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18世纪中叶以来,伴随着冶铁业的衰落,石仓阙氏家族经济模式由工商业转变为农业。在工商业时代家族累积的大量田产被诸子不断均分,到1930年代,完成了土地细碎化进程。同时,伴随着土地的细碎化,阙氏家族人口也逐渐趋向饱和。从这个案例来看,在诸子均分的遗产继承传统下,即便存在有意识的生育控制,人口相对于有限资源仍然会趋向饱和,趋向均贫化。在传统小农经济环境下,生育节制并不能从根本上解决人口压力的问题,它仅有缓和压力的作用;只有经济、资源与人口的同步、超前发展才有可能从根本上解决人口压力问题。  相似文献   

以清末四大奇案之一的杨乃武与“小白菜”冤案为素材的《杨乃武与小白菜》电视剧放映以来,迷住了千千万万个观众。陶慧敏主演的“小白菜”,更是活脱脱重现了秀丽、温柔、具有江南市井美女特色的毕秀姑的形  相似文献   

目的:探讨可吸收线环扎加张力带联合中药熏洗在髌骨骨折治疗的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析杭州和睦医院自2006年7月以来收治的76例可吸收线环扎加张力带联合中药熏洗治疗髌骨骨折的临床资料。结果:所有病例骨折均愈合,平均愈合时间为2个月左右。优73例,良3例,优良率为100%。结论:可吸收线环扎加张力带联合中药熏洗治疗髌骨骨折具有恢复快、疗效好、痛苦少、费用省等优点。  相似文献   

棉业在明清时期就是长江三角洲的支柱产业,近代以前,影响棉业的主要因素是国内市场的需求;近代开埠后,棉业外贸日趋活跃,并成为影响长江三角洲传统棉业的主要因素.棉业外贸市场不仅反映了长江三角洲棉业发展状况,而且在某种程度上是区域经济发展的晴雨表,是近代社会经济变迁的一个缩影.因此对长江三角洲棉业外贸进行研究其学术价值不言而喻.  相似文献   

目的评价小切口分段外剥内扎加中药熏洗在治疗环状混合痔中的价值。方法将100例环状混合痔患者,其中男性56例、女性44例,分为两组,即治疗组70例和对照组30例。术后两组均先熏后洗。结果治疗组总有效率和治愈率明显优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组术后并发症例数低于对照组,且伤口愈合时间明显少于对照组(P<0.05)。结论小切口分段外剥内扎加中药熏洗是治疗环状混合痔的有效和安全术式。  相似文献   

有消息说,全国各地的自助餐厅已超过3万家,这是好事,但由于对自助餐业还没有一个完整的管理规则,因而在价格、卫生、服务质量等方面存在不少问题。 1、自助餐价格差价太大,是人们反映的热点。现在一般自助早餐价格每人10-30元不等,中餐和晚餐基本在每人50-100元上下。如果说价格的差价反映在自助餐的质量上,倒也让人心悦诚服地交钱吃上一顿;而实际上,各地自助餐价  相似文献   

明军  庞立平  絮尘 《健康》2009,(10):44-47
儿子聂骏出生后不久,邻居老韩家出了件大事。他20岁的儿子上大三时,不慎结交了一些社会青年,在我儿子满月那天,他因与人冲突,被扎死了。老韩和爱人几乎精神崩溃,独子的离世毁了他们全家的幸福。这事对我刺激很大。我原  相似文献   

<正>最近,当医药价格体制改革刚露破冰之声,质疑之声随之也在体制内外响起,而最大的质疑之声,就是解除价格管制将导致天下大乱。这是假借公益性之名的耸听危言。解除管制并不会导致价格飞涨党的十八届三中全会《决定》提出,"使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用"。只要市场机制能正确地发挥作用,价格管制的解除并不会导致价格飞涨。道理很简单,在任何市场中,物品或服务的供方(卖家)自然希望涨价,越  相似文献   

刘可 《科学健身》2009,(3):99-102
世界经济的萧条时期,使用我们建议的饮食计划为你的健身目标做贡献,还能减少污染。在最近的几年里,并你已经和杠铃有非常多的接触了。而现如今,金融崩溃,并且在继续恶化以至于美国联邦政府都不得不承认美国已经步入衰退期。但是想一想你损失了你的储蓄金,购买了让人不放心的经济保险,你不想接下来看到衰退是如何影响你的肌肉的,对吗?  相似文献   

自荐信一封封地发出,面试一场连着一场,看到周围同学的工作大多有了着落,小张开始不停地自责。整夜整夜的失眠让她无法集中注意力,即便是在面试现场也会魂不守舍、答非所问……终于有一天。她的精神崩溃了,被送进了精神卫生中心。  相似文献   

Background: Ground water is the only water resource for Siwa Oasis. It is obtained from natural freshwater wells and springs fed by the Nubian aquifer. Water samples collected from Siwa Oasis had relatively higher iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) than the permissible limits specified in WHO Guidelines and Egyptian Standards for drinking water quality. Aeration followed by sand filtration is the most commonly used method for the removal of iron from ground water. Aim: The study aimed at development of low-cost technology for the removal of iron and manganese from ground water in Siwa Oasis. Material and Methods: The study was carried out on Laboratory-scale columns experiments sand filters with variable depths of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 cm and three graded types of sand were studied. Results: The graded sand (E.S. =0.205 mm, U.C. =3.366, depth of sand = 60 cm and filtration rate = 1.44 m3/m2/hr) was the best type of filter media. Iron and manganese concentrations measured in ground water with aeration only, decreased with an average removal percentage of 16%, 13% respectively. Iron and manganese concentrations after filtration with aeration came down to 0.1123, 0.05 mg/L respectively in all cases from an initial concentration of 1.14, 0.34 mg/L respectively. Conclusion and Recommendations: Advantages of such treatment unit included simplicity, low cost design, and no need for chemical addition. In addition, the only maintenance required was periodic washing of the sand filter or replacement of the sand in order to maintain reasonable flow rate through the system.  相似文献   

铸造作业粉尘的不同连续采样方法检测结果若干关系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨铸造行业作业场所粉尘连续性采样中,个体采样和区域采样两种测定结果间的相关关系和相关程度,以及季节因素和不同作业场所对采样结果的影响。[方法]选择3家工厂的铸造车间作为采样现场,分别在各工种选取36、23、14人进行个体全工作班随身采样,并同时进行工作区域定点采样。冬、夏两季每季重复进行3次。以重量法测定粉尘总量并计算出粉尘浓度。对各工厂夏冬两季各工种以及各工作区域的空气粉尘平均浓度,进行工种浓度和区域浓度、季节和工厂之间的比较分析。[结果]工种浓度各厂都有从造型各工种到开箱各工种浓度渐高的趋势排列,其中两个厂的浓度排列趋势有极显著性的统计学意义,F值分别为9.30和16.36,P〈0.01。区域采样所得的区域浓度与相应的工人个体采样所得的工种浓度或缺乏显著性相关,或未见显著性差别。冬季各工种的个体样品和区域样品所测得的粉尘平均浓度普遍高于夏季时的相应样品,其中造型(t=4.56)、制芯(t=4.34)、开箱冷却(t=5.88)、开箱打磨(t=3.49)、以及铸造车间行车(t=2.97)工种和制芯间(t=2.79)区域的季节差异表现出统计上的显著性。3个厂之间,某些类似工种个体接触和类似工作区域的空气粉尘平均浓度的差异有极显著性,有色金属铸造厂的浓度都是最低。[结论]在大中型的黑色金属铸造生产场所,区域采样不能很好地代表或替代个体采样以反映作业者实际的粉尘接触浓度。在有色金属铸造中,如考虑到含二氧化硅砂的国家卫生标准值,区域采样还是不能代表作业者实际的粉尘接触浓度是否在国家标准以下。季节因素(实际上是工作场所的自然通风因素)在决定实际接触粉尘浓度方面,具有至关重要的作用。在中等规模生产标准产品的铸铁工艺过程在造型工段的粉尘对工人危害最大;大规模的铸钢工艺生产在熔炼和开箱清砂工段的粉尘对工人危害最大。  相似文献   

The biotech industry now accounts for a substantial and growing proportion of total R&D spending on new medicines. However, compared with the pharmaceutical industry, the biotech industry is financially fragile. This article illustrates the financial fragility of the biotech and pharmaceutical industries in the US and the implications of this fragility for the effects that government regulation could have on biotech firms. Graphical analysis and statistical tests were used to show how the biotech industry differs from the pharmaceutical industry. The two industries’ characteristics were measured and compared, along with various measures of firms’ financial risk and sensitivity to government regulation. Data from firms’ financial statements provided accounting-based measures and firms’ stock returns applied to a multifactor asset pricing model provided financial market measures. The biotech industry was by far the most research-intensive industry in the US, averaging 38% R&D intensity (ratio of R&D spending to total firm assets) over the past 25 years, compared with an average of 25% for the pharmaceutical industry and 3% for all other industries. Biotech firms exhibited lower and more volatile profits and higher market-related and size-related risk, and they suffered more negative stock returns in response to threatened government price regulation. Biotech firms’ financial risks increase their costs of capital and make them more sensitive to government regulations that affect their financial prospects. As biotech products grow to represent a larger share of new medicines, general stock market conditions and government regulations could have a greater impact on the level of innovation of new medicines.  相似文献   

A market for family therapy workshops has mushroomed in recent years. Treatment of families by therapists conducting such workshops, however, can be dispassionate and dehumanizing. Using the distinction between curing and healing, I do not question the curative potential of family therapy, but I question whether this kind of doctor/patient interaction promotes healing. Also, by demonstrating how the systems model tends to objectify patients and alienate therapists from those they treat, this paper challenges claims that family therapy recognizes the social nature of illness. The dehumanizing treatment cannot be attributed solely to the therapists, but requires further interpretation by analyzing the biases of the therapy model, the commodified context of the workshops, and epistemological issues arising from the application of general systems theory to a social model of treatment. Family systems therapy shares epistemological features with biomedicine, and like the biomedical model, alienates therapists from patients. This alienation, ironically, can be even greater when the family systems model is used than in biomedical treatment. Finally, I suggest that family therapy workshops have grown in popularity because the mechanistic features of the treatment model, drawn largely from cybernetics, promote the production and reproduction of a form of therapy compatible with the emphasis on 'functional health' favored in an advanced capitalist society.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Chinese smokers respond to tax‐driven cigarette price increases by estimating a discrete choice model of demand for differentiated products, using annual nationwide brand‐level cigarette sales data in China from 2005 to 2010. We allow for substitution between different cigarette brands and also incorporate key features of rational addiction theory into the model. Results show that the average own‐price elasticity of demand for cigarettes at the brand level is –0.807, and the overall price elasticity of cigarettes at the market level is –0.488 in China. We find tax‐induced substitution toward low‐price cigarettes as well as high‐tar cigarettes and that tax hikes encourage within‐class substitution more than across‐class substitution. These results have important policy implications for the potential effects of cigarette taxation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国家发展改革委提出取消大部分药品政府定价,医保目录内药品以医保支付标准进行支付。在市场价格的基础上形成医保支付标准,因此收集和整合药品市场价格信息成为实施这一政策的关键。药品价格指数可以整合药品市场价格信息,反映药品价格的变化水平。本文通过分析医保支付标准制定的需求,明确应当以分位价格指数的方式制定医保支付标准。通过介绍德国参考定价来具体说明利用分位价格确定医保支付标准的做法,并且引入不同的药品价格指数来分析药品价格变化的原因,为医保支付标准的制定和调整提供依据。  相似文献   

为了解蛋糕模具中铅含量状况 ,对 17个乡镇糕点食品生产厂和 14户蛋糕食品生产作坊的 42套蛋糕模具中铅含量进行测定 ,铜质材料制作的蛋糕模具铅含量均符合国家卫生标准 ,铁质材料制作的模具铅含量超标达 36 .8% ,而铁质自制模具铅含量超标率达 5 5 %。为有效预防儿童铅中毒 ,应严禁使用铁质自制模具生产蛋糕。  相似文献   

We show that when health care providers have market power and engage in Cournot competition, a competitive upstream health insurance market results in over-insurance and over-priced health care. Even though consumers and firms anticipate the price interactions between these two markets - the price set in one market affects the demand expressed in the other - Pareto improvements are possible. The results suggest a beneficial role for Government intervention, either in the insurance or the health care market.  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of price regulation on delays in launch of new drugs. Because a low price in one market may 'spill-over' to other markets, through parallel trade and external referencing, manufacturers may rationally prefer longer delay or non-launch to accepting a relatively low price. We analyze the launch in 25 major markets, including 14 EU countries, of 85 new chemical entities (NCEs) launched between 1994 and 1998. Each NCE's expected price and market size in a country are estimated using lagged average price and market size of other drugs in the same (or related) therapeutic class. We estimate a Cox proportional hazard model of launch in each country, relative to first global launch.Only 55% of the potential launches occur. The US leads with 73 launches, followed by Germany (66) and the UK (64). Only 13 NCEs are launched in Japan, 26 in Portugal and 28 in New Zealand. The results indicate that countries with lower expected prices or smaller expected market size have fewer launches and longer launch delays, controlling for per capita income and other country and firm characteristics. Controlling for expected price and volume, country effects for the likely parallel export countries are significantly negative.  相似文献   

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