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《Ophthalmic epidemiology》2013,20(3):166-170
Purpose: To determine the incidence and risk factors for the development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) among premature infants.

Methods: New born infants with gestational age < 37 weeks were studied from October 2004 to April 2008. Potential risk factors, like gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW), supplemental oxygen therapy, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis, blood transfusion, and phototherapy were assessed.

Results: One hundred seventy-three newborn infants were evaluated. Mean BW ± standard deviation (SD) was 1680.64?±?462.5?g and Mean GA ± SD was 32.24?±?2.36 weeks. Incidence of ROP was 19% including 11.5% in prethreshold and 7.5% in threshold stages.

The incidence of ROP was 47.3% for infants with gestational age ≤ 32 weeks. All 33 infants with ROP had a gestational age of ≤ 34 weeks. The incidence of ROP was 33.3% for infants with BW < 1500 gr. ROP developed in 2 (6%) infants with BW > 2000 gr. Blood transfusion (Odds Ratio [OR]?=?2.45, P?=?0.031), phototherapy (OR?=?2.405, P?=?0.038), gestational age (OR?=?14.2, P?=?0001) and ARDS (OR?=?2.1, P?=?0.047) were associated to ROP. With multivariate logistic regression analysis, low GA and blood transfusion were related to ROP.

Conclusions: The results show that the incidence of ROP is relatively high in our region. Low GA, low BW, phototherapy, ARDS, and blood transfusion were the main risk factors for development of ROP.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the refractive status and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) in pre-term children with or without retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) at 8 years old, and to investigate the effects ofpre-term birth and ROP on refractive status and RNFLT. Methods: This was a prospective study. From January 2009 to February 2011, premature babies (average gestational age: 33.6±4.1 weeks, average birth weight: 2 099±779 g) who underwent fundus screening in the Department of Ophthalmology, Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, were divided into an ROP group and pre-term ROP group (pre-term group), and full-term babies of the same age were used as controls. A total of 112 children (222 eyes) were enrolled, including 24 in the ROP group (47 eyes), 55 in the pre-term group (110 eyes), and 33 in the full-term group (65 eyes). The RNFLT, axial length (AL), and retinoscopy were examined in the three groups at the age of 8. The incidence of refractive error and the difference in RNFLT were compared. Data were analyzed using Chi-squsure test and ANOVA. Results: The incidence of myopia (χ2 =8.062, P=0.018; χ2 =3.671, P=0.036) and astigmatism (χ2 =7.758, P=0.023; χ2 =3.710, P=0.034) in the ROP group and pre-term group were higher than those in the full-term group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of hyperopia (χ2 =4.910, P=0.250). The AL of the ROP group and pre-term group was shorter than that of the full-term group (both P<0.001). The average RNFLT of the pre-term group was thinner than that of the full-term group (F=2.593, P=0.030). The temporal quadrant RNFLT of the pre-term group was thinner than that of both the full-term group (P<0.001) and ROP group (P<0.001). Conclusions: The pre-term children and children with ROP have a shorter AL at 8 years of age, and are more prone to myopia and astigmatism. ROP and prematurity affect their refractive status, but prematurity plays a major role. Prematurity and ROP have different effects on RNFLT, especially in the temporal quadrant. The abnormalities of RNFLT caused by other diseases need to be identified during the follow-up period.  相似文献   

目的:评估8岁段早产儿及早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)患儿的屈光状态和视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL) 厚度,探讨早产及ROP对屈光状态和RNFL厚度的影响。方法:前瞻性研究。收集2009 年1月至 2011年2月在重庆医科大学附属儿童医院眼科行眼底筛查的早产儿,孕周(33.6±4.1)周,出生体质 量(2 099±779)g,按有无ROP分为ROP组和早产无ROP组(简称早产组),并将同龄足月儿作为对照, 共纳入112例(222眼),其中ROP组24例(47眼)、早产组55例(110眼)、足月组33例(65眼)。纳入研 究第8年行RNFL厚度、眼轴长度及睫状肌麻痹视网膜检影检查,比较屈光不正发生率及RNFL厚度 差异。采用卡方检验、单因素方差分析进行数据处理。结果:ROP组及早产组的近视发生率较足月 组高(χ2 =8.062,P=0.018;χ2 =3.671,P=0.036);ROP组、早产组及足月组的远视发生率差异无统计学 意义(χ2 =4.910,P=0.250);ROP组及早产组的散光发生率较足月组高(χ2 =7.758,P=0.023;χ2 =3.710, P=0.034)。ROP组及早产组眼轴均较足月组短(均P<0.001)。早产组视盘周围平均RNFL厚度较足月 组薄(P=0.030),早产组颞侧RNFL厚度较足月组(P<0.001)、ROP组(P<0.001)薄。结论:8岁段早 产儿及ROP患儿眼轴较足月儿短,更易发生近视和散光,ROP和早产共同影响其屈光状态,其中早 产起主要作用。早产与ROP对RNFL厚度影响不同,尤其是颞侧象限,在随访中需与其他疾病所致 的RNFL厚度异常鉴别。  相似文献   

Purpose  To report the 18-month experience of the Stanford University Network for Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity (SUNDROP) telemedicine initiative. Design  Retrospective analysis of the SUNDROP archival data between 1 December 2005 and 30 May 2007, evaluating this new diagnostic technology for ROP screening. Participants  All 97 consecutively enrolled infants in the SUNDROP network. Methods  All patients were screened using the RetCam II, and evaluated by the SUNDROP reading center at Stanford University. Nurses were trained to obtain five images in each eye. All patients were screened by an ophthalmologist trained in diagnosing ROP within 1 week of discharge from the hospital. Main outcome measures  Outcomes included referral-warranted disease, need for treatment, and anatomic outcomes. Referral-warranted disease was defined as any Early Treatment Retinopathy of Prematurity Disease Type 2 or greater, threshold disease, any plus disease, and any stage 4 or higher disease. Results  In the initial 18-month period, the SUNDROP telemedicine screening initiative has not missed any referral-warranted disease for ROP. A total of 97 infants (194 eyes) were enrolled, resulting in 443 unique examinations and 4,929 unique images. The mean birth weight of the infants was 1,186.9 grams, with a mean gestational age at birth of 28.9 weeks. Seven infants were identified with referral-warranted disease; six patients underwent laser photocoagulation and completely regressed. The one remaining patient regressed spontaneously, and did not require intervention. Calculated sensitivity and specificity was 100% and 98.9% respectively. No patient progressed to retinal detachment or other adverse outcome. Inadequate exposure, artifact, poor visualization of the periphery, and lack of a complete standardized image set in some patients were identified as areas requiring further assessment. Conclusions  The SUNDROP telemedicine screening initiative for ROP has proven to have a high degree of sensitivity and specificity for identification of referral-warranted disease. Training was easily implemented. All cases of referral-warranted disease were captured. There were no adverse outcomes. Financial Disclosure: DMM serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for Clarity Medical Systems (Pleasanton, CA, USA), the manufacturer of the RetCam, RetCam II, and Shuttle cameras.  相似文献   

Purpose: To study demographic profile of infants presenting as stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) at a tertiary referral center of North India

Methods: A retrospective review of consecutive infants with stage 5 ROP from 1999–2008. Various parameters retrieved included the inborn (born at level III nursery of our institute) /outborn (born outside study center) status, birth weight, gestational age, age at presentation, screening details,treatment details and reasons for consultation

Results: Sixty -six infants are included. All infants were outborn (born outside study center). Mean birth weight was 1250.23?±?486.45?g and gestational age at birth was 28.5?±?2.2 weeks. Ten (15.1%) infants were above 1500g birth weight. Median age at presentation was 7 month (range, 2–84 months). Fifty-seven (86.4 %) infants were never screened for ROP and 2(3%) were lost to follow-up after single screening. Seven (10.6%) infants had screening and treatment. Forty-nine (74.2%) infants were self-referred (i.e brought by parents on their own) and 17(25.8%) were referred by ophthalmologists. Pediatricians referred none of the infants.

Conclusion: Our study shows that lack of screening is responsible for stage 5 ROP in outborn infants. More needs to be done to spread awareness about the disease. Broader screening guidelines are needed to ensure screening for infants>1500?g birth weight.  相似文献   

《Ophthalmic epidemiology》2013,20(5):317-321
Purpose: To report the first-year results of the Red Card for Retinopathy of Prematurity (REDROP) study, a low-cost interim strategy to enroll infants into retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening where limited expertise exists, piloted at a multi-specialty general hospital.

Methods: Red “warning” cards were placed alongside green “congratulations” cards above the weighing scale in the neonatal unit. Staff weighing the newborn were instructed to give either one of the cards to each mother depending on the weight of the child (≤ 2000 g, red, and > 2000 g, green). Red cards contained information (tri-lingual) about ROP and the venue of screening. Green cards contained general pediatric eye education and recipients were not called. A portion of the red card with the infant’s birth date and mother’s contact number was retained and collected weekly by volunteers. Mothers were reminded on the mobile phone to come for ROP screening. Screening and treatment were performed free.

Results: During the study period, 224 of 805 (27.8%) infants were born ≤ 2000 g. Of these, 169 (75.4%) survived and were eligible for the red card; 91 (53.8%) received it. Of these, 43 (47.3%) infants completed ROP screening, 14 (32.6%) had some stage ROP, and three (6.9%) required laser treatment. The main reason for the lower turnout for screening was the inability to contact mothers on their provided phone numbers.

Conclusions: REDROP demonstrates the feasibility of this low-cost method of enrolling unscreened infants into a ROP program. The cost of enrolling each infant was less than 5 rupees (US$0.10). Suggested strategies to improve use require multi-center validation.  相似文献   

Multifocal ERG in Subjects with a History of Retinopathy of Prematurity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Purpose: Investigate the function of the central retina in subjects with a history of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: Multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) responses to a scaled array of 103 hexagons were recorded in subjects, aged 11–23 years (N = 11), with a documented history of mild ROP. The amplitude and implicit time of the components (N1, P1, N2) of the first order kernel for six concentric rings were compared to those of control subjects (N = 9). Results: The amplitude of each component varied significantly with eccentricity in both ROP and control subjects and was significantly smaller in the ROP subjects. The discrepancy between ROP and control subjects was greatest for central rings (1–3) and smaller for peripheral rings (4–6). The slopes of the functions summarizing log response density as a function of log eccentricity (degrees visual angle) were significantly shallower in ROP subjects. The implicit time of each component was longer in ROP subjects at all eccentricities. Conclusions: ROP associated alterations in neural retinal development may underlie the subtle macular dysfunction disclosed by the mfERG.  相似文献   

目的:对于参加了多中心冷凝治疗早产儿视网膜病变(CRYO-ROP)研究的出生体重小于1250g的患儿,描述了家长对他们在10岁时健康状态和与健康相关生活质量(HRQL)的期望。方法:对随机化的CRYO-ROP实验中244位参与者和102位未发生ROP的参与者,使用健康效用指标(HUI)系统对以下8方面进行健康状态的描述:视力、听力、语言、行走、灵活性、感情、认知能力和疼痛感。通过效用公式,每个孩子的HRQL测定值为0.0(死亡)至1.00(非常健康)。  相似文献   

Purpose:This study compared two different methods of testing visual acuity (VA) in children aged 4–5 years (The UK’s school vision screening target age). A conventional vision test method was compared to a reversed presentation order of logMAR, where letters are presented in ascending size order up to vision threshold. Threshold VA, test duration and concentration were compared, to assess the most accurate and efficient method of VA testing in this age group, to determine the most clinically and cost-effective method for vision screening.Methods:Thirty-four participants completed the study (15 males, 19 females, age range 53–65 months, mean age 59 months’ ±3.7 months). VA was measured in logMAR. Keeler Crowded logMAR screening plates determined the starting line on the vision chart to ensure the initial optotype size was either seen or not seen for the conventional and reversed test methods respectively. Test duration was measured in seconds and a concentration score was given by the examiner.Results:The median VA was 0.17 logMAR for each test method. There was no significant difference in the VA outcomes between each test method (p = 0.46). The reversed method was significantly quicker to complete, with a median reduction in test duration of 28 seconds (p = 0.002). There was no difference in concentration levels between the test methods.Conclusion:Both test methods gave the same VA threshold, and are therefore comparable. The reversed method was significantly quicker to complete which could benefit school vision screening services and busy clinical contexts.  相似文献   

目的研制中文视功能相关的生存质量量表-25,计算其信度和效度并应用于眼病患者中,评价量表反映眼病对患者生存质量的影响的应用效果。方法调查研究。选取美国国家眼科研究所开发的视功能相关的生存质量量表(NEI-VFQ-25),经过翻译、回译和文化调适后,形成中文量表。分别测量113例眼病患者(病例组)和38例健康体检者(对照组)视功能相关的生存质量,分析量表条目的无应答率、克朗巴赫α系数以及内容效度、结构效度、区分效度,比较病例组与对照组各维度得分之间的差异,并评估性别、年龄、文化程度及视力与量表各维度得分的相关性。采用多变量方差分析法、因子分析法以及Pearson相关分析进行数据分析。结果原量表中“开车”一项,在中文版视功能相关的生存质量量表-25中均调整为“驾车”。量表整体及各维度(除维度“眼痛”外)的克朗巴赫α系数均大于0.6,病例组和对照组的区分效度有显著的统计学意义,内容效度中各条目与其等级之间的相关系数均大于0.4,结构效度示该量表各维度及各条目均只在某一因子上有较大载荷。病例组中各眼病患者与对照组之间以及病例组中男女患者之间的量表得分差异均具有显著的统计学意义,且量表的得分与性别无明确相关性,与较好眼矫正视力及双眼矫正视力相关性高,与年龄呈负相关,且文化程度愈高者,量表得分愈高。结论中文视功能相关的生存质量量表-25的信度、效度均较高,能较全面地反映眼病患者的视力对其视功能相关的生存质量的影响。该量表得分与年龄呈负相关,并受文化水平影响,文化水平高者,量表得分亦较高。  相似文献   

目的:比较康柏西普和雷珠单抗治疗阈值前期1型早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)的疗效。方法:回顾性病例对照研究。选择2017年1月至2019年6月在解放军总医院第七医学中心儿科医学部住院治疗的阈值前期1型ROP且行抗血管内皮生长因子治疗的患儿107例(208眼),其中行康柏西普治疗(IVC)45例(86眼)作为IVC组,雷珠单抗治疗(IVR)62例(122眼)作为IVR组。IVC组中I区病变16例(32眼),II区病变29例(54眼);IVR组中I区病变23例(46眼),II区病变39例(76眼)。术后定期随诊观察眼内炎症反应、ROP病变消退情况、ROP病变复发再治疗率和复发再治疗间隔时间。组间数据比较采用t检验和卡方检验。结果:2组间性别、出生胎龄、出生体质量、治疗时矫正胎龄、病变分区、急进型ROP构成差异均无统计学意义。IVR组和IVC组的复发再治疗率分别为45%和35%,其中I区为61%、63%,II区为37%、19%,2组间II区病变复发再治疗率差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.214,P=0.024)。IVR组和IVC组II区复发再治疗时间分别为注药后(8.8±2.5)周和(11.2±3.1)周,差异无统计学意义。结论:玻璃体腔注射雷珠单抗和康柏西普治疗ROP均有效,治疗后复发与病变分区有关,且康柏西普治疗II区病变复发再治疗率低于雷珠单抗的治疗。  相似文献   

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is often associated with myopia. Electrophysiological findings have shown that an imbalance of the ON- and OFF-response in subjects with ROP is associated with their refractive status. Nevertheless, the extent of these functional changes is still unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of the ON- and OFF-response attenuation in ROP subjects with myopia. Fast and slow m-sequence multifocal electroretinogram were recorded on 14 eyes in 8 subjects with various degrees of myopia using the VERIS system. The spherical equivalent of refractive error ranged from −0.25 to −13.50 D. All ERG recordings were made using DTL electrodes with dilated pupils. A 19 retinally scaled hexagon stimulus was used. The findings showed that the ON- and OFF-response are reduced differently in ROP subjects with myopia. The ON-response attenuation is dependant on the severity of myopia, whereas, the OFF-response attenuation is influenced by retinal eccentricity as well as the degree of myopia. The contributions of these findings toward the understanding of retinal mechanisms controlling ocular growth need to be further explored. The results of the current study were presented in part at the 41st Symposium of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, Nagoya, Japan, 2003.  相似文献   



To assess visual function and Vision-related Quality of Life (VRQOL) in female contact lens wearers with Dry Eye Syndrome in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia.


This was a cross sectional study. Saudi Females subjects with and without DES (contact lens wearer [CLW] and Non-contact lens wearers [NCLW]) aged between 16 and 35?years were included in this study. Subjects were recruited from female campus at King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, KSA. Measurements include corneal topography, visual acuity (VA), autorefraction, contrast sensitivity (CS), Schirmer's test and Tear breakup test (TBUT) were performed on all subjects. In addition, corneal thickness was measured using Pentacam HR to compare between the total corneal thickness (TCT) in DES and Non-DES groups. Contact Lens Impact on Quality of Life (CLIQ) Questionnaire was used to assess VRQOL. Visual functions and VRQOL were compared between groups (contact lens (CL) and NCLW) using SPSS program version 23 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA).


A total of 100 subjects with DES (n?=?44 including 25 CLW and 19 NCLW), and non-DES (n?=?56 including 17 CLW and 39 NCLW) were included in this study. The mean age of participants with DES was 21.39?years and was 20.96?years of participants Non-DES. There were no significant different in VA, CS, and TCT between subjects DES and Non-DES (P?>?0.05), which indicates that dryness have no effect on the visual function and TCT. Contact lens wearers had higher score on convince, economic and psychological items than NCLW. Within CL group, subjects with DES had higher score on convince and psychological items. Similarly, within DES group, subjects who wore CL had higher score on convince and psychological items.


This study provides evidence that dryness may has no effect on visual function in both CLW and NCLW. Psychological and convenience domains of VRQOL were negatively affect in Saudi female patients with DES specially who wear CL.  相似文献   



To report the clinical features, clinical course, and treatment outcomes after laser photocoagulation in infants with aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (APROP) and capillary-free zones in vascularized retina.


Six patients (12 eyes) with APROP and capillary-free zones in vascularized retina were retrospectively reviewed. Twelve eyes of six infants were included and were treated with laser photocoagulation for avascular retina and for capillary-free zones in vascularized retina, except for the posterior pole, and fundus findings were photographically-documented in sequence. In addition, anatomic and visual outcomes were evaluated with complications of APROP.


Among all of the consecutive infants with APROP, capillary-free zones in vascularized retina were demonstrated in 24% of the infants. All of the infants were >27 weeks of gestation age and had birth weights >1,000 g. After laser treatment, 7 eyes (58.3%) had favorable outcomes, and late capillary filling in capillary-free zones of vascularized retina were noted, however 4 eyes (33.3%) progressed to retinal detachment and 1 eye (8.3%) was complicated by a retinal fold-distorting posterior pole. The visual outcomes were associated with anatomic outcomes.


The anatomic outcomes in infants with APROP who had capillary-free zones were comparable to previously reported infants with APROP. The late capillary filling of capillary-free zones in vascularized retina was noted, and angiogenesis was considered to be involved. This process toward normal capillary formation or neovascularization in APROP, might determine its outcome.  相似文献   

Purpose: To report the change in incidence and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in the neonatal unit of a tertiary hospital after a 20-year period.

Methods: A prospective cohort study of one-year duration was conducted between July 2013 and June 2014 in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a tertiary hospital. Inborn babies with birth weight ≤1700 g and gestational age ≤37 weeks were included. Change in incidence and severity of ROP were compared to a similar study in the same NICU between January and December 1993.

Results: The 2013 study included higher numbers of newborn infants than the 1993 study (293 vs. 157). The mean (SD) birth weight and gestational age of the infants in the 2013 study were significantly lower than the 1993 study [1288.6 (229.8) vs. 1378.1 (232.6) g); p = 0.0001 and 31.7 (2.1) vs. 32.2 (2.31) weeks; p = 0.04]. Nevertheless, the overall incidence of ROP decreased from 49% to 26.6% (p < 0.001) after the 20-year interval. The incidence of stage 3 ROP decreased non-significantly from 24.7% to 12.8% (p = 0.058). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that birth weight ≤1250 g and belonging to the 1993 cohort were independently associated with an increased risk of ROP after adjusting for covariates (p = 0.013).

Conclusion: The incidence of ROP improved significantly over a 20-year period in association with improved NICU management strategies despite an increase in the number of eligible neonates with lower birth weights and gestational ages.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate perinatal risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), in a large, broad-risk cohort of premature infants.

Study design: Secondary analysis of data from the Postnatal Growth and ROP (G-ROP) Study, a retrospective cohort study of infants undergoing ROP examinations at 29 North American hospitals in 2006–2012.

Results: Among 7483 infants, 3224 (43.1%) had any ROP and 931 (12.4%) had severe ROP (Type 1 or 2 ROP). In multivariable logistic regression analysis, significant risk factors for any ROP were lower birth weight (BW, odds ratio (OR) = 5.2, <501 g vs. >1250 g), younger gestational age (GA, OR = 32, <25 vs. >29 weeks), 1-min Apgar score <4 (OR = 1.2), race (OR = 1.6, White vs. Black), outborn (OR = 1.5), and delivery room intubation (OR = 1.3); and for severe ROP were lower BW (OR = 20, <501 g vs. >1250 g), younger GA (OR = 30, <25 vs. >29 weeks), male (OR = 1.5), Hispanic ethnicity (OR = 1.8), race (OR = 1.6, White vs. Black), outborn (OR = 1.6), and delivery room intubation (OR = 1.6). Together, these factors predicted well for any ROP (area under ROC curve (AUC) = 0.87) and severe ROP (AUC = 0.89), but BW and GA were the dominant factors for ROP (AUC = 0.86) and severe ROP (AUC = 0.88).

Conclusions: Based on the largest report to date with detailed ROP data from infants meeting current screening guidelines, ROP risk is predominantly determined by the degree of prematurity at birth, with other perinatal factors contributing minimally.  相似文献   

PurposeAdvances in mass spectrometry have provided new insights into the role of metabolomics in the etiology of several diseases. Studies on retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), for example, overlooked the role of metabolic alterations in disease development. We employed comprehensive metabolic profiling and gold-standard metabolic analysis to explore major metabolites and metabolic pathways, which were significantly affected in early stages of pathogenesis toward ROP.MethodsThis was a multicenter, retrospective, matched-pair, case-control study. We collected plasma from 57 ROP cases and 57 strictly matched non-ROP controls. Non-targeted ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectroscopy (UPLC-MS/MS) was used to detect the metabolites. Machine learning was employed to reveal the most affected metabolites and pathways in ROP development.ResultsCompared with non-ROP controls, we found a significant metabolic perturbation in the plasma of ROP cases, which featured an increase in the levels of lipids, nucleotides, and carbohydrate metabolites and lower levels of peptides. Machine leaning enabled us to distinguish a cluster of metabolic pathways (glycometabolism, redox homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and arginine pathway) were strongly correlated with the development of ROP. Moreover, the severity of ROP was associated with the levels of creatinine and ribitol; also, overactivity of aerobic glycolysis and lipid metabolism was noted in the metabolic profile of ROP.ConclusionsThe results suggest a strong correlation between metabolic profiling and retinal neovascularization in ROP pathogenesis. These findings provide an insight into the identification of novel metabolic biomarkers for the diagnosis and prevention of ROP, but the clinical significance requires further validation.  相似文献   

目的:分析8年间孕周<28周的超早产儿(EPI)早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)的发生情况及危险因素。方法:回顾性研究。2011年1月1日至2018年12月31日天津市中心妇产科医院新生儿重症监护病房收治的孕周<28周的EPI 300例纳入研究。记录EPI出生孕周(GA)、出生体重(BW)、性别等基本资料和新生儿呼吸窘迫综合...  相似文献   

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