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目的 了解少数民族地区吸毒人群艾滋病抗病毒治疗的疗效及其影响因素。方法 对纳入调查的初治吸毒者进行问卷调查和实验室检测,每隔3个月随访1次,观察半年。结果180名初次抗病毒治疗的吸毒者,治疗后6个月余的127人中,123人检测了CD4T淋巴细胞,有12人(占9.8%)免疫学失败;120名已检测病毒载量的病人中,92人病毒载量降至最低检测限以下,病毒学成功率为76.7%。治疗前CD4〈50个/μL者[比值比(OR)-0.10,95%可信区间(CI:0.03~O.37]容易发生免疫学失败;半年的服药依从性在95%以上(OR=4.58,95%CI=1.87~12.57)、半年医学随访次数在≥7次(OR=3.23,95%CI=1.16~8.98)者,容易获得病毒学成功。结论吸毒人群的抗病毒治疗疗效低于其他人群,开始抗病毒治疗时间较晚、服药依从性差和参加医学随访次数较少,是造成吸毒人群疗效差的主要原因。  相似文献   

62例静脉吸毒艾滋病病人抗病毒治疗疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 通过对62名静脉吸毒艾滋病病人的高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)队列为期1年的观察,了解在治疗不同时间队列的变化情况、免疫学和病毒学指标的变化趋势及治疗效果.方法 2006年6月20日-2007年1月25日期间,纳入了62名初次参加HAART的静脉吸毒艾滋病人,分别在其治疗前、治疗1、6和12个月进行问卷调查和实验室检测.结果 在12个月的随访过程中,共有24人(38.7%)因各种原因退出治疗队列.在坚持治疗的患者中,免疫学成功的患者在治疗不同时间CD4+T淋巴细胞增长在统计学上有明显差异,治疗失败者只在治疗12个月有增长.与基线相比治疗不同时间的病毒载量呈现不断下降趋势,治疗6个月和12个月,分别下降了2.51g拷贝/ml和2.61g拷贝/ml.结论 吸毒人群抗病毒治疗随访队列的终止治疗率较高,抗病毒治疗的免疫学疗效较差,患者自报的服药依从性与疗效不符,结果有偏移.  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆伊犁州示范区吸毒人群HIV/AIDS患者抗病毒治疗效果,并分析影响因素,探索提高吸毒人群艾滋病治疗效果的方案.方法 在新疆伊犁州建立科技重大专项示范化艾滋病抗病毒治疗管理队列,以感染途径为注射吸毒的HIV/AIDS患者为研究对象,分析抗病毒治疗者的治疗效果,并采用COX比例风险模型分析影响治疗效果的因素....  相似文献   

四川省艾滋病抗病毒治疗病人生存时间影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解四川省接受国家推荐治疗方案的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病(AIDS)病人抗病毒治疗后生存时间的影响因素,为进一步改善病人的生存状况,提高抗病毒治疗工作质量提供参考依据。方法利用国家统一使用的Data Fax抗病毒治疗信息收集系统中四川省治疗数据信息,使用SAS 9.1进行相关分析。结果通过筛选此次研究共纳入766例病人,截止研究结束时,有94例病人死于艾滋病相关疾病,占12.3%。Cox比例风险模型分析结果表明,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、基线有无肺部症状、确诊感染到开始治疗的时间,是病人抗病毒治疗后生存时间的影响因素。结论结合抗病毒治疗后病人生存时间的影响因素,在疾病早期开展治疗对病人有更好的生存意义。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省凉山州成人艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病(AIDS)病人(HIV/AIDS病人)中,已接受抗病毒治疗(ART)的病人退出治疗的原因及影响因素,为今后更好地提高民族欠发达地区ART依从性提供依据和参考。方法选取凉山州HIV/AIDS病人退出治疗较严重的两个县作为研究现场,对符合纳入标准的研究对象采用自行设计的问卷进行调查,采用Logistic回归分析相关影响因素。结果 488名调查对象中,退出ART的病人占37.91%(185人),维持ART的病人占62.09%(303人)。能够维持ART的最主要原因是:认为接受ART后可以延长生命的占68.98%(209/303);退出治疗的主要原因是:外出务工领药不方便占30.27%(56/185),强制戒毒停药17.84%(33/185),药物不良反应12.43%(23/185)和由于农忙等原因未去领药11.35%(21/185)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,服药后外出务工[比值比(OR)3.823,95%可信区间(CI):2.384~6.131]、男性(OR=1.839,95%CI:1.133~2.983)、服用过中药(OR=1.836,95%CI:1.097~3.071)、就医不便捷(OR=1.694,95%CI:1.002~2.866)是退出ART的危险因素;而病人在ART过程中得到家人支持(OR=0.250,95%CI:0.093~0.671)、接受过ART服药依从性教育(OR=0.107,95%CI:0.044~0.260)、ART知识(按得分≥5分计)(OR=0.203,95%CI:0.095~0.434)是HIV/AIDS病人退出ART的保护因素。结论针对HIV/AIDS病人退出ART的问题,可通过完善抗病毒治疗的异地转介机制、推进戒毒所内ART的开展、加强ART人群的依从性教育等措施来改善。  相似文献   

目的了解艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS病人)的抗病毒治疗(ART)知识知晓现状以及影响因素,为HIV/AIDS病人的管理和行为干预工作提供依据。方法调查数据来自2013年首都护理学研究专项课题"HIV/AIDS病人参与的‘关爱-支持’管理模式探讨",调查内容为HIV/AIDS病人的人口学信息以及抗病毒治疗相关知识。统计分析采用F检验,对HIV/AIDS病人抗病毒治疗知识知晓情况的差异进行分析。结果 HIV/AIDS病人的抗病毒治疗知识的平均得分为(13.5±1.33)分,最高得分为16分。对抗病毒药认识得分较高,为(3.96±0.41)分,正确用药认识较为薄弱为(2.06±0.62)分。不同发病情况(F=20.21,P=0.00)、医疗保障形式(F=14.16,P=0.00)、婚姻状态(F=6.40,P=0.00)、感染时间(F=3.78,P=0.00)、服药时间(F=2.28,P=0.02)以及确诊地点(F=29.33,P=0.00),对于抗病毒治疗知识知晓的影响有统计学差异。结论健全和完善对于HIV/AIDS病人防治组织,提供更全面、体系的抗病毒治疗知识,增大宣传力度,能遏制艾滋病的传播。  相似文献   

高效抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)的提出和应用,使艾滋病(AIDS)由不可治愈的疾病变成了可治疗的慢性疾病,保证HAART效果要求有良好的服药依从性,中途退出HAART是依从性差的主要表现。文章主要从社会人口学特征、个体因素、治疗相关因素和社会环境4个方面,综合阐述退出HAART的相关影响因素,以期为进一步的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

潘彩芳 《内科》2014,(4):440-442
抗病毒治疗使艾滋病成为可终身治疗的慢性疾病,但需要长期坚持服药,服药依从性差会导致治疗失败,因此依从性在治疗过程中非常重要。本文就有关服药依从性及相关影响因素、提高服药依从性的干预措施及效果等方面对我国艾滋病患者抗病毒治疗服药依从性的研究进行综述,旨在为继续开展相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过查阅相关文献了解并分析注射吸毒人群HIV感染者/AIDS患者(HIV/AIDS)抗病毒治疗的研究现状,为进一步完善我国注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS治疗策略提供参考依据。针对注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS,我国采取了针具交换、阿片类药物替代以及抗病毒治疗等措施治疗并预防新发感染,同时也广泛开展抗病毒治疗效果的评估研究,探讨了相关影响因素并不断优化药物治疗方案。今后需继续扩大检测监测覆盖面,最大限度地发现注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS,并尽早进行抗病毒治疗,提高依从性、降低其病死率。  相似文献   

通过查阅相关文献了解并分析注射吸毒人群HIV感染者/AIDS患者(HIV/AIDS)抗病毒治疗的研究现状,为进一步完善我国注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS治疗策略提供参考依据。针对注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS,我国采取了针具交换、阿片类药物替代以及抗病毒治疗等措施治疗并预防新发感染,同时也广泛开展抗病毒治疗效果的评估研究,探讨了相关影响因素并不断优化药物治疗方案。今后需继续扩大检测监测覆盖面,最大限度地发现注射吸毒人群中HIV/AIDS,并尽早进行抗病毒治疗,提高依从性、降低其病死率。  相似文献   

India's National AIDS Control Organization provides free antiretroviral treatment (ART) to people living with HIV (PLHIV), including members of marginalized groups such as injecting drug users (IDUs). To help inform development of interventions to enhance ART access, we explored barriers to free ART access at government ART centers for IDUs living with HIV in Chennai by conducting three focus groups (n = 19 IDUs) and four key informant interviews. Data were explored using framework analysis to identify categories and derive themes. We found interrelated barriers at the family and social, health-care system, and individual levels. Family and social level barriers included lack of family support and fear of societal discrimination, as well as unmet basic needs, including food and shelter. Health-care system barriers included actual or perceived unfriendly hospital environment and procedures such as requiring proof of address and identity from PLHIV, including homeless IDUs; provider perception that IDUs will not adhere to ART, resulting in ART not being initiated; actual or perceived inadequate counseling services and lack of confidentiality; and lack of effective linkages between ART centers, needle/syringe programs, and drug dependence treatment centers. Individual-level barriers included active drug use, lack of self-efficacy in ART adherence, low motivation to initiate ART stemming from a fatalistic attitude, and inadequate knowledge about ART. These findings indicate that to facilitate IDUs gaining access to ART, systemic changes are needed, including steps to make the environment and procedures at government ART centers more IDU-friendly and steps to decrease HIV- and drug use-related stigma and discrimination faced by IDUs from the general public and health-care providers. Housing support for homeless IDUs and linkage of IDUs with drug dependence treatment are also essential.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence among injecting drug users (IDUs) receiving opioid replacement therapy in a referred office setting, and assess potential needs for hepatitis C treatment and care. METHODS: Data were collected on 178 IDUs receiving opioid replacement therapy who underwent clinical assessment between January 2002 and June 2003. Standard clinic protocols included HCV and hepatitis B virus (HBV) serology, liver biochemistry and HCV RNA analysis for patients with a positive HCV antibody and normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. RESULTS: HCV prevalence was 75.3%, similar for males (75.5%) and females (74.4%), and increased with age from 60.8% for 19-30 years to 93.9% above 40 years. Among patients with HCV antibodies and no prior HCV antiviral therapy (n = 130), 53.1% had normal ALT levels and 25.4% were HCV-RNA negative. Older patients were more likely to have normal ALT levels (P = 0.02), and be HCV-RNA negative (P = 0.02). Younger patients were more likely to have been HBV vaccinated (P < 0.001), however, were less likely to have either vaccine or natural immunity (P = 0.006). Of 97 patients with probable chronic HCV infection, 58 patients met pre-liver biopsy criteria for HCV treatment, 34 had relative contraindications to treatment and 6 had been referred for treatment assessment. CONCLUSION: Clinical characterization in a setting of high HCV prevalence has enabled the differentiation of patients into groups with no evidence of HCV viraemia, with chronic HCV infection, and those most appropriate for HCV treatment referral. These clinical assessments along with appropriate referral should be instituted in drug dependency treatment settings.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of continued injecting drug use, enrolment in an opiate substitution treatment programme (OSTP), or cessation of injecting drug use on the uptake and course of antiretroviral therapy (ART).


A prospective observational study of all participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study followed between 1997 and 2006 was carried out.


We distinguished four groups of former or current injecting drug users (IDUs): (i) abstinent former IDUs; (ii) persons in OSTPs without concomitant injecting drug use; (iii) persons in OSTPs with concomitant injecting drug use; (vi) current IDUs. These groups were compared with a group of patients who had never been IDUs. Factors related to ART uptake and virological endpoints were analysed using logistic generalized estimating equations.


We followed 8660 participants for 48 477 person‐years; 29.7% were in the IDU HIV transmission group. The likelihood of being on ART at biannual visits was lower among individuals in OSTPs with concomitant injecting drug use [odds ratio (OR) 0.79; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71–0.89] and current IDUs (OR 0.80; 95% CI 0.67–0.96), compared with those who had never been IDUs (reference), abstinent former IDUs (OR 1.13; 95% CI 1.02–1.25) and individuals in OSTPs without injecting drug use (OR 1.18; 95% CI 1.06–1.31). The likelihood of suppressed viral replication on ART was similar among those who had never been IDUs, abstinent former IDUs and individuals in an OSTP without injecting drug use, and lower among those in OSTPs with concomitant drug use (OR 0.82; 95% CI 0.72–0.93) and current IDUs (OR 0.81; 0.65–1.00). Adherence to ART was decreased among persons with continued injecting drug use, and correlated with virological outcome.


Uptake of and virological response to ART were improved among abstinent former IDUs and persons in OSTPs without concomitant injecting drug use, compared with persons with continued injecting drug use.



A high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) among HIV‐positive injecting drug users (IDUs) may fuel the TB epidemic in the general population of Romania. We determined the frequency and characteristics of TB in HIV‐infected IDUs referred to a national centre.


Prospective observational cohort study of all newly‐diagnosed HIV‐positive IDUs admitted to Victor Babes Hospital, Bucharest, between January 2009 and December 2014. Socio‐demographics, clinical characteristics and outcomes of HIV/TB co‐infected IDUs were compared to HIV‐positive IDUs without TB.


170/598 (28.5%) HIV‐infected IDUs were diagnosed with TB. The prevalence increased from 12.5% in 2009 to 32.1% in 2014 (P < 0.001). HIV/TB co‐infected individuals had lower median CD4 cell counts 75 (vs. 450/mm3, P < 0.0001) and higher median HIV viral loads 5.6 log10 (vs. 4.9 log10, P < 0.0001) when presenting to healthcare services. 103/170 (60.6%) HIV/TB co‐infected IDUs were diagnosed with pulmonary TB. Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains were common, with 18/105 (17.1%) of patients having Multi‐Drug Resistant (MDR) disease. Higher mortality rate was associated with TB co‐infection (P < 0.0001), extra‐pulmonary TB (P = 0.0026) and extensively drug resistant TB (P = 0.024).


Tuberculosis (TB) is an increasing problem in HIV‐infected IDUs in Romania. Presentation is often with advanced HIV, significant TB drug resistance and consequent outcomes are poor.

Aims To assess the cost‐effectiveness of the CARE‐SHAKTI harm reduction intervention for injecting drug users (IDUs) over a 3‐year period, the impact on the cost‐effectiveness of stopping after 3 years and how the cost‐effectiveness might vary with baseline human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence. Design Economic cost data were collected from the study site and combined with impact estimates derived from a dynamic mathematical model. Setting Dhaka, Bangladesh, where the HIV prevalence has remained low despite high‐risk sexual and injecting behaviours, and growing HIV epidemics in neighbouring countries. Findings The cost per HIV infection prevented over the first 3 years was US$110.4 (33.1–182.3). The incremental cost‐effectiveness of continuing the intervention for a further year, relative to stopping at the end of year 3, is US$97 if behaviour returns to pre‐intervention patterns. When baseline IDU HIV prevalence is increased to 40%, the number of HIV infections averted is halved for the 3‐year period and the cost per HIV infection prevented doubles to US$228. Conclusions The analysis confirms that harm reduction activities are cost‐effective. Early intervention is more cost‐effective than delaying activities, although this should not preclude later intervention. Starting harm reduction activities when IDU HIV prevalence reaches as high as 40% is still cost‐effective. Continuing harm reduction activities once a project has matured is vital to sustaining its impact and cost‐effectiveness.  相似文献   

目的了解在艾滋病病毒(HIV)单阳家庭中,感染者抗病毒治疗(ART)的情况及相关影响因素,以提高单阳家庭HIV感染者ART的依从性。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,对湖南省邵阳市和郴州市146对HIV单阳家庭进行调查,调查内容包括人口学资料、与配偶关系以及对抗病毒治疗的认知和态度;使用SPSS 17.0软件进行资料分析。结果 146对HIV单阳家庭中,感染者平均年龄(42.47±12.13)岁。单阳家庭阴性配偶对HIV感染者早期治疗的接受率(95.9%)高于HIV感染者(87.0%)(χ2=7.393,P=0.007),接受治疗的最主要原因是:认为治疗可以延缓发病、预防配偶感染。结论 HIV单阳家庭配偶双方对ART的接受率均较高,主要影响因素为抗病毒治疗知识的了解及配偶的支持。  相似文献   

Kelantan, a northeastern state in Peninsular Malaysia, is one of the states that has been acutely hit by injecting drug user (IDU)-driven HIV epidemic, in addition to having a high number of infected women in Malaysia. This cross-sectional study describes the socio-demographic characteristics, HIV risk factors, risk perception, and adoption of preventive behaviors among female partners of IDUs in Kelantan. Out of 101 women, the majority of them are from low socioeconomic background and have no other risk factors besides heterosexual HIV transmission from their male IDU partners. Although 45.5% have not been tested for HIV and more than half (53.5%) of them did not use condoms during sexual intercourse, only 44.6% of the women perceived themselves to be at risk of being infected with HIV. Most of the women (86.1%) were willing to undergo voluntary counseling and testing (VCT). Female partners of IDUs continue to be vulnerable to HIV due to having sexual contact with IDUs, and also due to their socioeconomic position in the community. To prevent HIV transmission among female partners of IDUs, consolidating HIV prevention efforts from multiple approaches is needed.  相似文献   

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