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B超诊断骨肿瘤的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价B超检查对骨肿瘤的诊断价值及临床意义。方法:对骨肿瘤的声像图特点进行分行,并与术后病理检查的结果进行比较,结果:B超检查可以显示骨肿瘤特征性骨质破坏或侵蚀、骨膜和骨旁软组织病变的情况。93例患者中B超诊断恶性骨肿瘤61例,骨巨细胞瘤17例,骨软骨瘤11例,骨囊4例,术后病理检查证实恶性肿瘤64例,骨巨细胞瘤15例,骨软骨瘤11例,骨囊肿3例,结论:B超诊断可以成为诊断骨肿瘤的有效方法之一,并且对进行骨肿瘤穿刺活检和选择切除肿瘤的手术路径具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

骨肿瘤诊断治疗的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

CT和X线检查在骨肿瘤诊断中的互补作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
CT和X线检查在骨肿瘤诊断中的互补作用于秀淳刘晓平周银赵廷宝近年来,CT机的推广、应用范围的扩大。表明CT在诊断骨肿瘤中有其独特的价值,能提供X线片难以获得的诊断资料。但CT又有其局限性。查阅5年间诊治的37例骨肿瘤患者的CT及X线片,旨在探讨CT和...  相似文献   

目的:分析X线在骨肿瘤患者诊断中的作用,探讨X线在骨肿瘤患者诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析我院收治的72例骨肿瘤患者的临床资料,分析骨肿瘤患者的X线资料,同时与病理学检查结果进行比较,评价X线在骨肿瘤患者诊断中的应用价值。结果 X线检查诊断的结果与病理学检查结果相比,其正确率为88.9%,与病理学结果有一定的差距,有显著性差异(P<0.05);X线平片检查可较直观的显示骨肿瘤患者骨质破坏区,骨质破坏基本情况等信息。结论X线影像学检查可初步诊断骨肿瘤及骨质破坏的状况,在基层医院有较大的应用价值,但有一定的局限性,临床诊断骨肿瘤时需结合患者的临床表现、病理检查结果等进行综合分析,以提高临床诊断骨肿瘤的正确率。  相似文献   

B超诊断骨肿瘤的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

四肢长骨骨肿瘤的X线片评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着肌肉骨骼系统影像诊断技术的不断进步,CT、MRI、ECT等越来越多地应用到了骨肿瘤的诊断和评价中来。然而,X线平片仍是其最先接受的辅诊检查。X线平片的主要目的是确定病变的存在、判断病变的性质,从而决定是否需行进一步的影像学检查甚至病理活检。由于骨...  相似文献   

现代影像医学与骨肿瘤诊断治疗的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

骨肿瘤诊断及鉴别诊断疑难病例讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的回顾9 例误诊病例,探讨骨肿瘤诊断及鉴别诊断.方法分析9 例误诊病例,应用HE和免疫组化方法总结其特点.结果 9 例中8 例误诊为GCT的肿瘤及瘤样病变分别为孤立性骨囊肿3 例,软骨母细胞瘤3 例,囊性纤维性骨炎1 例,骨肉瘤1 例.1 例误诊为神经鞘瘤.结论骨肿瘤的诊断包括临床,X线与病理表现3个组成部分,三者结合有利于做出正确诊断,指导治疗.三者紧密结合是久经考验,必不可缺的正确诊断方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨16排螺旋CT(MSCT)后处理技术对骨肿瘤的诊断价值.方法:经手术病理证实的37例骨肿瘤患者行16排MSCT平扫,薄层后将原始数据传至ADW4.2工作站进行多平面重建(MPR)和容积再现(VR)后处理.结果:每一种重建图像均显示了所有的肿瘤.其中MPR准确显示了肿瘤骨的骨质破坏、骨膜反应、骨质破坏的范围及肿瘤对周围软组织的侵犯情况;VR能立体显示骨改变,可任意角度转动显示骨肿瘤.2种后处理图像结合横断面图像能从不同方向准确显示肿瘤的范围、骨改变、骨膜反应的形态及肿瘤对周围组织的侵犯.结论:16排MSCT后处理技术可以准确、全面地显示骨肿瘤,结合横断面图像,可对骨肿瘤作出准确的影像诊断.  相似文献   

目的:探讨结核感染T细胞斑点试验在脊柱结核诊断中的临床应用价值。方法选取2012年4月~2013年1月本院骨科病区收治的疑似脊柱结核患者156例,分别采用结核感染T细胞斑点试验和结核菌素试验进行诊断,比较两者对脊柱结核诊断的临床意义(包括灵敏性、特异性、假阳性率和假阴性率指标的差别)。结果结核感染T细胞斑点试验的灵敏性和特异性明显高于结核菌素试验(P<0.05);同时,结核感染T细胞斑点试验的假阳性率和假阴性率明显低于结核菌素试验试验(P<0.05)。结论结核感染T细胞斑点试验在诊断脊柱结核中具有良好的敏感性和特异性,具有重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Epididymal tuberculosis: presentations and diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Al-Mulhim AA 《Surgical endoscopy》2004,18(12):1757-1761
Background The value of laparoscopy in diagnosing peritoneal tuberculosis (TB) is well described by gastroenterologists but infrequently by surgeons. This report describes a single surgeons experience with laparoscopic diagnosis of peritoneal TB.Methods A total of 21 consecutive patients with peritoneal TB diagnosed at laparoscopy from January 1995 to December 2002 were prospectively reviewed. Their clinical data, laparoscopic findings, and outcome are described.Results There were 11 females and 10 males; the mean age was 36.6 years. Fever (81%) and ascites (66.7%) were the most common clinical features. Laparoscopy under general anesthesia was successful in all patients, and there was no laparoscopy-related mortality. Histology confirmed TB in 17 patients; the remaining four had nonspecific inflammation. All had satisfactory response to anti-TB therapy except one patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, who died after initiation of treatment.Conclusions Laparoscopy is safe and readily establishes the diagnosis of peritoneal TB.  相似文献   

目的 总结肠结核的诊治经验。方法 回顾性分析华山医院1975 年至1997 年收治的39 例肠结核患者诊治情况。结果 临床表现以慢性腹痛和低热为主,分别占92-3% 和84-6% ;有排便习惯改变者占64-1% ;X线检查和/ 或纤维结肠镜确诊者占81-8 % ;25 例经非手术治疗治愈,14 例因完全性肠梗阻、肠穿孔、腹块、肠瘘等并发症而行手术治疗。结论 凡遇慢性腹痛和低热者应排除肠结核的可能,仅在出现并发症时才考虑手术。  相似文献   

The incidence of renal tuberculosis is today less than in the past two decades due to the reduction in the incidence of other forms of tuberculosis. It has been fully established that renal tuberculosis is secondary to tuberculous infection elsewhere in the body and that the organism is carried to the kidneys by the blood stream in most instances.The question of bilateral involvement of both kidneys, at the outset, is not fully decided; however, the work of Medlar and Sasana demonstrated 88 per cent of their guinea-pigs to have bilateral renal lesions. Clinically, Braasch and Sutton were only able to demonstrate 291 cases (13 per cent) of bilateral involvement in a total of 2,200 cases of renal tuberculosis studied.The symptoms vary from nil to those of a very painful cystitis with later pain and tenderness in the kidney region. Occasionally, hematuria may be the first symptom. A deceptive feature in some cases is the occurrence of long remissions free of painful symptoms. No symptom or train of symptoms is pathognomonic of renal tuberculosis.The urinary findings give the most important evidence of the presence of renal tuberculosis. Pus cells are regularly found and red blood cells and albumin are usually present throughout the entire course of the disease. The acid fast bacillus is found on staining the centrifuged urinary sediment in a large percentage of the cases and guinea-pig inoculations are to be employed when the smears give no decisive results.The cystoscopic appearance of the bladder is quite characteristic. Two types of lesions exist: granulations and ulceration. The function of each kidney is to be determined as well as the microscopic contents in the urine of each kidney. The presence of a few organisms in the urine from one kidney in the absence of pus cells, red blood cells and albumin may represent a contamination in passing the ureteral catheter through an infected bladder.The pyelogram is of great value. A small defect may first direct the examiner's attention to the possibility of a tuberculous infection. Cortical necrosis is demonstrated when the lesion involves the renal papilla. The excretory urogram usually does not demonstrate early defects as well as the retrograde pyelogram. However, the excretory urogram is valuable in following the course of the disease and in demonstrating disproportion in the involvement of the kidneys.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic diagnosis of splenic tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolated tuberculous splenic microabscesses are uncommon except in immunocompromized patients. The diagnosis is often made after splenectomy and histologic examination of the spleen. We report here a case of splenic tuberculosis in an immuno-competent patient. The diagnosis was made solely by laparoscopic biopsy of the spleen without the need for splenectomy. The patient was started on antituberculosis therapy with marked recovery. We believe that this might be the first reported case of isolated splenic tuberculosis ever diagnosed by laparoscopy only.  相似文献   

The resurgence of tuberculosis and the increasing prevalence of multiple-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains are the reasons for the need of a rapid diagnosis of this infection. The article provides information about traditional and new methods in the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis, comparing their efficacy and rapidity.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to review the clinical features and diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis cases reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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