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In an effort to determine the effects of 5 (CHO-5), 6 (CHO-6), and 7.5 (CHO-7.5) percent carbohydrate solutions on gastric emptying and performance, 8 trained male cyclists performed 4 trials of intermittent (7- x ;12-min bout) cycling at 70% VO2max. A final 12-min self-paced "performance" ride was performed on an isokinetic ergometer (Fitron) interfaced with a computer to provide total work output. A water placebo (WP) was used as a control. Each 12-min ride was followed by 3-min rest, during which a drink was consumed (8.5 ml.kg-1; mean total = 1,336 ml.2 h-1). Blood samples were taken at 0, 25, 55, 85, and 115 min for blood glucose analysis. Following the performance ride, gastric residue was obtained by intubation and aspiration. Of the original 1,336 ml ingested during each trial, the volumes emptied by the stomach for the four trials were 1,306 +/- 76, 1,262 +/- 82, 1,288 +/- 75, and 1,278 +/- 77 ml (+/- SE) for WP, CHO-5, CHO-6, and CHO-7.5, respectively. Only the volume in the CHO-5 trial was significantly different from WP. The performance data showed that in all of the CHO trials, significantly more work was produced compared to the WP trial (CHO-5 = 1.98 +/- 0.09 x 10(5) Nm vs WP = 1.83 +/- 0.11 x 10(5) Nm). There were no significant differences in performance between any of the CHO trials.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the occurrence and contributing factors of transient hypoglycemia after pre-exercise ingestion of glucose after a 4-hour fast, 19 well-trained cyclists ingested 50 grams of glucose dissolved in water around noon after having a normal breakfast. The ingestion of the glucose solution was followed by 30 minutes rest after which the subjects cycled for 40 minutes at 60% of the predetermined maximal power output. Every 10 minutes blood was sampled for determination of glucose, catecholamines, and insulin concentrations. In 6 subjects (hypo-group) plasma glucose levels dropped transiently below 3.0 mmol/l, while in the other 13 subjects (non-hypo group) plasma glucose level remained above this level. Although at the onset of exercise the plasma glucose levels were lower in the hypo-group, insulin levels were similar in both groups, suggesting a higher insulin sensitivity in the hypo-group. During exercise, norepinephrine was lower in the hypo-group, indicating a lower sympathetic activity in the hypo-group. The lowest plasma glucose levels in both groups were observed after 20 minutes of exercise, after which plasma glucose concentration returned to normal levels. It is concluded that pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion after a 4-hour fast is sufficient to induce a transient hypoglycemia. The data suggest that the occurrence of hypoglycemia is determined by a combination of a high insulin sensitivity, a small amount of ingested glucose, and a low sympathetic activity.  相似文献   

Responses to varying rates of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study was to determine how the ingestion of carbohydrate at varying rates influences physiological, sensory, and performance responses to prolonged exercise at 65-75% VO2max. Ten subjects ingested either a water placebo (WP) or carbohydrate solutions formulated to provide glucose at the rates of 26, 52, and 78 g, h-1 during 2 h of cycling exercise in a cool (10 degrees C) environment. Beverages were administered in a double-blind, counterbalanced design. A 4.8 km performance test followed each 2 h session. The average time required to complete the performance test was less with the carbohydrate feedings than with WP: mean (+/- SE) for WP = 505.0 +/- 18.7 s. 26 g.h(-1) = 476.0* +/- 8.8 s. 52 g.h(-1) = 483.8 +/- 12.7 s. 78 g.h(-1) = 474.3* +/- 19.1 s; *P less than 0.05 vs WP. Carbohydrate feeding resulted in higher plasma glucose and insulin, and lower free fatty acid concentrations than did WP. Changes in plasma osmolality, plasma volume, rectal temperature, lactate, heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, ratings of perceived exertion, and sensory responses were similar among beverage treatments. Compared with WP, ingestion of the glucose beverages minimized changes in plasma ACTH and cortisol. In summary, carbohydrate feeding at the rates of 26 and 78 g.h(-1) was associated with improved exercise performance. The data further indicate that a dose-response relationship does not exist between the amount of carbohydrate consumed during exercise and exercise performance.  相似文献   

This double-blind, within-subjects experiment examined the effects of acute caffeine ingestion on perceptions of muscle pain following a bout of high-intensity, upper-body resistance exercise to failure. Moderately trained males (N.=18) ingested a dose of caffeine (5 mg · kg-1) or placebo in a randomised and counterbalanced order and 1 hour later completed bench press exercise to failure at an intensity of 60% 1 repetition maximum. Repetitions completed was taken as a measure of performance, peak heart rate was determined via heart rate telemetry during the exercise bout, rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and upper body muscle pain was recorded immediately upon failure of the exercise task and peak blood lactate concentration was determined post-exercise. Caffeine resulted in improved repetitions to failure (t [17]=3.119, P=0.006), greater peak blood lactate (t [17] =5.080, P=0.0001) and lower RPE (t 17=-3.431, P=0.003) compared to placebo. Muscle pain perception was also significantly lower in the caffeine condition compared to placebo (t [17]=-2.567, P=0.04). These results support prior studies using aerobic based exercise modes in suggesting that caffeine ingestion can dampen exercise-induced muscle pain. Specifically, caffeine ingestion enhances muscular strength performance and reduces upper body muscle pain perception immediately following a bout of high-intensity resistance exercise to failure.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of ingesting 5.0 (CHO-5), 6.0 (CHO-6), and 7.5 g/100 ml (CHO-7.5) carbohydrate (CHO) solutions on blood glucose and counterregulatory hormonal responses during prolonged intermittent exercise. Eight well-trained cyclists performed four trials consisting of seven 12-min cycling bouts at 70% of VO2max with 3 min rest between each ride. A final 12 min ride was an all-out self-paced performance ride. During the rest interval the subjects ingested either a water placebo (WP) or one of the CHO solutions at a rate of 8.5 mg/kg/h (approx. 150 ml). Blood samples were taken at 0, 25, 55, 85, and 115 min of exercise and were assayed for glucose, glucagon (GG), cortisol (CT), insulin (IN), epinephrine (EP), and norepinephrine (NE). Blood glucose levels were significantly lower in the WP trial compared to the CHO trials at 25 (4.6 +/- 0.2 vs 5.7 +/- 0.5 mmol/l) and 55 min (4.4 +/- 0.3 vs 5.0 +/- 0.8 mmol/l). At 85 min blood glucose was significantly lower in the WP compared to the CHO-6 and CHO-7.5 trials. GG and IN levels were not significantly different between trials; however, the GG:IN molar ratio was significantly higher in the WP than in the CHO-7.5 trial. CT was significantly elevated in the WP trial compared to the CHO-7.5 trial. EP and NE levels were not affected by CHO ingestion. These data suggest that CHO feedings prevent the typical hormonal responses which are responsible for hepatic glucose release, thus eliciting a possible hepatic glycogen sparing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of caffeine consumed with and without carbohydrate (CHO) on immunoendocrine responses after exercise. METHODS: On four occasions, 12 recreational male cyclists cycled for 2 h at 65% V O2max. Sixty minutes before exercise, participants ingested 6 mg.kg(-1) body mass of caffeine (CAF) or placebo (PLA), then during exercise they consumed a 6% CHO or placebo (PLA) drink, providing CAF/CHO, PLA/CHO, CAF/PLA, and PLA/PLA conditions. RESULTS: f-MLP-stimulated neutrophil oxidative burst responses were significantly higher after exercise on CAF/CHO and PLA/CHO (both P<0.05) than PLA/PLA when expressed as a percentage of baseline value. The response on CAF/PLA tended to be higher than PLA/PLA at this point (P=0.056). No significant differences between CAF/CHO, PLA/CHO, and CAF/PLA were observed after exercise; however, only PLA/CHO showed no significant postexercise decline. Coingestion of CAF/CHO significantly attenuated epinephrine (P<0.05) and IL-6 (P<0.05) responses that occurred after ingestion of CAF alone (CAF/PLA) and significantly attenuated the transient alterations in circulating leukocyte (P<0.05) and neutrophil (P<0.01) counts. Plasma cortisol concentration was significantly lower on PLA/CHO than CAF/PLA and PLA/PLA after exercise (P<0.05). Perceived exertion during exercise was significantly lower on CAF/CHO than the other three trials (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Taken together, this suggests that coingestion of caffeine and CHO has greater influence on immunoendocrine responses than neutrophil functional responses to prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study examined the performance and metabolic effects of consuming 1.0 (LC) and 3.0 (HC) grams of carbohydrate (CHO) per kilogram body mass (BM), 3 h before a 93-min simulated mountain bike race. METHODS: After two familiarization trials, eight male subjects undertook two CHO trials in a double-blind counterbalanced fashion on a cycle ergometer. The HC meal was supplemented with maltodextrin while maintaining the same glycemic index and apparent volume of food as the LC meal. Stochastic cycling was undertaken for 93 min (4 x 22.50-min laps) with performance measured as the total work performed in 6 x 30-s periods each lap during the test. RESULTS: Performance in lap 1 was better with LC (P < 0.03) whereas performance in lap 4 was better with HC (P < 0.02). Overall performance was 3% greater in HC compared with LC (NS, P = 0.13). Serum glucose was significantly lower (P < 0.04) in HC immediately before the mountain bike test (180 min postprandial) and at 10 min into the test (P < 0.01). Gastrointestinal comfort decreased similarly for both trials over time (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These data suggest that ingestion of 3.0 g x kg(-1) BM of CHO 3 h before a 93-min mountain bike simulated race does not produce a statistically significant improvement in overall performance compared with 1.0 g x kg(-1) BM. However, in real terms, a 3% performance improvement may benefit athletes in a race situation. Differences in performance during the first and last laps indicate a variation in pacing strategies that may have resulted from differing blood glucose levels between trials.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine the effect of a high carbohydrate meal on serum caffeine concentration following caffeine intake.DesignRandomised, double-blind, crossover.MethodsFourteen healthy males randomly completed 4 trials, each separated by 5 days. Participants either remained fasted (on 2 occasions) or ingested a high carbohydrate meal (2.0 g kg?1 carbohydrate, 42.4 ± 0.6 kJ kg?1) prior to consuming either 6 or 9 mg kg?1 anhydrous caffeine. Venous blood was sampled for the analysis of serum caffeine at baseline and at 6 time-points over 4 h following caffeine intake.ResultsPeak caffeine concentration occurred 60 min following ingestion for both the 6 and 9 mg kg?1 fasted (p < 0.001) trials compared to 120 and 180 min following ingestion for the 6 and 9 mg kg?1 fed trials, respectively (p < 0.001). Peak concentration was greater in the 9 mg kg?1 fasted trial than the corresponding fed condition (70 ± 9 μmol L?1 and 56 ± 6 μmol L?1, respectively) and both were greater than the 6 mg kg?1 conditions (44 ± 8 μmol L?1 and 38 ± 8 μmol L?1 for 6 mg kg?1 fasted and fed, respectively). Area under the caffeine curve was significantly greater (p < 0.001) in the 9 mg kg?1 fasted trial (3262 μmol L?1 h?1), whilst areas were lowest in the 6 mg kg?1 fed trial (1644 μmol L?1 h?1).ConclusionsA high carbohydrate meal consumed prior to caffeine ingestion significantly reduced serum caffeine concentrations and delayed time to peak concentration. Differences in research findings between caffeine supplementation studies may, at least in part, be related to variations in postprandial timing of caffeine intake. The influence of postprandial timing should be considered when athletes consume caffeine with the aim of enhancing performance.  相似文献   

The positive effects of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on endurance exercise are well documented but the placebo (PLA(c)) effect can make the ergogenic qualities of substances more difficult to determine. Therefore, this study tested the effect of double blind ingestion of PLA(c) and CHO(c) in capsules versus known capsule (CHO(k)) ingestion on prolonged exercise heat stress. Nine well trained male volunteers (mean+/-S.D.: 23+/-3 years; 62.4+/-6.5 kg and 65.8+/-5.2 mL kg(-1) min(-1) peak oxygen consumption) exercised at 60% of maximum power output until volitional exhaustion (TTE) in the three different conditions. Capsules were ingested with 252+/-39 mL of water. Blood glucose in CHO(c) and CHO(k) was similar but higher (p<0.05) than PLA(c) from 45 min to end of exercise. There were no differences in TTE between PLA(c) (125.2+/-37.1 min) or CHO(c) (138.8+/-47.0 min) or between CHO(c) and CHO(k) (155.8+/-54.2 min). Time to volitional exhaustion was different between PLA(c) and CHO(k) (p<0.05). Increased TTE resulted when participants and researchers knew the capsule content, but not in the double blind condition. The difference could be related to a combined effect of CHO ingestion and knowledge of what was ingested possibly acting as a potent psychological motivator.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on isokinetic leg extension/flexion exercise performance, blood glucose responses, blood free fatty acid (FFA) responses, and blood lactate (La) responses. METHODS: Eight resistance trained males (mean+/-SEM, age: 23.7+/-1.3 yrs, height: 180.0+/-3.5 cm, bodymass: 94.9+/-4.9 kg) participated in a randomized, double blind protocol with testing sessions separated by 7-d. Subjects were given CHO or placebo (P) while performing 16 sets of 10 repetitions at 120 degrees x s(-1) on a Cybex isokinetic dynamometer. Performance variables measured were; total work (TW), average work (AW), peak torque (PT) and average torque (AT). Plasma glucose (PG), FFA, and La were measured prior to testing (PRE), after set 8 (MID), and 16 (POST). RESULTS: Results indicated that the CHO treatment elicited significantly (p<0.05) more TW (CHO: 41.1+/-3.9 kJ; P: 38.1+/-3.9 kJ) and AW (CHO: 2.6+/-0.2 kJ; P: 2.4+/-0.2 kJ). There were no differences (p<0.05) between treatments for PT of the hamstrings (CHO: 91.6+/-6.5 Nm; P: 87.4+/-8.5 Nm) and quadriceps (CHO: 129.7+/-9.5 Nm; P: 123.0+/-10.6 Nm). The AT of the hamstrings (CHO: 77.8+/-5.2 Nm; P: 75.7+/-8.7 Nm) and quadriceps (CHO: 116.9+/-8.9 Nm; P: 110.0+/-8.5 Nm) were not statistically different (p>0.05) between the treatments. PG was significantly higher at the POST blood draw in the CHO treatment. No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed between the treatments for FFA and La concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The data from this investigation indicate that the use of CHO supplementation during isokinetic leg exercise allows for the performance of more work.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Ingestion of a combination of caffeine (C) and ephedrine (E) prolongs time to exhaustion during high-intensity aerobic exercise. CNS stimulation by C and E was proposed as part of the mechanism for the improvement. It was thought that this arousal might also be of benefit during anaerobic exercise. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of C, E, and C+E ingestion on performance of anaerobic exercise. METHODS: Two groups were used to evaluate the effect of C and E on anaerobic performance. Group 1 (WIN) consisted of 16 healthy untrained male subjects who performed a 30-s Wingate test. Group 2 (MAOD) consisted of 8 healthy untrained male subjects who performed a supramaximal (125%VO(2peak)) cycle exercise trial to exhaustion to determine maximum accumulated oxygen deficit. The trials commenced 1.5 h after ingesting either C (5 mg x kg(-1)), E (1 mg x kg(-1)), a combination of C+E, or a placebo (P). All trials were randomized and double blind. Blood samples were assayed for lactate and glucose post drug ingestion just before exercise, and again 3, 5, and 10 min post exercise. Catecholamines were measured in the preexercise and 10-min postexercise blood samples. RESULTS: Ephedrine increased power output during the early phase of the Wingate test, whereas C increased time to exhaustion and O(2) deficit during the MAOD test. C, E, and C+E increased blood lactate, glucose, and catecholamine levels. CONCLUSION: The improvement in anaerobic exercise performance is likely a result of both stimulation of the CNS by E and skeletal muscle by C.  相似文献   

Fasting before an exercise event has been demonstrated to decrease endurance. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether this decrement in performance after fasting could be reversed by ingestion of a carbohydrate solution before and during exercise. Nine fit male subjects ran to exhaustion at approximately 70% VO2max in two counterbalanced trials. The subjects were fasted for 21 h before both trials, and the trials were arranged so that the subjects ingested either a carbohydrate (CHO) or placebo (PL) solution. Although ratings of perceived exertion were significantly lower in the CHO trial, there were no differences in endurance time to exhaustion in the two trials (102 +/- 8 min in the PL trial and 106 +/- 8 min in the CHO trial). There were no differences between trials for the VO2, heart rate, and blood lactate concentrations. As expected, the blood glucose and insulin concentrations were higher in the CHO trial. The respiratory exchange ratio was significantly higher in the CHO trial at 40 min of exercise and tended to be higher at all other times, suggesting a greater reliance on carbohydrate and less on fat as an energy source. This seemed to be confirmed by the significantly lower plasma glycerol concentration, which suggested less fat mobilization in the CHO trial. Ingestion of a glucose polymer solution increased carbohydrate utilization in fasted subjects, but exercise performance was not improved.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effects of acute oral salbutamol and caffeine intake on performance and metabolism during short-term endurance exercise. Eight healthy volunteers participated in the double-blind placebo-controlled randomized cross-over study. Two 10 min cycling trials were performed at a power corresponding to 90 % VO 2 max for the first and a mock test for the second, separated by 10 min of passive recovery after ingestion of placebo (Pla), salbutamol (Sal, 6 mg) and caffeine (Caf, 250 mg). Performance (mean power during the mock test) was not statistically significant between the 3 treatments. Blood lactate was significantly increased after Sal compared to Pla at rest and until the end of the mock test whereas it appeared significantly increased after Caf compared to Pla at the end of the two exercises. Sal increased basal blood glucose and both Sal and Caf induced significant higher plasma insulin concentrations at rest, at the end of the mock test and during the recovery compared to Pla. No significant changes were found in these three variables between the Sal and the Caf treatments. Plasma growth hormone was significantly decreased after Sal after the mock test compared to the two other treatments. In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, neither oral salbutamol nor caffeine intake produce enhancement of short-term performance in non-specific trained subjects despite the substantial shifts in metabolic and hormonal parameters which were found.  相似文献   

Traditionally, high-carbohydrate diets have been recommended for endurance and ultra-endurance athletes. For many endurance events, the habitual consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet, with supplemental carbohydrate before and during exercise, is appropriate for many athletes. However, there are some situations for which alternative dietary options are beneficial. Diets relatively higher in fat than is currently recommended may be beneficial for exercise in which energy expenditure is high and time for recovery is limited, and for events in which athletes transport their food supply. The number of grueling events that challenge the limits of human endurance is increasing. Such events are also challenging the limits of current dietary recommendations, which may need to be expanded to allow for easier consumption of sufficient calories to minimize loss of lean body mass. The choice of diet for optimal physical performance depends on several factors, including type and duration of exercise, total energy expenditure, time for recovery, dietary preference of the athlete, and whether or not the sporting event is unassisted (and hence athletes are required to transport their food). A variety of diets ranging in macronutrient composition may be recommended based on these parameters.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Prolonged, intensive exercise is associated with a reduction in concentration and secretion of salivary IgA (s-IgA). Saliva composition and secretion are under autonomic nervous system control, and caffeine ingestion, a widespread practice among athletes for its ergogenic properties, is associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activation. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of caffeine ingestion on s-IgA responses to prolonged, intensive exercise. METHODS: In a randomized crossover design, 11 endurance-trained males cycled for 90 min at 70% VO2peak on two occasions, having ingested 6 mg x kg(-1) body mass of caffeine (CAF) or placebo (PLA) 1 h before exercise. Whole, unstimulated saliva samples were collected before treatment (baseline), preexercise, after 45 min of exercise (midexercise), immediately postexercise, and 1 h postexercise. Venous blood samples were collected from a subset of six of these subjects at baseline, preexercise, postexercise, and 1 h postexercise. RESULTS: An initial pilot study found that caffeine ingestion had no effect on s-IgA concentration, secretion rate, or saliva flow rate at rest. Serum caffeine concentration was higher on CAF than PLA at preexercise, postexercise, and 1 h postexercise (P < 0.001). Plasma epinephrine concentration was higher on CAF than PLA at pre- and postexercise (P < 0.05). s-IgA concentration was higher on CAF than PLA at mid- and postexercise (P < 0.01), and s-IgA secretion rate was higher on CAF than PLA at midexercise only (P < 0.02). Caffeine ingestion did not affect saliva flow rate. Saliva alpha-amylase activity and secretion rate were higher on CAF than PLA (main effect for trial, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that caffeine ingestion before intensive exercise is associated with elevated s-IgA responses during exercise, which may be related to increases in sympathetic activation.  相似文献   

The physiological responses to glucose supplementation during arm crank exercise were investigated. Ten subjects of mean age 28 +/- 8 years; stature 180.8 +/- 6.5 cm; mass 82.7 +/- 11.5 kg, .VO(2) peak 3.10 +/- 0.50 l x min(-1) were tested on two occasions separated by a week. A 7.6% glucose drink or placebo was administered in a blind crossover design 20 min prior to exercise. Subject's arm cranked for 60 min at an exercise intensity of 65% .VO(2)peak followed by a 20 min performance test. Rate of ventilation, oxygen uptake, RER, heart rate and blood lactate demonstrated similar responses between trials throughout the course of the hour. The blood glucose concentrations at rest were similar between trials increasing after glucose ingestion to show a significant difference (p < 0.05) to the placebo trial at the onset of exercise, then returning to resting values after 20 min. The 20 min performance tests revealed that after glucose ingestion athletes achieved a greater mean distance of 12.55 +/- 1.29 km than in the placebo trial of 11.50 +/- 1.68 km (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the results showed that after one-hour of arm crank exercise, performance over a further twenty minutes was improved when glucose was ingested twenty minutes prior to exercise.  相似文献   

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