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摘要:目的在冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)中探索一种使用即时血流测量仪(transittimeflowmeasurement,TTFM)测量序贯桥血流量的方法,从而能更可靠地反映吻合口的通畅程度。方法回顾性分析2012年4月至2013年1月北京安贞医院口例接受非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术(OPCAB)、术中以大隐静脉为桥血管(伴或不伴同期使用乳内动脉桥珩冠状动脉序贯吻合旁路移植术患者的临床资料,其中男92例,女39例;年龄(61.35±8.24)岁。术中采用两种方法对桥血管的血流量、搏动指数(PI)和舒张期血流灌注率进行测量,非阻断待测吻合口远端血流的测量方法(简称非阻断测量法),即保持桥血管自然通畅状态,使用TTFM在桥血管距待测吻合口近端2cm处进行测量,并记录各数据;阻断待测吻合口远端血流的测量方法(简称阻断测量法),即针对序贯桥,用哈巴狗血管夹暂时夹闭待测吻合口远端的桥血管,使用TTFM于桥血管距待测吻合口近端2cm处进行测量,并分别记录各数据、进行比较。结果采用阻断测量法测量的对角支[(27.43±15.22)ml/minVS.(59.28±30.13)ml/min]、钝缘支[(26.14±19.74)ml/minVS.(47.19±24.27)ml/min]以及左室后支[(19.16±8.92)ml/minVS.(38.83±20.11)ml/min]序贯吻合口血流量较非阻断测量法显著减少(P〈0.05);采用阻断测量法测量的对角支(2.93±1.30VS.2.31±0.91)、钝缘支(2.62±1.17VS.2.01±0.87)以及左室后支(2.33±0.92VS.1.80±0.73)的PI值较非阻断测量法明显增加(P〈0.05);两种方法各吻合口处舒张期血流灌注率比较差异无统计学意义,且均〉50%。通过非阻断测量法和阻断测量法分别发现1个和3个吻合口不通畅,重建后效果良好。结论序贯桥主干的血流流速高于单根桥血管,最示出其血流量大、血栓发生率低的优势。而阻断测量法更能精确地反映各个吻合口的通畅情况,敏感发现血管吻合通畅性不良的情况,从而及时进行吻合口重建,提高手术的成功率。  相似文献   

目的比较大隐静脉桥序贯和单纯吻合在不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术中的近中期结果。方法回顾性纳入2015—2018年因冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病在首都医科大学大兴教学医院行不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术的患者,共完成大隐静脉顺行序贯吻合438例,与同期165例大隐静脉单纯吻合患者的临床资料进行对比,通过倾向性评分匹配后,序贯吻合组与单纯吻合组各纳入130例患者。序贯吻合组患者中男78例、女52例,年龄60(52,68)岁。单纯吻合组患者中男80例、女50例,年龄61(52,70)岁。对两组患者的近中期临床结果进行对比分析。结果两组患者术前资料基本匹配,围手术期资料具有可比性。序贯吻合组与单纯吻合组患者术后死亡率(1.5%vs.1.5%,P=1.000)和并发症发生率(4.6%vs.6.2%,P>0.05)差异无统计学意义。随访时间12~60(28.3±8.9)个月,随访期间两组患者死亡率差异无统计学意义(3.2%vs.4.0%,P=0.796)。序贯吻合组与单纯吻合组平均桥血管流量差异无统计学意义[(30.0±11.8)mL/min vs.(28.0±9.5)mL/min,P=0.597]。序贯吻合组手术时间短于单纯吻合组[(142.5±21.2)min vs.(186.3±27.6)min,P<0.001],序贯吻合组引流量少于单纯吻合组[(204.7±39.6)mL vs.(271.3±48.3)mL,P<0.001],差异均有统计学意义。结论静脉桥序贯吻合技术优于单纯吻合,可减少主动脉吻合口操作,缩短手术时间,减少引流量,近中期临床效果良好。  相似文献   

目的探索采用8-0 Prolene缝线进行移植血管远端吻合的即时效果。方法分别选取2010年和2012年在北京安贞医院心外科行不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术的患者共101例,男87例、女14例,年龄46~82(61.35±8.24)岁。2010年的36例患者全部使用目前国内外常规使用的7-0 Prolene缝线缝合冠状动脉远端吻合口,2012年的65例患者全部使用8-0 Prolene缝线缝合冠状动脉远端吻合口。吻合完毕后全部应用即时血流测量仪测量与前降支吻合的移植血管(左乳内动脉和大隐静脉)的血流相关指标,包括血流量、搏动指数(PI)和舒张期血流灌注率,将分别应用7-0 Prolene和8-0 Prolene两种吻合缝线吻合的移植血管的测量数据进行比较。结果采用8-0Prolene缝线吻合的左乳内动脉桥(n=44)的血流量值较7-0 Prolene缝线吻合的左乳内动脉桥(n=30)血流量值明显增加[(33.70±21.13)ml/min vs.(27.50±17.34)ml/min,P=0.032],同时搏动指数明显减小(2.15±0.69 vs.2.58±1.01,P=0.047)。而8-0 Prolene缝线吻合后大隐静脉桥(n=21)的血流量值和搏动指数与7-0 Prolene缝线进行吻合的大隐静脉桥(n=6)差异无统计学意义[(34.19±16.00)ml/min vs.(29.00±15.48)ml/min,P〉0.05;2.07±0.53 vs.1.95±0.55,P〉0.05]。所有移植血管的舒张期血流灌注率均大于50%,且组间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论使用8-0 Prolene缝线进行左乳内动脉与前降支的吻合可以提高移植血管的血流量同时降低其搏动指数,吻合口即时通畅性更佳,将有利于提高手术的成功率及预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨先吻合桥血管近端的“顺行序贳式”吻合技术住非体外循环心脏不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术(off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting,OPCABG)中应用的临床意义和价值。方法56例患者行OPCABG术中采用先吻合桥血管近端的“顺行序贯式”吻合术:先行带蒂左乳内动脉与左前降支吻合;若使用游离桥血管则先与升主动脉吻合,再与左前降支吻合。然后用大隐静脉或桡动脉进行“序贯式”吻合搭桥。结果与左前降支吻合的桥血管:带蒂左乳内动脉49支,游离左乳内动脉1支,桡动脉4支,大隐静脉2支。采用大隐静脉进行“序贯式”吻合:4个吻合口(包括近端吻合口)32例,3个吻合口15例。桡动脉进行“序贯式”吻合:4个吻合口2例,3个吻合口7冽。大隐静脉-右冠状动脉单桥5支。总搭桥207支,平均3.7支/例。术后心绞痛症状全部缓解,无围术期急性心肌梗塞。54例随访2~70个月,无新发心绞痛,无死亡病例。结论应用先吻合桥血管近端的“顺行序贯式”吻合技术,可使OPCABG更简便、安全、有效,更有益于多支病变患者,尤其是急危重症的冠心病患者。  相似文献   

目的比较复合血管序贯式下肢动脉旁路术和倒置自体大隐静脉旁路术治疗严重慢性下肢缺血的效果。方法回顾性分析采用复合式血管(25例)及倒置自体大隐静脉(16例)旁路移植术治疗的41例严重慢性下肢缺血患者的临床资料。复合血管用聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)人工血管及自体静脉组合而成。人工血管近心端与股总动脉吻合,远端与孤立腘动脉吻合;自体静脉从PTFE血管远端发出并与小腿的胫或腓动脉吻合。倒置自体大隐静脉旁路术采用同侧大隐静脉作为血管桥。比较两者血管桥的累积通畅率和保肢率。结果平均随访18.7个月。男29例,女12例。平均年龄(67±10.4)岁。FontaineⅢ级23例,FontaineⅣ级18例。复合血管组中自体静脉远端吻合口止于胫前动脉5例,胫后动脉14例,腓动脉6例;倒置大隐静脉移植组中10例吻合口止于胫后动脉,3例腓动脉,3例胫前动脉。复合血管组踝肱指数术前为0.24±0.14,术后为0.68±0.22(P=0.000)。倒置大隐静脉组平均踝肱指数术前为0.24±0.14,术后为0.68±0.22(P=0.000)。复合血管术后1,2,3年首次通畅率分别为78%,72%,61%;二期通畅率分别为83%,76%,6...  相似文献   

目的 报道侧侧吻合术在序贯桥终末端与细小靶冠状动脉进行缝合时的临床应用,并观察其疗效。方法 自2012年10月至2013年3月北京安贞医院12例患者在非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术中应用侧侧吻合技术缝合序贯桥终末端的吻合口。其中男7例,女5例;年龄 (68.0±3.6) 岁。术中监测桥血管流量、搏动指数,术后复查超声心动图、心电图等指标,以评估其疗效。 结果 12例患者手术均成功,终末端吻合口流量 (21.1±8.6) ml/min,搏动指数为2.1±1.0。其中4例患者终末端吻合口的缝合方式临时由端侧吻合改为侧侧吻合,终末端吻合口流量分别由2 ml/min、7 ml/min、3 ml/min、5 ml/min增加至10 ml/min、32 ml/min、13 ml/min、23 ml/min,搏动指数分别由18.2、7.1、12.6、13.4改善至2.2、0.9、1.8、2.8。终末端的靶冠状动脉均为后降支,旁路移植血管(4.0±0.7) 支。术后7~10 d出院,无低心排血量综合征、恶性心律失常及围术期心肌梗死等不良事件发生。 结论 在将序贯桥终末端与细小靶冠状动脉进行缝合时,采用侧侧吻合技术进行缝合具有较高的通畅性,但在广泛推广应用之前,应对其远期疗效进行随访。  相似文献   

目的总结双侧骨骼化乳内动脉在冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)中应用的早期临床结果。方法回顾性分析2016年10月至2017年5月我院使用双侧骨骼化乳内动脉行CABG 62例患者的临床资料,其中男54例、女8例,平均年龄(56.8±6.0)岁。观察桥血管流量、围术期临床结果及冠状动脉CT结果。结果全组患者手术均在体外循环下完成,共完成124支乳内动脉吻合,同时使用大隐静脉吻合116支,平均远端吻合口数目(4.5±0.8)个。平均体外循环时间(116.4±22.9)min,平均主动脉阻断时间(83.0±18.3)min,平均呼吸机使用时间(20.8±21.3)h,住ICU时间(2.7±1.7)d。左侧乳内动脉桥平均流量(28.8±12.4)mL/min,右侧乳内动脉桥平均流量(32.8±13.8)mL/min,大隐静脉桥平均流量(41.5±21.5)mL/min;双侧乳内动脉桥血管平均流量差异无统计学意义(P=0.112)。全组患者无围术期死亡、心肌梗死、脑血管意外发生。1例男性患者胸骨愈合不良,行清创缝合后治愈。CT血管成像显示7支静脉桥、5支动脉桥吻合口远端显影浅淡,但仍通畅;1支静脉桥未显影,提示桥血管闭塞。结论在CABG中使用双侧骨骼化乳内动脉安全可靠,具有良好的早期结果。  相似文献   

非体外循环心脏跳动下冠状动脉旁路移植术桥血流的研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
目的 术中测量非体外循环心脏跳动下冠状动脉旁路移植术 (OPCAB)桥血管的血流量和搏动指数 (PI)及血流波形 ,以探讨血管桥通畅率及其与波形的关系。方法  2 34例病人接受OPCAB手术 ,采用左乳内动脉 (LIMA)全部与左前降支 (LAD)吻合 ,大隐静脉 (SV)吻合口在 2个以上采用序贯式吻合。术中用超声血流检测仪 (medi stimbutterflyflowmeter)测量旁路血管桥的血流量、PI值及其波形 ,根据结果判断桥路通畅情况 ,并且对比LIMA和SV旁路血管桥的血流量和LIMA中LAD近段狭窄大于 90 %与小于 90 %者的血流量。结果 LIMA使用率 10 0 % ,LIMA和SV桥通畅率 10 0 % ,LIMA平均血流量(19 99± 1 93)ml/min ,SV血流量 (38 17± 2 85 )ml/min ,两者差异显著 (P <0 0 1)。LIMA组中LAD近段狭窄大于 90 %者血流量 (32 0 0± 3.4 0 )ml/min ,小于 90 %者血流量 (15 2 9± 1 6 6 )ml/min ,两者差异显著(P <0 0 1)。PI平均值LIMA为 3 2 9± 0 2 2 ,SV为 3 4 1± 0 37。术后病人无并发症 ,心绞痛消失 ,全部治愈出院 ,平均住院 (7 0± 1.5 )d。随访无死亡。结论 OPCAB术吻合口的通畅率令人满意 ,静脉桥血流量高于LIMA ;LAD近段狭窄大于 90 %时LIMA血流量较高。反映桥通畅的最可靠指标是桥血流的搏动指数 ,而舒张期血流的波  相似文献   

目的总结不接触获取大隐静脉在冠状动脉旁路移植术中的使用体会和近期效果。方法回顾性分析54例使用不接触获取大隐静脉血管桥进行冠状动脉旁路移植术患者的临床资料及随访资料。结果大隐静脉作为单支桥吻合前降支1例,吻合第一对角支2例,吻合后降支3例,作为序贯桥吻合回旋支和(或)右冠50例。搭桥数目2~5支,平均3.20支。术后腿部切口顺利愈合,无再发心肌梗死,无死亡病例。出院后随访1~13个月,无死亡或心脏性事件。结论不接触技术获取的大隐静脉在冠状动脉旁路移植术中具有良好的早期效果,可以安全使用。  相似文献   

目的分析使用双侧乳内动脉(BIMA)行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)后的早期临床及CT结果和桥血管流量,探讨手术的安全性、有效性及桥流量特点。方法回顾性分析2015年12月至2016年7月我院使用双侧乳内动脉行CABG 52例患者的临床资料,其中男46例、女6例,平均年龄(56.6±6.8)岁。所有患者均在体外循环下进行,带蒂方式获取双侧乳内动脉,根据靶血管情况设计搭桥路径。完成吻合后,取平均动脉压70 mm Hg时使用Veri Q系统行桥血管即时流量测定。出院前行冠状动脉CT检查,评估桥血管通畅情况。评价围术期结果、早期CT结果及桥流量。结果无手术死亡。平均手术时间(4.7±0.6)h,平均体外循环时间(114.8±20.6)min,平均主动脉阻断时间(82.8±17.6)min,平均呼吸机使用时间(17.6±10.5)h,平均ICU停留时间(2.7±1.8)d。平均远端吻合口数(4.6±0.8)个。1例患者出现胸骨松动、伤口愈合不良,行清创缝合后治愈,其余患者无手术并发症,均康复出院。左乳内动脉桥平均流量(28.1±11.4)ml/min,平均搏动指数2.2±0.6;右乳内动脉桥平均流量(27.3±12.0)ml/min,平均搏动指数2.4±0.8;大隐静脉桥平均流量(41.5±21.5)ml/min,平均搏动指数2.2±0.7。左乳内动脉桥与右乳内动脉桥平均流量差异无统计学意义(P=0.978)。左乳内动脉桥、右乳内动脉桥平均流量分别与大隐静脉桥平均流量比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。出院前CT显示无桥血管狭窄出现;7支静脉桥、5支动脉桥吻合口远端显影浅淡,但仍通畅;2支静脉桥未显影,提示桥血管闭塞。结论使用BIMA行CABG,手术安全性高、并发症少;双侧乳内动脉桥流量相当,动脉桥早期无狭窄闭塞,是稳定理想的冠状动脉旁路移植物。  相似文献   

Gao C  Wang M  Wang G  Xiao C  Wu Y  Li B  Ye W 《Journal of cardiac surgery》2010,25(6):633-637
Abstract Background: The impact of the grafting techniques (individual or sequential grafts) on the graft patency of off‐pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) has not been reported. The mid‐term patency rates for individual and sequential saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) as coronary bypass conduits of OPCAB were compared. Methods: A total of 714 distal coronary anastomoses on 448 SVGs were assessed using a 64‐multislice computed tomography in 398 patients at an average of 26.4 ± 23.6 months (three months to five years) after an OPCAB procedure. The blood flow of grafts in the proximal segment of individual and sequential SVGs was also compared. Results: The overall patency of sequential SVGs (95.9%) was significantly superior to individual ones (90.6%, p = 0.022). The anastomoses on the sequential conduits had better patency (95.1% vs. 90.1%, p = 0.013). The patency of side‐to‐side anastomoses (97%) was better than that of end‐to‐side anastomoses (93.1%) and also better than that of the individual end‐to‐side anastomoses (90.1%, p = 0.002, p = 0.041). No significant difference was observed between the two approaches in regard to the three major coronary systems; however, anastomoses on sequential grafts had superior patency to those on individual grafts in the right coronary system (p = 0.008). The blood flows of double and triple sequential SVGs were significantly higher than those of individual ones (p < 0.001, p = 0.048, respectively). Conclusions: The mid‐term patency of a sequential SVG conduit after OPCAB is excellent and generally superior to that of an individual one. (J Card Surg 2010;25:633‐637)  相似文献   

目的 评价非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术 (OPCAB)与体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术 (CCABG)治疗冠状动脉三支病变术中旁路早期通畅性。方法  6 0例 3支血管病变的病人分为OPCAB组和CCABG组 ,每组各 30例。行冠状动脉旁路移植术 ,OPCAB组胸骨正中切口 ,在非体外循环心脏不停跳下完成手术 ;CCABG组建立常规体外循环 ,心脏停跳下完成手术。术中应用即时血流测量技术对旁路血管进行流量测量。对比分析两组术前、术后的各项指标及各血管旁路流量、搏动指数和血流波形。结果 两组病人术前一般情况差异无统计学意义。OPCAB组与CCABG组移植旁路血管分别为 (3 6±0 6 )支与 (4 3± 0 9)支 (P <0 0 1) ;两组前降支及右冠状动脉旁路血流量、搏动指数差异无显著性。CCABG组回旋支序贯旁路和远端吻合口多 ,血流量较OPCAB组高。两组弥漫病变血管旁路血流量小。结论 OPCAB与CCABG治疗 3支病变 ,两组血管旁路早期通畅性差异无显著性。  相似文献   

目的 比较非体外循环不停跳与体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植手术后中远期移植血管的通畅率.方法 对同一术者行冠状动脉旁路移植手术后5年以上病例50例.按手术方式分为两组.第1组采用传统体外循环下进行冠状动脉旁路移植(体外循环组,25例);第2组采用非体外循环不停跳技术进行冠状动脉旁路移植(非体外循环组,25例).对所有病例进行冠状动脉造影随访,比较两组移植血管的通畅情况.结果 两组均男21例,女4例.第1组手术年龄(55.4±8.9)岁;随访70~110个月,平均(86.52±12.48)个月;移植血管共83支,其中动脉移植血管41支,静脉移植血管42支,平均移植血管(3.32±0.63)支/例;随访移植血管通畅61支,狭窄6支,闭塞16支,动脉移植物通畅率为78.05%,静脉通畅率69.05%,总通畅率73.49%.第2组手术年龄(58.2±9.09)岁;移植血管共65支,其中动脉移植血管31支,静脉移植血管34支,平均移植血管(2.52±0.71)支/例,随访64~99个月,平均(82.68±12.48)个月;随访移植血管通畅47支,狭窄4支,闭塞14支,动脉移植物通畅率为74.19%,静脉通畅率70.59%,总通畅率72.31%.结论 非体外循环不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植手术移植血管中远期通畅率与传统体外循环手术一致,均可达到较好的中远期疗效.
Objective Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) is used more widely in recent years in China. However, there is an argument on benefits and risks of off-pump surgery. Many studies shown that OPCAB had more benefits in short-term outcomes than conventional coronary artery bypass grafting(CCABG). But evidences from other studies suggested that OPCAB resulted in less long-term graft patency as compared with on-pump surgery. This study examined the longterm graft patency of OPCAB and CCABG performed by one surgeon. Methods 50 patients who had received surgical revascularization by a surgeon for more than 5 years were reviewed, 25 patients received conventional coronary artery bypass grafting ( group 1 ) and 25 patients received OPCAB ( group 2). All patients had angiograms for compareing the graft patency between the two groups. Results Among 25 patients in group 1,21 were male and 4 were female. The mean age of patients at surgery was (55.4 ±8.9) years. 15 cases had unstable angina, 16 patients had old myocardial infarction and 6 cases had diabetes.The ejection fraction (EF) was 0.58 ±0.14. The mean number of bypasses per patient was 3.32 ±0.63. Mean duration of operation was (3.58 ± 0. 82) hours. Mean follow-up duration was ( 86.52 ± 12.48) months. 83 grafts were evaluated for patency ( open vs. closed) and were graded by Fitzgibbon as grade A ( excellent graft), B ( impaired graft, with a stenosis of ≥50%, or a diameter less than 50% of the grafted artery), or O ( completely occluded). The graft patency was 73.49%, 61grafts were graded as Fitzgibbon A, 6 grafts as Fitzgibbon B and 16 grafts as Fitzgibbon 0. 25 patients were in group 2, 21males and 4 females. The mean age of patients at procedure was (58.2 ± 9.09) years, 11 patients had unstable angina, 13 patients had old myocardial infarction and 6 cases had diabetes. The ejection fraction (EF) was 0.59 ± 0. 14. Conclusion No 2011.03.013 difference in long-term graft patency was identified between on-pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Off-pump oronary artery bypass grafting preformed by an experienced surgeon may gain similar long-term graft patency to that of conventional bypass.  相似文献   

Multiple bypass grafting in complete myocardial revascularization requires frequently the use of sequential saphenous vein grafts as well as arterial grafts. To expect the favorable good clinical results of revascularization, therefore, refined surgical technique for saphenous vein grafting and proper selection of suitable coronary arteries for bypass are important. Between January 1989 and April 1990, 91 patients underwent CABG utilizing internal thoracic arteries (ITA) in 79% and SVG in 99% of the patients with an average of 3.3 anastomoses per patients. Postoperative angiography was performed 4 or 8 weeks after surgery. Early patency rates were 92% (204/221) in overall anastomotic sites, 96% (52/54) in ITA and 91% (152/167) in SVG respectively. There was no difference in patency rates between individual (90%) and sequential (92%) grafts. In sequential grafting, however, patency rate of side-to-side anastomosis was higher than that of end-to-side anastomosis. Patency rates of the grafts were also evaluated in terms of the sizes of coronary arteries and intraoperative graft flows. These studies lead to the following conclusions: In individual grafting, the acceptable patency rate can be expected when the graft flow exceeds 30 ml/min even if the internal diameter of coronary artery is less than 1.5 mm. In sequential grafting, on the other hand, a diameter more than 1.5 mm is desirable for the coronary artery at the site of end-to-side anastomosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is concern that a hypercoagulable status is caused after coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass (off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, or OPCAB) and may potentially endanger the patency of the anastomosis. The aims of this study were: (1) to compare 1-year graft patency after OPCAB with that of conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and that of on-pump beating CABG; and (2) to demonstrate any differences in patency of various conduits among the three groups. METHODS: We analyzed the results of 122 consecutive OPCAB cases (group 1) compared with those of 65 consecutive conventional CABG cases (group II) and those of 19 consecutive on-pump beating CABG cases (group III). In group I, coronary angiography (CAG) was performed immediately postoperatively and 1 year after surgery. In groups II and III, CAG was performed 1 year after surgery. Graft patency was graded as grade A (excellent), grade B (fair), or grade O (occluded). RESULTS: The average number of distal anastomoses in groups I, II, and III were 3.1 +/- 1.1, 3.7 +/- 0.9, and 3.6 +/- 0.9, respectively. In group I, postoperative CAG was performed in 92% of patients (112/122) before discharge. The patency rate (grade A + B) was 96.4% (162/168) for arterial grafts, and 85.6% (160/187) for saphenous vein grafts (SVG). One-year follow-up CAG was performed in 74% of patients (90/122). The patency rate was 97.8% (132/135) for arterial grafts and 67.9% (106/156) for SVG. In group II, 1-year follow-up CAG was performed in 65% of patients (42/65). The patency rate (grade A + B) was 93.5% (43/46) for arterial grafts and 88.3% (98/111) for SVG. In group III, 1-year follow-up CAG was performed in 89% of patients (17/19). The patency rate (grade A + B) was 100% (19/19) for arterial grafts and 86.8% (33/38) for SVG. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that the patency rate ot SVG after OPCAB was significantly lower than that of arterial grafts in the early postoperative CAG (p < 0.001), and was also significantly lower than those of SVG of group II (p < 0.001) and group III (p < 0.01) in the postoperative 1-year CAG, although there was no significant difference in 1-year patency of arterial grafts among the three groups. Our data suggest that a specific perioperative anticoagulant therapy may be advisable in patients undergoing OPCAB with SVG.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In trying to answer the question about the controversial use of sequential grafts, we determined the mid-term angiographic outcome of patients in whom coronary artery bypass was performed with different types of vein grafts. METHODS: A total of 1034 coronary anastomoses on 724 saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) (apart from 497 left internal mammarian artery (LIMA) anastomoses) were assessed in 509 patients in an average of 55.4 +/- 17.6 months after coronary artery bypass grafting. RESULTS: The patency rates of sequential conduits were markedly higher than those of individual ones (86.6% vs 69.6%, p = 0.0001). Also, the anastomoses on the sequential conduits had better patency rates (80.6% vs 69.6%, p = 0.0001). This difference was even more pronounced in coronary arteries of poor quality/small (< 1.5 mm) diameter (68.9% vs 51.6%) for the sequential and individual grafts, respectively (p = 0.03). Also, the patency of the entire sequential conduit was lower when most distally located anastomosis was of poor runoff (45.2%). CONCLUSIONS: The patency of a sequential vein conduit is generally superior than that of an individual one, especially for poor runoff coronary vessels, provided that the most distally located anastomosis is performed on a good coronary artery in terms of quality and diameter. Using a minimal length of SVG is another advantage. However, failure of a single sequential conduit jeopardizes all of the anastomoses along that graft segment. Besides, being technically more demanding, technical expertise in performing a sequential anastomosis is probably among the important predictors of patency.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This retrospective study compared clinical outcomes and resource utilization in patients having off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) versus conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Angiographic patency was documented in the OPCAB group. METHODS: From April 1997 through November 1999, OPCAB was performed in 200 consecutive patients, and the results were compared with those in a contemporaneous matched control group of 1,000 patients undergoing CABG. Patients were matched according to age, sex, preexisting disease (renal failure, diabetes, pulmonary disease, stroke, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, previous myocardial infarction, and primary or redo status. Follow-up in the OPCAB patients was 93% and averaged 13.4 months. RESULTS: Hospital death (1.0%), postoperative stroke (1.5%), myocardial infarction (1.0%), and re-entry for bleeding (1.5%) occurred infrequently in the OPCAB group. There were reductions in the rates of transfusion (33.0% versus 70.0%; p < 0.001) and deep sternal wound infection (0% versus 2.2%; p = 0.067) in the OPCAB group compared with the CABG group. Angiographic assessment of 421 grafted arteries was performed in 167 OPCAB patients (83.5%) prior to hospital discharge. All but five were patent (98.8%) (93.3% FitzGibbon A, 5.5% FitzGibbon B, 1.2% FitzGibbon O). All 163 internal mammary artery grafts were patent. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting reduced postoperative hospital stay from 5.7 +/- 5.3 days in the CABG group to 3.9 +/- 2.6 days (p < 0.001), with a decrease in hospital cost of 15.0% (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting reduces hospital cost, postoperative length of stay, and morbidity compared with CABG on cardiopulmonary bypass. Off-pump coronary bypass grafting is safe, cost effective, and associated with excellent graft patency and clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The mid-term patency rates for individual and sequential grafts as coronary bypass conduits for diagonal arteries were angiographically compared; the impact of native coronary vessel and type of the conduit characteristics are investigated. METHODS: Between March 1992 and April 2000, we performed a total number of 811 distal anastomosis on diagonal arteries of left anterior descending (LAD) artery in 296 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) distal anastomosis in our clinic. The patients were divided into two groups in this prospective study. In group A (n = 195) individual anastomosis technique, in group B (n = 101) sequential anastomosis technique was chosen as the myocardial revascularization strategy. At an average of 49.4 +/- 13.2 months after coronary revascularization procedure coronary angiographies were evaluated. Individual and sequential grafting techniques were compared by graft patency rates. RESULTS: The patency rates of sequential conduits were markedly higher than those of individual conduits (66.7% vs. 89.2%, p = 0.0001). This difference was also clear in coronary arteries with poor quality and small (<1.5 mm) diameter (49.1% vs. 66.6%, p = 0.032). Also, the patency rates of sequential radial artery conduits were higher than sequential saphenous vein graft (SVG) conduits (sequential radial artery; 94.1%, sequential SVG; 85.3%, p = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS: Sequential grafting for diagonal artery is technically more demanding but the mid-term results are better than individual grafting especially in coronary arteries with poor quality. Using radial artery as a sequential graft increases the mid-term graft patency rates.  相似文献   

Objective: Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) remains controversial in patients with left main trunk (LMT) disease because of a concern about the ability to tolerate hemodynamic instability. This study examined the safety of OPCAB for LMT disease compared with conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: Between April 1997 and December 2002, 257 consecutive patients with LMT stenosis who underwent CABG were enrolled. There were 98 patients who received CABG with the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass (CCAB group), and 159 patients who received OPCAB (OPCAB group). Results: There was no patient who converted to on-pump intraoperatively due to hemodynamic instability. Both intraoperative blood loss and blood transfusion incidence were lower in the OPCAB group. Postoperative course was similar, however, pulmonary complications were less observed postoperatively in the OPCAB group. No hypoperfusion syndrome was seen postoperatively in both groups. The average number of anastomosis was 3.2±1.1 in the CCAB group and 3.2±1.0 in the OPCAB group (p=0.645). Total arterial OPCAB with an aorta no-touch technique was achieved in 142 patients (89.3%) in OPCAB group. Postoperative angiography was performed in 95 patients in CCAB (96.9%), and in 141 patients in OPCAB (89.8%). Although graft patency of arterial grafts was good in both groups (100% in CCAB and 98.3% in OPCAB), saphenous vein graft patency was slightly lower in both groups (93.4% in CCAB and 76.5% in OPCAB) compared with arterial grafts. Conclusion: OPCAB allows a safe and effective treatment of LMT disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The long-term patency rates for individual and sequential saphenous vein grafts (SVG) as coronary bypass conduits are angiographically compared; the impact of native coronary vessel characteristics is investigated. METHODS: A total of 875 distal coronary anastomoses on 500 SVGs were assessed in 430 patients at an average of 5.8+/-3 years after a coronary revascularization procedure. RESULTS: The patency rates of sequential conduits were markedly higher than those of individual ones (82 vs. 68%, P=0.0005). Also, the anastomoses on the sequential conduits had better patency (75 vs. 68%, P=0.03). This difference was even more pronounced in coronary arteries of poor quality and small (<1.5 mm) diameter (57 vs. 28% for the sequential grafts and individual grafts, respectively, P=0.001). Also, when the most distally located coronary artery on a sequential graft was of poor run-off, the patency rate for the entire conduit was considerably low (42.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The patency of a sequential vein graft conduit is generally better than that of an individual one, especially for poor run-off coronary vessels, provided that the most distally located anastomosis is done on a good coronary artery in terms of quality and diameter. Using a minimal length of conduits is another advantage. However, failure of a single sequential conduit jeopardizes all the anastomoses along that graft segment. Besides, sequential grafting is technically more demanding, and the technical expertise in performing a sequential anastomosis is probably among the important determinants of short- and long-term patency.  相似文献   

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