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Comparison of low contrast detectability between a digital amorphous silicon and a screen-film based imaging system for thoracic radiography. 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
R Aufrichtig 《Medical physics》1999,26(7):1349-1358
Low contrast threshold detectability is investigated theoretically and experimentally for an amorphous silicon (a-Si) x-ray detector designed for digital radiography and for a standard thoracic screen-film combination. A theoretical signal-to-noise ratio is described with a human observer signal detection model. It is calculated using the detective quantum efficiency (DQE) and the modulation transfer function of the imaging system, as well as a spatial response function for the human visual system. Using a four-alternative forced choice observer perception study, the threshold contrasts of disk shaped objects ranging in size from 0.3 to 4.0 mm are determined. Significantly better contrast detectability is obtained from the digital detector, which is attributed to its higher DQE. On average, the disk shaped objects can be detected at 45% less contrast than required for screen-film. With no free parameters the experimental data agree well with those predicted by the observer model. Based upon the data, the model predicts that x-ray exposure for the a-Si detector only needs to be 30% of the exposure required to perform equally well on the contrast-detail detectability task using screen-film. 相似文献
A simulation method is described in this work that aids in quantifying the upper limits of lesion detectability as a function of lesion size, lesion contrast, pixel size, and x-ray exposure for digital x-ray imaging systems. The method entails random lesion placement with subsequent simulated imaging on idealized x-ray detectors with no additive noise and 100% quantum detective efficiency. Lesions of different size and thickness were simulated. Mean (expectation) lesion signal-to-noise ratios (LSNRs) were calculated and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed based on LSNR ensembles. Mean (expectation) values of the areas under the ROC curves were calculated for lesions of varying size on pixel arrays of varying size at different exposures. Analyses were performed across several parameters, including lesion size, pixel size, and exposure levels representative of various areas of radiography. As expected, lesion detectability increased with lesion size, contrast, pixel size, and exposure. The model suggests that lesion detectability is strongly dependent on the relative alignment (phase) of the lesion with the pixel matrix for lesions on the order of the pixel size. 相似文献
Solid-state digital x-ray imaging detectors of flat-panel construction will play an increasingly important role in future medical imaging facilities. Solid-state detectors that will support both dynamic (including fluoroscopic) and radiographic image recording are under active development. The image quality of an experimental solid-state digital x-ray image detector operating in a continuous fluoroscopy mode has been investigated. The threshold contrast detail detectability (TCDD) technique was used to compare the fluoroscopic imaging performance of an experimental dynamic solid-state digital x-ray image detector with that of a reference image intensifier television (IITV) fluoroscopy system. The reference system incorporated Plumbicon TV. Results were presented as a threshold detection index, or H(T)(A), curves. Measurements were made over a range of mean entrance air kerma (EAK) rates typically used in conventional IITV fluoroscopy. At the upper and mid EAK rate range (440 and 220 nGy/s) the solid-state detector outperformed the reference IITV fluoroscopy system as measured by TCDD performance. At the lowest measured EAK rate (104 nGy/s), the solid-state detector produces slightly inferior TCDD performance compared with the reference system. Although not statistically significant at this EAK rate, the difference will increase as EAK is lowered further. Overall the TCDD results and early clinical experiences support the proposition that a current design of dynamic solid-state detector produces image quality competitive with that of modern IITV fluoroscopy systems. These findings encourage the development of compact and versatile universal x-ray imaging systems based upon solid-state detector technology to support R & F and vascular/interventional applications. 相似文献
We report the performance of a 41 X 41-cm2 amorphous silicon-based flat panel detector designed for radiographic imaging applications. The detector consists of an array of photodiodes and thin film transistor switches on a 0.2-mm pitch with an overlying thallium-doped cesium iodide scintillator. The performance of the detector was evaluated through measurement of the frequency-dependent detective quantum efficiency [DQE(f)]. Measurements of the characteristic curve and modulation transfer function (MTF) are also reported. All measurements were made in a radiographic imaging mode with a readout time of 125 ms. We evaluated a total of 15 detectors. One detector was characterized at a range of exposures and at three different electronic gain settings. Measurements of DQE(f) and MTF were also performed as a function of position on one detector. The measured DQE at an exposure of about 1 mR was 0.66 at zero spatial frequency and fell smoothly with frequency to a value of 0.24 at the Nyquist frequency, 2.5 cycles/mm. The DQE is independent of exposure for exposures in the upper 80% of each gain range, but is reduced somewhat at lower exposures because of the influence of additive system noise. The reduction can be controlled by adjusting the electronic gain. For a gain that allows a maximum exposure of 5 mR, the DQE at 0.056 mR was 0.64 at zero frequency and 0.19 at 2.5 cycles/mm. The standard deviation in DQE among measurements on different detectors was less than 0.02 at any frequency. The presampling MTF was 0.26 at 2.5 cycles/mm. The standard deviation in MTF among measurements on different detectors was less than 0.01 at any frequency. Both MTF and DQE were substantially independent of position on the detector. 相似文献
Flat-panel (FP) based digital radiography systems have recently been introduced as a new and improved digital radiography technology; it is important to evaluate and compare this new technology with currently widely used conventional screen/film (SF) and computed radiography (CR) techniques. In this study, the low-contrast performance of an amorphous silicon/cesium iodide (aSi/Csl)-based flat-panel digital chest radiography system is compared to those of a screen/film and a computed radiography system by measuring their contrast-detail curves. Also studied were the effects of image enhancement in printing the digital images and dependence on kVp and incident exposure. It was found that the FP system demonstrated significantly better low-contrast performance than the SF or CR systems. It was estimated that a dose savings of 70%-90% could be achieved to match the low-contrast performance of the FP images to that of the SF images. This dose saving was also found to increase with the object size. No significant difference was observed in low-contrast performances between the SF and CR systems. The use of clinical enhancement protocols for printing digital images was found to be essential and result in better low-contrast performance. No significant effects were observed for different kVps. From the results of this contrast-detail phantom study, the aSi/CsI-based flat-panel digital chest system should perform better under clinical situations for detection of low-contrast objects such as lung nodules. However, proper processing prior to printing would be essential to realizing this better performance. 相似文献
The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) and the effective DQE (eDQE) are relevant metrics of image quality for digital radiography detectors and systems, respectively. The current study further extends the eDQE methodology to technique optimization using a new metric of the effective dose efficiency (eDE), reflecting both the image quality as well as the effective dose (ED) attributes of the imaging system. Using phantoms representing pediatric, adult and large adult body habitus, image quality measurements were made at 80, 100, 120 and 140 kVp using the standard eDQE protocol and exposures. ED was computed using Monte Carlo methods. The eDE was then computed as a ratio of image quality to ED for each of the phantom/spectral conditions. The eDQE and eDE results showed the same trends across tube potential with 80 kVp yielding the highest values and 120 kVp yielding the lowest. The eDE results for the pediatric phantom were markedly lower than the results for the adult phantom at spatial frequencies lower than 1.2-1.7 mm(-1), primarily due to a correspondingly higher value of ED per entrance exposure. The relative performance for the adult and large adult phantoms was generally comparable but affected by kVps. The eDE results for the large adult configuration were lower than the eDE results for the adult phantom, across all spatial frequencies (120 and 140 kVp) and at spatial frequencies greater than 1.0 mm(-1) (80 and 100 kVp). Demonstrated for chest radiography, the eDE shows promise as an application-specific metric of imaging performance, reflective of body habitus and radiographic technique, with utility for radiography protocol assessment and optimization. 相似文献
The usefulness of Fourier-based measures of imaging performance has come into question for the evaluation of digital imaging systems. Figures of merit such as detective quantum efficiency (DQE) based on Fourier domain parameters are relevant for linear, shift-invariant systems with stationary noise. However, no digital imaging system is shift invariant, and realistic images do not satisfy the stationarity condition. Our methods for the task-based evaluation of imaging systems, based on signal detectability in the spatial domain, do not require such assumptions. We have computed the performance of ideal and quasi-ideal observers for the task of signal detection in digital radiography. Signal detectability in terms of an observer signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) has been compared to results obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation of the digital image-acquisition process. The simulation incorporates the effects of random amplification and secondary quantum blur, integration over pixel area, and electronic noise. The observer figures of merit that have been previously shown to bracket human performance directly specify the usefulness of the images for the stated diagnostic task. In addition, the observer figures of merit give a task-dependent measure of imaging system efficiency in terms of the ratio of an output SNR2 to an input SNR2. Thus, the concept of "detective quantum efficiency" reappears in a natural way but based in the spatial domain and not dependent on shift invariance and stationarity assumptions. With respect to the optimum amount of system blur, our simulations indicate that under certain task-dependent conditions, large signals are fairly insensitive to blur in the x-ray transducer, while an optimum blur is found for small signals. 相似文献
This paper summarizes the results of research and development of a prototype amorphous selenium digital imaging system. The first phase of this project consists of the preliminary design and fabrication of the system. In this system the conventional film-screen photon receptor is replaced by a charged amorphous selenium imaging plate. After exposure, the latent electrostatic image on the selenium surface is scanned with multiple microelectrometer probes forming a 1024 X 1024 X 12 bit digital image. The second phase investigates the system's physical imaging characteristics and clinical feasibility. X-ray exposure latitude comparable to 200-speed calcium-tungstate film-screen system are shown for three typical diagnostic kVp settings with total filtration of 3 mm aluminum and 9 cm Lucite. Using the modulation transfer function (MTF), resolving power of approximately 1.0 line pair per millimeter and detective quantum efficiency values of approximately 5% have been measured. The clinical evaluation consists of preliminary images of a 16-kg female dog and a 4.5-kg rabbit and comparisons to film-screen images are offered. 相似文献
An energy discriminating x-ray detector has been developed for dual-energy, scan projection digital radiography. The detector is comprised of a pair of x-ray intensifying screen/linear photodiode arrays, aligned one behind the other. Energy discrimination is achieved by employing a low atomic number phosphor in the front screen and a high atomic number phosphor in the back screen. The x-ray response, modulation transfer function, and defective quantum efficiency of the detector are reported along with the experimental methodology utilized for the measurements. Also presented is an analysis which indicates that in a typical patient's lung field, the detector can resolve the projected density (g/cm2) of a 3-mm-thick, 1-cm2 area of bone to better than 1.5%. 相似文献
The spatial frequency dependent detective quantum efficiency (DQE(f)) of a high-resolution selenium-based imaging system has been measured at megavoltage energies. These results have been compared with theoretical calculations. The imaging system was a video tube with a 5 microm amorphous selenium (a-Se) target which was irradiated by 1.25 MeV gamma-rays. The modulation transfer function (MTF) decreased rapidly with spatial frequency (determined by spread of electrons in the build-up material) while the noise power spectrum was constant as a function of spatial frequency. The DQE obtained from these MTF and noise power measurements was compared with a Monte Carlo model of the pulse height spectrum of the detector. The DQE(0) model accounted for the interaction of x rays with the detector as well as the energy-dependent gain (charge generated/energy deposition). Good agreement between the calculated and measured DQE(0) was found. The model was also used to estimate the DQE(f) of a metal plate + a-Se detector which was compared with a metal plate + phosphor system of the same mass thickness. The DQE(f) s of both detectors are very similar, indicating that the choice of which detector is better will be based upon criteria other than DQE(f), such as read-out approach, ease of manufacture or sensitivity. 相似文献
Granfors PR Aufrichtig R Possin GE Giambattista BW Huang ZS Liu J Ma B 《Medical physics》2003,30(10):2715-2726
We measured the physical imaging performance of a 41 x 41 cm2 amorphous silicon flat panel detector designed for angiographic and R&F imaging applications using methods from the emerging IEC standard for the measurement of detective quantum efficiency (DQE) in digital radiographic detectors. Measurements on 12 production detectors demonstrate consistent performance. The mean DQE at the detector center is about 0.77 at zero frequency and 0.27 at the Nyquist frequency (2.5 cycles/mm) when measured with a 7 mm of Al HVL spectrum at about 3.6 microGy. The mean MTF at the center of the detector for this spectrum is 0.24 at the Nyquist frequency. For radiographic operation all 2048 x 2048 detector elements are read out individually. For fluoroscopy, the detector operates in two 30 frame per second modes: either the center 1024 x 1024 detector elements are read out or the entire detector is read out with 2 x 2 pixel binning. A model was developed to predict differences in performance between the modes, and measurements demonstrate agreement with the model. Lag was measured using a quasi-equilibrium exposure method and was found to be 0.044 in the first frame and less than 0.007 after 1 s. We demonstrated that it is possible to use the lag data to correct for temporal correlation in images when measuring DQE with a fluoroscopic imaging technique. Measurements as a function of position on the detector demonstrate a high degree of uniformity. We also characterized dependences on spectrum, exposure level, and direction. Finally, we measured the DQE of a current state of the art image intensifier/CCD system using the same method as for the flat panel. We found the image intensifier system to have lower DQE than the flat panel at high exposure levels and approximately equivalent DQE at fluoroscopic levels. 相似文献
The imaging performance of an amorphous selenium (a-Se) flat-panel detector for digital fluoroscopy was experimentally evaluated using the spatial frequency dependent modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). These parameters were investigated at beam qualities and exposures within the range typical of gastrointestinal fluoroscopic imaging (approximately 0.1 - 10 microR, 75 kV). The investigation does not take into consideration the detector cover, which in clinical use will lower the DQE measured here by its percent attenuation. The MTF was found to be less than the expected aperture response and the NPS was not white which together indicate presampling blurring. The cause of this blurring was attributed to charge trapping at the interface between two different layers of the a-Se. The effect on the DQE was also consistent with presampling blur, which reduces the aliasing in the NPS and thereby reduces the spatial frequency dependence of the DQE. (The DQE was independent of spatial frequency from 0.12 to 0.73 mm(-1) due to antialiasing of the NPS.) Moreover, the first zero of the measured MTF and the aperture response appeared at the same spatial frequency (6.66 mm(-1) for a pixel of 150 microm). Hence, the geometric fill factor (77%) was increased to an effective fill factor of 99 +/- 1%. A large scale ( approximately 32 pixels) correlation in the noise due to the configuration of the readout electronics caused increased noise power in the gate line NPS at low spatial frequency (< 0.1 mm(-1)). The DQE (f = 0) was exposure independent over a large range of exposures but became exposure dependent at low exposures due to the electronic noise. 相似文献
An experimental comparison of detector performance for direct and indirect digital radiography systems 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Current flat-panel detectors either directly convert x-ray energy to electronic charge or use indirect conversion with an intermediate optical process. The purpose of this work was to compare direct and indirect detectors in terms of their modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Measurements were made on three flat-panel detectors, Hologic Direct-Ray DR-1000 (DRC), GE Revolution XQ/i (XQ/i), and Philips Digital Diagnost (DiDi) using the IEC-defined RQA5 (approximately 74 kVp, 21 mm Al) and RQA9 (approximately 120 kVp, 40 mm Al) radiographic techniques. The presampled MTFs of the systems were measured using an edge method [Samei et al., Med. Phys. 25, 102 (1998)]. The NPS of the systems were determined for a range of exposure levels by two-dimensional (2D) Fourier analysis of uniformly exposed radiographs [Flynn and Samei, Med. Phys. 26, 1612 (1999)]. The DQEs were assessed from the measured MTF, NPS, exposure, and estimated ideal signal-to-noise ratios. For the direct system, the MTF was found to be significantly higher than that for the indirect systems and very close to an ideal function associated with the detector pixel size. The NPS for the direct system was found to be constant in relation to frequency. For the XQ/i and DRC systems, the DQE results reflected expected differences based on the absorption efficiency of the different detector materials. Using RQA5, the measured DQE values in the diagonal (and axial) direction(s) at spatial frequencies of 0.15 mm(-1) and 2.5 mm(-1) were 64% (64%) and 20% (15%) for the XQ/i system, and 38% (38%) and 20% (20%) for the DRC, respectively. The DQE results of the DiDi system were difficult to interpret due to additional preprocessing steps in that system. 相似文献
Experiments with an ionisation detector were performed in order to determine whether it was possible to obtain high energy photon beam images for radiotherapy treatment verification. A small prototype detector with a field of view of 78 mm X 78 mm and constructed from printed circuit boards was used. The imaging area was a matrix ionisation chamber, filled with air or liquid (2,2,4-trimethylpentane). A minicomputer was used to control the data acquisition electronics and to reconstruct and restore the images. The images were displayed on a viewing console for computed tomography images. The liquid filled detector with a front-rear board separation of 1.0 mm gave the best results. The spatial resolution was about 3.8 mm with a density resolution of 0.5% for a data acquisition time of 120 s. Comparison of the liquid detector images with corresponding metal screen-film detector images showed that the image qualities were the same. An important advantage of the ionisation detector image is that grey scale modification, sharpening and smoothing by digital processing can easily be performed. 相似文献
In breast tomosynthesis a rapid sequence of N images is acquired when the x-ray tube sweeps through different angular views with respect to the breast. Since the total dose to the breast is kept the same as that in regular mammography, the exposure used for each image of tomosynthesis is 1/N. The low dose and high frame rate pose a tremendous challenge to the imaging performance of digital mammography detectors. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the detector performance in different operational modes designed for tomosynthesis acquisition, e.g., binning or full resolution readout, the range of view angles, and the number of views N. A prototype breast tomosynthesis system with a nominal angular range of +/-25 degrees was used in our investigation. The system was equipped with an amorphous selenium (a-Se) full field digital mammography detector with pixel size of 85 microm. The detector can be read out in full resolution or 2 x 1 binning (binning in the tube travel direction). The focal spot blur due to continuous tube travel was measured for different acquisition geometries, and it was found that pixel binning, instead of focal spot blur, dominates the detector modulation transfer function (MTF). The noise power spectrum (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of the detector were measured with the exposure range of 0.4-6 mR, which is relevant to the low dose used in tomosynthesis. It was found that DQE at 0.4 mR is only 20% less than that at highest exposure for both detector readout modes. The detector temporal performance was categorized as lag and ghosting, both of which were measured as a function of x-ray exposure. The first frame lags were 8% and 4%, respectively, for binning and full resolution mode. Ghosting is negligible and independent of the frame rate. The results showed that the detector performance is x-ray quantum noise limited at the low exposures used in each view of tomosynthesis, and the temporal performance at high frame rate (up to 2 frames per second) is adequate for tomosynthesis. 相似文献
An amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID) has been investigated to determine its usefulness and efficiency for performing linear accelerator quality control checks specific to step and shoot intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Several dosimetric parameters were measured using the EPID: dose linearity and segment to segment reproducibility of low dose segments, and delivery accuracy of fractions of monitor units. Results were compared to ion chamber measurements. Low dose beam flatness and symmetry were tested by overlaying low dose beam profiles onto the profile from a stable high-dose exposure and visually checking for differences. Beam flatness and symmetry were also calculated and plotted against dose. Start-up reproducibility was tested by overlaying profiles from twenty successive two monitor unit segments. A method for checking the MLC leaf calibration was also tested, designed to be used on a daily or weekly basis, which consisted of summing the images from a series of matched fields. Daily images were coregistered with, then subtracted from, a reference image. A threshold image showing dose differences corresponding to > 0.5 mm positional errors was generated and the number of pixels with such dose differences used as numerical parameter to which a tolerance can be applied. The EPID was found to be a sensitive relative dosemeter, able to resolve dose differences of 0.01 cGy. However, at low absolute doses a reproducible dosimetric nonlinearity of up to 7% due to image lag/ghosting effects was measured. It was concluded that although the EPID is suitable to measure segment to segment reproducibility and fractional monitor unit delivery accuracy, it is still less useful than an ion chamber as a tool for dosimetric checks. The symmetry/flatness test proved to be an efficient method of checking low dose profiles, much faster than any of the alternative methods. The MLC test was found to be extremely sensitive to sudden changes in MLC calibration but works best with a composite reference image consisting of an average of five successive days' images. When used in this way it proved an effective and efficient daily check of MLC calibration. Overall, the amorphous silicon EPID was found to be a suitable device for IMRT QC although it is not recommended for dosimetric tests. Automatic procedures for low monitor unit profile analysis and MLC leaf positioning yield considerable time-savings over traditional film techniques. 相似文献
We investigated the effects of imaging and display conditions on the detectability of low-contrast objects in digital subtraction angiographic (DSA) images. The test images were produced by superimposition of low-contrast objects on a uniform noisy background obtained with a DSA system. We employed 18-alternative forced-choice (18-AFC) experiments and predictions based on statistical decision theory to study the dependence of the threshold contrasts of the test objects on the object size, incident x-ray exposure, display window width, and display medium. The results indicated that the threshold contrast decreased with increasing object size, and that the detectability of an object of a given size increased with increasing incident x-ray exposure and decreasing width of the display window. We found that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) obtained from the perceived statistical decision theory model, which includes the observer's internal noise, can accurately predict the detectability of low-contrast objects in DSA images. The threshold SNR corresponding to 50% correct detection in the 18-AFC experiments had a constant value of 3.8, in agreement with results reported previously for screen-film systems. The theoretical model will be useful for prediction of the performance of a DSA system based on its physical characteristics, and for evaluation of the tradeoff between patient exposure and diagnostic accuracy for a given DSA unit. 相似文献