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POEMS综合征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 病例摘要患者 32岁男性 ,因“四肢麻木无力、淋巴结肿大、皮肤色素沉着 4年 ,发现肾功能减退半年” ,于2 0 0 0 0 2 2 3入院。患者缘于 1995年 7月无明显诱因出现手足麻木 ,进行性加重 ,伴腕、踝关节疼痛。 12月出现左侧乳腺硬结 ,直径约 1cm ,乳头溢出无色透明液体。外周多处浅表淋巴结肿大。当地医院肝胆胰脾B超示腹主动脉周围淋巴结肿大 (约 1~ 2cm) ,骨髓穿刺及腹股沟淋巴结活检未见明确异常 ,未治。数月后乳腺硬结消失 ,但睾丸、阴茎却变小 ,阴茎勃起困难。同时嗓音渐嘶哑 ,手足皮肤变黑变硬。1996年 7月在广州某医院予强的…  相似文献   

POEMS综合征32例临床分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Zhu WG  Wang Y  Zeng XJ  Wang Q  Shen T 《中华内科杂志》2006,45(2):108-111
目的加深临床医师对POEMS综合征的认识,比较国内外POEMS综合征患者的临床特征。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院32例POEMS综合征患者的临床特征,并与国内外大宗病例报告进行比较。结果32例患者,平均年龄45、8岁,男女比例2.2:1。临床特征:(1)多发性周围神经病(P):麻木(84.4%)、感觉异常(87.5%)、肌无力(90.6%)等。肌电图92.9%为神经源性改变,神经活检75.0%为轴索变性。(2)脏器肿大(O):肝肿大71.9%、脾肿大87.5%、淋巴结肿大62.5%。9例淋巴结活检中5例为Castleman病。(3)内分泌病变(E):男性勃起功能障碍72.7%、女性月经改变60.0%。(4)单克隆浆细胞增生(M):血清M蛋白阳性率72.0%(18/25)。(5)皮肤色素沉着(S):93.8%的患者有皮肤色素沉着。与其他报道相比,临床特征基本相似,但视乳头水肿、脾肿大、多汗等方面有一定差异;M蛋白的发生率与国外报道无差异,显著高于国内既往报道。结论本组POEMS综合征临床特征与国外基本相似,血清M蛋白的发生率并不低于国外。免疫电泳以及骨髓活检轻链组化染色可能有助于提高“M”的检测敏感性。  相似文献   

POEMS综合征相关肾损害——肾小球弥漫系膜溶解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
49岁中年男性,因神经系统和内分泌系统异常,脾大,少量蛋白尿和镜下血尿,肾活检形态学为弥漫系膜溶解,结合临床和实验室检查,考虑POEMS综合征相关肾损害。  相似文献   

POEMS综合征相关性肾病临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的回顾性分析POEMS综合征(五大病症首位字母缩写:多发性周围神经病,polyneuropathy,P;器官肿大organomegaly,O;内分泌障碍endocrinophthy,E;M-蛋白血症M-proteins,M;皮肤改变skinchanges,S。)相关性肾病的临床和病理特征。方法对上海长征医院1997-05~2003-08回顾性研究POEMS综合征的12例患者的临床、实验室及3例肾穿刺病理诊断结果。结果POEMS综合征相关性肾病发生率25%,最常见的表现为轻度至中度蛋白尿、水肿、镜下血尿;病理呈现膜增生性肾小球肾炎样病变,个别肾小球见λ轻链沉积。结论POEMS综合征相关性肾病临床症状相对轻微,主要表现为蛋白尿、血尿、肾功能损害。病理缺乏特异性,治疗主要采用激素治疗,预后差。  相似文献   

男患,44岁,于2006年1月3日入院。该患者3年前开始全身皮肤逐渐发黑,形体消瘦。2003年11月感觉双脚胀、麻,走路时脚掌发厚,有凸凹不平感,近1年双腿无力,上楼费力。神经传导速度检查显示:神经传导速度减慢,诊断为“末梢神经炎”,用维生素B1、B12肌注,效果不佳。2005年1月查腹部彩超发现肝脾肿大,肝功能正常,5月出现双下肢浮肿,8月感冒后两次发热,体温38℃左右,抗菌素治疗后好转,10月又发热伴喘憋,查B超示:肝脾肿大,少量胸腔积液及腹水。经抗结核及激素治疗好转。近几年四肢汗毛逐渐增多;发病即伴性功能障碍;双乳房曾胀痛。查体:血压120/80mm…  相似文献   

POEMS综合征(又称Crow-Fukase综合征)是一种病因未明确的以多发性周围神经病变为主,伴有或不伴有多发性骨髓瘤的多系统损害征候群.其中主要以多发性周围神经病(Peripheral neuropathy,P)、脏器肿大(Organomegaly,O)、内分泌病变(Endocrinopathy,E)、M蛋白病变(Monoclonal gammophathy,M)、皮肤改变(Skin changes,S)为主要特征,还包括骨质代谢异常、大淋巴结增生症、视神经乳头水肿、腹水、胸腔积液,红细胞增多症、血小板增多症、乏力和杵状指[1].我们总结了2000~2006年期间在本院住院确诊的5例患者的临床特点,现报道如下:  相似文献   

原发性干燥综合征肾损害的临床病理特征及预后   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:分析原发性干燥综合征患者肾损害的临床表现、免疫学特点、肾脏病理改变和预后.方法:回顾性分析62例原发性干燥综合征[女60例,男2例,平均年龄(36.8±10.7)岁]伴肾损害患者的临床表现和肾脏病理特征及预后. 结果:88.1%患者尿渗量减低,49例(79%)存在肾小管酸中毒(RTA),其中Ⅰ型44例(89.8%),Ⅱ型2例(4.1%),Ⅲ型3例(6.1%).47例(75.8%)存在低钾血症,9例(14.5%)存在肾性尿崩症,1例(1.6%)存在Fanconi综合征.43例(69.4%)有蛋白尿,尿蛋白0.42~7.51 g/d[平均(1.17±1.16)g/d],其中41例(95.3%)尿蛋白<2g/d,均为小管性蛋白尿,2例(4.7%)尿蛋白>3.5 g/d,4例(6.5%)有镜下血尿,9例(14.5%)存在慢性肾功能不全.45例(72.6%)存在高球蛋白血症.血清自身抗体阳性率高低依次为:抗SSA(86.0%),ANA(77.4%),抗SSB(52.6%),RF(39.5%),抗心磷脂抗体(21.6%),抗RNP抗体(15.3%).肾脏病理56例为间质性肾炎,其中6例伴系膜增生及IgA沉积,2例伴肾小球膜性病变,6例肾小管间质及小球基本正常.56例平均随访(37.5±38.0)个月(中位随访时间21个月),5年、10年人肾存活率均为100%. 结论:原发性干燥综合征肾损害以尿浓缩功能减低和RTA伴低钾血症最为常见,肾脏病理主要为间质性肾炎,少部分患者可有系膜增生伴IgA沉积、肾小球膜性病变,远期预后较好.  相似文献   

患者男性,40岁。腹胀1月,伴明显双下肢水肿。在当地医院就诊,诊断为“下腔静脉狭窄”,行下腔静脉狭窄扩张术。经治疗后,腹胀、水肿未见缓解。曾在我门诊就诊,诊断为多发性神经炎,予以营养神经等支持治疗,效果欠佳。4d前,出现声音嘶哑,并发现腹水,遂以腹水原因待查收入我科。起病以来无发热、腹痛,患者精神饮食尚可,睡眠较差,大便稀黄,5~6次/d,小便量少,体重未见减轻。2001年曾行阑尾切除术,否认肝炎、结核病史。  相似文献   

POEMS综合征一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
POEMS综合征一例陈文军杨耀波戚沛霖患者男性,68岁,因双下肢麻木、无力4个月于1992年10月6日入院。患者于1992年6月起感左大腿麻木,继之右大腿麻木,渐感双腿无力,出现尿失禁,经肌肉注射维生素B1及B12治疗无效。既往健康。查体:血压16/...  相似文献   

The characteristics of ascites in patients with POEMS syndrome, which comprise polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, and skin changes, are unknown. We described the frequency of ascites at presentation of POEMS syndrome and further evaluated for the pathogenesis and nature of the ascites. One hundred and six consecutive patients with POEMS syndrome in Chinese PLA General Hospital were evaluated for the presence of ascites, and the cellular and biochemical characteristics of the ascitic fluids were assessed. Serum levels of complement, cytokines, and clinical chemistry parameters were analyzed in peripheral blood samples of the patients with POEMS syndrome. Ascites was observed in 42 of 106 (39.6 %) patients with POEMS syndrome. Patients with ascites had significantly high serum levels of C3 and C4 complement components and TNF-α (all p?<?0.01). In 31 (73.8 %) patients who underwent paracentesis, the ascitic fluids had low serum ascites albumin gradients (SAAG), indicating non-portal hypertension. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis was not observed. Ascites is a common complication of POEMS syndrome and has characteristics of non-portal hypertension, based on low SAAG. Increased immune activation and inflammatory status could contribute to the pathogenesis of ascites in POEMS syndrome.  相似文献   

目的:比较Ⅲ型与Ⅲ+Ⅴ型、Ⅳ型与Ⅳ+Ⅴ型及Ⅳ-S亚型与Ⅳ-G亚型狼疮性肾炎(LN)患者的临床病理特点和肾脏远期预后。方法:收集南京军区南京总医院肾脏科肾脏病登记系统中经肾活检明确诊断为增生型LN、随访时间≥1年的汉族成年患者肾活检时的临床和病理资料。观察终点为终末期肾病(ESRD)。病理分型参照ISN/RPS 2003病理分型方案。结果:Ⅲ型LN患者10年和20年肾脏生存率分别为92.1%和72.2%,Ⅲ+Ⅴ型分别为91.5%和88.9%,Ⅳ型分别为82.7%和60.3%(其中Ⅳ-S亚型分别为86.2%和69.6%;Ⅳ-G亚型分别为81.9%和58.9%),Ⅳ+Ⅴ型分别为82.7%和54.7%。Ⅲ+Ⅴ型和Ⅳ+Ⅴ型LN患者尿蛋白分别重于Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型患者;病理上慢性化病变分别重于Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型患者;急性病变分别轻于Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型患者。Ⅳ-S亚型LN患者抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体阳性率高于Ⅳ-G亚型患者;高血压、蛋白尿、低补体血症轻于Ⅳ-G亚型患者;病理上节段性袢坏死和新月体重于Ⅳ-G亚型患者;白金耳、毛细血管内增生轻于Ⅳ-G亚型患者。结论:Ⅲ型与Ⅲ+Ⅴ型、Ⅳ型与Ⅳ+Ⅴ型、Ⅳ-S亚型与Ⅳ-G亚型LN患者之间虽然临床病理特点不同,但肾脏生存率均无差异。  相似文献   

POEMS综合征23例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
POEMS综合征又称Crow-Fukase综合征,是一种临床少见的多器官损害综合征,以进行性多发性周围神经病变(polyneuropathy,P)、器官肿大(organomegaly,O)、内分泌病变(endocrinopathy,E)、M蛋白增高(M protein,M)和皮肤改变(skin changes,S)为主要特征的一类疾病.临床表现复杂多样,易误诊、漏诊.本文总结了本院2000-2008年收治的23例患者临床资料,进行回顾性分析提高对本病的认识,现分析如下.  相似文献   


Objective. IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is characterized by IgG4-positive plasmacytic infiltration and fibrosis in various organs. Orbital involvement in IgG4-RD includes lacrimal glands, extra-ocular muscles, trigeminal nerve and other parts of the orbit. Immunohistochemical staining is used to diagnose IgG4-RD in patients with orbital inflammation. The purpose of this retrospective study was to clarify the clinicopathological features of IgG4-RD complicated with orbital involvement.

Methods. We examined the clinical features, pathological findings and response to treatment in nine patients with IgG4-RD who underwent orbital tissue biopsy between April 2010 and August 2012 at the University of Tsukuba Hospital.

Results. Among the nine patients, eight had dacryoadenitis, one had infraorbital nerve swelling, and another one had IgG4-related orbital inflammation. Involvement of other organs was identified in all patients, including involvement of the salivary glands, lymph nodes, lung, kidney and para-aorta. In all patients, biopsy samples from orbital tissues showed lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and fibrosis, and IgG4-positive/IgG-positive plasmacyte ratio of > 40%. All patients were treated with prednisolone (0.6 mg/kg/day) and responded well in early phase, although relapse was noted in two patients following tapering of prednisolone, evident by swelling of lacrimal glands.

Conclusion. Patients with IgG4-RD complicated with orbital involvement often present with involvement of other organs. The histopathological findings of orbital tissue match the characteristic features of IgG4-RD. Corticosteroid is effective for orbital and systemic involvement in IgG4-RD.  相似文献   

Chen  Wencui  Liang  Shaoshan  Zuo  Ke  Yang  Liu  Zeng  Caihong  Hu  Weixin 《Clinical rheumatology》2021,40(7):2735-2743

Non-immune complex (IC)-mediated renal thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) has been reported in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but most studies included patients with both renal TMA and IC-mediated lupus nephritis (LN). In this study, the clinicopathological features and outcomes of renal injury characterised by only renal TMA were retrospectively analyzed.


Patients with glomerular and/or vascular TMA in the absence of subendothelial or epithelial immune deposits were screened from 2,332 biopsied of SLE patients. The TMA lesions were divided into glomerular, vascular or both. Acute tubular-interstitial injury was semi-quantitatively analyzed. The podocyte foot process effacement (FPE) was measured by electronic microscopy.


Two hundred fifty-seven (11.0%) renal biopsies revealed TMA, among which 237 biopsies showed TMA coexisting with LN, and 20 (0.9%) biopsies had only renal TMA without or with only mesangial immune deposits. All patients manifested with acute kidney injury and haematological disorders. Among them, 11 (55%) required renal replacement therapy, 12 (60%) had nephrotic syndrome and 13 (65.0%) showed microvascular haemolytic anaemia with thrombocytopenia. Seventeen (85%) biopsies revealed both glomerular TMA and vascular TMA, two had only glomerular TMA and one had vascular TMA. Eight (40%) had no glomerular immune deposits and 12 (60%) showed only mesangial immune deposits. The acute tubulointerstitial injury in patients requiring dialysis was more severe than those not needing dialysis ((43.6 ± 24.9) % vs. (21.7 ± 20.1) %, p = 0.047). FPE of podocytes was positively correlated with proteinuria (r2 = 0.347, p = 0.006). All patients received high-dose methylprednisolone pulse therapy. Four patients received plasma exchange. The renal function of 11 patients requiring dialysis initially recovered after 16.0 (interquartile range [IQR] 9.0, 30.0) days of treatment. During the follow-up of 58.0 (IQR 36.0, 92.3) months, remission was achieved in 19 (95%) patients; only one patient had no response. No patient died or progressed to end-stage renal disease; six patients (30%) relapsed.


Renal TMA, usually accompanying severe renal injury, was not uncommon in SLE patients with renal disease and should be distinguished from immune complex–mediated severe classes of LN. Early intensive immunosuppressive treatment may be associated with a good long-term renal outcome.

Key Points
? Most previous reports of renal TMA in SLE patients were associated with severe types of immune complex–mediated lupus nephritis;
? Renal TMA with glomerular pauci-immune or only mesangial immune deposits was found in SLE patients and clinically presented with severe acute renal injury but good renal outcome;
? Renal TMA should be considered as a unique type of SLE-associated renal injury.

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a frequent complication after bone marrow transplantation and often results in a fatal outcome. However, hepatic manifestation of chronic GVHD accompanied by unresolved acute GVHD has not been clarified so far. The present study was intended to examine clinicopathological features in patients in which acute GVHD appeared to progress gradually into chronic GVHD. METHODOLOGY: We evaluated laboratory data, pathological features and response to immunosuppression in 11 patients whose diseases were diagnosed as hepatic GVHD, retrospectively. The patients were classified into 3 groups: acute GVHD group (n=3), non-progressive chronic GVHD group (n=5) and progressive chronic GVHD group (n=3), which means continuous liver dysfunction beyond day 100 post-transplant. RESULTS: Patients with progressive chronic GVHD showed higher peaks of aminotransferase and biliary tract enzyme levels than patients with acute GVHD and non-progressive chronic GVHD. Their biopsy specimens demonstrated severer changes in lobular parenchyma, portal area and small interlobular bile ducts. They also showed marked loss of bile ducts. Despite administration of prednisolone or dose escalation of cyclosporin A, their liver function tests did not return to normal within one year. CONCLUSIONS: In cases of liver dysfunction that emerges within 100 days after transplantation, liver biopsy appears to be important to confirm diagnosis. Patients with acute hepatic GVHD need strong immunosuppression to prevent progression to chronic GVHD.  相似文献   

Primary aldosteronism (PA), an autonomous aldosterone hypersecretion from adrenal adenoma and/or hyperplasia, and subclinical Cushing syndrome (SCS), a mild but autonomous cortisol hypersecretion from adrenal adenoma without signs or symptoms of Cuhing's syndrome, are now well-recognized clinical entities of adrenal incidentaloma. However, the clinicopathological features of PA associated with SCS (PA/SCS) remain unknown. The present study was undertaken to study the prevalence of PA/SCS among PA patients diagnosed at our institute, and characterize their clinicopathlogical features. The prevalence of PA/SCS was 8 of 38 PA patients (21%) studied. These 8 PA/SCS patients were significantly older and had larger tumor, higher serum potassium levels, lower basal plasma levels of aldosterone, ACTH and DHEA-S as well as lower response of aldosterone after ACTH stimulation than those in 12 patients with aldosterone-producing adenoma without hypercortisolism. All 8 PA/SCS patients showed unilateral uptake by adrenal scintigraphy at the ipsilateral side, whereas the laterality of aldosterone hypersecretion as determined by adrenal venous sampling varied from ipsilateral (3), contralateral (2), and bilateral side (2). 6 PA/SCS patinets who underwent adrenalectomy required hydrocortisone replacement postoperatively. Histopathological analysis of the resected adrenal tumors from 5 PA/SCS patients revealed a single adenoma in 3, and double adenomas in 2, with varying degrees of positive immunoreactivities for steroidgenic enzymes (3β-HSD, P450(C17)) by immunohistochemical study as well as CYP11B2 mRNA expression as measured by real-time RT-PCR. In conclusion, PA/SCS consists of a variety of adrenal pathologies so that therapeutic approach differs depending on the disease subtype.  相似文献   

A patient with bronchial asthma developed cholecystitis. Laboratory investigations revealed marked eosinophilia (6,615/mm3), an elevated anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody level and renal dysfunction (blood urea nitrogen 14 mg/dl, creatinine 1.4 mg/dl). Following cholecystectomy, histopathological examination revealed a marked inflammatory cell infiltrate composed mainly of eosinophils with evidence of invasion of the wall of the gall bladder and granuloma formation of arterioles. A diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome was made and she was treated with 60 mg of prednisolone per day. A renal biopsy was performed one year later in view of persistent renal dysfunction. Pathological analysis revealed a pauci-immune glomerulonephritis with interstitial changes but no crescent formation.  相似文献   

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