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Nine patients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever underwent M-mode echocardiographic examination. Increased left ventricular dimension was found in 2 patients and decreased left ventricular shortening fraction in 7. Diminished mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening, increased left ventricular systolic time intervals ratio, and increased mitral valve E point to ventricular septal separation were found in 6 patients. One patient died and at necropsy diffuse myocarditis was present. Repeat echocardiographic examination was available in the remaining 8 patients at follow-up (mean 10 months). Abnormal E mitral point to ventricular septal separation remained in 3 patients and decreased left ventricular shortening fraction in 2; in 1 there was also increased left ventricular end-diastolic dimension. Thus abnormal left ventricular function and chamber enlargement are frequently present in patients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  相似文献   

Using a phased-array, wide angle sector-scanner, 2-dimensional echocardiograms were obtained in 3 patients with persistent truncus arteriosus. Type I was found in 2 patients and type II in 1 patient. In the patient with type II truncal valve stenosis was also present. Using a combination of short-axis views at the cardiac base, with 30 ° superior transducer angulation and parasternal long-axis views, the truncus arteriosus and the pattern of pulmonary arteries were demonstrated in each case.  相似文献   

Left ventricular function was studied with quantitative biplane cinean-giocardiography in 39 preoperative and 23 postoperative patients wlth cyanotic congenital heart disease. Diagnoses included pulmonary atresia or critical pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum (group 1), tricuspld atresia (group 2) and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (group 3). Preoperative patients ranged in age from 1 day to 7 years and postoperative patients from 7 weeks to 23 years. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume was increased in preoperative patients in groups 1 and 2 (132 and 136 percent of normal, respectively) but was normal in patients in group 3. Left ventricular ejection fraction was decreased to a similar extent in preoperative groups 1 to 3: 0.54, 0.55 and 0.56, respectively. After a shunt procedure left ventricular end-diastolic volume increased to 228 and 266 percent of normal in groups 1 and 2, respectively, but remained within normal limits in group 3. Left ventricular ejection fraction was normal in postoperative group 1 patients, whose ages averaged 1.8 years, but remained decreased in group 2 and 3 patients, whose ages averaged 8.1 and 5.6 years, respectively. Duration of cyanosis and degree of left ventricular dilatation appear to be important variables in regard to pump function in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

The acute effects of red cell volume reduction (erythropheresis) on pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary vascular resistance were measured in 16 patients with severe shunt-induced polycythemia. In subjects with D-transposition of the great arteries and no significant pulmonary stenosis (Group A) erythropheresis was associated with a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance and an increase in pulmonary blood flow and in mixing between the systemic and pulmonary circulations. Systemic arterial saturation decreased slightly. By contrast, erythropheresis in patients with severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia and a ventricular septal defect (Group B) was associated with a decrease in pulmonary blood flow and left to right shunt and an increase in right to left shunt. These alterations resulted in a significant reduction in systemic arterial oxygen saturation despite relatively little change in effective pulmonary blood flow. The acute hemodynamic effects of packed red cell transfusion in five patients with D-transposition of the great arteries, no significant pulmonary stenosis and relative anemia were more variable.The observations in patients with shunt-induced polycythemia are probably related to a reduction in blood viscosity produced by a lowering of hematocrit concentration. The reduced viscosity decreases the impedance to flow in the systemic and pulmonary circulations. When pulmonary blood flow is largely derived from the systemic circuit, erythropheresis will diminish pulmonary flow and reduce systemic oxygen saturation. If the pulmonary blood flow is largely independent of the systemic circuit (as in D-transposition of the great arteries without pulmonary stenosis), an increase in total and effective pulmonary flow occurs.  相似文献   

Four infants with d-transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum who manifested early clinical symptoms and deterioration due to dynamic left ventricular outflow stenosis are presented. All four had an anatomically adequate atrial septal defect, made at the initial balloon atrial septostomy, that was later confirmed intraoperatively. Two infants continued to have a low arterial oxygen saturation level because of inadequate interatrial mixing, and one of these had severe persistent cyanosis and was treated with the Mustard operation at age 4 days. The other two infants subsequently presented with hypercyanotic spells at age 3 months. All four infants had features of dynamic left ventricular outflow stenosis on hemodynamic, angiocardiographic and echocardiographic studies. The left ventricular outflow pressure gradient was shown to increase after administration of isoproterenol in one infant, and relief of a cyanotic spell with reduction of left ventricular systolic pressure was achieved in another after intravenous administration of propranolol. The Mustard operation relieved symptoms in all infants. The effect of left ventricular outflow tract stenosis on the mechanisms responsible for interatrial mixing in d-transposition of the great arteries with intact ventricular septum is discussed.  相似文献   

Critical pulmonary stenosis or atresia with intact ventricular septum represents a congenital cardiac lesion for which the long-term prognosis appears to depend partly on the size of the right ventricle. Thus, the capability of noninvasive assessment of right ventricular size to predict operative outcome was examined in 15 infants (aged 1 to 30 days, mean 5.6) with severe right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (either critical pulmonary stenosis [7 patients] or pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum [8 patients]). Using echocardiography in two orthogonal subxiphoid views, right ventricular volume, wall thickness, area change fraction, ejection fraction and tricuspid anulus dimension were measured. All patients with a normalized right ventricular enddiastolic volume of less than 5 ml/m2 and a normalized tricuspid anulus dimension of less than 1.0 cm/m2/3 required a shunt operation. Only one patient with a volume of more than 6 ml/m2 and a normalized tricuspid anulus dimension of more than 1.4 cm/m2/3 required more than relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. In this patient, residual severe pulmonary stenosis necessitated the shunt procedure. One patient with a volume of more than 6 ml/m2 had an anulus diameter of less than 1.4 cm/m2/3 and one patient with an anulus diameter of more than 1.4 cm/m2/3 had a volume of less than 6 ml/m2; both required shunt procedures. It therefore appears that if either the ventricular volume or tricuspid anulus size is excessively small, a shunt procedure is necessary. Wall thickness, area change fraction and ejection fraction measurements were not significantly correlated with right ventricular volume or postoperative outcome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The association of distal aortopulmonary septal defect, aortic origin of the right pulmonary artery, intact ventricular septum and Interruption or coarctation of the aortic isthmus has not previously been reported as a syndrome. This combination of anomalies was encountered in five new patients and was previously reported in three. Two patients have undergone surgery with successful results. In contrast to the sagittally oriented conventional proximal aortopulmonary septal defect, the patients in this series had a more distal type of defect, possibly representing a partial persistence of the common arterial trunk. The pulmonary arterial bifurcation may malattach to this undivided truncal segment and, as a result, the right pulmonary artery may be partially or completely shifted into the aorta. This abnormal right pulmonary arterial origin may lead to “steal” from the aortic flow during embryogenesis and to hypoplasia of the aortic arch. This concept is supported by the angiographic observation that the greater the rightward displacement of the right pulmonary artery, the greater the hypoplasia of the arch. The diagnostic angiographic sign is a strikingly high origin of the right pulmonary artery together with aortic arch hypoplasia or atresia. Closure of the aortopulmonary septal defect with implantation of the right pulmonary artery in the pulmonary trunk and repair of the aortic arch anomaly is the recommended surgical treatment.  相似文献   

The relation between ventricular premature beats (VPBs) and physiologic disease was investigated in 305 patients who had 24-hour Holter monitoring tests, cardiac catheterization and angiography. Both frequency and Lown class of VPBs were measured. Analyses showed that occurrence of VPBs at an average frequency of more than 2 per hour or occurrence of complex VPBs (Lown class greater than 2) have the highest association with the presence and severity of cardiac disease. Using these criteria, VPB severity was then compared with extent of ventricular wall motion abnormality (right anterior oblique projection segments), ejection fraction, end-diastolic pressure, category of disease (normal, coronary artery disease [CAD], valvular heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy), age and severity of CAD (major coronary arteries with >75 % diameter reduction). Severe VPBs defined either by complexity or frequency were significantly correlated with extent of wall motion abnormality, ejection fraction, category of disease and age. Severe VPBs were not significantly correlated with end-diastolic pressure or severity of CAD. Discriminant analysis then showed that in addition to wall motion abnormality and ejection fraction, category of disease and age are independently correlated with VPB severity.  相似文献   

A quantitative cineangiographic method is presented for studying neonatal lamb ventricular volumes and pump function without thoracotomy or surgical instrumentation of the heart. When this method was employed in lambs with a mean age of 24.4 hours it was found that the right and left ventricular end-diastolic volumes, ejection fractions and systolic outputs did not differ significantly at this early postnatal time. Restudy of these lambs at a mean age of 15.6 days showed that right and left ventricular end-diastolic volumes, normalized for body weight, and ejection fractions had not changed significantly. Although systolic outputs decreased, the difference was not significant. Thus there is early postnatal equalization of left and right heart volumes, and deviations from this relation should suggest abnormal hemodynamic function.  相似文献   

The left ventricular outflow tract in 38 patients (aged 0.3 to 13 years) with complete d-transposition of the great arteries, 31 with intraatrial (Mustard) repair, was quantitated with echocardiography, and the findings were correlated with hemodynamic and angiographic data. The left ventricular outflow tract (LVO) was measured on the echocardiogram as an anteroposterior dimension between the closure point on the mitral valve below the pulmonary arterial root (PA) and the left endocardial surface of the interventricular septum. This measurement was expressed as an LVO/PA ratio and on the basis of these measurements three groups were recognized.Group I consisted of 14 patients who had an unobstructed left ventricular outflow tract and no significant pressure differences between the pulmonary artery and left ventricle. In Group II, the 16 patients had evidence of dynamic obstruction and mild to moderate pressure differences between the pulmonary artery and left ventricle, characterized in the echocardiogram by LVO/PA ratios comparable with those of Group I, but with an abnormally prominent early posterior systolic septal bulge in the left ventricular outflow tract, abnormal systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve and coarse fluttering of the pulmonary valve. In Group III the eight patients had anatomically fixed stenosis of the left ventricular outflow tract and severe left ventricular outflow pressure gradients characterized in the echocardiogram by a reduced LVO/PA ratio and fine vibrations of the pulmonary valve. Angiographically discrete or long segmental narrowing of the left ventricular outflow tract correlated well with the echocardiographic data. Echocardiographic measurements of left ventricular posterior wall thickness also correlated well with the severity of left ventricular outflow stenosis in these three groups. The echocardiogram provides clinically useful quantitative and qualitative analysis of the left ventricular outflow tract in patients with complete transposition of the great arteries.  相似文献   

Lung specimens of 200 patients with transposition of the great arteries were examined microscopically for evidence of pulmonary vascular disease. In patients with an intact ventricular septum or a small ventricular septal defect, advanced pulmonary vascular disease was uncommon; only 9 of 107 such patients (8.4 percent) demonstrated greater than grade 2 (Heath-Edwards) pulmonary vascular disease. A persistent large patent ductus arteriosus appeared to promote progressive pulmonary vascular disease in this group since each of the five infants less than 1 year of age with grade 3 or 4 disease had this lesion. In contrast, pulmonary vascular disease was common in patients with a large ventricular septal defect; 37 of 93 patients (40 percent) with this defect had greater than grade 2 pulmonary vascular disease. Among patients more than 1 year of age, 26 of 35 (75 percent) had grade 4 disease. The catheterization data suggest that the calculated pulmonary vascular resistance may underestimate the degree of disease, probably by overestimating the pulmonary blood flow (Fick method). Pulmonic stenosis appeared to protect the lungs from progressive pulmonary vascular disease, and pulmonary arterial banding was protective when performed before age 6 months. Our studies indicate that a persistent large patent ductus arteriosus should be closed as early as possible in view of its association with advanced pulmonary vascular disease in these patients. In infants with a large ventricular septal defect, pulmonary arterial banding or corrective surgery with closure of the defect should be performed between the ages of 4 and 6 months to prevent progressive pulmonary vascular damage.  相似文献   

Five unusual cases of a right atrial mass in children are described to illustrate the very valuable contribution that two dimensional echocardiographic examinations can bring to both the initial diagnosis and the subsequent management of patients with these findings. One patient had a large benign hemangioendothelioma of the right atrium. Two infants had extension of a Wilms' tumor from the kidney by way of the inferior vena cava to the right atrium. A fourth patient, an 8 year old girl, had no cardiac disease, and manifested Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis of the tricuspid valve with a large pedunculated mass and subsequent pulmonary embolus. A fifth patient, a premature infant with a central hyperalimentation catheter in the right atrium, had a large thrombus on the catheter that was successfully eradicated with urokinase-induced thrombolysis. Two dimensional echocardiography provides real time imaging of the entire right atrium, interatrial septum, inferior and superior venae cavae and tricuspid orifice and hence is valuable in the diagnosis and management of these clinical problems.  相似文献   

To determine the prognosis for the newborn with transposition of the great arteries, the clinical course of 112 consecutive neonates with dextro-transposition was reviewed. Patients were managed with balloon atrial septostomy at initial cardiac catheterization, palliative operation if needed in the 1st year of life and Mustard's intraatrial baffle repair.The 1st month of life was the period of greatest risk (8 percent mortality rate). Between balloon septostomy and baffle repair, 14 of 103 patients at risk (14 percent) either died or had a cerebrovascular accident. The mortality rate at baffle repair was 14 percent (10 deaths in 71 patients), and there were 3 late postoperative deaths. Actuarial analysis of the data indicates that with this plan of management, approximately 50 percent of newborns with transposition of the great arteries will survive 5 years with excellent function and an additional 15 to 20 percent will survive with one or more medical handicaps.  相似文献   

Echocardiography was used to study left ventricular function in 37 children with congestive cardiomyopathy. Left atrial and left ventricular diameters were approximately 1.5 times that predicted by body weight, whereas systolic decrease in left ventricular diameter (shortening fraction) and increase in posterior wall thickness were half that of normal children. The ratio of left ventricular preejection period to ejection time was increased in 25 patients and normal in 10. The mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening was decreased in 30 of 34 patients and averaged 52 percent of that predicted by heart rate.

The shortening fraction was higher in the 12 patients who were asymptomatic at the time of study than in the 25 who had symptoms of congestive heart failure (19.6 ± 2.4 standard error of the mean versus 14.6 ± 1.2) (P < 0.05). In 11 patients whose condition improved after therapy with digoxin and diuretic drugs, serial echocardiograms showed significant increases in shortening fraction and posterior wall thickening and decreases in left atrial diameter and the ratio of preejection period to ejection time. However, one or more indexes of left ventricular function remained abnormal, despite the resolution of symptoms and a return of heart size to normal as judged from the chest roentgenogram.  相似文献   

The incidence and time of occurrence of pulmonary vascular disease were studied in 67 children with the complete form of atrioventricular (A-V) canal defect. Advanced pulmonary vascular disease begins to develop during the first year of life, with intimal fibrosis (grade 3 cahnges) noted between age 6 months to 1 year. Vascular dilatation with plexiform lesions (grade 4 changes) can be found by age 1 year. These changes can be found in some patients in spite of hemodynamic findings usually considered to indicate lesser degrees of vascular disease. After age 2 years advanced pulmonary vascular disease is commonly found and may persist after surgical correction of the defects. A similar rapid progression of pulmonary vascular disease was noted in 40 children who had a large ventricular septal defect without A-V canal in whom systemic pressure was transmitted directly to the pulmonary vascular bed. Thirty-six of the 67 children had trisomy-21. No difference was noted in the speed of progression of pulmonary vascular disease between these children and those without trisomy 21. Palliative or corrective surgery should be performed in these patients by age 1 year to prevent development of advanced pulmonary vascular disease.  相似文献   

Ventricular arrhythmias probably initiate the events leading to sudden death in patients who have recovered uneventfully from surgery for congenital heart disease. It is therefore recommended that antiarrhythmic therapy be given to all patients who have had surgery for congenital heart defects and who have ventricular arrhythmias found in a routine electrocardiogram taken after the immediate postoperative period. The response of ventricular arrhythmias to treatment was studied in six ambulatory patients aged 7 to 27 years (mean 16.5) who had had surgery a mean of 10.7 years before the arrhythmia was recognized. Four patients had unsatisfactory repair of the congenital defect; the two other patients had only a palliative operation. Each patient's electrocardiogram was monitored continually by tape recording. Each received phenytoin, 3.75 mg/kg body weight, every 6 hours for four doses, then 1.9 mg/kg every 6 hours until the serum concentration of phenytoin was 15 to 20 μg/ml. This serum concentration was maintained with the daily administration of 2.5 to 3 mg/kg every 12 hours. In the 24 hours before treatment, two patients had ventricular tachycardia, two had paired premature ventricular complexes and two had 10 or more single premature ventricular complexes/hour. After treatment, all patients had “effective control” (one or less premature ventricular complex/hour for 12 consecutive hours). This control was achieved with phenytoin in five patients, but one patient required the addition of disopyramide (2 mg/kg every 6 hours). All five patients undergoing a treadmill test before treatment had premature ventricular complexes during or after exercise; after treatment, only one had premature ventricular complexes after exercise. The patient who required two drugs was unable to perform a treadmill test. The mean effective serum phenytoin concentration, 15.7 μg/ml (range 8.5 to 20.0), was reached at a mean time of 61.2 hours (range 42 to 80) after the start of phenytoin therapy. Ataxia occurred in two patients with serum phenytoin concentrations of 16 and 20 μg, but not in the other four, three of whom had serum concentrations greater than 20 μg/ml. Echocardiographic, hematopoletic, hepatic and renal function indexes remained constant with treatment.It is concluded that (1) phenytoin suppressed ventricular arrhythmias in six children and young adults after surgery for congenital heart disease; (2) the effective serum concentration of phenytoin was approximately 15 μg/ml, but varied widely; and (3) this concentration was achieved within 48 to 72 hours when an oral loading dose was administered.  相似文献   

In eight patients with congenital heart defects and equivocal preoperative hemodynamic data, lung biopsy with frozen section was performed and quantitative morphometric analysis carried out to help select a palliative or corrective surgical procedure. During catheterization it had been possible in only six of the eight patients to enter the pulmonary artery and obtain pressure measurements; four patients had moderate to severe elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance whereas the other two had only mild elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure, but they were being considered for a Fontan procedure.The lung biopsy tissue was taken inflated and fixed inflated in hot glutaraldehyde. From cryostat sections arterial concentration was assessed relative to alveolar concentration, and the degree of arterial muscularity was assessed by wall thickness and extension of muscle; the more advanced Heath-Edwards arterial changes were also evaluated. On the basis of the morphologic assessment, six of the eight patients underwent corrective surgery and two underwent a palliative procedure. Postoperative hemodynamic data available in four of the patients who underwent corrective surgery revealed either a significant reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance or return to a normal level of pulmonary arterial pressure, whereas no change has occurred in the one patient studied who underwent a palliative procedure. Assessment of pulmonary arterial development and structure on lung biopsy with frozen section proved helpful in deciding between a palliative and corrective surgical procedure.  相似文献   

Preoperative and postoperative left ventricular (LV) performance was evaluated noninvasively in 15 children who survived aortic valve replacement (AVR). The noninvasive evaluation included electrocardiography, M-mode echocardiography, and graded exercise testing. Clinically, there was dramatic improvement postoperatively: All but 2 patients were asymptomatic. No conduction defects or arrhythmias were detected preoperatively; however, in the late postoperative period there was a variety of intraventricular conduction abnormalities, myocardial infarctions, and ventricular or supraventricular arrhythmias. On M-mode echocardiography, children with aortic stenosis continued to have increased LV mass postoperatively. Shortening fraction and left-sided systolic time intervals returned to normal. The children with aortic regurgitation also had persistently abnormal LV mass on echocardiography postoperatively. Exercise data indicated no improvement in working capacity after AVR. Also, 9 children (63%) continued to have ST-segment depression with maximal exercise. These data indicate that AVR does not result in a return to normal of myocardial performance in children with severe aortic valve disease.  相似文献   

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