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目的 探讨童年期创伤与知觉压力对青少年焦虑性抑郁障碍(ADD)的影响,为青少年ADD的临床心理治疗提供数据支持。方法 2020年1月—2021年1月首发入住杭州市第七人民医院青少年抑郁障碍患者120例,根据汉密尔顿抑郁量表-17(HAMD17)焦虑/躯体化因子得分分为焦虑性抑郁障碍组(ADD组)和非焦虑性抑郁障碍组(nADD组),每组各60例。分别运用HAMD17、童年期创伤问卷(CTQ-SF)、中文版压力知觉量表(CPSS)测量抑郁水平、童年期创伤和知觉压力水平,比较两组之间的差异,并分析ADD组童年期创伤与知觉压力对焦虑性抑郁的影响模式。结果 1)ADD组与nADD组在年龄、性别、是否独生子女、受教育年限及抑郁病程方面的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);2)ADD组HAMD17总分、情感虐待、情感忽视、躯体虐待、童年期创伤总分、紧张感、失控感及知觉压力总分高于nADD组,差异有统计学意义(t=3.558、11.374、5.333、4.080、7.796、8.829、11.854、13.276,P<0.01);3)ADD组HAMD17总分与童年期创伤总分、紧张感、失控感及知觉压力总分呈正相关(r=0.415~0.590,P<0.01);ADD组童年期创伤总分与紧张感、失控感及知觉压力总分呈正相关(r=0.306~0.390,P<0.01);4)ADD组知觉压力对焦虑性抑郁有直接路径影响效应(β=0.81,P<0.001),童年期创伤通过知觉压力对焦虑性抑郁有间接路径影响效应(β=0.567,P<0.001)。结论 焦虑性抑郁障碍青少年存在较多的童年期创伤经历和较高的知觉压力水平,知觉压力对焦虑性抑郁不仅具有直接影响,而且在童年期创伤对焦虑性抑郁的影响关系中起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2017,27(11):716-723.e1
PurposeWe sought to evaluate the extent to which childhood physical and/or sexual abuse history is associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during early pregnancy and to explore the extent to which the childhood abuse-PTSD association is mediated through, or modified by, adult experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV).MethodsIn-person interviews collected information regarding history of childhood abuse and IPV from 2,928 women aged 18-49 years old prior to 16 weeks of gestation. PTSD was assessed using the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).ResultsCompared to women with no childhood abuse, the odds of PTSD were increased 4.31-fold for those who reported physical abuse only (95% CI, 2.18–8.49), 5.33-fold for sexual abuse only (95% CI, 2.38–11.98), and 8.03-fold for those who reported physical and sexual abuse (95% CI, 4.10–15.74). Mediation analysis showed 13% of the childhood abuse-PTSD association was mediated by IPV. Furthermore, high odds of PTSD were noted among women with histories of childhood abuse and IPV compared with women who were not exposed to either (OR = 20.20; 95% CI, 8.18–49.85).ConclusionsChildhood abuse is associated with increased odds of PTSD during early pregnancy. The odds of PTSD were particularly elevated among women with a history of childhood abuse and IPV. Efforts should be made to prevent childhood abuse and mitigate its effects on women's mental health.  相似文献   

Paramedics have the highest rate of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among emergency service workers, higher than police or firefighters. This disorder can be detrimental to their personal and family lives, as well as their careers. Current biomedical, behavioral, and socioenvironmental interventions do not address paramedics' work environment, which contributes to the high rate of PTSD. Occupational health nurses can influence the triad of factors contributing to PTSD among paramedics by facilitating social support and emotional expression while advocating for reduced job exposure to traumatic events. This goal can be accomplished by using a component of the Ottawa Charter, creating a supportive work environment, as a framework. Occupational health nurses, together with management and paramedics, can facilitate a sustainable and supportive work environment that initiates change from within the trauma membrane of paramedics' workplaces to prevent PTSD.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined the associations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and HIV risk behaviors among a random sample of 241 low-income women receiving care in an urban emergency department.Methods. We recruited participants from the emergency department waiting room during randomly selected 6-hour blocks of time. Multivariate analyses and propensity score weighting were used to examine the associations between PTSD and HIV risk after adjustment for potentially confounding sociodemographic variables, substance use, childhood sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence.Results. A large majority of the sample self-identified as Latina (49%) or African American (44%). Almost one third (29%) of the participants met PTSD criteria. Women who exhibited symptoms in 1 or more PTSD symptom clusters were more likely than women who did not to report having had sex with multiple sexual partners, having had sex with a risky partner, and having experienced partner violence related to condom use in the preceding 6 months.Conclusions. The high rate of PTSD found in this sample and the significant associations between PTSD symptom clusters and partner-related risk behaviors highlight the need to take PTSD into account when designing HIV prevention interventions for low-income, urban women.The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and HIV risk behaviors remains relatively underresearched. However, several studies have shown that PTSD is associated with sexual HIV risk behaviors and HIV seropositive status.13 Emergency departments have been identified as the first and primary source of medical treatment of many women infected with or at high risk for HIV46 and for those with high rates of interpersonal violence and trauma, including those suffering from PSTD.711Hutton et al. found that, after adjustment for potentially confounding factors, a PTSD diagnosis was associated with engaging in anal intercourse and exchanging sex for money or drugs in a sample of 177 female inmates.12 High rates of PTSD have also been found among HIV-positive women,3,13,14 many of whom have experienced repeated traumas associated with PTSD, such as childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV).3,13,14 In a study of HIV-positive women, 35% of those with a trauma history met the criteria for PTSD,15 a rate far exceeding both the lifetime PTSD rate (10.4%) among women in the general population16 and the PTSD rate (4.6%) in a nationally representative sample of female crime victims.17The relationship between PTSD and HIV risk behaviors has been found to vary according to the presence of different PTSD symptoms (avoidance, hyperarousal, and reexperiencing trauma). In their study of 64 HIV-positive women and men, Gore-Felton and Koopman found that moderate to severe reexperiencing symptoms were associated with multiple sexual partners and unprotected sex during the preceding 3 months.18 Individuals with avoidant symptoms were less likely to have engaged in unprotected sex, possibly as a result of deficits in establishing and maintaining intimate partnerships.18 The presence of hyperarousal symptoms may trigger individuals to seek sexual stimulation and engage in riskier sex, and they may experience difficulty in problem solving and negotiating safe sex.19The research just described highlights mechanisms of how different PTSD symptom clusters may increase the likelihood of engaging in HIV risks. However, it should also be acknowledged that the relationship may be bidirectional: a traumatic experience (e.g., forced unprotected sex) associated with a risk of HIV may lead to PTSD.Furthermore, research suggests that the relationship between PTSD and HIV risk may be mediated by several factors, including childhood sexual abuse, IPV, and substance abuse. Those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse are at increased risk of developing PTSD,2022 engaging in subsequent sexual HIV risk behaviors, and HIV transmission.3,23 Similarly, IPV has been found to increase the risk of both developing PTSD and engaging in a range of HIV risk behaviors, including unprotected sex,2438 sexual practices leading to a high risk of sexually transmitted infections,6,32,3942 sex with multiple partners,31,32,43 trading of sex for money or drugs,40,44 sex with risky partners,38,45 and sex with HIV-positive partners.38 Finally, substantial research indicates that drug and alcohol dependencies are associated with both PTSD46,47 and engaging in a range of HIV risk behaviors.4851We examined the relationship between PTSD (and the symptom clusters of avoidance, reexperiencing trauma, and hyperarousal) and sexual HIV risk behaviors in a random sample of 241 women attending an emergency department in a low-income neighborhood of the Bronx, New York. We hypothesized that women who met the criteria for PTSD and the symptom clusters of hyperarousal, reexperiencing trauma, or avoidance would be more likely than women who did not meet these criteria to engage in sexual HIV risk behaviors after adjustment and matching for potentially confounding factors such as sociodemographic characteristics, childhood sexual abuse, substance abuse, and IPV.  相似文献   

Two healthcare workers developed disabling chronic posttraumatic stress disorder after needlestick exposures to blood from a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), even though both continue to test negative for HIV antibody more than 22 months after their exposures. We describe these 2 cases and review the relevant literature. Prospective studies of psychological morbidity after occupational needlestick injuries are required to determine the role of long-term psychological follow-up, counseling, and support.  相似文献   

Using a metasynthesis approach, our aim was to articulate new insights relating to the most efficient and effective means of helping homeless women with substance abuse problems to enhance their well-being and become more stably housed. Distorted perceptions of competency, which are shaped by dysfunctional relationships and mental health problems, make it challenging for women with substance abuse problems to resolve homelessness. Women with particularly low or high levels of perceived competency tend to grapple with challenges related to structure and control, trust, and hopelessness. Therapeutic strategies for approaching these women include careful assessment, caring, personalized structure and control, development of interpersonal trust, instillation of hope, and the targeted use of psychotherapeutic agents and counseling. Framing care for homeless women within the context of perceived competency offers a new way of understanding their plight and shaping interventions to more expeditiously move them toward healthy and stable lives.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars have awakened people to the realization that military service can be traumatizing for women as well as men. This study investigated the etiological roles of both war and sexual trauma in the development of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder among female Vietnam veterans. METHODS: Data from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study for 396 Vietnam theater women and 250 Vietnam era women were analyzed with structural equation modeling. RESULTS: An etiological model with highly satisfactory fit and parsimony was developed. Exposure to war trauma contributed to the probability of posttraumatic stress disorder in theater women, as did sexual trauma in both theater and era women. Lack of social support at the time of homecoming acted as a powerful mediator of trauma for both groups of women. CONCLUSIONS: Within the constraints and assumptions of causal modeling, there is evidence that both war trauma and sexual trauma are powerful contributors to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder among female Vietnam veterans.  相似文献   

This article documents the physical health burdens of participants in a large, federally funded cross-site study of specialized services for women with histories of trauma (physical or sexual abuse) and co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. Nearly half of the 2729 women in the study (48%) reported serious physical illnesses that frequently limited their daily life activities or required them to use special equipment. Nearly half (46%) rated their health status as only fair or poor. Given the prevalence of physical illnesses in this population, behavioral service providers should discuss with clients their overall health and how it might hinder their participation in treatment for trauma, substance abuse, and mental illness, and policymakers should consider this need when designing behavioral health requirements, setting reimbursement rates, and allocating funds.The interpretations and conclusions contained in this publication do not necessarily represent the position of the WCDVS Coordinating Center, participating study sites, participating consumer/survivor/recovering persons, or the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and its 3 centers (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Center for Mental Health Services, and Center for Substance Abuse Prevention).  相似文献   

The authors in this cross-sectional study examined mental health and family environmental factors related to a sedentary lifestyle, including lack of leisure-time physical activity and high levels of television viewing, among low-income mothers/female guardians of preschool-aged children. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 131 mothers in 2010. Primary outcome measures included television viewing time (minutes/day) and leisure-time physical activity (<150 versus ≥150 minutes per week). Independent variables included depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and family functioning. Demographic factors (age, marriage, work status, education, number of children in the household, and race/ethnicity) were examined as potential covariates. Participating women watched television on average 186.1 minutes/day (i.e., >3 hours). Additionally, 36% of women engaged in less than the recommended 150-minute leisure-time physical activity per week. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that greater depressive symptoms (B = 76.4, p < 0.01) and lower family functioning (B = 33.0, p < 0.05) were independently related to greater television viewing when controlling for other variables. No independent factors were identified for lack of leisure-time physical activity when controlling for other covariates. Findings suggest that health promotion efforts to promote an active lifestyle among low-income women with young children should address mental health and family functioning factors, especially depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Research suggests that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be associated with later medical morbidity. To assess this, we examined all-cause and cause-specific mortality among a national random sample of U.S. Army veterans with and without PTSD after military service. METHODS: We used Cox proportional hazards regressions to examine the causes of death among 15,288 male U.S. Army veterans 16 years after completion of a telephone survey, approximately 30 years after their military service. These men were included in a national random sample of veterans from the Vietnam War Era. Our analyses adjusted for race, Army volunteer status, Army entry age, Army discharge status, Army illicit drug abuse, intelligence, age, and, additionally -- for cancer mortality -- pack-years of cigarette smoking. RESULTS: Our findings indicated that adjusted postwar mortality for all-cause, cardiovascular, cancer, and external causes of death (including motor vehicle accidents, accidental poisonings, suicides, homicides, injuries of undetermined intent) was associated with PTSD among Vietnam Theater veterans (N = 7,924), with hazards ratios (HRs) of 2.2 (p < 0.001), 1.7 (p = 0.034), 1.9 (p = 0.018), and 2.3 (p = 0.001), respectively. For Vietnam Era veterans with no Vietnam service (N = 7,364), PTSD was associated with all-cause mortality (HR = 2.0, p = 0.001). PTSD-positive era veterans also appeared to have an increase in external-cause mortality as well (HR = 2.2, p = 0.073). CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that Vietnam veterans with PTSD may be at increased risk of death from multiple causes. The reasons for this increased mortality are unclear but may be related to biological, psychological, or behavioral factors associated with PTSD and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   



To compare levels of methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene (NR3C1) promoter between women with bulimia nervosa (BN) and women with no eating disorder (ED), and also to explore, in women with BN, the extent to which methylation of the GR gene promoter corresponds to childhood abuse, suicidality, or borderline personality disorder (BPD).


We measured methylation levels in selected NR3C1 promoter regions using DNA obtained from lymphocytes in 64 women with BN (32 selected as having a history of severe childhood abuse and 32 selected as having no such history) and 32 comparison women with no ED or history of childhood abuse.


Compared to noneating disordered women, women with BN and comorbid BPD (or BN with a history of suicidality) showed significantly more methylation of specific exon 1C sites. There was also a (nonsignificant) result indicative of greater methylation in some 1C sites among women with BN, when compared (as a group) to women with no ED. No parallel effects owing to childhood abuse were observed.


Our findings associate BN (when accompanied by BPD or suicidality) with hypermethylation of certain GR exon 1C promoter sites. We discuss theoretical and clinical implications of our findings. © 2013 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2013)  相似文献   

Unplanned pregnancies account for a substantial proportion of births in Kenya and can have a variety of negative consequences on individual women, their families, and the society as a whole. This paper examines the correlates of mistimed and unwanted childbearing in Kenya, with special focus on the extent of repetitiveness of these events among women. A multilevel multinomial model is applied to the 1993 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data. The results show that unplanned childbearing in Kenya is associated with a number of factors, including urban/rural residence, region, ethnicity, maternal education, maternal age, marital status, birth order, length of preceding birth interval, family planning practise, fertility preference and unmet need for family planning. In addition to these factors, women who have experienced an unplanned birth are highly likely to have a repeat occurrence.  相似文献   

【摘要】目的探索边缘型人格障碍(BPD)患者的心理防御机制,探讨心理防御机制与早年虐待的关系。方法对142例BPD患者,63例其他人格障碍患者及20例无人格障碍的门诊就诊者就早年虐待和心理防御机制开展调查研究,进行多因素方差分析及Pearson相关分析。结果BPD组患者较其他人格障碍患者及无人格障碍的就诊者在不成熟防御机制及部分中间型防御机制上得分较高,涉及投射(F=26.5,P〈0.05)、被动攻击(F=18.1,P〈0.05)、见诸行动(F=28.3,P〈0.05)、抱怨(F=16.7,P〈0.05)、幻想(F=16.3,P〈0.05)、分裂(F=28.8,P〈0.05)、退缩(F=8.3,P〈0.05)、躯体化(F=7.6,P〈0.05)、全能与贬低(F=9.2,P〈0.05)、隔离(F=4.7,P〈0.05)和同一化(F=10.0,P〈0.05),而成熟水平的升华(F=4.1,P〈0.05)和压抑(F=3.9,P〈0.05)得分较低。早年来自父母的精神虐待与不成熟的心理防御机制有显著正相关;早年经历躯体虐待较无躯体虐待者更多使用抱怨(F=6.9,P〈0.05)和否认(F=5.2,P〈0.05)的防御机制,而较少使用期望防御机制(F=4.6,P〈0.05),经历性虐待者较无性虐待者更多使用躯体化(F=4.4,P〈0.05)和隔离(F=3.6,P〈0.05)的防御机制。结论BPD患者多使用不成熟水平以及部分中间水平的防御机制,较少使用成熟水平的防御机制。早年精神虐待、躯体虐待及性虐待与不成熟的心理防御机制及部分中间水平的防御机制存在一定相关性。早年父母养育方式,可减少或避免各种早年创伤性经历,对预防边缘型人格障碍的发生。  相似文献   

The integration of women into non-traditional military occupations raises questions concerning the impact of such jobs on women's reproductive health. This study examines the extent to which US Navy women in their reproductive years report exposures to potential occupational and environmental hazards, and the degree to which such exposures are associated with self-reported adverse live-birth outcomes. Data from a survey of pregnant Navy women provided both maternal and paternal exposure information on more than 1000 active-duty women. Self-reported exposures to heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products, and other chemicals were associated with adverse live-birth outcomes at the bivariate level. Only a father's exposure to pesticides at work predicted an adverse live-birth outcome (preterm delivery) in multivariate models. Maternal occupational exposures may exert their influence through maternal health and/or pregnancy complications and may act as mediators of health-reproductive outcome relationships.  相似文献   

This study examined the association of initial combat stress reaction (CSR), chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cumulative life stress on physical health 20 years after the 1982 war with Lebanon, in a sample of 504 Israeli veterans of the war. Two groups were assessed: male veterans who fought and suffered from CSR and a matched group of male veterans from the same units who did not exhibit such reactions. Twenty years following the war, participants were asked to rate their general physical health status, report health complaints and risk behaviors, and were screened for PTSD. CSR and, to a greater extent, PTSD, were found to be associated with general self-rated health, chronic diseases and physical symptoms, and greater engagement in risk behaviors. CSR and PTSD were also related to greater cumulative life stress since the war. Both negative and positive life events were independently related to most of the physical health measures but did not account for the associations of CSR and PTSD with poorer health. Tests of the interactions between CSR, PTSD and life stress in their association with physical health and risk behaviors showed that PTSD suppressed the effects of additional life stress (negative life events had a weaker effect on health among participants with PTSD).  相似文献   

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