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In 1988 the Veterans' Benefits and Services Act attempted to solve the problem of the lack of adequate VA healthcare facilities in rural areas by establishing a demonstration program using mobile clinics. Six clinics operated in areas that were at least 100 miles from a VA healthcare facility during the time period between October 1, 1992 and May 28, 1994. This article evaluated the effect of the mobile clinics' structural limitations on clinical care, the increased number of sites on VA usage, and cost. Limited space for storage of medical records and the unavailability of laboratory, electrocardiographic, or radiographic facilities significantly affected clinical practice. However, even with these space limitations, veterans' use of healthcare in the areas served by the mobile clinics increased significantly in comparison to reference areas. The direct costs per visit averaged more than three times what the VA would have reimbursed the private sector.  相似文献   

In 1980, the Public Health Service established an objective of immunizing 60% of high-risk persons with influenza vaccine annually by the year 1990. As no more than 32% of high-risk persons currently receive influenza vaccine each year, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has undertaken an influenza vaccination demonstration project for Medicare enrollees. Federally purchased vaccine is being distributed to physicians, health departments, hospitals, nursing homes and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). If the project is cost-effective, Congress has authorized HCFA reimbursement for influenza vaccination. Changing reimbursement policy alone, however, is unlikely to substantially improve influenza vaccine delivery; HCFA reimbursement for pneumococcal immunization since 1981 has not increased the use of pneumococcal vaccine. In contrast, federal purchase and distribution of vaccines to state and local health departments has helped maintain the remarkable success of childhood immunization programs. In addition, in Canada, provincial health departments purchase more than 80% of all influenza vaccine distributed, and from 1980 through 1988, per capita vaccine distribution increased 140%. These experiences suggest the need for an expanded policy goal for the influenza vaccination demonstration project that includes federal purchase and distribution of influenza vaccine. This approach, together with a change in reimbursement policy, offers greater promise for achieving our nation's objective for influenza vaccination.  相似文献   

The purpose of the multi-site project was to develop and implement a model for dementia care which improved linkages of caregivers to community services. Key components of the model included a single point of informational contact, provider education, case-finding, caregiver education and support, internal linkages, and linkages with community services. The model was implemented at six medical centers. Outcome measures included caregiver, provider, and community agency satisfaction. Caregivers reported high satisfaction with information provided to them about community resources. Primary care providers reported that dementia services had improved from one year earlier. Community agencies reported high satisfaction with the dementia program initiatives.  相似文献   



The objectives were to evaluate the safety and acceptability of outpatient medical abortion in selected women without a pretreatment ultrasound or pelvic examination.

Study design

We conducted a prospective case-series study to estimate the incidence of serious adverse events (death, life-threatening event, hospitalization, transfusion or any other medical problem that we judged to be significant), surgical completion of the abortion and satisfaction in women provided with medical abortion without a pretreatment ultrasound or pelvic examination. We enrolled 406 women requesting medical abortion in Moldova, Mexico and the United States. To be eligible, a woman must have been certain that her last menstrual period started within the prior 56 days, have had regular menses before the pregnancy, not have used hormonal contraceptives in the prior 2 months (in the United States and Mexico) or 3 months (in Moldova), have no risk factors for or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, and not have had an ultrasound or pelvic exam in this pregnancy. One site also excluded women with uterine enlargement on abdominal palpation. Each participant received mifepristone (200 mg orally) and misoprostol (400 mcg sublingually in Moldova; 800 mcg buccally at all other sites) and was followed until complete abortion, defined as requiring no further treatment.


Of the 365 (90%) participants who provided sufficient follow-up information for analysis, 347 (95%) had complete abortion without additional treatment, 5 (1%) had surgical aspiration, and 10 (3%) had extra misoprostol. Three participants (1%) had serious adverse events; these included two hospital admissions for heavy bleeding managed with aspiration and one diagnosis of persistent gestational sac 19 days after enrollment. Most (317, 90%) participants were pleased with omitting the pretreatment ultrasound and pelvic exam.


In this study, medical abortion without screening ultrasound or pelvic exam resulted in no serious adverse events that were likely to have been prevented by those tests and was highly acceptable.


Screening for medical abortion without exam or ultrasound shows promise as a means for increasing access to this service. More research is needed to develop screening criteria that are more inclusive and simpler for clinical use.  相似文献   

Although youth involvement in health promotion efforts is not a new concept, projects that actively involve youths in planning research, collecting data, and making research design decisions are rare. This article describes the evaluation process and outcomes for a youth-directed data collection initiative. Eleven youth researchers conducted 112 personal in-depth interviews and 22 focus groups involving 206 youths in 5th through 12th grade. Youth researchers felt confident they could conduct focus groups and in-depth interviews and staff ratings of youths' effectiveness in moderating focus groups indicated they were successful in carrying out the qualitative research.  相似文献   

When medical wastes started washing up along the Eastern Seaboard and the shores of the Great Lakes in 1988, healthcare providers became subject to close public scrutiny. Not only was the situation deplorable; the solution, they feared, would keep them entangled in red tape for years. Public outcry sent members of Congress scurrying to legislate medical waste regulation. But what many had predicted would be a comprehensive, nationwide regulation that tracked medical waste from cradle to grave turned out to be a demonstration project limited to Puerto Rico and four states in the Northeast. The Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988 went into effect in June 1989. When it expires in June 1991, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will report to Congress on the program's impact, presumably with an eye toward whether further legislation and continuing regulations are necessary. In the meantime, participating states must establish a system of tracking medical waste from its point of generation to its disposal by either incineration or burial in a landfill. Medical waste generators must separate it from other kinds of waste and place it in special labeled containers. They must also prepare a tracking form that accompanies the cargo and requires sign-off by generator, transporter, and disposal facility operator. The EPA has legal access to medical waste tracking forms and can inspect any site where medical wastes are located. Violators are subject to stiff civil and criminal penalties.  相似文献   

Summary: Unrealistic optimism may contribute to risky health practices and to a delay in seeking treatment for medical conditions, as most individuals perceive themselves to be at little risk for various disorders. It is thus an important concept to present to medical students as part of their behavioural sciences training. Social psychological concepts such as unrealistic optimism may appear, on initial presentation to students, to be a misjudgement based on faulty understanding of risk estimates by the general population. This project aimed to teach the principle of unrealistic optimism by having students document their own beliefs about health risks. Students rated their own risk, relative to other classmates, of experiencing a range of 17 health problems. Questionnaires were completed by two classes of medical students ( n = 257). Class results showed varying levels of unrealistic optimism for all 17 conditions. Males and females differed significantly on three of the 17 conditions. Student data were obtained rapidly in a large didactic setting and served to illustrate the concept of unrealistic optimism which was subsequently taught in class. Such exercises may be a useful teaching aid to students providing them with feedback on their own cognitive processes and illustrating that they display cognitive distortions similar to those of patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As part of the independent evaluation of Healthy Respect (a national demonstration project to improve teenage sexual health in Scotland) this study examined the effect of the school-based sexual health education intervention comprising multiprofessional classroom delivery and alongside drop-in clinics on teenage sexual behaviour outcomes. METHODS: Before-and-after cross-sectional surveys of secondary school pupils (average age 14 years and 6 months) were used in 10 Healthy Respect intervention schools in Lothian region and 5 comparison schools without intervention in Grampian region (2001 and 2003). RESULTS: By 2003, the proportion of pupils in Lothian feeling confident about getting condoms and using condoms properly significantly increased, more Lothian pupils (particularly boys) showed improved knowledge about condoms being protective against sexually transmitted infections. No further evidence of improved knowledge, attitudes, or intentions was evident after the intervention. Pupils in Lothian remained more likely to think using a condom would be embarrassing (especially girls), would reduce sexual enjoyment (especially boys), and intentions about condom use (as closer predictors of actual behaviour change) showed no significant improvement. More Lothian ( approximately 24%) than Grampian ( approximately 19%) pupils report having had sexual intercourse at age <16 years, both before and after the intervention, with no evidence of a significant reduction in Lothian by 2003. Overall differences in attitudes to condom use by gender were noted. Findings remain consistent in both unadjusted and adjusted comparisons. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate limited impact on sexual health behaviour outcomes, and raise questions about the likely and achievable sexual health gains for teenagers from school-based interventions.  相似文献   

The Magdalene Islands are an archipelago located in the middle of the Gulf of St Lawrence, more than 1000 km away from supra-regional medical referral centres. We have implemented and evaluated a telemedicine network for the local hospital on the Magdalene Islands. During a 13-month study period, 118 transmissions were made. Orthopaedics and radiology were the medical specialties that used telemedicine most frequently. Store-and-forward imaging was the technique used most often because of the large number of transmissions in orthopaedics and radiology. Various medical specialties and psychosocial services used videoconferencing, while realtime imaging (ultrasound) was used in gynaecology and obstetrics. A combination of videoconferencing and imaging was used for otolaryngology. A total of 101 individual patients benefited from a teleconsultation during the study period. Eight emergency transfers were avoided and 15 patients who would have required elective transfer were managed locally by telemedicine. For health-care providers, telemedicine seemed to be an acceptable way of delivering specialized services. Nevertheless, demonstration projects in telemedicine are quite different to 'real life' telemedicine utilization. Deployment of telemedicine in the health-care system as a whole will require a more structured approach.  相似文献   

Community ownership and maintenance of heart health programs was a major study goal of the Minnesota Heart Health Program (MHHP), a community-based National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute (NIH)-funded demonstration project. A partnership between the University of Minnesota and three Upper Midwest intervention communities was initiated in 1981. Local citizen boards were instrumental in planning, implementing and incorporating programs. Through an 8 year process of community organization, training and volunteer involvement, MHHP educational program responsibility was transferred to existing community-based groups and organizations. In 1989, when federal funding was withdrawn, 70% of all heart health intervention programs initiated by MHHP were being continued by local sponsors and supported by local funds. By 1992, maintenance of programs had decreased to an average 60%. Differential results of program incorporation among the three intervention communities are presented including findings on community sectors that most frequently sponsored programs. Factors that facilitate or impede local ownership are discussed. Research on longer-term maintenance of heart health programs in the three communities continues.  相似文献   

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