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EpiData和SPSS软件在多选题资料录入和统计分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]针对多选题资料录入和汇总分析问题,给予统计软件技术上的支持。[方法]采用EpiData和SPSS软件实现多选题资料录入和简单汇总分析。[结果]对《医疗质量公报》调查的多选题,给出了EpiData软件录入界面编制方法,多选题编码和汇总分析的SPSS程序,并进行实例分析。[结论]文中给出的方法适用于多选题资料录入和统计分析。  相似文献   

计算机录入病案首页同步检索ICD码的方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
笔者在编写《病案管理程序》时使用录入病案首页同步检索ICD码的方法,能极大地提高工作效率,现介绍给各位同行: 1 构造ICD码库 笔者目前使用的是北京协和医院国际疾病控制中心的ICD-9码库,并在此基础上增加一个注释字段,该字段用于存贮各个亚目及名称后的注释内容。 2 根据编码规则,对ICD码库进行分类 对ICD-9疾病编码而言,先分成传染病、寄生虫病、肿瘤、内分泌、血液、精神、神经,眼和耳、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、生殖、妊娠、皮肤、肌肉骨骼、先天性痴患、新生儿、体征、骨折、其它损伤、中毒、V编码、E编码、肿瘤形态学编码等25个类目,按三位整数分疾病亚目,小数点后的数字是疾病名称,包括对病因、部位、种类等的说明。对ICD-10疾病编码而言,先按第一位字母分21个类目;再  相似文献   

利用REDCap系统进行数据双录入及质量控制的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
医学研究中数据质量是决定研究成败的关键,因此做好数据的质量控制工作是确保研究成功的重要一环。REDCap系统是医学研究领域中一种新兴的数据采集系统,在国内外研究中逐渐得到应用。如何应用REDCap系统实现医学研究数据的双录入及质量控制,是研究者们在研究中应用该系统时关心的热点问题。本文将从研究项目的创建、数据采集工具的...  相似文献   

本文讨论了“军字一号”工程中输入法编码的方法,指出软件中拼音字头输入法在应用过程中存在的优缺点。认为多关键词输入法能有效地解决各种规范性内容录入困难的问题,录入方法的改进,能显著地提高工作效率。  相似文献   

多选题 (或复选题 )在问卷调查表中应用很普遍。多选题是题目的答案不止一个 ,可以多重选择。SPSS统计软件中有多选题处理过程 (multipleresponse) 〔1〕,但有关专著对多选题数据文件的建立方法论述得较少或不够实用。本文从实用的角度举例分析多选题答案的数据编码和变量设置 ,并介绍用SPSS统计软件中的数据转换 (Compute)和子串选择函数 (SUBSTR) ,对多选题数据进行转换。至于如何对多选题数据进行分析可参考其他专著〔1~ 3〕。一、多选题的数据编码和变量设置本文以下面两个问卷项目为例进行介绍 …  相似文献   

周斌 《浙江预防医学》2011,23(2):89-89,91
为了解城乡居民卫生知识掌握情况,各地疾病预防控制机构经常向城乡居民进行卫生问卷调查。为保证调查质量,除问卷调查时严格按照规定的要求进行外,在对问卷结果的处理时要求用双录入法,以避免1次数据录入时可能存在的错误。但这种双录入方法存在一个明显缺陷,  相似文献   

多选题数据录入常用的编码方法有二分法编码、分类法编码和原始编码。其中,原始编码最节约数据录入时间。由于只有二分法编码是符合统计分析原则的数据排列格式,以分类法编码和原始编码录入的数  相似文献   

孙玉环 《中国卫生统计》2012,29(4):607-608,611
传统的纸版问卷调查与CATI、CAPI等计算机辅助调查手段相比较,具有简单方便、成本低廉的优点,目前仍是应用最为普遍的一种调查手段。由于纸版问卷是由访问员手工填写,录入员依照问卷的填写内容  相似文献   

目的 为医疗机构提供一种更经济、便捷、高效的移动互联网医学专业语音录入解决方案.方法 对传统的"硬件麦克风"语音录入解决方案进行改造,基于移动互联网技术开发语音录入微信小程序,利用个人手机实现移动语音录入.通过对比移动语音录入和"硬件麦克风"语音录入两种解决方案的语音识别准确性,评估移动语音录入解决方案的技术效果.结果...  相似文献   

AIA360是产自日本东曹株式会社的全自动荧光磁微粒酶免分析仪,可作单人份检测。该仪器随机配置了实验室信息管理系统用以对检验信息进行获取、存储、查询、分析、打印。在其使用中,样本ID号可通过内置的条形码扫描器进行自动登录,也可在开始测定前手工输入样本ID号,进行任意样本的ID登录。对无条形码系统的使用者,  相似文献   

Summary. The quality of a multiple true–false (MTF) examination paper in public health medicine for 149 clinical medical students was evaluated using predefined performance criteria to offer guidelines for improvement of such a paper. There were 35 questions, each with five true-false branches, and the performance of the overall best 25% of candidates was compared for individual items with that of the overall worst 25%. To improve discrimination between best and worst candidates, 60% of items needed changes, and several indicators were used to identify how, usually because the branch was too easy (26%), unpopular (16%) or too hard (10%). A number of guidelines for writing good MTF questions and for improving them are suggested. The inequity is illustrated of marking systems which do not allocate a negative mark for incorrect answers equal in size to the positive mark for correct ones, with zero for unanswered questions or 'don't know' answers.  相似文献   

Measuring higher cognitive levels by multiple choice questions: a myth?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Available evidence is inconclusive as to the ability of multiple choice items to measure different taxonomic levels of the cognitive domain. The present study analysed the tests of the Examen de Synthèse for the years 1982, 1983 and 1984. Items used in the study were those for which a consensus was reached between three judges and committees for a given taxonomic level. The initial part of the study showed that judges do not classify items at random but according to a mental representation which is individual, personal and relatively stable. In examining results obtained by students, the study failed to show any significant difference in item difficulty or discrimination for items classified as measuring memorization, interpretation of data and problem-solving. Correlations between results (scores and ranks) obtained for items involving memorization and those obtained for items involving higher cognitive levels fail to show that different traits are measured. If further studies corroborate these results, then future efforts should be directed at developing other instruments to measure higher cognitive levels.  相似文献   

The extent to which premium subsidies can influence health insurance choices is an open question. In this paper, we explore the regional variation in subsidy schemes in Switzerland, designed as either in-kind or cash transfers, to study their impact on the choice of health insurance deductibles. Using health survey data and a difference-in-differences methodology, we find that in-kind transfers increase the likelihood of choosing a low deductible plan by approximately 4 percentage points (or 7%). Our results indicate that the response to in-kind transfers is strongest among women, middle-aged and unmarried individuals, which we explain by differences in risk-taking behavior, health status, financial constraints, health insurance and financial literacy. We discuss our results in the light of potential extra-marginal effects on the demand for health care services, which are however not supported by our data.  相似文献   

This study investigates the preferences of senior community nurses who work as district nurse team leaders in selecting preventive care plans for elderly people at high risk of pressure ulcer formation. The discrete choice experiment (DCE) technique was used. Focus group work produced the following five attributes of nurse decision-making: 'ease of care plan management', 'impact of care plan on patient's lifestyle', 'speed of obtaining the equipment', 'affordability', 'evidence-based practice'. These were incorporated into a self-administered questionnaire, posted to 102 nurses from two integrated acute/community NHS Trusts in Wales. A response rate of 55% was achieved. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of the selected attributes on a 5-point scale. They rated 'evidence-based practice', 'impact of care plan on patient's lifestyle', 'ease of care plan management' and 'speed of obtaining the equipment' highly, whereas 'affordability' was of less importance. However, regression analysis, which is part of the DCE technique, produced a somewhat different picture, with 'impact' being least and 'affordability' most statistically significant. The reasons for this apparent anomaly are discussed and the paper concludes that the DCE approach is capable of yielding important information, which is not produced by simple rating exercises. Such information is potentially of value in the context of modernisation and service configuration.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 评价基于发表时间顺序构建的游程总数法与基于效应量及其误差项构建的传统方法诊断发表偏倚的一致性。方法 产生Meta分析模拟数据采用Kappa指数评价诊断方法的一致性。结果 对于有偏和无偏Meta分析模拟数据两类方法诊断发表偏倚的一致性Kappa指数处于0~0.4之间。结论 依不同理论依据构建的发表偏倚诊断方法的诊断一致性差,为探讨构建两类诊断方法间的联合诊断发表偏倚的方案提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Søren Holm BA  MA  MD  PhD  DrMedSci 《Health expectations》2011,14(2):201-209
Aims To analyse whether the traditional allocation of decision‐making responsibility is still justifiable. And, if not to analyse the strength of claims made by other health care professions and by patients. Background Traditionally doctors have been responsible for choices of treatment, both in terms of deciding and in terms of taking responsibility for the decisions. But modern health care work often takes place in teams involving health care professionals from different professions as well as the patient. In such teams it may not be obvious who should be responsible for treatment choice. Methods  Philosophical analysis of epistemic, ethical and organizational arguments, including analysis of the historical origins of these arguments. Results The epistemic, ethical and organizational arguments for maintaining a primary decision making role for doctors are not sound. Other health care professionals can, in some circumstances make stronger and more justified claims. The arguments against allocation decision making authority to patients are also invalid or unsound in many circumstances. Conclusion There are many situations in which final responsibility for treatment choice should rest with health care professionals who are not doctors and with patients.  相似文献   

目的 观察使用多酶预处理后的消化内镜清洗消毒效果.方法 对使用后的消化内镜160条随机分为观察组(多酶组)、对照组(水洗组)各80条,在常规清洗和消毒前分别用多酶液、自来水进行预处理,比较两组内镜的清洁度、喷嘴堵塞、消毒合格率和刷洗时间,以评价清洗消毒效果.结果 两组内镜消毒合格率均100.0%,多酶组内镜表面清洁度及喷嘴堵塞评分、刷洗时间等均优于水洗组.结论 多酶用于消化内镜预处理有效提高了内镜清洗效果,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate factors associated with depression and social function, two outcomes identified as important by people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to identify underlying dimensions of psycho-social well-being that may be useful as outcome measures. People with MS in eight randomly selected health authorities/boards in England and Scotland completed a postal questionnaire relating to preferences and needs for their health and social care, along with the Beck Depression Inventory and the SF-36. Responses to 10 of the original items were subjected to factor analysis. These and other explanatory variables were entered into multivariable regression models for the two outcomes. The factor analysis resulted in three dimensions representing different aspects of psycho-social well-being; one of these (representing autonomy) was associated with improvements in both outcomes, as was the SF-36 emotional role limitation score. Three other SF-36 dimensions and lack of contact with a health professional in the last year were related just to social function. The regression models emphasise the value of enabling autonomy and self-reliance amongst people with MS, as well as more general measures of emotional health. The present work identifies specific questions that could be used to measure pivotal aspects of an individual's psycho-social well-being. While these findings warrant replication for people with MS, they may have relevance to those with other long-term illnesses.  相似文献   

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