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目的:探讨多层螺旋CT曲面重建成像技术在诊断腰椎小关节病中的应用价值。方法:对28例临床拟诊腰椎小关节病患者行腰2-骶1多层螺旋CT平扫,并对腰椎小关节进行多角度曲面重建成像。结果:诊断腰椎小关节病20例,其中关节突增生、硬化、变形12例;关节间隙左右不对称变窄或增宽19例;关节面毛糙、硬化10例;关节间隙内真空征5例。腰椎小关节CT表现正常8例。结论:多层螺旋CT曲面重建成像能全面、直观地显示腰椎小关节,为腰椎小关节病的诊断提供了可靠的影像学依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多排螺旋CT对成人腰椎小关节病的诊断价值及临床意义.方法:回顾性分析临床及影像资料齐全的71例腰椎小关节病,对发病的腰椎小关节形态、病变数目、椎间盘形态及密度等指标进行了观察.结果:所有病例均有多排螺旋CT检查,其中52例同时有X线检查.腰椎小关节病的多排螺旋CT表现关节突增生肥大56例,小关节间隙变窄49例,32例关节面凹凸不平并伴有骨性关节面下小的囊性变.18例腰椎小关节内出现真空征象,12例关节脱位或半脱位,7例椎小关节囊钙化,表现为小关节间隙内或外侧缘出现新月形钙化.同时合并椎问盘膨出25例,椎间盘突出37例.在52例X线片中,23例椎小关节模糊,间隙狭窄,同时伴有骨质增生硬化,29例未发现确切的异常征象.结论:X线对腰椎小关节病的诊断仅限于对关节面骨质及关节间隙宽窄度的评价,而多排螺旋CT是诊断成人腰椎小关节病的首选方法,它能清楚地鉴别椎小关节病和椎间盘病变.  相似文献   

目的:比较正常人与骨质疏松症患者椎小关节病的发生率,探讨骨质疏松症与腰椎小关节病之间的相关性。方法:应用定量CT对本地132例腰腿痛患者进行L2~4椎体松质骨骨密度测定,并根据测得的骨密度和T值分为骨质疏松症组和骨密度正常组进行腰椎小关节病发病率的比较分析。结果:132例中符合骨质疏松症诊断标准的为45例,符合骨质密度正常诊断标准的为87例。45例骨质疏松症组中有32例CT诊断为腰椎小关节病,发病率为71.1%,87例骨密度正常组中有42例CT诊断为腰椎小关节病,发病率为48.3%。骨质疏松组中腰椎小关节发病率明显高于骨密度正常组(P<0.05)。结论:骨质疏松症是导致腰椎小关节病的病因之一。  相似文献   

胸锁关节、椎弓关节积气5例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告嘉兴市一院1992年~1996年经CT检查确诊胸锁关节、椎弓关节积气5例,分析如下。1材料与方法CT检查证实的胸锁关节、椎弓关节积气有5例。男2例,女3例。年龄36~58岁。2例因咯血、痰中带血作胸部CT检查。3例因腰腿痛作L4~5,L5~S1椎间盘CT检查。胸部CT层厚8mm,层距10mm。椎间盘CT层厚4mm,层距4mm。2结果胸锁关节积气2例,均为右侧胸锁关节。表现为关节间隙内充盈低密气体影,CT值1例为-463Hu,1例为-389Hu。椎弓关节积气3例,其中两侧椎弓关节1例,左侧椎弓关节2…  相似文献   

笔者从 1997— 1999年收集了经摄腰椎关节突关节位照片后 ,提示为腰椎小关节退行性改变 ,同时作了CT扫描的 2 3例腰腿痛的病人进行了回顾对比分析 ,并对其影像检查方法的选择 ,诊断的价值 ,敏感性和限度作一评价 ,供参考。1 材料与方法1 1 腰椎关节突关节位摄片方法[1]  患者仰卧摄影台上 ,健侧身体抬高 ,使人体冠状面与台面成角 ,男为 40° ,女为45° ,上腰部减少 5度 ,下腰部增加 5度 ,以第 4腰椎为中心 ,腰椎棘突后缘位于中线外 5cm ,下肢患侧屈曲 ,健侧伸直 ,暗盒置于滤线器托盘下 ,中心线由第 4腰椎射入胶片中心 ,观察L2 ~S1…  相似文献   

本组通过对36例腰椎间盘突出症病人行硬膜外腔注射药物加牵引治疗,取得满意效果,现报告如下。1资料与方法 36例病人均经腰椎CT扫描或X线摄片诊为腰椎间盘突出症,排除其他原因所致腰腿痛,其中男 25例,女 11例;年龄19—65岁;病程1个月~4年;病变部位L3-4为5例,L4-5为12例,L6~S1为19例;均有不同程度的腰腿痛,活动受限,2例生活不能自理,椎间隙变窄者28例,合并骨质增生17例。治疗方法采用硬膜外腔注射药物,穿刺部位一般为病变上一个间隙。药物为 2%利多卡因 5 ml、地塞米松 10 …  相似文献   

腰椎小关节综合征的影像学诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨腰椎小关节综合征的影像学表现。材料与方法:回顾性分析84例腰腿痛病人的CT和X线平片,CT发现腰椎小关节异常53例,平片发现24例。结果:腰椎小关节综合征的CT表现为小关节突增生肥大,骨赘形成,关节间隙狭窄,关节面下囊变,关节内真空现象,关节囊钙化,侧隐窝狭窄等,后4方面普通X线平片检查难以显示。结论:CT可为腰椎小关节综合征的诊断提供可靠的影像学依据,对腰腿痛病人的合理施治有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨多层螺旋CT曲面重建成像在诊断腰椎小关节病中的应用价值。方法对42例临床拟诊腰椎关节病患者行L2-S1多层螺旋CT平扫.并对腰椎小关节进行多角度曲面重建成像。结果本组共诊断腰椎小关节病35例.其中关节突增生.硬化、变形19例:关节间隙左右不对称变窄或增宽32例;关节面毛糙17例:关节间隙内真空征11例。结论多层螺旋CT曲面重建成像能全面、直观地显示腰椎小关节,为腰椎小关节病的诊断提供了可靠的影像学依据。  相似文献   

腰椎小关节退变是腰椎退变的重要组成部分,是引起患者腰腿痛的常见原因。但在临床工作中常被忽视,相关文献把椎小关节退变伴腰腿痛命名为椎小关节综合征。本组收集了130例有腰椎小关节退变CT表现的病例,综合分析如下。  相似文献   

椎小关节病是一种因肩背痛和腰腿痛而就诊的常见病.早在1911年Goldthwait就指出椎小关节病可以引起腰背痛,随后Chormley(1933)把椎小关节退变伴腰腿痛命名为椎小关节综合征.自从CT应用于脊柱外科临床以来,人们对本病的认识得到了进一步提高.作者回顾分析了本院1993~1997年因肩背和腰腿痛而就诊的患者CT资料872例,其中有椎小关节病者213例(24.43%),现分析如下.  相似文献   

Back and leg pain in patients with lumbar disc herniation can be caused by various mechanisms. In addition to nerve root compression, functional alterations in the sacroiliac joint, facet joint or the iliolumbar and sacrotuberal ligaments can produce "pseudoradicular" lower back syndrome. The following study attempts to show whether or not pain and functional alterations in the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) correlate with herniations revealed by computed tomography (CT). The study also attempts to determine the correlation between pain and functional changes of the SIJ and the size and level of the disc herniation. Fifty patients with monosegmental disc herniations revealed by CT who showed no signs of bone or soft tissue alterations were included in this study. The average duration of the patients' complaints of leg or back pain was 5.7 years. Ninety-six percent of these patients had received conservative treatment before admission to our hospital. All patients were compared to a control group consisting of 16 healthy subjects of comparable age. All patients underwent a comprehensive functional, neurologic and radiologic examination. The CTs were analyzed by a standardized three-dimensional method. All of the 50 patients had sciatica complaints and a disc herniation revealed by CT. In two cases hemiation of the L3-4 disc was demonstrated, in 14 cases L4-5 disc herniation and in 34 cases a L5-S1 disc herniation. In contrast to the control group of 15 healthy subjects, the patients showed a significant number of functional disorders upon examination. In 84% of all patients, movement of the SIJ was restricted. Painful palpation of the symphysis was demonstrated in 46% of all cases. Thirty-five percent of patients with herniation of L4-5 disc demonstrated SIJ tenderness as opposed to 65% of the patients with herniation of the L5-S1 disc. This SIJ tenderness did not correlate with motion of the SIJ. In addition, SIJ motion and frequency of sensory dysfunction showed no correlation with the size of the disc herniation. Paralysis and loss of reflexes showed a positive correlation with the increasing size of the disc herniation. SIJ tenderness decreased as the size of the herniation increased. Dysfunction of the ipsilateral SIJ is explained by increased muscular tone caused by irritation of the n. sinuvertebralis and its lumbar coupling. Frequency of SIJ tenderness is significantly higher in patients with herniations between L5 and S1. Since the SIJ is innervated by the r. dorsalis of the sacral roots, the increased tenderness can be explained by the change in neurovegetative innervation of the SIJ. Due to the high correlation between lumbar disc herniation and SIJ dysfunction, disc herniation should be considered as a possible cause of sacroiliac-joint syndrome.  相似文献   

Does osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine cause chronic low back pain?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lumbar spine is a common location for osteoarthritis. The axial skeleton demonstrates the same classic alterations of cartilage loss, joint instability, and osteophytosis characteristic of symptomatic disease in the appendages. Despite these similarities, questions remain regarding the lumbar spine facet joints as a source of chronic back pain. The facet joints undergo a progression of degeneration that may result in pain. The facet joints have sensory input from two spinal levels that makes localization of pain difficult. Radiographic studies describe intervertebral disc abnormalities in asymptomatic individuals that are associated with, but not synonymous for, osteoarthritis. Patients who do not have osteoarthritis of the facet joints on magnetic resonance scan do not have back pain. Single photon emission computed tomography scans of the axial skeleton are able to identify painful facet joints with increased activity that may be helped by local anesthetic injections. Low back pain is responsive to therapies that are effective for osteoarthritis in other locations. Osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine does cause low back pain.  相似文献   

In Western industrial countries, low back pain is one of the most frequent causes of illness. Between the 4th and 5th decades of life approximately 80% of adults complain of low back pain, lasting for fairly long periods. About 10% of this population must undergo disc surgery once during life. Several authors have discribed good results for lumbar disc surgery in 55%-86% of their cases. Few control data are available, however, on patients with radiologically proven herniation of the disc regression, who were treated conservatively. Their observations indicate that regression of herniation of a lumbar disc is possible using conservative therapy exclusively. A study was therefore carried out on 43 patients with lumbar disc abnormalities, as demonstrated by spinal computed tomography (CT). Initially, 38 of them showed a herniation and 5 protrusion of the disc plus further neurological deficits and radicular pain syndromes. The subjects were followed up for over 20 months (mean) and monitored by CT in order to check the possibility that the CT findings, neurological deficits, and pain would regress a lengthy period of therapy. The results were the following: Initially, all patients complained of severe low back pain and sciatica, leading to subsequent treatment. At the time of follow-up, 15 of them still reported remittent or chronic low back pain, 9 remittent, and 16 chronic sciatic pain but of much less intensity. Before treatment, 40 patients had neurological deficits, whereas at the time of follow-up, only 24 patients still had deficits. In 2 patients the symptoms had not changed and in 2 others slight deterioration was observed. CT control examinations showed clear regression in the extent of disc herniation in 15 patients, in 18 a moderate decrease, and in 9 cases the CT findings had not changed. A favorable tendency towards regression was observed in disc herniations at the level of L5-S1 and in cases showing sequestration of the disc. Herniations of the disc at higher levels between L4-5 and L3-4 or a lateral herniation, reaching the intervertebral foramen, showed on unfavorable prognosis.  相似文献   

背景:许多腰椎退行性疾病患者内固定后影像学显示获得了充分的神经减压和良好的内固定植骨融合,却残留或出现顽固下腰痛,疗效并不满意,因此可能还存在许多其他因素影响着疗效。目的:分析腰椎柔韧性及关节突关节退变程度对腰椎植入物内固定疗效的影响。方法:随访120例行腰4,5单节段内固定患者,内固定前测量前屈、后伸位腰椎前凸角度的变化作为腰椎柔韧性指标,测量腰3,4关节突关节角,并进行退变程度分级,内固定前和内固定后1年对患者进行Oswestry评分,计算改善率。分析腰椎柔韧性及关节突关节退变对内固定后症状改善率的影响。结果与结论:腰椎柔韧性与内固定后症状改善率呈正相关。关节突关节退变严重组症状改善率差,关节突关节角不对称组症状改善率较差。因此腰椎柔韧性、关节突关节角对称性和关节突关节退变程度是影响腰椎内固定后疗效的重要因素。  相似文献   

背景:许多腰椎退行性疾病患者内固定后影像学显示获得了充分的神经减压和良好的内固定植骨融合,却残留或出现顽固下腰痛,疗效并不满意,因此可能还存在许多其他因素影响着疗效.目的:分析腰椎柔韧性及关节突关节退变程度对腰椎植入物内固定疗效的影响.方法:随访120例行腰4,5单节段内固定患者,内固定前测量前屈、后伸位腰椎前凸角度的变化作为腰椎柔韧性指标,测量腰3,4关节突关节角,并进行退变程度分级,内固定前和内固定后1年对患者进行Oswestry评分,计算改善率.分析腰椎柔韧性及关节突关节退变对内固定后症状改善率的影响.结果与结论:腰椎柔韧性与内固定后症状改善率呈正相关.关节突关节退变严重组症状改善率差,关节突关节角不对称组症状改善率较差.因此腰椎柔韧性、关节突关节角对称性和关节突关节退变程度是影响腰椎内固定后疗效的重要因素.  相似文献   

Il-Kyu Im  Eun-Seok Son  Du Hwan Kim 《PM & R》2018,10(11):1283-1287
Lumbar epidural varices are a rare cause of radicular pain mimicking lumbar disc herniation or other cyst-like masses including sequestrated disc herniation, facet joint synovial cyst, or perineural cyst. We report a case of a 36-year-old woman presenting with lumbar radicular pain caused by a lumbar epidural varix. Lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a cystic lesion in the ventral epidural space posterior to the right L4 body. Surgery was conducted and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of an epidural varix. Lumbar epidural varices and other lumbar cystic lesions can commonly cause radicular pain. Physicians will benefit from increased awareness of epidural varices as a cause of lumbosacral radicular pain and the associated radiologic findings supporting differential diagnosis. In particular, careful interpretation of MRI scans may help ensure proper diagnosis of an epidural varix versus other cystic lesions.

Level of Evidence

V  相似文献   

背景:脊柱不稳经常被提及,但是很少有确切的定义,由于缺乏规整的临床经验或放射学准则的效果评价,所以仍然是一个有争议的概念。目的:对腰椎不稳症(尤其是退行性腰椎不稳症)的定义及诊断腰椎不稳症的影像学方法作一综述。方法:以"lumbar instability,traction spurs,ligament,disc space narrowing"等关键词在slide share、medlind和NCBI数据库筛选近30年的文献资料,语言种类为英文,最终纳入文章49篇。结果与结论:腰椎不稳症一方面可能是引起下腰痛和坐骨神经痛的病因,另一方面也常常被认为是决定脊柱融合和减压的一个重要条件。因其临床症状和体征无特异性,所以对此病的有效诊断和治疗也存在争议。功能性正侧位平片是腰椎不稳症影像学诊断使用最广泛最全面的一种方法。CT提供了更准确的脊柱退行性变和椎间关节方向的图像。磁共振通常被认为是诊断退行性脊椎改变最精确的成像方法,除了真空现象,常被用来诊断患者的慢性下腰痛。  相似文献   

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