opportunistic fungal infection in HIV-infected patients. We believe this to be the first report of infection with P lilacinus in a patient with AIDS.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is a very rare disease in Korea. Clinical manifestations are very similar to those of tuberculosis. This is the first case report of combined disseminated histoplasmosis and tuberculosis in a patient with HIV infection in Korea. A 42-year-old Korean with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed with tuberculosis. He had lived in Guatemala for the past five years. Upon diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis with HIV infection, he was treated with anti-tuberculosis medications and anti-retroviral agents. Fever, weakness, hepatosplenomegaly and pancytopenia were persistent despite treatment. The patient's history of living in Guatemala caused us to seek opportunistic infectious organisms other than tuberculosis. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy were performed and the result revealed numerous intracellular organisms consistent with Histoplasma capsulatum; therefore, the diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis was made.  相似文献   

A case of disseminated Trichosporon beigelii infection is reported. Trichosporon inhabits the soil, but may also be present in the human skin and mouth as a normal flora. Occasionally it causes superficial mycotic infection, but it is rarely invasive. A review of literature disclosed 21 reported cases of invasive Trichosporon beigelii infection, to date. Of these, two cases were from Japan. The scarcity of reports on this invasive infection may be due to a lack of awareness of the organism. Histologically, it should be carefully differentiated from Candida.  相似文献   

We describe a case of disseminated Beauveria bassiana infection in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Her infection was successfully treated with amphotericin B and itraconazole. B. bassiana is rarely reported as a human pathogen. It is commonly found in soil and because of its pathogenicity to many insect species is incorporated into several pesticides.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii, a frequent cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients, rarely disseminates to involve other organs. This report describes a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and pneumocystis pneumonia in whom extrapulmonary P. carinii infection was diagnosed on duodenal and esophageal endoscopic biopsy specimens. Autopsy revealed dissemination to multiple organs.  相似文献   

A case of disseminated pneumocystosis occurring in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is described. Postmortem examination of this patient, who had three episodes of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia during his 3-year clinical course, revealed clinically unsuspected infiltration of lymph nodes, spleen, adrenal glands, and bone marrow, in addition to persistent pulmonary infection by the organism.  相似文献   

Disseminated Curvularia infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Curvularia is a saprophyte that rarely causes infection, and then usually occurs in immunocompromised patients. A 41-year-old man, previously in good health, developed pulmonary and cerebral infection with Curvularia lunata. With surgery and amphotericin B therapy, he recovered and was free of infection one year later.  相似文献   

Summary This report describes the histopathology of a disseminatedPneumocystis carinii infecton in a 24-year-old Japanese male haemophiliac diagnosed as having the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. He developed respiratory symptoms, andPneumocystis carinii pneumonia was confirmed by transbronchial lung biopsy. On the 70th day of hospitalization the patient died. Autopsy findings revealedPneumocystis carinii not only in the lungs but also in the stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon, mesoappendix, abdominal lymph nodes, diaphragm, and thyroid gland.Contribution No. 627 from the Department of Medical Zoology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is an illness which occurs very rarely in Europe and it is especially rare in Germany. A generalised infection with Histoplasma capsulatum, a systemic mycosis of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), occurs only in individuals with weakened immune systems. Within the framework of diagnostics, a pathologist can be confronted with histoplasmosis since there has been an increase in travel to and from endemic regions, as well as an increase in the number of diseases of the immune system. The presented case reports the histological intravital and post-mortem diagnostics of disseminated histoplasmosis in existing HIV-infection in the stage of manifest AIDS.  相似文献   

Anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α treatments are immunosuppressant and represent an important risk factor for developing infections. We report a case of Salmonella paratyphi bacteraemia associated with soft tissue infection in a patient who used infliximab and had recently travelled to India. This case report provides supporting evidence, essentially based only on case reports, that patients receiving anti-TNF-α treatments have an increased susceptibility to Salmonella infections, which may develop at unusual and disseminated sites. We emphasize the importance of appropriate counselling of patients undergoing anti-TNF treatment and travelling to areas in which Salmonellae are endemic, as well as the importance of advice to these patients concerning food hygiene.  相似文献   

A 6 months old female infant presented with history of fever, cough and severe respiratory distress. There was past history of recurrent attacks of pneumonia. She succumbed to the illness after a hospital stay of 7 days. Postmortem revealed morphological evidence of cystic fibrosis along with herpes simplex infection of liver and adrenals. The co-existence of disseminated herpes simplex infection and cystic fibrosis is very rare.  相似文献   

Disseminated infection with the coelomycetous fungus Nattrassia mangiferae is a very rare disease affecting only the immunocompromised host. We report the first case of a disseminated infection with spondylodiscitis and granular skin lesions due to N. mangiferae in a renal transplant patient.  相似文献   

Disseminated Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 35-year-old obese black American woman presented with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cough, and chest pain of 2 weeks duration. She was pancytopenic and acidotic, with respiratory failure and hypotension. A diagnosis of septic shock was made, and the patient died 48 hours after admission. Blood cultures were positive for organisms that were reported to be Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. At autopsy she had massive hepatic necrosis with numerous Mikulicz's cells. The lungs, spleen, and bone marrow were also involved. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a case of systemic infection with K rhinoscleromatis.  相似文献   

A case of disseminated Pneumocystis carinii (PC) infection in a 28-year-old Japanese male hemophiliac with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is reported. The patient had displayed a high fever and diffuse faint interstitial infiltrates on chest X-ray films without dyspnea three months before his death. At that time, no PC was detected after four consecutive induced sputum tests. Serum anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM was positive by EIA. No treatment for PC and CMV was given at the patient's request. Autopsy findings disclosed disseminated PC infection consisting of granulomas with caseation-like necrosis and frothy exudate in the lungs and disseminated organized calcification in the blood vessels of extrapulmonary organs. PC cysts and/or trophozoites were detected in these lesions.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a case of disseminated infection caused by Scedosporium prolificans (S. inflatum) in a patient affected by chemotherapy-induced acute multilineal leukemia and neutropenia. For the fungus isolated in four blood cultures, high MICs of currently available antifungal agents were found. Postmortem examination revealed multiorgan involvement.  相似文献   

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