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经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗结直肠癌肝转移瘤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 总结经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗结直肠癌肝转移瘤的效果。方法  42例结直肠癌肝转移者 ,其中单纯灌注化疗 14例 ,化疗栓塞 2 8例。经肝动脉灌注化疗药物 ,碘油药物乳剂和明胶海绵栓塞。结果 完全缓解 (CR) 2例 (4 .8% ) ,部分缓解 (PR) 2 0例 (4 7.6 % ) ,无变化 (NC) 18例(4 2 .9% ) ,进展 (PD) 2例 (4 .8% ) ,有效率 (CR PR) 5 2 .4% (2 2 / 42 )。平均生存期为 16 .4个月。 0 .5、1和 2年的生存率分别为 90 .5 %、6 6 .7%和 2 3.8%。结论 经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗结直肠癌肝转移是一种有效的方法  相似文献   

许多良恶性病变都可以引起肝内钙化,但平片很少能发现肝内钙化,CT为诊断肝肿瘤提供有价值的手段,因其有很高的分辨率,发现肝实质内的钙化比常规X线更敏感。本文在复习文献的基础上报道4例肝转移瘤钙化的情况,以供同道们参考。  相似文献   

胃空肠结肠瘘是胃空肠吻合术后的少见并发症之一,多继发于吻合口溃疡,本症的确切诊断有赖于X线检查,现将我们遇到的4例报告如下,并就其临床,X线表现作扼要讨论,供同道们参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究经门静脉栓塞化疗术(PVCE)治疗结直肠癌肝转移瘤的疗效、生存期及并发症。 方法:80例明确诊断的结直肠癌肝转移瘤患者,分成两组,PVCE组40例,行PVCE术。另外40例行经肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE组)。 结果:PVCE组临床有效率为82.5%,高于TACE组的55.0%,差异有统计学意义。PVCE组40例患者6、12、24个月的生存率分别为:92.5%、62.5%及40.0%,TACE组40例患者6、12、24个月的生存率分别为75.0%、52.5%及22.5%。PVCE组生存情况优于TACE组。 结论:经门静脉介入治疗结直肠癌肝转移瘤疗效确切,生存期优于经肝动脉介入治疗。  相似文献   

目的:研究动脉热灌注化疗联合超选择栓塞治疗不可切除结直肠癌肝转移的效果。 方法:选取2014年1月—2016年7月我科诊治的39例结直肠癌肝转移患者,分为2组,研究组(22例)在肠系膜上动脉、肝固有动脉以51℃灌注化疗1 h,然后超选择至肝脏病灶的供血动脉,进行化疗栓塞。对照组(17例)接受传统的肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)治疗。比较2组的客观有效率、临床获益率及1年生存率。同时记录并比较两组的不良反应。 结果:两组的客观有效率无统计学差异(27.3% vs. 23.5%,P>0.05),临床获益率也无统计学差异(81.8% vs. 76.5%,P>0.05)。但研究组的1年生存率显著高于对照组(63.2% vs. 46.7%,P<0.05)。两组都未出现血管痉挛、闭塞等特殊并发症。 结论:动脉热灌注化疗联合超选择栓塞治疗不可切除结直肠癌肝转移的远期效果优于传统TACE。  相似文献   

肺癌并肝转移的联合介入治疗(附15例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨联合介入治疗肺癌并肝转移的临床效果。方法:对15例晚期肺癌并肝转移的患者,采用经股动脉穿刺插管选择性经支气管动脉和肝动脉进行化疗和/或栓塞术。结果:肺原发灶有效率73.3%(11/15),肝转移灶有效率80.0%(12/15)、肺原发灶合并肝转移灶有效率66.7%(10/15)。半年和1年生存率分别为80%和60%。结论:经支气管动脉和肝动脉联合介入治疗肺癌并肝转移是一种安全、有效的姑息性治疗方法。  相似文献   

恶性骨肿瘤的介入治疗(附20例报告)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
笔者对20例恶性骨肿瘤做了介入治疗,全部病例均经动脉内灌注化疗,并对其中发生于骨盆区域的12例肿瘤加做动脉内栓塞治疗。手术及病理证实:肿瘤均有不同程度的坏死、液化和囊变。笔者认为,在介入治疗中,动脉内栓塞较灌注化疗更为重要,提出了栓塞材料的选择与方法,并认为血管造影有助于肿瘤的良恶性判别。最后对介入治疗后影像学评价和副反应的预防进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨介入治疗结直肠癌肝转移(colorectal liver metastases,CLM)的临床疗效。方法:将77例无法手术切除或切除不完全的CLM分为2组,治疗组39例先行TACE,1周后在CT引导下行瘤体内注射无水乙醇,然后注入超液化碘油与丝裂霉素+阿霉素混合乳剂适量。对照组38例仅行TACE。结果:治疗组CR 4例(10.2%),PR 34例(87.2%),有效率(CR+PR)97.4%,中位生存期为42个月,1年、3年、5年生存率分别为91.7%、45.8%、31.3%。对照组CR 1例(2.6%),PR28例(73.7%),有效率(CR+PR)76.3%,中位生存期为23个月,1年、3年、5年生存率分别为71.0%、22.6%、9.6%。治疗组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。无严重并发症发生。结论:介入治疗是不能根治性切除的肝转移瘤患者的有效治疗方法,综合性介入治疗的有效率和生存率明显优于单纯肝动脉化疗栓塞。  相似文献   

我院自1992年10月~1996年4月,采用肾动脉内灌注化疗药物和栓塞术治疗中晚期肾癌10例,化疗栓塞后均行手术切除,取得了较好的疗效,现将随访结果分析报告如下。临床资料本组10例中男7例,女3例。年龄50~74岁,平均61岁。左肾肿瘤6例,右肾4例。全部病例经超声检查均呈不均质强回声团,最大为10.5cm×15cm,最小为5.0cm×7.5cm,其间均有不规则低回声区;10例均行静脉尿路造影检查:6例患侧肾盂肾盏及输尿管未显影,4例表现为肾盂肾盏破坏和受压变形移位征;8例做了CT扫描和增强扫描…  相似文献   



To evaluate the local tumor control and survival data after transarterial chemoembolization with different drug combinations in the palliative treatment of patients with liver metastases of gastric cancer.

Materials and methods

The study was retrospectively performed. 56 patients (mean age, 52.4) with unresectable liver metastases of gastric cancer who did not respond to systemic chemotherapy were repeatedly treated with TACE in 4-week intervals. In total, 310 chemoembolization procedures were performed (mean, 5.5 sessions per patient). The local chemotherapy protocol consisted of mitomycin alone (30.4%), mitomycin and gemcitabine (33.9%), or mitomycin, gemcitabine and cisplatin (35.7%). Embolization was performed with lipiodol and starch microspheres. Local tumor response was evaluated by MRI according to RECIST. Survival data from first chemoembolization were calculated according to the Kaplan–Meier method.


The local tumor control was: complete response in 1.8% (n = 1), partial response in 1.8% (n = 1), stable disease in 51.8% (n = 29) and progressive disease in 44.6% (n = 25) of patients. The 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival rate from the start of chemoembolization were 58%, 38%, and 23% respectively. The median and mean survival times were 13 and 27.1 months. A Statistically significant difference between patients treated with different chemotherapy protocols was noted (ρ = 0.045) with the best survival time in the mitomycin, gemcitabine and cisplatin group.


Transarterial chemoembolization is a minimally invasive therapy option for palliative treatment of liver metastases in patients with gastric cancer.  相似文献   

大肠癌肝转移介入治疗的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:评价介入治疗大肠癌肝转移的疗效和影响疗效的因素。方法:对80例大肠癌肝转移介入治疗后得到随访患者的生存期和预后因素进行统计分析。结果:0.5,1,2和3年累积生存率分别为100%,75.8%,31.5%和10.8%。单因素分析显示,有意义的预后因素是患者年龄、肿瘤占据率(与全肝比值)、病灶血供丰富与否和碘油沉积情况、原发病灶是否切除以及治疗后病灶大小差别;多因素分析为病灶血供情况和治疗后病灶大小差别。结论:经肝动脉介入治疗是大肠癌肝转移的有效治疗方法。血供较丰富的转移性肿瘤和原发病灶切除是决定疗效的关键。  相似文献   

Fifteen patients with unresectable liver metastases of endocrine tumors (nine carcinoid tumors and six gastrinomas) were treated with an intraarterial emulsion of iodized oil and adriamycin followed by gelatin sponge particles. Therapeutic efficacy was evaluated in terms of hormone levels and tumor size as measured with computed tomography. Six patients showed a reduction in tumor size, and 4 a response in tumor marker levels. All these metastases were derived from primary carcinoid. All cancer-related syndromes disappeared. There were two major complications. The response in these 6 patients lasted from 2 to 39 months. Metastasis from primary gastrinomas did not respond to CE. These results indicate that chemoembolization is useful palliative therapy for patients with hormone-secreting tumors of the liver, particularly in carcinoids Correspondence to: P. Legmann  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer is one of the few malignant tumors in which synchronous or metachronous liver metastases [colorectal liver metastases (CRLMs)] may be treated with surgery. It has been demonstrated that resection of CRLMs improves the long-term prognosis. On the other hand, patients with un-resectable CRLMs may benefit from chemotherapy alone or in addition to liver-directed therapies. The choice of the most appropriate therapeutic management of CRLMs depends mostly on the diagnostic imaging. Nowadays, multiple non-invasive imaging modalities are available and those have a pivotal role in the workup of patients with CRLMs. Although extensive research has been performed with regards to the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography, computed tomography, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance for the detection of CRLMs, the optimal imaging strategies for staging and follow up are still to be established. This largely due to the progressive technological and pharmacological advances which are constantly improving the accuracy of each imaging modality. This review describes the non-invasive imaging approaches of CRLMs reporting the technical features, the clinical indications, the advantages and the potential limitations of each modality, as well as including some information on the development of new imaging modalities, the role of new contrast media and the feasibility of using parametric image analysis as diagnostic marker of presence of CRLMs.  相似文献   

肝动脉内持续灌注治疗结直肠癌术后肝转移瘤   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)/甲酰四氢叶酸钙(CF)经肝动脉持续性灌注治疗结直肠癌肝转移的临床疗效。方法:62例无外科手术指征的结直肠癌肝转移患者,其原发病灶均已作根除术,依据肝动脉内化疗方式不同分为2组:A组32例,采取经皮肝动脉内植入药盒,术后经药盒每个月连续5d持续灌注5-Fu/CF及地塞米松;B组30例,采取每个月1次肝动脉插管大剂量灌注5-Fu/CF。结果:A,B组有效率(完全缓解+部分缓解)分别为50.0%和23.3%(P<0.05)。A组1年,2年生率分别为65.6%,39.3%,B组分别为36.7%,11.5%(P<0.05)。A组1年,2年生存率分别为65.6%,39.3%,B组分别为36.7%,11.5%(P<0.05)。A组生存质量明显改善,肝,胆,胃十二指肠毒性均较B组低。结论:经药盒肝动脉持续性灌注5-Fu/CF并配合地塞米松治疗结直肠癌肝转移可明显改善患者生存质量,提高生存率。  相似文献   

Hepatic arterial embolization has been shown to be a safe and effective method for the palliation of symptoms in patients with metastatic disease, particularly those with secondary deposits from endocrine tumors. This review examines the indications for the procedure, discusses some aspects of technique, and assesses the potential benefits and complications of the method.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌综合介入治疗后存活5年以上56例患者临床分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 分析有关原发性肝癌综合性介入治疗远期疗效的关键因素.方法 回顾性分析56例经综合介入治疗后存活5年以上的肝癌患者的临床治疗和随访资料.结果 介入治疗前患者肿瘤分期Ⅰ期20例,Ⅱ期35例,Ⅲ期1例,肝功能分级Child A级36例,B级20例,C级0例.单发病灶32例,多发病灶24例,弥漫型0例.肿瘤直径≤3 cm、3~5 cm、5~10 cm和>10 cm者分别为10、20、19和7例.肝内原发肿瘤33例(58.9%)采用TACE治疗,23例(41.1%)采用TACE联合其他治疗,其中联合PEI治疗11例,联合射频治疗4例,联合外放疗1例;联合Ⅱ期手术切除7例.随访期间,对24例肝内复发患者和17例远处转移患者行相应治疗,20例次还行并发症的介入治疗.所有患者均存活5年以上,其中3例存活10年以上.结论 肿瘤分期、肝功能状况、治疗中采用规范TACE治疗、TACE联合其他治疗、肿瘤复发和转移治疗以及介入并发症的治疗是提高肝癌综合性介入治疗远期疗效的关键因素.  相似文献   

Liver metastasis is one of the main problems encountered in colorectal cancer management as the liver is the most common metastatic site. Several treatment options are available, among which transarterial chemotherapy has proved effective in achieving some local tumour control, improving the quality of life through symptomatic control as well as survival time. The present paper is intended to provide an overview of the techniques, indications and results of regional chemotherapy, which comprises transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) and chemoperfusion. This treatment approach has symptomatic, palliative, adjuvant and potentially curative objectives. We reviewed the studies involving TACE and chemoperfusion of colorectal liver metastases during the last few years to update the previous reviews published on this subject. The results achieved were so variable, due to the variations in patient selection criteria and regimens used between the different studies. The median survival ranged from 9 to 62 months and the morphological response ranged from 14 to 76%. Technical aspects, results, and complications of this modality will be demonstrated with a detailed analysis and comments.  相似文献   

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