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A Task Force on 'Teaching of Neuroimaging in Neurology Curricula in Europe' was appointed in September 1998 by the education committee of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) in order to: (1) examine the present status of teaching of neuroimaging in the training of neurology in European countries, and, in particular, to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the various countries; (2) give recommendations for global improvement and harmonization of such training. A questionnaire was completed in February 1999 and sent to 35 delegates of national neurological societies. Completed questionnaires were received from 21 countries: Albania, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and UK. The questionnaire revealed that the situation in Europe is highly heterogeneous, both as regards the training in neurology in general and, more specifically, the teaching of neuroimaging during the training. Some recommendations to make the teaching of neuroimaging more homogeneous across European countries and to improve it are provided.  相似文献   

<正>Dementia is a syndrome with various underlying pathologies acting independently or in concert to cause cognitive dysfunction.The development of disease-specific treatments and targeted prevention strategies requires precise clinical sub-typing via etiology and pathophysiological processes.Furthermore,recent research advances in biomarkers,especially for Alzheimer’s disease(AD) diagnosis,have improved diagnostic precision for dementia.This has led to the proposal of an AT(N) framework fo...  相似文献   

Prenatal opioid exposure (POE) has shown to be a risk factor for adverse long-term cognitive and behavioral outcomes in offspring. However, the neural mechanisms of these outcomes remain poorly understood. While preclinical and human studies suggest that these outcomes may be due to opioid-mediated changes in the fetal and early postnatal brain, other maternal, social, and environmental factors are also shown to play a role. Recent neuroimaging studies reveal brain alterations in children with POE. Early neuroimaging and novel methodology could provide an in vivo mechanistic understanding of opioid mediated alterations in developing brain. However, this is an area of ongoing research. In this review we explore recent imaging developments in POE, with emphasis on the neonatal and infant brain, and highlight some of the challenges of imaging the developing brain in this population. We also highlight evidence from animal models and imaging in older children and youth to understand areas where future research may be targeted in infants with POE.  相似文献   

Thanks to an ever increasing array of sophisticated techniques, neuroimaging has become an integral part of clinical neurology and a major tool in the neurosciences. Because, undoubtedly, the role of neuroimaging will grow even further, a Task-force on Neuroimaging was created by the EFNS in June 1996 to assess how academic neurology in Europe should adapt to such rapid changes. The present report summarizes the conclusions reached by this task-force. After a brief survey of the current optimal use and potential developments of neuroimaging in academic neurology, a set of recommendations and guidelines are proposed, which can be summarized as follows:

The advent of the “atypical” antipsychotics has significantly advanced the pharmacologic treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. In contrast to the first-generation conventional neuroleptics, these second-generation antipsychotic agents possess a broader spectrum of efficacy and cause fewer motor side-effects such as extrapyramidal symptoms and tardive dyskinesia. However, despite these advantages, second-generation antipsychotic agents also have significant limitations in terms of efficacy and adverse effects. Several strategies to address these shortcomings are currently under study and some of these are likely to become part of our therapeutic armamentarium in the future. Current short-comings in the pharmacologic treatment of schizophrenia and strategies under investigation to address each of these deficiencies are reviewed. New formulations of existing medications and new antipsychotic agents under development are discussed. Developing adjunctive treatment strategies to address each of the major psychopathological domains in schizophrenia are summarized. The potential application of genetic information to treatment matching in schizophrenia is reviewed, and likely refinements in the practice of evidence-based medicine in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia are considered. New molecular targets that are being explored in schizophrenia pharmacotherapy are summarized.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) generally begins with mild memory problems which occur in an insidious manner and progresses to the development of multiple cognitive impairments. There is a ‘gray’ area between what is classified as ‘normal’ and what is classified as ‘dementia’, currently called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In this article, a case of MCI is described, and the diagnosis, assessment, subclassification (pre‐Alzheimer type and white matter lesion type) and future therapeutic plans for MCI are reviewed.  相似文献   

缺血性卒中血管内治疗的现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过20余年的发展,脑血管内治疗技术在应用材料和临床经验上已取得了显著的进步。一些相关随机对照临床试验的中远期随访结果亦相继公布,为脑血管病的血管内治疗提供了重要证据。介入治疗技术在急性缺血性卒中后血管再通方面的应用研究尤其发展迅速,笔者拟就血管内治疗技术在缺血性脑血管病中的治疗现状和发展趋势进行简要综述。  相似文献   

与抑郁障碍相比,双相障碍的临床表现和病程更复杂,治疗更困难,预后更差,自杀风险更大。据报道,双相谱系障碍的患病率为6%,但是在世界范围内尤其是在中国,对这类疾病的识别率和治疗率很低。临床医生需要更熟悉"软双相"的症状,更准确地鉴别双相抑郁与单相抑郁,更准确地区分出共病双相障碍的其他精神障碍,并为预防双相障碍的复发提供更有效的维持治疗。对双相谱系障碍的临床研究需要有效地整合心理治疗和生物治疗。  相似文献   

Cognitive therapy/cognitive behavior therapy was introduced into the field of psychiatry in the late 1980s in Japan, and the Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy (JACT), founded in 2004, now has more than 1500 members. Along with such progress, awareness of the effectiveness of cognitive therapy/cognitive behavioral therapy has spread, not only among professionals and academics but also to the public. The Study Group of the Procedures and Effectiveness of Psychotherapy, funded by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, has conducted a series of studies on the effectiveness of cognitive therapy/cognitive behavior therapy since 2006 and shown that it is feasible for Japanese patients. As a result, in April 2010 cognitive therapy/cognitive behavior therapy for mood disorders was added to the national health insurance scheme in Japan. This marked a milestone in Japan's psychiatric care, where pharmacotherapy has historically been more common. In this article the authors review research on cognitive therapy/cognitive behavior therapy in Japan.  相似文献   

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an intermediate state between normal aging and dementia, is characterized by acquired cognitive deficits, without significant decline in functional activities of daily living. Studies conducted on MCI have introduced new concepts regarding the possible distinctions between normal and pathologic aging of the brain. Neuroimaging and genetic testing have aided in the identification of individuals at increased risk for dementia. The measurement of change in cognitive and functional status in MCI remains challenging, because it requires instruments that are more sensitive and specific than those considered adequate for research in dementia. The authors provide an overview of the many methods that have been used to study MCI and directions that may help achieve greater uniformity in methodology. Considerable heterogeneity exists in research methodology used to study the epidemiology, thresholds for cognitive and functional impairment, rate of progression, risk factors, and defining subtypes of MCI. This article emphasizes the need for uniformity in the use of 1) appropriate and sensitive neuropsychological and functional measures to diagnose MCI, 2) reliable methods to determine progression or improvement of cognitive impairment, and 3) instruments in epidemiologic studies to establish population estimates for diverse ethnic and cultural groups. Greater consensus is needed to standardize definitions and research methodology for MCI, so as to make future studies more comparable and more useful for designing effective treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Patients with non-central nervous system cancers often experience subtle cognitive deficits after treatment with cytotoxic agents. Therapy-induced structural changes to the brain could be one of the possible causes underlying these reported cognitive deficits. In this review, we evaluate the use of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for assessing possible therapy-induced changes in the microstructure of the cerebral white matter (WM) and provide a critical overview of the published DTI research on therapy-induced cognitive impairment. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal DTI studies have demonstrated abnormal microstructural properties in WM regions involved in cognition. These findings correlated with cognitive performance, suggesting that there is a link between reduced “WM integrity” and chemotherapy-induced impaired cognition. In this paper, we will also introduce the basics of diffusion tensor imaging and how it can be applied to evaluate effects of therapy on structural changes in cerebral WM. The review concludes with considerations and discussion regarding DTI data interpretation and possible future directions for investigating therapy-induced WM changes in cancer patients. This review article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Neuroimaging Studies of Cancer and Cancer Treatment.  相似文献   

In this article, we primarily focus on the treatment approaches currently marketed and in advanced stages of development for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles remain the pathologic hallmarks of AD, and much progress has been made in unraveling the molecular biology of these changes. In addition, there is also intense research into inflammatory and oxidative mechanisms as well as vascular and neurochemical alterations in AD. Therapies targeted at these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

In this grand rounds, we focus on development, validation, and application of neuroimaging biomarkers for Parkinson disease (PD). We cover whether such biomarkers can be used to identify presymptomatic individuals (probably yes), provide a measure of PD severity (in a limited fashion, but frequently done poorly), investigate pathophysiology of parkinsonian disorders (yes, if done carefully), play a role in differential diagnosis of parkinsonism (not well), and investigate pathology underlying cognitive impairment (yes, in conjunction with postmortem data). Along the way, we clarify several issues about definitions of biomarkers and surrogate endpoints. The goal of this lecture is to provide a basis for interpreting current literature and newly proposed clinical tools in PD. In the end, one should be able to critically distinguish fact from fantasy. Ann Neurol 2014;76:769–783  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a biologic disorder whose etiology involves a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. In this review, the authors update the conceptual basis of schizotaxia, consider evidence for its validity, and look toward its likely evolution in the future.  相似文献   

A primary goal of the international workshop "Brain Uptake and Utilization of Fatty Acids" was to identify research areas that would benefit from further investigation. The major themes for future research are presented below: (1) Elucidating the role of the developing and mature cerebrovascular endothelium (CVE) in the uptake of fatty acids (FA) into the brain. (2) Clarifying the role of diffusion and receptor-mediated uptake of FAs by various brain cell membranes and protein-mediated shuttling of FAs between the CVE and various brain cells and tissues. (3) Illuminating the mechanisms of intermediate metabolism and the roles of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in astrocytes, neurons and oligodendrocytes. Of special interest are the long-chain omega-3 PUFA and their derivatives, such as lipoproteins, phospholipids and plasmalogens, that have been associated with various disease states (such as those listed in [5], below). (4) Elucidating the role of gene expression on long-chain omega-3 PUFA incorporation in membranes and the regulatory role these and other PUFA have on gene expression in the brain. (5) Elucidating the recently identified roles of long-chain omega-3 PUFA in mood disorders, schizophrenia, stroke, peroxisomal biogenesis disorders, Huntington's disease, other neurodegenerative disorders and disorders of oxidative stress. (6) Undertaking placebo-controlled clinical trials to assess the therapeutic potential of omega-3 PUFA in the above disorders. (7) Developing new, and utilizing existing animal models in the above studies. (8) Developing noninvasive imaging and tagging methods for quantifying the migration and distribution of PUFA and their derivatives in the brain. (9) Applying multi-disciplinary collaborations among biophysicists, physiologists and molecular biologists to the resolution of the above.  相似文献   



A technical expert panel convened by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Institute of Mental Health was charged with reviewing the state of research on behavioral intervention technologies (BITs) in mental health and identifying the top research priorities. BITs refers to behavioral and psychological interventions that use information and communication technology features to address behavioral and mental health outcomes.


This study on the findings of the technical expert panel.


Videoconferencing and standard telephone technologies to deliver psychotherapy have been well validated. Web-based interventions have shown efficacy across a broad range of mental health outcomes. Social media such as online support groups have produced disappointing outcomes when used alone. Mobile technologies have received limited attention for mental health outcomes. Virtual reality has shown good efficacy for anxiety and pediatric disorders. Serious gaming has received little work in mental health.


Research focused on understanding reach, adherence, barriers and cost is recommended. Improvements in the collection, storage, analysis and visualization of big data will be required. New theoretical models and evaluation strategies will be required. Finally, for BITs to have a public health impact, research on implementation and application to prevention is required.  相似文献   

American Indians are the most severely disadvantaged of any population within the United States. By adolescence, Indian children show higher rates of suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, delinquency, and out-of-home placement. School achievement is severely compromised, and many youths drop out before graduation from high school. The Indian child understands the environment through intuitive, visual, and pictorial means, but success in the Anglo school is largely dependent on auditory processing, abstract conceptualization, and language skills. This difference compounds existing problems of poverty, dislocation, alienation, depression and intergenerational conflict and can partially account for the higher rate of emotional and behavioral problems among Indian adolescents.  相似文献   

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