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目的探讨急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影诊治Dieulafoy病的临床价值。方法我院消化内科2009年1月1日~2010年12月31日共收治Dieulafoy病18例,对其中急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影救治Dieulafoy病所致上消化道大出血4例进行临床分析,通过急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影的协同应用,观察对出血部位、病因的诊断价值和止血效果。结果 4例患者均在就诊1~24h内胃镜检查确诊Dieulafoy病,其中3例给予镜下钛夹止血或药物喷洒止血后仍有活动性出血随即行选择性动脉造影血管栓塞治疗,1例因镜下出血表现为喷射样,并血压下降,给予病灶旁钛夹标记后随即行选择性动脉造影血管栓塞治疗。本组4例在选择性动脉造影同时结合内镜所见均给予相应病变血管弹簧栓或明胶海绵栓塞止血治疗并成功止血。结论急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影血管栓塞术协同诊治Dieulafoy病所致消化道出血,两者互为补充,是一种安全、有效、可靠的诊治方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊绿色通道内镜联合选择性动脉造影在消化道大出血诊治中的临床价值。方法对我院消化内科2008年1月1日-2011年12月31日经急诊绿色通道,急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影救治的消化道大出血12例患者进行临床分析,分别观察出血部位、病因的诊断情况以及止血效果。结果急诊内镜明确出血部位和病因者7例,其中十二指肠球部溃疡3例。Dieulafoy病4例.内镜下给予钛夹止血或药物喷洒止血治疗仍有活动性出血随即选择性动脉造影血管栓塞治疗;3例急诊内镜检查后初步确定为小肠出血,随后选择性动脉造影证实而转外科择期手术。术后证实其中2例为小肠憩室,1例为小肠间质瘤;另2例无法完善内镜检查,行血管造影栓塞止血后,内镜进一步诊治,其中1例为急性出血性直肠溃疡综合征,1例为贲门黏膜撕裂综合征,底部深溃疡。选择性动脉造影显示典型造影剂溢出征9例。异常血管分支增粗紊乱间接征象3例。本组12例在选择性动脉造影同时结合内镜检查均给予相应病变血管弹簧栓或明胶海绵栓塞止血治疗并成功止血。结论急诊绿色通道并内镜联合选择性动脉造影诊治消化道大出血,协同互补,是一种及时。安全、有效的诊治方法,亦能为手术做好定位准备。  相似文献   

目的通过对5例小肠急性大出血诊治过程的分析,探讨急诊消化内镜、选择性动脉造影、外科手术紧密协作的临床价值。方法我院消化内科2011年1月1日-2011年12月31日共收治不明原因消化道出血20例,对其中5例小肠急性大出血病例的救治过程进行分析、总结。结果 5例患者经常规胃镜及结肠镜检查均未见出血性病灶,4例经小肠镜检查发现病变后行手术治疗,其中2例在小肠镜检查过程中再发大出血,经急诊选择性动脉造影栓塞止血后,外科手术成功切除病变;1例大量便血患者经急诊结肠镜和急诊胃镜检查排除上消化道及结肠出血后,因患者失血量较大,无法耐受小肠镜检查,遂行紧急选择性动脉造影明确病变部位及大致性质后行手术治疗。5例小肠急性大出血中2例间质瘤、2例憩室病、1例血管畸形,均救治成功。结论急诊内镜、选择性动脉造影和外科手术的紧密协作,能够安全有效地救治小肠急性大出血,另外内外科紧密配合是患者得以成功救治的关键。  相似文献   

医源性上消化道大出血的选择性血管造影诊断及栓塞治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的: 探讨医源性上消化道大出血的选择性血管造影诊断及栓塞治疗的临床应用价值.方法: 对37例医源性上消化道大出血行选择性血管造影, 根据消化道出血至血管造影的时间分为急诊组(28例)、非急诊组(9例), 对比分析. 术中根据不同出血原因和出血部位, 采用不同栓塞材料栓塞.结果: 本组血管造影阳性33例, 总阳性率89.2%(33/37). 急诊组阳性率96.4%(27/28),非急诊组阳性率66.7%(6/9); 急诊组选择性血管造影检出阳性率明显高于非急诊组,两组差异有统计学意义( P<0.05). 造影阳性33例病例中31例栓塞后立刻止血; 2例重症胰腺炎栓塞治疗1 wk后再出血, 再次栓塞后止血;1例重症胰腺炎栓塞术后立刻止血, 术后13 d死于多器官功能衰竭. 造影阴性4例行试验性栓塞, 3例成功止血, 1例无效, 外科手术止血.术后随访3-12 mo, 患者无再出血及肠坏死等严重并发症.结论: 急诊选择性血管造影能提高医源性上消化道大出血的造影阳性率, 对出血部位的诊断具有重要意义. 经导管栓塞治疗是安全有效的止血措施.  相似文献   

消化道大出血的急诊血管造影与介入治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨消化道大出血的急诊血管造影与介入治疗的临床价值。方法:收集29 例消化道大出血患者,采用Seldinger技术经股动脉穿刺插管行选择性血管造影,根据出血病因及出血部位分别行出血动脉的栓塞或缩血管药物局部灌注治疗,对不能明确出血病因及出血部位者行试验性栓塞和/或灌注治疗。结果:本组血管造影有阳性发现21 例,主要表现为肿瘤性病变5 例、血管性病变5例、造影剂外溢和滞留11例。栓塞治疗18例,即刻止血率94.4%(17/18);灌注缩血管药物6例,即刻止血4 例;试验性栓塞和/或灌注治疗5 例,即刻止血2 例。结论:消化道大出血在急诊血管造影的基础上行选择性出血动脉栓塞或缩血管药物灌注治疗是安全有效的止血措施,血管造影对出血病因及出血部位的检出具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨难治性妇科大出血的数字减影血管造影术(DSA)诊断和介入栓塞治疗的临床应用价值。方法对10例难治性妇科大出血患者采用Seldinger技术行急诊双侧髂内动脉DSA造影,根据髂内动脉造影结果和患者的具体情况决定是否进行超选择性子宫动脉造影,所有患者均用明胶海绵栓塞出血侧髂内动脉或双侧子宫动脉。结果7例髂内动脉造影动脉期见造影剂外渗并聚集于子宫体旁;3例双侧髂内动脉造影未见造影剂明显外渗而行双侧子宫动脉造影,其中2例右侧子宫动脉升支见造影剂外渗、聚集,1例宫底偏左侧造影剂外渗,双侧子宫动脉明显增粗。10例出血患者都采用明胶海绵栓塞,其中1例未能止血,后转上级医院治疗发现该患者患有"血友病",1例刮宫术后大出血患者栓塞后出血停止,但过早取出阴道内填塞止血纱布条时再出血转手术治疗,发现子宫底部有一3cm裂口。其余患者栓塞后出血立即停止,血压恢复正常,观察1周无再出血后出院。结论DSA能定位诊断妇科大出血,介入栓塞治疗难治性妇科出血安全、有效。  相似文献   

Dieulafoy病与内脏动静脉畸形都是罕见的血管畸形病变,并且两者均为消化道出血的少见病因。1例上消化道大出血的病例经内镜检查和动脉造影检查明确诊断胰十二指肠动静脉畸形合并Dieulafoy病,在进行相应的内镜下止血和动脉造影介入栓塞治疗后出血停止,现报告其诊治情况。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨急诊床边胃镜在急性上消化道大出血中的诊断及治疗价值。[方法]分析2006~2007年对50例上消化道大出血患者行急诊床边胃镜检查(其中内镜下治疗47例)。[结果]49例明确出血原因(1例因胃腔内积血甚多影响观察),确诊率为98.0%,其中47例经内镜下治疗后出血停止,一次性止血成功43例,总有效率为87.7%;4例再次出血行血管介入治疗,3例外科手术治疗。全部病例元一例死亡或病情加重。[结论]在急性上消化道大出血中急诊床边胃镜能及时有效地明确出血原因,并可行内镜下止血,降低病死率,且安全。  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊内镜下止血治疗老年非静脉曲张性上消化道大出血的疗效及安全性。方法对68例活动性出血患者行床边急诊内镜检查,并内镜下喷药及注射止血治疗。结果所有患者包括高龄、高危患者均安全接受急诊内镜下治疗,急诊镜下止血68例,即时止血64例,近期再止血6例,1次止血成功58例,2次止血成功3例,急诊手术7例,死亡3例。结论急诊内镜下止血治疗老年非静脉曲张性上消化道大出血安全有效,对老年人及高危患者应作为首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

临床上惯用的处理上消化道非静脉曲张出血的模式是药物治疗-内镜治疗-手术治疗。但经药物及内镜治疗后仍不能止血的患者病情均较严重,快速止血是迫切的问题。我们将19例经药物治疗、内镜治疗无效的上消化道动脉性大出血患者行经股动脉插管腹腔动脉造影和栓塞治疗的结果报告如下。  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of emergency transcatheter arterial embolization (ETAE) for patients with acute massive duodenal ulcer hemorrhage.METHODS: Twenty-nine consecutive patients with acute massive bleeding of duodenal ulcer were admitted to our hospital from 2006 to 2011. Superselective angiography of the celiac and gastroduodenal arteries was performed to find out the bleeding sites before ETAE, then, embolotherapy was done with gelatin sponge particles or microstrips via a 5 French angiographic catheter or 3 French microcatheter. After ETAE, further superior mesenteric arteriography was undertaken in case collateral circulation supplied areas of the duodenal ulcer. Technical and clinical success rates were analyzed. Changes in the mucous membrane were observed using endoscopy following ETAE.RESULTS: Angiography showed active bleeding with extravasation of contrast medium in seven cases with a 24% positive rate of celiac artery bleeding, and in 19 cases with a 65.5% rate of gastroduodenal artery bleeding. There were no angiographic signs of bleeding in three patients who underwent endoscopy prior to ETAE. Twenty-six patients achieved immediate hemostasis and technical success rate reached 90%. No hemostasis was observed in 27 patients within 30 d after ETAE and clinical success rate was 93%. Recurrent hemorrhage occurred in two patients who drank a lot of wine who were treated by a second embolotherapy in the same way. Five patients underwent transient ischem with light abdominal pain under xiphoid, spontaneous restoration without special treatment. No mucous necrosis happened to 29 cases for ischem of gastroduodenal arteries embolized.CONCLUSION: ETAE is an effective and safe measure to control acute massive bleeding of duodenal ulcer.  相似文献   

2015年6月—2020年 6月期间,因经皮冠状动脉介入术(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)术后合并上消化道出血,在武汉大学人民医院行急诊胃镜检查和治疗的52例患者纳入回顾性分析,主要观察急诊胃镜出血病因诊断、止血治疗结果和诊疗过程中并发症发生情况。其中,47 例(90.4...  相似文献   

急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的临床特征。方法回顾分析我院消化内科2009年1月-2011年12月期间收治的经胃镜证实的301例非静脉曲张性上消化道出血病例,分析总结非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的常见病因及临床诊治情况。结果非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的常见病因依次为消化性溃疡、消化道肿瘤、急性胃黏膜病变,内科保守治疗的有效率为96.35%(290/301),内镜下止血成功率93.55%(58/62)。结论消化性溃疡是非静脉曲张性上消化道出血最常见的病因。在消化道出血的救治中,急诊内镜、选择性血管造影以及内外科的紧密配合与协作发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Intractable bleeding from gastric and duodenal ulcers is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.Aggressive treatment with early endoscopic hemostasis is essential for a favourable outcome. In as many as 12%-17% of patients, endoscopy is either not available or unsuccessful. Endovascular therapy with selective catheterization of the culprit vessel and injection of embolic material has emerged as an alternative to emergent operative intervention in high-risk patients.There has not been a systematic literature review to assess the role for embolotherapy in the treatment of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding from gastroduodenal ulcers after failed endoscopic hemostasis. Here,we present an overview of indications, techniques,and clinical outcomes after endovascular embolization of acute peptic-ulcer bleeding. Topics of particular relevance to technical and clinical success are also discussed. Our review shows that transcatheter arterial embolization is a safe alternative to surgery for massive gastroduodenal bleeding that is refractory to endoscopic treatment, can be performed with high technical and clinical success rates, and should be considered the salvage treatment of choice in patients at high surgical risk.  相似文献   

Although upper gastrointestinal bleeding is usually segregated from lower gastrointestinal bleeding, and guidelines for gastrointestinal bleeding are divided into two separate sections, they may not be distinguished from each other in clinical practice. Most patients are first observed with signs of bleeding such as hematemesis, melena, and hematochezia. When a patient with these symptoms presents to the emergency room, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment are considered together with appropriate initial resuscitation. Especially, in cases of variceal bleeding, it is important for the prognosis that the endoscopy is performed immediately after the patient stabilizes. In cases of suspected lower gastrointestinal bleeding, full colonoscopy after bowel preparation is effective in distinguishing the cause of the bleeding and treating with hemostasis. The therapeutic aspect of endoscopy, using the mechanical method alone or injection with a certain modality rather than injection alone, can increase the success rate of bleeding control. Therefore, it is important to consider the origin of bleeding and how to approach it. In this article, we aim to review the role of endoscopy in diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding in a real clinical setting.  相似文献   

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding represents one-fourth of all gastrointestinal hemorrhages. The bleeding usually originates in the colon while less than 10% of cases originate in the small bowel. Colonoscopy is considered the initial procedure of choice due to its diagnostic efficacy, safety, and therapeutic potential. Mesenteric arteriography can be an alternative in patients with massive hemorrhage. Helical computed tomography of the abdomen with endovenous contrast can be useful but has not been directly compared with arteriography. When the results of gastroscopy and colonoscopy are negative, small bowel bleeding is suspected. Capsule endoscopy allows non-invasive examination of the entire small bowel. The diagnostic efficacy of this procedure is clearly superior to that of other conventional examinations and, compared with intraoperative endoscopy, capsule endoscopy has a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 75%. Double balloon enteroscopy is a new modality that also allows complete examination of the small bowel with the additional advantage of its therapeutic potential. Definitive diagnosis of the hemorrhagic site is essential for appropriate treatment. Endoscopic and angiographic advances are therapeutic alternatives to surgical resection. Endoscopic treatment is indicated in lesions with active bleeding or signs of recent hemorrhage. Arterial embolization can be a therapeutic alternative when arteriography shows active hemorrhage. Surgical treatment is reserved for patients with persistent bleeding in whom other options have failed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a frequent and potentially severe complication of most digestive diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Upper endoscopy has a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, however epidemiological studies are still limited in our country. Aims - To assess the clinical characteristics, endoscopic accuracy, treatment efficiency and clinical outcome of patients admitted to the endoscopic unit with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. METHODS: A retrospective study of consecutive records from patients who underwent emergency endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal bleeding was performed during a period of 2 years. RESULTS: Most patients were male 68.7%, with a mean age of 54.5 +/- 17.5 years. A bleeding site could be detected in 75.6% of the patients. Diagnostic accuracy was greater within the first 24 hours of the bleeding onset, and in the presence of hematemesis. Peptic ulcer was the main cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (35%). The prevalence of variceal bleeding (20.45%) indicates a high rate of underlying liver disease. Endoscopic treatment was performed in 23.86% of the patients. Permanent hemostasis was achieved in 86% of the patients at the first endoscopic intervention, and in 62.5% of the patients after rebleeding. Emergency surgery was seldom necessary. The average number of blood units was 1.44 +/- 1.99 per patient. The average length of hospital stay was 7.71 +/- 12.2 days. Rebleeding was reported in 9.1% of the patients. The overall mortality rate of 15.34% was significantly correlated with previous liver disease. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic accuracy was related to the time interval between the bleeding episode and endoscopy, and to clinical presentation. Endoscopic therapy was an effective tool for selected patients. The resulting increased duration of hospitalization and higher mortality rate in the patients submitted to therapeutic endoscopy were attributed to a higher prevalence of variceal bleeding and underlying liver disease.  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊胃镜及内镜下治疗在残胃并发上消化道大出血中的临床价值。方法回顾性分析武汉大学人民医院2008年1月-2011年1月因残胃引起的上消化道大出血患者的临床资料及处理方法。结果所有并发消化道出血患者首选药物+内镜止血,其中单纯药物止血23例,药物+内镜止血37例,治疗失败行介入治疗6例,上述处理无效转外科手术1例,所有患者均成功止血。结论残胃患者一旦出现上消化道大出血,在补充有效血容量的基础上,尽快行急诊内镜检查,根据出血量及内镜下forrest分级采取不同的止血措施。  相似文献   

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