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Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia is the recommended treatment for chronic insomnia. However, up to a quarter of patients dropout from cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia programmes. Acceptance, mindfulness and values‐based actions may constitute complementary therapeutic tools to cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. The current study sought to evaluate the efficacy of a remotely delivered programme combining the main components of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (sleep restriction and stimulus control) with the third‐wave cognitive behavioural therapy acceptance and commitment therapy in adults with chronic insomnia and hypnotic dependence on insomnia symptoms and quality of life. Thirty‐two participants were enrolled in a pilot randomized controlled trial: half of them were assigned to a 3‐month waiting list before receiving the four “acceptance and commitment therapy‐enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia” treatment sessions using videoconference. The primary outcome was sleep quality as measured by the Insomnia Severity Index and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. All participants also filled out questionnaires about quality of life, use of hypnotics, depression and anxiety, acceptance, mindfulness, thought suppression, as well as a sleep diary at baseline, post‐treatment and 6‐month follow‐up. A large effect size was found for Insomnia Severity Index and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, but also daytime improvements, with increased quality of life and acceptance at post‐treatment endpoint in acceptance and commitment therapy‐enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia participants. Improvement in Insomnia Severity Index and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was maintained at the 6‐month follow‐up. Wait‐list participants increased their use of hypnotics, whereas acceptance and commitment therapy‐enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia participants evidenced reduced use of them. This pilot study suggests that web‐based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia incorporating acceptance and commitment therapy processes may be an efficient option to treat chronic insomnia and hypnotic dependence.  相似文献   

Discrepancy between subjective and objective measures of sleep is associated with insomnia and increasing age. Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia improves sleep quality and decreases subjective–objective sleep discrepancy. This study describes differences between older adults with insomnia and controls in sleep discrepancy, and tests the hypothesis that reduced sleep discrepancy following cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia correlates with the magnitude of symptom improvement reported by older adults with insomnia. Participants were 63 adults >60 years of age with insomnia, and 51 controls. At baseline, participants completed sleep diaries for 7 days while wearing wrist actigraphs. After receiving cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, insomnia patients repeated this sleep assessment. Sleep discrepancy variables were calculated by subtracting actigraphic sleep onset latency and wake after sleep onset from respective self‐reported estimates, pre‐ and post‐treatment. Mean level and night‐to‐night variability in sleep discrepancy were investigated. Baseline sleep discrepancies were compared between groups. Pre–post‐treatment changes in Insomnia Severity Index score and sleep discrepancy variables were investigated within older adults with insomnia. Sleep discrepancy was significantly greater and more variable across nights in older adults with insomnia than controls,  0.001 for all. Treatment with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia was associated with significant reduction in the Insomnia Severity Index score that correlated with changes in mean level and night‐to‐night variability in wake after sleep onset discrepancy, < 0.001 for all. Study of sleep discrepancy patterns may guide more targeted treatments for late‐life insomnia.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of sleep can be fundamental for monitoring, managing and evaluating treatment outcomes within diseases. A proliferation of consumer activity trackers gives easy access to objective sleep. We evaluated the performance of a commercial device (Fitbit Alta HR) relative to a research‐grade actigraph (Actiwatch Spectrum Pro) in measuring sleep before and after a cognitive behavioural intervention in insomnia disorder. Twenty‐five individuals with DSM‐5 insomnia disorder (M = 50.6 ± 15.9 years) wore Fitbit and Actiwatch and completed a sleep diary during an in‐laboratory polysomnogram, and for 1 week preceding and following seven weekly sessions of cognitive‐behavioural intervention for insomnia. Device performance was compared for sleep outcomes (total sleep time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency and wake after sleep onset). The analyses assessed (a) agreement between devices across days and pre‐ to post‐treatment, and (b) whether pre‐ to post‐treatment changes in sleep assessed by devices correlated with clinical measures of change. Devices generally did not significantly differ from each other on sleep variable estimates, either night to night, in response to sleep manipulation (pre‐ to post‐treatment) or in response to changes in environment (in the laboratory versus at home). Change in sleep measures across time from each device showed some correlation with common clinical measures of change in insomnia, but not insomnia diagnosis as a categorical variable. Overall, the Fitbit provides similar estimates of sleep outside the laboratory to a research grade actigraph. Despite the similarity between Fitbit and Actiwatch performance, the use of consumer technology is still in its infancy and caution should be taken in its interpretation.  相似文献   

Subjective and objective estimates of sleep are often discordant among individuals with insomnia who typically under‐report sleep time and over‐report wake time at night. This study examined the impact and durability of cognitive‐behavioural therapy for insomnia on improving the accuracy of sleep and wake perceptions in older adults, and tested whether changes in sleep quality were related to changes in the accuracy of sleep/wake perceptions. One‐hundred and fifty‐nine older veterans (97% male, mean age 72.2 years) who met diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder were randomized to: (1) cognitive‐behavioural therapy for insomnia (n = 106); or (2) attention control (n = 53). Assessments were conducted at baseline, post‐treatment, 6‐months and 12‐months follow‐up. Sleep measures included objective (via wrist actigraphy) and subjective (via self‐report diary) total sleep time and total wake time, along with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score. Discrepancy was computed as the difference between objective and subjective estimates of wake and sleep. Minutes of discrepancy were compared between groups across time, as were the relationships between Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores and subsequent changes in discrepancy. Compared with controls, participants randomized to cognitive‐behavioural therapy for insomnia became more accurate (i.e. minutes discrepancy was reduced) in their perceptions of sleep/wake at post‐treatment, 6‐months and 12‐months follow‐up (p < .05). Improved Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores at each study assessment preceded and predicted reduced discrepancy at the next study assessment (p < .05). Cognitive‐behavioural therapy for insomnia reduces sleep/wake discrepancy among older adults with insomnia. The reductions may be driven by improvements in sleep quality. Improving sleep quality appears to be a viable path to improving sleep perception and may contribute to the underlying effectiveness of cognitive‐behavioural therapy for insomnia.  相似文献   

Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) has been in use for the treatment of allergic disease for more than 100 years. Asthma treatment relies mainly on corticosteroids and other controllers recommended to achieve and maintain asthma control, prevent exacerbations, and improve quality of life. AIT is underused in asthma, both in children and in adults. Notably, patients with allergic asthma not adequately controlled on pharmacotherapy (including biologics) represent an unmet health need. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has developed a clinical practice guideline providing evidence‐based recommendations for the use of house dust mites (HDM) AIT as add‐on treatment for HDM‐driven allergic asthma. This guideline was developed by a multi‐disciplinary working group using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. HDM AIT was separately evaluated by route of administration and children and adults: subcutaneous (SCIT) and sublingual AIT (SLIT), drops, and tablets. Recommendations were formulated for each. The important prerequisites for successful treatment with HDM AIT are (a) selection of patients most likely to respond to AIT and (b) use of allergen extracts and desensitization protocols of proven efficacy. To date, only AIT with HDM SLIT‐tablet has demonstrated a robust effect in adults for critical end points (exacerbations, asthma control, and safety). Thus, it is recommended as an add‐on to regular asthma therapy for adults with controlled or partially controlled HDM‐driven allergic asthma (conditional recommendation, moderate‐quality evidence). HDM SCIT is recommended for adults and children, and SLIT drops are recommended for children with controlled HDM‐driven allergic asthma as the add‐on to regular asthma therapy to decrease symptoms and medication needs (conditional recommendation, low‐quality evidence).  相似文献   

Insomnia, the most prevalent sleep disorder worldwide, confers marked risks for both physical and mental health. Furthermore, insomnia is associated with considerable direct and indirect healthcare costs. Recent guidelines in the US and Europe unequivocally conclude that cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT‐I) should be the first‐line treatment for the disorder. Current treatment approaches are in stark contrast to these clear recommendations, not least across Europe, where, if any treatment at all is delivered, hypnotic medication still is the dominant therapeutic modality. To address this situation, a Task Force of the European Sleep Research Society and the European Insomnia Network met in May 2018. The Task Force proposed establishing a European CBT‐I Academy that would enable a Europe‐wide system of standardized CBT‐I training and training centre accreditation. This article summarizes the deliberations of the Task Force concerning definition and ingredients of CBT‐I, preconditions for health professionals to teach CBT‐I, the way in which CBT‐I should be taught, who should be taught CBT‐I and to whom CBT‐I should be administered. Furthermore, diverse aspects of CBT‐I care and delivery were discussed and incorporated into a stepped‐care model for insomnia.  相似文献   

Although patients with insomnia often show a discrepancy between self‐reported and objective sleep parameters, the role of and change in this phenomenon during treatment remain unclear. The present study aimed to assess the effect of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on subjective and objective sleep discrepancy of total sleep time, sleep‐onset latency and wake after sleep onset. The total sleep time discrepancy was also assessed across the entire therapy. The second aim was to examine the treatment outcome of two insomnia groups differing in sleep perception. Thirty‐six adults with insomnia (mean age = 46.7 years, SD = 13.9; 22 females) were enrolled in the final analyses. Patients underwent a 6‐week group cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia programme. Sleep diary and actigraphy measurements were obtained during the therapy. Patients who underestimated total sleep time (n = 16; underestimating group) were compared with patients who accurately perceived or overestimated total sleep time (n = 20; accurate/overestimating group). After cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, a significant decrease of total sleep time and sleep‐onset latency discrepancy was observed without a change in wake after sleep onset discrepancy in the total sample. Only the underestimating group reported decreased sleep‐onset latency discrepancy after the treatment, whereas total sleep time discrepancy significantly changed in both groups. The underestimating group showed a significant decrease of total sleep time discrepancy from Week 1 to Week 2 when the sleep restriction was implemented, whereas the accurate/overestimating group showed the first significant change at Week 4. In conclusion, both groups differing in sleep perception responded similarly to cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, although different In conclusion, both groups differing in sleep perception responded similarly to cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, although different therapeutic components could play important roles in each group. components could play important roles in each group.  相似文献   

Although melatonin and cognitive–behavioural therapy have shown efficacy in treating sleep disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders, little is known about their relative or combined efficacy. One hundred and sixty children with autism spectrum disorders, aged 4–10 years, suffering from sleep onset insomnia and impaired sleep maintenance, were assigned randomly to either (1) combination of controlled‐release melatonin and cognitive–behavioural therapy; (2) controlled‐release melatonin; (3) four sessions of cognitive–behavioural therapy; or (4) placebo drug treatment condition for 12 weeks in a 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio. Children were studied at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment. Treatment response was assessed with 1‐week actigraphic monitoring, sleep diary and sleep questionnaire. Main outcome measures, derived actigraphically, were sleep latency, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset and number of awakenings. The active treatment groups all resulted in improvements across all outcome measures, with moderate‐to‐large effect sizes from baseline to a 12‐week assessment. Melatonin treatment was mainly effective in reducing insomnia symptoms, while cognitive–behavioural therapy had a light positive impact mainly on sleep latency, suggesting that some behavioural aspects might play a role in determining initial insomnia. The combination treatment group showed a trend to outperform other active treatment groups, with fewer dropouts and a greater proportion of treatment responders achieving clinically significant changes (63.38% normative sleep efficiency criterion of >85% and 84.62%, sleep onset latency <30 min). This study demonstrates that adding behavioural intervention to melatonin treatment seems to result in a better treatment response, at least in the short term.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to provide psychologists and other health care professional enough knowledge about available cognitive‐behavioural interventions for comorbidities in Parkinson's disease that include depression, anxiety, impulsive disorder, pain, and sleep disturbances. This review has clear clinical practical suggestions how to adapt psychological interventions and techniques to the motor and/or cognitive impairments of patients with Parkinson's disease, based on earlier available research results. Every available research that could be found with the help of search engines from Medline, Springer, PsychINFO, and Google Scholar, which used cognitive‐behavioural therapy to treat Parkinson's comorbidities, was cited and explained. Cognitive‐behavioural interventions and techniques are presented based on available research results for Parkinson's comorbidities. It is recommended to use treatment plans and interventions that are earlier suggested as efficient in patients with Parkinson's disease. Strongest available research based recommendations are available for depression and anxiety. There are only few available research studies that used cognitive and/or behavioural interventions for pain, impulsive disorder, or sleeping disturbances, except insomnia in Parkinson's disease. Cognitive‐behavioural therapy is safe to use and should be adapted to the specific needs of patients and with the scientific approved treatment interventions and techniques. Psychologists should be careful on how they adapt their treatment plan for patients.  相似文献   

Insomnia is highly prevalent, has associated daytime consequences which impair job performance and quality of life, and is associated with increased risk of comorbidities including depression. These practice parameters provide recommendations regarding behavioral and psychological treatment approaches, which are often effective in primary and secondary insomnia. These recommendations replace or modify those published in the 1999 practice parameter paper produced by the American Sleep Disorders Association. A Task Force of content experts was appointed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine to perform a comprehensive review of the scientific literature since 1999 and to grade the evidence regarding non-pharmacological treatments of insomnia. Recommendations were developed based on this review using evidence-based methods. These recommendations were developed by the Standards of Practice Committee and reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Psychological and behavioral interventions are effective in the treatment of both chronic primary insomnia (Standard) and secondary insomnia (Guideline). Stimulus control therapy, relaxation training, and cognitive behavior therapy are individually effective therapies in the treatment of chronic insomnia (Standard) and sleep restriction therapy, multicomponent therapy (without cognitive therapy), biofeedback and paradoxical intention are individually effective therapies in the treatment of chronic insomnia (Guideline). There was insufficient evidence to recommend sleep hygiene education, imagery training and cognitive therapy as single therapies or when added to other specific approaches. Psychological and behavioral interventions are effective in the treatment of insomnia in older adults and in the treatment of insomnia among chronic hypnotic users (Standard).  相似文献   

Background:  We describe the methodology for the 2008 update of the Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines. The methodology differs from the 2001 edition in several respects. The most prominent change is the application of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to compiling evidence, assessing the quality of evidence and grading of recommendations.
Methods and results:  Representatives of the GRADE working group joined the ARIA guideline panel to achieve these tasks. While most recommendations result from existing systematic reviews, systematic reviews were not always available and the panel compiled the best available evidence in evidence profiles without conducting actual reviews. The panel conducted two meetings and used the GRADE criteria to assess the quality of evidence (four categories of high, moderate, low and very low) and the strength of recommendation (strong and weak) based on weighing up the desirable and undesirable effects of management strategies, considering values and preferences influencing recommendations, and resource implications. The guideline panel has chosen the words 'we recommend'– for strong recommendations and 'we suggest'– for weak recommendations. Both categories indicate the best course of action for a given patient population, but their implementation, requires different considerations as we describe subsequently in this article.
Conclusions:  The 2008 update of the ARIA guidelines has become more evidence-based. Future iterations of the guidelines will further be improved by following the described processes even closer, such as ensuring availability of updated high quality systematic reviews for each question.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia is efficacious and recommended for insomnia, but availability is scarce. Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia self-help interventions could increase availability, especially if unguided. Optimizing cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia methods and system user-friendliness, we developed a short, digital, self-help programme—FastAsleep—based on the behavioural components of sleep restriction and stimulus control. This study investigated its feasibility and preliminary effects. Thirty media-recruited participants with moderate to severe insomnia were assessed via telephone before using FastAsleep for 4 weeks, and were interviewed afterwards. Self-ratings with web questionnaires were conducted at screening, pre-, mid- and post-treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. Primary outcomes were feasibility (credibility, adherence, system user-friendliness and adverse effects), and secondary outcomes were changes in symptom severity (insomnia, depression and anxiety). Adherence was generally high, participants' feasibility ratings were favourable, and adverse effects matched previously reported levels for cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. Symptoms of insomnia decreased after the treatment period (Hedge's g = 1.79, 95% confidence interval = 1.20–2.39), as did symptoms of depression and anxiety. FastAsleep can be considered feasible and promising for alleviating insomnia symptoms among patients fit for self-care. Future controlled trials are needed to establish the efficacy of FastAsleep and its suitability in a stepped care model.  相似文献   

Although sleep diary and actigraphy data are usually collected daily for 1 or 2 weeks, traditional analytical approaches aggregate these data into mean values. Internight variability of sleep often accompanies insomnia. However, few studies have explored the relevance of this ‘construct’ in the context of diagnosis, clinical impact, treatment effects and/or whether having ‘variable sleep’ carries any prognostic significance. We explored these questions by conducting secondary analyses of data from a randomized clinical trial. The sample included primary (PI: n = 40) and comorbid insomnia (CMI: n = 41) sufferers receiving four biweekly sessions of cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) or sleep hygiene education. Using the within‐subject standard deviations of diary‐ and actigraphy‐derived measures collected for 2‐week periods [sleep onset latency (SOL), wake after sleep onset (WASO), total sleep time (TST) and sleep efficiency (SE)], we found that CMI sufferers displayed more variable self‐reported SOLs and SEs than PI sufferers. However, higher variability in diary and actigraphy‐derived measures was related to poorer sleep quality only within the PI group, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Within both groups, the variability of diary‐derived measures was reduced after CBT, but the variability of actigraphy‐derived measures remained unchanged. Interestingly, the variability of actigraphy measures at baseline was correlated with PSQI scores at 6‐month follow‐up. Higher SOL variability was associated with worse treatment outcomes within the PI group, whereas higher WASO variability was correlated with better treatment outcomes within the CMI group. Sleep variability differences across insomnia diagnoses, along with their distinctive correlates, suggest that mechanisms underlying the sleep disruption/complaint and treatment response in both patient groups are distinct. Further studies are warranted to support variability as a useful metric in insomnia studies.  相似文献   

Chronic insomnia is a common and burdensome problem for patients seeking primary care. Cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be effective for insomnia, also when presented with co‐morbidities, but access to sleep therapists is limited. Group‐treatment and self‐administered treatment via self‐help books have both been shown to be efficacious treatment options, and the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of an open‐ended group intervention based on a self‐help book for insomnia, adapted to fit a primary‐care setting. Forty primary‐care patients with insomnia (mean age 55 years, 80% women) were randomized to the open‐ended group intervention based on a cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia self‐help book or to a care as usual/wait‐list control condition. Results show high attendance to group sessions and high treatment satisfaction. Participants in the control group later received the self‐help book, but without the group intervention. The book‐based group treatment resulted in significantly improved insomnia severity, as well as shorter sleep‐onset latency, less wake time after sleep onset, and less use of sleep medication compared with treatment as usual. The improvements were sustained at a 4‐year follow‐up assessment. A secondary analysis found a significant advantage of the combination of the book and the open‐ended group intervention compared with when the initial control group later used only the self‐help book. An open‐ended treatment group based on a self‐help book for insomnia thus seems to be an effective and feasible intervention for chronic insomnia in primary‐care settings.  相似文献   

Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint reported to physicians. Treatment has traditionally involved medication. Behavioral approaches have been available for decades, but lack of physician awareness and training, difficulty in obtaining reimbursements, and questions about efficacy have limited their use. These practice parameters review the current evidence with regards to a variety of nonpharmacologic treatments for insomnia. Using a companion paper which provides a background review, the available literature was analyzed. The evidence was graded by previously reported criteria of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine with references to American Psychological Association criteria. Treatments considered include: stimulus control, progressive muscle relaxation, paradoxical intention, biofeedback, sleep restriction, multicomponent cognitive behavioral therapy, sleep hygiene education, imagery training, and cognitive therapy. Improved experimental design has significantly advanced the process of evaluation of nonpharmacologic treatments for insomnia using guidelines outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA). Recommendations for individual therapies using the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommendation levels for each are: Stimulus Control (Standard); Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Paradoxical Intention, and Biofeedback (Guidelines); Sleep Restriction, and Multicomponent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Options); Sleep Hygiene Education, Imagery Training, and Cognitive Therapy had insufficient evidence to be recommended as a single therapy. Optimal duration of therapy, who should perform the treatments, long term outcomes and safety concerns, and the effect of treatment on quality of life are questions in need of future research.  相似文献   

Chronic insomnia is a prevalent problem in primary health care and tends to be more serious than insomnia in the general population. These patients often obtain little benefit from hypnotics, and are frequently open to exploring various options for medical treatment. However, most general practitioners (GPs) are unable to provide such options. Several meta‐analyses have shown that cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) for insomnia results in solid improvements on sleep parameters, and a few studies have demonstrated promising results for nurse‐administered CBT in primary care. The aim of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the clinical effectiveness of manual‐guided CBT for insomnia delivered by ordinary primary care personnel in general medical practice with unselected patients. Sixty‐six primary care patients with insomnia were randomized to CBT or a waiting‐list control group. The CBT group improved significantly more than the control group using the Insomnia Severity Index as the outcome. The effect size was high. Sleep diaries showed a significant, medium‐sized treatment effect for sleep onset latency and wake time after sleep onset. However, for all measures there is a marked deterioration at follow‐up assessments. Almost half of the treated subjects (47%) reported a clinically relevant treatment effect directly after treatment. It is concluded that this way of delivering treatment may be cost‐effective.  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence and treatment of patients with chronic insomnia presenting to Swiss primary care physicians (PCPs) part of “Sentinella”, a nationwide practice‐based research network. Each PCP consecutively asked 40 patients if they had sleep complaints, documented frequency, duration, comorbidities, and reported ongoing treatment. We analysed data of 63% (83/132) of the PCPs invited. The PCPs asked 76% (2,432/3,216) of included patients about their sleep (51% female); 31% (761/2,432) of these had had insomnia symptoms; 36% (875/2,432) had current insomnia symptoms; 11% (269/2,432) met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM‐5) criteria for chronic insomnia (61% female). In all, 75% (201/269) of patients with chronic insomnia had comorbidities, with 49% (99/201) reporting depression. Chronic insomnia was treated in 78% (209/269); 70% (188/268) took medication, 38% (102/268) benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine receptor agonists, 32% (86/268) took antidepressants. Only 1% (three of 268) had been treated with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT‐I). A third of patients presenting for a non‐urgent visit in Swiss primary care reported insomnia symptoms and 11% met the DSM‐5 criteria for chronic insomnia. Hypnotics were the most common treatment, but almost no patients received first‐line CBT‐I. Reducing the burden of insomnia depends on disseminating knowledge about and access to CBT‐I, and encouraging PCPs to discuss it with and offer it as a first‐line treatment to patients with chronic insomnia.  相似文献   

Insomnia is a very common and disabling symptom. Whilst evidence for the efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy for people diagnosed with insomnia (CBT-I) is strong, few people seek help and not many services offer CBT-I. Less intensive adaptations of CBT-I have been shown to be valuable, and given the size of the problem and low rates of help-seeking, an accessible intervention with a large capacity is needed. Day-long CBT-I psycho-educational workshops (each for up to 30 people), to which members of the public with insomnia symptoms could self-refer, have been developed. This randomised controlled trial aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of these workshops. Baseline measures were taken from 151 participants, who were then randomised to experimental or waiting-list control groups. Scores of the experimental group and the control group were compared 3 months after baseline. Random effects models found a significant interaction between time and group, indicating differences between the control and experimental groups on the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). Post hoc analyses indicated that ISI scores decreased significantly in the experimental group, but not in the control group. Promising results were also found on corroborative sleep diary measures. Access to the workshops was good, with 50% of participants having never previously sought help for sleep difficulties from their GP. CBT-I workshops proved to be both accessible and effective in reducing insomnia symptoms in the medium term. They may represent a feasible brief intervention with the potential to address unmet treatment needs of adults complaining of insomnia symptoms.  相似文献   

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