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Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, characterized by multiple congenital anomalies, and intellectual disability. It is caused by a genetically inherited deficiency of the enzyme 7-dehydrocholesterol-delta-7-reductase, which results in increased serum levels of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), and decreased levels of cholesterol. This study assesses the prevalence of sleep problems in patients with SLOS. The study group comprised 18 subjects with SLOS, ages 2-31 years (median 10.7 ± 8.5 years). Parents completed several questionnaires (Intake Demographic Form; Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire; Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale). The SLOS subjects had symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing (50% snoring; 66.7% mouth breathing), problems with sleep onset [difficulty falling asleep (61.1%) sleep onset time >30 min (62%)], sleep maintenance [wake up screaming (61.1%), waking up more than twice (44.4%), having trouble falling back to sleep (66.7%), waking up early in the morning (61.1%), and restless sleep (50%)]. The subjects with SLOS needed parents in the room to fall asleep (50%), watch TV or listen to music to fall asleep (44.4%), and described bed sharing (33.3%), indicating sleep-anxiety and sleep-associations. Symptoms of excessive-daytime-sleepiness were frequently reported [un-refreshed in the morning (38.9%), daytime sleepiness (44.4%), and daytime naps (55.6%)]. Parents frequently observed difficulty of organizing tasks (66.7%), and easy distractibility (88.9%). Sleep problems such as sleep-disordered breathing, sleep-related anxiety and sleep associations, disturbed sleep patterns at night, and excessive daytime sleepiness are frequent in children with SLOS.  相似文献   

Individuals with major depressive disorder often experience obstructive sleep apnea. However, the relationship between depression and less severe sleep‐disordered breathing is unclear. This study examined the rate of sleep‐disordered breathing in depression after excluding those who had clinically significant sleep apnea (>5 apneas?h?1). Archival data collected between 1991 and 2005 were used to assess the prevalence of sleep‐disordered breathing events in 60 (31 depressed; 29 healthy controls) unmedicated participants. Respiratory events were automatically detected using a program developed in‐house measuring thermal nasal air‐flow and chest pressure. Results show that even after excluding participants with clinically significant sleep‐disordered breathing, individuals with depression continue to exhibit higher rates of sleep‐disordered breathing compared with healthy controls (depressed group: apnea–hypopnea index mean = 0.524, SE = 0.105; healthy group: apnea–hypopnea index mean = 0.179, SE = 0.108). Exploratory analyses were also conducted to assess for rates of exclusion in depression studies due to sleep‐disordered breathing. Study exclusion of sleep‐disordered breathing was quantified based on self‐report during telephone screening, and via first night polysomnography. Results from phone screening data reveal that individuals reporting depression were 5.86 times more likely to report a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea than presumptive control participants. Furthermore, all of the participants excluded for severe sleep‐disordered breathing detected on the first night were participants with depression. These findings illustrate the importance of understanding the relationship between sleep‐disordered breathing and depression, and suggest that screening and quantification of sleep‐disordered breathing should be considered in depression research.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the association between attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and subtypes, and sleep schedules, daytime inadvertent napping, and sleep problems/disorders in children and adolescents with and without ADHD. The sample included 325 patients with ADHD, aged 10–17 years [male: 81.5%; combined type (ADHD‐C): 174; predominantly inattentive type (ADHD‐I): 130; predominantly hyperactive‐impulsive type (ADHD‐HI): 21], and 257 children and adolescents without lifetime ADHD (non‐ADHD). We conducted psychiatric interviews with the participants and their mothers before making the diagnoses of ADHD, other psychiatric disorders, and sleep problems or disorders. We also collected the medication treatment data and parent and teacher reports of ADHD symptoms. Multi‐level models were used for data analyses controlling for sex, age, psychiatric comorbidities, and treatment with methylphenidate. The ADHD‐C and ADHD‐I groups had more daytime inadvertent napping. In general, the three subtypes were associated with increased rates of sleep problems/disorders. Specifically, ADHD‐C rather than ADHD‐I was associated with circadian rhythm problems, sleep‐talking, nightmares (also ADHD‐HI), and ADHD‐I was associated with hypersomnia. The most‐related sleep schedules and problems for inattention and hyperactivity‐impulsivity were earlier bedtime, later rise time, longer nocturnal sleep, more frequent daytime napping, insomnia, sleep terrors, sleep‐talking, snoring, and bruxism across informants. The findings imply that in addition to the dichotomous approach of ADHD and considering the psychiatric comorbid conditions, ADHD subtypes and symptom dimensions need to be considered in clinical practice and in the research regarding the association between ADHD and sleep problems/disorders.  相似文献   

In this article, we review and evaluate changes in the depressive disorders section from DSMIV to DSM‐5. We describe characteristics of three new depressive disorders: disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and persistent depressive disorder. We also discuss the controversial decision in DSM‐5 to remove the bereavement exclusion from the criteria for major depressive disorder. Next, we review the decision to replace the diagnosis of depressive disorder not otherwise specified with two new diagnoses: other specified depressive disorder and unspecified depressive disorder. Finally, we discuss the inclusion of two novel specifiers in the DSM‐5 depressive disorders section: “with anxious distress” and “with mixed features.” For each of these changes, we examine the relevant research and discuss implications of the changes for research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of sleep is still poorly understood. Despite the moderate to high heritability of sleep‐related phenotypes, known genetic variants explain only a small proportion of the phenotypical variance. However, most previous studies were based solely upon self‐report measures. The present study aimed to conduct the first genome‐wide association (GWA) of actigraphic sleep phenotypes. The analyses included 956 middle‐ to older‐aged subjects (40–79 years) from the LIFE Adult Study. The SenseWear Pro 3 Armband was used to collect 11 actigraphic parameters of night‐ and daytime sleep and three parameters of rest (lying down). The parameters comprised measures of sleep timing, quantity and quality. A total of 7 141 204 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analysed after imputation and quality control. We identified several variants below the significance threshold of P ≤ 5× 10?8 (not corrected for analysis of multiple traits). The most significant was a hit near UFL1 associated with sleep efficiency on weekdays (P = 1.39 × 10?8). Further SNPs were close to significance, including an association between sleep latency and a variant in CSNK2A1 (P = 8.20 × 10?8), a gene known to be involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm. In summary, our GWAS identified novel candidate genes with biological plausibility being promising candidates for replication and further follow‐up studies.  相似文献   

Controversy persists about whether snoring can affect atherosclerotic changes in adjacent vessels, independently of obstructive sleep apnea and other cardiovascular risk factors. This study examined the independent association between snoring and carotid artery intima‐media thickness (IMT) in non‐apneic snorers and non‐snorers. We studied 180 non‐apneic snorers and non‐snorers participating in a full‐night home‐based sleep study. Snoring sound was measured objectively by a microphone. Based on snoring time across the night, participants were classified as non‐snorers (snoring time: 0%), mild snorers (1–25%) and moderate to heavy snorers (≥25%). We measured IMT on both common carotid arteries. The three groups were matched by age, body mass index, cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose levels, using weights from generalized boosted‐propensity score models. Mean carotid IMT increased with increased snoring time across the night in women: non‐snorers (0.707 mm), mild (0.718 mm) and moderate to heavy snorers (0.774 mm), but not in men. Snoring during at least one‐fourth of a night's sleep is associated independently with subclinical changes in carotid IMT in women only.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between bedtime counterfactual thoughts, depressive symptoms, nocturnal counterproductive thought‐control strategies and insomnia disorder. Six hundred and fifty adults from the general population were recruited and provided data on their counterfactual thoughts' frequency at bedtime, depressive symptoms and use of nocturnal maladaptive strategies of thought control. In addition, all participants followed a face‐to‐face clinical interview for the diagnosis of insomnia disorder. A model positing moderated mediation was tested using conditional process modelling. Overall, 19% of participants met diagnostic criteria for a chronic insomnia diagnosis. Bootstrapped mediation analyses indicated that the association of bedtime counterfactual processing and insomnia diagnosis is mediated by depressive symptoms (B = 0.035, SE = 0.007, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.023, 0.051). Furthermore, the effects of such a mediation model were significantly larger among individuals with high levels of aggressive suppression than those with low levels of aggressive suppression (B = 0.002, SE = 0.001, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.001, 0.004). A second model in which a worry strategy moderates the relationship between bedtime counterfactual processing and depressive symptoms was not statistically significant (B = 0.0036, SE = 0.013, p = .78). The present study adds to the literature on the importance of self‐attacking thoughts and negative affects at bedtime. We recommend the evaluation of the impact of adding self‐attacks management strategies to cognitive behavior therapy for individuals with an insomnia disorder.  相似文献   

Investigated the treatment of bedtime problems and its generalizationto night wakings. Six children (M age = 35 months) and theirparents participated in this study. A multiple-baseline designacross subjects was employed and found that treatment institutedat bedtime was successful in relieving both bedtime disturbancesand night wakings. Furthermore, significant positive changesin parental Sleep and family satisfaction occurred followingamelioration of the children's sleep problems. Data supportrecent work suggesting that chronic sleep problems in childrenare amenable to behavioral interventions. In addition, thismethod appears to be more cost-effective and less stressfulfor parents to implement than behavioral interventions thatdirectly target night wakings.  相似文献   

For the first time, the relationship between depressive symptoms and sleep quality was explored prospectively during pregnancy. Participants (n = 273) completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Beck Depression Inventory at three 8-week intervals, starting from 15-23 weeks gestation. In addition to sleep quality and depression remaining relatively stable during pregnancy, findings revealed that sleep quality earlier in pregnancy predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms at later stage in pregnancy (after controlling for prior depression levels). In contrast, there was no evidence to suggest that depressive symptoms earlier in pregnancy impacted on sleep quality later on. Given that depressive symptomatology can lead to major depression and given the prevalence of pre- and postnatal depression, our findings suggest that screening for sleep problems during pregnancy may be of clinical significance.  相似文献   

Recently, a number of portable devices designed for full polysomnography at home have appeared. However, current scalp electrodes used for electroencephalograms are not practical for patient self‐application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of recently introduced forehead electroencephalogram electrode set and supplementary chin electromyogram electrodes for sleep staging. From 31 subjects (10 male, 21 female; age 31.3 ± 11.8 years), sleep was recorded simultaneously with a forehead electroencephalogram electrode set and with a standard polysomnography setup consisting of six recommended electroencephalogram channels, two electrooculogram channels and chin electromyogram. Thereafter, two experienced specialists scored each recording twice, based on either standard polysomnography or forehead recordings. Sleep variables recorded with the forehead electroencephalogram electrode set and separate chin electromyogram electrodes were highly consistent with those obtained with the standard polysomnography. There were no statistically significant differences in total sleep time, sleep efficiency or sleep latencies. However, compared with the standard polysomnography, there was a significant increase in the amount of stage N1 and N2, and a significant reduction in stage N3 and rapid eye movement sleep. Overall, epoch‐by‐epoch agreement between the methods was 79.5%. Inter‐scorer agreement for the forehead electroencephalogram was only slightly lower than that for standard polysomnography (76.1% versus 83.2%). Forehead electroencephalogram electrode set as supplemented with chin electromyogram electrodes may serve as a reliable and simple solution for recording total sleep time, and may be adequate for measuring sleep architecture. Because this electrode concept is well suited for patient's self‐application, it may offer a significant advancement in home polysomnography.  相似文献   

The Covid‐19 pandemic has disrupted the habits of billions of people around the world. Lockdown at home is mandatory, forcing many families, each member with their own sleep–wake habits, to spend 24 hr a day together, continuously. Sleep is crucial for maintaining immune systems and contributes deeply to physical and psychological health. To assess sleep problems and use of sleeping pills, we conducted a cross‐sectional study of a representative sample of the general population in France. The self‐reported sleep complaint items, which covered the previous 8 days, have been used in the 2017 French Health Barometer Survey, a cross‐sectional survey on various public health issues. After 2 weeks of confinement, 74% of the participants (1,005 subjects) reported trouble sleeping compared with a prevalence rate of 49% in the last general population survey. Women reported more sleeping problems than men, with greater frequency or severity: 31% vs. 16%. Unusually, young people (aged 18–34 years) reported sleep problems slightly more frequently than elderly people (79% vs. 72% among those aged 35 or older), with 60% of the younger group reporting that these problems increased with confinement (vs. 51% of their elders). Finally, 16% of participants reported they had taken sleeping pills during the last 12 months, and 41% of them reported using these drugs since the lockdown started. These results suggest that the COVID crisis is associated with severe sleep disorders among the French population, especially young people.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine relationships of sleep duration with sociodemographic and health‐related factors, psychiatric disorders and sleep disturbances in a nationwide sample in Korea. A total of 6510 subjects aged 18–64 years participated in this study. Logistic regression was used to calculate the odd ratios and 95% confidence intervals of the covariates, psychiatric disorders and sleep disturbances across the following sleep duration categories: 5 h or less, 6, 7, 8 and 9 h or more per day. Low levels of education, unemployment and physical illness were associated with sleeping for 5 h or less and 9 h or more. Being older and widowed/divorced/separated, high levels of physical activity, pain/discomfort, obesity and high scores on the General Health Questionnaires were associated with sleeping for 5 h or less. Female, being younger and underweight were associated with sleeping for 9 h or more. Alcohol dependence, anxiety disorder and social phobia were associated significantly with sleeping for 5 h or less and 9 h or more. Other psychiatric disorders were more common in subjects who slept for 5 h or less (e.g. alcohol use disorder, mood disorder, major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, obsessive‐compulsive disorder and specific phobia) or 9 h or more (e.g. post‐traumatic stress disorder). In addition, subjects who slept for 5 h or less reported more sleep disturbances than did subjects who slept for 7 h. Short or long sleep is associated with psychiatric disorders and/or sleep disturbance, therefore attention to the mental health of short or long sleepers is needed.  相似文献   

In the clinical and empirical literature, vulnerable narcissism and malignant self‐regard (MSR) have been found to be highly interrelated and associated with theoretically related personality constructs, suggesting that the two constructs may be much more similar than different. The present study set out to test this hypothesis by examining the relationship of vulnerable narcissism and MSR to experiences and expressions of anger, the factor structure of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism with MSR, the associations of MSR and vulnerable narcissism to the five factor model of personality, and to global self‐esteem in self‐report measures within 1168 undergraduate students. A separate study of 158 undergraduates also assessed how MSR and vulnerable narcissism predicted state and trait anxiety and anger after receiving positive or negative feedback, and the extent to which negative feedback interacted with MSR and vulnerable narcissism. Overall, compared with grandiose narcissism, both MSR and vulnerable narcissism were more associated with experiencing anger internally, self‐reports of state and trait anger, high levels of neuroticism and openness, and lower levels of extraversion and global self‐esteem. Both vulnerable narcissism and MSR uniquely predicted trait levels of anger and anxiety and state levels of anger after receiving negative feedback. It is concluded that MSR and vulnerable narcissism are likely identical constructs.  相似文献   

Problems with sleep and cognitive impairment are common among people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The present study examined the relationship between self‐reported sleep and both objective and perceived cognitive impairment in MS. Data were obtained from the baseline assessment of a multi‐centre intervention trial (NCT00841321). Participants were 121 individuals with MS. Nearly half (49%) of participants met the criteria for objective cognitive impairment; however, cognitively impaired and unimpaired participants did not differ on any self‐reported sleep measures. Nearly two‐thirds (65%) of participants met the criteria for ‘poor’ sleep, and poorer sleep was significantly associated with greater levels of perceived cognitive impairment. Moreover, the relationships between self‐reported sleep and perceived cognitive impairment were significant beyond the influence of clinical and demographic factors known to influence sleep and cognitive functioning (e.g. age, sex, education level, disability severity, type of MS, disease duration, depression and fatigue). However, self‐reported sleep was not associated with any measures of objective cognitive impairment. Among different types of perceived cognitive impairment, poor self‐reported sleep was most commonly related to worse perceived executive function (e.g. planning/organization) and prospective memory. Results from the present study emphasize that self‐reported sleep is significantly and independently related to perceived cognitive impairment in MS. In terms of clinical implications, interventions focused on improving sleep may help improve perceived cognitive function and quality of life in this population; however, the impact of improved sleep on objective cognitive function requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the associations of sleep duration with subsequent weight and major weight gain in women and men during a follow-up period of 5-7years. The data were derived from the Helsinki Health Study cohort mail questionnaire surveys among 40-60-year-old employees of the City of Helsinki, Finland. At baseline in 2000-2002, 8960 people responded to the survey (80% women, response rate 67%). The follow-up survey was conducted in 2007 among all respondents to the baseline survey (n=7332, response rate 83%). Sleep duration (5h or less up to 10h or more) and weight and weight gain of at least 5kg were based on self-reports. Analyses of variance and logistic regression analyses were used to examine the associations between sleep duration and weight, as well as major weight gain. Short sleep duration was associated with major weight gain [odds ratio (OR) 1.52; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08, 2.14] during the follow-up. Adjusting for several covariates had only minor effects on that association. Long sleep duration was associated with major weight gain after adjusting for age (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.00-1.81). No associations were found among men. Sleep duration was associated with major weight gain among middle-aged employed women. Short sleep may be a risk factor for subsequent weight gain.  相似文献   

Vagal regulation and emotional intensity predict children's sleep problems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examined the role of children's emotional intensity and vagal functioning in predicting sleep problems in healthy elementary school-aged children. Children's dispositional emotionality was examined via parent report, and their vagal regulation was assessed via respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) during a baseline and a reaction time (RT) task. Sleep problems were examined through both child reports, and home monitoring with wrist actigraphs for four consecutive nights. Increased emotional intensity was predictive of a reduced amount of sleep and increased night activity. Less apt vagal regulation, characterized by lower levels of RSA suppression to the RT task, was predictive of increased sleep problems as assessed through both subjective and actigraphy-based measures of sleep. Results indicate that children's emotionality and regulation predict unique variance in the amount and quality of children's sleep, and suggest that they may underlie, at least in part, sleep disturbances in healthy children.  相似文献   

Sleep problems in children with autism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Autism is a developmental disability characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, and the presence of repetitive-ritualistic behaviors. Sleep problems are frequently reported by parents of children with autism with prevalence estimates of 44-83% for sleep disorders in this population. To better understand sleep in autism, we surveyed sleep problems in 210 children with autism using a Likert-based questionnaire for parent report. The most frequently reported sleep problems included difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleep, not falling asleep in own bed, and frequent wakenings. Least frequently reported sleep problems were sleep walking, morning headaches, crying during sleep, apnea, and nightmares. When surveys were divided into mental retardation (MR)/not MR categories, no significant differences were identified in frequencies of reported sleep problems except for waking at night which occurred much more frequently in the MR group. There was also no difference in sleep problems related to age of the child other than nocturnal enuresis. An association was noted between certain medical problems and sleep problems. Vision problems, upper respiratory problems, and runny nose were associated with decreased nighttime sleep. Vision problems, poor appetite, and poor growth were associated with increased nighttime waking. Poor appetite and poor growth were associated with decreased willingness to fall asleep. This study confirms a high prevalence of sleep problems reported by parents of children with autism and points to the need for more systematic research as an initial step in developing treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Insomnia symptoms are highly prevalent in depressed older adults. This study investigates the association between hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity and symptoms of insomnia, respectively, sleep duration among 294 depressed and 123 non‐depressed older adults of the Netherlands Study of Depression in Older people (NESDO) study. Insomnia symptoms were defined as clinically relevant when having a score ≥ 10 points on the Women's Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale (WHIIRS). Sleep duration was categorized in short (≤ 6 h per night), normal (7–8 h per night) and long (≥ 9 h per night) duration. Salivary cortisol levels were used to assess the following cortisol parameters for HPA axis activity: area under the curve with respect to the increase (AUCi) and to the ground (AUCg), diurnal slope, evening cortisol level and dexamethasone suppression ratio. Clinically relevant insomnia symptoms were present in 46% of the participants. Thirty‐two per cent of the participants were short sleepers, whereas 16% were long sleepers. However, univariate analyses showed no differences in any of the HPA axis parameters between people with and without insomnia symptoms or between the three groups with different sleep duration. In addition, no significant interaction was found between a diagnosis of depression or the severity of depressive symptoms and any of the cortisol parameters in relation to insomnia symptoms or sleep duration.  相似文献   

In the current global home confinement situation due to the COVID‐19 outbreak, most individuals are exposed to an unprecedented stressful situation of unknown duration. This may not only increase daytime stress, anxiety and depression levels, but also disrupt sleep. Importantly, because of the fundamental role that sleep plays in emotion regulation, sleep disturbance can have direct consequences upon next day emotional functioning. In this paper, we summarize what is known about the stress?sleep link and confinement as well as effective insomnia treatment. We discuss those effects of the current home confinement situation that can disrupt sleep but also those that could benefit sleep quality. We suggest adaptions of cognitive behavioural therapy elements that are feasible to implement for those facing changed work schedules and requirements, those with health anxiety and those handling childcare and home‐schooling, whilst also recognizing the general limitations imposed on physical exercise and social interaction. Managing sleep problems as best as possible during home confinement can limit stress and possibly prevent disruptions of social relationships.  相似文献   

Adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often experience greater sleep difficulties compared to those without. However, findings are mixed, and other mental health conditions are often overlooked. This study aimed to examine the relationship between sleep problems, ADHD, and other mental health conditions in a sample of adolescents. Data from 373 adolescents aged 10–19 years was used as part of the wider ‘Healthy Brain Network’ study, which targets children and adolescents experiencing mental health and neurodevelopmental difficulties. Mental health conditions were assessed via a comprehensive assessment. Sleep was measured by self- and parent-report, as well as via up to a month of actigraphy data. Actigraphy data were analysed using mixed-methods modelling, while subjective sleep data were analysed using multiple regression. Subjectively-reported sleep was generally worse in adolescents who had ADHD and other mental health conditions compared to those with ADHD but no other conditions. There were no associations between ADHD status and objective sleep measures or self-reported measures, but a significant association was found between ADHD status and parent-reported sleep difficulties, even when accounting for other conditions. Parent-reported sleep problems were associated not only with ADHD, but also with anxiety, depression, and externalising disorders. The strength of association between ADHD and sleep problems is potentially not as strong as previously thought when considering the role of other mental health conditions. Clinicians should consider the role of other mental health conditions when sleep problems are present, and vice versa. The study also highlights the importance of comprehensive, multi-informant assessment of mental health conditions, including sleep.  相似文献   

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