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目的:观察正畸牙受力1d后的电活力测试值变化。方法:使用数字式全自动无痛牙髓活力测试仪对31名初戴矫治器患者进行受力前及受力1d后的电活力测试,并对受力前后的数值进行比较。结果:563个受检正畸牙中16.52%表现为敏感,各牙位间敏感牙的发生率不是均等的,其中前磨牙区敏感牙数所占比例最高。扭转15°以上的受检牙中48.28%表现为敏感,与其他牙齿相比有显著性差异。结论:正畸牙在受力的初始阶段部分牙齿的牙髓处于充血状态,电活力测试可以检测出牙髓充血严重的正畸牙,为临床判断正畸牙的受力情况提供参考。  相似文献   

牙髓电活力测试是临床检查牙体牙髓病常用的重要方法,但对有金属全冠或体内有心脏起搏装置者忌用。随着口腔门诊设备的改善,牙髓电活力测试仪的品种日益繁多。口腔医师在诊治时戴手套亦日趋普遍。本文旨在观察戴手套与不戴手套时不同电活力测试仪对5种不同状态牙髓进行的测试情况。材料和方法1器材Model牙髓电测仪(美国产,简称大型);Diglog牙髓电测仪(美国产,简称小型);手套(上海乳胶生产厂制作的薄型橡胶手套。2对象与分组第三组:选择12~13岁健康的第二双尖牙100只。(根夫未形成)。第2组:选择20~50岁健康的牙齿100只。(…  相似文献   

秦天牧  徐芸  穆锦全  冯慧  陈文静 《口腔医学》2008,28(11):574-576
目的研究分牙橡皮圈是否会引起健康第一恒磨牙牙髓病变。方法使用数字式全自动无痛牙髓活力测试仪对30例正畸固定矫治患者应用分牙橡皮圈分牙前及分牙后2 h、1 d、3 d、5 d和取出分牙圈后的牙髓电活力测试,并对受力前后的数值进行比较。结果120颗受检健康第一恒磨牙分牙后第1天90.0%表现为敏感,分牙后第3天敏感率为68.3%,此后逐渐降低。分牙后第1天第二恒磨牙已萌出的第一恒磨牙敏感率为93.5%,而第二恒磨牙未萌出的敏感率为61.5%。结论临床使用的分牙圈不会导致第一恒磨牙牙髓病变,但可使牙髓处于敏感状态。  相似文献   

牙齿受到急骤机械力损伤 ,牙髓组织受到不同程度损害 ,伤后牙髓活力监测 ,为临床医师对牙髓治疗方案、时间提供极有意义的依据 ,避免牙外伤后牙髓改变出现牙体变色、牙根吸收、根尖周破坏等并发症。电活力测试是临床判断牙髓状态的重要手段。本文对 16 8颗外伤牙在伤后不同时期牙髓活力进行牙髓电活力测试追踪 ,探讨伤后牙髓状态改变的时间。资料和方法选择 16 8颗外伤牙 ,其中上前牙 97颗 ,下前牙 71颗 ;临床诊断牙震荡 83颗 ,不完全脱位 6 5颗 ,根折 2 0颗。除未进行牙髓处理 ,均进行相应的治疗。应用西安生产YDH -Ⅰ型牙髓电活力测试…  相似文献   

牙外科正畸术对牙髓活力影响的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据50例牙外科正畸手术后2年定期电测及冷测牙髓活力反应、X线检查、牙—颌模型测量观察,探讨了手术对牙髓活力的影响及其影响因素。结果:术后2年时对牙髓活力反应恢复率为79~82%,死髓率为12.8%,在影响牙髓活力因素中,水平截骨线距根尖距离、牙—骨块转位移动为显著影响因素。  相似文献   

目的:观察儿童恒前牙电活力测试的反应值,及反应值与牙根发育的关系。方法:采用自动数字显示电活力检测仪对 256个儿童恒前牙进行测试,并与X线片进行比较。结果:牙根未发育完全的儿童恒前牙,多数是无反应或反应迟钝的反应值;根尖发育完全的牙齿多数是反应正常的反应值;正常反应值的牙数随牙根的逐渐发育而增加。结论:儿童恒前牙电活力测试的反应值与牙根发育状况有关,因而,对牙根未发育完全的儿童恒牙进行电测试,其反应值并不能反映牙髓活力的真实状况。  相似文献   

牙髓电活力测试与牙髓组织病理的对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文系采用美国产全自动型牙髓电活力测试仪临床测试牙髓电活力指数,然后摘取实验牙的牙髓组织作组织病理检查,进行对照研究。结果显示牙髓电活力指数对判断牙髓的状态有一定的辅助诊断意义,与对照牙相比,变性和炎症牙髓需较强刺激才产生反应、研究中发现该仪器判断牙髓死活的灵敏度为92.4%,特异度仅为51.8%。本文就以上结果从理论上进行了探讨。  相似文献   

亚砷酸失活剂失活恒磨牙牙髓电活力测试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘万生 《口腔医学》1998,18(3):156-157
亚砷酸失活剂目前仍是牙科治疗中用于牙髓失活的常用药物,因其失活效果好,牙科医生乐于使用.但因毒性大,作用无自限性,我们在临床使用中必须严格控制用法、用量,掌握好封药时间及适应症.以往我们使用亚砷酸失活剂,都是以复诊时揭髓顶去冠髓有无疼痛为标准,究竟根...  相似文献   

目的:用三种不同方法对近期外伤前牙进行牙髓活力测试,比较其准确性。方法:选择2008~2011年在解放军81医院口腔科就诊的64例上前牙创伤的82颗患牙,分别用冷测、电活力测试、血氧饱和度测试其牙髓活力,并于4、7、14、21、28d、2、3、6月进行复查,与前期结果进行比较分析。结果:0~28d,所有受试牙对冷测及电测均无反应。28d~6月,受试牙对冷测呈阳性反应由31颗上升至75颗,电测组为29颗上升至73颗。0d-6月,血氧饱和度值正常的受试牙数保持不变,为77颗。结论:血氧饱和度测试法对外伤牙的牙髓活力判断准确、可靠。  相似文献   

年轻恒牙牙髓电活力测试的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究年轻恒牙电活力试验多出现假阴性的原因。方法:通过对全颌曲面断层X线片上牙根尖孔宽度的测量。比较不同根尖孔宽度的电活力试验结果。结果:根尖孔宽大者,假阴性率高。随着根尖孔宽度减小,电活力试验的准确度提高,它们之间呈负相关。结论:新生恒牙出现电活力试验假阴性是由于根尖孔面积过大,通过根尖部牙髓单位面积的电流强度相对较小,达不到刺激阈值而产生的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess the results of third molar autotransplantation by using electric pulp testing (EPT) and to determine the correlation of EPT response and bone formation. STUDY DESIGN: Fourteen patients with 22 transplanted teeth were studied. The patients had received autotransplantation of third molars and regularly came for follow-up on the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months. Postoperative clinical assessment included pain, inflammation of surrounding soft tissues, tooth mobility, and the EPT response. Periapical radiographs were subsequently evaluated during follow-up. The correlation between pulpal response to EPT and bone healing was analyzed. RESULTS: Most of the teeth had normal mobility within 3 months, which corresponded to bone formation. Bone healing at the recipient sites completely occurred within 6 months, and more than 50% had lamina dura. The teeth with EPT response increased to 95% within 12 months. There was no significant association between the EPT response and bone formation. CONCLUSIONS: The EPT response subsequently increased with time, and it seemed to be unchanged after 1 year.  相似文献   

Twenty volunteers with first molars free of restorations and caries were recruited. One molar from each arch was selected, and rubber dam was applied. Seven sites on each crown were electric pulp tested 4 times with an Elements Diagnostic Unit, and lowest threshold responses were recorded. Data were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test at the .01 level. The lowest response for both the maxillary and mandibular teeth was with the probe on the mesiobuccal cusp tip. Other sites showed an increase in level from the mesiobuccal cuspal surface, mesiobuccal gingival surface, and the center of the supporting cusps (palatal of maxillary molar, buccal of mandibular molar). No significant difference in responses was found between male and female subjects; however, male subjects responded at higher thresholds than female subjects on all test sites except the mesiobuccal cusp tip. The optimum site for pulp testing first molars is the mesiobuccal cusp tip.  相似文献   

The present study of 2,387 recordings of 12 anterior teeth in 53 patients indicates that the incisal edge is the optimal placement-site for the electric pulp tester to determine the lowest response threshold. The results show significant individual variations in the lowest threshold responses of the cervical-third, middle-third, incisal one-third, and incisal edge sites on a tooth, with a confidence level of 99%, according to the analysis of variance. The maxillary teeth gave a higher response threshold than the mandibular teeth and different types of teeth (canines and incisors) had statistically significant different response thresholds. The application of the electric pulp tester to the incisal-edge region with exposed dentin produced the most significant decrease in the threshold response.  相似文献   

The duration of reaction to cool stimulation was investigated in 185 normal maxillary right and left central and lateral incisors from 55 pediatric patients aged from 6 to 15 years, who were brought to the Department of Pedodontics of Nippon Dental University Hospital, and from 9 students aged from 19 to 20 years in the School of Dental Technology and Hygiene affiliated with Nippon Dental University by using Dichloro-Difluoro-Methane coolants [PULPER (G-C Dental Industrial Corp.) and PULPOFLUORANE (Septodont Co.)] in order to determine the efficacy of thermal pulp testing for mature and immature permanent teeth. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The mean duration of reaction to cool stimulation according to the type of teeth was 0.93 sec for the maxillary left lateral incisors, 0.91 sec for the maxillary left central incisors, 0.88 sec for the maxillary right central incisors and 0.95 sec for the maxillary right lateral incisors, showing no statistically significant difference in the duration between the tooth types. 2) The duration of reaction to cool stimulation according to age was shortened with aging except for the 6-year-old patients. 3) The patients were divided into those 10 years old or younger and those older than 10 years because the tooth roots of the maxillary anterior teeth are developed at 10 years of age. The mean duration of reaction to cool stimulation was 1.02 sec in the group with immature permanent teeth, which consisted of patients aged 10 years or younger, while it was 0.82 sec in the group with mature permanent teeth, which consisted of patients aged 11 years or older.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

AIM: To measure excessive electrical stimulus time during pulp testing via electromyography (EMG) in the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, voice and finger movement, and to determine whether excessive stimulus time could be attenuated by a specially designed automatic circuit breaker on the basis of the EMG signal. METHODOLOGY: The signals from three human responses (EMG, finger and voice), induced by the Digitest (Parkell Inc., Farmingdale, NY, USA) electric pulp tester, were captured using a MP100 (Biopac System Inc., Goleta, CA, USA) and recorded into a personal computer. The excessive stimulus time from activation to the end of electrical stimulation was calculated for each of these three responses. The automatic circuit breaker was designed to disconnect the electrical output of the electric pulp testing (EPT) unit immediately after detecting the preset EMG level (100 mV). Each of the right central incisors and first premolars of 23 healthy individuals (16 males and seven females) was tested to see whether there was a difference in tooth type or gender. This was analysed by Wilcoxon signed rank test (nonparametric paired t-test) and Mann-Whitney test (nonparametric independent t-test), respectively. RESULTS: Amongst three human responses, the electrical onset occurred in the order of EMG, finger and voice. Excessive stimulus time was 347.8 +/- 78.3 ms when observed by the EMG, 264.9 +/- 63.9 ms when observed by finger span and 229.4 +/- 41.8 ms when observed by the voice, which were all found to be significantly different (P < 0.05). When the automatic circuit breaker was used, the excessive stimulus time was 61.0 ms, which was 286.8 ms shorter than that measured from EMG onset when using the conventional EPT. CONCLUSIONS: When the automatic circuit breaker was used, excessive stimulus time on the basis of EMG was attenuated on average by 286.8 ms.  相似文献   

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