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The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with regular use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) by asthmatic patients in primary care practices. A cross-sectional survey was carried out over 12 family practices in the Philadelphia greater Metropolitan area. A total of 394 patients aged 18–49 years, who received medical care for asthma from their primary care physician and had been prescribed ICS between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 1996, were included.The study measured self-reported demographics, experience with asthma, use of and attitudes about ICS, and health beliefs in six domains.Only 38% of patients reported using ICS at least twice a day almost every day. The most frequently cited reasons for inconsistent or non-use of ICS were related to a belief that ICS were unnecessary during asymptomatic periods and to a general concern about side-effects. By logistic regression, factors associated with regular use of ICS were two patient health beliefs, namely the health belief of ‘Active’ participation in clinical decision-making with their physician (OR=4·6, 95% CI 2·8, 7·5), and the health belief that asthma was a ‘Serious’ health problem (OR=2·3, 95% CI 1·4, 3·7), and hospitalization for asthma within the previous 12 months (OR=2·3, 95% CI 1·6, 4·6).Patients were more likely to report regular use of ICS if they saw themselves as active participants in their treatment planning and conceptualized asthma as a potentially serious illness. These results support the themes of patient education and shared decision-making between patients and physicians that are promoted by the Asthma Guidelines from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI).  相似文献   

目的探讨哮喘儿童吸入性糖皮质激素(Inhaled corticosteroids,ICS)使用情况及用药依从性。方法选择2016年1月至2018年1月期间本院儿科住院部和门诊收治的哮喘儿童共350例。采用问卷调查了解哮喘儿童的一般情况下、ICS使用情况和用药依从性,并分析用药依从性差的影响因素。结果350例儿童哮喘病例中,布地奈德、氟替卡松和倍氯卡松的使用率分别为81.14%、10.29%、8.57%。雾化器、压力定量气雾剂和干粉吸入剂的使用率分别为62.29%、27.43%和10.29%。哮喘儿童ICS用药依从性差占74.86%,而用药依从性佳仅占25.14%。儿童哮喘ICS用药依从性差的原因主要包括担心ICS的安全性、家庭经济困难、不配合治疗、自认痊愈而停药和吸入方法不正确等。单因素分析显示,哮喘严重程度、父母受教育程度、掌握ICS吸入装置、家庭经济困难、父母对哮喘认知、父母对医护人员的信任程度与ICS用药依从性具有紧密的关系。多因素logistic回归分析显示,哮喘病情程度、父母受教育程度、父母对哮喘认知程度和父母对医护人员的信任程度越高,儿童哮喘ICS用药依从性越高。结论哮喘儿童ICS的使用以布地奈德雾化吸入为主,但用药依从性与多种因素具有紧密的关系,针对上述因素进行有效干预可有利于提高用药依从性,最终改善治疗效果。  相似文献   

New developments in inhaled corticosteroids.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) are the foundation of pharmacotherapy in persistent asthma because they control airway inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of ICSs is primarily topical, at their site of deposition in the airways. Consequently, deposition characteristics of the ICS and its formulation and inhalation device, in addition to intrinsic properties of the corticosteroid, influence clinical efficacy. Small-particle formulations, especially those developed in a metered-dose inhaler with the new hydrofluoroalkane propellant, may have improved lung deposition characteristics along with possibly improved clinical efficacy. Lipid conjugation of ICSs within the lungs may allow prolonged duration of effect, enabling once-daily dosing. Safety concerns of ICSs are related to systemic absorption and oropharyngeal deposition. An ICS with a longer serum half-life, especially one with a higher affinity for the corticosteroid receptor, may be associated with greater systemic effects. Increased protein binding of an ICS within the systemic circulation and high systemic clearance of an ICS may reduce the risk for systemic effects. Reduced oropharyngeal deposition and administration of a prodrug may result in fewer oropharyngeal side effects. The ideal ICS will have increased lung deposition and reduced deposition in the upper airway, resulting in better clinical efficacy and less risk for upper airway adverse effects. An ICS with high plasma protein binding and rapid clearance might pose much less risk for systemic adverse effects than currently available drugs in this class.  相似文献   

Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are the mainstay of inhaled steroid therapy for asthma. With the phasing out of traditional chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellants and their replacement with a new generation of CFC-free products, it is becoming clear that formulation and inhaler characteristics can markedly affect the drug delivery. It now seems necessary to compare inhalers not only on the basis of the properties of the steroid molecules but also to take into account the effect of propellants and other inhaler characteristics. The impact of formulation and delivery device on relative pharmacokinetics, therapeutic efficacy and tolerability is illustrated by a new preparation of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) in an inhaler containing hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellant, called Qvar (3M Health Care, U.K.). This drug preparation delivers the majority of particles (60%) in the fine particle range. This appears to be associated with improved lung deposition, a halving of dose requirements of BDP, but no evidence of clinically relevant adrenal suppression when used in therapeutic doses. Prescribers need to be aware of the impact of formulation on pharmacokinetics of inhaled steroids in order to offer the lowest effective dose and give clear instructions to patients who are changing to a CFC-free product.  相似文献   

Levels of exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) are elevated in subjects with asthma and fall in response to oral or inhaled steroids. This study explored the possibility the measurement of eNO levels could be used to identify subjects who were not adhering to their treatment regimen. Twenty children with asthma attending the respiratory clinic were recruited. Each attended on four occasions 1 month apart when eNO levels were measured. A data logger attached to a pressurised metered dose inhaler was used to objectively monitor use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs). The correlation between day and dose compliance with eNO was assessed. The data demonstrated a weak but non-significant correlation between eNO and both day (r = 0.055, P = 0.67) and dose (r = 0.153, P = 0.23). A recorded value of eNO less than 12 was associated with day compliance rates of 3-97%. Of the 19 recorded eNO values greater than 12 ppb almost 80% were from subjects with a day compliance of less than 50% during the preceding month. Of the four values greater than 12 ppb and day compliance > 60% one subject had a poor inhaler technique, one had a mild viral exacerbation and one appeared to be associated with increase pollen exposure. The measurement of eNO may prove to be a useful tool in helping to manage children with asthma but further work is required to define its precise role. Elevated eNO levels in asthmatic children taking ICSs are likely to reflect poor compliance but confounding factors such as disease activity and inhaler technique need to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

The properties of inhaled corticosteroids: similarities and differences.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inhaled corticosteroids remain the most important therapy for chronic asthma in both adults and children. As all inhaled corticosteroids act by binding to a common glucocorticoid receptor there is little evidence of any real difference in clinical efficacy between the different inhaled corticosteroids. The main potential differences are in their propensity to cause side effects. Local side effects such as a hoarse voice do occur in a proportion of adults and there is some limited evidence that ciclesonide may cause less local side effects. In adults there is little evidence for clinically important systemic side effects from doses of inhaled steroids below 800 mcg/day (beclomethasone equivalent). Above this dose a proportion of patients may show some adrenocortical suppression, though it is unlikely to be of clinical importance. Data on bone mineral density and fracture rates is discrepant, but an overview would suggest that below 800 mcg/day there is no increase in fracture risk whereas above this dose there might be an increased fracture risk. The properties of ciclesonide would suggest that it has less propensity for systemic side effects, but large long term studies are needed to confirm this. In children using inhaled steroids at above-licensed doses reductions in short-term growth can occur, but there is little evidence for reductions in long-term growth at normal doses. At above-licensed doses, biochemical adrenocortical suppression can occur with some unusual but documented cases of clinical Addisonian crisis. Limited evidence in paediatric age groups would suggest that ciclesonide may have some advantage although it is not as yet licensed in all countries for paediatric use. Data on differences in side effects between normal and asthmatic patients, and between asthmatic patients with near-normal lung function compared to those with impaired lung function, indicate that inhaled corticosteroids (particularly fluticasone) are absorbed more in those with normal lung function; this strongly supports stepping down the inhaled steroid dose when asthma is controlled - as is recommended in asthma guidelines.  相似文献   

A prospective study of inhaler technique using aerosol metered dose inhalers (MDIs), Rotahalers and a breath-activated device (Aerolin Autohaler) was undertaken to assess how effectively elderly patients use their inhalers. Fifty-one patients aged 67-89 years (mean 77.4 years) were enrolled. Peak flow, FEV1 and FVC were recorded, before and after inhalation of 2.5 mg of salbutamol via a nebulizer, to assess the extent of reversible airways obstruction. Inhaler technique was assessed using a scoring system, based on performance in five aspects of inhaler use. Those with poor technique were randomly allocated to an alternative inhaler and reassessed. Twenty-nine of 51 patients demonstrated reversibility in their airways disease. Twenty-one of 47 had poor technique using an MDI and were given Rotahaler or Aerolin devices to use. Ten of 11 given Aerolin Autohalers improved but seven of ten using Rotahaler showed no improvement (p = 0.006). Subsequently, five of these seven were able to improve their technique with the breath-activated autohaler. The breath-activated Aerolin Autohaler is a better delivery system than Rotahalers for inhaled bronchodilators for elderly patients.  相似文献   

Lee DK 《Lancet》2004,363(9416):1236-1235; author reply 1236

Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the most effective therapy for asthma currently available. The increasing use of ICS raises the issue of possible adverse systemic effects. Since one of the most important side-effects of oral corticosteroids (OCS) is osteoporosis, this article focuses on current knowledge of the effects of ICS on bone. Generally, doses higher than 1.0 mg/day cause a dose-dependent decrease in serum osteocalcin levels. Decreases in bone density have been suggested after treatment with ICS, but in most studies it is impossible to quantify the contribution of previous treatment with OCS and other confounding factors to bone loss. The clinical relevance of the observed changes in the long term is unknown. To date, no fracture data have been reported in patients. Beclomethasone dipropionate, budesonide and fluticasone propionate do not appear to be different per milligram ICS. In general, the lowest clinically efficacious dosage of ICS should be aimed at.  相似文献   

Inhaled corticosteroids are the most important therapeutic agents for the pharmacological control of pulmonary inflammation in asthma. There is concern, however, about the occurrence of side effects with the long-term use of inhaled corticosteroids. Because of the potential seriousness of some of these side effects, patients should be monitored carefully and preventively treated for the side effects. Various noncorticosteroid medications have been recommended in guidelines as substitutes for inhaled corticosteroids for daily use as long-term controllers in asthma, e.g., sustained-release theophylline, long-acting beta-agonists, leukotriene modifiers, cromolyn, and nedocromil. However, of the long-term controller medications recommended in the guidelines, only inhaled corticosteroids have to date, been shown clinically to reduce asthma fatalities and to prevent asthma induced lung remodeling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) must be taken continuously to control persistent asthma. We compared the use of LTRAs and ICSs in patients with similar level of asthma control at treatment initiation with particular attention to treatment persistence. METHODS: Two cohorts of 15 to 45 year old patients with asthma were selected from the Quebec Health Insurance Plan Database between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2000. We first identified new users of LTRAs and from the remaining patients, we selected new users of ICSs. The ICS patients were then one-to-one matched to LTRA patients on the use of short-acting beta2-agonists and oral corticosteroids in the year prior to the date of the first LTRA or ICS dispensation (index date). We compared compliance to initial therapies using Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: Each of the LTRA and ICS cohorts included 2200 patients. Multivariate model showed that compliance was significantly better for LTRAs than for ICSs [adjusted rate ratio of treatment discontinuation (aRR), 0.46; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.42-0.49]. If in both groups all medications filled were taken at the prescribed dose, the annual percent of days on therapy for LTRA users would have been twice that for ICS users (38% vs. 19%; p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The findings of this observational study indicate a far from optimal persistence to LTRAs and ICSs in asthmatic patients. The superior persistence to LTRAs might result in better effectiveness.  相似文献   

Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia: treatment with inhaled corticosteroids   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia (CEP) is highly sensitive to systemic corticosteroids, but frequently relapses if the dose is tapered or treatment discontinued. Long-term usage of systemic corticosteroids may cause side effects. Alternative treatments are therefore desired. OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the response of CEP to monotherapy with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). METHODS: Four patients who had CEP without spontaneous resolution were studied. Patients received inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) at a dose of 0.8 mg/day in 1 patient and 1.6 mg/day in 3 patients for 2 weeks. Treatment was continued if a patient showed improvement in at least 1 of the following indices: radiological findings, symptoms, and blood eosinophilia. RESULTS: After the initial 2 weeks of treatment with BDP, the blood eosinophil count increased in 2 patients and decreased in 2. Symptoms worsened in 2 and improved in 2. Infiltrates on chest radiography increased in 3 and showed little change in 1. In the 2 patients with worsening of all 3 outcome indices, oral prednisolone was started; the indices improved. In the remaining 2 patients, BDP alone was continued. One patient had worsening of CEP after 2 months of treatment, and another had relapse of CEP at 3.5 years while receiving 1.6 mg/day of BDP. All patients thus finally had worsening or relapse of CEP during treatment with BDP. CONCLUSIONS: ICS may not be effective when given as monotherapy in patients with CEP.  相似文献   

Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the standard of care in asthma and are widely used in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. High-dose regimens and long-term use of ICS in predisposed individuals may be associated with a variety of side effects, similar to those observed with systemic corticosteroid therapy. Side effects associated with long-term ICS use include reduction in growth velocity, cataracts, glaucoma, osteoporosis, and fractures. Fear of unwanted complications may be of concern in all patients using ICS, particularly in age- and gender-specific populations that are more prone to develop side effects or to reduce treatment adherence because of physical, behavioral, or psychological problems. In addition to concerns about ICS safety, dosing regimens that are difficult to follow may further reduce a patient's ability to comply with treatment. Ciclesonide, a new-generation ICS with unique pharmacokinetic properties, was developed to provide effective anti-inflammatory control for asthma with once-daily administration to improve patient adherence and a high safety profile to reduce the occurrence of local and systemic side effects.  相似文献   

Easy bruising as a side-effect of inhaled corticosteroids.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We wished to determine the prevalence of easy bruising in patients taking inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) compared with those who do not. Differences in age, dosage and duration of use of ICS between patients who bruised and those who did not were also investigated. Confidential questionnaire surveys were conducted over a 6 month study period amongst patients attending a respiratory out-patient clinic and taking regular ICS, and a control group of patients attending non-respiratory clinics and not taking any form of corticosteroids. Patients with bleeding disorders or taking oral steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or anticoagulants were excluded from the study. Questionnaires from 202 respiratory patients using ICS (group A) were compared with 204 non-ICS patients (Group B) of similar age and sex distribution. Significantly more patients in Group A reported easy bruising than in group B (47 vs 22%, relative risk 2.18, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.62-2.94), and it was the commonest reported symptom. In Group A, the patients that reported easy bruising tended to be older (61 vs 52 yrs), on higher daily dosages (1,388 vs 1,067 micrograms) and had been taking inhaled corticosteroids for longer (55 vs 43 months) than non-bruisers. Overall, females reported easy bruising more frequently than males in both groups. However, comparing Group A with Group B, males taking ICS had a higher relative risk for bruising than females (males, relative risk 5.80, 95% CI 2.38-14.13; females, relative risk 1.80, 95% CI 1.32-2.44).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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