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A feature of the telencephalic vocal control system in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) that has been hypothesized to represent a profound difference in organization from the oscine vocal system is its reported lack of an inherent circuit through the anterior forebrain. The present study reports anatomical connections that indicate the existence of an anterior forebrain circuit comparable in important ways to the “recursive” pathway of oscine songbirds. Results from anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments with biocytin and fluorescently labeled dextran amines indicate that the central nucleus of the anterior archistriatum (AAc) is the source of ascending projections upon the oval nuclei of the anterior neostriatum and ventral hyperstriatum (NAo and HVo, respectively). Efferent projections from the latter nuclei terminate in the lateral neostriatum afferent to AAc, thereby forming a short recurrent pathway through the pallium. Previously reported projections from HVo and NAo upon the magnocellular nucleus of the lobus parolfactorius (LPOm), and from LPOm onto the magnocellular nucleus of the dorsal thalamus (DMm; G.F. Striedter [1994] J. Comp. Neurol. 343:35–56), are confirmed. A specific projection from DMm onto NAom is also demonstrated; therefore, a recurrent pathway through the basal forebrain also exists in the budgerigar vocal system that is similar to the anterior forebrain circuit of oscine songbirds. Parallels between these circuits and mammalian basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuits are discussed. It is hypothesized that vocal control nuclei of the avian anterior neostriatum may perform a function similar to the primate supplemental motor area. J. Comp. Neurol. 377:179–206, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nissl staining and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry were used to explore the existence of sexual dimorphism in vocal control nuclei of adult budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), a parrot species capable of lifelong vocal learning. Behavioral studies indicate that adult males possess larger vocal repertoires than adult females and learn new calls more quickly. The results of the present study show that the volumes of all vocal nuclei, as measured using both Nissl-stained and NADPH-d-stained material, as well as the total numbers of NADPH-d neurons, were 35-110% greater in males. Furthermore, all vocal nuclei exhibit conspicuous NADPH-d staining compared to surrounding fields in both adult males and females. Nevertheless, there were no significant gender differences in either the intensity of neuropil staining or the densities of NADPH-d neurons in vocal nuclei. Moreover NADPH-d neuron somal shapes were similar in males and females. Diameters of NADPH-d neurons in vocal nuclei were 8.5-32% larger in males than in females. Greater size of NADPH-d neuronal somata in males may be a general property of this cell type in budgerigars because a similar gender difference was found in a visual nucleus, the entopallium, which is not directly associated with the vocal control system and does not exhibit sexual dimorphism in total volume or total NADPH-d neuron numbers. Taken together, the results of the present study favor the hypothesis that superior lifelong vocal learning ability in male budgerigars rests largely on larger volumes of vocal control nuclei in males rather than on sexual dimorphism in the internal composition of vocal nuclei.  相似文献   

The present study used histochemical methods to map the distributions of choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the vocal control nuclei of a psittacine, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). The distributions of ChAT and AChE in budgerigars appeared similar to that in oscine songbirds despite evidence that these systems have evolved independently. The magnicellular nucleus of the lobus parolfactorius in budgerigars, like the area X in songbirds, contained many ChAT labeled somata, fibers, and varicosities and stained densely for AChE. In contrast, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) and the supralaminar area of the frontal neostriatum in budgerigars, like the RA and the magnicellular nucleus of the neostriatum (MAN) in songbirds, respectively, contained few or no ChAT labeled somata, fibers, and varicosities and stained lightly for AChE. The central nucleus of the lateral neostriatum in budgerigars, like the higher vocal center (HVC) in songbirds, contained no ChAT labeled somata, moderate densities of ChAT labeled fibers and varicosities, and moderate levels of AChE staining. Two nuclei, the oval nucleus of the hyperstriatum ventrale (HVo) and the oval nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (NAo), contained no ChAT labeled somata, dense ChAT labeled fibers and varicosities, and moderate to high levels of AChE staining. The HVo and the NAo have no counterparts in songbirds but may be important vocal control nuclei in the budgerigar. Cholinergic enzymes are also described in other regions which may be involved in budgerigar vocal behavior, including the basal forebrain, the torus semicircularis, and the hypoglossal nuclei (nXII). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calbindin D-28k (CB), calretinin (CR), substance P (SP), limbic system-associated membrane protein (LAMP), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were used as chemical markers to investigate the organization of the ventral striatum (VST) and adjacent structures in healthy human individuals. No clear boundary could be established between the dorsal striatum and the VST, and the core/shell subdivisions of nucleus accumbens (Acb) could be distinguished only at the midrostrocaudal level of the VST. The CB-poor shell displayed intense immunostaining for SP and CR but only weak staining for LAMP. By contrast, the core was weakly stained for SP and CR and moderately stained for LAMP and CB. There was no difference between shell and core with regard to the cholinergic markers. The Acb harbored numerous ChAT- and CR-immunoreactive cell bodies, the latter being distributed according to a marked, mediolaterally increasing gradient. The size of the ChAT- and CR-immunoreactive perikarya in the Acb varied according to their location in the core and shell. The VST was surrounded by a chemically heterogeneous group of cell clusters referred to as interface islands. The CR-rich caudal portion of the VST merged with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis dorsally and the diagonal band of Broca ventromedially, the latter two structures displaying complex immunostaining patterns. The claustrum was markedly enriched in LAMP and harbored different types of CR- and CB-immunopositive neurons. These results demonstrate that the neurochemical organization of the human VST is strikingly complex and exhibits a greater heterogeneity than the dorsal striatum.  相似文献   

The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity in the brain of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) was studied by means of the indirect immunofluorescence, peroxidase-antiperoxidase, and avidin-biotin-complex methods. The antiserum used was raised in rabbits and did not show any significant crossreactivity with related peptides including peptide YY and avian pancreatic polypeptide. In the upper brainstem of the squirrel monkey a dense NPY-immunoreactive terminal field is seen in lateral parabrachial area, locus coeruleus, and interpeduncular nucleus. A small group of NPY-immunoreactive cell bodies is present in the lateral habenula and a moderate number of NPY-immunoreactive fibers occurs in periaqueductal gray and nucleus raphe pallidus. The substantia nigra (SN) appears mostly devoid of NPY immunoreactivity whereas the ventral tegmental area contains a few reactive fibers. In the hypothalamus the medial preoptic area as well as the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei receive a strikingly dense NPY innervation. In addition, numerous NPY-positive cell bodies are found within the dorsomedial half of the supraoptic nucleus but very few are seen in paraventricular nucleus. A large number of NPY-immunoreactive cell bodies is also present in arcuate nucleus. In the basal telencephalon NPY-immunoreactive cells abound mostly in striatum, but some are also found in the amygdala (particularly basal, central, and lateral amygdaloid nuclei), the claustrum, and in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Intensely reactive network of NPY-immunoreactive fibers is also present in all of these structures. In striatum, the numerous, fine and non-varicose NPY-immunoreactive fibers, as well as the NPY-positive cell bodies, are slightly more abundant in caudate nucleus than in putamen. The globus pallidus (GP) is mostly devoid of NPY-immunoreactive fibers and terminals. The fact that the two major recipient structures of striatal outflow (SN and GP) do not receive significant NPY input suggests that the striatal NPY-containing neurons are intrinsically organized.  相似文献   

We investigated the participation of protein kinase C (PKC) in the regulation of vocal plasticity in songbirds. Deafening of adult Bengalese finches causes initial song alteration, followed by stabilization. In parallel, the expression of PKC beta1 increases transiently 2 weeks after deafening, and then decreases gradually in the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA) of Bengalese finches, similar to the pattern observed during developmental song learning. First, we showed that in adult zebra finches, whose songs change more gradually after auditory deprivation than those of Bengalese finches, PKC in RA also increased to an equal degree 2 weeks after deafening, despite the species difference. Second, double-labeling with an anterograde tracer and PKC immunofluorescence revealed that PKC immunoreactivity in RA was detected on the synaptic terminals from a high premotor vocal nucleus (HVC), but not from the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN). To determine what causes deafening-induced PKC increases, we blocked signals from LMAN, the final output nucleus to RA in the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP), by a unilateral LMAN lesion prior to auditory deprivation of adult Bengalese finches. The PKC immunoreactivity increased in RA of the intact hemisphere; however, in RA on the lesioned side, it was less intense than that of the unlesioned side. Thus, the deafening-induced PKC expression was suppressed by lesioning of LMAN. These results suggest that an output signal from the AFP via LMAN induces the increase in PKC activity on HVC-RA synapses that may regulate song plasticity.  相似文献   

Until recently, the exact location of the avian nucleus accumbens within the basal forebrain had not been well established (Reiner et al. [2004] J Comp Neurol 473:377-414). While a number of previous studies have shown afferents and efferents of the presumptive "nucleus accumbens," detailed and accurate connection patterns of this newly recognized area are still lacking. We set out to clarify these connections using small, localized injections of cholera toxin subunit B and biotinylated dextran amine directly into the nucleus. In order to increase the accuracy of tracer injections into target sites, we first conducted a systematic comparison of three calcium-binding proteins, namely, parvalbumin, calretinin, and calbindin, to characterize the nucleus accumbens and ascertain its boundaries. The results showed that the avian and mammalian nucleus accumbens had remarkable hodological similarities, including the connections with the hippocampus, amygdala, ventral pallidum, lateral hypothalamus, and ventral tegmental area. However, the most significant aspect of the present study is that the avian nucleus accumbens had extensive reciprocal connections with medial pallial structures, the mammalian counterparts of which are unclear. Three implications of this finding are discussed. First, the avian medial pallium may correspond to part of the mammalian prefrontal cortex based on the connections with the nucleus accumbens. Second, the avian brain has a "limbic loop" involving the medial pallium, which also receives input from the avian equivalent of the mediodorsal thalamus. Third, the extensive connections between the accumbens and medial pallium just dorsal to it suggest a column-like organization of limbic-associated areas in the avian telencephalon.  相似文献   

Vocal learning, a critical component of speech acquisition, is a rare trait in animals. Songbirds are a well‐established animal model in vocal learning research; male birds acquire novel vocal patterns and have a well‐developed ‘song system’ in the brain. Although this system is unique to songbirds, anatomical and physiological studies have reported similarities between the song system and the thalamo‐cortico‐basal ganglia circuit that is conserved among reptiles, birds, and mammals. Here, we focused on the similarity of the neural response between these two systems while animals were engaging in operant tasks. Neurons in the basal ganglia of vertebrates are activated in response to food rewards and reward predictions in behavioral tasks. A striatal nucleus in the avian song system, Area X, is necessary for vocal learning and is considered specialized for singing. We found that the spiking activity of singing‐related Area X neurons was modulated by food rewards and reward signals in an operant task. As previous studies showed that Area X is not critical for general cognitive tasks, the role of Area X in general learning might be limited and vestigial. However, our results provide a new viewpoint to investigate the independence of the vocal learning system from neural systems involved in other cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

Cholinergic basal forebrain neurons confined within the intrinsic connections of the extended amygdala in the caudal sublenticular region and anterior amygdaloid area (cSLR/AAA) differ from other basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in several morphological and neurochemical respects. These cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons have been subjected to additional investigations described in this report. First, fibers traced anterogradely following injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin in the central amygdaloid nucleus were shown to contact cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons and dendrites. Second, these neurons were shown to be contacted by numerous GABAergic boutons with symmetric synaptic specializations. Third, the numbers of synaptic densities of morphologically characterized symmetric contacts on the somata and proximal dendrites of cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons were shown to significantly exceed those of extra-cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons. Fourth, fine structural features distinguishing cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons from other basal forebrain cholinergic neurons were revealed. Specifically, cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons have less abundant cytoplasm and a less well-organized system of rough endoplasmic reticulum than their counterparts in other parts of the basal forebrain. Thus, morphologically and neurochemically distinct cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons exhibit robust proximal inhibitory inputs, of which a significant number originate in the extended amygdala, while cholinergic neurons outside this region lack a substrate for strong proximal inhibitory input. The implications of these findings for interaction of fear, anxiety, and attention are considered.  相似文献   

We have examined the location of cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons that project to the rat basolateral amygdaloid nucleus by using choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry in combination with retrograde fluorescent tracing on the same tissue section. Since many tracer-and ChAT-positive neurons were identified in basal forebrain areas, including the ventral pallidum, we also stained many of the sections for glutamate decarboxylase, a suitable marker for the delineation of pallidal areas. Cholinergic neurons projecting to the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus were observed in a continuous territory stretching from the dorsal part of ventral pallidum, through sublenticular substantia innominata to ventral parts of globus pallidus and peripallidal areas. Non-cholinergic neurons projecting to the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus were found intermixed within the same structures and constitute approximately 25% of the amygdalopetal projection neurons in these ventral forebrain structures. Since amygdalopetal cholinergic neurons were demonstrated in areas generally recognized as giving rise to cholinergic projections to cerebral cortex, several retrograde double-labeling experiments with two different fluorescent tracers were performed for the purpose of detecting the possible existence of collateral projections. The results obtained showed that the cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in general project to only one forebrain region, and, furthermore, that the cholinergic system consists of partially overlapping subsets of neurons that project to various neocortical and allocortical areas and to the amygdaloid body.  相似文献   

Area X is a songbird basal ganglia nucleus that is required for vocal learning. Both Area X and its immediate surround, the medial striatum (MSt), contain cells displaying either striatal or pallidal characteristics. We used pathway-tracing techniques to compare directly the targets of Area X and MSt with those of the lateral striatum (LSt) and globus pallidus (GP). We found that the zebra finch LSt projects to the GP, substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) and pars compacta (SNc), but not the thalamus. The GP is reciprocally connected with the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and projects to the SNr and motor thalamus analog, the ventral intermediate area (VIA). In contrast to the LSt, Area X and surrounding MSt project to the ventral pallidum (VP) and dorsal thalamus via pallidal-like neurons. A dorsal strip of the MSt contains spiny neurons that project to the VP. The MSt, but not Area X, projects to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and SNc, but neither MSt nor Area X projects to the SNr. Largely distinct populations of SNc and VTA dopaminergic neurons innervate Area X and surrounding the MSt. Finally, we provide evidence consistent with an indirect pathway from the cerebellum to the basal ganglia, including Area X. Area X projections thus differ from those of the GP and LSt, but are similar to those of the MSt. These data clarify the relationships among different portions of the oscine basal ganglia as well as among the basal ganglia of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Cholinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic projection neurons of the basal forebrain (BF) innervate widespread regions of the neocortex and are thought to modulate learning and attentional processes. Although it is known that neuronal cell types in the BF exhibit oscillatory firing patterns, whether the BF as a whole shows oscillatory field potential activity, and whether such neuronal patterns relate to components of cognitive tasks, has yet to be determined. To this end, local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded from the BF of rats performing an associative learning task wherein neutral objects were paired with differently valued reinforcers (pellets). Over time, rats developed preferences for the different objects based on pellet‐value, indicating that the pairings had been well learned. LFPs from all rats revealed robust, short‐lived bursts of beta‐frequency oscillations (~25 Hz) around the time of object encounter. Beta‐frequency LFP events were found to be learning‐dependent, with beta‐frequency peak amplitudes significantly greater on the first day of the task when object–reinforcement pairings were novel than on the last day when pairings were well learned. The findings indicate that oscillatory bursting field potential activity occurs in the BF in freely behaving animals. Furthermore, the temporal distribution of these bursts suggests that they are probably relevant to associative learning.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Herbert et al., J. Comp. Neurol. [1990];293:540-580), we demonstrated that the ascending afferent projections from the medulla to the parabrachial nucleus (PB) mark out functionally specific terminal domains within the PB. In this study, we examine the organization of the forebrain afferents to the PB. The PB was found to receive afferents from the infralimbic, the lateral prefrontal, and the insular cortical areas; the dorsomedial, the ventromedial, the median preoptic, and the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei; the dorsal, the retrochiasmatic, and the lateral hypothalamic areas; the central nucleus of the amygdala; the substantia innominata; and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In general, forebrain areas tend to innervate the same PB subnuclei from which they receive their input. Three major patterns of afferent termination were noted in the PB; these corresponded to the three primary sources of forebrain input to the PB: the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus, and the basal forebrain. Hypothalamic afferents innervate predominantly rostral portions of the PB, particularly the central lateral and dorsal lateral subnuclei. The basal forebrain projection to the PB ends densely in the external lateral and waist subnuclei. Cortical afferents terminate most heavily in the caudal half of the PB, particularly in the ventral lateral and medial subnuclei. In addition, considerable topography organization was found within the individual projections. For example, tuberal lateral hypothalamic neurons project heavily to the central lateral subnucleus and lightly to the waist area; in contrast, caudal lateral hypothalamic neurons send a moderately heavy projection to both the central lateral and waist subnuclei. Our results show that the forebrain afferents of the PB are topographically organized. These topographical differences may provide a substrate for the diversity of visceral functions associated with the PB.  相似文献   

目的探讨个体化入路手术治疗高血压基底节区出血操作技巧及其疗效。方法 2009年12月至2011年6月收治高血压基底节区脑出血患者58例,根据临床表现及CT检查等,采取个体化入路手术。16例侧裂前型血肿经额上沟、额中回或额下沟入路手术清除,23例侧裂中心型血肿经侧裂-岛叶入路手术清除,19例侧裂后型血肿经颞中回或中央沟下点-脑岛入路手术清除。结果术后复查CT显示血肿清除达到90%以上24例,70%~90%22例,而少于70%6例;术后再出血3例,死亡3例。55例术后随访6个月,根据日常生活活动能力(ADL)评价预后,45例预后好(ADL 1~3级),10例预后差(ADL 4~5级)。结论采用个体化入路手术清除基底节区脑出血及术后合理的治疗可以明显降低患者死亡率,改善其预后。  相似文献   

Birds have well-developed basal ganglia within the telencephalon, including a striatum consisting of the medially located lobus parolfactorius (LPO) and the laterally located paleostriatum augmentatum (PA), Relatively little is known, however, about the extent and organization of the telencephalic “cortical” input to the avian basal ganglia (i. e., the avian “corticostriatal” projection system). Using retrograde and anterograde neuroanatomical pathway tracers to address this issue, we found that a large continuous expanse of the outer pallium projects to the striatum of the basal ganglia in pigeons. This expanse includes the Wulst and archistriatum as well as the entire outer rind of the pallium intervening between Wulst and archistriatum, termed by us the pallium externum (PE). In addition, the caudolateral neostriatum (NCL), pyriform cortex, and hippocampal complex also give rise to striatal projections in pigeon. A restricted number of these pallial regions (such as the “limbic” NCL, pyriform cortex, and ventral/caudal parts of the archistriatum) project to such ventral striatal structures as the olfactory tubercle (TO), nucleus accumbens (Ac), and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Such “limbic” pallial areas also project to medialmost LPO and lateralmost PA, while the hyperstriatum accessorium portion of the Wulst, the PE, and the dorsal parts of the archistriatum were found to project primarily to the remainder of LPO (the lateral two-thirds) and PA (the medial four-fifths). The available evidence indicates that the diverse pallial regions projecting to the striatum in birds, as in mammals, are parts of higher order sensory or motor systems. The extensive corticostriatal system in both birds and mammals appears to include two types of pallial neurons: (1) those that project to both striatum and brainstem (i. e., those in the Wulst and the archistriatum) and (2) those that project to striatum but not to brainstem (i. e., those in the PE). The lack of extensive corticostriatal projections from either type of neuron in anamniotes suggests that the anamniote-amniote evolutionary transition was marked by the emergence of the corticostriatal projection system as a prominent source of sensory and motor information for the striatum, possibly facilitating the role of the basal ganglia in movement control. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distributions of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactive neurons and fibers were mapped within forebrain vocal control and auditory nuclei of a vocal learning psittacine species, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). Immunoreactivity was exhibited by telencephalic nuclei previously associated with vocal control pathways on the basis of both tract tracing studies and gene mapping: the central nucleus of the anterior archistriatum (AAc), central nucleus of the lateral neostriatum (NLc), magnocellular nucleus the lobus parolfactorius (LPOm), the oval nucleus of the ventral hyperstiratum (HVo) and the medial division of the oval nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (NAom). The main body of NAo also contained an exceptionally high density of immunoreactive fibers. In contrast to the condition in oscine songbirds, CGRP-positive neuronal somata were not present in any telencephalic vocal control nucleus. CGRP-positive somata were present, however, in diencephalic cell groups that included the shell region of the nucleus ovoidalis (Ov), the nucleus dorsolateralis posterior (DLP) and a region of the ventral thalamus that was retrogradely labeled by tracer deposits into HVo and AAc. CGRP immunoreactive fibers were observed within auditory areas of the telencephalon including Field L and the neostriatum intermedium pars dorsolateralis. The likely sources of these fibers are CGRP-positive neurons within the Ov shell and DLP.  相似文献   

额叶皮质损伤对大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本实验探讨了前额叶皮质局限性损伤对大鼠学习、记忆功能及基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响。用外科手术造成大鼠一侧前额叶皮质局限性损伤后不同时间、用Y型迷宫检测学习、记忆功能、用组织化学技术检测基底前脑含乙酰胆碱酸酶(AChE)活性神经元。实验观察到前额叶皮质损伤后1周,动物学习,记忆功能有所障碍,损伤同侧的基底前脑胆碱能神经元有所减少,但均无统计学意义,损伤后2,3,4周,动物学习、记忆障碍明显,损伤同侧基底前脑胆碱能神经元明显减少(P<0.05),且两者变化相平行。结果表明单侧前额叶皮质局限性损伤不仅可引起动物学习、记忆功能障碍,且可引起同侧基底前脑胆碱能神经元丢失,且两者发展相平行,提示基底前脑胆碱能神经元逆行性变性在动物额叶皮质损伤引起的学习、记忆障碍中起作用。  相似文献   

The projection from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the substantia nigra was labeled by injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into different subregions of the nucleus. A sparse projection of labeled bouton-like swellings was observed in the rostral, medial substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area from all subregions of the central nucleus of the amygdala that were injected. A dense projection of labeled axons and bouton-like swellings was observed in the lateral part of the substantia nigra pars compacta and pars lateralis when the injection site included the dorsal and rostral central nucleus. Heavy labeling was also seen in the lateral retrorubral field in these cases. In no instances were labeled terminals observed in the substantia nigra pars reticulata. The same pattern of labeling in the lateral substantia nigra and retrorubral field was seen after injections rostral to the central nucleus or dorsal and medial to it in the sublenticular region. The results suggest that the amygdalonigral pathway contributes to the innervation of extensive areas of the substantia nigra pars compacta. The major component of the pathway, however, projects only to a subregion of the substantia nigra. The origin of this pathway is confined to a discrete region of the dorsal central nucleus of the amygdala but extends rostrally into an area that is part of the "extended amygdala."  相似文献   

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