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A study was done to find out the vaccination status of the tribal mothers and their under 5 children in some selected villages of Durgapur upazila under Netrakona district. It was a cross sectional study in which 92 tribal mothers and 91 under 5 children were included. The study was carried out in 4 different tribal villages under Netrakona district from February to June 2001. According to National EPI schedule, it was revealed that 58.2% of the children were fully vaccinated, 26.4% incompletely and 15.4% not vaccinated. The individual vaccine coverage was 84.6% for BCG, 68.1% for OPV and DPT, 58.2% for Measles. Considering the literacy, most of the respondents (78.3%) were illiterate and 21.7% had some basic education. None of the mother completed 5 doses of TT coverage. The individual TT coverage was found 78.3% for TT(1), 67.4% for TT(2), 17.4% for TT(3) and 1.1% for TT(4). This study observed that the vaccination status in the tribal children was satisfactory in relation to National coverage, but the vaccination status of the tribal mothers was not satisfactory in our national context.  相似文献   

The study was conducted among school going children (6-14 years) of Baiga, Abuihmadia and Bharia tribes of Madhya Pradesh to assess the prevalence of anaemia and intestinal parasitic infestation among themselves. A total of 776 school going children were included in the study of whom blood samples of all and stool samples of 409 were collected. Their haemoglobin was measured and stool samples were examined under microscope for ova and cysts. The results revealed that 30.3% of the children had severe anaemia (Hb < 7g/dl) and 50% children had intestinal parasites. The most common parasites were hookworn (16.3%) and A lumbricoides (18.5%). Though hookworm ova loads indicated mild to moderate infestation in most of the children, the continued presence of worms in marginally nourished children could contribute significantly to blood loss in the intestine with resultant anaemia.  相似文献   

Nutritional status of 1286 pre-school children selected by a stratified random sampling and residing in urban, rural and slum areas of Chandigarh was assessed by weight for age criteria by making domicilliary visits. The overall prevalence of protein energy mulnutrition (PEM) was found to be 51.6% while 65.4%, 26.3%, 5.3% and 3% of children had grades I, II, II and IV PEM, respectively. The prevalence of malnutrition significantly increased with increase in age till 3rd year, then started declining (P<0.001). The prevalence of PEMwas significantly higher among Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) beneficiaries (53.8%) than non-ICDS beneficiaries (46.9%); P<0.05. More attention and better impetus are required to be given to improve the nutritional status of pre-school children in Chandigarh.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study was carried out in the then IPGM&R now (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh) to detect the pattern of feeding practice among the anemic children who were below 2 years of age and to find out a relationship between feeding practice and iron status. Hemoglobin was measured on finger prick blood samples using Haemoglobinometer. A peripheral blood film, and serum-ferritin was estimated by micro particle enzyme-immonoassay (MEIA). A dietary questionnaire was completed with particular emphasis on the type of feeding, breast and formula and at which age the weaning was introduced. 140 clinically suspected anemic patients were selected randomly for this study. Among them 111 (79.3%) patient had hemoglobin value ranging between 7.2-6.4 gm and their serum-ferritin level at or below 12 ngm/ml. It was observed that female children were predominantly affected and incidentally all patients were malnourished. In this study it was found that babies with an exclusive diet of breast milk were mildly anemic and not deficient in iron. On the contrary infants with mixed feeding habits or prolonged breast-feeding without weaning at all or babies devoid of any breast milk had moderate to severe anaemia and all were deficient in iron.  相似文献   

There were 920 live-births over the period of one year in urban slums (covering 40 anganwadi centres) of Gorakhpur city. Incidence of low birth weight (LBW) babies weighing 2.5 kg or less and those weighing 2 kg or less were 40.7% (19.8% preterm LBW and 80.2% term LBW) and 24% (25.3% preterm LBW and 74.7% term LBW) respectively. Incidence of preterm babies was 8.5%. Infections and respiratory distress were found to be the major killers of LBW babies. The neonatal mortality rate was observed to be significantly high in LBW and preterm babies. Again, babies weighing 2 kg or less and preterm were at greater risk and should be referred to specialised neonatal centres while those weighing 2.001-2.5 kg could be looked after at home by trained personnel in domiciliary newborn care.  相似文献   

目的调查分析近两年来735例健康婴幼儿的维生素A、D营养状况。方法选取2016年6月~2018年6月在我院儿童保健门诊健康查体的婴幼儿共735例;留取每位查体儿童血液80μL以上,利用LK3000VI检测仪,采用电化学发光法检测2种维生素水平。应用SPSS21.0软件进行数据处理。结果血清维生素A水平缺乏和不足率高达60.27%;血清维生素D水平缺乏和不足率高达76.33%。维生素A、D水平无性别差异。按年龄分为3组,各年龄段维生素A、D的均值无显著差异(F=0.243、1.470,P=0.784、0.231)。18月龄的维生素A、D缺乏率显著小于其余两组,1~6月龄与6~18月龄的缺乏率无差异。四个季节间维生素A的均值水平及缺乏率均无差异(F=1.780,P=0.150;χ~2=6.550,P=0.088)。而维生素D均值水平及缺乏率均有显著差异(F=3.983,P=0.008;χ~2=9.765,P=0.021),夏季维生素D水平最高,其余3季之间无差异。近两年度维生素A、D平均水平无差异(t=1.147、-1.119,P=0.252、0.263),但2017年度维生素A、D缺乏率显著低于2016年度。结论泰安地区近两年来健康儿童维生素A、D不足及缺乏比例高,营养状况较差,应加大宣传并合理补充。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦部落区白内障性盲与白内障手术后视力调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查巴基斯坦Orakzai年龄≥50岁人群白内障性盲的发病率和白内障手术的普及率,并评价患者白内障手术后的视力。方法:纳入与样本量成比例的1600例年龄≥50岁的人群,主要观察指标为双眼白内障性盲,即规定较好眼的最佳矫正视力〈3/60,并有明显的晶状体中央混浊或双眼无红光反射。结果:共检查了1549例,普及率为96.8%。在被检查者中,958例(61.8%)为男性。  相似文献   

To compare the RNTCP outreach in the tribal districts with that of non-tribal districts. The annual status reports on RNTCP was analysed to evaluate the performance in tribal districts and non-tribal districts. The case detection parameters were far better in the tribal districts than in the non-tribal districts. Treatment success was almost equal in the tribal districts to that of non-tribal districts.  相似文献   

Immunisation of children by a nurse without a doctor present   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 16 months 148 children were referred by health visitors and general practitioners to a specially trained nurse for failing to complete courses of immunisation. A further 91 children of travellers' families were identified as needing immunisation. The nurse carried out 810 immunisations on 237 of these children in their homes without a doctor being present. There were only two refusals, and one child suffered a mild anaphylactic shock. The cost per immunisation, in nurse's salary and travel expenses, was pounds 8. This is an effective and fairly inexpensive way of achieving uptake of immunisation in such groups of children, and there seems no reason why trained nurses should not give immunisations either in a child health clinic or at home, without a doctor present.  相似文献   

目的 了解乌鲁木齐市2岁以下婴幼儿喂养状况及其影响因素。方法 于2013年5—6月,采用自行编制问卷对新疆医科大学第一附属医院儿保科235位2岁以下体检儿童的家长进行调查。结果 4个月以内婴儿纯母乳喂养率为46.9%,4~6个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率为42.6%。在已断奶的婴幼儿中,60%的婴幼儿断奶时间是6个月之内,断奶时间中位数为6个月。婴儿母亲的文化程度、职业、家庭平均月收入以及婴幼儿是否早产对4个月以内婴幼儿喂养方式无明显影响。53.1%的婴幼儿在4个月内就添加了辅食,85.1%的婴幼儿已经添加了营养素。结论 乌鲁木齐市6个月以内婴幼儿纯母乳喂养率较低,断奶时间过早。存在辅食添加过早及滥用营养素现象。  相似文献   

A total of 860 tribal tea garden women in the Jalpaiguri district were surveyed by means of detailed questionnaires to obtain information of their contraceptive knowledge and practices and also to see the literacy rate among themselves. Analysis was done of their literacy level, family planning awareness, access to information and communication, methods of contraception adopted and utilisation of healthcare facilities. Majority (85%) of the tea garden women including all the age groups were illiterate. The overall contraceptive prevalence was 40.2% but most of the current users (22.6%) subjected to tubal sterilisation for family planning, couples were not enthusiastic about using the reversible methods; 59.7% women had lack of adequate information regarding various contraceptives. Contraceptive practice, as birth spacing method, needs to be given tremendous emphasis in order to improve the reproductive health of the tribal women. Education, information, choices and rights for decision-making only can achieve this.  相似文献   

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