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Antigen processing and presentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The T-cell response against cancer is dependent on the cell surface presentation of tumor-associated or tumor-specific peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. We found that tapasin, a chaperone protein that normally assists in the assembly of MHC class I molecules, is undetectable in an unstimulated pancreatic tumor cell line, Panc02, and only very weakly expressed after -interferon stimulation. Transfection of tapasin into the Panc02 cells did not quantitatively increase MHC class I surface expression or detectably affect MHC class I association with peptide and 2-microglubulin (2m). However, we found that transfected tapasin downregulated immune reactivity against a model tumor antigen, MUC1. Although tapasin has been previously shown by others to increase immune recognition of particular antigens, our results suggest that tapasin has a negative impact on the presentation of an immunodominant epitope from a specific model tumor antigen.  相似文献   

The DMα and DMβ genes encode a nonpolymorphic, class II-like molecule which functions by an, as yet, undefined mechanism in the assembly of Major Histocompatibility Complex class II-peptide complexes. Indeed, mutant cells which express class II molecules but fail to express DM are unable to process and present native protein antigens. A striking phenotype of the mutation is class II molecules that contain almost exclusively a nested set of invariant chain peptides, termed CLIP, for class II associated Ii peptides, instead of the normal array of endogenously and exogenously derived peptides. Thus, DM appears to be required for the correct assembly of processed antigen-class II complexes. Recently, the subcellular compartments that contain DM and in which functional processed antigen-class II complexes are first formed have been described. Here, the evidence for the function of DM in the antigen-processing compartments is reviewed.  相似文献   

Tumours can escape T-cell responses by losing major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/ human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules. In the early stages of cancer development, primary tumours are composed of homogeneous HLA class I-positive cancer cells. Subsequently, infiltration of the tumour by T cells generates a vast diversity of tumour clones with different MHC class I expressions. A Darwinian type of T-cell-mediated immune selection results in a tumour composed solely of MHC class I-negative cells. Metastatic colonization is a highly complex phenomenon in which T lymphocytes and natural killer cells play a major role. We have obtained evidence that the MHC class I phenotype of metastatic colonies can be highly diverse and is not necessarily the same as that of the primary tumour. The molecular mechanisms responsible for MHC/HLA class I alterations are an important determinant of the clinical response to cancer immunotherapy. Hence, immunotherapy can successfully up-regulate MHC/HLA class I expression if the alteration is reversible (‘soft’), leading to T-cell-mediated tumour regression. In contrast, it cannot recover this expression if the alteration is irreversible (‘hard’), when tumour cells escape T-cell-mediated destruction with subsequent cancer progression. This review summarizes clinical and experimental data on the complexity of immune escape mechanisms used by tumour cells to avoid T and natural killer cell responses. We also provide in-depth analysis of the nature of MHC/HLA class I changes during metastatic colonization and contribute evidence of the enormous diversity of MHC/HLA class I phenotypes that can be produced by tumour cells during this process.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus serotypes (HRV) fall into two distinct groups, major and minor, by virtue of their cell receptor-binding ability. In this study minor receptor-binding group viruses are demonstrated to bind directly to cells of the murine immune system, including lymphoid dendritic cells which act as antigen-presenting cells, although they do not produce a productive infection in murine cells. This binding is specific and can be blocked by other serotypes of minor-group HRV Pre-treatment of HRV 1A, a minor-group virus, with HRV 1A-specific antibodies inhibited the cellular proliferation of murine virus primed T helper cells, whereas antibody treatment of HRV 15, a non-binding major serotype, gave no inhibition. The cell binding ability of minor-group HRV played a role in the overall immunogenicity of this virus group, which was shown to be enhanced compared to the immunogenicity of major-group viruses in mice.  相似文献   

Short-lived protein translation products are proposed to be a major source of substrates for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigen processing and presentation; however, a direct link between protein stability and the presentation level of MHC class I-peptide complexes has not been made. We have recently discovered that the peptide Tyr((369-377)) , derived from the tyrosinase protein is highly presented by HLA-A2 on the surface of melanoma cells. To examine the molecular mechanisms responsible for this presentation, we compared characteristics of tyrosinase in melanoma cells lines that present high or low levels of HLA-A2-Tyr((369-377)) complexes. We found no correlation between mRNA levels and the levels of HLA-A2-Tyr((369-377)) presentation. Co-localization experiments revealed that, in cell lines presenting low levels of HLA-A2-Tyr((369-377)) complexes, tyrosinase co-localizes with LAMP-1, a melanosome marker, whereas in cell lines presenting high HLA-A2-Tyr((369-377)) levels, tyrosinase localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. We also observed differences in tyrosinase molecular weight and glycosylation composition as well as major differences in protein stability (t(1/2) ). By stabilizing the tyrosinase protein, we observed a dramatic decrease in HLA-A2-tyrosinase presentation. Our findings suggest that aberrant processing and instability of tyrosinase are responsible for the high presentation of HLA-A2-Tyr((369-377)) complexes and thus shed new light on the relationship between intracellular processing, stability of proteins, and MHC-restricted peptide presentation.  相似文献   

For mature B cells, the encounter with foreign antigen results in the selective expansion of the cells and their differentiation into antibody secreting cells or memory B cells. The response of mature B cells to antigen requires not only antigen binding to and signaling through the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) but also the processing and presentation of the BCR bound antigen to helper T cells. Thus, in mature B cells, the ability to process and present antigen to helper T cells plays a critical role in determining the outcome of antigen encounter. In immature B cells, the binding of antigen results in negative selection of the B cell, inducing apoptosis, anergy or receptor editing. Negative selection of immature B cells requires antigen induced signaling through the BCR, analogous to the signaling function of the BCR in mature B cells. However, the role of class II antigen processing and presentation in immature B cells is less well understood. Current evidence indicates that the ability to process and present antigen bound to the BCR is a late acquisition of developing B cells, suggesting that during negative selection B cells may not present BCR bound antigen and interact with helper T cells However, the expression of class II molecules is an early acquisition of B cells and recent evidence indicates that the expression of class II molecules early in development is required for the generation of long lived mature B cells. Here we review our current understanding of the processing and presentation of antigen by mature B cells and the role for antigen processing and class II expression during B cell development.  相似文献   

Askew D  Harding CV 《Immunology》2008,123(3):447-455
To examine heterogeneity in dendritic cell (DC) antigen presentation function, murine splenic DCs were separated into CD4+ and CD8+ populations and assessed for the ability to process and present particulate antigen to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CD4+ and CD8+ DCs both processed exogenous particulate antigen, but CD8+ DCs were much more efficient than CD4+ DCs for both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen presentation and MHC class I cross-presentation. While antigen processing efficiency contributed to the superior antigen presentation function of CD8+ DCs, our studies also revealed an important contribution of CD24. CD8+ DCs were also more efficient than CD4+ DCs in inducing naïve T cells to acquire certain effector T-cell functions, for example generation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and interferon (IFN)-γ-producing CD4+ T cells. In summary, CD8+ DCs are particularly potent antigen-presenting cells that express critical costimulators and efficiently process exogenous antigen for presentation by both MHC class I and II molecules.  相似文献   

The recognition of CD1–lipid complexes by T cells was discovered 20 years ago and has since been an emerging and expanding field of investigation. Unlike protein antigens, which are presented on MHC class I and II molecules, lipids can only be presented by CD1 molecules, a unique family of MHC-like proteins whose singularity is a hydrophobic antigen-binding groove. The processing and loading of lipid antigens inside this groove of CD1 molecules require localization to endosomal and lysosomal subcellular compartments and their acidic pHs. This particular environment provides the necessary glycolytic enzymes and lipases that process lipid and glycolipid antigens, as well as a set of lipid transfer proteins that load the final version of the antigen inside the groove of CD1. The overall sequence of events needed for efficient presentation of lipid antigens is now understood and presented in this review. However, a large number of important details have been elusive. This elusiveness is linked to the inherent technical difficulties of studying lipids and the lipid–protein interface in vitro and in vivo. Here, we will expose some of those limitations and describe new approaches to address them during the characterization of lipids and glycolipids antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the only antigen-presenting cell population having a cross-presentation capacity. For cross-presentation, however, the intracellular antigen-processing pathway and its regulatory mechanism have not been defined. Here we report the differences in cross-presentation ability among murine bone marrow-derived immature DC, early immature day8-DC and late immature day10-DC, and fully mature day10 + lipopolysaccharide DC. Day8-DCs and day10-DCs show an immature phenotypic profile but are different in morphology. Day8-DCs can internalize an abundant volume of exogenous soluble ovalbumin (OVA) and result in cross-presentation. In contrast, day10-DCs are not able to cross-present, although they maintain efficient macropinocytosis. Exogenously internalized OVA antigens are stored in the endocytic compartments. The endocytic compartments are temporarily maintained at mildly acidic pH in day8-DCs and are rapidly acidified in day10-DCs after uptake of antigens. We show that OVA antigens accumulated in the endocytic compartments move into the cytosol in day8-DCs but do not in day10-DCs. NH(4)Cl-treatment, which neutralizes the acidic endocytic compartments and/or delays endosomal maturation, restores day10-DCs for transport the stored OVA antigens from the endocytic compartments into the cytosol. Diphenyleneiodonium chloride-treatment, which acidifies the endocytic compartments, decreases an amount of transported OVA antigen into the cytosol in day8-DCs. These data indicate that only the early immature stage of DC interferes with endosomal maturation, even after uptake of exogenous antigens, and then transports the antigens into the cytosol.  相似文献   

Allergic immune responses are initiated and maintained by T cells that recognize peptidic fragments of allergens in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. An anomaly of this model exists in the T-cell response to haptens. Haptens are nonpeptide antigens that alone are too small to provoke an immune response. Nevertheless. T-cell responses to haptenic allergens clearly occur and are critically involved in allergic immune responses to drugs such as penicillin. Although the mechanisms that generate T-cell epitopes from protein antigens are well understood, haptens create T-cell epitopes by alternative mechanisms. These may include binding of haptens directly to preformed MHC-peptide complexes on the cell surface, or indirect association with MHC molecules after conjugation with self cell surface or serum proteins that are then processed and presented as haptenated peptide antigens. Which of these unorthodox mechanisms of epitope generation is dominant in allergy to penicillin is unknown. This study aims to determine the nature of the epitopes recognized by amoxicillin-specific T cells from allergic donors, and to clarify whether T-cell responses to penicillin antibiotics are MHC restricted and require haptenated self proteins to be processed before recognition. Human T-cell lines specific for amoxicillin were raised and used in assays with processing-disabled and MHC-class Il-typed antigenpresenting cells to determine the MHC restriction and processing requirements of T cells recognizing amoxicillin. Fixation of antigenpresenting cells with paraformaldehyde. before or after pulsing with amoxicillin. established that T cells can recognize amoxicillin-containing epitopes with a similar ezfficiency irrespective of whether the antigenic conjugate has been internalized and processed. These results suggest that amoxicillin can bind directly to preformed MHC-peptide complexes and need not necessarily involve the processing of haptenated self carrier proteins before recognition of the conjugate by amoxicillinpecific T cells.  相似文献   

Two main dendritic cell (DC) subsets have been described in peripheral blood, the myeloid subset or DC1 that is characterized by the presence of CD11c and the plasmacytoid subset or DC2 negative for this marker. The two subsets may perform different functions and have been defined as immunogenic (the myeloid subset) or tolerogenic (the plasmacytoid subset). The expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DM molecules, which act as peptide editors in the antigen presentation process, was studied in freshly isolated plasmacytoid and myeloid DCs from peripheral blood. The expression of the invariant chain (Ii), the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) : class II-associated Ii peptide (CLIP) complex, and CD83 was also investigated. The results showed that intracellular expression of HLA-DM and the Ii was significantly higher in the plasmacytoid than in the myeloid DC subset. In contrast, a higher fraction of cell expressing MHC-II : CLIP complex was found in the myeloid than in the plasmacytoid DC subpopulation. CD83 was not detected in any of these two subsets. Following culture of these cells with interleukin-3 (IL-3), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and/or heat shock protein-70 (HSP-70), the expression of intracellular HLA-DM was up-regulated in the myeloid DCs to levels similar to those found in the plasmacytoid DCs, whilst the Ii was down-regulated in the plasmacytoid subset to similar levels to those expressed in the myeloid DCs. In addition, CD83 was up-regulated in the myeloid (CD11c+) but not in the plasmacytoid (CD11c-) DCs. The expression pattern of these antigen-processing molecules could be related to the immaturity and function attributed to these DC subsets.  相似文献   

In the accepted model of lymphocyte intestinal homing, naïve T cells recirculate via organized lymphoid tissues, whilst induced effector/memory cells home to the intestinal mucosa. In order to assess the T‐cell‐receptor repertoire in the intestine and gut‐associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), spectratyping was performed on the proximal and the distal intestine, spleen and mesenteric lymph node tissue from six PVG rats. The products were analysed with an automated sequencer and statistical analyses were performed with hierarchical cluster analysis. This demonstrated the presence of a restricted T‐cell repertoire in the small intestine compared with that in the mesenteric lymph nodes and the spleen. It also demonstrated marked differences in repertoire between individual, fully inbred rats maintained under apparently identical conditions in the same cage and fed identical diets. In addition, this work demonstrated marked differences between repertoires in the proximal and the distal intestine. Such marked differences are likely to reflect the end result of increasing divergence over time produced by relatively subtle effects of environment and antigenic load. Equally, marked differences in repertoire between small intestinal segments within individual rats indicate selective recruitment or retention of specific clones, presumably antigen‐driven.  相似文献   

To investigate how early events in antigen processing affect the repertoire of peptides presented by MHC class I molecules, we compared the presentation of the influenza A nucleoprotein epitope 265 – 273 by HLA-A3 class I molecules in human and mouse cells. Mouse cells that express HLA-A3 failed to present the NP265 – 273 peptide when contained within the full-length nucleoprotein, to HLA-A3-restricted human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. However, when the epitope was generated directly in the cytosol using a recombinant vaccinia virus that expressed the nonamer peptide, mouse cells were recognized by HLA-A3-restricted CTL. Poor transport of the peptide by mouse TAP was not responsible for the defect as co-infection of mouse cells with recombinant vaccinia viruses encoding the full-length nucleoprotein and the human TAP1 and TAP2 peptide transporter complex failed to restore presentation. These results therefore demonstrate a differential processing of the influenza nucleoprotein in mouse and human cells. This polymorphism influences the repertoire of peptides presented by MHC class I molecules at the cell surface.  相似文献   

为研究小鼠急性病毒性心肌炎心肌MHCII类抗原的表达规律 ,探索急性期轻度病毒性心肌炎的发病机制 ,以适量柯萨奇B3 病毒感染BALB/c小鼠制成小鼠轻度病毒性心肌炎模型 ,对病鼠的心肌进行MHCII类抗原的LSAB免疫组化研究。结果发现 ,急性期各病程中 ,心肌炎鼠心肌组织内MHCII类抗原呈增强性异常表达 ;MHCII类抗原表达强度的半定量记分(MS)与心肌病变积分 (PS)无相关。实验提示 ,心肌MHCII类抗原的异常表达是轻度病毒性心肌炎急性期的发病机制之一 ;自身免疫反应在病毒性心肌炎急性期与心肌病变的严重程度无相关。  相似文献   

The ability of non-professional antigen-presenting cells (APC) lo process and present antigen to the immune system has been the subject of debate in autoimmunity and tumour immunology. The role of muscle cells in the processing and presentation of antigen to T cells via class 1 and class II MHC pathways is of increasing interest. Muscle cells are the targets of autoimmune attack in the inflammatory muscle diseases, and direct intramuscular injection of antigen-expressing DNA constructs is under scrutiny as a means of vaccination. Furthermore, the immunological properties of muscle cells are of relevance in attempts to transfer my oblasts as replacement cells in dystrophic diseases or as depot cells for the secretion of certain molecules in deficiency states. Using class I and class II MHC transfectant clones of the C2CI2 my oblast cell line, my oblasts have been shown to be capable of presenting antigen to. and stimulating secretion of IL-2 by, T cell hybridomas via both of these pathways. The epitopes which are dominantly presented by professional APC after processing of native antigens were also presented by the myoblast cell line after processing of either ovaibumin (class I) or hen egg lysozyme (class 11). Further, antigen processing and presentation via the class II pathway were enhanced by pretreatment of the my oblasts with interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), Up-regulation of invariant chain expression by this treatment may have contributed to this enhanced presentation, but an effect of IFN-γ on the expression of other molecules such as H-2 DM may have also played a role. The demonstration of the antigen-presenting properties of these my oblasts is of relevance to all three areas mentioned above. In each situation my oblasts comprise a significant population within muscle. In the case of inflammatory muscle diseases the process of muscle degeneration and regeneration is on-going, while in the vaccination procedure some muscle damage occurs, and vaccination is more effective when muscle damage has preceded inoculation.  相似文献   

CD4+ helper T cells recognize short peptides stably associated with class II MHC molecules displayed on the surface of antigen presenting cells. Very little is known about the sequence of events that lead to the generation of these peptides from protein antigens. It is likely that native proteins must partially unfold before they are cleaved by endopeptidases or bind to MHC proteins. For many antigens, the rate-limiting step in unfolding may involve reduction of disulfide bonds. Evidence that disulfide reduction occurs in endocytic compartments is reviewed and potential mechanisms for the reduction of antigen disulfide bonds are proposed.  相似文献   

Immune synapse formation is critical for T-lymphocyte activation, and mitochondria have a role in this process, by localizing close to the immune synapse, regulating intracellular calcium concentration, and providing locally required ATP. The interaction between antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and T lymphocytes is a two-way signalling process. However, the role of mitochondria in APCs during this process remains unknown. For APCs to be able to activate T lymphocytes, they must first engage in an antigen-uptake, -processing and -presentation process. Here we show that hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) -loaded B lymphocytes, as a type of APC, undergo a small but significant mitochondrial depolarization by 1–2 hr following antigen exposure, suggesting an increase in their metabolic demands. Inhibition of ATP synthase (oligomycin) or mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) (Ruthenium red) had no effect on antigen uptake. Therefore, antigen processing and antigen presentation were further analysed. Oligomycin treatment reduced the amount of specific MHC–peptide complexes but not total MHC II on the cell membrane of B lymphocytes, which correlated with a decrease in antigen presentation. However, oligomycin also reduced antigen presentation by B lymphocytes, which endogenously express HEL and by B lymphocytes loaded with the HEL48–62 peptide, although to a lesser extent. ATP synthase inhibition and MCU inhibition had a clear inhibitory effect on antigen processing (DQ-OVA). Taken together these results suggest that ATP synthase and MCU are relevant for antigen processing and presentation. Finally, APC mitochondria were found to re-organize towards the APC–T immune synapse.  相似文献   

Peptide ligands presented by MHC class I molecules are generated in a cascade of proteolytic events starting with the proteasome in the cytosol and frequently terminating with trimming aminopeptidases in the endoplasmic reticulum. Several cytosolic proteases can carry out intermediate proteolytic steps between these start and endpoints. Among these, tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPP II), an exceptionally large homo-oligomeric protease, has been proposed to be involved in the generation of many or most MHC class I ligands by cleaving long precursor peptides. In this issue of the European Journal of Immunology, the effect of pharmacological or genetic TPP II inhibition on peptide loading of HLA-B27 and other HLA class I molecules is examined, and no evidence for a role of TPP II in this process is detected. Although further studies using more efficient inhibitors and focusing on HLA class I alleles such as HLA-A3 are warranted, these results, together with other recently published data, suggest that the role of TPP II in MHC class I processing may be much more limited than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

We mapped mouse CD4 T-cell epitopes located in three structurally distinct regions of the V antigen of Yersinia pestis. T-cell hybridomas specific for epitopes from each region were generated to study the mechanisms of processing and presentation of V antigen by bone-marrow-derived macrophages. All three epitopes required uptake and/or processing from V antigen as well as presentation to T cells by newly synthesized major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules over a time period of 3-4 hr. Sensitivity to inhibitors showed a dependence on low pH and cysteine, serine and metalloproteinase, but not aspartic proteinase, activity. The data indicate that immunodominant epitopes from all three structural regions of V antigen were presented preferentially by the classical MHC class II-restricted presentation pathway. The requirement for processing by the co-ordinated activity of several enzyme families is consistent with the buried location of the epitopes in each region of V antigen. Understanding the structure-function relationship of multiple immunodominant epitopes of candidate subunit vaccines is necessary to inform choice of adjuvants for vaccine delivery. In the case of V antigen, adjuvants designed to target it to lysosomes are likely to induce optimal responses to multiple protective T-cell epitopes.  相似文献   

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