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您的身体有没有出现过健康小问题——不值得去医院,可是又时不时地困扰着您?营养专家认为多吃点水果可以帮您祛除这些小毛病。牙龈出血——猕猴桃牙龈健康与维生素C息息相关。缺乏维生素C的人牙龈变得脆弱,常常出血、肿胀,甚至引起牙齿松动。猕猴桃中的维生素C含量是水果中最丰富的,因此是最有益于牙龈健康的水果。  相似文献   

孙清廉 《家庭医学》2006,(23):32-32
严寒的冬季,万物生机闭藏,阳气潜伏,阴气盛极,人体的新陈代谢和血液循环也处于相对缓慢的水平,影响身体健康。  相似文献   

王梅琳 《家庭医学》2005,(14):40-40
香蕉是市场上最容易获得的水果,它不仅能供给人体丰富的营养和多种维生素,还可以使皮肤柔嫩光泽,眼睛明亮,精力充沛、延年益寿。近几年的科学研究发现.这一水果又有新的发现.下面介绍几则香蕉的药物作用:  相似文献   

杨广琪 《长寿》2006,(5):8-8
夏季日长夜短,气温高,人体新陈代谢旺盛,消耗也大,容易感觉疲劳,因此夏季保持充足的睡眠对于促进身体健康具有重要的意义。这首先应做到起居有规律;其次应注意卧室通风、凉爽;第三要保持平静的心境,力求“心静自然凉”;第四要有适当的午睡时间,午睡可使大脑和身体各系统都得到放松,有利于下午的活动,也是预防中暑的措施。  相似文献   

晓齐 《家庭医学》2005,(8):57-57
我们吃的水果.大部分都有医疗保健作用。如果是病人,应有选择性的吃一些水果,对配合临床治疗.对身体的康复都是非常有益的如果毫无选择的吃水果,不但无益,反而有损健康假如是去探望身体不适的病人.更应该选择对病人康复有益的水果,否则.会事与愿违。  相似文献   

眼睛在人体器官中具有特殊的地位,其结构与功能十分精妙而灵巧,据研究发现,网网膜的新陈代谢特别旺盛,血流量比脑组织多20倍左右,由于视网膜和葡萄膜炎的黑色素含量很高,且与某些药物具有高度的结合力,尤其大量用药时,极易受到损害。严重影响身体健康。然而药物对眼睛的损害问题迄今未引起人们的重视。  相似文献   

目前,蔬菜和水果种类繁多。多吃蔬菜和水果对人们的身体健康有好处,特别是对患有高血压病的人更有益。所以,笔者建议患有高血压的病人(特别是中、老年人)除了用药物治疗外,还要经常多吃些蔬菜和水果。但是,不是所有的蔬菜和水果都对高血压病人有好处。那么,高血压病人应经常多吃哪些蔬菜和水果呢?日常生活的  相似文献   

贾晓兰 《健康》2011,(8):40-41
水果的种类繁多,富含维生素,是我们生活中不可缺少的食物.但是吃水果也有讲究,怎样吃水果才有利于身体健康呢?水果不是零食许多人习惯将水果当作"零食"和"甜品",特别是成年男性,平时很少吃;还有人认为水果是引起肥胖和糖尿病的元凶,敬而远之.这种观念影响了他们对水果健康价值的正确认识,  相似文献   

说到水果,男女老少都喜欢,而现在水果品种繁多,尤其是北方,以前没见过的现在随时都可以吃到,但对于山楂似乎很少有人会说喜爱,可是山楂的营养不是别的水果都能媲美的。山楂中所含的胡萝卜素、维生素C、维生素E、钙、钾、镁、铁等,山楂中所含的对健康的作用显著的比如:胡萝卜素是维生素A的前身可很好的保护眼睛,缓解眼睛干涩酸痛,预防夜盲症,帮助骨骼正常的生长发育。维生素C是苹果的十几倍,可以促进胶原合成,促进铁的吸收,促进类固醇羟化,减少胆固醇蓄积,辅  相似文献   

出汗和睡觉、吃饭一样.打出生开始.就和人结下了不解之缘。出汗是新陈代谢的正常表现,通常是身体健康的标志.但也有例外。  相似文献   

梦想有一种食物可以令我们不再欲壑难填,其实与这种欲望相符的不凡之物一直存在,而且是以贴身防守的形式存在于生活周边.但我们这般凡夫俗子却久久不知.没错!水果,一切欲望的终结.  相似文献   

水果是有益健康的食品,果汁肯定也含有很高的营养价值,几乎没有人怀疑这条“经典”的营养学原则。最近德国科学家却指出,大量的研究结果显示:  相似文献   

刘涓 《健康》2012,(6):36-36
现在正是瓜果大量上市的季节,吃水果能补充多种维生素,从而达到人体的营养均衡。吃新鲜的水果有利于健康,喝新鲜的果汁也是益处多多。您在喝果汁的同时是否了解它们对身体的好处呢?西瓜汁:西瓜是多种维生素的良好来  相似文献   

金秋时节,百果飘香。假如您能够根据宝宝的情况有选择地给宝宝食用不同的水果,不仅能给宝宝增加营养,还能预防疾病,甚至巧妙搭配其他食品或中药。制成“水果药膳”,还可以起到治疗疾病的作用呢!  相似文献   

Research suggests phytonutrients, specifically phenolic compounds, within fruit may be responsible for the putatively positive antioxidant benefits derived from fruit. Given the prominence of fruit juice in the American diet, the purpose of this research was to assess the antioxidant density of fresh fruit and 100% fruit juice for five commonly consumed fruits and juices and to compare the adequacy of 100% juice as a dietary equivalent to whole fruit in providing beneficial antioxidants. Antioxidant density was measured using an oxygen radical absorbance capacity method on six samples assayed in triplicate for each fruit (grape, apple, orange, grapefruit, pineapple), name-brand 100% juice, and store-brand 100% juice. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s honestly significant difference or Student t test were used to assess significance (P<0.05). Antioxidant density (mmol TE/100 g) of apple, orange, and grapefruit was 23% to 54% higher than the mean antioxidant density of name-brand and store-brand juices for each fruit; however, only apple and grapefruit exhibited significantly greater (P<0.05) antioxidant density than either of their name-brand or store-brand juices. In contrast, the mean antioxidant density of name-brand grape and pineapple juice was higher than fresh grape or pineapple fruit; however, both fresh grapes and commercial grape juice contained significantly more (P<0.05) antioxidants than store-brand grape juice. Regardless of the convenience of fruit juice, results support the recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for increasing fruit servings in the whole fruit form due to their provision of beneficial antioxidants and fiber with approximately 35% less sugar.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the supply of energy, 19 nutrients, free sugars, and dietary fiber in the average Polish diet from fruit and fruit products. Our analysis is based on 2016 data from the national representative household budget survey conducted on a sample of 36,886 households, yielding a population of 99,230 individuals. Fruit and fruit products provided 3.12% of energy to the average diet in Poland with the highest share of bananas and apples. The highest significance of this food group was found for vitamin C (23.65%), including citrus fruits providing 8.03% of vitamin C, berries (5.97%), other fruits (3.45%), and apples (3.13%). The share of fruit and their products in the supply of free sugars is equally high and amounts to 23.52%. This means that apples provide 6.34% of free sugars, while other fruits also have a high supply of free sugars, including berries 3.68%, stone fruits 3.06%, bananas 2.56%, and citrus fruits 2.54%. The proportion of supply exceeding the percentage of energy (which was 3.12%) was obtained for carbohydrate (5.79%), and fiber (13.66%). The food group studied was particularly important (more than 5% share) in providing four minerals: potassium (8.59%), iron (5.07%), magnesium (5.51%), copper (8.81%), and three vitamins: vitamin C (23.65%), vitamin B6 (5.74%), and vitamin E (5.53%). The influence of sociodemographic and economic characteristics of households on the structure of energy and nutrient supply from fruit and fruit products was assessed using cluster analysis. There were four clusters characterized by different energy, nutrient, and fiber supply. The factors with the highest statistical significance on the supply of energy, nutrients, and fiber from fruit and fruit products were month of study, income, degree of urbanization, education, size of town, and land use. The obtained results concerning energy and nutrient supply from fruits and fruit products are important for the Polish society from the public health point of view, as indicated in the discussion of results and conclusions.  相似文献   

Fruit and stomach cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case-control study of stomach cancer was conducted in hospital patients in South Wales. The frequency of fresh fruit consumption prior to the onset of illness was recorded in 149 stomach cancer patients and in 1934 control patients. The relative risk for stomach cancer among those who ate fresh fruit on most days was less than half that of those who ate no fresh fruit. Fruit was eaten less frequently by the men than by the women, especially among the controls. Relative risks of stomach cancer in men and women were similar at each level of fruit-eating, suggesting that the sex-difference in stomach cancer mortality may, in part at least, be attributable to a difference in fruit consumption.  相似文献   

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