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李军  刘伟伟 《放射学实践》2006,21(2):185-185
我院采用的HF81-5型80kW数字胃肠机为北京万东公司生产的高频数字胃肠机,配有美国Goodnoe图像系统。在使用5年中出现一些故障,总结如下供同行参考。  相似文献   

故障现象 东软NAX-500RF数字胃肠机透视过程中频繁出现黑屏现象,前期显示屏逐渐变暗,图像对比度明显变差,直至屏幕整体发黑;此时电子点片可用,但图像同样发黑,无法对病灶作出明确诊断。  相似文献   

故障现象 使用GE Prestige Si数字胃肠机,进行数字透视时.高压指示灯亮,但无图像产生,监视器光栅存在,操作屏无错误代码显示。 故障分析 (1)监视器有光栅存在,可初步排除其故障。(2)踩透视脚闸.高压指示灯亮,且没有高压报警提示,说明高压系统基本正常。(3)在数字模式下进行透视,触摸屏无错误代码显示,说明数字采集系统无故障。根椐以上分析,故障范围初步缩小到影像增强器(Ⅱ)和电视摄像头部分。  相似文献   

故障现象一透视时,没有X线,出现"Error∶715/080∶high voltage problem check exposure".使用器官程序控制台上的摄影按钮第一级清除故障提示后,使用普通透视试机,60~70 kV机器正常,90 kV以上时才出现以上故障提示.数字透视点片60~70 kV试验曝光,机器正常.80 kV以上出现故障  相似文献   

故障现象 岛津EX -Fast 5 0 0mAX线机自安装使用近3年 ,偶尔有卡片现象。近 1个月来 ,该机频繁出现卡片现象 ,且越来越严重 ,最后发展至每张胶片曝光结束后均卡片。开始卡片时 ,关机后重新启动 ,胶片可以回到收片盒内 ,但在后来关机再次启动时仍显示卡片现象。故障分析与检修 该机采用传输带传送胶片 ,传输过程大致为胶片拾取、胶片送入准备区、胶片进入曝光区和胶片收回 4个阶段 ,因卡片均发生在曝光结束后 ,考虑故障可能发生在胶片收回部分。打开后盖 ,查看固定增感屏 ,未见螺丝松动 ;运转皮带张力均匀 ,亦未发现过松或过紧现…  相似文献   

故障现象正常开机,显示器、操作控制台显示屏无异常,机内存储的图像可调出浏览,摇床、球管移动正常。当踩下透视脚踏开关进行胃肠透视时,无图像、无mA指示、射线灯不亮,此时操作台显示屏显示错误代码和信息:ERR715/080conf,error,If re-occurs,service。故障检查从故障现象看,问题可能出现在高压控制柜上。打开高压控制柜加电观察,发现D111电路板电源指示灯V3不亮,断电静态检查,测得高压控制柜一保险F18熔断,说明21V交流电源严重过载。进一步检查见D111电路板中部有约2.0cm×2.0cm的烧焦炭化区,有几只贴面元件已烧毁炭化无法辨认,检查结…  相似文献   

故障现象 检查过程中显示器无图像,"出光"指示灯却发亮,使用点片曝光无X线发生.错误代码提示:03HJ Press RESET.  相似文献   

本院1台Philips TD数字胃肠机诊视床具有断层,床面上下、左右4个方向运动,床身可 90°~30°动作等功能.正因其有多种功能,不仅电路复杂,且保护也较多,所以一旦出现故障,会给维修带来一定的难度.现将笔者在工作中碰到的维修过程颇费周折的诊视床故障作一总结,以供同仁参考.  相似文献   

西门子MR成像仪Impact软件包含了使其硬件执行任务的所有信息,由程序、数据和微处理器构成,从结构上由低到高分为3级:硬件(hardware level)、操作系统(operatingsystem level)、应用程序(application level).  相似文献   

故障现象 :开机后 ,控制台面各仪表指示正常 ,按下透视按钮 ,“over”过载灯立即燃亮 ,整机不工作。分析检修 :由于受国产X线机结构的影响 ,开始认为是高压电路故障 ,但分别检测高压部件 ,确认无高压击穿后 ,认真分析线路判定 ,故障可能发生在毫安控制电路中。该部分电路主要由主晶体管电路、三极管Q2 ~Q3 、运放器A10 1和A10 2 等构成。请参考该机自动控制电路 (mAcontrol -10 ,5 0 1-0 6 6 6 2T2 /2 )。其工作原理是 :从mA调节器过来的透视或摄影管电流信号经A10 1同相放大后与倒相的矩形波信号叠加 ,送到A10 1的…  相似文献   

故障 1 现象 :TOSHIBA公司产Xvision/GX螺旋CT机。在扫描过程中 ,突然扫描中断 ,当再次发出扫描指令后屏幕出现故障提示 :0 4:Eo :erroroccurredintheX -rayhigh -voltogegener0 9:E64 :lowmA2 4:Ec :Xcerror2 7:E3 :Exposuretimeouterror故障提示涉及到kV、mA、曝光时间和Xc。根据顺序和故障最有发生的可能 ,首先检查与kV部分有关的高压系统 (X -rayhigh -voltogegener) ,本着先易后难的原则 ,先检查高压供电电路的保险F2 8(10 0A ,在CONVERTER箱内 ) ,完好 ;检查逆变器驱动电路 (DRIVERFORINVERTER) ,各点电位均属…  相似文献   

Patients who suffer from epiphora can benefit from reconstructive surgery in many cases of obstructive and nonobstructive lesions of the lacrimal apparatus. We describe our technique of digital subtraction macrodacryocystography (DSM) and discuss its efficacy in the evaluation of various abnormalities involving the lacrimal drainage pathway. A variety of pathologic conditions of the lacrimal apparatus are portrayed. DSM is an accurate, easy to perform, but relatively unrecognized method of anatomic localization of obstructive lesions within the lacrimal drainage system.  相似文献   

Xu  Fangmin  Wei  Wanli  Shan  Xuelin  Wang  Ruihua  Liu  Lingyun 《Forensic Toxicology》2022,40(1):163-172
Forensic Toxicology - The purpose of the current study was to evaluate an analytical characterization of a novel synthetic cannabinoid...  相似文献   

The highly toxic curaremimetic and cholinergic neuron marker (−)-5-iodobenzovesamicol (IBVM) has been labeled with iodine-125 and iodine-123. [125I]IBVM, suitable for animal distribution and ex vivo autoradiographic studies, was synthesized by solid-state exchange; isolated yields were 65–89% with specific activities in the range of 130–200 Ci/mmol. The synthesis of no-carrier-added (−)-5-[125I]IBVM from the corresponding chiral (−)-5-(tri-n-butyltin) derivative using Na125I was evaluated using the oxidants H2O2, peracetic acid and chloramine-T. Both peracetic acid and chloramine-T gave good yields (70–95%). However, when Na123I was utilized, acceptable yields of [123I]IBVM were obtained only with chloramine-T. Use of the latter oxidant did produce 5-chlorobenzovesamicol which was eliminated during HPLC purification. After optimization of the reaction parameters, [123I]IBVM in batch sizes of 10–27 mCi, is routinely obtained with a specific activity of 30–70,000 Ci/mmol, radiochemical purity (>97%) and chiral purity (>98%). Isolated radiochemical yields have averaged 71% (N = 40). Distribution analyses of [125I]IBVM and [123I]IBVM in mice 4 h following intravenous administration show essentially equivalent concentrations of the two tracers in the four brain regions sampled. The exceptionally high specific activity of [123I]IBVM has made possible the evaluation of this radiotracer in humans.  相似文献   

1 圆消隐电路故障 1.1 现象系统开机后,监视器有光栅,但光栅仅有中部垂直部分显示,两边被遮盖,视野类似胃肠点片竖1/2分割摄影,透视时,监视器有光栅部分显示图像正常.  相似文献   

1-(5-Iodo-5-deoxy-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole (IAZA) has been synthesised and labeled with 125I. Radioiodinated IAZA was shown to undergo hypoxia-dependent binding in EMT-6 cells in vitro and to have an initial binding rate of 284 pmole/10(6) cells/hr at a substrate concentration of 30 microM. This binding rate is more than three times that of the reference compound, misonidazole (89 pmole/10(6) cells/hr). The elevated binding rate was accompanied by in vitro cytotoxicity 30-40 times greater than that observed for misonidazole. Whole-body elimination and biodistribution studies in BALB/c mice bearing implanted, subcutaneous EMT-6 tumors showed a rapid excretion (greater than 98% in 24 hr) with moderate tissue levels which, in general, declined as a function of blood clearance. Tumor-to-blood ratios of 4.6 (4 hr) and 8.7 (8 hr), with respective tumor uptake values of 2.08% and 1.22% ID/g of tissue, form a rational basis for evaluation of this and related 2-nitroimidazole analogs as radiopharmaceuticals suitable for scintigraphic evaluation of tissue (tumor) hypoxia.  相似文献   

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