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Auditory brain-stem, middle- and long-latency evoked potentials in mild cognitive impairment. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
OBJECTIVE: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a selective episodic memory deficit in the elderly with a high risk of Alzheimer's disease. The amplitudes of a long-latency auditory evoked potential (P50) are larger in MCI compared to age-matched controls. We tested whether increased P50 amplitudes in MCI were accompanied by changes of middle-latency potentials occurring around 50 ms and/or auditory brain-stem potentials. METHODS: Auditory evoked potentials were recorded from age-matched controls (n = 16) and MCI (n = 17) in a passive listening paradigm at two stimulus presentation rates (2/s, 1/1.5 s). A subset of subjects also received stimuli at a rate of 1/3 s. RESULTS: Relative to controls, MCI subjects had larger long-latency P50 amplitudes at all stimulus rates. Significant group differences in N100 amplitude were dependent on stimulus rate. Amplitudes of the middle-latency components (Pa, Nb, P1 peaking at approximately 30, 40, and 50 ms, respectively) did not differ between groups, but a slow wave between 30 and 49 ms on which the middle-latency components arose was significantly increased in MCI. ABR Wave V latency and amplitude did not differ significantly between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The increase of long-latency P50 amplitudes in MCI reflects changes of a middle-latency slow wave, but not of transient middle-latency components. There was no evidence of group difference at the brain-stem level. SIGNIFICANCE: Increased slow wave occurring as early as 50 ms may reflect neurophysiological consequences of neuropathology in MCI. 相似文献
Although there have been extensive anatomical and physiological studies in animals, the actual neural sources, or even the laterality, of some components of auditory brain-stem evoked potentials in humans are uncertain. We studied these responses in a 56-year-old patient who had a clearly demarcated pontine hemorrhage on the right side. The patient was somnolent, with dense left hemiplegia and signs of involvement of right cranial nerves V, VI, and VII. Stimulation of the left ear (ie, contralateral to the lesion) evoked a normal series of waves with clearly resolved positive components peaking at 2.0, 3.3, 4.8 (wave IV), and 6.0 ms (wave V). Stimulation of the right ear (ie, ipsilateral to the lesion) evoked only waves I, III, and IV. These results suggest that a pathway ipsilateral to the stimulated ear is necessary and sufficient for generation of auditory wave V and that wave IV is generated in bilateral pathways. 相似文献
Summary Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) to paired stimuli of various intervals were recorded using a subtraction technique to cancel the first and facilitate recognition of the second response. In a pilot series of 12 experiments, no latency change was encountered with paired click intervals (PCI) of 8 and 6 ms. Thirty healthy subjects were then investigated by presenting single and paired stimuli with a PCI of 4, 3.1, 2.3 and 1.5 ms at a repetition rate of 10/s to each subject. With diminishing PCIs, identification and latency measurement of waves IV and V became increasingly difficult because of marked amplitude reduction. Component III remained identifiable in all but two recordings and showed a statistically significant latency increase and amplitude reduction only when the stimuli were presented 1.5 ms apart. Component I did not show a consistent latency change with any PCI but its amplitude was significantly reduced with 4 ms PCI. These findings differ from those reported when using PCIs of 5 ms or more and when using single stimuli at a high repetition rate, where component V was the most stable. The alterations of evoked potentials found only with a PCI of 1.5 ms are probably of central origin.Presented in part at the 29th conference of the German Neurological Society in Düsseldorf, 11–13 October 1984 相似文献
目的:探讨创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者的脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)变异特点及其与心身症状的关系。方法:对54例PTSD患者进行BAEP检测和心身症状评定,分析BAEP与心身症状的相关性,并与健康人作比较。结果:PTSD患者Pz脑区Ⅲ、Ⅴ波绝对潜伏期和Ⅰ~Ⅲ波间期均延迟,Ⅲ~Ⅴ波间期缩短,Ⅴ/Ⅰ波波幅比下降;症状自评量表(SCL-90)的总分及其躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑因子分,事件影响量表(IES)的总分及其回避、闯入因子分显著高于对照组;Pz脑区BAEP各波的观察指标与大部分心身症状的相关有显著性意义。结论:BAEP检测为PTSD患者的临床辅助诊断提供了一种敏感、客观的电生理学手段。 相似文献
Auditory evoked potentials in anxiety disorder 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The pathophysiology of anxiety has received much recent attention. EEG findings in anxiety are nonspecific, and some changes in psychophysiological measures have been reported. We recorded short-latency brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and long-latency auditory event-related potentials (AEPs) in 12 patients with generalized anxiety disorder. All 12 patients had BAEP latencies within clinical norms, but I-V interpeak latencies were significantly longer in patients with anxiety than controls. N1, N2, P2, and P3 AEP components were within normal limits; N1 and P2 were reduced in amplitude in anxiety patients, but differences from controls were not significant. The BAEP findings may suggest altered brain-stem function in anxiety, which has been implied by biochemical studies of anxiety and depression. AEP differences may be related to difficulties in concentration and attention direction reported by anxious patients. 相似文献
N Kraus O Ozdamar P T Heydemann L Stein N L Reed 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1984,59(4):310-317
Auditory brain-stem response (ABR) was measured in 40 patients (80 ears) with confirmed hydrocephalus. Eighty-eight percent of these patients showed some form of ABR abnormality. Responses indicative of brain-stem dysfunction consisted of prolonged I-V interwave latency (38%), reduced V/I amplitude ratio (33%), and abnormalities in wave-shape of components III (27%) and V (53%). In addition, 70% of the patients had elevated ABR thresholds; 45% had responses in excess of 20 dB HL and the remaining 25% had no ABR activity. The etiology of the hydrocephalus, head circumference and brain-stem symptoms were not associated with particular ABR abnormalities. Communicating hydrocephalus correlated significantly with both prolonged I-V conduction time and absence of ABR activity, compared with non-communicating hydrocephalus. Four of the 9 patients retested showed ABR improvement on follow-up; one patient showed deterioration. The results were compared to our prior studies of ABR in 60 post-meningitic patients and in 100 severely neurologically impaired institutionalized children in whom the incidence of intrinsic brainstem abnormalities was one-third and two-thirds that of the hydrocephalic group, respectively. The results of this study suggest that ABR can be used to document clinically unsuspected brain-stem pathology that may accompany hydrocephalus. Auditory brain-stem dysfunction is likely to complicate the assessment of hearing sensitivity in hydrocephalic patients. 相似文献
D W Loring H S Levin A C Papanicolaou G J Larrabee H M Eisenberg 《The International journal of neuroscience》1984,24(2):133-141
Two evoked potential (EP) techniques and the selective reminding test were employed to investigate an apparently benign forgetfulness in seven elderly subjects and seven age-matched elderly subjects with normal memory. EPs were also recorded in a group of seven young adults. Latency of the P3 component, which has been demonstrated to increase in primary degenerative dementia, displayed the normal age-related variation in both elderly groups, but did not differ between the forgetful subjects and the elderly controls. Further, no difference in the recovery cycle of the EP, as measured in a two tone stimulation paradigm, was present between forgetful and elderly control groups. Reexamination of memory after nearly a year disclosed no evidence of deterioration in either elderly group. These findings suggest that senescent forgetfulness, as defined herein, may be a nonprogressive memory disorder. 相似文献
Cortical auditory evoked potentials (latencies N1 and P2, N1-P2 amplitude, and amplitude/stimulus intensity function) were studied before and after 1 night's total sleep deprivation in 20 drug-free depressed inpatients. Responders to sleep deprivation showed an augmenting pattern on the non-dominant hemisphere and a reducing pattern on the dominant hemisphere. The interhemispheric difference in auditory cortex was also apparent in the group of patients who failed to respond to sleep deprivation, but with values pointing in the opposite direction. The augmenting pattern shown by responders in the nondominant hemisphere may be a predictor of therapeutic response to sleep deprivation and to subsequent treatment with drugs influencing serotonergic pathways. 相似文献
N S Chu 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1985,62(6):431-436
The effects of age on the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials were studied on 156 healthy subjects with ages ranging from 18 to 76 years. The latencies of peaks I-VII and the interpeak latencies of I-III, III-V and I-V were consistently shorter for the female group than the male group. The females also had higher peak amplitude than the males. The effects of sex on the peak and interpeak latencies were observed in all age groups. There was a small progressive prolongation in the peak latency with increasing age, particularly peak V. Although a correlation between the age and the I-III interval was not observed, there was also a small increase with age in the interpeak latencies of III-V and I-V. 相似文献
W Geets N Louette 《Revue d'électroencéphalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique》1983,13(3):253-258
EEG and ipsi/contralateral BEPs have been recorded in 125 cases of concussion at most 48 h after the cerebral trauma. In 100 cases of minor concussion the temporary loss of consciousness lasted not more than 2 min. In 25 cases of mild concussion, the loss of consciousness lasted until their arrival at the hospital. In minor concussions an abnormal EEG was found in 17% of the cases and in mild concussions, in 56%. The abnormalities of the BEP, more often seen in mild concussions (60%) than in minor concussions (8%), are an increase of interpeak latencies or distorted responses with average to bad reproducibility. The results are discussed. 相似文献
Normative amplitude values of brain-stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) components are given for normally hearing subjects at 1, 10, 30, 50 and 70 years of age, with an intragroup age variation of only +/- 6 months. Under these circumstances amplitude standard deviations decreased to less than 20% of the mean values. In contrast with the reduced evolution of latency with age, BAEP amplitude (for components I-V) undergoes a greater oscillation during ontogeny. With the exception of component I, it increased markedly from 1 year to 10 years of age and decreased thereafter constantly up to 50 years, with a mean rate of 10 nV yearly. The decrease slowed down between 50 and 70 years. The amplitude differences between the subgroups are highly significant statistically (P less than 0.01). Possible reasons for these changes are discussed. 相似文献
Auditory brain-stem potentials (ABRs) were studied in cats for up to 6 weeks after kainic acid had been injected unilaterally into the cochlear nucleus (CN) producing extensive neuronal destruction. The ABR components were labeled by the polarity at the vertex (P, for positive) and their order of appearance (the arabic numerals 1, 2, etc.). Component P1 can be further subdivided into 2 subcomponents, P1a and P1b. The assumed correspondence between the ABR components in cat and man is indicated by providing human Roman numeral designations in parentheses following the feline notation, e.g., P2 (III). To stimulation of the ear ipsilateral to the injection, the ABR changes consisted of a loss of components P2 (III) and P3 (IV), and an attenuation and prolongation of latency of components P4 (V) and P5 (VI). The sustained potential shift from which the components arose was not affected. Wave P1a (I) was also slightly but significantly attenuated compatible with changes of excitability of nerve VIII in the cochlea secondary to cochlear nucleus destruction. Unexpectedly, to stimulation of the ear contralateral to the injection side, waves P2 (III), P3 (IV), and P4 (V) were also attenuated and delayed in latency but to a lesser degree than to stimulation of the ear ipsilateral to the injection. Changes in binaural interaction of the ABR following cochlear nucleus lesions were similar to those produced in normal animals by introducing a temporal delay of the input to one ear. The results of the present set of studies using kainic acid to induce neuronal loss in auditory pathway when combined with prior lesion and recording experiments suggest that each of the components of the ABR requires the integrity of an anatomically diffuse system comprising a set of neurons, their axons, and the neurons on which they terminate. Disruption of any portion of the system will alter the amplitude and/or the latency of that component. 相似文献
Long-latency auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were tested in subjects following binaural stimulation with click trains with gradually changing interaural time delays (delta Ts). With appropriate change of the delta Ts this sound signal could produce the sensation of a moving fused auditory image (FI). It was found that the N1-P2 complex of the AEPs rose in amplitude with the increase of the click rate above 15 Hz, and to a greater extent for the moving than for the unmoved FIs. Binaural release from masking (as measured by the binaural masking level difference (BMLD) for the AEPs) amounted to 6 dB for the unmoved FI. For the moving FI the BMLD for the AEPs amounted to 2.8 and 3.5 dB in men and 13.4 and 11.3 dB in women, for the left and right hemispheres respectively. The amplitude of the N1-P2 complex following stimulation with the 'moving' and 'unmoved' sounds was larger in women than in men. 相似文献
Auditory evoked response potentials in somatization disorder 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Event related potentials to frequently and infrequently occurring tones were recorded from 15 patients with somatization disorder, 10 patients with anxiety disorders and 15 normals. P3 component responses were of normal latency and amplitude in the somatizers, which suggests they had no apparent difficulty with certain aspects of processing novel, task-relevant stimuli. However, their N1 component responses to the frequent tones, which subjects had been instructed to ignore, were enhanced relative to each of the other groups. Moreover, there was no difference in N1 amplitude to the two types of tones among the somatizers, whereas each of the other groups had significantly larger N1 amplitudes to the infrequent tones. These preliminary results may suggest that somatization disorder is associated with an impaired ability to filter out and not respond to relatively meaningless afferent stimuli. 相似文献
V Knott Y D Lapierre G Fraser N Johnson 《Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN》1991,16(4):215-220
Neuroimaging studies of behavioral-induced anxiety in non-patients and of lactate-induced anxiety in panic disorder patients have indicated that normal and pathological anxiety may share a common pathway involving the temporal poles. As panic-related anxiety may reflect faulty temporopolar evaluative processing of input, the objective of this study was to examine sensory reactivity in panic disorder patients via scalp recordings of the late auditory evoked 'vertex' potential (LAEP) which appears to have a predominantly temporal lobe origin. Twelve patients diagnosed according to DSM-III criteria as panic disorder and ten normal controls served as subjects in this study. EEG was recorded from 16 scalp sites using a monopolar fronto-occipital derivation and LAEPs were separately averaged in response to four acoustic intensities. Analysis focused on group and electrode-site differences in the negative (N1) and positive (P2) component amplitudes of the LAEPs. Panic disorder patients were found to exhibit significantly larger N1 amplitudes across all stimulus intensities and across all recording sites. No significant group differences were observed with P2. Although the results provide indirect support for a temporal focus, other modulating influences must be considered in data interpretation. 相似文献
Auditory evoked potentials in borderline personality disorder 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Borderline personality disorder is an increasingly recognized condition and frequent management problem in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric practice. Paroxysmal changes in affect and behavior, high incidence of soft neurologic signs and frequent EEG alterations, and evidence of clinical response to antiepileptic drugs have suggested cerebral dysfunction, particularly involving the limbic system or reticular activating system. We recorded early latency brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and long-latency auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) in 20 patients fulfilling DSM-III-R criteria for this disorder. BAEPs were recorded from Cz to ipsilateral and contralateral ear reference, with rarefaction clicks presented at 11.1 per second and 70 dB SL. Two thousand averages were recorded and replicated for each ear, with filter band pass of 150-3000 Hz and 10 ms analysis time. ERPs utilized binaural stimulation with 1000 and 3000 Hz tones in an 80:20 ratio, with interstimulus interval 1.1 second, analysis time 1000 ms, and filter band pass 1-100 Hz. Two hundred averages were recorded and replicated from Cz with linked ear reference. No differences were evident in I-III, III-V, and I-V interpeak latencies between borderline patients and age-matched neurologically and audiologically normal controls. N1, P2, and N2 components of the AEPs were longer in latency and lower in amplitude in borderline patients, while P3 latency was longer and amplitude was attenuated in borderline patients as compared to controls. These findings may suggest differences from normals in attention maintenance and in limbic system function. 相似文献
M W Baik N M Branston P Bentivoglio L Symon 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1990,75(5):433-443
We related intracranial auditory brain-stem evoked potentials (BAEPs) to the surface BAEP using a model of focal brain-stem ischaemia. In 17 baboons anaesthetised with alpha-chloralose, BAEPs were recorded bilaterally at the mastoids and in the caudal lateral lemniscus (LL) and inferior colliculus (IC), in response to monaural click stimulation. Electrodes at these sites were each connected to the positive input of a differential amplifier, and one other electrode, placed at the vertex, was connected to all the negative inputs. Measurements of local cerebral blood flow (CBF) by hydrogen clearance were made at the LL and IC sites. The LL wave form contained 5-7 positive peaks, the second (B wave) being dominant and coinciding with the negative wave II of the surface BAEP. Following graded ischaemia, produced by basilar artery occlusion and controlled hypotension, the latency changes of these two peaks were significantly correlated, as were those of the third wave (C wave) of the LL response and the surface wave III. In the IC, the contralateral wave form contained 4 positive waves (A-D) and a later, dominant, slow negative wave; changes in its peak latency and those of the slow negative surface wave were similarly correlated. The thresholds of local CBF for increases in latency of waves B and C in the LL were similar (12-15 ml/100 g/min), but in the IC the thresholds were 20, 30-35 and 20-24 ml/100 g/min for the B, C and slow negative waves, respectively. Our data indicate that a gradient of sensitivity to ischaemia is present along the brain-stem auditory pathways; this could explain the earlier change of the late, rather than early, BAEP components as reported in clinical cases involving brain-stem lesions. 相似文献