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Hair fiber differentiation involves the expression of both hair keratin intermediate filament proteins and their associated proteins, termed keratin-associated proteins. In this study, cDNA clones encoding two novel keratin-associated proteins were isolated from human hair follicle mRNA. The predicted amino acid sequence derived from these clones revealed that these proteins represent members of the human keratin-associated protein 1 family. They show strong sequence homology to two previously described keratin-associated protein 1 family members hKAP1.1 A and hKAP1.1B. We have called these new proteins hKAP1.6 and hKAP1.7, respectively. RNA in situ hybridization studies of human anagen hair follicles using a conserved probe for these four keratin-associated protein 1 members demonstrated the expression of this group in the differentiated portions of the hair cortex.  相似文献   

Human hair cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In a search for genes overexpressed in human sexual hairs, several partial complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences were isolated. Screening of a human scalp cDNA library with one fragment led to the isolation of a full-length cDNA clone, which showed identity to another known sequence, termed KAP24-1 (AB09693). Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the gene for this cDNA consisted of one exon and was located ca. 86 kb away from the chromosome 21q22.1 keratin-associated protein (KAP) gene domain. RT-PCR analysis of a variety of organs showed that KAP24.1 was only present in human scalp. The KAP24.1 protein consisted of 254 amino acids, exhibited a high content of serine, proline, and tyrosine, but low cysteine content and possessed several carboxyterminal tyrosine-containing tandem decameric repeat structures. Evolutionary tree analysis showed no association to other KAP family members. In situ hybridization and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy studies using an antibody derived from KAP24.1 demonstrated specific expression in the middle/upper hair cuticle. The structure of the KRTAP24, its proximity to the chromosome 21q22.1 KAP gene domain, the presence of repeat motifs in the protein and its localization in the hair cuticle points to KAP24.1 being a novel human KAP family member.  相似文献   

Hair keratin-associated proteins (KAP) are a major structural component of the hair fiber. In humans, five clusters of KAP genes have been identified, leading to the isolation of more than 80 individual KAP members. Of these, a cluster of high/ultrahigh sulfur KAP has been characterized on chromosome 17q12-21. Within this cluster, however, there was an incompletely sequenced region in which the ultrahigh sulfur KAP4 genes were located. A recently reported human bacterial artificial chromosome clone, AC100808, finally covered the gap, which enabled us to characterize the complete set of KAP4 genes in this cluster. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of AC100808, together with PCR amplification, allowed us to identify numerous size polymorphisms in the KAP4 genes, which were mainly due to variations in the sequences encoding cysteine-rich repeat segments. Taken together, the data indicate that the polymorphic alleles of the KAP4 genes may have arisen through intragenic deletion and/or duplication of sequences encoding the repeat structures during evolution.  相似文献   

Human hair: a genetic marker   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Human hair keratin network and curvature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Human hair keratins are composed of hair fibrous proteins (HFP) forming 10-nm filaments and nonfilamentous cysteine-rich hair matrix proteins (HMP); these proteins are highly cross-linked by disulfide bonds. In order to obtain high-resultional separation of HFP and HMP by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis according to isoelectric point (IP) in the first dimension and molecular weight (MW) in the second dimension, these proteins were converted to S-carbamoylmethylated (SCam) derivatives with nonionizable iodoacetamide; this treatment hardly modified the electrophoretic mobility. SCam-HFP were separated into polypeptides with MW 41.5–59 kD (IP pH 5.1-6.8). SCam-HMP were subdivided into two groups; 14 polypeptides of acidic HMP with MW 15-28 kD (IP pH 5.0-7.0) and 12 polypeptides of basic HMP with MW 18.5-28 kD (IP pH 7.8-8.8). Variation in electrophoretic patterns among hair samples obtained from 15 persons in four Japanese families was found in acidic HMP, but not in HFP in basic HMP. The present method appears to be very suitable for the biochemical analysis of human hair keratins, especially HMP of nonfilamentous proteins.  相似文献   

Keratin-associated proteins are involved in the formation of the cross-linked network of the keratin-intermediate filament proteins that support hair fibers. In recent years, several keratin-associated protein genes have been identified and become an attractive topic in hair research. More recently, we isolated two cDNA encoding novel members of the human keratin-associated protein 1 family (human keratin-associated protein 1.6 and human keratin-associated protein 1.7), and described their expression in the hair follicle by RNA in situ hybridization. A comparison of human keratin-associated protein 1.6 and human keratin-associated protein 1.7 with other human keratin-associated protein 1 members revealed that keratin-associated protein 1 proteins are fundamentally composed of five distinct domains, and that they can be classified primarily by a striking variation in double cysteine-containing pentapeptide repeats in the repetitive I domain. The sum of the data analyzed suggests that human keratin-associated protein 1 family genes may have arisen mainly through gene duplication of the cysteine-repeat motifs during evolution.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few biological data on curly hair follicles have been reported in the literature. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the growth and morphology of curly hair follicles. METHODS: Follicles were dissected from scalp skin samples from African, Guyanese and caucasian volunteers and were observed macroscopically, in culture in William's E medium, and by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Macroscopic study of scalp biopsies obtained from African volunteers showed that the dermal implantation of follicles was curved with a retrocurvature at the level of the bulb, as opposed to a straight shape in caucasian follicles. The bulb itself was bent, in the shape of a golf club, while both the outer root sheath (ORS) and the connective tissue sheath were dissymmetrical along the follicle. In vitro growth of curly hair follicles was slightly slower than that of caucasian follicles but, more importantly, the curvature was maintained in the hair shaft produced in vitro. As shown by immunohistochemistry, the proliferative matrix compartment of curly hair follicles was asymmetrical, Ki-67-labelled cells being more numerous on the convex side and extending above the Auber line. On the convex part of the follicle, the ORS was thinner and the differentiation programmes of the inner root sheath and hair shaft were delayed. Furthermore, some ORS cells expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin protein on the concave side of the curvature, reflecting a mechanical stress. CONCLUSIONS: Hair curliness is programmed from the bulb and is linked to asymmetry in differentiation programmes.  相似文献   

Of the numerous assays used to assess hair growth, hair follicle organ culture model is one of the most popular and powerful in vitro systems. Changes in hair growth are commonly employed as a measurement of follicular activity. Hair cycle stage of mouse vibrissa follicles in vivo is known to determine subsequent hair growth and follicle behavior in vitro and it is recommended that follicles be taken at precisely the same cyclic stage. This study was performed to evaluate whether categorization of human hair follicles by the growth in vivo could be used to select follicles of the defined anagen stage for more consistent culture. Occipital scalp samples were obtained from three subjects, 2 weeks later after hair bleaching. Hair growth and follicle length of isolated anagen VI follicles were measured under a videomicroscope. Follicles were categorized into four groups according to hair growth and some were cultured ex vivo for 6 days. Follicles showed considerable variations with respect to hair growth and follicle length; however, these two variables were relatively well correlated. Hair growth in culture was closely related with hair growth rate in vivo. Moreover, minoxidil uniquely demonstrated a significant increase of hair growth in categorized hair follicles assumed at a similar early anagen VI stage of hair cycle. Selection of follicles at a defined stage based on hair-growth rate would permit a more reliable outcome in human hair follicle organ culture.Oh Sang Kwon and Jun Kyu Oh contributed equally.  相似文献   

Penetration of topically applied compounds may occur via the stratum corneum, skin appendages and hair follicles. The follicular infundibulum increases the surface area, disrupts the epidermal barrier towards the lower parts of the follicle, and serves as a reservoir. Topical delivery of active compounds to specific targets within the skin, especially to distinct hair follicle compartments or cell populations, may help to treat local inflammatory reactions selectively, with reduced systemic side-effects. Various in vitro and in vivo methods exist for studying the hair follicle structure and follicular penetration pathways. These include cyanoacrylate skin surface stripping, confocal microscopy and cyanoacrylate scalp follicle biopsy. The complex anatomical structure as well as the cyclical activity of the hair follicle must be taken into consideration when designing delivery systems. In addition, delivery into and retention inside the infundibular reservoir are controlled by, for example, molecule or particle size, their polarity and the type of preparation. Preferred penetration depth and storage time must also be considered. Particles with release mechanisms should be preferred; however, the release of drugs from nanoparticles still requires further investigations.  相似文献   

Summary We report a method for determining haloperidol concentration in human scalp hair and discuss a possible linkage of haloperidol excretion into hair with the hair pigment melanin. First, an animal study was conducted to support the idea that hair contains amounts of haloperidol corresponding to the doses given and pigmented hair contains much more drug than does unpigmented hair. The haloperidol concentration was measured using a radioimmunoassay technique after hairs were dissolved in 2.5 N NaOH solution and the drug extracted. Pigmented and albino rats, whose hair from an area on the back had been removed beforehand by plucking, were administered either 1,3, or 10 mg of haloperidol (i.p.) per kg body weight every day for 3 weeks. At the end of the administration period hair which had newly grown on the denuded area was plucked and collected. In each of the two groups classified by hair color the drug levels in the hair correlated with the doses given; however, the concentrations in the hair from the albino rats were much lower than those in the hair from the pigmented rats (which was less than 8.5%). Second, black and white hair was collected from each of seven human subjects with grizzled hair, who were receiving or had been administered haloperidol at fixed daily doses for more than 1 month, and the concentration of haloperidol in each type of hair was measured. In the same subject the concentration in the white hair was found to be much lower than that in the black (less than 10%). In three subjects the dosage had been changed before the hair samplings, and segmental analysis of the distribution of haloperidol in the black hair revealed that the dosage history was imprinted along the length, assuming a hair growth rate of 1 cm/ month; the distribution of drug along the white hair less obviously corresponded to the dosage. Third, another keratinized tissue, nail, was collected together with hair samples from 20 patients and the haloperidol level in the nail was measured and compared with that in the hair. The concentration of haloperidol in nail is only about 3.4% of that in hair. Taken together these results suggest that the mechanism for excreting haloperidol into hair is closely linked with that for the hair pigment melanin.  相似文献   

Summary An alternative to using hair specimens for the study of inherited hair shaft defects has been to explore protein compositions in the context of hair formation. Hair follicles were obtained from patients with a hair disorder and the presumptive hair shaft (PHS) separated by microdissection for protein solubilization and electrophoretic experiments aimed at providing a new basis to help explain the mechanism of hair shaft defects. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (fluorographs) of labelled extracts was used to examine the major hair structural proteins and other polypeptide(s) found associated with PHS extracts in normal and aberrant specimens. Changes in either the intermediate filaments (IFs) or matrix polypeptides were not normally found in defective PHS specimens. The polypeptides showing greatest variation were associated with a PHS-specific component which was recently found in normal specimens. The variation in this polypeptide was manifested as multiple spots of different molecular weights. An investigation of the role of PHS-associated polypeptides as a likely part of the hair cross-linking mechanisms, involved examination of a PHS extract from a Menkes' patient. The observations suggest that formation of hair fibre shaft defects may be related to the status of PHS-associated polypeptides which could in turn be influenced by the presence of copper in the hair follicle.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJ) are barrier-forming intercellular junctions selectively sealing cells and controlling the paracellular pathway. They have been well-characterized in simple epithelia and endothelia but have only recently been described in stratified epithelia such as epidermis, oesophagus and oral mucosa. Various epithelial layers which are partly in morphogenic continuity with the epidermis and develop therefrom during early fetal life, build the human hair follicle. The barrier function of these epithelial layers seems to be important for the universal continuity of the barrier represented by the skin. We show the presence of the TJ proteins ZO-1, occludin, and various claudins in the hair follicle and demonstrate their impressive heterogeneous distribution pattern within a given stratum as well as within its different epithelial layers. Coexpression of the various TJ proteins, arguing for typical TJ structures, can be observed especially in cell layers facing the hair shaft and the stratum corneum, and in addition at the border between the outer and inner root sheaths. Usually they are found in close proximity to desmosomal and adherens junction proteins. The morphological and biological importance of these findings and the possible roles of TJ in hair follicles, e.g. in follicular penetration, are discussed.  相似文献   

Background Heat shock proteins (HSPs) have a physiologic function in unstressed cells, which is believed to include a role as a “molecular chaperone.” The hair cycle is characterized by rhythmic tissue remodeling processes, and is an intriguing model for studying the relation between keratinocyte differentiation and HSP expression under physiologic circumstances. We have therefore studied, by immunofluorescence, the expression of selected HSPs during the murine hair cycle. Methods The association between hair follicle cycling and the expression of three selected HSPs (HSPs 27, 60, and 72) was examined by immunofluorescence, using the depilation-induced hair cycle of C57BL76 mice. Results HSP expression was absent from telogen follicles, and was restricted predominantly to keratinocytes in the bulge and the cycling epithelial portion of the hair follicle during anagen and catagen. Immunoreactivity for HSPs 27, 60, and 72 in the hair bulb increased significantly during anagen VI and the catagen transformation of the follicle, and decreased again abruptly with completion of the catagen-telogen transformation. The expression pattern of HSPs 60 and 72 in situ was cytoplasmic, whereas that of HSP 27 was both cytoplasmic and nuclear. Conclusions These observations suggest that the synthesis of HSPs by hair bulb keratinocytes is related to the anagen-catagen transformation of the follicle, possibly reflecting keratinocyte apoptosis and/or terminal differentiation in the regressing, cycling portion of the follicle. In addition, the rather proximal localization of HSP expression makes it unlikely that the HSPs examined interact with the more distally located intrafollicular γ/δ T-cell receptor-positive lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Live tissue containing cells of the presumptive hair shaft (PHS), was obtained by microdissection of human anagen hair follicles. Whole PHS, as well as PHS further dissected into three levels of hair development, were subsequently used in protein solubilization procedures. Single- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of radiolabelled extracts, with fluorography. enabled comparison of hair and PHS keratin proteins. Fluorographs demonstrated the major classes of proteins comprising the intermediate filaments (IF) and matrix of hair keratins. In addition, extracts from various levels of PHS tissue have provided direct evidence for the locations of synthesis of these protein moieties. Thus IF and matrix proteins are synthesized sequentially in PHS. A previously unobserved polypeptide component, not present in hair extracts, has been identified and found to vary in relative proportions when compared with the major IF and matrix protein classes as PHS cells differentiate to form hair. In the absence of reliable methods for extraction of human hair. PHS provides an alternative source of material, despite the extra burden of follicle collection and specimen preparation. The procedures described provide a new basis for studying human hair defects and are potentially useful for comparing human hair proteins in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

随着生物监测方法敏感性的不断增加,越来越多的证据表明,空气污染与人类疾病相关。体外和体内研究提示,颗粒物(PM)的暴露、活性氧的产生、炎症以及DNA损伤之间存在着因果关系,对于PM暴露与死亡率增加的关联提出了可能的解释。体外研究表明,具有光毒性的环境空气污染物多环芳烃家族(PAH)与UVA的协同效应会加重其对皮肤的损伤。随着色谱-质谱法等分析方法灵敏度的提高,毛发正在成为生物监测的标准样本来源之一,用来补充尿液、血液等传统样本以及母乳、唾液等其他样本的不足。使用毛发样本的优势是能够提供个体长达数月的慢性污染物暴露的综合信息。  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily regulating a large variety of biologic responses in many different cells and tissues during embryonic development and postnatal life. BMP exert their biologic effects via binding to two types of serine/threonine kinase BMP receptors, activation of which leads to phosphorylation and translocation into the nucleus of intracellular signaling molecules, including Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8 ("canonical" BMP signaling pathway). BMP effects are also mediated by activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway ("noncanonical" BMP Signaling pathway). BMP activity is regulated by diffusible BMP antagonists that prevent BMP interactions with BMP receptors thus modulating BMP effects in tissues. During skin development, BMPs its receptors and antagonists show stringent spatiotemporal expressions patterns to achieve proper regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation in the epidermis and in the hair follicle. In normal postnatal skin, BMP are involved in the control of epidermal homeostasis, hair follicle growth, and melanogenesis. Furthermore, BMP are implicated in a variety of pathobiologic processes in skin, including wound healing, psoriasis, and carcinogenesis. Therefore, BMPs represent new important players in the molecular network regulating homeostasis in normal and diseased skin. Pharmacologic modulation of BMP signaling may be used as a new approach for managing skin and hair disorders.  相似文献   

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