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本文通过分析典型国家卫生立法的现状和发展的共同点,结合我国政治、社会和经济环境,对我国《基本卫生法》立法提出政策建议。多数工业化国家都有一个相同的价值观,即政府确保公民不受地域和经济能力的限制享有卫生服务。各国卫生立法都经历了与政治发展同步的数次改革。几乎每一个以公共筹资体系为主的国家,都同时存在商业医疗保险和私人医疗服务,但医疗卫生服务体系很少以市场为主导。所有国家都在向建立整合的协同医疗服务体系方向努力,并已建立了与经济发展和国民收入相适应的、长期稳定的卫生筹资模式。作为卫生领域的根本法,《基本卫生法》应以更宏观的视角对卫生和健康问题的基本定位、基本价值和基本框架进行定位,突出"无论公民的性别、年龄、宗教、社会地位和经济状况,政府都有责任确保其获得基本医疗卫生服务和基本药物"的核心价值观。  相似文献   

Health reform initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) assume the existence of two kinds of infrastructure: 1) health care resources that can be mobilized to provide services in a market context and 2) intellectual resources that can be mobilized to plan, design, analyze, implement and evaluate new policy. Considerable attention has been devoted to the requirements for management in health sector reform in the CEE (JHAE, Fall 1994). Relatively little attention has been paid to the intellectual and workforce requirements for policy analysis and leadership in the health sector as well as related policy areas (Berman 1995). This paper begins with an overview of the broad contours and expectations for health reform in the CEE region. It then asks what analytic and public management capital is necessary to guide these policy changes within countries. A specific example of the need for analytic and management capacity is drawn out of the recent Romanian proposal to create health insurance houses (plans) in the 40 judets (districts) across the country. Finally, the paper examines the obstacles and issues involved in expanding the role and number of policy analysts in the CEE.  相似文献   

美国于当地时间2010年3月21日通过了酝酿已久的医改法案,本法案的通过成为美国各界普遍关注的焦点,也引起了世界各国的关注。为了使人们能够从卫生政策角度了解这项法案,本文从社会效益和经济效益两方面对医改法案作了介绍,包括:保险支付、保险公司责任、药品补贴、人力资源配置、公共卫生、服务质量、税收、保险欺诈和成本控制。分析了美国医改对中国医改的借鉴意义,提出了适当加大政府对大病、慢病和弱势群体卫生投资的重要性。同时卫生服务系统的规划要考虑成本控制措施,如加强预防和疾病控制、减少浪费和诱导需求。在卫生改革过程中引入质量管理手段和医疗信息化管理是医疗卫生发展的趋势,也是中国卫生事业管理发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Paralleled with the rapid socio-economic development and demographic transition, an epidemic of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) has emerged in China over the past three decades, resulting in increased disease and economic burdens. Over the past decade, with a political commitment of implementing universal health coverage, China has strengthened its primary healthcare system and increased investment in public health interventions. A community-based approach to address NCDs has been acknowledged and recognized as one of the most cost-effective solutions. Community-based strategies include: financial and health administrative support; social mobilization; community health education and promotion; and the use of community health centers in NCD detection, diagnosis, treatment, and patient management. Although China has made good progress in developing and implementing these strategies and policies for NCD prevention and control, many challenges remain. There are a lack of appropriately qualified health professionals at grass-roots health facilities; it is difficult to retain professionals at that level; there is insufficient public funding for NCD care and management; and NCD patients are economically burdened due to limited benefit packages covering NCD treatment offered by health insurance schemes. To tackle these challenges we propose developing appropriate human resource policies to attract greater numbers of qualified health professionals at the primary healthcare level; adjusting the service benefit packages to encourage the use of community-based health services; and increase government investment in public health interventions, as well as investing more on health insurance schemes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the conceptual bases for the conflicting views of excess capacity in healthcare markets and their application in the context of today's turbulent environment. STUDY SETTING: The policy and research literature of the past three decades. STUDY DESIGN: The theoretical perspectives of alternative economic schools of thought are used to support different policy positions with regard to excess capacity. Changes in these policy positions over time are linked to changes in the economic and political environment of the period. The social values implied by this history are articulated. DATA COLLECTION: Standard library search procedures are used to identify relevant literature. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Alternative policy views of excess capacity in healthcare markets rely on differing theoretical foundations. Changes in the context in which policy decisions are made over time affect the dominant theoretical framework and, therefore, the dominant policy view of excess capacity. CONCLUSIONS: In the 1990s, multiple perspectives of optimal capacity still exist. However, our evolving history suggests a set of persistent values that should guide future policy in this area.  相似文献   

中国医疗卫生:挑战与出路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
疾病风险可以引发经济风险、社会风险甚至政治风险。国内外都对疾病风险的防范给予高度重视,很多国家通过制度为百姓提供医疗保障,化解由疾病风险引发的其他风险。通过对中国疾病风险严重程度的分析,指出“看病难、看病贵”问题的核心原因是政府公共服务职能的缺失,这种缺失表现为社会保障制度的缺失和医疗公共筹资制度的弱化。为此,在发展战略选择上,主张选择以健康为核心的发展战略,以改革推动事业发展。在改革路径选择方面,提出以筹资模式的转变为突破口,促进医疗卫生服务管理模式、服务模式以及就医模式的转变。从而,全面实现推动以健康为核心的发展模式。  相似文献   



As a consequence of the disintegration of the state systems and the expansion of the European Union, there have been marked changes in the political and social affiliations of the countries of Eastern Europe. Of the 22 countries in Northeastern, Centraleastern, Southeastern and Eastern Europe, 12 are now members and 10 are "new" neighbours of the European Union. The accident insurance systems and changes in occupational accidents and occupational diseases in eastern European countries are described. Changes since EU and visible differences from non-EU countries are analysed. Special emphasis is given to occupational skin diseases.  相似文献   

Stakeholders formulating policies on national health insurance (NHI) in the Eastern Caribbean have circled the abstract concept called NHI like the proverbial blind men explaining the elephant. Definitions of NHI have shifted depending on their perspectives and philosophical leanings, their understanding of the issues, and their degree of influence on the process. Based on NHI feasibility studies, market research, and stakeholder analysis conducted in five countries, this article analyses the policy formulation stage of NHI development in these tiny countries. Given the level of economic development and the existing administrative capacity of the governments, this 'phase one' NHI could be a pragmatic first step in introducing a health insurance component into the social security systems of the countries, and gradually reforming other aspects of the health sector. The article is structured around key questions which help to define the positions and relationships of key stakeholders, and then evaluate NHI plans in terms of economic viability, equity, administrative feasibility and efficiency, cost containment incentives, and political palatability. These are the elements that--in combination with economic and political context--will determine the success or failure of NHI in the Eastern Caribbean.  相似文献   

The health systems of all the former socialist countries of Europe are in the midst of far-reaching reform. The process is still in the early stages but certain patterns of finance and provision are beginning to emerge in a number of countries. All are implementing payroll-based social insurance while some are beginning to restrict entitlement to those contributing. There is a danger the process of restructuring will leave many without adequate insurance cover. Market solutions are being introduced in many countries to improve the efficiency of provision. Assuming the administrative cost is not too great, this may improve choice and quality of personal care. It is, however, unclear how far these solutions will tackle the fundamental public health problems endemic in these countries today. Those countries that have been slower to implement reform may benefit from learning from the successes and failures of the pioneers.  相似文献   

The health care systems in Austria, Germany and Switzerland owe theirinstitutional structure to different historical developments. While Austriaand Germany voted for the Bismarck-Model of social health insurance,Switzerland adopted a voluntary system of health insurance. In all threecountries, until very recently, the different challenges which the healthcare sector faced were met by piecemeal approaches and by stop and gopolicies, which, in the long run were not very successful either incontaining costs or in improving efficacy and efficiency. During the 1990 morefundamental reforms in the health care systems of all three countries tookplace. Germany and Switzerland chose the path of deregulation of thehealth insurance system, which consequently strengthened the competitionbetween the insurance companies, and, to some extent between thesuppliers of medical services. While this can be seen as an essential part ofthe reform process for these two countries, Austria favors a state-orientedand interventionist approach in order to meet the challenges.  相似文献   

China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011, representing the largest expansion of insurance coverage in human history. While the achievement is widely recognized, it is still largely unexplored why China was able to attain it within a short period. This study aims to fill the gap. Through a systematic political and socio-economic analysis, it identifies seven major drivers for China's success, including (1) the SARS outbreak as a wake-up call, (2) strong public support for government intervention in health care, (3) renewed political commitment from top leaders, (4) heavy government subsidies, (5) fiscal capacity backed by China's economic power, (6) financial and political responsibilities delegated to local governments and (7) programmatic implementation strategy. Three of the factors seem to be unique to China (i.e., the SARS outbreak, the delegation, and the programmatic strategy.) while the other factors are commonly found in other countries’ insurance expansion experiences. This study also discusses challenges and recommendations for China's health financing, such as reducing financial risk as an immediate task, equalizing benefit across insurance programs as a long-term goal, improving quality by tying provider payment to performance, and controlling costs through coordinated reform initiatives. Finally, it draws lessons for other developing countries.  相似文献   

随着我国新医药卫生体制改革深入推进,以及《社会保险法》的颁布实施,定点医疗机构要主动适应社会保险制度改革的需要,提高医疗服务质量,降低医疗服务成本,促进基本药物的优先选择和合理使用,控制医疗费用不合理增长。围绕提升定点医疗机构社会保险服务管理能力建设,通过分析现阶段服务管理能力建设中存在的主要问题和难点,探讨提升服务管理能力建设的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Many European and Asian economies are currently undergoing a process of economic transition away from state based command systems to market led economies. The impact of transition, such as a decline in public expenditure, break up of state enterprises and economic recession, has affected levels of funding available for social sectors. In the health sector, health insurance is being introduced as a way of alleviating the decline in funding arising from these processes. Most of the Former Soviet Union and a number of other Asian transition economies are currently introducing, extending or considering payroll based systems of health insurance. Comparisons with many Latin American countries, where social security based insurance has been encouraged since the first World War, can be illuminating. Experience suggests that, various factors have impeded or permitted development in these countries. General processes of economic change (transition factors) tend to affect all economies attempting to change the basis for public funding of services. Structural factors, such as urbanisation and the level of state or industrial employment, act as longer term inhibitors to the extension of coverage. These factors vary considerably across transition economies. This suggests that while a social security base for insurance may be a viable option for smaller industrialised European transitional economies, this is not the case for many of larger less industrialised economies. It is unclear how insurance will develop in the future. If a separate insurance fund is maintained it is important that its' purchasing function is developed. Otherwise it is not clear what value is added to the current health system. If entitlement is to be based on contribution, with the fund based on geographic or employment groups, systems for ensuring access for those not in employment and not classified as socially protected must be developed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological, demographic and environmental crises, transition to a new political regime and exceptionally severe economic crises were powerful stimuli to health sector reform in Russia. The Russian Federation responded by introducing medical insurance whilst decentralising public administration. Yet despite intense contextual pressures to do so and a new policy climate, Russian hospitals found it difficult to reprofile services and reallocate their resources. A case study analysing governance structures in Sverdlovsk oblast reveals that medical insurance created incentives to reduce costs by reducing bed-days, but if hospitals did so they would lose money under the formulae through which decentralised local government still allocated around three-quarters of hospital income. If instead hospitals tried to increase budgetary income by increasing numbers of bed-days, the insurance system would penalise them. This specific form of policy mess can be called 'governance in gridlock'. The juxtaposition of two overlapping but incompatible sets of governance structures practically immobilised official hospital management systems. It is as one-sided to blame residues of the Soviet system for this gridlock as it is to blame the medical insurance system. Gridlock resulted from the interaction of the two, a problem to which all health system reform is potentially vulnerable.  相似文献   

BackgroundLabour migration enables populations to adjust to changing economic and social conditions, yet often precipitates increased health risks. Few previous studies examined healthcare utilisation by migrant workers. This study aimed to examine the healthcare utilisation by migrant workers in Qatar.MethodsIn 2011, Qatar launched National Health Strategy 2011–2016, phasing in Universal Health Care accessible to both Qataris and non-Qataris. Qatar’s high proportion of foreign migrant workers to Qatari citizens is unique, estimated at 5:1. Multivariate analysis on Household Utilization and Expenditure Survey (HUES) 2014 data yielded determinant factors for healthcare utilisation by migrant workers in Qatar.ResultsIn nationally-representative sampling, the proportion of migrant labourers accessing outpatient care was only half of expatriates and Qataris, with inpatient care utilisation even less. Results suggest all forms of health insurance coverage had protective effects for expatriate and labourer healthcare utilisation. Specifically, such protective impact on all migrant groups’ inpatient care use was much greater than outpatient.ConclusionsThis study highlights differences in the pattern of care-seeking and total health expenditure across migrant worker groups in Qatar. Improving health insurance coverage to migrant worker groups can promote higher utilisation of care, and thereby reduce health disparities of migrant workers to better protect their health and productivity.  相似文献   

试论新形势下医院医改与医保的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对镇江市15年来探索实施和完善医疗保障制度改革运行情况的分析,从医保在医院运行中的地位、作用与影响,存在的主要矛盾、问题及对策与建议等方面阐述了公立医院、医改与医保三方的发展关系.提出医院与医保之间要在医改的大前提下协调发展;建立医院与医保之间平等协商的谈判机制;建立与医保能力相适应的受益标准;建立科学可行的费用结算和付费方式;医院必须深化改革、加强管理,承担为群众提供优质医疗服务和合理控制医疗费用的双重责任.  相似文献   

通过对镇江市15年来探索实施和完善医疗保障制度改革运行情况的分析,从医保在医院运行中的地位、作用与影响,存在的主要矛盾、问题及对策与建议等方面阐述了公立医院、医改与医保三方的发展关系.提出医院与医保之间要在医改的大前提下协调发展;建立医院与医保之间平等协商的谈判机制;建立与医保能力相适应的受益标准;建立科学可行的费用结算和付费方式;医院必须深化改革、加强管理,承担为群众提供优质医疗服务和合理控制医疗费用的双重责任.  相似文献   

Healthcare costs in the US, as well as in other countries, increase rapidly due to demographic, economic, social, and legal changes. This increase in healthcare costs impacts both government and private health insurance systems. Fraudulent behaviors of healthcare providers and patients have become a serious burden to insurance systems by bringing unnecessary costs. Insurance companies thus develop methods to identify fraud. This paper proposes a new multistage methodology for insurance companies to detect fraud committed by providers and patients. The first three stages aim at detecting abnormalities among providers, services, and claim amounts. Stage four then integrates the information obtained in the previous three stages into an overall risk measure. Subsequently, a decision tree based method in stage five computes risk threshold values. The final decision stating whether the claim is fraudulent is made by comparing the risk value obtained in stage four with the risk threshold value from stage five. The research methodology performs well on real-world insurance data.  相似文献   

Most West European countries have health care systems financed by social insurance funds. In these pluralistic systems, decision-making processes are complex and involve many factors. The present paper focuses on the decision-making behavior of public authorities in health care. It is stressed that understanding the functioning of the political market is essential for explaining the development and performance of health care systems. This political market receives relatively little attention from economists. Specific mechanisms as they can be observed in this market are discussed, and the paper concludes with a plea for reducing the role of government in planning and price-setting in health care.  相似文献   

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