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自体牙移植术是指将牙从一个位置移植到同一个体的另一位置的手术过程,常见的是将埋伏、阻生、错位或异位萌出牙转移到其他需要拔牙部位或缺牙部位的牙槽窝内,或手术制备的牙槽窝内。作为生物相容性最好的修复方式,自体牙移植可以用天然牙恢复牙列缺失、维持牙槽骨的骨量,恢复受牙区正常的牙周组织和牙本体感受,达到“变废为宝”的目的。目前国内外尚缺乏一个公认的、具有可操作性的自体牙移植术的规范化操作流程(包括适应证、禁忌证、术前检查、术前准备、手术步骤、术后治疗及医嘱等)。为了进一步规范自体牙移植术的临床应用,我们结合该领域专家的操作经验,制订了自体牙移植术的规范化操作流程,以期提高自体牙移植术的成功率。  相似文献   

自体牙移植术是将自体牙完整摘出,移植于自身其他部位的缺牙处,是治疗缺牙的方法之一。本文对自体牙移植术在口腔正畸方面的供牙选取、适应证以及移植牙成活的影响因素等进行了综述。  相似文献   

自体牙移植在正畸临床上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自体牙移植术是将自体牙完整摘出,移植于自身其他部位的缺牙处,是治疗缺牙的方法之一。本文对自体牙移植术在口腔正畸方面的供牙选取、适应证以及移植牙成活的影响因素等进行了综述。  相似文献   

遵循正确原则的自体牙移植术可获得较高成功率。更好地促进术后移植牙牙周组织的愈合则是提高成功率的关键。本文就自体牙移植术中牙周组织愈合机制及其预后做一介绍,希望通过对相应知识的深入理解,最终达到促进自体移植牙牙周组织愈合,提高自体牙移植术成功率的目的。  相似文献   

自体牙移植术的研究与临床应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自体牙移植术作为一种临床可选的治疗手段,在牙弓内缺牙或患牙不能保留同时又有合适供牙的情况下,对于保持牙弓完整性有其突出的优势.本文就自体牙移植术的临床应用范围、成功率及其影响因素、相关的牙体牙髓和正畸治疗等方面作一综述.  相似文献   

自体牙移植术是将牙齿从一个位置移植到同一个体的另一位置,包括将埋伏、阻生、或萌出牙齿转移到手术制备的牙槽窝内。其可分为传统移植、牙槽内移植和意向再植,不同类型有其各自的适应证。本文介绍了自体牙移植术相应的检查分析、治疗计划、具体手术操作步骤、影响预后的因素及成功的标准。总之,在适应证选择合适的情况下,自体牙移植术是一种兼具生物学和经济学的治疗方法。  相似文献   

由第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科承办的全军继续医学Ⅰ类教育项目"自体牙移植术与牙再植"将于2015年6月19-20日在陕西省西安市中国人民解放军第四军医大学口腔医院举办。本次学习班针对牙无法保留或缺失,但又具有自体供牙条件的病例,提出开展规范化自体牙移植术的治疗方案。课程将重点介绍自体牙移植术相关的生物学基础,手术适应证,规范化手术操作技术和步骤,各种预后情况以及目前的最新进  相似文献   

自体牙移植术是指将天然牙从一个位置移植到同一个体的另一位置的手术过程,可有效恢复患者的美观和咀嚼功能,是替代缺牙的可行方法。但因缺乏技术规范,成功率不易保障。不同牙位自体牙移植的存活率与成功率存在差异,尖牙的自体牙移植预后最差。应用数字化技术辅助自体牙移植术,可降低手术难度,减少牙周膜损伤,提高移植牙的成功率。本文报告1例牙瘤导致下颌尖牙异位阻生的自体移植病例。  相似文献   

自体牙移植术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牙移植术有自体牙移植术(autotranspl-antation)和异体牙移植术(homotransplan-tation)。早在1954年已有牙移植术的病例报告。异体牙移植虽然研究已久,但效果仍有限。异体牙对受体有抗原性,能使受体发生免疫学现象。但异体牙和其他异体组织比较,可在短期内不被受体爿斥。异体牙移植被排斥的结果主要表现为牙根吸收。牙根未完全形成的异体牙移植,牙根不能继续发育。异体牙移植通过骨性粘连(anky-  相似文献   

在满足适应证条件下,自体牙移植是很多病例值得尝试的选择,良好的牙移植术及围手术期处理会取得超过90%以上的成功预期,自体牙移植术的操作过程应该注意采用微创方法拔除患牙、预备受区和植入供牙,并且术前检查和准备应做到有备无患,术后应采用合理方式固定以及根据牙根发育情况进行根管治疗等,以保证移植牙实现牙周韧带愈合和长期保有良好功能。  相似文献   

王嘉艺  王珊  王林 《口腔医学》2016,(11):1047-1050
正畸治疗中,需要通过正确的诊断来制定治疗方案,而在诊断过程中,精确的影像资料是必不可少的。同时,在必要的时候,也需要运用影像资料来辅助监控治疗过程,提高治疗效果。X线头颅侧位片自1931年由Broadbent推出后,成为了正畸医师临床工作中常用的工具。但它只是三维结构的一个二维影像,具有一定的局限性。上世纪90年代后期,CBCT的出现,使正畸医生从二维时代进入了三维时代。目前,CBCT三维头影测量系统尚未有统一标准,需进一步完善。该文将针对CBCT在口腔正畸学头影测量中的应用与发展作一综述。  相似文献   

The correction of posterior crossbites is more complex than it appears. To develop an appropriate treatment plan, it is first necessary to determine if: (1) there is a functional jaw shift on closing; (2) the crossbite is unilateral or bilateral; (3) it is dental, skeletal, or a combination of both; and (4) it is related only to the maxilla or both jaws. Once the problem's apparent cause has been defined, it is then necessary to select the appropriate modality of treatment, which, in the maxilla, is: (1) usually a removable acrylic-based appliance with 1 or more transverse screws; or (2) a fixed Hyrax-type or Hass-type appliance. In the mandible, if dental expansion is required, the appliances most frequently used are the lip bumper or a removable acrylic-based appliance with a single screw lingual to the incisors. Once the appliance has been placed, it must be determined when adequate expansion has been achieved and how best to retain it.  相似文献   

The Fluoridation War: a Scientific Dispute or a Religious Argument?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Communal water fluoridation is not considered controversial by the vast majority of the scientific community; however, politically it has persisted as an issue that many legislators and community leaders have avoided because of an aura of dispute. it has been a battleground for vigorous opposition by a very small but outspoken minority who have fought it with the dedication of religious zealots. This paper reviews the nature of the opposition, who they are, the broad thrust of their arguments, some of the specific issues they have raised, and their techniques.  相似文献   

随着成人正畸需求的不断发展,舌侧隐形矫正技术已成为口腔正畸学的热点技术。舌侧隐形矫正能实现正畸治疗的"全程美",同时也有生物力学上的一些优势。舌侧隐形矫正与唇侧正畸相比有很多不同之处,在临床应用中须充分注意其中的差异。本文讨论了舌侧隐形矫正技术的力学特点、优缺点、适应证和禁忌证、间接粘接技术和临床粘接、托槽选择、弓形特点、关闭间隙过程的临床特点等内容,包含了舌侧正畸技术的一些最新进展,并用典型临床病例展示舌侧隐形矫正的效果。  相似文献   

The Type II restorative esthetic glass-ionomer cement has not been generally regarded as a useful esthetic restorative. However, as long as its relatively slow-setting chemistry is understood and accepted and provision is made to maintain the water balance for the first 24 hours, it can be just as useful as composite resin. Taking into account the fluoride release, its tissue compatibility, and the chemical union with underlying tooth structure that is available, it is suggested that it has a valuable place in restorative routines. Manufacturers have been encouraged recently to try to produce a fast-setting cement that can be polished at the insertion appointment. A varnish to seal newly placed restorations is supplied by most manufacturers, but these are not completely waterproof. A low-viscosity, single-component, light-activated resin bonding agent has been shown to work satisfactorily as a sealant, and, with its use, it is possible to develop adequate translucency and optimal physical properties in the oral cavity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate features of the successional tooth of the lower first molar. Materials investigated in this study deal with a supernumerary tooth formed at the distolingual deep part to the lower right first molar of a male patient aged twenty-four. It was observed with binocular microscopy and under X-ray. The occlusal surface of it was observed with scanning electron microscopy. Horizontal ground sections of it were prepared and observed with polarizing microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. It is thought that this supernumerary tooth is a true successional tooth of the lower first molar because it was formed at the distolingual deep part to the lower first molar and the fissure of it is Y-shaped and it has five cusps. It is considered that two impressions at buccal and distal surfaces of it isn't original hereditary features but was accidentally formed by pressures of mesial and distal roots of the lower first molar. The rough form of it has most resemblance to the lower second premolar and distal and lingual parts of it are smaller than that of the lower first molar. But fundamental features of the lower first molar are preserved in it. It is thought that the center of the molarization field of human lower successional teeth lies at the successional tooth of the lower first molar because the form of the occlusal surface of it is more complex and functional than those of the lower first and second premolars.  相似文献   

An odontoma is a benign tumor containing all the various component tissues of teeth. Although it is the most common odontogenic tumor, it is usually discovered upon radiographic examination or later in life when it has developed into a cyst causing facial asymmetry and swelling of the face. Here is a case of a cystic complex odontoma associated with an impacted permanent canine.  相似文献   

Although cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) is just 15 years old, it has revolutionized the practice of dentistry, so much so, there is hardly a dental specialty which has not been affected by this technology. Nevertheless, it presents the dentist with a number of important challenges. An initial steep learning curve must be addressed without unnecessary exposure to the patient. This is particularly important when the patient is a child.  相似文献   

颌骨巨细胞修复性肉芽肿(附13例探讨)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颌骨巨细胞修复性肉芽肿临床发病率低,国内文献报道较少,本文对经治的13例进行了临床分析总结。对该病的病因、临床表现、诊断及鉴别诊断、治疗方法等进行了探讨,认为本病是由于炎症或各种刺激因素导致骨腔内及其周围组织出血灶的一种修复性的反应,不是真性肿瘤,但手术方法的选择对预后有直接影响。  相似文献   

Abstract The healthy pulp has good healing potential when it is exposed, although the exact repair mechanism is still undetermined, and it is not material-specific. Calcium hydroxide appears to promote the healing process and is the most widely accepted capping material. Paste-type calcium hydroxide formulations are more consistent in promoting healing of pulp exposures than cement forms where bacterial microleakage is eliminated. The prognosis for pulp capping with calcium hydroxide is good if the pulp has no pre-existing symptoms of pain, and the environment provided for it is suitable. This requires the absence of blood clots and bacterial contamination. Where there are some symptoms of pain in a vital tooth, pretreatments with suitable materials improve the prognosis.  相似文献   

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