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Postnatal phenotypic sex differentiation has been investigated in a laboratory marsupial, Monodelphis domestica, as part of a larger study to resolve apparent discrepancies between eutherian and marsupial mammals. These include the formation of sex-specific structures in marsupials prior to gonadal differentiation and the retention in both sexes of structures which are sex-specific in eutherians. The time-course and nature of differentiation was investigated in 131 specimens ranging in age from the day of birth to 56 days. Patent wolffian ducts extend to the urogenital sinus in both sexes at birth, while müllerian ducts are identified on day 1 and grow in a cranio-caudal direction to reach the urogenital sinus on day 6. The male müllerian duct shows signs of regression at its cranial end on day 10 and throughout its length on day 12; its lumen has completely disappeared by day 15. By this time the epididymis and vas deferens have developed from the wolffian duct; their histological differentiation occurs between days 26 and 56. Prostatic buds are identifiable in tissue surrounding the male urethra on day 14. In the female, the wolffian duct is larger than the müllerian duct until day 14; thereafter the wolffian duct begins to regress at its cranial end, disappearing by day 17, whereas the müllerian duct begins to enlarge, converging with its fellow at the urogenital sinus by day 19. Lateral vaginae, vaginal culs-de-sac, uteri and oviducts have differentiated from the müllerian ducts by day 25. Gonads of both sexes are elongated in shape at birth, attached along the medial aspect of the large mesonephroi in the abdominal cavity. However, from day 3 onwards the testis becomes more rounded than the ovary. Degeneration of the male mesonephros begins about day 10 and is almost completed by day 19; the female mesonephros is still relatively large at day 14 though it too has almost disappeared by day 19. By postnatal day 13 the abdominal phase of testis descent is underway and the inguinal phase begins at day 15. Testes have reached the scrotal sac by day 24 and achieve their final position at the base of the scrotum by day 28. In summary, postnatal reproductive tract development and gonadal descent has been examined in this important biomedical model, where differentiation of the wolffian and müllerian ducts takes place after gonadal differentiation, according to the normal eutherian pattern.Abbreviations AMH Anti-müllerian hormone - LS Longitudinal section - Md Müllerian duct - PN0 Day of birth - SEM Scanning electron micrograph - SRY Sex-determining region on the Y chromosome - TS Transverse section - Wd Wolffian duct  相似文献   

Marsupials are good experimental animals for developmental studies as their offspring are born at a stage comparable to embryonic stages of eutherian species. The South American opossum, Monodelphis domestica, is particularly useful because of its small size and easy maintenance. This study was carried out to compare development of opossum fore- and hindlimbs during postnatal life, using light microscopy and whole mount alizarin staining. At birth, well-developed mobile forelimbs show cartilage models of bones and myotubular striated muscle fibres. However, hindlimbs are relatively underdeveloped paddle-like outgrowths. Two days later mesodermal condensations form models of the future hindlimb bones and mononucleate myoblast aggregates are present; by 6 days post partum (dpp) the hindlimb has reached a stage of development similar to that of the forelimb at birth. At this stage, periosteal buds have invaded forelimb long bones and nuclei in forelimb muscle fibres have become displaced to the periphery. The 16 dpp hindlimb shows long bones invaded by periosteal buds and closely packed, striated muscle fibres. Epiphyseal plates are now seen in the forelimb long bones and forelimb muscle fibres show mature characteristics. Musculoskeletal development is well correlated with the functional demands of the limbs during postnatal development in the opossum, which provides an excellent model for investigations into the genes and molecules controlling limb development.  相似文献   

In eutherian mammals, sex differentiation is initiated by expression of the testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome. Subsequent phenotypic development of the reproductive tract and genitalia depends on the production of hormones by the differentiated testis. In marsupials the mechanisms of phenotypic development may vary from this pattern, as differentiation of the scrotal primordia has been shown to occur before that of the gonad. Thus, the development of the scrotum in the marsupial has been regarded as an androgen-independent process. We have sought to clarify the ontogeny of scrotal development and the appearance of androgen receptor immunoreactivity by examining Monodelphis domesticaembryos/pups from 1 day prior to birth until 2 days after birth. We have also used immunocytochemistry to determine the expression of the key steroidogenic enzyme 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase as an indicator of when the developing gonad may be capable of synthesizing androgens. Expression of this enzyme was first detected in the gonads and adrenals of both sexes 1 day prior to birth and before the appearance of scrotal bulges. Androgen receptor immunoreactivity was detected in the scrotal anlagen of male opossum pups as early as 1 day following birth. This finding is significantly earlier than previous reports and coincides with the appearance 1 day after birth of distinct scrotal bulges. Androgen receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in the genital tubercles of male pups, but not female pups, 2 days after birth. These results suggest that androgens may play an important role in the development of the male genitalia at a much earlier stage than that indicated by previously published work and that scrotal development in this species may not be androgen-independent.  相似文献   

Wick R  Kress A 《Cells, tissues, organs》2002,171(2-3):162-176
Ultrastructural changes in the cervical epithelium related to the estrous cycle have been studied in the South American marsupial Monodelphis domestica. The two cervices protrude with prominent papillae into the sinus vaginalis. At times of simple columnar at others of more pseudostratified character consists of two types of cells, ciliated and secretory cells. The mucosal epithelium is uniform in its entire length and shows no division into an endo- and ectocervix. The mucosa of the cervix differs from the uterine endometrium. There are no glandular structures, but the luminal epithelium shows deep invaginations underlined by dense connective tissue. The most conspicuous changes include the height and the differentiation of the cervical epithelium which attains its maximum development during estrus, where secretory cells are fully packed with large secretory granules and ciliated cells are well developed. After extruding their granules, secretory cells may transform into ciliated cells, while ciliated cells show the phenomenon of deciliation in which cilia packets are shed into the cervical lumen. This transformation process takes place mainly during post- and metestrus. The presence of solitary cilia is only noticeable during pro-estrus, being in contrast to the uterine epithelium where they appear during the whole estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The genome of the gray short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica is notable for its large size ( approximately 3.6 Gb). We characterized nearly 500 families of interspersed repeats from the Monodelphis. They cover approximately 52% of the genome, higher than in any other amniotic lineage studied to date, and may account for the unusually large genome size. In comparison to other mammals, Monodelphis is significantly rich in non-LTR retrotransposons from the LINE-1, CR1, and RTE families, with >29% of the genome sequence comprised of copies of these elements. Monodelphis has at least four families of RTE, and we report support for horizontal transfer of this non-LTR retrotransposon. In addition to short interspersed elements (SINEs) mobilized by L1, we found several families of SINEs that appear to use RTE elements for mobilization. In contrast to L1-mobilized SINEs, the RTE-mobilized SINEs in Monodelphis appear to shift from G+C-rich to G+C-low regions with time. Endogenous retroviruses have colonized approximately 10% of the opossum genome. We found that their density is enhanced in centromeric and/or telomeric regions of most Monodelphis chromosomes. We identified 83 new families of ancient repeats that are highly conserved across amniotic lineages, including 14 LINE-derived repeats; and a novel SINE element, MER131, that may have been exapted as a highly conserved functional noncoding RNA, and whose emergence dates back to approximately 300 million years ago. Many of these conserved repeats are also present in human, and are highly over-represented in predicted cis-regulatory modules. Seventy-six of the 83 families are present in chicken in addition to mammals.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the tammar placenta was studied throughout pregnancy. The uterine epithelium grows from a columnar to an enlarged, undulating epithelium between early gestation and mid-gestation when the shell coat that surrounds the marsupial conceptus ruptures. Trophectoderm and uterine epithelium do not form syncytia, nor does invasion of the endometrium occur at any stage of pregnancy. Uterine secretion is provided to both the bilaminar and the trilaminar side of the yolk sac placenta up to birth. Fenestrations, abundant vesicles and lumenal processes of maternal capillaries, as well as deep basal folds of the uterine epithelium, suggest that there is transfer of hemotrophes adjacent to both parts of the yolk sac. In contrast, in the grey short-tailed opossum, these structures are lacking. The yolk sacs of adjacent embryos fuse to form a common yolk sac cavity, thus losing most of the bilaminar yolk sac. The bilaminar and trilaminar components of the yolk sac placenta of the tammar are less different in structure and function than those of the grey short-tailed opossum, but both types are fully functional placentas. The extended secretory phase of the tammar uterus and the maternal recognition of early pregnancy appear to be derived characters of macropodid marsupials.  相似文献   

The genome of the gray, short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica, will be the first of any marsupial to be fully sequenced. The utility of this sequence will be greatly enhanced by construction and integration of detailed genetic and physical maps. Therefore, it is important to verify the unusual recombinational characteristics that were suggested by the 'first-generation' M. domestica linkage map; specifically, very low levels of recombination and severely reduced female recombination, both of which are contrary to patterns in other vertebrates. We constructed a new linkage map based on a different genetic cross, using a new and much larger set of map markers, and physically anchored and oriented the linkage groups onto chromosomes via fluorescence in-situ hybridization mapping. This map includes 150 loci in eight autosomal linkage groups corresponding to the eight autosome pairs, and spans 86-89% of the autosomal genome. The sex-averaged autosomal map covers 715 cM, with a full-length estimate of 866 cM; the shortest full-length linkage map reported for any vertebrate. The sex-specific maps confirmed severely reduced female recombination in all linkage groups, and an overall F/M map ratio = 0.54. These results greatly extend earlier findings, and provide an improved microsatellite-based linkage map for this species.  相似文献   

In order to understand the evolutionary significance of sperm-pairing in American marsupials, an ultrastructural investigation was made of this process in the South American grey short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica. One epididymis from each animal (5) was fixed for light and electron microscopy and divided into 18 segments. The contralateral tract was divided into similar segments and assessments made of the total number of spermatozoa and the proportion of sperm-pairs. The mean total sperm number was 4.20 ± 0.62 × 106/epididymis. Sperm-pairing commenced around segment 9 in the proximal corpus epididymidis and reached a maximum of 80% in the caudal sperm storage region of the duct. The sperm-pairing process was characterised by four stages. Spermatozoa exhibited parallel alignment as indicated by the positioning of identical cross-sections of sperm heads. This was followed by close apposition with acrosomal faces parallel rather than opposite. Rotation of the sperm heads around each other then apparently occurred as indicated by the morphological alignment of sections of paired sperm heads. Sperm-pairing was complete when the acrosomal faces were precisely aligned and joined. Misalignment and failure to pair was observed in about 20% of spermatozoa in the cauda epididymis. Such a complex sperm-pairing process may ensure that conjugated spermatozoa are precisely aligned so that flagella movement can be accurately coordinated for maximal progressive motility. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We observed the spontaneous behavior of a laboratory marsupial--the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica)--in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) during six consecutive sessions and compared it with the behavior of Long-Evans rats. During the first exposure to the maze both species spent most of the time in the enclosed arms but opossums showed much higher frequency of entries into the open arms and stayed there longer. On the third and subsequent days opossums reduced their entries into the open arms and spent more time on the central square, where unlike rats they frequently groomed their lower belly and hind legs. During the last sessions they started spending more time in the enclosed arms. It is concluded that probably opossums, like rats show a stable anxiety evoked by open space. However, in the rat anxiety prevails over motivation to explore a new environment, while in the opossum it is initially at equilibrium with curiosity which habituates slower than in the rat. Results are discussed in the context of different ecology of the gray opossum that actively searches and hunts quickly moving insects. Thigmotaxic behavior, while strong in both species, dominates spontaneous behavior of the rat, but not opossum.  相似文献   

We investigated nuclear divisions of the thalamus in the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) to gain detailed information for further developmental and comparative studies. Nissl and myelin staining, histochemistry for acetylcholinesterase and immunohistochemistry for calretinin and parvalbumin were performed on parallel series of sections. Many features of the Monodelphis opossum thalamus resemble those in Didelphis and small eutherians showing no particular sensory specializations, particularly in small murid rodents. However, several features of thalamic organization in Monodelphis were distinct from those in rodents. In the opossum the anterior and midline nuclear groups are more clearly separated from adjacent structures than in eutherians. The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) starts more rostrally and occupies a large part of the lateral wall of the thalamus. As in other marsupials, two cytoarchitectonically different parts, alpha and beta are discernible in the LGNd of the opossum. Each of them may be subdivided into two additional bands in acetylcholinesterase staining, while in murid rodents the LGNd consists of a homogeneous mass of cells. Therefore, differentiation of the LGNd of the Monodelphis opossum is more advanced than in murid rodents. The medial geniculate body consists of three nuclei (medial, dorsal and ventral) that are cytoarchitectonically distinct and stain differentially for parvalbumin. The relatively large size of the MG and LGNd points to specialization of the visual and auditory systems in the Monodelphis opossum. In contrast to rodents, the lateral dorsal and lateral posterior nuclei in the opossum are poorly differentiated cytoarchitectonically.  相似文献   

This study describes the topography, borders and divisions of the globus pallidus in the Brazilian short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) and distribution of the three calcium binding proteins, parvalbumin (PV), calbindin D-28k (CB) and calretinin (CR) in that nucleus. The globus pallidus of the opossum consists of medial and lateral parts that are visible with Nissl or Timm's staining and also in PV and CR immunostained sections. Neurons of the globus pallidus expressing these proteins were classified into three types on the basis of size and shape of their soma and dendritic tree. Type 1 neurons had medium-sized fusiform soma with dendrites sprouting from the opposite poles. Neurons of the type 2 had medium-to-large, multipolar soma with scarce, thin dendrites. Cell bodies of type 3 neurons were small and either ovoid or round. Immunostaining showed that the most numerous were neurons expressing PV that belonged to all three types. Density of the PV-immunopositive fibers and puncta correlated with the density of the PV-labeled neurons. Labeling for CB resulted mainly in the light staining of neuropil in both parts of the nucleus, while the CB-expressing cells (mainly of the type 2) were scarce and placed only along the border of the globus pallidus and putamen. Staining for calretinin resulted in labeling almost exclusively the immunoreactive puncta and fibers that were distributed with medium-to-high density throughout the nucleus. Close to the border of globus pallidus with the putamen these fibers (probably dendrites) were long, thin and varicous, while more medially bundles of thick, short and smooth fibers predominated. Single CR-ir neurons (all of the type 3) were scattered through the globus pallidus. Colocalization of two calcium binding proteins in one neuron was. never observed. The CB-ir puncta (probably terminals of axons projecting to the nucleus) frequently formed basket-like structures around the PV-ir neurons. Therefore, the globus pallidus in the opossum, much as that in the rat, consists of a heterogeneous population of neurons, probably playing diversified functions.  相似文献   

Zuri I  Su W  Halpern M 《Physiology & behavior》2003,80(2-3):225-232
Gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) are small marsupials, which have recently become the subjects of numerous laboratory investigations. While these opossums have well-developed olfactory systems and complex scent-marking behaviors, the significance of their use of odors in conspecific communication is still poorly understood. Investigation of body odors by male and female opossums was examined in the present study. Males investigated flank and urine odors of nonestrous adult females significantly more than controls, but not urine from sexually inexperienced juvenile females or urine of females at cytological estrus. Since in this species females have an induced estrus, it would be advantageous for males to investigate and follow the odors of urine of diestrous females, which become receptive in proximity to males. Female opossums investigated odors of male mandibles and suprasternal glands significantly more than controls but not odors of male urine. We suggest that the use of glandular secretions is more common and more effective than urine for intraspecific communication between gray short-tailed opossums: In the semiarid conditions inhabited by the opossums, glandular secretions are less volatile and are effective for longer periods than urine and would be of greater value in intraspecific communication if, as suggested in the literature, these opossums are nomadic and meet one another infrequently.  相似文献   

Chronic ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure to the eyes of Monodelphis domestica causes corneal opacification, neovascularization, and fibrosarcoma induction. By immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, we have shown that one to four exposures of the eyes of this opossum to UVR enhances basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) expression by the corneal epithelium. Treatment with photoreactivating light, which selectively removes UVR-induced pyrimidine dimers, suppresses bFGF induction, indicating that UVR induction of bFGF is ultimately due to DNA damage. Furthermore, UVR-induced corneal tumors derived from corneal keratocytes express bFGF mRNA and protein, as determined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Taken together, these findings suggest that bFGF acts in both an autocrine and a paracrine manner to stimulate corneal fibroplasia, neovascularization, and tumor development.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix proteoglycans accumulated in perineuronal nets and in certain neuropil zones have been shown to influence the immediate neuronal microenvironment, and to contribute to the chemoarchitectonic characteristics of neuronal networks. Studies in different placental mammals, including the human, have suggested that the major principles of extracellular matrix distribution remained constant during phylogenesis of the different mammalian strains. However, the comparison of matrix distribution between various species also indicates that striking deviations from the basic pattern may occur, although their functional significance appears unknown as yet. This study examines the extracellular matrix in the forebrain of a basic American marsupial, which has evolved independently of placental mammals for more than 100 million years. Brain sections obtained from adult gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) were stained for extracellular matrix components using the N-acetylgalactosamine-binding lectin Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA), a polyclonal antibody against chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG), and biotinylated hyaluronectin for the detection of hyaluronan. In subcortical regions, the distribution patterns of WFA-stained and CSPG-immunoreactive perineuronal nets were similar to those reported previously in placental mammals. In contrast, a unique distribution was found in the neocortex. This distribution was characterized by the presence of perineuronal nets around pyramidal cells and matrix components within the adjacent neuropil that together form a continuously labeled zone in layer V. Weakly stained nets ensheathed less numerous pyramidal cells in the upper layers II/III and a few multipolar cortical neurons. Dual staining experiments showed that cortical net-associated neurons were rarely immunopositive for parvalbumin. This fact, in addition to the predominant association of extracellular matrix components with layer V pyramidal cells, differentiates the neocortex in Monodelphis from that of all placental mammals studied to date. Regarding the basic phylogenetic position of this marsupial species it remains to be shown if these distribution characteristics of extracellular matrix may represent also a basic feature of cortical organization.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of eight ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced cutaneous tumors and one spontaneously transformed fibroblast cell line of Monodelphis domestica showed that two of the tumor cell lines were of murine origin and that the remaining six marsupial tumor cell lines had hyperdiploid stemline numbers ranging from 21 to 31. Each tumor cell line showed structural and numerical abnormalities. The single transformed fibroblast cell line also showed a hyperdiploid chromosome number with structural and numerical defects. All M. domestica tumor cell lines and the fibroblast line showed a common structural abnormality: deletion of the short arm (p) of a chromosome 1. In some cell lines, the short arm of chromosome 1 was replaced by a translocation with the X chromosome. We suggest, based on the Giemsa-banding homology of chromosome 1p in M. domestica and human chromosome 6q involved in melanomas, that marsupial chromosome 1p may harbor tumor suppressor gene(s) that are associated with UVR-induced cutaneous tumors.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to explore the possible causes of ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced disappearance of ATPase-positive, epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Monodelphis domestica was used because it has the capacity for photoreactivation of UVR-induced pyrimidine dimers in epidermal DNA. Single, 330 J/m2 (ears) or 500 J/m2 (back) UVR exposures (FS-40 sunlamps) reduced the numbers of ATPase-positive epidermal LC in M. domestica ears to approximately 15% of those in unirradiated ears and approximately 37% of those in unirradiated dorsal skin. Immediate 90-minute exposures to photoreactivating light (PRL, 320-400 nm) post-UVR reversed the effects of UVR, resulting in ATPase-positive LC numbers not being significantly different from controls. Exposure to PRL immediately preceeding UVR did not prevent ATPase-positive LC disappearance. The photoreactivation of UVR-induced ATPase-positive LC disappearance indicates that DNA damage (pyrimidine dimers) is involved in the loss of ATPase-positive LC.  相似文献   

We investigated the rate of cell proliferation and death in the retina of the Monodelphis opossum during its postnatal development and the influence of early monocular enucleation on these processes. Our results show that in the opossum, as in other marsupials, the peak of the retinal cells divisions occurs postnatally and that generation of retinal cells continues till the time of eye opening (P34), except of the marginal rim, where it continued till P60. Ganglion and amacrine cells are generated between postnatal days (P) P4 and P9, while bipolar cells and photoreceptors are generated simultaneously between P14 and P25. The peak of ganglion cell death as detected by the TUNEL method occurs around P14-19 in the center of retina. The second peak of apoptosis appears in the inner nuclear layer (INL) at P19-25. Gliogenesis takes place between P25 and P34. We also found that monocular enucleation performed during the early period of retinal development (P0-P7) did not influence proliferation, developmental apoptosis or other developmental processes in the retina of the remaining eye.  相似文献   

The gene and corresponding cDNA for CD4 in the gray short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica, and the cDNA sequence for CD4 in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, have been characterised. The opossum CD4 homolog reveals conserved synteny, preserved genomic organisation and analogous structural arrangement to human and mouse CD4. Opossum and tammar CD4 exhibit typical eutherian CD4 features including the highly conserved p56(lck) binding motif in the cytoplasmic region and the invariant cysteine residues in extracellular domains 1 and 4. Interestingly, the marsupial CD4 sequences substitute a tryptophan for the first cysteine in domain 2 negating the formation of a disulphide bond as seen in other eutherian CD4 sequences except human and mouse. Overall the marsupial CD4 sequences share amino acid identity of 59% to each other and 37-41% with eutherian mammals. However, in contrast to eutherian homologs, the marsupial CD4 sequences were found to be truncated at the terminal end of the cytoplasmic tail. This is the first report confirming the presence of CD4 in a marsupial and describing its key features.  相似文献   

The distribution of actin in spermatogenic cells and epididymal spermatozoa of the opossum, Monodelphis domestica, was examined by immuno-fluorescence microscopy to identify its potential function in the major structural events of sperm development. In spermatogenic cells actin was located at the site of initial interaction between the nucleus and acrosome and remained present through subsequent acrosome morphogenesis. Actin was also associated both with the posterior pole of the nucleus, at the site of flagellar attachment, and with the manchette. Thus actin may play a role in establishing the specific associations of spermatid organelles and in the streamlining of the cells' architecture. In epididymal spermatozoa two sites of actin localization are present. The first site is surrounding the connecting piece where it may participate in the characteristic 90° rotation of the head. The second site was a ring of actin surrounding the lateral boundary of the acrosome where it may play a role in the sperm pairing process which also occurs in the epididymis.  相似文献   

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