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目的:应用超声生物显微镜(UBM)对早期闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除术后疗效观察。方法:应用UBM对28例41眼早期闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除术前后的观察。对激光虹膜周边切除术后房角增宽不明显的方法。应用UBM对28例41眼早期闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除术前后的观察。对激光虹膜周边切除术后房角增宽不明显的患者,局部点0.5%pilocapine后再次复查UBM。结果:83%的急性闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除后,可以达到治愈的目的。50%的慢性闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除术后,仍不能完全治愈,局部点0.5%的pilocapine可减少房角粘连的机会。结论:对闭角型青光眼激光虹膜周边切除术后的房角再评价十分重要。  相似文献   

目的 观察激光周边虹膜成形术联合周边虹膜切除术在治疗初次发作的急性闭角型青光眼中的安全性和有效性.方法 初次发作的急性闭角型青光眼患者67例70眼,诊断后立即行氪激光周边虹膜成形术同时或待角膜透明后行YAG激光周边虹膜切除术,观察激光治疗前后视力、眼压及超声生物显微镜监测下的房角开放度数变化.结果 视力术后24 h 92.85%的患眼视力提高2行以上;眼压术前32~80 mmHg(1 kPa=7.5 mmHg),平均(42.5±18.5) mmHg,术后1 h平均眼压(27.5±9.5) mmHg,术后4 h平均眼压(20.2±6.7) mmHg;中央前房深度术前平均(1.69±0.34) mm,术后平均(2.13±0.20) mm;房角开放情况术前均1/2以上关闭,术后92.85%患眼(65/70)房角不同程度改善,以下方和颞侧增宽明显;平均房角开放度数术前平均2.15°±0.17°,术后6.23°±0.26°.激光术后各时间点眼压及术后超声生物显微镜下的房角开放度数、前房深度与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 氪激光周边虹膜成形术联合YAG激光周边虹膜切除术是急性闭角型青光眼早期快速降眼压的一种安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

仲路  邢静  周欣  金青子 《国际眼科杂志》2009,9(11):2172-2173
目的:应用超声生物显微镜观察急性闭角型青光眼的对侧眼行激光周边虹膜切除术的有效性。方法:72例72眼急性闭角型青光眼的对侧眼行Nd:YAG激光预防性激光周边虹膜切除术,激光治疗前后应用超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)观测前房深度(anterior chamber depth,ACD)、房角开放距离500(angle o-pening distance,AOD500)和前房角开放度数(anterior angle,AA)。结果:患者术后前房深度、房角开放距离和前房角开放度数明显大于术前,术后1wk的ACD,AOD500,AA与术前相比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:激光周边虹膜切除术对于无广泛房角粘连和关闭的临床前期闭角型青光眼有预防发作和治疗作用,使用Nd:YAG激光安全可靠。  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析激光周边虹膜成形术(laser peripheral iridoplasty,LPIP)联合周边虹膜切开术(laser peripheral iridoto-my,LPID)治疗原发性急性闭角型青光眼急性发作的中期治疗效果。方法原发性急性闭角型青光眼急性发作患者51例(66眼)分为眼压控制组24例(32眼)、眼压未控制组11例(14眼)、门诊组16例(20眼),分别行LPIP及LPID治疗。术后随访12~24个月,平均(15.36±2.61)个月。超声生物显微镜检查房角开放状况,观察控制眼压时间、术后眼压、并发症。结果眼压控制组治疗前后眼压比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。眼压未控制组和门诊组的眼压在联合手术治疗后能迅速下降,2组术后0.5h、1h、2h的眼压分别为:(22.86±4.66)mmHg、(16.21±2.69)mmHg、(15.43±2.44)mmHg;(31.74±7.41)mm-Hg、(20.79±4.24)mmHg、(18.05±2.17)mmHg;与术前眼压比较,差异具有显著统计学意义(均为P<0.001)。各组随访期间眼压均低于21mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)。术后12个月,眼压未控制组、眼压控制组、门诊组平均眼压分别为(15.59±2.39)mmHg、(16.39±2.89)mmHg、(15.79±2.56)mmHg。超声生物显微镜检查示LPIP术后房角能迅速有效开放,随访期间无周边虹膜前粘连进展。LPIP和LPID治疗后无明显并发症。结论 LPIP能有效开放前房角,迅速降低眼压;联合LPID能安全有效治疗原发性急性闭角型青光眼的急性发作。  相似文献   

目的 观察激光周边虹膜成形术联合周边虹膜切除术在治疗首次发作的急性闭角型青光眼的安全性和有效性.方法 闭角型青光眼患者30例59眼,诊断后首先药物降压,然后行氪激光周边虹膜成形术同时行YAG激光周边虹膜切除术,观察激光治疗前后超声生物显微镜监测下的房角开放度数及眼压的变化.结果 术前眼压为(27.14±18.49) mm Hg,术后2周眼压为(16.64±5.23) mm Hg,术后半年眼压为(18.24±6.17) mm Hg,术前与术后2周及术后半年眼压比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).房角开放情况:平均房角开放度数:术前平均3点位(4.08±5.79)°,6点位(1.84±3.43)°,9点位(3.13±5.12)°,12点位(1.26±3.35)°,术后3点位(12.79±10.13)°,6点位(10.06±8.31)°,9点位(11.99±5.65)°,12点位(7.48±8.11)°.激光术后超声生物显微镜下的各方位房角开放度数与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 氪激光周边虹膜成形术联合YAG激光周边虹膜切除术是治疗急性闭角型青光眼一种安全有效的方法,能有效加深患者房角,降低患者眼压.  相似文献   

超声生物显微镜在原发性闭角型青光眼中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超声生物显微镜(u ltrasound b iom icroscopy,UBM)是一种高频超声波成像技术,对活体眼的眼前节结构进行实时观察、测量,可提供高清晰的眼前节图像。本文是对UBM在原发性闭角型青光眼病因、发病机制、诊断尤其是在对各种青光眼手术治疗效果评价中的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的评价联合激光手术对原发性闭角型青光眼(primaryangle-closureglaucoma,PACG)的治疗和预防价值。方法对75例102眼PACG(治疗组)以及50例100眼PACG的高危人群(干预组),行联合激光手术治疗,包括激光周边虹膜切除术(laserperipheraliridectomy,LPI)或联合Argon激光周边虹膜成形术(Argonlaserperipheraliridoplasty,ALPI)。术后随访(2~4)年。结果治疗组和干预组成功率均100%。202眼最终眼压21mmHg以下。所有患者周切孔通畅、前房角不同程度开放和增宽。最终的暗室加俯卧试验均阴性。治疗前后视力、视野、眼底C/D值无明显变化。治疗组无PACG急性发作。干预组无PACG发生。除有轻微前葡萄膜炎和短暂眼压升高反应外无其它严重并发症。结论联合激光手术安全有效,是治疗PACG的较好方法之一,并能有效地预防一定高危人群PACG发生。  相似文献   

曹鎏  王林农 《国际眼科杂志》2010,10(10):1900-1902
目的:应用超声生物显微镜观察急性闭角型青光眼小梁切除术的有效性和安全性。方法:选取80例80眼急性闭角型青光眼病例按手术前眼压水平分为高眼压组(30例30眼,眼压≥30mmHg)和对照组(50例50眼,眼压<30mmHg),对两组病例小梁切除术后眼压、视力以及超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)情况等进行统计比较。结果:高眼压组术后大多数保留了较好的视力;两组病例术后眼压大多控制在8~15mmHg;UBM检测结果,高眼压组术后发生1例睫状体脱离,1例恶性青光眼,1例浅前房,对照组术后发生1例浅前房,两组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);两组患者手术后ACD,AOD,TCPD术前术后比较差异均无显著性。结论:急性闭角型青光眼高眼压下小梁切除术是有效、安全的,在充分药物治疗后,应及时采取手术治疗。UBM检查可发现小梁切除术后睫状体脱离、恶性青光眼等严重并发症,在急性闭角型青光眼诊治过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

激光周边虹膜成形术治疗青光眼急性发作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 评估激光周边虹膜成形术治疗原发性闭角型青光眼急性发作的效果。方法  2 1眼原发性闭角型青光眼第一次急性发作时以 2 %匹罗卡品、0 5 %噻吗心安滴眼液滴眼 ,立即行激光周边虹膜成形术治疗 ,15、3 0、60、90min后测量眼压。结果 激光周边虹膜成形术后 15min后 ,眼压从 3 9~ 68mmHg ,平均 ( 5 1 5± 9 4)mmHg( 1mmHg =0 13 3kPa) ,下降到 19~ 60mmHg平均 ( 3 6 1± 10 7)mmHg ,平均下降 3 0 % ;术后 3 0min眼压为 11~ 5 0mmHg ,平均 ( 2 9 6± 11 2 )mmHg ,平均下降 42 5 % ;术后 60min眼压 10~ 3 8mmHg ,平均 ( 18 9± 9 6)mmHg ,平均下降 63 3 % ;术后 90min眼压为 8~ 3 8mmHg ,平均 ( 17 1± 10 2 )mmHg ,平均下降 66 8% ;15眼术后 90min眼压≤ 2 1mmHg。结论 激光周边虹膜成形术治疗原发性闭角型青光眼急性发作是有效的。  相似文献   

超声乳化联合抗青光眼手术治疗白内障合并闭角型青光眼   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蒋慧中  施玉英 《眼科》2003,12(2):90-92
目的 :评价超声乳化吸除术联合虹膜周边切除术和联合小梁切除术对白内障合并闭角型青光眼的手术效果。方法 :回顾性分析 2 0 0 1年 4月至 12月白内障合并原发性闭角型青光眼患者行青光眼白内障联合手术 34例 4 0只眼。其中 15例 17只眼行超声乳化吸除术联合虹膜周边切除术 ,19例 2 3只眼行超声乳化吸除术联合小梁切除术。术后随访 3个月。结果 :虹膜周边切除术组术后眼压 (15 78± 4 5 2 )mmHg ,小梁切除术组术后眼压 (17 71± 3 1)mmHg ,均较术前有显著性差异(P <0 0 1)。两组间术后 1周 ,1、3个月均无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。虹膜周边切除术组术后视力≥ 0 5者 13只眼 (占76 4 7% ) ,小梁切除术组 14只眼 (占 6 0 87% )。术后各种并发症、虹膜周边切除术组为 4只眼 (2 3 5 % ) ,小梁切除术组 15只眼 (6 5 2 2 % )。结论 :超声乳化联合虹膜周边切除术或小梁切除术均可以明显降低闭角型青光眼的眼压 ,提高视力。但虹膜周边切除术手术操作简单 ,术后并发症少 ,恢复快  相似文献   

目的应用超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicrocopy,UBM)观察原发性急性闭角型青光眼合并晶体脱位的特点.探讨原发性急性闭角型青光眼合并晶体脱位的病因、临床表现及治疗效果。方法对2000年1月1日~2004年1月1日我院收治的19例(19眼)原发性急性闭角型青光眼合并晶体脱位者常规行裂隙灯及超声生物显微镜检查,观察晶体脱位范围、手术方式、术前术后视力、眼压等情况。结果19例19眼均被手术结果证实,晶体全脱位3眼,半脱位16眼。晶体脱位范围90度~360度,11眼行小梁切除术联合白内障超声乳化人工晶体植入术,8眼行小梁切除术联合晶体切除、前部玻璃体切除术、二期植入悬吊人工晶体。术前眼压大于21mmHg者17眼,术后眼压大于21mmHg者1眼。术前最佳矫正视力0.1以下者5眼,0.1~0.3者11眼,0.3以上者3眼;术后最佳矫正视力0.1以下者1眼,0.1~0.3者6眼,0.3以上者12眼。结论原发性急性闭角型青光眼合并晶体脱位可能由于急性发作期眼压骤然升高或应用降眼压药物引起眼压波动过大所致;也可能是患者年龄较大,晶体悬韧带部分断裂致晶体位置异常、瞳孔阻滞而引起急性闭角型青光眼急性发作。  相似文献   

The angle closure glaucomas are defined by iridotrabecular contact, trabecular dysfunction, and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Laser iridotomy successfully eliminates the relative pupillary block component of the angle closure process, regardless of whether the underlying angle closure is related primarily to pupillary block or another mechanism. For those eyes with angle closure originating at an anatomic level posterior to the iris, such as plateau iris, lens-induced angle closure, or posterior segment processes, argon laser peripheral iridoplasty is often useful to further open the angle. The purpose of this article is to review the indications and techniques for laser iridotomy and laser iridoplasty in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The angle closure glaucomas are defined by iridotrabecular contact, trabecular dysfunction, and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Laser iridotomy successfully eliminates the relative pupillary block component of the angle closure process, regardless of whether the underlying angle closure is related primarily to pupillary block or another mechanism. For those eyes with angle closure originating at an anatomic level posterior to the iris, such as plateau iris, lens-induced angle closure, or posterior segment processes, argon laser peripheral iridoplasty is often useful to further open the angle. The purpose of this article is to review the indications and techniques for laser iridotomy and laser iridoplasty in clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)在激光虹膜周边切除术和激光周边虹膜成形术治疗早期闭角型青光眼选择对象和评价疗效方面的作用。方法32例48眼原发性闭角型青光眼的患者,按照UBM检查分2组:A组14例22眼,均为虹膜膨隆型,做Q开关Nd:YAG激光虹膜周边切除术;B组18例26眼均为虹膜高坪型,做倍频Nd:YAG激光虹膜周边成形术。结果术后3个月32例患者的平均眼压从术前的(22.2±3.4)mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)降到(17.5±1.8)mmHg;平均用药指数从(2.5±1.5)分降到(1.1±0.8)分。激光治疗前后相比,A组和B组小梁虹膜夹角分别增加了7°和9°,房角开放距离(ADD500)分别增加了130μm和155μm,晶状体虹膜角分别减少了9°和6°,虹膜悬韧带距离分别减少了24μm和13μm,差异有明显统计学意义(P均〈0.01)。结论用UBM为激光虹膜周边切除术和激光虹膜周边成形术治疗早期闭角型青光眼选择对象和评价疗效是准确可靠的。[眼科新进展2007;27(3):221.223]  相似文献   

Ultrasound biomicroscopy in the subtypes of primary angle closure glaucoma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the anterior segment parameters in the subtypes of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) using ultrasound biomicroscopy. METHODS: Five groups, each comprising 30 consecutive patients, diagnosed to have subacute PACG, acute PACG, chronic PACG, primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), and healthy controls were included in the present study. All patients underwent slit-lamp biomicroscopy, direct ophthalmoscopy, 90D fundus examination, gonioscopy, applanation tonometry, visual field testing, A-scan biometry, and ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). The anterior segment parameters recorded included: trabecular-iris angle, angle opening distance, trabecular ciliary process distance, and the iris thickness among other parameters. RESULTS: On ultrasound biomicroscopy the trabecular iris angle of control and POAG groups was more than all the subtypes of PACG (P < 0.001). The trabecular iris angle of subacute PACG (P < 0.001) and chronic PACG (P = 0.003) was more than acute PACG. Angle opening distance of controls and POAG group was significantly more than acute PACG and chronic PACG (P < 0.001). The trabecular ciliary process distance of POAG group and controls was more than subacute PACG, acute PACG, and chronic PACG. The trabecular ciliary process distance of subacute PACG (P < 0.001) and chronic PACG (P < 0.001) was more than acute PACG. Eyes with acute PACG had the least iris thickness at the three different positions tested. There was a positive correlation between the anterior chamber angle (trabecular iris angle) and the following parameters: trabecular ciliary process distance, angle opening distance, anterior chamber depth, and the axial length (r = 0.57). CONCLUSION: Eyes with primary angle closure glaucoma have a thinner iris with a shorter trabecular iris angle, angle opening distance, and trabecular ciliary process distance. The eyes with acute primary angle closure glaucoma have the narrowest angle recess.  相似文献   

Angle closure glaucoma remains a major challenge for ophthalmologists. The three main challenges in the treatment of angle closure glaucoma are, firstly, to achieve rapid reduction of intraocular pressure in acute angle closure glaucoma, secondly, to prevent progression to chronic angle closure glaucoma, and thirdly, to manage established chronic angle closure glaucoma. Incisional surgery for angle closure glaucoma is typically required when laser surgery and/or medical therapy fail to control the intraocular pressure or control progressive synechial closure. The role for surgical iridectomy and emergency trabeculectomy in the modern management of acute angle closure glaucoma is diminishing. Trabeculectomy, goniosynechialysis, cyclodestructive procedures, and glaucoma implant are effective surgical options for chronic angle closure glaucoma, but none of them have been shown to be more effective than the others with proper comparative clinical trials. Trabeculectomy and goniosynechialysis are often combined with cataract extraction, which appears to offer additional pressure-control benefits to patients with chronic angle closure glaucoma.  相似文献   

Angle closure glaucoma remains a major challenge for ophthalmologists. The three main challenges in the treatment of angle closure glaucoma are, firstly, to achieve rapid reduction of intraocular pressure in acute angle closure glaucoma, secondly, to prevent progression to chronic angle closure glaucoma, and thirdly, to manage established chronic angle closure glaucoma. Incisional surgery for angle closure glaucoma is typically required when laser surgery and/or medical therapy fail to control the intraocular pressure or control progressive synechial closure. The role for surgical iridectomy and emergency trabeculectomy in the modern management of acute angle closure glaucoma is diminishing. Trabeculectomy, goniosynechialysis, cyclodestructive procedures, and glaucoma implant are effective surgical options for chronic angle closure glaucoma, but none of them have been shown to be more effective than the others with proper comparative clinical trials. Trabeculectomy and goniosynechialysis are often combined with cataract extraction, which appears to offer additional pressure-control benefits to patients with chronic angle closure glaucoma.  相似文献   



To report the prevalence of plateau iris in patients with primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG), in North India.

Materials and Methods:

The patients with PACG, attending the glaucoma services at a tertiary care center in North India were included in the study. All patients had undergone Nd-YAG laser peripheral iridotomy at least four weeks prior to inclusion in the study. Four weeks prior to inclusion in the study, none of the patients had used pilocarpine. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) images were qualitatively evaluated and plateau iris configuration was defined in an eye if the following criteria were fulfilled in two or more quadrants: anteriorly directed ciliary process supporting the peripheral iris, steep rise of iris root from its point of insertion followed by a downward angulation from the corneoscleral wall, absent ciliary sulcus, and iridotrabecular contact in the same quadrant.


One hundred and one eyes were included in the study. There were 63 (62.4%) females and 38 (37.6%) males. The mean age of the patients was 57.8 ± 9.5 years (range: 42 to 78 years). The mean axial length in the study population was 22.2 ± 1.1 mm. The mean spherical equivalent refraction was 0.06 ± 1.12 D. The mean intraocular pressure was 18.5 ± 4.7 mmHg (range: 12 – 24 mmHg). Twenty-nine (28.7%) subjects were diagnosed with plateau iris on the basis of above-defined criteria. Of the 29 eyes, 18 (62.1%) subjects had plateau iris in two quadrants, nine (31.03%) in three quadrants, and two (6.8%) had this configuration in all the four quadrants.


Approximately 30% of the eyes with PACG had plateau iris on UBM. Plateau iris was very often the cause for residual angle closure following laser peripheral iridotomy in Indian eyes with PACG.  相似文献   

目的 探讨明、暗光线下超声活体显微镜(UBM)检杳在发现前房角关闭中的作用.方法 系列病例研究.选择50岁及以上的浅前房和具有解剖的窄前房角人群作为研究对象.应用Van Herick法对受检人群进行周边前房深度检杳,对其中周边前房深度≤1/3角膜厚度者进行前房角镜检查,确定是否为解剖的窄前房角者.对解剖的窄前房角患眼进行明、暗光线下UBM检查,分别观察受检眼上方、颞上方、颞侧、颞下方、下方、鼻下方、鼻侧和鼻上方8个检查部位有无前房角关闭,评估具有解剖的窄前房角患眼前房角关闭率.从UBM图像中测量前房角开放距离.应用SPSS 12.0统计软件包,对研究数据进行分析.明、暗光线下前房角关闭率比较采用配对X2检验,前房角开放距离的比较采用Wilcoxon检验,以P<0.05作为差异有统计学意义.结果 符合入选条件的共有194例(379只眼)患者.以受检眼计算,在明、暗光线下UBM检杏发现的前房角关闭率分别为26.1%和69.7%,显示暗光线下前房角关闭率明显增高,两者间差异有统计学意义(X2=159.148,P=0.000).明、暗光线下均以上方的前房角关闭率最高,分别为21.4%和58.6%.周边前房深度越浅,前房角关闭率越高.周边前房深度<1/4角膜厚度眼在暗光线下前房角关闭率高达98.3%.在明或暗光线下,上、下、鼻、颞4个象限之间前房角开放距离的差异均有统计学意义(Z=-7.471,-15.407,-16.237,-16.782;P=0.000).上方象限前房角开放距离最小,前房角关闭率最高.结论 周边前房越浅,明、暗光线下前房角关闭率越高.明、暗光线下UBM检查是在临床和大规模人群中早期发现前房角关闭的有效和可行方法.(中华眼科杂志,2009,45:8-13)  相似文献   

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