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目的 IgA肾病是最常见的原发性肾小球疾病之一,其临床病理表型多种多样.血清中糖基化异常的IgA1及其与其他免疫球蛋白所形成的大分子复合物可能是本病重要的发病原因.本文探讨IgA1大分子复合物的组成和结构特征,及其与IgA肾病不同病理表型之间的关系.方法 制备偶联有去唾液酸IgA1(DesIgA1)和去唾液酸去半乳糖IgA1(DesDeGalIgA1)的琼脂糖亲和层析柱(DesIgA1/Sepharose,DesDeGalIgA1/Sepharose).取10名轻度系膜增生性IgA肾病患者、10名局灶增生硬化性IgA肾病患者及10名正常人血清,分别经DesIgA1/Sepharose和DesDeGalIgA1/Sepharose分离,测定IgA1结合蛋白(IgA1-BP)含量及其中IgA1和IgG浓度,并检测IgA1-BP中IgA1糖基化程度,比较其在IgA肾病不同病理表型间的差别.结果 从两种亲和层析柱上所洗脱的IgA1-BP含量,在不同病理类型IgA肾病患者及正常人间无明显差别.在DesDeGalIgA1/Sepharose上洗脱的IgA1-BP中,两种病理类型IgA肾病患者IgA1唾液酸均严重缺失;在局灶增生硬化性IgA肾病患者中,IgA1分子半乳糖缺失比正常人严重.同时,局灶增生硬化性IgA肾病患者血清中与DesDeGalIgA1/Sepharose结合的IgG的含量显著多于正常人.结论 糖基化缺陷的IgA1自身聚合及与IgG聚合形成的大分子复合物可能与IgA肾病的病理表型相关. 相似文献
The glycans deficiencies of macromolecular IgA1 is a contributory factor of variable pathological phenotypes of IgA nephropathy 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Recent evidence has suggested that IgA1-containing macromolecules and the glycosylation of IgA1 in sera from patients with IgAN might involve the pathogenesis of IgAN. However, whether the different histological phenotypes can be attributed or not to the aberrant glycosylation of macromolecular IgA1 has not yet been elucidated. The aim of the current study is to investigate the glycosylation of IgA1 molecules in serum IgA1-containing macromolecules and their association with pathological phenotypes of IgAN. Sera was collected from 40 patients with IgAN and 20 donors. Twenty patients had mild mesangial proliferative IgAN, the remaining 20 had focal proliferative sclerosing IgAN. Polyethylene glycol 6000 was used to precipitate the macromolecules from sera of patients and controls. Biotinylated lectins were used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to examine different glycans on IgA1 molecules. The alpha2,6 sialic acid was detected by elderberry bark lectin (SNA) and the exposure of terminal galactose (Gal) and N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) were detected by Arachis hypogaea (PNA) and Vilsa villosa lectin (VVL), respectively. The IgA1 glycans levels corrected by IgA1 concentrations were compared between patients and controls. Reduced terminal alpha2,6 sialic acid of IgA1 (79.89 +/- 25.17 versus 62.12 +/- 24.50, P = 0.034) was demonstrated only in precipitates from sera of patients with focal proliferative sclerosing IgAN, compared with those from controls. Reduced galactosylation of IgA1 molecules in precipitates was demonstrated in patients with both mild mesangial proliferative IgAN and focal proliferative sclerosing IgAN compared with normal controls (24.52 +/- 18.71 versus 76.84 +/- 32.59 P = 0.000 and 33.48 +/- 25.36 versus 76.84 +/- 32.59 P = 0.000). However, no significant difference was found in IgA1 glycosylation in the supernatant between patients and normal controls (P > 0.05). The glycosylation deficiency of IgA1 existed only in serum IgA1-containing macromolecules of patients with IgAN, and was associated with the renal pathological phenotypes. This suggests that aberrant glycosylation of IgA1 in serum macromolecules might be a contributory factor in the pathogenesis of IgAN. 相似文献
Aberrant sialylation of serum IgA1 was associated with prognosis of patients with IgA nephropathy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ding JX Xu LX Lv JC Zhao MH Zhang H Wang HY 《Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)》2007,125(3):268-274
Aberrant glycosylation of serum IgA1 was considered as an initial event and involvement in the pathogenesis of IgAN. We previously demonstrated that aberrant glycosylation of serum IgA1 was associated with pathologic phenotype of IgAN. The present study is to investigate if abnormal sialylation of IgA1 affects renal survival of IgAN. 127 patients with biopsy-proven IgAN were enrolled and followed up to 8 years. Seventy-nine healthy and 75 patients with non-IgAN renal diseases were selected as controls. Alpha 2, 6 sialic acid (SA) of serum IgA1 was measured by sandwich-ELISA. Renal survival rate was estimated by Kaplan-Meier method. Alpha 2, 6 SA level in patients with IgAN was lower than that in healthy controls (0.92+/-0.14 vs. 0.98+/-0.12, P=0.001) and non-IgAN glomerulonephritis (0.92+/-0.14 vs. 1.00+/-0.18, n=53, P=0.001). Patients with IgAN in Low SA Group were no significant differences compared with patients in Normal SA Group in age, gender, hypertension, serum creatinine, and excretion of proteinuria. Renal cumulative survival rate was 53.3% in patients in Low SA Group and 83.5% in Normal SA Group (P=0.0008). The lower the alpha 2, 6 SA level of serum IgA1 in patients with IgAN was, the worse their renal survival rate was. Although patients in Low SA Group had worse renal function evaluated by eGFR, there was no significant difference in various CKD stages in non-IgAN renal function controls (n=42, P=0.352). Alpha 2, 6 SA level of serum IgA1 was associated with the prognosis of patients with IgAN and could serve as a predictor of poor prognosis in IgAN. 相似文献
Binding capacity and pathophysiological effects of IgA1 from patients with IgA nephropathy on human glomerular mesangial cells 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
IgA deposition in glomerular mesangium and the interaction with mesangial cells may well be the final common pathway to IgA nephropathy (IgAN). Altered hinge-region O-glycosylation of IgA1 from patients with IgAN may predispose to mesangial deposition and activation of the mesangial cell (MC) by IgA1, via a novel IgA1 receptor, and may be a key event in the pathogensis of IgAN. The aim of this study was to investigate the binding capacity and biological effects of IgA1, from both patients with IgAN and healthy controls, on human mesangial cells (HMC). Serum IgA1 was isolated with jacalin affinity chromatography, heated to aggregated form (aIgA1) and labelled with (125)I. Binding capacity of aIgA1 in vitro to cultured primary HMC was evaluated by a radioligand binding assay and the specificity of binding was determined by a competitive inhibition assay. Intracellular calcium release was studied by confocal analysis and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) was determined by Western blot analysis. Change of cell cycles was demonstrated by flow cytometry and HMC proliferation was evaluated by direct cell count. Expression of TGF-beta mRNA and production of supernatant fibronectin were tested by RT-PCR and indirect competitive ELISA, respectively. aIgA1 from both the patients with IgAN and normal controls bound to HMC in a dose-dependent, saturable manner, and was saturated at approximately 500 pmoles per 0.5 ml of aIgA1. aIgA1 from patients with IgAN, however, bound to HMC at a higher speed and Scatchard analysis revealed a Kd of (8.89 +/- 2.1) x 10(-8)m versus (4.3 +/- 1.2) x 10(-7)m for aIgA1 from healthy controls (P = 0.026).The binding was specific because it was only inhibited by unlabelled Mono-IgA1 (mIgA1) and not by serum albumin or IgG. aIgA1 from patients with IgAN could induce release of intracellular calcium, phosphorylation of ERK, DNA synthesis, proliferation of HMC, expression of TGF-betamRNA and secretion of fibronectin in HMC in a similar time-dependent manner as aIgA1 from healthy controls, but the effects were much stronger and the durations were much longer (P < 0.05, respectively). We conclude that aIgA1 from patients with IgAN has a higher binding capacity to HMC and stronger biological effects than aIgA1 from healthy controls. This suggests that direct interaction between IgA1 and HMC and subsequential pathophysiological responses may play an important role in the pathogenesis for IgAN. 相似文献
The mechanism of IgA deposition in the kidneys in IgA nephropathy is unknown, Mesangial IgA is of the IgA I subclass, and since no consistent antigenic target for the IgA I has been described, we have investigated the glycosylation of the molecule, as a potential non-immunological abnormality which may contribute to its deposition. IgA 1 is rich in carbohydrate, carrying N-linked moieties in common with IgG, but also O-linked sugars, which are rare in serum proteins, and not expressed by IgG or lgA2, Lectin binding assays were designed to examine the expression of terminal galactose on the N-linked carbohydrate chains of purified serum IgG and IgAI, and the O-linked sugars of IgAI and C1 inhibitor (one of the very few other serum proteins with O-linked glycosylation). No evidence was found for abnormalities of N-linked glycosylation of either isotype in IgA nephropathy compared with matched controls. However, in IgA nephropathy, reduced terminal galactosylation of the hinge region O-linked moieties was demonstrated; this was not seen in C1 inhibitor, which showed normal or increased galactosylation of the O-linked sugars. This abnormality of IgA1 has considerable implications for the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy, since the O-linked sugars lie in an important functional location within the IgA1 molecule, close to the ligand of Fc receptors. Changes in the carbohydrates in this site may therefore affect interactions with receptors and extracellular proteins, leading to anomalous handling of the IgA1 protein in this condition, including failure of normal clearance mechanisms, and mesangial deposition. 相似文献
目的:探讨IgA肾病高尿酸血症与肾脏病理牛津分型、组织病理学及临床特征的关系。方法收集151例IgA肾病,将其分为血尿酸升高组与血尿酸正常组,对肾脏病理切片进行牛津分型、Lee氏分级和肾小球硬化、新月体及血管病变分析,并记录一般资料、血压、肾功能、尿蛋白等临床指标。结果151例中IgA肾病,高尿酸血症的发病率为48.3%,青壮年男性易发,高血压与高尿酸血症密切相关。肾脏病理牛津分型主要表现为M1E0S1T0,Lee氏分级主要表现为Ⅲ级,伴高尿酸血症患者肾脏病理突出表现为肾小管间质慢性化病变重,肾小球硬化比例增多,伴有肾小球滤过率下降,而血管病变差异不明显。结论 IgA肾病伴高尿酸血症发病率高,牛津分型显示伴有高尿酸血症的IgA肾病其肾小管间质慢性病变更明显,伴有肾小球滤过率下降,临床表现更重。 相似文献
Mitsuru Hara M.D. Yuzo Endo Hiroshi Nihei Shigeko Hara Osamu Fukushima Nobuhide Mimura 《Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology》1980,386(3):249-263
Summary IgA nephropathy with subendothelial deposits in the capillary walls of the glomeruli (IgA type 2) was compared histometrically and clinically with IgA nephropathy without subendothelial deposits (IgA type 1) and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with subendothelial deposits (MPGN). Study cases consisted of 32 biopsies from 26 patients of IgA type 1, 25 biopsies from 20 patients of IgA type 2 and 31 biopsies from 27 patients of MPGN. Histological changes of the glomeruli consisted of an increase in the mesangial matrix and hypercellularity in the mesangium in both types of IgA nephropathy, and the degree of the changes was a little higher in IgA type 2 than in IgA type 1 (0.02<P<0.05). Mesangial changes of MPGN were marked as compared with IgA type 1 and IgA type 2 (P< 0.001). Histometry of the mesangium on the cases followed up showed that the degree of mesangial thickening increased with lapse of time in IgA type 2 and MPGN, whereas it remained unchanged up to 13 years in IgA type 1. Proteinuria tended to be mild in IgA type 1, moderate in IgA type 2, and marked in MPGN. The impairment of renal function was observed in 21.9% of IgA type 1, in 36.0% of IgA type 2 and in 58.1% of MPGN. IgA type 2 has been shown to be pathologically and clinically intermediate between IgA type 1 and MPGN. These results suggest that there is a clinicopathological overlap between IgA nephropathy and MPGN with IgA deposition. 相似文献
Differential binding characteristics of native monomeric and polymeric immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) on human mesangial cells and the influence of in vitro deglycosylation of IgA1 molecules

Gao YH Xu LX Zhang JJ Zhang Y Zhao MH Wang HY 《Clinical and experimental immunology》2007,148(3):507-514
Recent studies had demonstrated that serum and mesangial immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) in patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) were polymeric and deglycosylated. The current study was to investigate the binding characteristics of monomeric and polymeric normal human IgA1 on mesangial cells and the influence of in vitro deglycosylation of IgA1 molecules. The normal human IgA1 was desialylated and degalactosylated with specific enzymes, respectively. The monomeric IgA1 (mIgA1) and polymeric IgA1 (pIgA1) were separated by Sephacryl S-300 chromatography. The binding capacities of the mIgA1 and pIgA1 to primary human mesangial cells (HMC) were evaluated by classical radioligand assay. Both the native mIgA1 and pIgA1 could bind to HMC in a dose-dependent and saturable manner. The maximal binding capacity of the native pIgA1 were significantly higher than that of the native mIgA1 (P < 0.05). However, the affinity of the native mIgA1 was almost 100 times higher than that of the native pIgA1. After deglycosylation, binding of the two deglycosylated mIgA1 to HMC could not be detected. However, the maximal binding capacities of the two deglycosylated pIgA1 to HMC were increased significantly compared with that of native pIgA1. The affinity of the two deglycosylated pIgA1 was similar to that of native pIgA1 (P > 0.05). The current study suggests differential binding characteristics of native monomeric and polymeric IgA1 on mesangial cells. Glycosylation of IgA1 molecules could significantly affect the binding of IgA1 on HMC. 相似文献
IgA肾病是最常见的原发性肾小球疾病,是发展为终末期肾病的主要病因,其病理机制复杂,临床表现多样化,组织形态学改变轻重不一。IgA肾病以肾小球系膜区IgA1沉积为病理特征,肾脏沉积的IgA1分子铰链区O-糖链半乳糖基减少,致使IgA1分子易于自身聚集并沉积在肾小球。糖基化酶缺乏、基因突变、免疫紊乱都可能导致IgA1异常糖基化的发生。IgA1分子的异常糖基化是IgA肾病发病的关键因素,但其具体产生原因和致病机制仍未明确,对IgA1异常糖基化的深入研究有助于了解IgA肾病的发病机制并提供新的治疗方向。 相似文献
IgA nephropathy associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in adults: the pathogenetic role of HBsAG 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Five adult cases of IgA nephropathy associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection were studied. Serum HBsAg and anti-HBc were present in five patients and HBeAg in four patients. Glomerular changes were typical of primary IgA nephropathy in four patients, and a mixed picture of IgA and membranous nephropathy was demonstrated in one patient. Immunofluorescence microscopy using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against HBsAg, HBcAg, and HBeAg revealed mesangial deposits of HBsAg in renal biopsies from four patients. One renal biopsy showed only mesangial and capillary HBcAg by polyclonal antiserum, and virus-like particles were demonstrated in the intramembranous electron-dense deposits on ultrastructural examination. Mesangial HBeAg was not detected in the renal biopsies from these patients with IgA nephropathy. As for the single patient with a mixed picture of IgA and membranous nephropathy, granular deposits of HBeAg with a distribution similar to IgG were detected in the glomerular capillary walls in addition to the mesangial deposition of HBsAg. These findings suggest that HBsAg rather than HBeAg may play a role of the pathogenesis in some of the adult patients with IgA nephropathy associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. 相似文献
Antibodies to polyclonal IgA,IgA1, and IgA2 and isotype-specific immune complexes in IgA nephropathy
C. L. Jones C. S. Hosking P. Kincaid-Smith H. R. Powell S. C. Richardson F. H. Sennhauser D. M. Roberton 《Journal of clinical immunology》1989,9(4):306-312
The concentrations of serum IgG and IgM antibodies to polyclonal IgA (IgAp), IgA1, and IgA2 were determined by enzyme immunoassay in 31 patients with IgA nephropathy and 30 healthy controls. Patients with IgA nephropathy had significantly raised concentrations of serum IgA compared to controls (Mann-WhitneyU test,P=0.001) and increased concentrations of conglutinin-binding IgA immune complexes (P=0.024). No differences in the median concentrations of IgG and IgM anti-IgA antibodies were found between the patients and the controls. In serum samples from healthy controls there was a significant positive correlation between IgM anti-IgAp and IgA immune complex concentrations (P=0.05), which contrasted with the finding of an inverse correlation between IgM anti-IgAp and IgA immune complex concentrations in patients with IgA nephropathy (P<0.05). In addition, the concentrations of conglutinin binding IgM immune complexes in serum were found to correlate with the concentration of IgM anti-IgAp (0.010<P<0.025), IgM anti-IgA1, and IgM anti-IgA2 (P«0.005 for both) in patients with IgA nephropathy but not in controls. IgM anti-IgA antibodies may be important in augmenting the clearance of IgA immune complexes from the serum of patients with IgA nephropathy. 相似文献
GE Silva RS Costa RC Ravinal LN Ramalho MA Reis M Moyses-Neto EA Romao TM Coimbra M Dantas 《Clinics (S?o Paulo, Brazil)》2012,67(7):697-703
The objectives of our study were as follows: 1) to analyze the prognostic value of macrophage infiltration in primary IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and 2) to study the relationship between macrophages and other factors associated with the development of renal fibrosis, including mast cells, TGF-β1, α-SMA and NF-kB.METHODS:
We analyzed 62 patients who had been diagnosed with IgAN between 1987 and 2003. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with monoclonal antibodies against CD68 and mast cell tryptase and polyclonal antibodies against TGF-β1, α-SMA and NF-kB p65. We also used Southwestern histochemistry for the in situ detection of activated NF-kB.RESULTS:
The infiltration of macrophages into the tubulointerstitial compartment correlated with unfavorable clinical and histological parameters, and a worse clinical course of IgAN was significantly associated with the number of tubulointerstitial macrophages. Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated that increased macrophage infiltration was associated with decreased renal survival. Moreover, the presence of macrophages was associated with mast cells, tubulointerstitial α-SMA expression and NF-kB activation (IH and Southwestern histochemistry). In the multivariate analysis, the two parameters that correlated with macrophage infiltration, proteinuria and tubulointerstitial injury, were independently associated with an unfavorable clinical course.CONCLUSION:
An increased number of macrophages in the tubulointerstitial area may serve as a predictive factor for poor prognosis in patients with IgAN, and these cells were also associated with the expression of pro-fibrotic factors. 相似文献13.
A 36 year old man, who had been proteinuric for 14 years due to immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy, was admitted because of an acute exacerbation in renal dysfunction with hypercalcemia. He had presented with aortic regurgitation and increased pulmonary marking by chest X-ray, but laboratory examinations had failed to make an exact diagnosis, On admission, noncaseating epithelioid granulomas were disclosed by muscle and skin biopsies. Ophthalmological evaluation revealed old uveitis and retinal changes conslstent with sarcoidosis. In this case, IgA nephropathy was thought to be the initial manifestation of sarcoidosis that developed latently. Sarcoidosis should be considered in a differential diagnosis of IgA nephropathy. 相似文献
Immunopathological features of palatine tonsil characteristic of IgA nephropathy: IgA1 localization in follicular dendritic cells

C. KUSAKARI M. NOSE T. TAKASAKA R. YUASA M. KATO K. MIYAZONOU T. FUJITAIJ M. KYOGOKU 《Clinical and experimental immunology》1994,95(1):42-48
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is generally thought to be mediated by the glomerular deposition of circulating immune complexes containing IgA as the major antibody component. Upper respiratory infections and tonsillitis often precede IgAN. and in some cases tonsillectomy is affective for the (treatment of IgAN. Thus, the tonsil seems to be a unique organ causing initial and/or progressive events to generate nephritogenic immune complexes in IgAN. in this study we focused on the analysis of immunopathological features of the palatine tonsil characteristic of IgAN patients by using an immunohistochemical technique. The IgAl subclass was demonstrated in follicular dendritic cells (FDC) of the tonsil of IgAN patients, but not in FDC of non-IgAN controls. On the other hand, IgA2, IgG, IgM and C3 did not show any differences in distribution between the two groups. Moreover, the expression of decay-accelerating factor (DAF), an inhibitor of homologous complement activation, and transforming growth factor-beta I (TGF-/β1). an inducer of antibody-producing ceils to IgA class switching, in FDC and interdigitating dendritic cells of the tonsil, respectively, which was also clarified in this study for the first time, was found to be identically distributed in the two groups. These findings may support the idea that IgA1. possibly in an immune complex form, is trapped by FDC and plays an important role in the persistent activation of particular B cell repertoires responsible for ihe onset and/or progression of IgAN. 相似文献
Sato F Narita I Goto S Kondo D Saito N Ajiro J Saga D Ogawa A Kadomura M Akiyama F Kaneko Y Ueno M Sakatsume M Gejyo F 《Tissue antigens》2004,64(1):35-42
Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1, a multifunctional cytokine, which regulates proliferation and differentiation of a variety of cell types, has the central role in the development and progression of renal injury in both animal models and human. Although it has been suggested that genetic variations in the TGF-beta1 gene are associated with the activity of the gene product, their clinical significance in glomerular disease is unknown. We investigated whether the polymorphisms of C-509T and T869C in TGF-beta1 account for interindividual variation in manifestations of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) using 626 Japanese subjects including 329 patients with histologically proven IgAN and 297 healthy controls with normal urinalysis. The frequencies of genotypes, alleles, and major haplotypes were similar between the patients and controls. The C-509T and T869C polymorphisms were in tight linkage disequilibrium, and the major haplotypes were C-C and T-T, which accounted for more than 95% of the total. In patients with -509CC and in those with the 869CC, urinary protein excretion was higher than in those with other genotypes, whereas no difference in other clinical manifestations was noted. Moreover, patients with -509CC and those with 869CC genotypes presented with a significant higher score of mesangial cell proliferation than in those with other genotypes. These results suggest that TGF-beta1 gene polymorphisms are specifically associated with heavy proteinuria and mesangial cell proliferation in Japanese patients with IgAN, although they do not confer susceptibility to this disease. 相似文献
Abnormalities of the IgA immune system in members of unrelated pedigrees from patients with IgA nephropathy. 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1

F P Schena V Scivittaro E Ranieri R Sinico S Benuzzi M Di Cillo L Aventaggiato 《Clinical and experimental immunology》1993,92(1):139-144
In the last few years many investigators have reported the recurrence of primary IgA nephropathy (IgAN) or the presence of persistent microhaematuria and/or proteinuria in family members of patients with IgAN. Our study was undertaken to investigate the relevance of abnormalities in the regulation of the IgA and IgM immune system in microhaematuric and asymptomatic family members of IgAN patients. Fifty-four out of 120 members of nine unrelated pedigrees were examined by urinalysis; polymeric IgA (pIgA), IgA rheumatoid factor (IgARF), IgA1-IgG immune complexes (IgA 1-IgG IC) and IgA 1-IgM IC, and other immunoglobulins were measured in serum samples. Moreover, we studied the production of immunoglobulins, pIgA and IgARF by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in basal conditions and after pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulation. Our data demonstrate that persistent microhaematuria was present in 24% of relatives. High serum levels of IgA, mainly pIgA and IgARF, IgA 1-IgG IC and IgA 1-IgM IC occurred in 66% of relatives. Abnormal spontaneous production of IgA by PBMC and after PWM stimulation was present in 64% of family members. Interestingly, high serum levels of IgM and abnormal production of this immunoglobulin by PBMC were observed in relatives. However, the immunological abnormalities did not correlate in any way with the presence of urinary abnormalities such as microhaematuria, which was most likely determined by an underlying glomerular alteration. 相似文献
上海人群中TAP与IgA肾炎相关性的研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
目的探讨上海人群中抗原处理相关转运蛋白(TAP)与IgA肾炎的相关性。方法用PCR-SSO方法对上海地区88名正常人及40名IgA肾炎患者TAP进行分型。结果在病人组及对照组中共发现3种TAP1(TAP1A、1B、1C)及4种TAP2(TAP2*0101、*0102、*0201、*0202)等位基因。未发现病人组与对照组之间TAP等位基因分布的差异。结论本文结果未能证明TAP基因与IgA肾炎相关,但不排除未检测的多态位点与IgA肾炎关联的可能性。 相似文献
L Layward A C Allen J M Hattersley S J Harper J Feehally 《Clinical and experimental immunology》1994,95(1):35-41
Antibody affinity affects the handling and behaviour of immune complexes, and experimental studies have shown that animals which produce predominantly low-affinity antibody are prone to immune complex deposition resulting in glomerulonephritis. In order to investigate the potential role of antibody affinity in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy, affinity of both IgA and IgG antibody isotypes during secondary response to systemic immunization with tetanus toxoid was studied in 20 patients with IgA nephropathy. Patients with IgA nephropathy produced IgA antibodies of significantly lower affinity than controls (P < 0.001), whereas IgG antibody affinities were similar. Contrasting with controls, patients' IgA antibody affinity was inversely related to antibody concentration, with higher responders producing large amounts of low-affinity antibody. IgG antibody affinity increased with time, and maturation of IgG antibody affinity was similar in both controls and patients. IgA affinity in controls decreased with time, and this lack of IgA affinity maturation may explain the relative unimportance of IgA in normal systemic immunity. This temporal decrease in IgA affinity was not observed in patients with IgA nephropathy. The production of low-affinity IgA in IgA nephropathy may provide an explanation for the predominant deposition of IgA in this disease. 相似文献
Y. Tan J.‐J. Zhang G. Liu H. Zhang M.‐H. Zhao 《Clinical and experimental immunology》2009,156(1):111-116
Recent studies have demonstrated deposition of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in glomeruli of some patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN). The aim of this study is to investigate the levels of urinary sIgA in IgAN patients with different pathological phenotypes and whether it could be used as a non‐invasive biomarker for assessment of kidney injury in IgAN. Urine samples from 202 patients with IgAN were collected on the day of renal biopsy. Forty‐eight fulfilled the histopathological criteria of Haas‐I or II (group 1), 60 fulfilled Haas‐III (group 2) and 94 patients fulfilled Haas‐IV or V (group 3). Urine samples from 60 healthy sex‐ and age‐matched volunteers with negative urinalysis were collected as normal controls. Urinary sIgA was detected by sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and was corrected by urinary creatinine. In comparison with normal controls, the levels of urinary sIgA were significantly higher in IgAN [2·22 (0–43·82) μg/mg Cr versus 1·08 (0–16·49) μg/mg Cr, P < 0·001]. The levels of urinary sIgA were significantly higher in group 3 than that in group 2 and group 1 [3·54 (0–43·82) μg/mg Cr versus 1·63 (0–15·88) μg/mg Cr versus 0·91 (0–11·79), P < 0·001], and group 2 than group 1 (P = 0·014). The levels of urinary sIgA were associated positively with proteinuria (r = 0·443, P < 0·001), serum creatinine (r = 0·376, P < 0·001) and histopathological parameters, such as ratio of global sclerosis (r = 0·356, P < 0·001), ratio of total crescents (r = 0·339, P < 0·001) and ratios of cellular crescents (r = 0·231, P < 0·001). The levels of urinary sIgA were associated closely with histopathological phenotypes of IgAN and might be used as a non‐invasive biomarker to evaluate kidney injury in IgAN. 相似文献
Galactosialidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal disease associated with a deficiency of β-galactosidase and neuraminidase. Described herein is the case of a young adult who had been diagnosed with galactosialidosis at 8 years of age. At the age of 30 years, proteinuria and hematuria appeared and the patient underwent a renal biopsy 1 year later. Light microscopy of the kidney sections indicated fine granular contents in the cytoplasm of glomerular endothelial and epithelial cells, arteriolar smooth muscles and proximal tubular epithelial cells on periodic acid silver–methenamin (PAM) stain. Electron microscopy of these cells indicated enlarged, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes containing 150 nm-wide rods with a fine lattice structure at 66 Å periodicity. Moreover, electron-dense deposits were located in the paramesangial area. Immunofluorescence staining indicated diffuse and global anti-human IgA and C3-positive staining as a mesangial pattern. Given these findings this patient was therefore diagnosed with both galactosialidosis and IgA nephropathy. This is the first report to describe light and electron microscopy observations of storage materials in the kidneys in young/adult galactosialidosis. 相似文献