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又名 Alcacua,Alcazuz,Chinese Licorice,Gan Cao,Gan Zao,Glycyrrhiza,Lakritze,LicoriceRoot,Liquiritiaeradix,Liquirizia,Liquorice,Orozuz,Phytoestrogen, Reglisse,Regliz,RussianLicorice,SpanishLicorice,Subholz,Sweet Root。 植物名 Glycyrrhiza glabra;G.glabratypica;G.glabra violacea;G.glabra glandulifera;G.uralensis,Reglisse。  相似文献   

孟毅  孟辉 《新药与临床》1994,13(2):115-116
随着临床药理学研究的不断发展,近年来人们发现许多药物,如硝苯地平,维拉帕米,过氧化氢溶液,甘露醇,苯巴比妥,硫酸镁,维生素C维生素K,尼群地平,可治疗蛔虫性胆绞痛。尤以硝苯地平,苯巴比妥,尼群地平,维生素K,甘露醇作用较快,方便疗效满意,适合通用,而维修拉帕米,硫酸镁,维生素C,过氧化氢溶液亦可酌情选用。  相似文献   

林某某,女,42岁,医务工作者,既往无青霉素过敏史,因肛门附近疖肿,预防感染,在门诊注射普鲁卡因青霉素G皮试;20min后观察局部,无红肿,属阴性,40万u/次,1次周,肌注,连续用药3d均无发现异常,无全身反应,d4(连续用同一厂家批号青霉素),在注射时立即发生胸闷,心悸,出冷汗,即停药观察,脉搏细弱,烦躁不安,呻吟,立即嘱病人头低位平卧,给予1:10m肾上腺素0.5ml皮下注射无效,继而出现支气管痉挛,喉头水肿,呼吸困难,听诊双肺学鸣音,心率150次小。in,血压几.O/6.67kPa进行人工呼吸,吸入氧气,立即给地塞米松,…  相似文献   

本文研究了丙嗪对正常人和肝硬化患者的药动学参数及其与半乳糖单点法(GSP)的相关性,以期对肝硬化患者进行剂量调整提供临床指导。选择9名肝硬化患者,6名健康志愿受试者。每人口服丙嗪2片(每片50ms),24OmL水,夜间禁食,随后第15,25,4O,6Omin,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,IO,12,16,24,36,48,6O,72h抽取7~12mL静脉血样,于涂有肝素的玻璃管中,离心,将血浆和血细胞分开,于一3O”C贮存备用。服药后0,1,2,4,6,8,12,24,4872h收集尿样,于一30C贮存,并记录尿样体积和PH值。各样品用HPLC法分析。,使用双室…  相似文献   

笔者在北京儿童医院进修期间遇到2例马凡综合征病例,现报告如下: 1病例资料 患者为父子二人,父亲,36岁,身高195厘米,体重55公斤,儿子,10岁,身高170厘米,体重20公斤,父子二人均智力正常,面容憔悴,身材瘦高,头形细长,耳朵大,胸廓呈漏斗胸,脊柱侧弯,四肢明显增长,手指,脚趾细长。Steinberg征阳性,肌张力减弱,肌力正常,神经系统检查未见异常。父亲视力左眼4.0,右眼4.2,儿子视力左眼4.0,右眼4.0,临床诊断为马凡综合征。  相似文献   

1.病例介绍:例1,赖某,男,28岁,干部,1996年2月24口初诊,患习惯性便秘多年,长期服用三黄片以治疗便秘。初诊前4个月开始腹泻,完谷不化,每日3~4次,畏寒,体重减轻,腹痛,肠鸣,矢气。查体:T36.8C,R26次/min,his次/min,腹软,肠呜音亢进,左下腹压痛,左下腹可触及肠型。连续化险大使常规3次,偶见粘液,大使培养未见致病菌,纤维结肠镜检未见明显病理改变。经按肠易激综合征治疗疗效显著。例2,周某,男,34岁,干部,1994年1月3日初诊,因经常便秘而服用三黄片有效。1991年6月始腹痛腹泻,每天4~5次,于餐后有使意,…  相似文献   

目的:在中国健康志愿中评价单剂静滴埃本膦酸钠注射液的安全性,耐受性,方法:根据新药临床试验指导原则,经体检及实验室检查,各项指标均在正常范围内的36名18-50岁健康成人,用区组随机化设计方法,按随机表将受试随机分配至1,2,3,4,5和6mg剂量组,每组6名受试,男女各半,观察指标为临床症状,生命体征,心电图,血常规,尿常规,肝功能,肾功能,电解质等。结果:单剂静滴埃本膦酸钠注射液1-6mg,志愿体温,脉搏 ,呼吸频率,血压,心电图,血常规,肝功能,肾功能,电解质等各项指标测定值均在正常范围,内仅见血磷降低,发热,出汗,骨痛,肌痛,血钙降低等与药物可能有关的一过性轻微不良反应,该不良反应于给药后1-2wk内恢复正常,结论:单次静滴埃本膦酸钠注射液最大剂量至6mg比较安全,耐受性较好。  相似文献   

王力智  刘冰 《中国药房》1997,8(2):94-95
本报道通过对中药煎剂中的茎,叶,花,根,根茎,子实,果实,枝干,皮,藤,石,介,虫,甲5大类53种中药的重量,加水量,倒出量,吸蓄量的实验探讨,初步得出处方药重量,加水量、火候,煎煮时间和煎出量之间的关系及其相关的计算公式,对促进中药煎剂加水量和达到预期煎药量的量化指标,提供了科学实验依据。  相似文献   

患者男,30岁,咳嗽,咳痰,咽充血、扁桃体无肿大,无发热。双肺胸透肺纹理重,诊断为“支气管炎”。静滴氨苄青霉素钠,日1次静滴5.0g,连续静滴5天后,患者面部、胸部出现瘙痒发红,第6天时,皮肤出现散在红色皮疹,斑状丘疹,大小不等,以面部、颈部、胸部、臀部为主,考虑为迟发性药物过敏,而给予扑尔敏8mg,每日3次口服,赛庚啶4mg,每日3次口服,两天后症状无明显缓解,并且皮疹向周围蔓延,逐渐遍及全身,融合成片,手、脚、掌心均有药疹水肿,患者感觉心慌不适,并有心律不齐,心电提示窦性心动过速,室性早搏,T波改变。患者既…  相似文献   

依那普利致全身肌肉抖动1例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关爱阁  刘利芳 《海峡药学》2007,19(3):106-106
患者,男,54岁,因发作性胸闷,伴后颈疼痛半年,于2006年5月29日入院,自觉胸骨后尤甚,持续数秒至十余分钟不等,有时伴汗出及恶心,多在夜间发作。查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏56次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压144/80mmHg,神清,精神可,自动体位,查体合作,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及罗音,腹软,无压痛及反跳痛,心界无扩大,心率56次/min,律齐,心音正常,未闻及杂音,双下肢无水肿,神经系统检查无异常。  相似文献   

1. The layer of adherent mucus that protects the surface of the stomach reflects a dynamic balance between biosynthesis of glycoprotein, secretion of preformed mucus and erosion of the adherent gel layer. The present study is the first in which all these processes have been measured concomitantly and was undertaken to define interrelationships between the three parameters. 2. A chambered sac preparation of amphibian gastric mucosa is described. Biosynthesis was determined by specific incorporation of radiolabeled sugars into purified glycoprotein. Mucus secretion was determined by measuring the thickness of the adherent gel and erosion of the surface layer was assessed from the appearance of soluble mucin in the luminal solution. 3. 16,16-Dimethyl-prostaglandin (PG. E2 stimulated glucosamine incorporation by 10-fold, but did not alter the rate of incorporation of galactose. There was a rapid two-fold increase in the thickness of the adherent mucus layer but no change in the rate of erosion. Dibutyryl-cAMP also stimulated mucus release but, unlike PG, increased glycoprotein labelling by galactose. 4. Both distention or the application of a cholinergic agonist increased adherent mucus thickness. Stimulation of mucus release in response to carbachol was accompanied by a decrease in glycoprotein labelling by galactose. In contrast, the adrenergic agent noradrenaline decreased secretion but did not influence labelling. 5. These results indicate that biosynthesis and secretion of gastric mucus are subject to differential regulation. Moreover, the profile of incorporation of sugars in response to secreta-gogues also differs, indicating the need for caution when interpreting effects on glycoprotein biosynthesis.  相似文献   


The uptake of metals from food and water sources by insects is thought to be additive. For a given metal, the proportions taken up from water and food will depend both on the bioavailable concentration of the metal associated with each source and the mechanism and rate by which the metal enters the insect. Attempts to correlate insect trace metal concentrations with the trophic level of insects should be made with a knowledge of the feeding relationships of the individual taxa concerned. Pathways for the uptake of essential metals, such as copper and zinc, exist at the cellular level, and other nonessential metals, such as cadmium, also appear to enter via these routes. Within cells, trace metals can be bound to proteins or stored in granules. The internal distribution of metals among body tissues is very heterogeneous, and distribution patterns tend to be both metal and taxon specific. Trace metals associated with insects can be both bound on the surface of their chitinous exoskeleton and incorporated into body tissues. The quantities of trace meals accumulated by an individual reflect the net balance between the rate of metal influx from both dissolved and particulate sources and the rate of metal efflux from the organism. The toxicity of metals has been demonstrated at all levels of biological organization: cell, tissue, individual, population, and community. Much of the literature pertaining to the toxic effects of metals on aquatic insects is based on laboratory observations and, as such, it is difficult to extrapolate the data to insects in nature. The few experimental studies in nature suggest that trace metal contaminants can affect both the distribution and the abundance of aquatic insects. Insects have a largely unexploited potential as biomonitors of metal contamination in nature. A better understanding of the physico-chemical and biological mechanisms mediating trace metal bioavailability and exchange will facilitate the development of general predictive models relating trace metal concentrations in insects to those in their environment. Such models will facilitate the use of insects as contaminant biomonitors.  相似文献   

Reports of the inhibitory effects of diaminocarboxylic acids on the uptake of amino acid transmitters led the present authors to examine the effects of simple aliphatic diamines on the synaptosomal uptake of glutamate, aspartate, GABA and glycine. The diamines studied were the series from ethylenediamine through to 1,7-diaminoheptane; DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) was also tested for comparative purposes. The greatest inhibition seen was on the uptake of glycine and GABA. Weaker effects on uptake were seen with glutamate, while aspartate was unaffected. The patterns of inhibition for glycine and GABA were similar and the effects were dose-dependent. 1,2-Diaminopropane was the most inhibitory, followed by ethylenediamine and 1,7-diaminoheptane. The reported inhibitory effects of DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid on the uptake of GABA and glutamate were confirmed; comparable inhibition of the uptake of glycine and aspartate was seen but the effects on GABA were most potent. Inhibition of the uptake of GABA by 1,2-diaminopropane was approximately one fifteenth that reported for DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid. The inhibition by diamine of the uptake of glycine and GABA can provide an explanation of the depressant effects of diamines, seen after ventricular administration; however, the excitotoxic effects of the diamines 1,3-diaminopropane through to 1,7-diaminoheptane could not be explained by the present results.  相似文献   

Morphine has been used widely on the treatment of many types of chronic pain. However the development of tolerance to and dependence on morphine by repeat application is a major problem in pain therapy. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether combined administration of nalbuphine with morphine affects the development of tolerance to and dependence on morphine. We hypothesize that the use of nalbuphine, κ-agonist may prove to be useful adjunct therapy to prevent morphine-induced undesirable effects in the management of some forms of chronic pain. Morphine (10 mg/kg) was injected to rats intraperitoneally for 5 day. The variable dose of nalbuphine (0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 mg/kg) was administered (i.p.) in combination with morphine injection. The development of morphine tolerance was assessed by measuring the antinociceptive effect with the Randall-Selitto apparatus. The development of dependence on morphine was determined by the scoring the precipitated withdrawal signs for 30 min after injection of naloxone (10 mg/kg, i.p.). Nalbuphine did not attenuate antinociceptive effect of morphine in rats. Interestingly, combined administration of morphine with nalbuphine (10∶1) significantly attenuated the development of dependence on morphine. The elevation of [3H]MK-801 binding in frontal cortex, dentate gyrus, and cerebellum after chronic morphine infusion was suppressed by the coadministration of nalbuphine. In addition, the elevation of NR1 expression by morphine was decreased by the coadministration of nalbuphine in rat cortex. These results suggest that the coadministration of nalbuphine with morphine in chronic pain treatment can be one of therapies to reduce the development of tolerance to and dependence on morphine.  相似文献   

The use of any medication in pregnant women requires careful consideration of benefit to the mother versus risk posed to the fetus. Fungal infections are not uncommon in pregnant women; in fact, the incidence of certain infections such as Candida vaginitis is increased in this patient population. A variety of antimycotic agents are currently available to treat systemic or mucocutaneous fungal infections. Many of these agents are capable of penetrating the placental barrier and entering fetal cord blood, therefore adverse effects of these agents on the fetus are a valid concern. The use of topical azoles for the treatment of superficial fungal infections is safe and efficacious. However, there are some data suggesting a dose-related increase in the risk of teratogenicity associated with the use of systemic azoles. Amphotericin B remains the drug of choice for the treatment of systemic fungal infections in pregnancy. There are serious risks of fetal malformations associated with the use of griseofulvin, ketoconazole, voriconazole, flucytosine and potassium iodide. These drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. There are insufficient data regarding the use of caspofungin in pregnancy. This article will review available data regarding the safety of antifungal drug use in pregnant women.  相似文献   

The lungs are the most common site of serious infection owing to their large surface area exposed to the external environment and minimum barrier defense. However, this architecture makes the lungs readily available for topical therapy. Therapeutic aerosols include those directed towards improving mucociliary clearance of pathogens, stimulation of innate resistance to microbial infection, cytokine stimulation of immune function and delivery of antibiotics. In our opinion inhaled antimicrobials are underused, especially in patients with difficult-to-treat lung infections. The use of inhaled antimicrobial therapy has become an important part of the treatment of airway infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis and the prevention of invasive fungal infection in patients undergoing heart and lung transplantation. Cytokine inhaled therapy has also been explored in the treatment of neoplastic and infectious disease. The choice of pulmonary drug delivery systems remains critical as air-jet and ultrasonic nebulizer may deliver sub-optimum drug concentration if not used properly. In future development of this field, we recommend an emphasis on the study of the use of aerosolized hypertonic saline solution to reduce pathogen burden in the airways of subjects infected with microbes of low virulence, stimulation of innate resistance to prevent pneumonia in immunocompromised subjects using cytokines or synthetic pathogen-associated molecular pattern analogues and more opportunities for the use of inhaled antimicrobials. These therapeutics are still in their infancy but show great promise.  相似文献   

AIMS: Rectal administration of methadone may be an alternative to intravenous and oral dosing in cancer pain, but the bioavailability of the rectal route is not known. The aim of this study was to compare the absolute rectal bioavailability of methadone with its oral bioavailability in healthy humans. METHODS: Seven healthy subjects (six males, one female, aged 20-39 years) received 10 mg d(5)-methadone-HCl rectally (5 ml in 20% glycofurol) together with either d(0)-methadone intravenously (5 mg) or orally (10 mg) on two separate occasions. Blood samples for the LC-MS analyses of methadone and it's metabolite EDDP were drawn for up to 96 h. Noninvasive infrared pupillometry was performed at the same time as blood sampling. RESULTS: The mean absolute rectal bioavailability of methadone was 0.76 (0.7, 0.81), compared to 0.86 (0.75, 0.97) for oral administration (mean (95% CI)). Rectal absorption of methadone was more rapid than after oral dosing with Tmax values of 1.4 (0.9, 1.8) vs. 2.8 (1.6, 4.0) h. The extent of formation of the metabolite EDDP did not differ between routes of administration. Single doses of methadone had a duration of action of at least 10 h and were well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Rectal administration of methadone results in rapid absorption, a high bioavailability and long duration of action. No evidence of presystemic elimination was seen. Rectal methadone has characteristics that make it a potential alternative to intravenous and oral administration, particularly in cancer pain and palliative care.  相似文献   

Self-injection of barbiturates and benzodiazepines in baboons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Self-injection of three barbiturates, six benzodiazepines, and chlorpromazine was examined in baboons. Intravenous injections of drug were dependent upon completion of 160 lever presses (a 160-response fixed-ratio schedule). A 3-h time-out period followed each injection, permitting a maximum of eight injections per day. Prior to testing each dose of drug, self-injection performance was established with cocaine. Subsequently, a test dose was substituted for cocaine. Amobarbital, pentobarbital, and secobarbital maintained the highest levels of self-injection, which were similar to those maintained by cocaine. Clonazepam, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, medazepam, and midazolam maintained relatively modest levels of self-injection, while chlorpromazine maintained only low levels, which were in the range of vehicle control. Of the six benzodiazepines, midazolam produced the highest levels of self-injection. At the highest self-injected doses, the barbiturates produced anesthesia in contrast to the benzodiazepines, which produced only sedation. None of the drugs affected food intake except for chlorpromazine, which produced dose-related decreases. The differences among the drug classes (i.e., barbiturate, benzodiazepine, phenothiazine) with respect to the maintenance of self-injection correspond well with the results of previous animal and human drug self-administration studies.  相似文献   

Resolution of enantiomers is very important particularly in the fields of asymmetric synthesis, mechanistic studies, geochronology, studies of structure-function relationship of proteins, pharmacology, and medicine. Various chromatographic methods have replaced the classical fractional crystallization, seeding and enzymatic procedures. Of these, t.l.c. provides a direct, simple, and inexpensive method for resolution of enantiomers of amino acids and their derivatives. Ligand exchange, ion exchange, and molecular inclusion complexation have been the basis of t.l.c. resolution of enantiomers of amino acids and their derivatives. The innovation of new plate types, and methods of development and detection have renewed interest in the direct resolution of enantiomers of amino acids, their derivatives and a variety of other compounds by t.l.c. The present report provides an overview of some of the more recent approaches to the direct t.l.c. resolution of amino acids and their derivatives together with special advantages and scope of t.l.c.  相似文献   

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