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摘要:目的 对Scalpdex英文版进行跨文化调适,建立Scalpdex中文版,并对其信度和效度进行初步评价。方法 对Scalpdex英文版进行正向翻译、综合协调、反向翻译、专家委员会评议,形成中文Scalpdex预试验版。使用预试验版对33例头皮银屑病患者进行预调查,进一步修订量表,建立正式中文版Scalpdex。通过访谈患者评价Scalpdex量表表面效度和内容效度,采用Cronbach’s α系数和分半信度评价内部一致性,Spearman相关分析检验聚合效度。结果 33例患者中,有25例(占75.8%)患者对所有条目完全理解;Scalpdex中文版的Cronbach’s α系数为0.94,分半信度为0.75。除条目19和20外,其余条目与所在维度的相关系数均>0.5,而与其他维度的相关系数则较弱。结论 跨文化调适后的Scalpdex中文版适用于中国文化背景下头皮银屑病患者的生存质量评估。下一步可对中文版Scalpdex量表的测量性能进行大样本数据采集和评估。  相似文献   

目的对孕期保健质量问卷(QPCQ)进行跨文化调适,并对其信度、效度进行评价,探索其在我国的适用性。方法遵照国际通用的问卷跨文化调适程序,将QPCQ引入,形成中文版QPCQ。然后对350名孕妇进行问卷调查,以评价该工具的信效度。结果中文版QPCQ共有46个条目,验证性因子分析显示调查数据与问卷假定理论模型的适配系数均已达到或接近适配标准,孕期保健质量得分与孕期保健满意度呈中等显著正相关关系(r=0.501,P0.001)。总问卷Cronbach's α系数范围为0.96,各分问卷Cronbach's α系数为0.75~0.93。结论中文版QPCQ具有良好的信、效度,适合应用于对我国孕妇孕期保健质量的测量,为我国孕期保健质量的量化测评提供依据,未来研究可以利用其测量孕期保健质量与妊娠结局的相关性,探索影响孕期保健质量的影响因素,指导制定干预方案,进而提高我国孕期保健服务的质量。  相似文献   

鉴于中文版长处和困难问卷(SDQ)在我国还未进行心理测量学特性系统的综述,本研究拟对中文版SDQ的信效度进行总结。通过文献搜索和筛选共得18篇中国儿童和青少年样本的相关研究,然后进行数据提取、表格整理并采用Hunter-Schmidt方法计算基于样本权重各个指标的平均值。结果显示中文版SDQ宗3个版本困难总分的信度较好,分量表的信度有待提高,尤其是同伴关系问题信度较低;聚合效度和判别效度整体指标相对较好,结构效度研究较少,报告者之间的相关性较弱。整体而言,中文版SDQ 3个版本都具有可以接受的信度和较好的效度,但分量表的信度有待提高,关于结构效度的研究需要增加。  相似文献   

目的 对中文版社区抗逆力评价表(CART)的信度和效度进行分析。方法 将CART的调查表进行汉化,经专家组讨论及预试验修订完善,形成正式调查表,于2015年4月对四川省城区的880名社区居民进行调查,运用克朗巴赫系数和因子分析方法检验调查表的信度和效度。结果 总体克朗巴赫α系数为0.966,各维度的克朗巴赫α系数在0.888~0.952之间;分半信度Spearman-Brown系数为0.895,Guttman split-half系数0.890,表明量表具有良好的内部一致性;验证性因子分析GFI=0.943>0.9,RMSEA=0.043<0.05,适配指标良好,模型拟合程度较高,结构效度清晰。结论 该评价表具有良好的信度和效度,可用于评价我国社区抗逆力状况。  相似文献   

目的 初步修订中文版物质使用风险评估量表(SURPS),并评价其信度和效度,为该量表在中国的推广使用提供科学依据。方法 通过双向翻译获得中文版SURPS初版量表,结合中国小学生特点初步对该初版量表的理论结构进行修订,并采用项目分析、探索性因子分子、验证性因子分析和信效度检验方法对广西壮族自治区百色市2014年3月-2015年6月抽取的3所小学共948名小学生的物质使用风险进行分析,验证该量表理论结构的合理性。结果 修订后的中文版SURPS模型与原量表因子拟合指数基本达到可接受的标准,探索性因子分析结果显示,中文版SURPS量表4个公因子的累计方差贡献率为54.16%,各条目所属因子结构与原量表基本一致;验证性因子分析结果显示,χ2/df 为5.214,近似误差均方根为0.063,拟合优度指数、调整拟合优度指数、规范拟合指数、增量拟合指数分别为0.889、0.862、0.898、0.893; 修订后的中文版SURPS量表具有较好的项目区分度,各条目得分与其所属维度得分的相关系数均在0.667~0.818(均P<0.001);量表总体Cronbach's α系数和重测信度分别为0.801和0.776,感觉寻求、绝望、焦虑敏感、冲动4个维度的Cronbach's α系数为0.698~0.811,重测信度为0.601~0.754。结论 修订的中文版SURPS量表在中国小学生中的信度和效度指标均符合心理测量学的要求,可适用于我国青少年物质使用相关个体特征因素的风险评估。  相似文献   

付出-获得不平衡量表中文版的信度和效度   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 评价付出-获得不平衡(ERI)量表中文版的信度和效度.方法 采用中文版ERI量表对4782名不同职业人群进行工作压力的横断面调查,量表包括付出、获得和超负荷三部分23个条目.运用可靠性分析来评价ERI量表的信度,运用因子分析方法来评价ERI量表的结构效度.结果 研究中获取的调查数据支持付出-获得不平衡模式的理论假设;中文版ERI量表中付出和获得子量表的信度和效度均较高,但是超负荷子量表的信度和效度均不高.结论 ERI量表中付出、获得子量表可以直接应用于中国人群的调查,但是超负荷子量表中条目不能直接用于中国人群的调查.  相似文献   

季韶艳  杨辉 《现代保健》2013,(9):139-141
目的:对中文版《护理结局分类》中的健康信念量表进行跨文化调试,并进行信效度的评价,为评估我国患者健康信念提供科学、有效的测量依据。方法:遵循量表跨文化调试指南,通过两轮专家咨询,40名患者初试,形成新版健康信念量表,对200名住院患者调查结果进行信效度分析。结果:最终形成的健康信念量表内部一致性为0.935,重测信度0.889,分半信度0.936;经过专家分析,内容效度较好,KMO和Bartlett的检验表明适合进行因素分析,探索性因素分析提取5个公因子,累计方差贡献率为54.993%。结论:最终形成的新版健康信念量表具有较高的信效度,科学简便,适合在我国患者人群中广泛应用,以评估患者的健康信念水平,客观评价护理人员的服务质量。  相似文献   

护理者负担量表中文版的应用与评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 对译制的中文版的“Zarit护理者负担量表(ZBI)”在中国人群中的适用性和修订效果进行评价。方法 应用译制的量表对陪护人员的护理负担进行测量。通过对测定结果进行信度和效度分析以及Logisti。回归分析护理负担的影响因素并评价量表的修订效果。结果 护理者文化程度、患者的日常生活能力(ADL)分值、护理人数是影响护理负担的主要因素。中文版量表的信度和效度达到量表译制的技术要求。结论 增加护理人数可降低护理者的负担。扩大中文版ZARIT护理者负担量表的测量人群范围,可以提高量表的适用性。  相似文献   

工作能力指数表中文版的信度和效度   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
目的 检验工作能力指数表中文版的信度和效度。(方法)对5213名不同职业人群进行WAI调查,并对其中36名职业人员进行了重复调查、分半信度的方法进行信度检验;WAI调查表中各条目间的一致性检验及职业人群不同背景资料与WAJ的关系进行效度检验。(结果)信度检验表明,重复调查的WAI得分组内相关系数为0.84;分半信度具有显著的统计学意义(P〈0.01)。效度检验表明,各条目间的一致性较好。(结论)W  相似文献   

程莉莉  路璐  王烈 《职业与健康》2008,24(22):2383-2385
目的评价中文版Zafit护理负担量表的信度和效度。方法采用修订后的中文版Zafit护理负担量表进行问卷调查,并评价量表的修订效果。结果量表总的Cronbach‘s α系数为0.88,信度较高;条目敏感性分析显示量表反应度较好,各条目均可保留。各条目与总分的相关系数均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),量表的内容效度较高;除条目5外,各因子内部条目的相关系数均大于外部相关系数,量表结构效度较好。结论中文版Zarit护理负担量表具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Aims To obtain a conceptually and psychometrically equivalent Spanish version of the Coddington Life Events Scales (CLES) for children and adolescents and to test their psychometric properties. Methods Forward and backward translations were performed. Comprehension, acceptability, and alternative translations were tested in focus groups and semi-structured interviews. An expert panel and the copyright holders of the original version were actively involved. Test–retest reliability [Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)] was assessed by administering the questionnaire on two occasions 3 months apart to children aged 12–14 years (n = 30). Construct validity was assessed by comparing children’s responses with those of their parents (n = 19). The methods replicated those of the validation of the original version. Results Of the 53 CLES items translated, ten were found to be difficult to understand. Following back-translation, seven items were modified and a final version was obtained. Test–retest ICC reliability for total scores was 0.63. The ICC between children and parents was 0.42. Both results were very similar to those reported for the original version. Conclusions These preliminary findings suggest that the Spanish version of the CLES is understandable and acceptable and that it is similar to the original in terms of validity and reliability. Although further validation is needed, it is recommended for use in research settings in Spain.  相似文献   

Our aim was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire into Korean (KFIQ), and then evaluate its reliability and validity. The FIQ was translated into Korean by three translators and then independently translated back into English by three different translators. A total of 62 women patients with fibromyalgia (FM) were studied for the psychometric properties of the KFIQ. The mean age of the patients was 47.1 (25-73) years, and all were female. The mean KFIQ score was 48.3 (17-91), and the mean Korean health assessment questionnaire (KHAQ) score was 0.4 (0-1.7). The test-retest reliability of the KFIQ yielded an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.85 (0.53-0.96). For the construct validity, the Spearman rank correlations of KFIQ with patient global assessments using visual analog scale (pain, 0.58; morning stiffness, 0.45; fatigue, 0.48; depression, 0.43; anxiety, 0.56; global well-being, 0.46; disease severity, 0.49; impact on life, 0.51), KHAQ (0.44), and tender points (0.60) were high and statistically significant. The KFIQ might be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring health status and physical functioning in Korean women patients with FM, but needs further study.  相似文献   

Clinicians and researchers without a suitable health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measure in their own language have two choices: (1) to develop a new measure, or (2) to modify a measure previously validated in another language, known as a cross-cultural adaptation process. We propose a set of standardized guidelines for this process based on previous research in psychology and sociology and on published methodological frameworks. These guidelines include recommendations for obtaining semantic, idiomatic, experiential and conceptual equivalence in translation by using back-translation techniques and committee review, pre-testing techniques and re-examining the weights of scores. We applied these guidelines to 17 cross-cultural adaptation of HRQOL measures identified through a comprehensive literature review. The reporting standards varied across studies but agreement between raters in their ratings of the studies was substantial to almost perfect (weighted κ = 0.66–0.93) suggesting that the guidelines are easy to apply. Further research is necessary in order to delineate essential versus optional steps in the adaptation process.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire-AQLQ(S) in a sample of 160 Greek patients with asthma. Following evidence for sample-specific validity, the AQLQ(S) model was examined through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. An 18-item AQLQ(S) with the four factors of symptoms, activity limitations, sleep, and exposure in environmental stimuli fits the data (χ2/df ratio = 2.26, NNFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.94, SRMR = 0.05). The 18-item AQLQ(S) showed a high internal consistency (Cronbach’ a coefficient ranged from 0.83 to 0.96) and high 9-week test-retest reliability (overall r = 0.88, ICC = 0.94). Responsiveness was confirmed throughout 2X2 ANOVA and 2X2 MANOVA, with respect to the total score (F = 42.30, P < 0.05), and the four AQLQ(S) factors (Wilks’ λ = 0.68, F = 17.59, P < 0.05). The cross-sectional correlations between the 18-item AQLQ(S) and the: (1) FEV1% predicted and (2) Borg scale were low and moderately high, respectively. In conclusion, the 18-item AQLQ(S) derived from exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis appeared to have sufficient construct validity, cross-sectional validity, responsiveness, satisfactory test-retest reliability and internal consistency evidence for the Greek sample of adults with asthma.  相似文献   

生命质量目前已广泛应用于社会各领域,成为不可或缺的重要指标和评定工具。随着医学和卫生保健国际交流的广泛化,生命质量的跨文化研究成为新的研究热点。对当前国际上活跃的生命质量跨文化研究项目进行阐明,并分析存在的问题。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo perform a cross-cultural adaptation, content validity and feasibility of The School Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Tool (SPAN-ET) for the Spanish context. It is a valuable tool for making comprehensive assessments of school environments in three environmental categories: policy, situation/social, and physical.MethodWe followed the cross-cultural adaptation guidelines which consist of a five-stage methodological approach: 1) forward translation, 2) synthesis, 3) back translation, 4) adaptation to the Spanish context, and 5) pilot testing. In addition, an expert panel performed a content validity analysis to assess the level of comprehensibility, applicability, and cultural appropriateness of the SPAN-ET for its use in Spain. The pilot test was carried out in five schools to assess the feasibility of the tool in the Spanish context.ResultsAfter applying the guidelines for the translation and cultural adaptation of the SPAN-ET into the Spanish context, the new tool (SPAN-ET-ES) preserves the main dimensions of the original document to evaluate school environments in Spain. The evaluation of the SPAN-ET-ES, done by an expert panel, concluded that items included in the revised version of the SPAN-ET-ES were relevant (S-CVI/Ave = 0.96), clear (S-CVI/Ave = 0.96), simple (S-CVI/Ave = 0.98), and non-ambiguous (S-CVI/Ave = 0.98) for the Spanish context. Finally, the pilot test offered empirical evidence for the feasibility and content validity of the SPAN-ET-ES at assessing school environments in Spain.ConclusionsSPAN-ET-ES is a feasible tool for assessing nutrition and physical activity environments at schools in Spain.  相似文献   

目的 对谵妄护理压力量表(Strain of Care for Delirium Index,SCDI)进行汉化及信效度评价。方法 获得源量表开发者的授权后,采用Brislin法进行翻译、回译,并进行跨文化调适。调查337名具有谵妄患者护理经历的护士,采用临界比值法和相关系数法进行量表项目分析;探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析评价量表的效度;采用Cronbach α系数、重测信度评价量表的信度。结果 (1)中文版SCDI包含4个维度,20个条目。各条目与总分之间的相关系数为0.334~0.693(均P<0.05),临界值为4.933~14.952(均P<0.05)。(2)探索性因子分析共提取出四个公因子,累计方差贡献率 63.638%,每个条目的因子负荷量为0.487~0.866(均>0.45);验证性因子分析显示,〖XC小五号.EPS;P〗/df为2.275、CFI为0.942、GFI为0.907、AGFI为0.875、RMSEA为0.062、RMR为0.021、IFI为0.943、TLI为0.929,模型的适配度良好。(3)总量表的Cronbach α系数是0.894,四个维度的 Cronbach α系数在 0.744~0.920之间;总量表的重测信度为0.898,四个维度的重测信度在 0.706~0.806之间。结论 中文版SCDI具有良好的信效度,可用于量化评估我国护理人员的谵妄护理压力。  相似文献   

工作心理控制源量表中文译本的信度与效度   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
应用工作心理控制源量表( WLCS) 、职业紧张指标OSI- 2 和NIOSH 一般工作紧张问卷对235 名管理人员进行测试, 研究工作心理控制源量表中文译本的信度和效度。结果发现WLCS包括两个因子, 其子量表平均项目- 总分相关系数较高(r> 0-60) , 且均有显著性意义( P< 0-001) , 内部一致性系数在可接受水平以上, WLCS及其子量表与工作环境中很多紧张因素、紧张结局变量显著相关。WLCS及其子量表高低评分者之间工作满意感、心理卫生、自尊感评分存在着显著的差异。结果表明WLCS具有较高的信度和效度。  相似文献   

目的 旨在翻译、修订孕妇社会资本评估量表(Social Capital Assessment Tool for in Pregnancy for Maternal Health, SCAT-MH),并检验其信效度。方法 采用两阶段便利抽样的方法,样本1(n=253)主要用于修订中文版SCAT-MH量表;样本2(n=335)主要验证该量表的信效度。结果 中文版SCAT-MH主要包含4个维度16个条目,量表总的Cronbach ɑ为0.862,各个维度的信度系数在0.701~0.901之间,分半信度系数为0.819、0.760,重测信度系数为0.854;量表各个条目与总分(r=0.484~0.776,PSymbol|@@0.01)、维度与总分均呈中高度相关(r=0.575~0.807,PSymbol|@@0.01),具有较好的内容效度;总量表及4个维度得分与效标工具均有相关性;验证性因子结果显示模型拟合度较好。结论 修订、汉化后的中文版SCAT-MH量表具有较好的信度、效度及区分度,适用于我国孕妇社会资本的评估。  相似文献   

目的 在中国大学生群体中修订中文版简式食物厌恶感量表。方法 采用中文版简式食物厌恶感量表(C - FDS)、中文版厌恶感量表(CDS)和中文版大学生厌恶敏感性量表(DS - RC)共对1 185名中国大学生施测。结果 (1)C - FDS的单因素模型拟合较好(χ2/v = 2.34, GFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, TLI = 0.96);(2)C - FDS得分与CDS得分及DS - RC得分均呈正相关(r = 0.35、0.46, P<0.01),同时,C - FDS组合信度为0.73,平均方差抽取量为0.32;(3)信度检验发现,C - FDS的Cronbach α系数为0.72,分半信度为0.74,重测信度为0.77。结论 中文版简式食物厌恶感量表具有较高的信效度,可以作为未来测评大学生食物厌恶感的工具。  相似文献   

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