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This retrospective cohort study was aimed to investigate the impact of endometriosis on the IVF/ICSI outcomes. A total of 1027 cycles of patients undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment in a reproductive medicine unit of academic hospital were enrolled. In the present study, 431 cycles of patients with endometriosis constituted the study group, including 152 cycles of patients with stage I-II endometriosis and 279 cycles of patients with stage III-IV endometriosis, while 596 cycles of patients with tubal factors infertility were considered as the control group. Ovarian stimulation parameters and IVF/ICSI outcomes were compared. Patients with stage I-II and stage III-IV endometriosis required higher dosage and longer duration of gonadotropins, but had lower day 3 high-quality embryos rate, when compared to patients with tubal infertility. In addition, the number of oocytes retrieved, the number of obtained embryos, the number of day 3 high-quality embryos, serum E2 level on the day of hCG, fertilization rate were lower in patients with stage III-IV endometriosis than those in tubal factors group. Except reduced implantation rate in stage III-IV endometriosis group, no differences were found in other pregnancy parameters. This study suggests that IVF/ICSI yielded similar pregnancy outcomes in patients with different stages of endometriosis and patients with tubal infertility. Therefore, IVF/ICSI can be considered as an effective approach for managing endometriosis-associated infertility.  相似文献   

The effect of endometrial thickness on IVF/ICSI outcome   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: During the menstrual cycle the endometrium undergoes cyclic proliferative and secretory changes in preparation for implantation. If this preparation is not sufficient, then implantation will fail. The impact of endometrial thickness on the day of embryo transfer on IVF outcome was investigated in the present study. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted of 1228 IVF/ICSI cycles. Stimulation was with clomiphene citrate (CC) + hMG in one-third of the cycles, and ultrashort GnRH agonist stimulation in two-thirds. Cycle parameters were compared between pregnant and non-pregnant patients. A similar comparison was made between ongoing pregnancies and those that resulted in a loss. RESULTS: There were more follicles, oocytes and embryos, the endometrium was thicker and the embryo quality was higher among women who became pregnant when compared with non-pregnant women after assisted reproduction. The pregnancy rate improved as endometrial thickness increased. No difference in cycle parameters and endometrial thickness was found between ongoing pregnancies and pregnancies that resulted in a first-trimester loss. CC had no measurable adverse endometrial effect, but the pregnancy rate was lower in CC+hMG cycles. CONCLUSIONS: Increased endometrial thickness is associated with higher pregnancy rates. However, neither attainment of pregnancy nor pregnancy outcome was predicted by endometrial thickness alone.  相似文献   

Single embryo transfer and IVF/ICSI outcome: a balanced appraisal   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review considers the value of single embryo transfer (SET) to prevent multiple pregnancies (MP) after IVF/ICSI. The incidence of MP (twins and higher order pregnancies) after IVF/ICSI is much higher (approximately 30%) than after natural conception (approximately 1%). Approximately half of all the neonates are multiples. The obstetric, neonatal and long-term consequences for the health of these children are enormous and costs incurred extremely high. Judicious SET is the only method to decrease this epidemic of iatrogenic multiple gestations. Clinical trials have shown that programmes with >50% of SET maintain high overall ongoing pregnancy rates ( approximately 30% per started cycle) while reducing the MP rate to <10%. Experience with SET remains largely European although the need to reduce MP is accepted worldwide. An important issue is how to select patients suitable for SET and embryos with a high putative implantation potential. The typical patient suitable for SET is young (aged <36 years) and in her first or second IVF/ICSI trial. Embryo selection is performed using one or a combination of embryo characteristics. Available evidence suggests that, for the overall population, day 3 and day 5 selection yield similar results but better than zygote selection results. Prospective studies correlating embryo characteristics with documented implantation potential, utilizing databases of individual embryos, are needed. The application of SET should be supported by other measures: reimbursement of IVF/ICSI (earned back by reducing costs), optimized cryopreservation to augment cumulative pregnancy rates per oocyte harvest and a standardized format for reporting results. To make SET the standard of care in the appropriate target group, there is a need for more clinical studies, for intensive counselling of patients, and for an increased sense of responsibility in patients, health care providers and health insurers.  相似文献   

目的评价基础FSH/LH对预测基础FSH正常水平妇女IVF/ICSI-ET(体外受精-胚胎移植,In Vitro fertilization -embryo transfer/卵胞浆内单精子注射-胚胎移植,Intracytoplasmic Spcrm injection-embryotransfer)结局的价值及其与超促排卵过程中各参数的关系。方法回顾性分析接受IVF/ICSI-ET治疗的不孕患者617例,据基础FsH/LH(Follicle-stimulating hormone,卵泡刺激素/luteinizing hormone,黄体生产素)比值分为2组:FSH/LH〈2组和FSH/LH≥2组,比较两组的用药情况和临床结局。结果FSH/LH〈2组与FSH/LH92组相比,获卵数、受精率、着床率、临床妊娠率显著增加,Gn(GnRH,促性腺激素释放激素,以下简称Gn)用量显著减少(P〈O.05)。结论基础FSH/LH值能够提早预测卵巢储备功能及IVF/ICSI治疗结局,并且能指导临床控制性超促排卵过程中用药量。  相似文献   

IVF/ICSI术中异位妊娠发生的危险因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的初步探讨辅助生殖技术(IVF/ICSI)中异位妊娠(EP)发生的危险因素。方法回顾性分析我院2001年1月-2008年12月接受IVF/ICSI助孕的7798个周期,其中临床妊娠3005个周期(周期妊娠率为38.5%),异位妊娠147个周期(异位妊娠发生率为4.89%),对可能影响正常妊娠导致异位妊娠的因素进行多因素logistic多元回归分析。结果在IVF/ICSI过程中,输卵管积水、促排卵药物使用史、hCG日内膜的厚度、移植胚胎质量与EP的发病明显相关。结论输卵管原因不孕是辅助生殖技术中EP发生的主要相关因素。移植周期合并输卵管积水、既往有输卵管手术史(本治疗周期无输卵管积水)、既往有促排卵药物使用史可增加EP的发生风险;增加hCG日内膜厚度及移植胚胎的质量均可降低IVF/ICSI后EP的发生风险。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum progesterone has been advocated as a tool in the diagnosis of early pregnancy failure. We conducted this prospective study in order to investigate the potential value of early (14 days after oocyte recovery) serum progesterone measurement, in women undergoing IVF/ICSI and receiving rectal progesterone supplements, in relation to pregnancy outcome. METHODS: 442 women consecutively treated by IVF or ICSI had serum progesterone and bhCG levels prospectively measured 14 days after oocyte retrieval (day 0). All women received natural progesterone 400 mg rectally until the pregnancy test on day 14. Pregnant women were followed up by serial transvaginal ultrasound scans to 8 weeks gestation. RESULTS: 115 women (26%) had a viable intra-uterine pregnancy at 8 weeks gestation, 80 (18.1%) had an abnormal pregnancy (biochemical, ectopic, miscarriage) and 247 (55.9%) failed to conceive. Women with on-going pregnancies had significantly higher serum progesterone levels (median: 430, 95%CI: 390-500 nmol/l) compared to those who had either an abnormal pregnancy (72, 48-96 nmol/l; P < 0.001) or failed to conceive (33, 28-37 nmol/l; P < 0.001). Receiver-operator curve analysis demonstrated that a single serum progesterone on day 14 post-oocyte retrieval, could highly differentiate between normal and abnormal pregnancies (area under the curve = 0.927, 95%CI = 0.89-0.96; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: In spite of exogenous progesterone supplementation, serum progesterone levels, from as early as 4 weeks gestation (day 14 post-oocyte retrieval) were significantly elevated and predicted women destined to have viable intra-uterine pregnancies. These high levels are suggestive that endogenous progesterone is already sufficient in viable pregnancies and that exogenous progesterone administration will not rescue a pregnancy destined to result in a miscarriage. Single serum progesterone measurement could be a useful indicator of pregnancy outcome in women undergoing IVF or ICSI treatment.  相似文献   

IVF/ICSI twin pregnancies: risks and prevention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the 1970s, the national twin birth rates have been increasing worldwide. Apart from the increasing childbearing age, the main cause is the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). To explore the overall consequences of dual embryo transfer (DET), the literature has been reviewed systematically regarding short- and long-term outcomes of IVF/ICSI twin pregnancies i.e. pregnancy complications, maternal risks, obstetric outcome and long-term morbidity including neurological sequelae, cognitive development and family implications. Another consequence of DET is vanishing twins, which seems to be a possible cause of adverse outcome in IVF singletons. The sparse literature on vanishing twins in IVF pregnancies and the influence on the surviving co-twin were also addressed. Finally, to determine the effects of implementing elective single embryo transfer (eSET), trials concerning eSET versus DET were analysed. In the light of the steadily increasing twin birth rates and the findings in this overview, where IVF/ICSI twins carry adverse outcome, it should be emphasized that the major obstacle in IVF remains the high twin birth rate. Furthermore vanishing twins account for another hazard of DET. These problems can be resolved by implementing eSET, diminishing the twin birth rate without affecting the overall goal of achieving a healthy infant.  相似文献   

不同受精方式对胚胎冻融结局影响的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较常规体外受精(IVF)和卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)对胚胎冻融结局的影响。方法选取2008年1月至2008年12月在我中心进行胚胎冻融移植的142周期(IVF104周期,ICSI38周期),比较两组患者的临床结局。结果142周期共复苏胚胎375枚,IVF组275枚,ICSI组100枚,两组的复苏胚胎存活率相比无差异(89.09%和87.00%);IVF组妊娠率、种植率分别为38.46%、21.22%,ICSI组分别为34.21%、24.14%,两组相比也无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论本研究结果提示ICSI对冻融胚胎的存活率和发育潜能没有显著影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨在短方案超促排卵中晚卵泡期血清黄体生成激素(LH)水平与体外受精-胚胎移植/卵泡浆内单精子注射(IVF-ET/ICSI)妊娠结局的关系。方法回顾性分析于2017年6月-2017年12月,于我院生殖中心实施IVF-ET/ICSI助孕的患者139例,均采用短方案超促排卵。于人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)注射日测定血清LH水平,并观察其妊娠结局。结果A组(LH<8IU/L)和B组(LH≥8IU/L)在年龄,基础FSH等基本参数上差异不存在统计学意义。并且在获卵数,受精率,优质胚胎率上差异也同样没有统计学意义。不过A组患者的临床妊娠率要显著超过B组患者,而未移植率低于B组,差异均有统计学意义。结论在短方案超促排卵中应注意控制LH水平,以提高临床妊娠率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Dutch IVF guideline suggests triage of patients for IVF based on diagnostic category, duration of infertility and female age. There is no evidence for the effectiveness of these criteria. We evaluated the predictive value of patient characteristics that are used in the Dutch IVF guideline and developed a model that predicts the IVF ongoing pregnancy chance within 12 months. METHODS: In a national prospective cohort study, pregnancy chances after IVF and ICSI treatment were assessed. Couples eligible for IVF or ICSI were followed during 12 months, using the databases of 11 IVF centres and 20 transport IVF clinics. Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to estimate the cumulative probability of an ongoing pregnancy, and Cox regression was used for assessing the effects of predictors of pregnancy. RESULTS: 4928 couples starting IVF/ICSI treatment were prospectively followed. On average, couples had 1.8 cycles in 12 months for both IVF and ICSI. The 1-year probability of ongoing pregnancy was 44.8% (95% CI 42.1-47.5%). ICSI for severe oligospermia had a significantly higher ongoing pregnancy rate than IVF indicated treatments, with a multivariate Hazard ratio (HR) of 1.22 (95% CI 1.07-1.39). The success rates were comparable for all diagnostic categories of IVF. The highest success rate is at age 30, with a slight decline towards younger women and women up to 35 and a sharp drop after 35. Primary subfertility with a HR of 0.90 (95% CI 0.83-0.99) and duration of subfertility with a HR of 0.97 (95% CI 0.95-0.99) per year significantly affected the pregnancy chance. CONCLUSIONS: The most important predictors of the pregnancy chance after IVF and ICSI are women's age and ICSI. The diagnostic category is of no consequence. Duration of subfertility and pregnancy history are of limited prognostic value.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Denmark, one-third of twin pregnancies are the result of IVF/ICSI treatment. Limited data on neonatal outcome in IVF/ICSI twins are available in the literature. METHODS: A register study was conducted on neonatal morbidity and mortality in a complete national twin cohort including all 3438 (3393 live-born) IVF/ICSI and 10,362 (10,239 live-born) non-IVF/ICSI twins born between 1995 and 2000. Twins were identified in the National Medical Birth Registry and dichotomized into IVF/ICSI and non-IVF/ICSI by cross-reference with the Danish IVF Registry. Data on neonatal morbidity and mortality were retrieved from the Danish Patient Registry and the Danish Registry of Causes of Deaths. In order to exclude monozygotic twins, sub-analyses on unlike-sex twins were conducted. RESULTS: A birth weight discordance of >20% was observed in 20.6% of IVF/ICSI versus 15.7% of control twin pairs (P < 0.001). The risk of discordant birth weight >20% was OR 1.29 (95% CI 1.04-1.58) in unlike-sex IVF/ICSI twins versus control twins. The risk of delivery at <37 completed weeks and birth weight <2500 g was similar in the two cohorts; however, in unlike-sex IVF/ICSI versus control twins the risk of delivery at <37 weeks and birth weight <2500 g was OR 1.22 (95% CI 1.09-1.38) and OR 1.25 (1.11-1.40) respectively. After stratification for maternal age and parity, these risks disappeared. IVF/ICSI twins carried a higher risk of admittance to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) than control twins (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.09-1.27), and this was even more pronounced in unlike-sex twins [OR 1.34 (95% CI 1.19-1.51)]. No differences were observed in malformation or mortality rates between the two cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: Despite higher birth weight discordance and more NICU admissions among IVF/ICSI twins, neonatal outcome in IVF/ICSI twins seems to be comparable with that of non-IVF/ICSI twins, when only dizygotic twins were considered in the comparisons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The need for effective parameters for selecting the best embryos is paramount when a large number of them are available for transfer. Other studies have reported that transfer of pre-selected embryos, based on cleavage to the 2-cell stage at 25 h and 27 h post-insemination/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), increases implantation and pregnancy rates. We investigated whether extending the time for selection of cleaved embryos to 29 h post-insemination/ICSI had a similar effect on pregnancy and implantation rates. METHODS: Cleavage to the 2-cell stage was assessed at 25, 27 and 29 h post-insemination/ICSI. Embryos that had cleaved at any of these time points were designated as 'early cleavage' (EC), while others were designated as 'non-early cleavage' (NEC). EC embryos were selected and preferentially transferred. RESULTS: EC occurred in 57% of the cycles (61% IVF; 51% ICSI). Significantly (P = 0.02) more clinical pregnancies occurred in the EC group (23/42, 55%) compared with the group that had no embryo undergoing first cleavage up to 29 h post-insemination/ICSI (8/32, 25%). The EC group of patients was significantly younger than the NEC. CONCLUSION: Transfer of selected embryos that reached the 2-cell stage between 25 and 29 h post-insemination/ICSI is a reliable prognostic tool for patients undergoing assisted reproduction techniques.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with danazol was evaluated with respect to expectant management after laparoscopic conservative surgery. All patients conservatively operated at laparoscopy for stage III-IV endometriosis from July 1994 to October 1996 were requested to enter the study. Patients who underwent surgery for recurrent endometriosis were excluded from the study, as well as patients who had taken hormonal therapies before laparoscopy. Informed consent was obtained from 77 women who were randomized after surgery to treatment with danazol 600 mg daily for 3 months (n = 36) or to expectant management (n = 41). All patients were regularly followed up every 6 months for evaluation of fertility, recurrence of pain symptoms and disease. During the follow-up, six (55%) of the 11 infertile women allocated to danazol and eight (50%) of the 16 given no treatment became pregnant (not significant). Moderate/severe pelvic pain recurred during follow-up in seven (23%) of the 31 women with pelvic pain allocated to the danazol group and nine (31%) of the 29 allocated to no treatment; the respective cumulative pain recurrence rates at 12 months were 26 and 34% (log rank test, not significant). Three women (8.3%) treated with danazol and six (15%) who received no treatment had disease recurrence as demonstrated by gynaecological examination and/or pelvic ultrasonography (not significant). Our results do not demonstrate a significant advantage of 3 month danazol therapy after laparoscopic surgery for stage III-IV endometriosis with respect to postoperative expectant management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a lack of knowledge on child health as well as family well-being in IVF/ICSI twins. METHODS: These data originated from questionnaires completed by mothers taking part in a national cohort study of twin and singleton births occurring in Denmark in 1997. The overall response rate was 83%. The three cohorts consisted of all IVF/ICSI twin children (n = 472), all IVF/ICSI singletons (n = 634) and all non-IVF/ICSI twin children (n = 1132) born in Denmark in 1997. RESULTS: No major differences in physical health were observed between IVF/ICSI twins and non-IVF/ICSI twins. Compared with IVF/ICSI singletons, more IVF/ICSI twins were admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (P < 0.01) and more had surgical interventions (P = 0.03) and special needs (P = 0.02), moreover they had poorer speech development (P < 0.01). Correspondingly, IVF/ICSI twin mothers rated their infant's general health poorer than IVF/ICSI singleton mothers did. All discrepancies between IVF/ICSI twins and singletons disappeared after stratification for birthweight except for NICU admissions and speech development. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that both IVF/ICSI and non-IVF/ICSI twin parents experienced more marital stress [odds ratio (OR) 2.9, 95% CI 2.2-3.8] and that twins had more impact on the mother's life (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.4) compared with singletons. Nevertheless, the only predictor of low divorce/separation risk was IVF/ICSI treatment. CONCLUSION: Our study indicates that physical health of IVF/ICSI twins is comparable with that of non-IVF/ICSI twins. However, physical health of IVF/ICSI twins is poorer and the implications for the families stronger compared with IVF/ICSI singletons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is suggested that the skill of the physician performing the embryo transfer may influence the outcome of the procedure. In this study we investigated the effects of a change in embryo transfer technique on the variability in success rates among physicians. METHODS: Retrospectively 4439 transfer cycles in which two different embryo transfer techniques were applied by seven physicians were studied. In the first 2210 cycles, transfers were performed using the 'clinical touch' method. In the following 2229 cycles, the so-called fixed distance technique was used. RESULTS: With the clinical touch method pregnancy rates differed greatly among providers, whereas after the introduction of the fixed distance technique these differences disappeared. Furthermore, the overall clinical pregnancy rate increased from 33.6 to 40.4% per transfer. Using smoothing spline curves we failed to detect a sudden rise in pregnancy rates at the time the transfer method was changed. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of the fixed distance technique greatly reduced the variation in pregnancy rates among physicians. The overall increase in pregnancy rates after the introduction is likely to be related to the change in technique although definite proof is difficult. Both observations are suggested to be attributable to the atraumatic character of the fixed distance technique.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A randomized controlled trial of salpingectomy prior to IVF in patients with hydrosalpinges has been conducted in Scandinavia. The results from the first transfer cycle have been published and clearly demonstrated an improved pregnancy outcome after salpingectomy had been performed in patients with hydrosalpinges large enough to be visible on ultrasound. The present article is aimed at analysing the effect of salpingectomy on cumulative birth rate, including all individual transfer cycles. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 186 women underwent 452 cycles. Among the 77 women randomized to no surgical intervention, 24 underwent salpingectomy after one or two failed cycles. Cumulative results were analysed by Cox regression, taking into account the number of cycles per patient and the presence of a salpingectomy after a previous transfer. Salpingectomy implied a significant increase in birth rate (hazard ratio 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-3.6, P = 0.014). Within the subgroup of patients with ultrasound-visible hydrosalpinges, the birth rate was even higher (hazard ratio 3.8, 95% CI 1.5-9.2, P = 0.004). Implantation rate was significantly higher in patients who had undergone salpingectomy (27.2% versus 20.2, P = 0.03) and, in the subgroup of patients with ultrasound-visible hydrosalpinges, the difference was even larger (30.3% versus 17.1%, P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the cumulative cycles strengthen the recommendation for a laparoscopic salpingectomy prior to IVF in patients with ultrasound-visible hydrosalpinges.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Down-regulation with GnRH agonist has been suggested to result in a profound suppression of LH bioactivity, reduced estradiol synthesis, and thus impaired IVF and pregnancy outcome. The aims of this study were: (i) to assess the usefulness of serum LH measurement on stimulation day 1 as a predictor of ovarian response, conception and pregnancy outcome in patients treated with long-term down-regulation with GnRH agonist and recombinant FSH, and (ii) to define the best threshold LH value, if any, to discriminate between women with different outcomes of IVF. METHODS: Records of 2625 cycles in 1652 infertile women undergoing IVF (n = 1856) and/or ICSI (n = 769) treatment were reviewed. RESULTS: The range of LH concentrations on stimulation day 1 overlapped among non-conception cycles, conception cycles, ongoing pregnancies and early pregnancy losses. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that serum LH concentrations on stimulation day 1 were unable to discriminate between conception and non-conception cycles (AUC(ROC) = 0.51; 95% CI: 0.49-0.54) or ongoing pregnancies versus early pregnancy loss groups (AUC(ROC) = 0.52; 95% CI: 0.47-0.57). Stratification for various low serum levels of LH did not reveal significant differences with respect to conception or pregnancy outcome among different LH levels on stimulation day 1. CONCLUSIONS: Serum LH concentration on stimulation day 1 cannot predict ovarian response, conception and pregnancy outcome in women receiving long-term down-regulation during assisted reproduction treatment.  相似文献   

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