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This study identifies factors that influence repeated influenza vaccination among people aged 65 years and older in Taiwan.


Data of this retrospective cohort study were drawn from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey and the 2005–2007 National Health Insurance claims data; a sample of 1384 older people was analyzed. The pattern of repeated influenza vaccination was divided into 3 groups: unvaccinated all 3 years, vaccinated 1–2 times over 3 years, and vaccinated all 3 years. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed.


Only 20.6% of older people were vaccinated all 3 years. Those 70–74 years of age (odds ratio [OR] = 1.81), living in rural areas (OR = 2.47), having one (OR = 2.07) or more (OR = 2.41) chronic conditions, frequent outpatient visits (OR = 1.48), and undergoing preventive health examinations (OR = 2.22) were more likely to have repeated vaccinations. However, those with difficulties performing one or more activities of daily living (ADL difficulty) (OR = 0.41) and seeking care from alternative medicine (OR = 0.48) were less likely to undergo regular vaccinations.


The repeated influenza vaccination rates in our Taiwan sample were far from optimal. Factors identified in this analysis may help to improving influenza vaccination programs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2000, the UK Departments of Health recommended influenza immunization to employees directly involved in patient care. Uptake of this immunization had tended to be variable and usually low. AIMS: To assess personal and organizational factors associated with influenza immunization uptake among Health Care Workers (HCWs). METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of all HCWs within the Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland and a parallel-group study of nursing staff within Elderly Care using self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: Of 203 nurses working in elderly care units 76(37%) were immunized and 127(63%) declined. Almost 70% of those not immunized perceived themselves to be 'healthy' and gave this reason for declining immunization. Nurses were more likely to be immunized by a factor of four if they believed there was benefit for healthy HCWs, three if they felt at-risk of contracting influenza and nine on a recommendation from the occupational health (OH) unit. Fifteen OH units participated in a survey of HCWs at the time of immunization. Five thousand two hundred and thirty (9.7%) HCWs were immunized. Increased uptake was correlated with immunization in area of work (r=0.74, P=0.02) and when provided out of hours (r=0.83; P<0.001) and by a factor of two with individual targeting of availability (P<0.001) and when individuals had been previously immunized (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Uptake of influenza immunization is low. Attitudes to one's health and to the value of influenza immunization affect the uptake as does the delivery of the immunization programme.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing hospitalization of people with diabetes for influenza, pneumonia, or diabetic events during influenza epidemics was assessed in a case control study in Leicestershire, England. Cases were 80 patients on the Leicestershire Diabetes Register who were admitted and discharged from hospital with International Classification of Disease codes for pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, diabetic ketoacidosis, coma and diabetes, without mention of complications, during the influenza epidemics of 1989-90 and 1993. One hundred and sixty-controls, who were not admitted to hospital during this period, were randomly selected from the Register. Immunization against influenza was assessed in 37 cases and 77 controls for whom consent was obtained to access their clinical notes and for whom notes were available. Significant association was detected between reduction in hospitalization and influenza vaccination during the period immediately preceding an epidemic. Multiple logistic regression analysis estimated that influenza vaccination reduced hospital admissions by 79% (95% CI 19-95%) during the two epidemics, after adjustment for potential confounders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the UK, payments to providers (General Practitioners) for vaccinating all people aged over 64 years old against influenza commenced in 2000. Little information exists on the relationship between uptake and need. We assessed factors influencing uptake and equity in uptake in over 74 year olds. METHODS: We analysed cohort data from 5572 subjects in a community-based trial. Analyses took into account clustering and location of general practices in terms of Underprivileged Area (UPA) Score and area Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR). RESULTS: Vaccine uptake in practices in the most deprived tertile was 0.88 (95% CI 0.80-0.96) that of the least deprived and mid tertile, adjusted for confounding. Within each deprivation tertile, uptake in the mid and highest SMR tertile was 0.86 (95% CI 0.79, 0.94) and 0.87 (95% CI 0.81, 0.95) that of the lowest respectively. Uptake was 10% lower at the most in individuals with poorer quality housing. Higher uptake if married or with respiratory conditions and lower uptake if smoked had cognitive impairment or depression did not explain the socioeconomic differentials. CONCLUSIONS: Lower uptake in practices in deprived areas supports targeting of resources. At the individual level, those who are more isolated require support to access influenza vaccination.  相似文献   

Pregnant women and their newborns are at increased risk for influenza-related complications; the latter also have an increased risk for pertussis-related complications. In Germany, seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended for pregnant women since 2010. A dose of pertussis-containing vaccine has been recommended since 2004 for women of childbearing age if they have not been vaccinated within the past 10 years. We conducted a nationwide cross-sectional survey among pregnant women in February/March 2013 to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to influenza vaccination during pregnancy and to identify factors associated with their pertussis vaccination status. In total, 1025 pregnant women participated and provided information through a self-administered questionnaire. Of these, 23.2% were vaccinated against seasonal influenza during the 2012/13 season; 15.9% during their pregnancy. Major reasons for being unvaccinated (n = 686 respondents) were lack of confidence in the vaccine (60.4%) and the perception that vaccination was not necessary (40.3%). Influenza vaccination during pregnancy was independently associated with having received influenza vaccine in the previous season, having received a recommendation from a physician, a high level of vaccine-related knowledge and of perceived disease severity. In contrast, knowledge of the recommendation for regular hand-washing to prevent influenza and the perception that vaccine-related side effects were likely to occur or likely to be severe were negatively associated with vaccine uptake. Receipt of a pertussis vaccine in the past 10 years was reported by 22.5% of participants. Pertussis vaccine uptake was independently associated with living in the Eastern federal states and receiving seasonal influenza vaccination annually, while a migration background was associated with a lower uptake. To enhance vaccine uptake in pregnant women and women of childbearing age, special efforts must be undertaken to improve knowledge of both recommendations and the benefits of vaccination. Gynecologists could serve as important facilitators.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine which factors correlate directly with response to vaccination in such a group of subjects with non-protective HI antibody titers before vaccination. Two vaccines were used, a subunit virus vaccine adjuvanted with MF59 and a split virus vaccine. The analysis indicated that immunization with vaccine adjuvanted with MF59 was an independent variable for immune response against A/H3N2 (OR: 3.51; 95% CI: 1.81–6.79) and B (OR: 2.31; 95% CI: 1.37–3.89). The results suggest that antibody response to vaccine is satisfactory in elderly people previously lacking a protective antibody titer, and that the adjuvanted vaccine reveals a better immunogenicity.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo identify predictors of: uptake of the childhood influenza vaccine in the 2015–2016 influenza season, parental perceptions of side-effects from the influenza vaccine and intention to vaccinate one's child for influenza in the 2016–2017 influenza season.DesignCross-sectional online survey.SettingData were collected in England shortly after the end of the 2015–2016 immunization campaign.Participants1001 parents or guardians of children aged between two and seven.Main outcome measuresSelf-reported uptake of the childhood influenza vaccine in the 2015–2016 influenza season, perception of side-effects from the influenza vaccine and intention to vaccinate one's child in the 2016–2017 influenza season.ResultsSelf-reported uptake of the childhood influenza vaccine was 52.8%. Factors strongly positively associated with uptake included the child having previously been vaccinated against influenza, perceiving the vaccine to be effective and perceiving the child to be susceptible to flu. Factors strongly negatively associated with uptake included perceiving the vaccine to be unsafe, to cause short-term side-effects or long-term health problems and believing that yearly vaccination may overload the immune system. Predictors of intended vaccine uptake in 2016–2017 were similar. Participants who perceived side-effects after the 2015–2016 vaccination reported being less likely to vaccinate their child next year.Side-effects were more likely to be reported in first-born children, by participants who knew another child who had side-effects, those who thought that the vaccine would interact with medication that the child was currently taking, and those who believed the vaccine causes short-term side-effects.ConclusionsPerceptions about the childhood influenza vaccine show strong associations with uptake, intended uptake and perception of side-effects. Attempts to improve uptake rates from their current low levels must address these perceptions.  相似文献   

Older people with diabetes represent a major and increasing proportion of our elderly population and their care requires better organisation. Targets for risk factor control and pathways of care must be adjusted to the subject’s general health status. It is thus advisable to screen for frailty. We have carried out a detailed literature review of the studies published on diabetes in older people since 1990. Studies were considered if they included groups or subgroups of diabetic patients >65 years old. This review discusses the elaboration of general targets for care, the approach to risk factor control, the screening and the specific prevention or management of complications, the integration of geriatric concepts in diabetes care and the specificity of education with respect to frailty status.  相似文献   

BackgroundImmunocompromised patients are at increased risk for severe influenza and invasive pneumococcal diseases. Population-specific vaccine recommendations are thus warranted. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and predictors of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptake in a large cohort of patients with secondary immune deficiency.MethodsAn anonymous online survey was submitted to the members of 11 French associations of immunocompromised patients. The questionnaire included questions concerning underlying disease, care and treatment, flu and pneumococcal vaccine uptake, attitudes and knowledge about vaccination. Factors associated with vaccine uptake were assessed by multivariate logistic regression.ResultsAmong the 10,897 solicited patients, 3653 agreed to participate (33.5%): 75% were female, 20% aged 65+, 79% were followed for an autoimmune disease, 13% were solid organ recipients or waiting for transplantation and 8% were treated for hematological malignancies. 3109 (85%) participants were treated with immunosuppressive therapy. Self-reported vaccine uptake was 59% (95%CI [57–60]) against seasonal influenza and 49% (95%CI [47–50]) against pneumococcal diseases. Better knowledge of and favorable attitudes toward vaccination were positively associated with vaccine uptake while being treated with a biological therapy was negatively associated.ConclusionDespite specific recommendations regarding immunocompromised patients, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates do not reach recommended levels. Targeted information campaigns on vaccination toward these populations should be implemented to improve vaccine coverage and thus reduce the burden of infections.  相似文献   

Kraut A  Graff L  McLean D 《Vaccine》2011,29(46):8357-8363


Many health care personnel (HCP) choose not to get vaccinated against influenza despite recommendations to do so. The pH1N1 epidemic gave a unique opportunity to evaluate the attitudes to influenza vaccination of a group of HCP who routinely choose not to get vaccinated, but accepted the pH1N1 vaccine.


HCP employed at a tertiary care hospital in Winnipeg, Canada who received the pH1N1 vaccine were invited to participate in an online survey asking about attitudes and experiences regarding seasonal and pH1N1 influenza and vaccination. Those eligible included primarily nurses, other clinical staff, and support staff, as few physicians work as employees.


Of the 684 respondents (29% return rate), 504 reported routinely getting vaccinated (RV) for seasonal influenza and 180 reported routinely not getting vaccinated (NRV). These two groups had different attitude towards the two strains of influenza, with markedly lower level of concern about seasonal influenza than pH1N1 for the NRV group. The contrast was especially notable regarding the NRV's view of the seriousness of the illness, their sense of exposure risk, and their confidence in the vaccine effectiveness (for all, seasonal < pH1N1, p < 0.001). The most common motivators for getting vaccinated for both NRV and RV groups related to concerns about personal or family safety, while the choice to decline seasonal vaccination related primarily to lack concern about the illness and concerns about vaccine effectiveness and safety. Coworkers were influential in the decision to get the pH1N1 vaccine for the NRV group.


For HCP who do not routinely get the seasonal vaccination, perception of risk outweighing side effect concerns appeared to be a major influence in going ahead with the pH1N1 vaccine. Educational campaigns that focus on personal benefit, engage peer champions, and address concerns about the vaccine may improve influenza vaccine uptake among health care personnel.  相似文献   

Influenza vaccination is the most effective way of influenza prevention. The vaccination rate is low worldwide. In Hungary, the vaccine is free of charge to health care workers and, therefore, the low vaccination rate is unaccountable. Aims: In this study, the authors wanted to explore those factors which influence the refusal of vaccination. Methods: The Health Science Center of Debrecen University has about 4000 employees. The authors adjusted a questionnaire with 45 questions and sent it to 525 randomly selected health care workers, 294 of whom responded (response rate, 56%). The Epiinfo software was used for statistical evaluation. Results: The respondents strongly agreed that the vaccine is free and easy to obtain at the workplace. Official recommendations of the occupational health, the Medical Association of Hungary and advice of the family doctors failed to influence the decision. However, a significant impact of communication with family members, friends and colleagues on the decision was documented. Conclusions: The results indicate that the most important tool in decision making of influenza vaccination is the internal communication, but this effect is not a permanent one. International data show highly variable vaccination rates (between 2.1% and 82%). A better vaccination rate (98% or above) may be achieved with a mandatory influenza vaccination program among health care workers.  相似文献   

Evaluation of factors influencing vaccine uptake in Mozambique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pulse immunization project was started in Mozambique to compensate for the decrease in routine immunization caused by destabilization. A study was conducted to evaluate the project and identify determinants of vaccination in urban and rural areas of Mozambique. Vaccine coverage based on a documented record, the 'Road to Health' card, was 53% in urban and 60% in rural project areas, and 12% higher if a verbal history of vaccination was considered. A further 17% of children would have received effective vaccination if the correct schedule had been followed for all vaccines given and all preventive health services contacts had been used for vaccination. Factors relating to the individual mother and child and factors relating to the clusters were investigated for their association with vaccine uptake. Those which showed a strong negative association included vaccination on offer at the nearest vaccination post for only a small number of days per week; cancellation of an outreach session; knowing a child with a post-vaccination abscess; child born at home; at least five children in the family; mother's inability to speak Portuguese and her inability to name at least two target diseases. Improving the supervision of health services and immunizing at least three days per week at permanent immunization clinic sites may be the most important measures to improve coverage further.  相似文献   

Brabin L  Stretch R  Roberts SA  Elton P  Baxter D  McCann R 《Vaccine》2011,29(17):3192-3196
School nurses in the United Kingdom are largely responsible for delivering the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to 12-13 year old girls. In order to assess the impact of HPV vaccination on school nurses’ roles, we gave a questionnaire to all 33 school nurses who offered Cervarix ™ in two Primary Care Trusts one year ahead of the national vaccine programme. Key organisational issues raised by the school nurses were the size of the team and its skill mix. A few found their schools uncooperative and were dissatisfied with mechanisms for problem resolution. On average, nurses spent an additional 69 h (0.80 h per child) on vaccine-related activities. In semi-qualitative interviews (n = 17), school nurses complained of work overload and described the difficulties of establishing good relationships with some of their schools. Nurses expected schools to take some responsibility for ensuring good uptake and were frustrated when help was not forthcoming. We conclude that variation in uptake between schools in part reflects a difficult relationship with the school nurse which may be attributed to characteristics of the school, schools’ attitudes towards health interventions, organisational problems, multiple school nurse roles and/or personal ability. Some of these issues will need to be addressed to ensure continued high vaccine coverage as HPV vaccination becomes a less prioritised, routine activity.  相似文献   



Influenza vaccination has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in the older adult population. In Canada, vaccination rates remain suboptimal. We identified factors predictive of influenza vaccination, in order to determine which segments of the older adult population might be targeted to increase coverage in influenza vaccination programs.  相似文献   

Mortality follow-up for a cohort defined in 1980 with diabetes diagnosed at 30 years of age or older has been completed through 1988. History of medication use was obtained during the initial evaluation. There were 605 (44.2%) confirmed deaths; heart disease was the underlying cause in 49.9% of the deaths. Use of loop diuretics was associated with an odds ratio of death of 1.8 (95% CI = 1.4, 2.2). Although a causal relationship cannot be inferred, it is reasonable to suggest that blood chemistries be monitored regularly in persons on these drugs since electrolyte imbalance may be related to death.  相似文献   

Böhmer MM  Walter D  Müters S  Krause G  Wichmann O 《Vaccine》2011,29(27):4492-4498
In 2008/2009 a nationwide cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted to assess, among other health-relevant parameters, seasonal influenza vaccination coverage. Data from 21,262 household-interviews representative of the adult population in Germany were collected and analyzed. In seasons 2007/2008 and 2008/2009, vaccine uptake in individuals aged ≥60 years was 57% and 55% and in individuals with underlying chronic diseases 44% and 42%. Living in the eastern part of Germany, higher age, and medium household income level were independently associated with higher vaccine uptake in both target groups. Healthcare workers were significantly less frequently (21.9% in 2007/2008; 20.4% in 2008/2009) vaccinated than the general population (30.8% and 28.1%). Special effort must be undertaken to develop immunization strategies for improved vaccine uptake in target groups, especially in healthcare workers.  相似文献   

BackgroundImmune responses to influenza vaccination tend to be lower among older, frequently vaccinated adults. Use of egg-free influenza vaccines is increasing, but limited data exist on factors associated with their immunogenicity in older adults.MethodsCommunity-dwelling older adults ≥ 56 years of age were enrolled in a prospective, observational study of immunogenicity of 2018–2019 influenza vaccine. Hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) antibody titers were measured pre-vaccination (Day 0) and four weeks after vaccination (Day 28) to calculate geometric mean titers, seropositivity (HAI titers ≥ 1:40), seroconversion (fourfold rise in HAI titer with post-vaccination titer ≥ 1:40) and geometric mean fold rise (GMFR). Linear regression models assessed the association of predictors of GMFR for each vaccine antigen.ResultsAmong 91 participants who received egg-free influenza vaccines, 84 (92.3 %) received quadrivalent recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV4, Flublok, Sanofi Pasteur), and 7 (7.7 %) received quadrivalent cell culture-based influenza vaccine (ccIIV4, Flucelvax, Seqirus). Pre-vaccination seropositivity was 52.8 % for A(H1N1), 94.5 % for A(H3N2), 61.5 % for B/Colorado and 48.4 % for B/Phuket. Seroconversion by antigen ranged from 16.5 % for A(H1N1) and B/Colorado to 37.4 % for A(H3N2); 40 participants failed to seroconvert to any antigen. Factors independently associated with higher GMFR in multivariable models included lower pre-vaccination HAI antibody titer for A(H1N1), B/Colorado and B/Phuket, and younger age for A(H1N1).ConclusionOverall pre-vaccination seropositivity was high and just over half of the cohort seroconverted to ≥ 1 vaccine antigen. Antibody responses were highest among participants with lower pre-vaccination titers. Among older adults with high pre-existing antibody titers, approaches to improve immune responses are needed.  相似文献   

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