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目的:探讨宁波市建设新农村健康素质实现状况及其对策。方法:以线性综合加权法对建设新农村健康素质进行评价,并以宁波市2003-2007年新农村健康素质进行验证。结果:设计出以健康素质效果、健康投入与可持续发展支撑、健康公平与效率为"度",包含22个基本指标为"级"的三度二级指标体系,实评结果表明宁波市2003-2007年建设新农村健康素质呈现出不均衡性,与实际情况基本相符。结论:文章提出的建设新农村健康素质评价体系是一种实用、有效的评价方法,并认为构建新农村公共健康保障机制,应具体问题具体分析,强化"公共医疗卫生"理念,加大政府卫生投入,预防控制影响农民健康的重大疾病,提高农民健康水平。 相似文献
目的建设新农村健康发展指数评价体系。方法按照科学性、导向性、操作性和推广性等原则,并综合考虑专家问卷意见和实际工作情况,选择评价指标,以层次分析法确定指标权重,以线性综合加权法计算建设新农村健康发展指数,并以宁波市2003-2007年新农村健康发展指数进行验证。结果设计出以健康素质效果指数、健康投入与可持续发展支撑指数、健康公平与效率指数为"度",包含22个基础层指标为"级"的三度二级指标体系,实际结果表明,宁波市2003-2007年新农村健康发展指数呈现出逐年上升趋势,但各基础层指标发展呈现出不均衡性,与实际情况基本相符。结论本文提出的建设新农村健康发展指数评价体系是一种实用、有效的量化管理工具,操作简单,值得推广应用。 相似文献
王晓武 《中国农村卫生事业管理》2007,27(10):787-788
安全的农村公共卫生体系、可及的基本医疗服务体系、公平的医疗保障体系和有效的公共支持构成健康新农村的基本框架。笔者通过对健康新农村理念的领会,结合长期在农村工作的实践和健康新农村创建试点工作中碰到的相关问题进行了思考,并就此提出一些个人的见解和建议。 相似文献
党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标.并把“全民族的思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质明显提高”作为重要目标之一。十六大报告中把“健康素质”和“思想道德素质”、“科学文化素质”三个素质并列,把“全民健身和医疗卫生体系”与“现代国民教育体系”、“科技和文化创新体系”三个体系并列、充分说明了健康素质、全民健 相似文献
社会主义新农村建设的目标,归纳起来是六句话24个字:生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主、邻里和谐.六句话句句离不开健康的支持.有了健康,才有小康已被决策者和广大群众认可、接受.切实加强农村卫生工作,为农民健康服务,是当前卫生事业发展的重要内容. 相似文献
杭州市萧山区面对农村经济社会快速发展,当地政府为保护和提高人民健康水平,注重在建设社会主义新农村中,以开展市民健康促进行动为抓手,通过开展健康村、健康社区、健康学校、健康医院等健康单位的建设活动,引导当地群众从"农民向市民转变"中自觉地建立起健康的生活方式,帮助人们改变不健康的生活习惯与行为。 相似文献
建设健康城市的公共政策分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建设健康城市是涉及方方面面的系统工程,需要政府部门、非政府部门和广大市民的共同努力。地方政府有必要从市情民意出发,紧扣地方特色,以现代健康观、科学发展观的理念,出台一系列的健康城市政策,从而有效调动城市各种资源,与时俱进地推进健康城市建设进程,不断提升城市的公共健康水平和健康发展能力,让城市生活更加美好。 相似文献
2006年年底,汤溪镇社区卫生服务中心认真贯彻落实《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》精神,以健康新农村建设为目标,加强农村公共卫生安全体系、社区卫生服务体系、医疗保障体系建设,围绕基层卫 相似文献
卫生改革的宏观政策目标与对卫生改革动力结构分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,卫生改革面临的最大问题是宏观政策目标体系不清,卫生改革与国家总体改革动力源泉不相协调.为什么进行卫生改革,卫生改革为了什么,已成为国家医疗制度框架设计和卫生政策模式选择的首要战略议题,成为继续深化卫生改革和确保卫生改革成功的最重要前提. 相似文献
How federal health-care policies interface with urban and rural areas: A comparison of three systems
《Global public health》2013,8(4):317-336
Abstract Global public health policies span national borders and affect multitudes of people. The spread of infectious disease has neither political nor economic boundaries, and when elevated to a status of pandemic proportions, immediate action is required. In federal systems of government, the national level leads the policy formation and implementation process, but also collaborates with supranational organisations as part of the global health network. Likewise, the national level of government cooperates with sub-national governments located in both urban and rural areas. Rural areas, particularly in less developed countries, tend to have higher poverty rates and lack the benefits of proper medical facilities, communication modes and technology to prevent the spread of disease. From the perspective of epidemiological surveillance and intervention, this article will examine federal health policies in three federal systems: Australia, Malaysia and the USA. Using the theoretical foundations of collaborative federalism, this article specifically examines how collaborative arrangements and interactions among governmental and non-governmental actors help to address the inherent discrepancies that exist between policy implementation and reactions to outbreaks in urban and rural areas. This is considered in the context of the recent H1N1 influenza pandemic, which spread significantly across the globe in 2009 and is now in what has been termed the ‘post-pandemic era’. 相似文献
Jane Farmer MA PhD Lisa Bourke PhD Judy Taylor PhD Julia V. Marley PhD John Reid Dip.T B.ed MA Stacey Bracksley BOH Hons Nicole Johnson PhD 《The Australian journal of rural health》2012,20(5):243-247
This paper considers the role of culture in rural health, suggesting that the concept and its impacts are insufficiently understood and studied. It reviews some of the ways that culture has been considered in (rural) health, and states that culture is either used ambiguously and broadly – for example, suggesting that there is a rural culture, or narrowly – indeed perhaps interchangeably with ethnicity, for example Aboriginal culture as a unity. The paper notes that, although culture is a dynamic social concept, it has been adopted into a biomedical research paradigm as though it is fixed. Culture is often treated as though it is something that can be addressed simplistically, for example, through cultural sensitivity education. Authors suggest that culture is an unaddressed ‘elephant in the room’ in rural health, and that exploring cultural differences and beliefs and facing up to cultural differences are vital in understanding and addressing rural health and health system challenges. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Good school indoor air quality (IAQ) can affect the health and functioning of school occupants. Thus, it is important to assess the degree to which schools and districts employ strategies to ensure good IAQ management. We examined and compared the patterns of IAQ management strategies between public elementary schools and their school districts in New York State. METHODS: District‐level information obtained from surveys of district facilities managers in 326 districts was described and stratified by district size and socioeconomic status. School‐level information obtained from surveys of head custodians in 770 elementary schools was then compared with the district‐level information in 241 districts. RESULTS: About 47% of participating school districts reported having a district‐wide IAQ program, with a large range in the prevalence of specific IAQ management strategies. Airing out newly painted areas was the most commonly reported (92%) and having a classroom animal policy was the least commonly reported (29%). Larger districts and districts with a district‐wide IAQ program were more likely to report certain IAQ strategies than other districts. Elementary schools and their districts were most likely to report airing out newly painted areas (76%). The most common area of disagreement was construction after hours (50%). The top strategy not reported at either level was having an IAQ coordinator (53%). CONCLUSIONS: Many school districts lack key IAQ management strategies, and differences exist between district‐level policy and school‐level practice. Districts and schools should work together to formalize and expand existing IAQ policies and inform stakeholders about these strategies. 相似文献
目的 研究徐州市农村留守儿童营养素养与心理健康的关系,以便采取干预措施,提高留守儿童营养素养以及心理健康水平。方法 采用“营养教育效果综合评价问卷”与“心理健康诊断测验”对徐州市农村地区6所中小学的203名留守儿童和572名非留守儿童进行调查。结果 留守儿童营养素养及心理健康水平均较非留守儿童差(P<0.05),女生营养素养总得分显著高于男生(P<0.001),初中组营养素养总得分显著高于小学组(P<0.001)。留守儿童饮食行为和社会环境因素评分与心理健康评分具有显著的关联性。结论 徐州市农村地区留守儿童营养素养及心理健康水平均有待提高,营养素养水平与心理健康状况具有内在的一致性,提高农村留守儿童心理健康的同时应不断提升其营养素养水平。 相似文献
随着我国卫生服务水平的发展,农村卫生状况已经有了极大的改善,然而农村卫生服务质量还是存在相当多的问题。本文针对农村卫生的特点,指出农村卫生服务机构中存在的质量问题,并分析其原因,提出解决问题的对策。 相似文献
杭州市农村乡镇卫生院改革两种模式的实践与探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对杭州市乡镇卫生院改革中的两种模式——“资产整体转让”模式和“动产卖断、不动产租赁”模式的筹资形式、运行机制、人事制度、医药费用、预防保健等方面的实践效果,进行分析和探讨,得出改革成功的结论。 相似文献