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成人男性尸,右上肢手部,桡动脉终支、掌深弓、掌心动脉等有异常。其中掌深弓出现2个,在此我将它们按解剖位置关系,分别称为,近侧掌深弓和远侧掌深弓。 桡动脉至桡骨下端绕桡骨茎突处,管外径约0.31cm,在此处桡动脉发出掌浅支,管外径约0.23cm,在掌浅支发出处与桡动脉终支之间夹着另一桡动脉分支,行向拇伸肌。桡动脉终支在手背面明显行向第2掌骨间隙,并在大多角骨处发出一  相似文献   

正在解剖一老年男性尸体时,发现下腔静脉走行于腹主动脉左侧且合并多处血管变异,因其具有重要的临床意义,现报道如下。右髂总静脉先依次经右髂内动脉后方和右髂总动脉内后方,至第5腰椎前面斜行至左髂总动脉后方,在第5腰椎左侧与左髂总静脉汇合形成左位下腔静脉。根据左位下腔静脉胚胎发育和走行,可将其分为:(1)肾后段,左位下腔静脉沿腹主动脉左  相似文献   

肝的动脉多处变异1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在解剖一成年男尸标本时,见其肝的动脉来源、走行和分布多处变异(附图),现报道如下:1 肝左动脉来自胃左动脉胃左动脉在距其根部  相似文献   

在解剖一具红色乳胶灌注的成年男性尸体,发现其左前臂正中动脉走行异常,此动脉还参与掌浅弓和掌深弓构成(图1,2),现报道如下: 肱动脉在平桡骨颈处分为桡、尺动脉.桡动脉直径为4.2 mm,尺动脉直径为5.2 mm,尺动脉向下走形3.4cm处发出骨间总动脉,其直径为4.2 mm.  相似文献   

教学中,在一成年男尸标本上发现其头臂干缺如,右颈总动脉、右锁骨下动脉、左椎动脉直接起于动脉弓及静脉、神经多处罕见变异(附图).现报道如下:  相似文献   

<正>肝总动脉起自腹主动脉的脏支腹腔干,变异较少。作者在解剖1具成年女尸时,发现腹腔干及肝总动脉存在变异,为积累国人体质结构调查资料,现报告如下。1材料与方法标本为成年女性,身高162 cm,结构保存完整,已经用甲醛溶液充分防腐固定。采用大体解剖方法,自剑突沿正中线向下绕脐至耻骨联合上缘,沿肋弓向外下切至腋中线;自耻骨联合上缘沿腹股沟向外上切至髂前上棘;从正中线上、下两端的皮瓣转  相似文献   

正在解剖一具老年男性尸体(身长1.68 cm)时,发现腹腔干位置较正常位置偏下,并伴有脾动脉起源变异(图1)。为积累国人解剖学数值,和为临床诊断、手术治疗等提供参考资料,现报道如下:腹腔干:平第2腰椎上缘由腹主动脉前壁发出,起始外径5.3 mm,血管干走行2.0 cm后,向左发出胃左动脉(外径5.0mm,长4.2 cm),向右发出肝总动脉(外径5.0 mm,长4.0 cm),此2支血管成82°夹角。肝总动脉向右下发出胃十二肠动脉(外径3.2 mm),向右上发出肝固有动脉(外径3.5 mm)。正常情况  相似文献   

成年女性标本 ,身长 15 0cm ,体表及外形无异常 ,在解剖时发现其右侧多处血管神经变异 ,较少见 ,现报道如下 :1 右侧双椎动脉变异右侧有 2条椎动脉 (图 1)。较粗的 1条 ,起源于颈总动脉根部的前外侧壁 ,起始处外径 3 .4mm ,沿前纵韧带外侧达第 2颈椎横突孔处进入横突孔上行 ,入第 2颈椎横突孔处的外径为3 .2mm ,该动脉全长为 8.3cm。另一支椎动脉较细 ,起于锁骨下动脉 ,起始处外径 2mm ,经第 6颈椎横突孔进入后上行 ,其行起始经同正常椎动脉 (图 2 )。2 右侧喉返神经起始变异右侧喉返神经在平环状软骨下缘处发自迷走神经 ,与甲…  相似文献   

女性 ,约 2 0岁 ,身高 1 6m ,其肾脏两下极融合成马蹄形。左肾上极达第 1 2胸椎体上缘 ,第 1 2肋斜跨其上极后方 :下极达第 4腰椎体上缘。右肾上极达第 1腰椎体上缘 ;下极与左肾相同。左肾长约 1 3cm ,宽约 6cm ,厚约 4cm ;右肾长约 1 1cm ,宽约 6cm ,厚约 3 5cm ;峡部长约 5 5cm ,宽约 4cm ,厚约 1 5cm。左肾动脉缺如 ;右肾动脉在第 3腰椎体上缘高度 ,由腹主动脉右侧发出 ,在肾静脉的下方横向右进入肾 ,行程约 2 5cm ,压扁直径 0 3cm。有肾副动脉上下各一对 ,上一对在第 1腰椎体上缘高度由腹主动脉两侧发出 ,…  相似文献   

正作者在解剖1具成年男性尸体标本时,发现肝右动脉来源于肠系膜上动脉变异,以及腹腔干分出膈下动脉和胰背动脉变异,现报道如下。本例中,肝右动脉(图中箭头标注走形),外径0.3cm,在胰体后方、于肠系膜上动脉起始处下方约3cm自右壁处发出,与肠系膜上动脉成45°向右上走行,经过肠系膜上静脉末端后方,  相似文献   

We report on a pair of monozygotic twins with persistent truncus arteriosus. They had no evident clinical signs of DiGeorge syndrome. Pathologic examination of the placenta and DNA analysis in chromosomes 7, 8, and 15 was consistent with monozygosity. Fluorescence in situ hybridization test was negative for chromosome 22q11 microdeletion. Family history revealed a female cousin with tetralogy of Fallot. The isolated presence of this conotruncal abnormality in monozygotic twins is extremely rare. The genetic considerations are discussed. Am. J. Med. Genet. 82:146–148, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During our routine dissection course for students we found a complex variation of the femoral artery on the left side of a 72-year-old male cadaver. The deep femoral artery was originating from the anterior aspect of the femoral artery; the inferior epigastric and the external pudendal arteries were arising from the deep femoral artery. Besides, the lateral circumflex femoral artery was arising from the lateral aspect of the femoral artery and distal to the origin of the deep femoral artery.  相似文献   

Neuroblastomas are derived from the neural crest ectoderm, and are the most common solid abdominal masses of infancy. Congenital neuroblastoma, however, is rare. We report a rare case of congenital neuroblastoma with multiple metastases found at autopsy, performed at 2 days after birth. He was born by cesarian section and weighed 2,350 g. His respiration was weak and abdomen was distended. The patient died 2 days after birth. Postmortem examination revealed a relatively well demarcated ovoid mass, in the left adrenal, with necrosis and hemorrhage. Multiple small metastatic tumor nodules in the liver, lung, kidney, brain, rib, thyroid glands, and spleen, were noted. The histopathological pictures confirmed the diagnosis of neuroblastoma of the adrenal with multiple metastasis.  相似文献   

患者,张某,56岁,农民。主因:右上磨牙松动疼痛,服消炎止痛药未见好转.于2007年5月来我院就诊。  相似文献   

罕见主动脉弓分支异常1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主动脉弓是位于升主动脉和降主动脉之间的一段弓状血管,其分支常存在各种类型.作者于2012年10月收治1名主动脉弓分支类型异常患者,报道如下. 患者,男,50岁,因反复头紧箍痛4年余,加重20d入院.入院后行主动脉弓造影+全脑血管造影术,术中发现主动脉弓分支变异,无头臂干.  相似文献   

Background: Leiomyosarcoma of the heart is extremely rare and may involve many symptoms. The outcome is poor and the median survival is only 6 months. Case presentation: A 43-years-old female patient complained of palpitation and dyspnea and was diagnosed as bilateral iliac vein-inferior vena cava-right atrium-pulmonary masses. Pathological diagnosis was leiomyosarcoma of vascular origin and she survived for 12 months after surgery. Conclusion: According to the summarization of 30 vascular leiomyosarcoma cases with heart involved we can find that surgical resection is the basic treatment for cardiac leiomyosarcoma, and surgery combined with chemotherapy may be able to further prolong survival.  相似文献   

An unreported pattern of communication between musculocutaneous (Mcn) and median nerve (Mn) with multiple variations of biceps brachii (Bb) was observed during the dissection of a male cadaver. The first branch of the Mcn ended in coracobrachialis (Cb). The second was the main Mcn piercing the Cb and giving its motor branches to the muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm. It then continued as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The largest third branch also pierced the Cb distal to the main Mcn and communicated with the Mn which was classically formed by relevant roots of the medial and lateral cords. Additionally, a third head of Bb was observed bilaterally. Slips from the pectoralis major were inserted on the tendon of the third head on both sides. The origin of the third head was the greater tubercle to the left and the joint capsule to the right. These extremely rare patterns of both variations which were seen concomitantly in the same subject do not exist in the literature. Lack of awareness of such variations with different patterns of communications between Mcn and Mn might complicate surgical repair of the nerves. Knowing different patterns of Bb variations also have clinical importance as they also may cause compression of neurovascular structures or confuse a surgeon during surgical procedures.  相似文献   

We report a case of primary, high grade sweat gland carcinoma, a rare tumor, occurring in the skin of the left axilla. The patient, a 54-year-old man, was treated with wide surgical excision and lymph node dissection; he had developed metastatic deposits in one regional lymph node. The neoplasm relapsed locally thrice in a period of 10 years; however, distant metastases were not found. The differential diagnosis of sweat gland tumors is discussed in the present article.  相似文献   

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