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灭蚊电子地图的制作与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的直观地记载社区蚊虫孳生地情况,减少蚊虫孳生地调查和处理时出现的遗漏.方法利用城市地图,居委会、单位地图以及蚊虫孳生地普查资料等在微机上用Corel Draw绘制.比较调查者持灭蚊电子地图和社区地图到居民区进行蚊虫孳生地差别的调查.结果绘制了4个社区灭蚊电子地图.灭蚊电子地图可以应用于蚊虫孳生地调查、处理,灭蚊考核和蚊虫孳生情况展示.持灭蚊电子地图进行蚊虫孳生地调查与持社区地图相比能够明显减少蚊虫孳生地遗漏.结论灭蚊电子地图将来可能应用于城市灭蚊,但是其广泛应用有待用较低的价格获得城市细节电子地图.  相似文献   

武汉江岸、江汉灭蚊区蚊虫孳生地调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 调查江岸、江汉灭蚊区蚊虫孳生地类型、数量、阳性率等 ,并用调查资料指导后续的蚊虫控制。方法2 0 0 2年 6月 2 8日至 7月 17日除害员持地图等物品 ,按一定程序进入规定地点进行规范的调查和记录。结果 共记录3 5 63个积水 ,阳性率 5 1.8%。平均阳性孳生地 95 7个 /km2 ,数量最多的蚊虫孳生地是小型容器和大型容器 ,盆景阳性率最高为 80 .2 %。结论 城市灭蚊工作前期应做好蚊虫孳生地普查。  相似文献   

2004年武汉市灭蚊、灭鼠督导效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 公正评价有害生物防制公司承包灭蚊、灭鼠工作质量,并督促其做好工作,提高武汉灭蚊达标水平。方法 成立武汉市除四害督导项目组,聘用除四害督导员助理承担主要现场工作,制定工作规范,对灭蚊、灭鼠工作进行规范督导。对单位灭蚊实施红黑榜制度。结果 94%被列入内部黑榜单位不同程度地改进了灭蚊工作。社区、单位蚊虫孳生地阳性率及百户指数呈现下降趋势,全市得分率呈现上升趋势。武汉市通过了湖北省爱卫会组织的灭蚊达标考核。社区外环境鼠的盗食率及鼠迹处数呈下降趋势。结论 规范督导能避免城市除四害督导常见的弊病,提高城市除四害工作质量。聘用督导员助理负责督导现场操作能够降低成本,提高督导效率。  相似文献   

目的研究在物业小区负责人及灭蚊负责人中开展灭蚊教育是否能明显提高物业小区灭蚊效果,了解物业小区灭蚊现状,分析灭蚊效果不好的原因。方法 2012年在江汉区选有代表性的10个试验物业小区及2个对照物业小区,选蚊虫危害严重,且灭蚊积极性高的青少年宫地下停车场为灭蚊教育干预实验。在上述试验及对照区监测蚊虫孳生情况。向10个试验物业小区及灭蚊教育干预实验区免费提供调查、控制蚊虫孳生地的灭蚊药械,现场向灭蚊负责人传授蚊虫孳生地检查及控制技术。8月中旬对10个试验物业小区负责人进行法规教育。结果 2012年6月12个物业小区共检出12个类型蚊虫孳生地,数量最多的是小型容器78个;其次是雨水井67个。对照物业小区及试验物业小区蚊虫孳生地阳性率分别为37.0%和43.1%。灭蚊教育干预区7月蚊虫孳生地阳性率为63.6%,实施灭蚊教育后蚊虫孳生地阳性率迅速降为0%。7、8月10个试验物业小区蚊虫孳生地阳性率略上升,没有物业小区灭蚊负责人主动开展蚊虫孳生地控制工作。开展法规教育后试验物业小区开展蚊虫孳生地控制,蚊虫孳生地阳性率下降。10月对照及试验物业小区蚊虫孳生地阳性率分别为42.0%和7.6%,RPI为0.155。10月有8家试验物业小区蚊虫孳生地阳性率达到1997年全国爱卫会灭蚊标准。11月未在试验物业小区检出阳性孳生地。结论向灭蚊负责人传授蚊虫孳生地检查及控制技术,并向物业小区负责人进行法规教育能产生较好的灭蚊教育效果。  相似文献   

目的研究在城市生态环境中采取针对蚊幼防治的蚊虫综合治理效果。方法在南京市的试验区,开展健康教育和蚊虫孳生地处理,采用诱蚊灯法和诱蚊诱卵器法分别监测库蚊和伊蚊密度。结果采取综合治理措施后,试验区库蚊和伊蚊的相关密度指数分别为0.123和0.132,与对照区相比,密度下降率分别为87.7%和86.8%,蚊虫密度平均为1.2只/灯,阳性孳生地下降率为95.5%。结论针对蚊幼的综合治理有较好的防治效果。采取政府机构开展人群的健康教育、居民清除自家的各种蚊幼孳生地、专业除害队伍清除公共地段的蚊幼孳生地,并对无法清除积水的区域投加灭蚊幼缓释剂的蚊虫综合治理策略,可在城市灭蚊工作中推广应用。  相似文献   

城市蚊虫防治是全国爱卫会规定的除四害达标的指标之一,同时关系到人民群众健康生活、环境质量、城市声誉提高。笔者根据湖南城市的实际情况,开展科学调查研究工作,提出了加强蚊虫环境卫生治理、注重清除蚊虫孳生地,合理地使用化学药物等为主的综合防制措施。加强组织领导,落实各项技术措施,是城市灭蚊达标的保证。  相似文献   

目前,国内外灭蚊的方法较多,但最重要的是控制好蚊虫的孳生地,从根本上防止蚊虫大量孳生,降低蚊虫密度。在控制蚊虫孳生地中,定期应用杀幼剂杀灭水体中蚊幼虫是其中主要方法之一。近年来,世界卫生组织(WHO)规范了对水体灭蚊幼剂的使用药品,国内外学者对杀蚊幼剂进行了广泛研究,现将研究进展情况综述如下。  相似文献   

武汉市专业化除害队伍实施城区灭蚊工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市灭蚊是一项长期而艰巨的工作.为使有限的除害经费发挥最大作用,探索以专业除害队伍为主的城市灭蚊新模式,武汉市于2002年6~9月(历时3个月整),针对7个城区,采取向社会招标方式,选定了3个专业除害单位,对每城区约1 km2的地区实施了灭蚊试点工作.现将具体实施灭蚊情况报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 深入城区开展除四害灭蚊达标工作 ,保障人民身体健康 ,营造一个健康、舒适的生活环境及投资环境。方法 积极处理蚊虫孳生地 ,试验小区安装防蚊闸、密封下水道、将明沟明渠改为暗渠 ,沙井口设“三防”装置。灭蚊达标控制标准按全国爱卫会制定的灭蚊标准及考核办法要求、广东省四害密度监测方法及现场考核办法执行。结果2 0 0 3年 6月广东省爱卫会灭蚊考核组对江门市灭蚊达标工作进行了考核 ,江门市灭蚊各项指标达到了国家灭蚊标准 ,由广东省爱卫会确认并授予“广东省灭蚊先进城区”称号。结论 除四害是全社会的共同责任 ,由政府重视、部门配合、群众参与、灭蚊技术措施合理才能取得灭蚊达标的成绩。要建立长效的灭蚊管理工作制度 ,明确目标责任 ,才能保持灭蚊达标的效果。  相似文献   

目的了解有害生物防治员和物业管理人员对蚊虫防治的知识、态度和实际行为。方法对在珠海市香洲区有害生物防治专业服务机构和居民社区开展知信行问卷调查。结果物业管理人员蚊虫防治知识的知晓途径以电视为主,对蚊虫孳生地和蚊虫抗药性认识不足。有害生物防治员和物业管理人员对保障居民不受蚊虫骚扰信心不足。结论需要重视电视等媒体的蚊虫防治知识宣传,告知人们蚊虫孳生地和化学杀虫剂抗药性问题,增强人们对蚊虫防治的信心。  相似文献   

广州市蚊幼虫自然种群孳生状况的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解广州市城区蚊虫自然种群幼虫的孳生地类型及种群分布特点。方法用现场抽样调查方法对市内9个城区分别以东西南北中五个方位对各类有可能孳生蚊虫的场所进行抽样,记录各类孳生场所的检查数及阳性数。结果全市各类蚊孳生地共检查19330处,阳性1546处,阳性率8.00%,以洼地(25.69%)、地下室(23.70%)、防空洞(16.79%)阳性率较高;建筑工地、小型积水、市政排水设施3类孳生场所占总检查处数的82.45%,占总阳性处数的79.43%;各类型孳生地在各城区的分布比例及孳生阳性情况有所不同;除二次供水、市政排水设施和防空洞外,中心城区与边缘城区蚊孳生阳性率无明显差别。结论广州市的蚊虫孳生地具有种类多样性,分布不均匀,在城区不同区域各有所侧重的特点。建筑工地、小型积水和市政排水设施是广州市城区主要蚊虫孳生地。小型积水是广州市白纹伊蚊重要孳生场所,致倦库蚊主要孳生场所是建筑工地、市政排水设施等。在蚊虫孳生地处理上,各区应根据实际情况采取相应措施。  相似文献   

Ground and aerial applications of insecticides are used to control populations of adult mosquitoes, which spread such diseases as West Nile virus--related illness, eastern equine encephalitis, and dengue fever. This report summarizes investigations of illnesses associated with exposures to insecticides used during 1999-2002 to control mosquito populations in nine states (Arizona, California, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington) (estimated 2000 population: 118 million). The findings indicate that application of certain insecticides posed a low risk for acute, temporary health effects among persons in areas that were sprayed and among workers handling and applying insecticides. To reduce the risk for negative health effects, public health authorities should 1) provide public notice of application times and locations and appropriate advice about preventing exposures, 2) ensure that insecticide handlers and applicators meet state-mandated training and experience requirements to prevent insecticide exposure to themselves and the public, and 3) implement integrated pest management control strategies that emphasize mosquito larval control, reduction of mosquito breeding sites, and judicious use of insecticides to control adult mosquito populations.  相似文献   



To study dengue vector breeding patterns under a variety of conditions in public and private spaces; to explore the ecological, biological and social (eco-bio-social) factors involved in vector breeding and viral transmission, and to define the main implications for vector control.


In each of six Asian cities or periurban areas, a team randomly selected urban clusters for conducting standardized household surveys, neighbourhood background surveys and entomological surveys. They collected information on vector breeding sites, people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices surrounding dengue, and the characteristics of the study areas. All premises were inspected; larval indices were used to quantify vector breeding sites, and pupal counts were used to identify productive water container types and as a proxy measure for adult vector abundance.


The most productive vector breeding sites were outdoor water containers, particularly if uncovered, beneath shrubbery and unused for at least one week. Peridomestic and intradomestic areas were much more important for pupal production than commercial and public spaces other than schools and religious facilities. A complex but non-significant association was found between water supply and pupal counts, and lack of waste disposal services was associated with higher vector abundance in only one site. Greater knowledge about dengue and its transmission was associated with lower mosquito breeding and production. Vector control measures (mainly larviciding in one site) substantially reduced larval and pupal counts and “pushed” mosquito breeding to alternative containers.


Vector breeding and the production of adult Aedes aegypti are influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Thus, to achieve effective vector management, a public health response beyond routine larviciding or focal spraying is essential.  相似文献   

In South America, the epidemiology and ecology of dengue fever are strongly associated with human habits because the vector Aedes aegypti is strictly urban. Thus, the evaluation of people's knowledge and practice (PKP) is of great importance to improve integrated control measures. A PKP evaluation has been done in a suburb of Brasilia. Thirty questions were submitted to 130 habitants about income level, education, sources of information, specific knowledge about dengue, vector biology, and control measures applied. Other questions were about the responsibility of dengue control and the opportunity of applying a fine to people who would not cooperate with the control measures. Level of PKP was fairly high, either for housekeepers, workers, or students. The mosquito bite was cited as source of infection by 60.8% of interviewed people but 22.3% had no knowledge about this topic. The most cited symptoms in association with dengue were fever (73.1%), headache (66.2%), and rash (35.4%). Knowledge about mosquito biology and control was also fairly accurate, as demonstrated by 96.9% of answers. Elimination of water containers was the most efficient means according to 73% of people. Such action should be done mainly by the citizen (75.3% of answers). Despite the good PKP, correlations existed only between the PKP about vector biology and presence of potential breeding containers in March, and between the PKP about the disease and potential breeding containers in April. In conclusion, global educational campaigns may have a real impact on the PKP but this did not result in effective control of the mosquito breeding containers by the people.  相似文献   

目的掌握和消除建筑楼面及居民住宅室内蚊幼孳生地,为群众开展灭蚊活动提供科学依据。方法组织专业人员按高中低3种不同楼层的楼面及居民住宅室内进行查看,记录不同积水类型蚊幼孳生情况,分类统计。结果按楼层划分有蚊虫孳生阳性率最高的是5层以下建筑楼面积水,检查182处积水,有蚊虫孳生76处,占41.7%;居民住宅内各类容器积水中以水生植物存水容器检查出蚊虫孳生最高,检查345处,有蚊幼孳生163处,占47.2%。结论韶关市区建筑楼面积水的蚊虫孳生地集中在5层以下楼面,居民住宅室内各类容器积水中以水生植物存水容器蚊虫孳生最高。  相似文献   

城市灭蚊的特点和对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据城市灭蚊的目的要求、防治环境和防治对象的特点,认为应采取综台治理力针下的“治本清源”策略,即通过清除孳生场所,辅之杀灭幼虫,以控制蚊虫的发生或来源。文中还对清除孽生场所和杀灭幼虫的方法作有简单介绍。作者认为,只要有坚强的组织领导,采取正确的灭蚊方针策略,城市灭蚊达标是完全可以或逐步做到的。  相似文献   

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