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棘颚口线虫病在我国实属罕见,现将本院最近发现的一例报告如下,并结合文献作简要综述。 患者,男性,35岁,上海人。为治疗肾结石,1989年7月2日按土方将活泥鳅捣碎后生服,3条/d,共6d,当时无不适,但于12日始畏寒、发热(T38—39.5℃)、纳差,曾用青霉素480万u/d静脉滴注,2wk无效,27日转入本院。入院体检:神志清, 相似文献
患者 女性 苗族 ,4 2岁 ,农民。因黑便 1天于 2 0 0 0年 9月 3日来恩施州中心医院就诊。主诉 :上腹部疼痛月余 ,自 1天前开始 ,大便黑色似柏油状 ,粘稠而反光 ,略为成形 ,无其它不适。疑为上消化道溃疡出血 ,行电子胃镜检查 ,见胃小弯距幽门切痕约 1cm处 ,有一直径约 1cm左右突出于胃壁的圆形瘤块 ,瘤块中央有一小孔 ,孔中有一弯曲线形虫体 ,浅肉红色略透明 ,前端埋入胃壁瘤块中后段游离于胃腔中 ,镜下取出未获成功 ,次日行胃部分切除术取出瘤块和虫体送恩施州中心医院病理科转我室鉴定。鉴定 :光学显微镜下观察 ,虫体乳白色 ,体长 1 2mm … 相似文献
棘颚口线虫是犬、猫等动物的寄生虫 ,其幼虫偶可寄生在人体 ,引起棘颚口线虫病。迄今 ,国内报道 3 4例[1] 。我们从 1例痰液中检出棘颚口线虫 ,这是广东省感染该虫的第 2例报告 ,现报道如下。1 病例介绍患者 ,男 ,3 1岁 ,五华县转水镇人 ,职业为工程承包者。主诉咳嗽、痰多 ,一天早上咳嗽吐痰时 ,发现痰液中有活动虫体 ,即送当地县中医院检查。患者既往无类似疾患 ,平时经常外出吃饭应酬 ,尤喜吃“鱼生”。经当地医院固定虫体后 ,送我本研室鉴定。2 虫体鉴定肉眼观虫体为灰褐色 ,长度约 12mm ,压片镜下可见 :头部球形 ,有 4环小钩。前端可… 相似文献
患者男性 ,37岁 ,上海金山石化公司某部销售员。左胸部皮疹伴疼痛一周 ,1996年 7月 2 0日来华山医院皮肤科就诊。 2d前 ,左胸部数次轻度钝痛 ,红色皮疹起于左侧肋缘部 ,每天向上蔓延约 3~ 4 cm。主诉 :一月前曾生食鱼片。检查 ,见胸部弯曲的线状红斑及色素沉着 ,末端为红色丘疹。查周围血 ,嗜酸性细胞占 9% ,行末端皮疹切除术 ,病理切片见嗜酸性细胞侵润 ,未见虫体。切除后第 2天 ,患者发现红色线状皮疹继续延伸 ,并见尖顶状突起 ,挑破皮肤见一针头大小、疑似虫体的小黑点 ,取出送至中国预防医学科学院寄生虫病研究所病原室鉴定。光学显微… 相似文献
患者男性,37岁,上海金山石化公司某部销售员.左胸部皮疹伴疼痛一周,1996年7月20 日来华山医院皮肤科就诊.2d前,左胸部数次轻度钝痛,红色皮疹起于左侧肋缘部,每天向上蔓延约3~4 cm.主诉:一月前曾生食鱼片.检查,见胸部弯曲的线状红斑及色素沉着,末端为红色丘疹. 相似文献
目的对宁海县1例本地感染棘颚口线虫病例进行诊断和治疗。方法收集患者发病、临床表现、诊治过程等信息,对患者进行流行病学调查。采用镜检方法进行虫种鉴定。结果调查结果显示该患者误食野猪胃内活虫发病,虫体经胃镜取出后镜检全身有小棘,尾部及体后部的棘较细,形状如针,排列紧密。结论确认该患者为误食棘颚口线虫感染病例。 相似文献
福建颚口线虫研究:Ⅱ.三明,浦城颚口线虫流行学和三种颚口… 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
报告三明地区是猪刚刺颚口和陶氏颚口线虫病散发性流行区。猪刚刺颚口线虫感染率炎5%,陶氏颚口线虫在家猪和野猪的感染率分别为4%和60.3%。浦城县是刚刺颚口线虫病散发性流行区,猪的感染率为4%,野猪感染率高达75%。鳝鱼是刚刺鄂口线虫的重要第二中间宿主,也是主要传病媒介,三明地区鳝鱼的感染率为11.3%。我国(省)三种人兽共患颚口线虫第3期幼虫肠道上皮细胞核的数目有明显不同,棘颚口线虫每个上皮细胞多 相似文献
福建颚口线虫研究:Ⅰ.闽南猪刚刺颚口线虫病流行病学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文报告闽南地区猪刚刺颚口线虫病流行病学。终宿主猪检查790头,感染率为4.7%,感染强度1~16条虫。第2中间宿主鱼类检查12种,阳性3种,即黄鳝Monopterusalbus,乌鳢Ophiocephalusargus和胡子鲶Clariasbatrachus,感染率依次为30%,10%和4.2%,胡子鲶是国内外宿主新纪录。两栖类检查2种,均阴性。转续宿主蛇类检查5种,阳性4种,它们是银环蛇Bungarusmulticinctus、水泡蛇Enhydrisplumbea、渔游蛇Natrispiscator和中国水蛇E·chinensis感染率分别为71.4%,14.3%,12.5%和12.5%,这4种转续宿主均为国内外首次报告。调查结果显示,闽南地区是刚刺颚口线虫病散发性流行区。鳝鱼和银环蛇是传播本病的重要媒介。 相似文献
患者,女,49岁,杭州市某机关职员,2008年12月底因左下肢腹股沟附近出现皮下红肿包块,直径约1cm,并有痒感数天,到当地医院就诊。辅助检查血常规示:白细胞7.6×10^9/L,中性粒细胞4.6×10^9/L(63.5%),淋巴细胞1.8×10^9/L(24.79/6),单核细胞增高0.7×10^9/L(10.5%),嗜酸性粒细胞0.1×10^9/L(0.7%)。初步诊断带状疱疹,服用抗病毒药物治疗未见好转。1周后到皮肤病专科医院就诊,诊断为湿疹,行局部表皮冷冻治疗。 相似文献
Houston S 《Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses》1994,5(3):125-129
Nematodes of the genus Gnathostoma can cause a spectrum of disease in humans. This includes a distinctive syndrome of intermittent migratory subcutaneous swellings, central nervous system involvement with high morbidity and mortality and occasionally, involvement of other organs. Gnathostomiasis is endemic in southern and eastern Asia, particularly Thailand, but has recently been reported from Ecuador and Mexico. Diagnosis is usually based on clinical, epidemiological and serological findings. A recent study suggests that treatment with albendazole is effective. This report describes a patient diagnosed in Canada in whom evidence of pericarditis was associated with gnathostomiasis and in whom treatment with albendazole appears to have been effective. 相似文献
J M Martínez-Cruz R Bravo-Zamudio A Aranda-Patraca R Martínez-Mara?ón 《Salud pública de México》1989,31(4):541-549
Since 1975, increasing numbers of patients with inflammatory, migrant, recidivant nodules were observed in the towns of Temazcal, state of Oaxaca, Tierra Blanca, Veracruz and others along the Papaloapan river. Larvae of Gnathostoma sp. have been obtained from some of them. The local species, although not completely identified, must be very close to G. spinigerum. Infection is related to ingestion of "ceviche", a very popular mexican delicacy made with raw Cyclid fishes of the Miguel Aleman dam. Ecological and social changes provoked by the construction of the dam and hypotheticaly related to the dissemination of the parasite are described. As the Temazcal Fish Culture Center has delivered tilapia fishes to many secondary culture centers, it is feared that the infection could spread through the country, so signs and symptoms of the disease are described in order to help Mexican doctors make the diagnosis if they were to encounter the disease. 相似文献
目的 分析和总结首例输入性布氏罗得西亚锥虫病病例的诊断、治疗过程,为输入性锥虫病的防治提供科学依据。方法 应用流行病学方法调查病例的流行病学史,吉氏染色显微镜下进行虫体观察,结合临床表现和其他辅助检查,进行诊断和治疗。结果 发热病人的外周血涂片检出锥虫,经基因扩增和测序,为布氏罗得西亚锥虫,结合流行病学史和临床表现,诊断为布氏罗得西亚非洲锥虫病;脑脊液检查未检出锥虫,且白细胞≤5 mm3,判定为病程第一阶段,采用苏拉明抗锥虫治疗;疗程结束病人症状体征消失,多次复查血液,均未检出锥虫,痊愈出院。结论 该例病例为我国首例输入性布氏罗得西亚锥虫病,应加强输入性寄生虫病的防控。 相似文献
Sun WH Song MQ Jiang CQ Xin YN Ma JL Liu YX Ma L Lin ZH Li CY Liu L Zhang M Chu LL Jiang XJ Wan Q Zhou L Ren R Meng LF 《World journal of hepatology》2012,4(7):224-230
AIM: To evaluate the effect of a 6 and 12 mo lifestyle modification intervention in nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) in Chengyang District of Qingdao. METHODS: Participants with NAFLD who had resided in Chengyang District for more than 5 years were enrolled in this study. After the 6 and 12 mo lifestyle modification intervention based on physical activity, nutrition and behavior therapy, parameters such as body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase values, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, fasting insulin and visceral fat area (VFA), the liver-spleen ratio and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were evaluated and compared between participants with and without the intervention. RESULTS: Seven hundred and twenty-four participants were assigned to the lifestyle intervention group (LS) and 363 participants were assigned to the control group (CON). After the intervention, body weights in the LS group were significantly decreased compared to those in the CON group at 6 mo (11.59% ± 4.7% vs 0.4% ± 0.2%, P = 0.001) and at 12 mo (12.73% ± 5.6% vs 0.9% ± 0.3%, P = 0.001). Compared with the CON group, BMI was more decreased in the LS group after 6 and 12 mo (P = 0.043 and P = 0.032). Waist circumference was more reduced in the LS group than in CON (P = 0.031 and P = 0.017). After the 6 and 12 mo intervention, ALT decreased significantly in the LS group (P = 0.003 and P = 0.002). After 6 and 12 mo, the metabolic syndrome rate had decreased more in the LS group compared with the CON group (P = 0.026 and P = 0.017). After 12 mo, the HOMA-IR score decreased more obviously in the LS group (P = 0.041); this result also appeared in the VFA after 12 mo in the LS group (P = 0.035). CONCLUSION: Lifestyle intervention was effective in improving NAFLD in both 6 and 12 mo interventions. This intervention offered a practical approach for treating a large number of NAFLD patients in the Chengyang District of Qingdao. 相似文献
Highleyman L 《BETA bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS foundation》1999,12(4):5
Researchers reported in August that they have discovered evidence that the first case of HIV infection in the U.S. occurred in the 1960s. Frozen serum and tissue samples from a 15-year-old African-American male prostitute were studied, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology was used to analyze gene sequences. The new finding challenges the widely held belief that HIV evolved from the simian immunodeficiency virus and crossed the species barrier from monkeys to humans in the late 1970s. The finding also suggests that HIV may have evolved slowly and been present in humans long before it developed into the current strain of the virus that has resulted in illness and death since the early 1980s. 相似文献
The prevalence of hyperuricemia in a population of the coastal city of Qingdao, China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Nan H Qiao Q Dong Y Gao W Tang B Qian R Tuomilehto J 《The Journal of rheumatology》2006,33(7):1346-1350
OBJECTIVE: Hyperuricemia and gout have shown an increase worldwide. Data are lacking for the prevalence of hyperuricemia and gout and their correlates in China. We studied the occurrence of these conditions in Chinese adults in the city of Qingdao. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional survey for hyperuricemia and gout was performed among 2438 adults (1535 women, 903 men; aged 20-74 yrs) in 2002. Fasting serum uric acid (UA) and lipid profiles were determined, as well as height, weight, and blood pressure. Hyperuricemia was defined as serum UA levels >or= 420 micromol/l in men and >or= 360 micromol/l in women. Diagnosis of gout was self-reported. Complete biochemical and questionnaire data were available for analysis from 1303 women and 720 men. RESULTS: The age-standardized prevalence was 25.3% for hyperuricemia and 0.36% for gout in adults aged 20 to 74 years. Hyperuricemia was more prevalent in men than in women (32.1% vs 21.8%; p < 0.001). Age-adjusted mean serum UA level was 389.3 micromol/l in men and 315.7 micromol/l in women. Serum UA increased with age in women only (p for trend < 0.001). Body mass index and serum triglycerides had the strongest associations with serum UA in both genders, followed by alcohol drinking and diastolic blood pressure in men, and systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol in women. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of hyperuricemia in the urban adult population in Qingdao city is high, while the frequency of gout is lower. Obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia are the major factors associated with hyperuricemia in this study. 相似文献
Gnathostomiasis, a possible etiologic agent of eosinophilic granuloma of the gastrointestinal tract.
V Sirikulchayanonta N Chongchitnant 《The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene》1979,28(1):42-44
A 42-year-old Thai man from central Thailand came to Ramathibodi Hospital with the complaint of abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed localized tenderness in the right lower quadrant. The clinical impression was acute appendicitis and an operation was performed, revealing a large mass in the cecum. A right hemicolectomy was done for what was thought to be a carcinoma of the colon. The resected colon showed subserosal thickening on the antimesenteric side of the ascending colon with a constricted area at the middle portion. An immature adult Gnathostoma spinigerum was identified in the thickened subserosa of the cecum. Microscopic examination of the involved bowel showed a heavy infiltration of eosinophils, fibroblasts and histiocytes, and mild to moderate edema. The findings were consistent with eosinophilic granuloma of the gastrointestinal tract, and the presence of the parasite in the affected bowel suggested that it was the etiologic agent. 相似文献