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A site-specific recombination system that probes the relative probabilities that pairs of chromosomal loci collide with one another in living cells of budding yeast was used to explore the relative contributions of pairing, recombination, synaptonemal complex formation, and telomere clustering to the close juxtaposition of homologous chromosome pairs during meiosis. The level of Cre-mediated recombination between a pair of loxP sites located at an allelic position on homologous chromosomes was 13-fold greater than that between a pair of loxP sites located at ectopic positions on nonhomologous chromosomes. Mutations affecting meiotic recombination initiation and the processing of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) into single-end invasions (SEIs) reduced the levels of allelic Cre-mediated recombination levels by three- to sixfold. The severity of Cre/loxP phenotypes is presented in contrast to relatively weak DSB-independent pairing defects as assayed using fluorescence in situ hybridization for these mutants. Mutations affecting synaptonemal complex (SC) formation or crossover control gave wild-type levels of allelic Cre-mediated recombination. A delay in attaining maximum levels of allelic Cre-mediated recombination was observed for a mutant defective in telomere clustering. None of the mutants affected ectopic levels of recombination. These data suggest that stable, close homolog juxtaposition in yeast is distinct from pre-DSB pairing interactions, requires both DSB and SEI formation, but does not depend on crossovers or SC.  相似文献   

Telomere-mediated chromosome pairing during meiosis in budding yeast   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Certain haploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can undergo meiosis, but meiotic prophase progression and subsequent nuclear division are delayed if these haploids carry an extra chromosome (i.e., are disomic). Observations indicate that interactions between homologous chromosomes cause a delay in meiotic prophase, perhaps to allow time for interhomolog interactions to be completed. Analysis of meiotic mutants demonstrates that the relevant aspect of homolog recognition is independent of meiotic recombination and synaptonemal complex formation. A disome in which the extra chromosome is circular sporulates without a delay, indicating that telomeres are important for homolog recognition. Consistent with this hypothesis, fluorescent in situ hybridization demonstrates that a circular chromosome has a reduced capacity to pair with its homolog, and a telomere-associated meiotic protein (Ndj1) is required to delay sporulation in disomes. A circular dimer containing two copies of the same chromosome delays meiosis to the same extent as two linear homologs, implying that physical proximity bypasses the requirement for telomeres in homolog pairing. Analysis of a disome carrying two linear permuted chromosomes suggests that even nonhomologous chromosome ends can promote homolog pairing to a limited extent. We speculate that telomere-mediated chromosome movement and/or telomere clustering promote homolog pairing.  相似文献   

Msh4 (MutS homolog 4) is a member of the mammalian mismatch repair gene family whose members are involved in postreplicative DNA mismatch repair as well as in the control of meiotic recombination. In this report we show that MSH4 has an essential role in the control of male and female meiosis. We demonstrate that MSH4 is present in the nuclei of spermatocytes early in prophase I and that it forms discrete foci along meiotic chromosomes during the zygotene and pachytene stages of meiosis. Disruption of the Msh4 gene in mice results in male and female sterility due to meiotic failure. Although meiosis is initiated in Msh4 mutant male and female mice, as indicated by the chromosomal localization of RAD51 and COR1 during leptonema/zygonema, the chromosomes fail to undergo normal pairing. Our results show that MSH4 localization on chromosomes during the early stages of meiosis is essential for normal chromosome synapsis in prophase I and that it acts in the same pathway as MSH5.  相似文献   

Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans syp-1 mutants reveals that both synapsis-dependent and -independent mechanisms contribute to stable, productive alignment of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase. Early prophase nuclei undergo normal reorganization in syp-1 mutants, and chromosomes initially pair. However, the polarized nuclear organization characteristic of early prophase persists for a prolonged period, and homologs dissociate prematurely; furthermore, the synaptonemal complex (SC) is absent. The predicted structure of SYP-1, its localization at the interface between intimately paired, lengthwise-aligned pachytene homologs, and its kinetics of localization with chromosomes indicate that SYP-1 is an SC structural component. A severe reduction in crossing over together with evidence for accumulated recombination intermediates in syp-1 mutants indicate that initial pairing is not sufficient for completion of exchange and implicates the SC in promoting crossover recombination. Persistence of polarized nuclear organization in syp-1 mutants suggests that SC polymerization may provide a motive force or signal that drives redispersal of chromosomes. Whereas our analysis suggests that the SC is required to stabilize pairing along the entire lengths of chromosomes, striking differences in peak pairing levels for opposite ends of chromosomes in syp-1 mutants reveal the existence of an additional mechanism that can promote local stabilization of pairing, independent of synapsis.  相似文献   

Somatic pairing of homologs in budding yeast: existence and modulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FISH analysis of well-spread chromosomes reveals that homologs are paired in vegetatively growing budding yeast diploid cells, via multiple interstitial interactions, and independent of recA homologs and mating type heterozygosity. Pairing is present during G1 and G2, and in cells arrested at G1 by mating pheromone, but is disrupted during S phase. Thus, somatic pairing is qualitatively analogous to premeiotic and early meiotic pairing. S-phase pairing disruption occurs by a complex intranuclear program involving regional, nucleus-wide, and temporal determinants. Pairing is also disrupted in two G2-arrest conditions (cdc13ts and nocodazole). Together these findings suggest that cell cycle signals may provoke pairing disruption by modulating underlying chromosome and/or chromatin structure. Whether the cell chooses to disrupt pairing contacts or not (e.g., S phase and G2 arrest, but not G1 arrest or normal G1 or G2), could be dictated by functional considerations involving homolog/sister discrimination.  相似文献   

The region of yeast chromosome III between the HIS4 and LEU2 genes has an unusually high frequency of meiotic recombination. In order to determine the pattern of cross-over and gene conversion events, we constructed a strain with a number of heterozygous markers in this 25-kb interval. We found that very high levels of reombination are localized to regions of DNA near HIS4. In addition, analysis of the patterns of co-conversion of adjacent markers suggests that there is more than one initiation site contributing to recombination of HIS4.  相似文献   

Spatial organization and segregation behaviour in mitosis and meiosis of nucleoli and NORs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunostaining, and integrated with previous ultrastructural studies. Our observations suggest that in interphase the NOR-bearing chromosome arm forms a hairpin-shaped loop inside the nucleolus, unlike the other arms which adopt a Rabl-like orientation. Prior to mitosis and meiosis, the appearance of the NOR changes from puffed to thread-shaped. In mitosis, it is stretched between the mother and daughter nuclei and seems to be among the last regions where chromatids separate. The nucleoli remain intact and split at the end of anaphase. Similarly, during meiosis I, intact nucleoli trail behind the separating homologous NORs and are partitioned equally to the two half-nuclei. During the second meiotic division, however, the nucleolus, together with a major portion of the nucleoplasm and the nuclear pore complexes, are not included in the spores. The behaviour of nucleoli in meiotic mutants and a strain with extrachromosomal rDNA suggests that they are not actively extruded but rather are lost due to their detachment from the separating chromosomes. We discuss the possibility that the exclusion of the nucleolus from the spores serves the disposal of agents that resort to the nucleolus, and has a role in spore dormancy or rejuvenation.  相似文献   

In many eutherian mammals, X–Y chromosome pairing and recombination is required for meiotic progression and correct sex chromosome disjunction. Arvicoline rodents present a notable exception to this meiotic rule, with multiple species possessing asynaptic sex chromosomes. Most asynaptic vole species belong to the genus Microtus sensu lato. However, many of the species both inside and outside the genus Microtus display normal X–Y synapsis at meiosis. These observations suggest that the synaptic condition was present in the common ancestor of all voles, but gaps in current taxonomic sampling across the arvicoline phylogeny prevent identification of the lineage(s) along which the asynaptic state arose. In this study, we use electron and immunofluorescent microscopy to assess heterogametic sex chromosome pairing in 12 additional arvicoline species. Our sample includes ten species of the tribe Microtini and two species of the tribe Lagurini. This increased breadth of sampling allowed us to identify asynaptic species in each major Microtine lineage. Evidently, the ability of the sex chromosomes to pair and recombine in male meiosis has been independently lost at least three times during the evolution of Microtine rodents. These results suggest a lack of evolutionary constraint on X–Y synapsis in Microtini, hinting at the presence of alternative molecular mechanisms for sex chromosome segregation in this large mammalian tribe.  相似文献   

Four new meiotic recombination genes were previously isolated by selecting for mutations that rescue the meiotic lethality of rad52 spo13 strains. One of these genes, REC114, is described here, and the data confirm that REC114 is a meiosis-specific recombination gene with no detectable function in mitosis. REC114 is located on chromosome XIII approximately 4,9 cM from CIN4. The nucleotide sequence reveals an open reading frame of 1262 bp, consensus intron splice sites close to the 3 end, and indicates that the second exon codes for only seven amino acids. In the promoter region, a URS1 consensus sequence (TGGGCGGCTA), identical to the URS1 found in the promoter of SPO16, is present 93 bp upstream of the translation start site. Northern-blot hybridization demonstrates that REC114 is transcribed only during meiosis and that it is not expressed in the absence of the IME1 gene product, even when IME2 is constitutively expressed.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a crucial role for homologous recombination (HR) in repairing replication-associated DNA lesions. In mammals, the Mus81 endonuclease and the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway have been implicated in HR repair; however, their functional relationship has remained unexplored. Here, we knockout the genes for Mus81 and FANCB, a component of the FA core complex, in the human Nalm-6 cell line. We show that Mus81 plays an important role in cell proliferation to suppress cell death when FANCB is missing, indicating a functional linkage between Mus81 and the FA pathway. In DNA cross-link repair, roles for Mus81 and the FA pathway appear to have an overlapping function. Intriguingly, Mus81 and FANCB act independently in surviving exposure to camptothecin (CPT). Although CPT-induced FANCD2 and Mus81 foci co-localize with Rad51, loss of Mus81, but not FANCB, results in significantly decreased levels of spontaneous and CPT-induced sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). In addition, Mus81, unlike FANCB, has no significant role in gene targeting as well as in repairing hydroxyurea (HU)-induced stalls of replication forks. Collectively, our results provide the first evidence for differential functions of Mus81 and the FA pathway in repair of DNA damage during replication in human cells.  相似文献   

The mitotic kinetochore of the budding yeast contains a number of proteins which are required for chromosome transmission but are non-essential for vegetative growth. We show that one such protein, Iml3, is essential for meiosis, in that the absence of this protein results in reduced spore viability, precocious sister chromatid segregation of artificial and natural chromosomes in meiosis I and chromosome non-disjunction in meiosis II.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies on human oocytes in prophase I are limited due to the difficulty in obtaining the sample. However, a complete study of meiotic prophase evolution and the homologue pairing process is necessary to try to understand the implication of oogenesis in the origin of human aneuploidy. METHODS: A complete analysis of meiotic prophase progression comprising the long developmental time period during which meiotic prophase takes place, based on the analysis of a total of 8603 oocytes in prophase I from 15 different cases is presented. The pairing process of chromosomes 13 and 18 is also described. RESULTS: The findings significantly relate for the first time the evolution of meiotic prophase to fetal development. Although for both chromosomes 13 and 18 a high pairing efficiency is found, pairing failure at the pachytene stage has been observed in 0.1% of oocytes. However, errors at the diplotene stage are substantially increased, suggesting that complete, premature disjunction of the homologues commonly occurs. Moreover, pre-meiotic errors are also described. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that homologous chromosomes pair very efficiently, but the high frequency of complete, premature homologue separation found at diplotene suggests that mechanisms other than the pairing process could be more likely to lead to the high aneuploidy rate observed in human oocytes.  相似文献   

The HIS4-BIK1 interval on chromosome III of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a hotspot for meiotic recombination. Previous reports demonstrated that the initiating lesion is a double-stranded break which is subsequently processed in an asymmetric manner. Data presented here show that the efficiency of initiation of meiotic recombination is unaffected by the deletion of flanking ARS elements, and that the distribution of recombinants is not altered in strains heterozygous for these deletions. These results suggest that the initiation of recombination is not affected by the time of replication of the hotspot at HIS4. The data also indicate that altering the direction of replication-fork movement through the HIS4 region does not affect meiotic recombination. Received: 18 June / 24 September 1996  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in chromosomal structure that occur during meiotic prophase play an important role in the progression of meiosis. Among them, meiosis-specific chromosomal axis-loop structures are important as a scaffold for integrated control between the meiotic recombination reaction and the associated checkpoint system to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. However, the molecular mechanism of the initial step of chromosome axis-loop construction is not well understood. Here, we showed that, in budding yeast, protein phosphatase 4 (PP4) that primarily counteracts Mec1/Tel1 phosphorylation is required to promote the assembly of a chromosomal axis component Hop1 and Red1 onto meiotic chromatin via interaction with Hop1. PP4, on the other hand, less affects Rec8 assembly. Notably, unlike the previously known function of PP4, this PP4 function in Hop1/Red1 assembly was independent of meiotic DSB-dependent Tel1/Mec1 kinase activities. The defect in Hop1/Red1 assembly in the absence of PP4 function was not suppressed by dysfunction of Pch2, which removes Hop1 protein from the chromosome axis, suggesting that PP4 is required for the initial step of chromatin loading of Hop1 rather than stabilization of Hop1 on axes. These results indicate phosphorylation/dephosphorylation-mediated regulation of Hop1 recruitment onto chromatin during chromosome axis construction before meiotic double-strand break formation.  相似文献   

Summary Thymine nucleotide starvation is recombinagenic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and induces formation of the nuclear dense body, a structure characteristic of yeast cells in meiosis. Conceivably, thymineless recombination in yeast, presumed to be mitotic, might be meiotic in nature. We have tested this hypothesis and have found that thymineless recombination can be induced in strains incapable of meiotic exchange.  相似文献   

S-phase cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28-Clb5 (CDK-S) and Dbf4-dependent kinase Cdc7-Dbf4 (DDK) are highly conserved kinases well known for their roles in the initiation of DNA replication. CDK-S is also essential for initiation of meiotic recombination because it phosphorylates Ser30 of Mer2, a meiosis-specific double-strand break (DSB) protein. This work shows that the phosphorylation of Mer2 Ser30 by CDK-S primes Mer2 for subsequent phosphorylation by DDK on Ser29, creating a negatively charged "patch" necessary for DSB formation. CDK-S and DDK phosphorylation of Mer2 S30 and S29 can be bypassed by phosphomimetic amino acids, but break formation under these conditions is still dependent on DDK and CDK-S activity. Coordination between premeiotic S and DSB formation may be achieved by using CDK-S and DDK to initiate both processes. Many other proteins important for replication, recombination, repair, and chromosome segregation contain combination DDK/CDK sites, raising the possibility that this is a common regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

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