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The discussion on the freedom to commit suicide and on medical assistance to suicide is a challenge for psychiatry to consider critically the ethical aspects of suicide prophylaxis and of the present jurisdiction on suicide. Suicide research has shown that most acts of suicide are not carried out as free acts of will. The increase in clinic suicides and the high frequency of suicides after in-patient psychiatric treatment clearly show the limits of the therapy of suicidal patients and force us to reflect critically on new developments of psychiatry and special forms of therapy. The decision on the necessity and the duration of compulsory measures can always be made only for each individual case. The danger of renewed acts of suicide can never be excluded. Especially great demands are made on the doctor-patient relationship. Suicide prophylaxis is a humanitarian obligation of society and the medical profession, especially of psychiatry, an obligation which must not be jeopardised by one-sided propagations of the right to "voluntary death".  相似文献   

Suicide is a complex problem linked to genetic, environmental, psychological and community factors. For the Aboriginal population more specifically, loss of culture, history of traumatic events, individual, family and community factors may also play a role in suicidal behaviour. Of particular concern is the high rate of suicide among Canadian Aboriginal youth. While the need to develop interventions to reduce suicidal behaviour for First Nations on-reserve populations is evident, there may be an element of distrust of researchers by Aboriginal communities. Furthermore, research in mental health and specifically suicide is much more sensitive than studying medical illnesses like diabetes. Clearly, this issue requires a unique and insightful approach. While numerous suicide prevention/intervention plans and guidelines have been published specifically for work involving Aboriginal people, the literature lacks a comprehensive discussion of the methodological and logistical issues faced by research teams and Aboriginal communities attempting to develop culturally-grounded and community-specific suicide prevention and intervention strategies. This paper outlines the research process, key challenges and lessons learned in a collaborative University-First Nations suicide prevention project conducted with eight north-western Manitoba First Nations communities (Canada).  相似文献   

Clinical research base witness to the existence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among children during the period of latency; these highlights manifestations which are indicators of a risk of suicide in later life. The case of an eleven-year-old boy, examined immediately after a serious suicide attempt, reveals that the event was preceded by earlier suicidal ideas. Is a six-year-old child really likely to seriously plan suicide? Developmental psychologists state that the essence of the concept of death is not understood until a child is about ten. A second clinical case, a six-year-old girl, allows us to point out suicidal ideas clearly expressed and associated with the representation of efficient ways to commit suicide may coexist with an immature concept of death. It is concluded that suicidal ideation does not need the possession of a mature concept of death and that clinicians need to be aware of the reality and severity of suicidal ideas of children, even when they are very young. It is also emphasised that therapy with children with suicidal ideas is necessary for prevention.  相似文献   

Risk factors for childhood and adolescent suicidal behavior are reviewed to point out important issues to focus suicide prevention strategies. Youth and family psychopathology involving suicidal behavior, violence, psychiatric disorders, including major depression, substance abuse, and psychosis, are the most significant risk factors for youth suicide and non-fatal suicidal acts. The availability of lethal means to commit suicide, especially guns and firearms, is a significant risk factor for youths, especially those without psychiatric disorders. Traits of impulsivity and cognitive concerns related to hopelessness and poor social adjustment increase suicide risk. Demographic characteristics, especially gender, age, and race/ethnicity, are associated with higher youth suicide rates. Contextual issues, including media exposure to suicide presentations and exposure to suicide of a peer or relative, increase the likelihood for suicidal ideation or suicidal acts. Prevention strategies should aim to decrease these risk factors by reliable methods of identification of risk factors, which can be targets for effective interventions.  相似文献   

The current status of general hospital psychiatry was overviewed to clarify the progress and the stagnation. To facilitate well-organized community psychiatric care, general hospital psychiatry should play a central role in psychiatry. The policy makers of the Japanese mental health system should place a special emphasis on general hospital psychiatric beds to further process of shifting from a hospital based to a community based psychiatry system. It is also necessary that general hospital psychiatry should become more aggressively involved in community psychiatry, e.g. emergency psychiatry. Consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatry has been quickly developed and become one of the main psychiatric fields. For further development, a multidisciplinary team approach with co-medical staffs is necessary to supply efficient and effective care to medically ill patients. A proactive model of C-L care rather than a doctors' needs model should also be considered. Well designed research evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of C-L activities in medical settings needs to be done to increase funding to general hospital psychiatry. This research evidence would also lead to a more fully integrated general hospital psychiatry into the practice of medicine and catch up with the ongoing medical reform in Japan.  相似文献   

Suicide,suicidality and suicide prevention in affective disorders   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
OBJECTIVE: It is well known that functional psychiatric disorders are one of the main causes of suicidal behaviour. This paper discusses the epidemiology and risk factors of suicidal behaviour in affective disorders and goes on to describe the treatment and prevention of such suicidal behaviour. METHOD: A narrative overview of relevant epidemiological and drug studies. RESULTS: About 60-70% of patients with acute depression experience suicidal ideas. There is a high incidence of suicide (10-15%) in depressive patients. Psychopharmacological treatment with antidepressants and/or mood stabilizers is the most successful approach to avoid the risk of suicidal behaviour. In addition, psychotherapeutic and psychosocial interventions are of importance. CONCLUSION: Suicidal behaviour and suicide must be considered when treating patients with affective disorders. The complex causation of suicidality has to be borne in mind when considering methods of suicide prevention. In order to obtain the best results, psychosocial, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological approaches should be combined, depending on the risk factors of each individual patient.  相似文献   

The relation between the strength of an individual's intent to commit suicide and the nature and seriousness (lethality) of any suicide attempt has been a controversial one. Some studies suggest a positive correlation, while others report no connection. The present investigation included 60 patients, who were studied shortly after they had been admitted to a medical service after a suicide attempt. Measures of depression, impulsivity, suicidal intent, seriousness of the attempt, and efforts to prevent intervention were obtained. Results reveal that both depression and impulsivity correlate positively with the strength of the intent to commit suicide, but there appears to be almost no correlation in this population between measures of intent and seriousness of the attempt.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Slovenia has been experiencing a very high suicide rate (30 per 10,000 inhabitants per year or higher) and there are no data on public attitudes towards suicide in Slovenia. AIMS: To identify public attitudes towards suicide in order to expand the basis for prevention. METHODS: A Suicide Attitudes Questionnaire (SUIATT) was sent to a representative sample of adult Slovenian citizens. RESULTS: Some 5.2% of respondents had at least one previous suicidal attempt and 21.6% reported suicidal ideation (SI). More respondents with SI than respondents without SI reported: 1) the suicidal act as deliberated, 2) less importance attached to the mental illness in suicidal behaviour, 3) that a person has the right to commit suicide, and 4) the suicidal act as an act of cowardice. CONCLUSIONS: Results do not allow a general statement whether attitudes towards suicide are permissive or restrictive. However, in the subgroup of respondents with SI we found a tendency towards permissiveness regarding suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a complex and multicausal human behavior and also a great challenge for psychiatry. We review the evidence available concerning pharmacological prevention of suicide in bipolar disorder patients. Several clinical trials provide evidence that effective acute and long-term treatment of bipolar depression provides a strong protection against suicide, suicide attempts, and probably against other complications of this disorder. Current major mood disorder is the most important risk factor of suicide, and bipolar II patients carry the highest risk. In bipolar patients suicidal behavior is most likely to occur during pure or mixed depressive episodes. Since bipolar disorder is a highly recurrent illness, adequate long-term pharmacotherapy is needed to prevent suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Suicide attempt and completed suicide are rare events in the community, but they are quite common among psychiatric patients who contact their GPs before the suicide event. The current prevalence of unipolar and bipolar major depressive episode in general practice is around ten percent but unfortunately about half of these cases remain unrecognized, untreated or mistreated. Major depressive episode is the most common current psychiatric diagnosis among suicide victims and attempters (56-87%) and successful acute and long-term treatment of depression significantly reduces the risk of suicidal behaviour even in this high-risk population. As over half of all suicide victims contact their GPs within four weeks before their death, primary care doctors play an important role in suicide prediction and prevention. Five large-scale community studies demonstrate that education of GPs and other medical professionals on the diagnosis and appropriate pharmacotherapy of depression, particularly in combination with psycho-social interventions and public education improve the identification and treatment of depression and reduces the rate of completed and attempted suicide in the areas served by trained doctors.  相似文献   

There have been studied on suicide in children and adolescents in Western countries, literature review was carried out for the forth coming needs of protective intervention for suicidal children in Japan. Suicide is very rare in children with gradual increase towards adolescents. Suicide in children has association with family history, psychiatric disorders of both children and parents, especially depression and addictive disorders, cognitive and emotional disturbance in children, demographic characteristics, family discord, family psychopathology and child abuse, accessibility of lethal suicide methods. Identification of risk factors as foci for intervention is important for suicide prevention. Although there are some programs for prevention, their theoretical bases have been hardly presented and their efficacy are not acceptable. Future evaluative research is essential, and at moment, network of medical, educational and child welfare professionals is important to support children and family at risk where there is much to do with psychiatry to take role.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data suggest that between 59 and 87% of suicide victims suffered from major depression while up to 15% of these patients will eventually commit suicide. Male gender, previous suicide attempt(s), comorbid mental disorders, adverse life-situations, acute psycho-social stressors etc. also constitute robust risk factors. Anxiety and minor depression present with a low to moderate increase in suicide risk but anxiety-depression comorbidity increases this risk dramatically Contrary to the traditional psychoanalytic approach which considers suicide as a retrospective murder or an aggression turned in-wards, more recent studies suggest that the motivations to commit suicide may vary and are often too obscure. Neurobiological data suggest that low brain serotonin activity might play a key role along with the tryptophan hydroxylase gene. Social factors include social support networks, religion etc. It is proven that most suicide victims had asked for professional help just before committing suicide, however they were either not diagnosed (particularly males) or the treatment they received was inappropriate or inadequate. The conclusion is that promoting suicide prevention requires the improving of training and skills of both psychiatrists and many non-psychiatrists and especially GPs in recognizing and treating depression and anxiety. A shift of focus of attention is required in primary care to detect potentially suicidal patients presenting with psychological problems. The proper use of antidepressants, after a careful diagnostic evaluation, is important and recent studies suggest that successful acute and long-term antidepressant pharmacotherapy reduces suicide morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

The management of patients who have made suicide attempts is a responsibility that frequently falls to the primary care physician. For this reason, it is important that the physician have a clear strategy for dealing with the suicidal patient in the office, hospital, and emergency room. In the acute situation, the first priority is to stabilize the patient and ensure his or her medical safety. Once this is accomplished, history and circumstances of the attempt can be assessed, along with likelihood of recurrence of the attempt. This article reviews guidelines for evaluating suicide risk. The importance of the patient-physician relationship is noted, particularly in regard to prevention of future suicide attempts. With a focused, thorough approach to the suicidal patient, which incorporates both medical and psychiatric considerations, the primary care physician can ameliorate the patient's acute situation and facilitate the coordination of care with appropriate psychiatric resources.  相似文献   

Teachers are identified as frontline participants in school-based suicide prevention efforts. However, their training and roles in these efforts are often not clearly defined. Because 25 states currently mandate suicide prevention training for teachers and 14 other states encourage this training, teachers’ perceptions about their role in suicide prevention are important to consider. As such, this study assessed secondary teachers’ (N = 74) perceptions of their role in suicide prevention, barriers to participating in suicide prevention, and their perceived levels of comfort and confidence in identifying and intervening with suicidal youth. Participating teachers overwhelmingly agreed that they should have a role in suicide prevention. In comparison with untrained teachers, those with previous suicide prevention training were twice as likely to have had a suicidal student or peer of a suicidal student approach them to talk about suicide. Surprisingly, years of teaching were not correlated with teachers’ comfort and confidence in identifying and supporting suicidal youth. Overall, teachers agreed that limited training, fears of making the situation worse, and fears of legal repercussions were barriers that kept teachers from intervening with potentially suicidal students. In order to help teachers effectively perform their gatekeeper role, training efforts must consider teachers’ perceptions, address perceived barriers, and facilitate teacher–student interactions that would increase the likelihood of students coming to teachers for assistance with suicidal concerns. To help schools in providing suicide prevention training for teachers, a list of recommended resources is provided.  相似文献   

Suicide prevention efforts are a major focus of psychiatry residency training. Residents are taught to identify suicide risk factors, monitor for suicidal ideation, and develop crisis stabilization plans for patients at risk for self harm. In contrast, training and support for dealing with suicide completion is often lacking. Although suicide remains a predictable outcome for many patients with severe mental illness, this topic may be avoided or reviewed only with residents who are directly affected by patient suicide. The purpose of this paper is to present a psychiatry resident's experience of dealing with a patient suicide and identify obstacles to developing this aspect of training. Options for "preventative" training in helping trainees deal with this unfortunate outcome of mental illness will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Contracting has been used as a response to individuals at risk of suicide for over thirty years. In the present study almost 400 high school students were given a survey about their experiences with suicide. It found that they were unlikely to initiate contact with traditional counselors during a suicidal crisis, but over half of them admitted they would probably tell a friend. Training in No harm agreements, a form of peer contracting, was given to half the students. After training, these experimental subjects were significantly more likely than control subjects to recognize symptoms of suicide, to intervene appropriately, and to arrange for professional follow-up. They were also less likely to consider suicide an acceptable option. Greater recognition of two suicidal symptoms and increased likelihood of getting a promise not to commit suicide without talking with a counselor or minister were still present in the experimental group at seven weeks after the training. Responses about questions of safety with this method were promising but still need further attention.  相似文献   

Ducher JL  Daléry J 《L'Encéphale》2004,30(3):249-254
The prevention of suicide is a top priority in mental health. The determination of high risk suicidal groups is not sufficient. The expressing suicidal ideas is not a protective factor, but in contrary a risk factor to take into account, or even to search and to quantify: 80% of the subjects who attempt to commit suicide or commit suicide express such ideas months before. Several evaluation instruments try to help the practitioners or the research workers in this reasoning. The suicidal risk assessment scale RSD can be cited in particular. It is composed of eleven sections. The 0 level corresponds to the absence of particular ideas of death or suicide. Levels 1 and 2, the presence of ideas of death. Levels 3-4-5, the presence of suicidal ideas. The difference compared to the majority of the other scales consecrated to the same subject, the passif desire of death, occupies a place totally particular in the RSD (level 6). From the level 7, the risk of acting out seems to become more important. It stops being a simple idea of suicide, but becomes a real will of dying, firstly retained by something or someone (level 7), the fear of causing suffering to dear ones or a religious belief., then determined (level 8). Finally, the patient has elaborated a concrete plan (level 9) or he has already started the preparation of acting out (level 10). It is just necessary to evaluate and to note the highest level of the scale. The inclusion of the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD and of the Suicidal Ideation Scale by Beck in an international multicenters, phase IV, double-blind study, according to two parallel groups, with a fixed dose of fluoxétine or fluvoxamine for six weeks, allowed to search correlations which could exist between the two scales. The ana-lysis before the beginning of the treatment was done on 108 outpatients depressive, male and female, aged 18 or over. It finds a satisfactory concurrent validity between the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD and the Suicidal Ideation Scale by Beck (r=0.69; p<0.0001) as well as between the RSD and the item "suicide" of the Depression scale by Hamilton (r=0.60; p<0.0001). On the other hand, it is less satisfactory between the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD and the Hamilton Depression scale overall score (r=0.35; p=0.0002). During the evolution under the treatment, the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD shows an improvement significantly faster than the Hamilton Depression scale or the Beck's Suicidal Ideation Scale (p<0.0001). This statement of fact arouses some questions about the suicidal risk of which the evolution in the case of a treated depressive episode could be quicker than first thought. All the more so as this difference is affected by the type of the treatment (p=0.015). Moreover, a score of 7 and more on the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD seems to represent a risk level judged particularly significant by the experimenters. In effect, the existence of such a suicidal risk was a criteria of exclusion and no patient with a level superior to 6 on suicidal risk assessment scale RSD was included. In conclusion, the utilisation of the suicidal risk assessment scale RSD could be interesting in the prevention of suicide.  相似文献   

IntroductionBipolar disorder (BD) is a severe and recurrent psychiatric disorder. The severity of prognosis in BD is mainly linked to the high rate of suicide in this population. Indeed, patients with BD commit suicide 20 to 30 times more frequently than the general population, and half of the BD population with an early age of onset have a history of suicide attempt. International therapeutic guidelines recommend lithium (Li) as the first-line treatment in BD for its prophylactic action on depressive or manic episodes. In addition, Li is the only mood stabilizer that has demonstrated efficacy in suicide prevention. This effect of Li is unfortunately often unknown to psychiatrists. Thus, this review aims to highlight evidence about the preventive action of Li on suicide in BD populations.MethodsWe conducted a literature search between April 1968 and August 2014 in PubMed database using the following terms: “lithium” AND “suicide” OR “suicidality” OR “suicide attempt”.ResultsAs confirmed by a recent meta-analysis, many studies show that Li has a significant effect on the reduction of suicide attempts and deaths by suicide in comparison to antidepressants or other mood-stabilisers in BD populations. Studies have demonstrated that long-term treatment with Li reduces suicide attempts by about 10% and deaths by suicide by about 20%. The combination of Li and an antidepressant could reduce suicidal behaviours by reducing suicidal ideation prior to depressive symptoms. It appears crucial for Li efficacy in suicide prevention to maintain the Li blood concentrations in the efficient therapeutic zone and to instate long-term Li treatment. The “impulsive-aggressive” endophenotype is associated with suicide in BD. The specific action of Li on the 5-HT serotoninergic system could explain the specific anti-suicidal effects of Li via the modulation of impulsiveness and aggressiveness. Furthermore, genetic variants of the glycogen synthase kinase 3α/β (GSK3α and β; proteins inhibited by Li) seem to be associated with more impulsiveness in BD populations.ConclusionThe anti-suicidal effect of Li has been very well demonstrated. By its specific action on the serotoninergic system, treatment with Li significantly reduces “impulsive-aggressive” behaviour which is a vulnerability factor common to suicide and BD. Long-term appropriately modulated treatment with Li seems to have considerable impact on the reduction of suicidal behaviours, suicidal ideation and death by suicide in the BD population.  相似文献   

Suicide among psychiatric patients in Fukuoka Prefecture]   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To investigate suicide among psychiatric patients in Japan (mainly Fukuoka prefecture), a questionnaire survey was submitted to psychiatrists from departments of psychiatry of university hospitals in Japan, departments of psychiatry of Rosai Hospitals in Japan, psychiatric hospitals in Fukuoka prefecture, psychiatric clinics in Fukuoka prefecture, and departments of psychiatry of general hospitals in Fukuoka prefecture regarding their psychiatric patients who died from suicide (266 females and 267 males). A large proportion of the patients at completed suicide was aged within the thirties to fifties. The majority of patients suffered from either F3 (mood disorders) or F2 (schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders) categories of the ICD-10 classification. Approximately one-fifth of the patients in Fukuoka prefecture had jobs at the time of completed suicide. The main "occupational risk factors" that were found to be risks for suicide were "failure or overloaded responsibilities in their jobs" and "worsening business situation". The main "other risk factors", i.e., risk factors other than "occupational risk factors" were "worsening psychiatric conditions", "personal life events (e.g., somatic illness or marital discord)" and "life events in other family members (e.g., familial discord or familial problems)". Over 50% of all cases had both "occupational risk factors" and "other risk factors", suggestive of the necessity for multidimensional evaluation and care in the treatment of suicidal patients. Given that numerous males that suffer from psychiatric disorders commit suicide without seeing a psychiatrist, it is important to establish a system to treat them appropriately in order to prevent unnecessary deaths.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards suicide among medical students in Madras (India) and Vienna (Austria) were compared using the SUIATT questionnaire by Diekstra and Kerkhof (1989). Results show a very restrictive attitude in Madras, rejecting the right to commit suicide, nearly always judging suicide as a cowardly act, and rejecting the idea of assisted suicide. On the other hand, in Vienna a more permissive attitude was found. It is interpreted that the Indian pattern comes close to a “medical” or “disease model”, with stronger emphasis on mental illness, impulsiveness and emotional aspects, whereas the Viennese pattern reflects a “theoretical”, “rational model”, concentrating on cognitive factors and minimizing the influence of mental illness, emotional difficulties and restrictions related to suicidal behaviour. This pattern may be influenced by the public discussion on assisted suicide and the right to die in Europe in the last decade. Possible relations to the risk for actual suicidal behaviour are discussed using respective answers concerning previous suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. The answers concerning suicidal ideation seem to be strongly influenced by the different attitude patterns: only 16.8% reported previous suicidal ideation in Madras, compared to 51.5% in Vienna, whereas the percentage of reported suicide attempts is equal in both centres (5.9%:4.9%). Accepted: 27 April 1997  相似文献   

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