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混合型初次人工全髋关节置换术的短期随访研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨混合型初次人工全髋关节置换术的适应证及治疗效果.方法 回顾性研究2001年1月~2004年12月由同一术者施行的混合型初次人工全髋关节置换术患者63例( 80髋),失访5例(5髋),临床随访资料完整者58例(75髋),对假体生存率、Harris 髋关节评分、疼痛、步态、大腿痛等方面进行评估;放射学资料完整者49 例(64髋),对假体放射学松动率、骨水泥鞘分级、异位骨化等方面进行评估.结果 75例(58髋)术后获随访(33.9±1.3)个月平均(15~57个月),假体生存率为97.3%,以髋臼或股骨假体无菌性松动为观察终点,则假体生存率为100%.Harris 髋关节评分从术前的平均(46±20)分(10~85分)改善为平均(92±8)分(56~100分). 56例(73髋)患者中,术后95.9%的患者(70髋)无疼痛或仅有轻微疼痛.4例(7.1%)为中度跛行,14例(25%)为轻度跛行,38 例(67.9%)无跛行.无一例出现大腿痛、髋臼或股骨假体的放射学松动.49例(64髋)放射学资料完整患者股骨假体骨水泥鞘分级:A级37髋, B 级20髋,C1级4髋, C2级3髋.4例(4髋)发生异位骨化,均为Brooker I级.结论 混合型初次人工全髋关节置换术近期随访效果良好.  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析混合型初次全髋关节置换术(THA)中骨水泥柄的临床和影像学疗效及其相关影响因素。方法对1999年1月至2001年12月期间接受混合型初次THA治疗髋部疾病的患者126例(135髋)进行至少10年的随访。观察Harris评分、股骨假体位置、骨水泥壳及其周围骨质变化。假体生存率采用Kaplan-Meier方法进行分析,以无菌性松动导致翻修及单纯骨溶解病灶清除植骨术为随访终点。结果共有79例(85髋)获得10年以上随访。Harris评分由术前(44.5±18.8)分提高至末次随访时(92.1±5.6)分。截至随访终点,在Gruen 1区观察到2髋发生骨溶解,7区4髋发生骨溶解现象。共有4例(4髋)接受翻修手术,其中1例男性患者因骨溶解致髋臼假体松动,同侧股骨近端骨溶解,同期行右髋臼侧翻修及股骨侧骨溶解病灶清除植骨术。另3例因髋臼假体松动行髋臼侧翻修术,影像学及术中见股骨假体稳定。以无菌性松动为随访终点,股骨假体生存率为100%;以无菌性松动翻修、单纯骨溶解病灶清除植骨术为随访终点,股骨假体生存率为98.8%(95%可信区间,12.23~12.32)。结论混合型初次THA术中骨水泥假体的远期生存率令人满意;采用第3代骨水泥技术固定的股骨柄取得与现代非骨水泥假体柄相近的远期生存率。  相似文献   

Hip resurfacing is being performed more frequently in the United Kingdom. The possible benefits include more accurate restoration of leg length, femoral offset and femoral anteversion than occurs after total hip arthroplasty (THA). We compared anteroposterior radiographs from 26 patients who had undergone hybrid THA (uncemented cup/cemented stem), with 28 who had undergone Birmingham Hip Resurfacing arthroplasty (BHR). We measured the femoral offset, femoral length, acetabular offset and acetabular height with reference to the normal contralateral hip. The data were analysed by paired t-tests. There was a significant reduction in femoral offset (p = 0.0004) and increase in length (p = 0.001) in the BHR group. In the THA group, there was a significant reduction in acetabular offset (p = 0.0003), but femoral offset and overall hip length were restored accurately. We conclude that hip resurfacing does not restore hip mechanics as accurately as THA.  相似文献   

A hybrid CT-free navigation system for total hip arthroplasty.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
OBJECTIVE: To design and evaluate a novel CT-free image-guided surgical navigation system for assisting placement of both acetabular and femoral components in total hip arthroplasty (THA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The methodology in this paper is conceptually based on our previous work on CT-free cup placement. For femoral component placement, two patient-specific reference coordinate systems are first defined: One for the pelvis, based on the so-called anterior pelvic plane (APP) concept, and one for the femur, using the center of the femoral head, the posterior condylar tangential line, and the medullary canal axis of the proximal femur. A hybrid method is used for the associated landmark acquisition, which involves percutaneous point-based digitization and bi-planar landmark reconstruction using multiple registered fluoroscopy images. The following clinical parameters are computed in real time: cup inclination and anteversion, antetorsion and varus/valgus of the stem, lateralization, and change in leg length for complete THA. In addition, instrument actions such as reaming, impaction, and rasping are visualized for the surgeon by superimposing virtual instrument representations onto the fluoroscopic images. RESULTS: A laboratory study of computer-assisted measurement of antetorsion and varus/valgus, change in leg length, and lateralization for femoral stem placement demonstrated the high precision of the proposed navigation system. Compared with CT-based measurement, mean deviations of 1.0 degrees, 0.6 degrees, 0.7 mm, and 1.7 mm were found for antetorsion, varus/valgus, change in leg length, and lateralization, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.5 degrees, 0.5 degrees, 0.6 mm, and 0.7 mm, respectively. A pilot clinical evaluation showed that THA could benefit from this newly developed CT-free hybrid system. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed CT-free hybrid system promises to increase the accuracy and reliability of THA surgery.  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is an increasingly common procedure among elderly individuals. Although conversion THA is currently bundled in a diagnosis related group (DRG) with primary THA, there is a lack of literature supporting this classification and it has yet to be identified whether conversion THA better resembles primary or revision THA. This editorial analyzed the intraoperative and postoperative factors and functional outcomes following conversion THA, primary THA, and revision THA to understand whether the characteristics of conversion THA resemble one procedure or the other, or are possibly somewhere in between. The analysis revealed that conversion THA requires more resources both intraoperatively and postoperatively than primary THA. Furthermore, patients undergoing conversion THA present with poorer functional outcomes in the long run. Patients undergoing conversion THA better resemble revision THA patients than primary THA patients. As such, patients undergoing conversion THA should not be likened to patients undergoing primary THA when determining risk stratification and reimbursement rates. Conversion THA procedures should be planned accordingly with proper anticipation of the greater needs both in the operating room, and for in-patient and follow-up care. We suggest that conversion THA be reclassified in the same DRG with revision THA as opposed to primary THA as a step towards better allocation of healthcare resources for conversion hip arthroplasties.  相似文献   

髋关节成形术是应用一种手术的方法使一个强直或畸形、疼痛的髋关节转变为一个灵活的、无痛的、比较符合生物力学解剖结构和恢复接近较正常功能的髋关节。在开展髋关节成形术的早期,往往于修整了关节面以后,在股骨头与髋臼之间置入某种隔置物(如阔筋膜或皮肤等),以防止手术后两关节面之间重新粘连融合,但效果并不明显。  相似文献   

同期与分期双侧全髋置换术临床比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较同期与分期双侧全髋置换术围手术期安全性及相关临床指标.方法 同期双侧全髋置换术(THA Ⅰ组)74例(148髋),分期双侧全髋置换术(THA Ⅱ组)54例(108髋),比较两组术前合并症、术后并发症、手术时间、总失血量、输血量、手术前后Harris评分、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、住院天数、总费用等临床指标.结果 两组性别、年龄、术前合并症、手术前后Harris评分、血红蛋白、血细胞比容比较差异均无显著性(P>0.05).THA Ⅰ组平均手术时间(135.7±33.0)min、总失血量(1 378.6±571.7)ml、输血量(575.8±582.6)ml,THAⅡ组平均手术时间(161±46.1)min、总失血量(1 589.5±628.0)ml、输血量(544.6±582.6)ml,两组差异无显著性(P>0.05).THA Ⅰ组平均住院天数(15.7±4.1)d、总费用(69 603±27 054.7)元,THAⅡ组平均住院天数(29.2±10.8)d、总费用(107 169±51 697.1)元,两组差异有显著性(P<0.01).THA Ⅰ组冲经系统并发症(P=0.017)、心血管系统并发症(P=0.012)发生率比THA Ⅱ组高,差异具有显著性;其他系统并发症差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论 同期双侧髋关节置换术是安全有效的手术方案,并且能够降低住院天数、减少住院费用.  相似文献   

Conservative total hip arthroplasty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Surface replacement arthroplasty of the hip is a relatively new procedure by orthopedic standards. The test of time is not yet far enough along to allow sound conclusions to be made, but the early results have been encouraging. Most of our failures occurred early in our experience, and our resulting have been steadily improving as our knowledge grows. Significant improvements have been made in surgical technique and prosthetic design. Refinements continue, and we are confident that surface replacement will withstand the test of time and prove to be a useful procedure, especially in younger patients suffering from severe cox arthrosis.  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术的固定方式分两类:骨水泥固定和非骨水泥固定。骨水泥固定是指用骨水泥将假体固定于宿主骨上;非骨水泥固定是指以压配方式将假体直接固定于宿主骨,继而通过骨长入或骨长上来固定假体。所谓的混合型全髋关节置换术(混合髋),是指髋臼和股骨假体一侧以骨水泥固定、一侧以非骨水泥固定的全髋关节置换术。本文所说的混合型全髋关节置换术特指髋臼侧采用非骨水泥固定,股骨侧采用骨水泥固定的全髋关节置换术。  相似文献   

目的评价骨水泥型和非骨水泥型人工全髋关节置换术的术中、术后临床效果。方法对52例患者(54髋)进行人工髋关节置换治疗,其中骨水泥组20例(20髋),非骨水泥组32例(34髋)。术后随访进行髋关节Harris评分、自主功能恢复Parker评分,并观察术后死亡率、假体翻修率及其他并发症的发生情况。结果与骨水泥型组相比,非骨水泥型组术中手术时间短、失血量少,两组差异有显著性(P0.05)。骨水泥组1例患者住院时出现深静脉血栓形成,非骨水泥组有3例住院时出现深静脉血栓形成。骨水泥组置换后3个月,14例患者可独立行走,5例需助步器辅助行走,1例仅能活动(卧床活动);非骨水泥组23例患者可独立行走,9例需助步器辅助行走。置换后1年,在患者髋关节Harris评分和患者自主功能恢复Parker评分方面,两组之间均无显著差异。置换后3年,骨水泥组有4例翻修(均为假体松动),翻修率20%。而非骨水泥组仅有3例翻修(均为假体松动),翻修率9.37%,但两组之间差异无显著性(P0.05)。另外,随访期间骨水泥组有1例患者死亡。结论应用非骨水泥假体可明显降低全髋关节置换术的手术时间和失血量。随访期内骨水泥型和非骨水泥型双动头假体置换术的临床疗效无显著差异。  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-six primary total hip arthroplasties composed of a hybrid cemented femoral component and a cementless acetabular component were followed for a minimum of two years (mean, 42 months). The average patient age was 63 years. The most common diagnosis was osteoarthritis (85 hips), although 13 of the cases were severe or total congenital dislocations. Overall, the results were excellent. The mean Harris hip score was 93. Postoperative pain was rated as none or slight in 94% of the cases. No patient had moderate or severe pain. No femoral or acetabular components were revised. Roentgenographically no femoral component was definitely or probably loose. One acetabular reconstruction component had migrated. The authors conclude that the selective use of cemented and cementless fixation by anatomic site in this hybrid form of hip arthroplasty provided excellent results for five and one-half years.  相似文献   

Custom total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been advocated as a primary operation to achieve optimal proximal fit and fill in THA. Because of the increased cost of the implant, it must be proved that survivorship of the custom component is improved compared with a well-cemented or cementless off-the-shelf femoral prosthesis. A series of 64 primary and revision femoral component custom titanium uncemented THAs were reviewed. In the primary custom group 90.9%, and in the revision group 80%, had good to excellent results using the Harris hip scoring system at a mean follow-up period of 6.5 years. The age range was 32 to 74 years (mean, 53 years). Thigh pain was present in 17% of the patients in this series. Significant osteolysis occurred in 4.7% of the cases. The average time to failure for the four primary custom THAs was 4.1 years, and for the four revision custom THAs, 2.4 years. Despite excellent proximal fit and fill, these short-term results have not resulted in improved success rates compared with a well-cemented or cementless off-the-shelf femoral component when performing THA.  相似文献   

Revision total hip arthroplasty   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Two hundred and ten hips in 206 patients who had an initial total hip arthroplasty performed at the Mayo Clinic between 1969 and 1978 required revision of the arthroplasty at the Mayo Clinic for reasons other than infection. One hundred and sixty-two of the patients (166 hips) were followed both clinically and roentgenographically for two years or more. One hundred and forty-five (90 per cent) reported that they had improvement after the surgical revision. Complications that occurred with revision included deep sepsis, superficial would infection, dislocation, intraoperative femoral fracture, and postoperative femoral fracture. Roentgenographic analysis showed probable loosening in thirty-three acetabular components (20.1 per cent) and seventy-two femoral components (44 per cent). Symptomatic loosening (moderate to severe pain and probable roentgenographic loosening) was seen in thirty-five patients. Eight patients required a second revision for this reason, and seven others required a second revision for other reasons. Modified Harris hip scores, calculated for 108 hips, showed a good or excellent result in sixty-seven hips (62 per cent), a fair result in twelve (11 per cent), and a poor result in twenty-nine (27 per cent). Using a new Mayo Clinic hip score that incorporates roentgenographic data (which will be described) in the evaluation of 165 revised hips, there was a good or excellent result in eighty-five (52 per cent), a fair result in thirty-two (19 per cent), and a poor result in forty-eight hips (29 per cent). Although 90 per cent of the patients thought that their condition had improved, the high incidence of roentgenographic signs of probable loosening of a component is of serious concern.  相似文献   

This article presents the midterm results of hybrid total hip arthroplasty for patients with hip dysplasia by use of a tight fit technique for the femoral component. We followed up 113 hips in 99 patients for a mean of 11 years. All final femoral rasps used in this study overrasped by 0.5 to 1.0 mm for stem insertion, resulting in relatively thin cement mantles. Both components of one hip were removed because of infection. The other 5 acetabular components were revised for osteolysis, recurrent dislocation, or dislodgement of the polyethylene liner. No femoral component was revised for aseptic loosening. We conclude that the tight fit technique using a canal-filling stem may produce good long-term results for patients with hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

Resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip is being performed more frequently in the United Kingdom. The majority of these patients are younger than 55 years of age, and in this group the key benefits include conservation of femoral bone stock and the potential reduction in the rate of dislocation afforded by the larger resurfacing head. Early aseptic loosening is well recognised in patients younger than 55 years of age, and proponents of resurfacing believe that the improved wear characteristics of the metal-on-metal bearing may improve the long-term survival of this implant. There has been some concern, however, that resurfacing may not be conservative of acetabular bone.We compared a series of 33 consecutive patients who had a hybrid total hip arthroplasty with an uncemented acetabular component and a cemented femoral implant, with 35 patients undergoing a Birmingham hip resurfacing arthroplasty. We compared the diameter of the implanted acetabulum in both groups and, because they were not directly comparable, we corrected for patient size by measuring the diameter of the contralateral femoral head. The data were analysed using unpaired t-tests and analysis of covariance.There was a significantly larger acetabulum in the Birmingham arthroplasty group (mean diameter 56.6 mm vs 52.0 mm; p < 0.001). However, this group had a significantly larger femoral head diameter on the contralateral side (p = 0.03). Analysis of covariance revealed a significant difference between the mean size of the acetabular component implanted in the two operations. The greatest difference in the size of acetabulum was in those patients with a larger diameter of the femoral head. This study shows that more bone is removed from the acetabulum in hip resurfacing than during hybrid total hip arthroplasty, a difference which is most marked in larger patients.  相似文献   

目的比较全髋表面置换术(HRA)和传统全髋置换术(THA)后的下肢长度、股骨偏心距和髋臼偏心距等恢复的情况,确定HRA是否更有利于恢复髋关节的生物力学结构。方法选择单侧施行HRA或THA的股骨头坏死患者各20例(对侧髋关节均健康)。术前、术后摄等比例X线正位片,测量患者双髋的下肢长度、股骨偏心距和髋臼偏心距指标,与对侧髋比较患髋术后的改变。将HRA和THA术后改变的结果进行比较。结果 HRA组各项生物力学参数差值恢复明显比THA组更接近正常。术后HRA组和THA组患侧和健侧比较下肢长度差分别为(-2.1±1.1)mm和(3.5±2.6)mm(P〈0.05),HRA组为轻度短缩而THA组为轻度延长;股骨偏心距差分别为(-1.8±1.4)mm和(3.1±1.9)mm(P〈0.05),HRA组股骨偏心距降低,而THA组偏心距增加;髋臼偏心距分别为(1.6±1.8)mm和(-2.3±2.1)mm(P〈0.05),THA组髋臼偏心距增加较大。结论 HRA可以更加精确地恢复股骨近端解剖结构,大直径股骨头假体增加了髋关节的稳定性,避免了THA容易导致的下肢延长和偏心距增加,有利于改善软组织张力。但HRA还是有轻度缩短下肢长度和股骨偏心距的倾向。  相似文献   

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