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Acrylamide (AA) is a reactive monomer used in many technological applications, but it is the incidental formation during cooking of common starchy foods that leads to pervasive human exposure, typically in the range of 1 μg/kg body weight (bw)/day (d). AA is carcinogenic in multiple organs from both sexes of several rodent models and a consistent body of evidence points to a genotoxic mechanism based on metabolism to a DNA-reactive epoxide, glycidamide (GA). In F344 rats, tumorigenesis occurs in several hormonally regulated tissues (thyroid, mammary gland, and peri-testicular mesothelium), which has prompted speculation about endocrine dysregulation as a possible mechanism. The present study evaluated the effects of a 14 d exposure to AA administered through the drinking water on reproductive tissues and the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes (HPG) axis in male F344 rats. The doses selected encompass a range from approximately 2.5 mg/kg bw/d, which is carcinogenic after lifetime exposure, to 50 mg/kg bw/d, a maximally tolerable dose that causes hind limb paralysis. AA caused significant changes in serum hormones, histopathology, testicular gene expression, and cell proliferation, especially at the highest dose. Despite strong evidence for activation of the HPG axis subsequent to decreases in testosterone levels, and histopathological changes associated with significant effects on Leydig and germ cells, with concomitant mRNA expression changes, the precise mechanism(s) for AA-induced testicular toxicity remains unclear; however, the absence of evidence for increased proliferation of the peri-testicular mesothelium (Ki-67 immunoreactivity) does not support hormonal dysregulation as a contributing factor to the predisposition of this tissue to the carcinogenic effects of AA.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is a widely studied industrial chemical that is neurotoxic, mutagenic to somatic and germ cells, and carcinogenic in rodents. The recent discovery of AA at ppm levels in a wide variety of commonly consumed foods has energized research efforts worldwide to define toxic mechanisms, particularly toxicokinetics and bioavailability. This study compares the toxicokinetics of AA and its epoxide metabolite, glycidamide (GA), in serum and tissues of male and female F344 rats following acute exposure by intravenous, gavage, and dietary routes at 0.1 mg/kg AA or intravenous and gavage routes with an equimolar amount of GA. AA was rapidly absorbed after oral dosing, was widely distributed to tissues, was efficiently converted to GA, and produced increased levels of GA-DNA adducts in liver. GA was also rapidly absorbed, widely distributed to tissues, and produced increased liver DNA adduct levels. AA bioavailability after aqueous gavage was 60--98% and from the diet was 32--44%; however, first-pass metabolism or other kinetic change resulted in much higher internal exposures to GA (2- to 7-fold) when compared to the intravenous route. A similar effect on metabolism to GA following oral administration was previously observed under an identical exposure paradigm in mice. Furthermore, DNA adduct formation in rat liver showed the same proportionality with the respective GA AUC value as did mice in the previous study. These findings suggest that as the AA content in food is reduced, species-differences in GA formation and subsequent DNA adduct formation may be minimized. These findings provide additional information needed to assess genotoxic risks from the low levels of AA that are pervasive in the food supply.  相似文献   

Developmental and behavioral effects of acrylamide in Fischer 344 rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human exposures to acrylamide (ACR), a known neurotoxicant, can occur via a variety of substances, including cigarette smoke and the ingestion of certain carbohydrate-based foods cooked at high temperatures. In this study, Fischer 344 sperm plug-positive female rats were treated daily with ACR (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 or 10.0 mg/kg/day) by gavage beginning on gestation day 7. Dosing of dams ended when litters were born; pups received daily gavage at the same dose as their dam from postnatal day (PND) 1 through PND22. Pups were tested using a battery of behavioral assessments from PNDs 4-22. Statistically significant decreases in body weight were observed in pups exposed to ACR at doses as low as 1.0 mg/kg/day (treatmentxday; repeated measures ANOVA, P<0.0001). No statistically significant differences among treatment groups were observed in righting reflex, forelimb hang, or open field measures of activity. Statistically significant effects of ACR were observed at the 10 mg/kg/day dose on negative geotaxis performance (P<0.01) and a linear trend in fall-time latencies on Rotarod performance on PNDs 21-22 (P<0.05), with higher doses producing shorter latencies. These results suggest that ACR exposure produces deficits in development and motor coordination that are observable before weaning.  相似文献   

Li SX  Cui N  Zhang CL  Zhao XL  Yu SF  Xie KQ 《Toxicology》2006,217(1):46-53
Occupational exposure and experimental intoxication with acrylamide (ACR) produce a neuropathy characterized by nerve degeneration. We hypothesize that ACR differentially affects the expression of bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) tissue. Male adult Wistar rats were given ACR (20, 40 mg/kg i.p. 3 days/week) for 8 weeks. Samples of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, spinal cord and sciatic nerves were collected and examined for bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 expression using Western blotting. Subchronic exposure to ACR reduced cortical bcl-2 expression in the low dose, increased it in the high dose; the change of bcl-2 expression in the spinal cord and cerebellum followed the same pattern as that described in the cerebral cortex; there was no significant change in the expression of bax in the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, however, in the cerebellum the change of bax expression and bcl-2 expression is just the reverse. Thus, the bcl-2/bax ratio of the CNS tissue was affected by exposure to ACR, it decreased in the low dose group and increased in the high group. Compared to control, densitometric analysis showed that in the sciatic nerves the expression of bcl-2 and bax expression was markedly increased following ACR administration. The expression of inactive isoforms (32 kDa) of caspase-3 was not altered in the cortices of ACR-treated rats, but increased in their spinal cords and sciatic nerves. Thus, subchronic exposure to ACR affected the expression of death-related proteins in the CNS and PNS tissue, which indicate there is the early molecular regulatory mechanism of apoptosis in the neuropathy induced by ACR.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is a widely studied industrial chemical that is neurotoxic, mutagenic to somatic and germ cells and carcinogenic in rodents. AA is also formed in many commonly consumed starchy foods during cooking. Our previous toxicokinetic investigations of AA and its important genotoxic metabolite, glycidamide (GA), in rodents showed that AA is highly bioavailable from oral routes of administration, is widely distributed to tissues and that the dietary route, in particular, favors metabolism to GA. Measurements of DNA adducts in many tissues supported the hypothesis that AA is carcinogenic in rodent bioassays through metabolism to GA. The current investigation describes the development and validation of methodology for measuring hemoglobin (Hb) adducts with AA and GA in the same rodents previously used for toxicokinetic and DNA adduct measurements. The goal was to investigate possible relationships between these circulating biomarkers of exposure and serum toxicokinetic parameters for AA and GA and tissue GA-DNA adducts in rodents from both single and repeated dosing with AA. Significant correlations were observed between GA-Hb and liver GA-DNA adducts for either single or multiple dosing regimens with AA. Using available GA-Hb adduct data, empirical and allometric relationships permitted estimation of liver DNA adducts in humans in the range of 0.06-0.3 adducts/10(8) nucleotides. This approach may prove useful in extrapolating human cancer risks from findings in rodent bioassays.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is a widely studied industrial chemical that is neurotoxic, mutagenic to somatic and germ cells, and carcinogenic in mice and rats. AA is also formed during cooking in many commonly consumed starchy foods. Our previous toxicokinetic investigations of AA and its genotoxic metabolite, glycidamide (GA), in rodents showed that AA is highly bioavailable from oral routes of administration, is widely distributed to tissues, and that the dietary route, in particular, favors metabolism to GA. Formation and accumulation of mutagenic GA-DNA adducts in many tissues support the hypothesis that AA is carcinogenic in rodent bioassays through metabolism to GA. The current investigation describes the quantification of 24 h urinary metabolites, including free AA and GA and their mercapturic acid conjugates (AAMA and GAMA, respectively), using LC/MS/MS in F344 rats and B6C3F(1) mice following a dose of 0.1 mg/kg bw given by intravenous, gavage, and dietary routes of administration. Similar groups of rodents were used previously for serum/tissue toxicokinetic and adduct determinations (DNA and hemoglobin). The goal was to investigate relationships between urinary and circulating biomarkers of exposure, toxicokinetic parameters for AA and GA, and tissue GA-DNA adducts in rodents from single doses of AA. Significant linear correlations were observed between urinary levels of AA with AAMA and GA with GAMA in the current data sets for rats and mice. Concentrations of AA and AAMA correlated significantly with average AUC values determined previously for AA in groups of rats and mice similarly dosed with AA. Urinary GA and GAMA concentrations showed significant correlations with average AUC values for GA and liver GA-DNA adducts determined previously in rats and mice similarly dosed with AA. Despite statistical significance, considerable inter-animal variability was observed in all urinary measurements, which limited the degree of correlation with either average toxicokinetic or biomarker data collected from different groups of animals. These results suggest that urinary measurements of AA and its metabolites may be useful for prediction of internal exposures to AA and GA.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine whether alterations in the gene expression or overt histological signs of neurotoxicity in selected regions of the forebrain might occur from acrylamide exposure via drinking water. Gene expression at the mRNA level was evaluated by cDNA array and/or RT-PCR analysis in the striatum, substantia nigra and parietal cortex of rat after a 2-week acrylamide exposure. The highest dose tested (maximally tolerated) of approximately 44 mg/kg/day resulted in a significant decreased body weight, sluggishness, and locomotor activity reduction. These physiological effects were not accompanied by prominent changes in gene expression in the forebrain. All the expression changes seen in the 1200 genes that were evaluated in the three brain regions were ≤ 1.5-fold, and most not significant. Very few, if any, statistically significant changes were seen in mRNA levels of the more than 50 genes directly related to the cholinergic, noradrenergic, GABAergic or glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems in the striatum, substantia nigra or parietal cortex. All the expression changes observed in genes related to dopaminergic function were less than 1.5-fold and not statistically significant and the 5HT1b receptor was the only serotonin-related gene affected. Therefore, gene expression changes were few and modest in basal ganglia and sensory cortex at a time when the behavioral manifestations of acrylamide toxicity had become prominent. No histological evidence of axonal, dendritic or neuronal cell body damage was found in the forebrain due to the acrylamide exposure. As well, microglial activation was not present. These findings are consistent with the absence of expression changes in genes related to changes in neuroinflammation or neurotoxicity. Over all, these data suggest that oral ingestion of acrylamide in drinking water or food, even at maximally tolerable levels, induced neither marked changes in gene expression nor neurotoxicity in the motor and somatosensory areas of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Modulation of endocrine function is frequently a confounding factor in the interpretation of chronic rodent toxicology studies. Of particular interest are agents that cause deviation of thyroid hormone homeostasis and result in thyroid cancer for rodents. An endocrine challenge test (ECT), commonly used to study endocrine organ health in human and veterinary medicine, quantifies the response of the thyroid to tropic hormones. This study compared the response of Fischer (F344) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats to a thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) ECT and a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) ECT and characterized the dose-response curve. TSH, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and prolactin responses were characterized for several doses of TRH over a 4-h time period. Animals were equipped with intra-atrial cannulae and were free moving at all times during blood sampling. Both strains of rats responded to intravenous TRH by releasing TSH into their blood in a dose-responsive fashion. At doses of > or = 100 ng, TSH concentrations were increased by more than 2-fold at 2 min. Concentrations reached a maximum at 15 min for doses of 100 ng/100 g body weight (bw) to 5000 ng/100g bw. The effective dose 50 (ED50) of TRH (that dose causing release of half maximal TSH concentrations) was 61 ng in F344 rats and 78 ng in SD rats. The ED75 was 173 ng and 217 ng/100 g bw, respectively. The response of T4 and T3 after TRH ECT and TSH ECT was highly variable. F344 rats responded with an increase in levels of both hormones, starting at 60 min and continuing through 240 min. In SD rats, the presence of a thyroid hormone response (T4) was present, although that of T3 was not clear. These data provide essential information for design of toxicology studies focused on the effects of toxicants and drugs on the pituitary-thyroid axis.  相似文献   

Oligo-N-acetylglucosamine (OAG) is a hydrolyzed derivative of chitin that has been used as a sweetener in foods. Since, no information has been published about the safety of OAG, a 90-day feeding study was conducted, using F344 Fischer rats of both sexes, to characterize and evaluate the toxicity of OAG, and the results of the study are presented here. Dietary levels of 0% (control), 0.2%, 1%, and 5% OAG did not change any measurements in ophthalmological examinations, clinical signs, body weights, food consumption, hematology, blood biochemistry, urinalysis, necropsies, organ weights or histological examinations. The sole finding, which could not be clarified to be attributed to OAG or not, was a decrease in the relative weight of the submaxillary gland to body weight in the male animals given the 5% OAG diet. Although no lesions were found in either gross or histological examination in the present study, further studies using OAG levels higher than 5% might provide a clue to the mechanisms underlying the decreased organ weight observed here. Taken together, under the conditions in the present study, the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for males was found to be 1% (0.641 g/kg/day); and that for females, 5% (3.64 /kg/day) or more, based on the lack of toxicological effects.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (ACR) is a relatively potent neurotoxicant. The ingestion of carbohydrate-containing foods cooked at high temperature exposes humans to low levels of ACR virtually daily. At relatively high levels of exposure (i.e., sub-chronic through chronic levels of exposure of ≥ 20 mg/kg body weight/day), ACR has been shown in both rats and humans to produce a variety of effects on the nervous system. The possibility that chronic dietary exposure to ACR might produce brain toxicity which could impede the development of learning skills is a question of current concern. This research evaluated the effects of ACR on learning task performance in Fischer 344 rats exposed daily beginning prenatally and continuing throughout the lifespan. Dams were gavaged with ACR since implantation [gestation day (GD) 6] with 0, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 or 5.0 mg/kg/day through parturition. Gavaging continued at the same doses to pups through weaning on post-natal day (PND) 22 after which dosing continued via their drinking water. One male and one female per litter (8–9 per treatment group) were tested. Using an incremental repeated acquisition (IRA) task to assess learning ability, ACR-exposed Fischer 344 rats exhibited altered performance by 4 months of age. From approximately 1–8 months of age (through ~ PND 240), over 52 testing sessions, a significant treatment effect was found on percent task completed (PTC), with Tukey's post-hoc test (P < 0.05) indicating a significantly lower PTC for the 5.0 mg/kg/day group compared to controls. While there was no treatment effect on accuracy (P = 0.53), a significant decrease in response rate was seen at 5.0 mg/kg/day, suggesting that the noted decrease in PTC was due to a decrease in rate of responding, not to an effect on accuracy of task solution. Previous findings in these same animals performing a progressive ratio task for the assessment of motivation, as well as a range of tests of motoric function, suggest that this decreased response rate could be due to subtle motoric effects, or possibly due to decreases in psychomotor speed, but is most likely due to motivational effects.  相似文献   

Cadmium specifically modify amine metabolism at the central nervous system and pituitary hormone secretions. Thus, the physiological functions controlled by these hormones can be modulated by cadmium. This xenobiotic is associated with deleterious effects on the gonadal function and with changes in the secretory pattern of other pituitary hormones like prolactin, ACTH, GH or TSH. The observed changes in pituitary hormone secretion do not correlate with the modifications of central nervous system metabolism of the neurotransmitters involved in their regulation. The accumulative data indicates the existence of a disruption in the regulatory mechanisms of the hypothalamic–pituitary axis. The physiological significance of these effects remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Toxicological effects of acrylamide on differential gene expression profile of rat testis were evaluated. Acrylamide induced morphological sperm defects, and decreased sperm concentration in cauda epididymis. Serum testosterone level and Leydig cell viability were also decreased dose-dependently, which resulted in decreased spermatogenesis. Acrylamide-induced histopathological lesions, such as formation of multinucleated giant cells and vacuolation, and numerous apoptotic cells were observed in seminiferous tubules. cDNA microarray analysis revealed that genes related to testicular-functions, apoptosis, cellular redox, cell growth, cell cycle, and nucleic acid-binding were up/down-regulated in testes isolated from acrylamide-treated group (60 mg/kg/day). Acrylamide toxicity appears to increase Leydig cell death and perturb gene expression levels, contributing to sperm defects and various abnormal histopathological lesions including apoptosis in rat testis.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of ACR monomer include carcinogenesis, cellular genotoxic, and neurotoxicity. In this study, we examined the effect of acrylamide on biochemical and hematologic parameters in Wistar rats and explored the renal and hepatic function of these animals through a complementary anatomopathologic study. For it, thirty female Wistar rats aged 4 weeks and weighing 100?±?10?g were housed six animals per cage and divided as follows: two groups were exposed for 2 months to drinking water containing 5 mg (Group 2) or 10?mg acrylamide (Group 3); one group of 12 rats received the median lethal dose of acrylamide by gavage (Group 4); and the control group (Group 1) received pure water. The results clearly showed that acrylamide affects various biochemical parameters, such as creatinine, urea, and serum globulin levels and the lipid balance, which are directly related to renal and hepatic dysfunction and disruption of the hematologic system. In addition, the data revealed changes in the complete blood count (CBC); significant increases in the number of leukocytes (9.95?±?1.44 and 10.44?±?1.21) and lymphocytes (6.11?±?0.48 and 6.33?±?0.76) in Groups 3 and 4, respectively; and decreases in total protein (88.95?±?6.36), albumin (37.65?±?1.65) and α-1 globulin levels (24.84?±?2.10) in Group 3. The anatomopathologic study confirmed liver damage in the animals administered an acrylamide containing diet compared with those in the control group. The present study confirmed the effects of acrylamide on different hematologic, biochemical and immunologic parameters, with a specific focus on the liver and kidney, and on the induction of neurotoxic disorders. The results showed that oral exposure to acrylamide via drinking water or gavage induces kidney damage, hepatocellular insufficiency and chronic liver disease, resulting in primary immunodeficiency and activation of the immune system following the possible expression of certain immunoreaction genes.  相似文献   

Male and female Fischer 344 rats were maintained on treated drinking water providing dosages of 0 (controls), 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, or 2.0 mg acrylamide/kg body wt/day for 2 years to assess the chronic toxicity and oncogenic potential of the chemical. The mean body weights of male and female rats receiving 2.0 mg/kg/day and of male rats receiving 0.5 mg/kg/day were minimally decreased when compared with controls. During the last 4 months of the study, there was an increase in mortality among male and female rats receiving 2.0 mg/kg/day. A target organ effect, characterized by degeneration of peripheral nerves, was observed in rats receiving 2.0 mg/kg/day. The incidence of several tumor types was increased in the rats receiving 2.0 mg/kg/day when compared with controls. In females, increased tumor incidences were observed in the mammary gland, central nervous system, thyroid gland-follicular epithelium, oral tissues, uterus, and clitoral gland. In males the incidence of tumors of the thyroid gland-follicular epithelium and scrotal mesothelium was increased. Male rats receiving 2.0 mg/kg/day also had increased incidence of central nervous system tumors when compared to historical controls but not when compared to concurrent controls. The only tumor incidence which was significantly increased at the 0.5 mg/kg/day level was scrotal mesothelioma. There was no statistically significant increase of any tumor type at the 0.1 or 0.01 mg/kg/day dose levels. However, the incidence of scrotal mesothelioma at the 0.1 mg/kg/day level was greater than that observed in the control group or historically reported in this laboratory.  相似文献   

Male Fischer 344 rats classified as young (2–4 months), middle-aged (12–15 months) and aged (22–25 months) were administered 600 mg/kg acetaminophen (APAP) IP. Rats were killed 6 and 12 h after dosing, and renal damage evaluated by blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels and histopathology. In addition, plasma levels of APAP and its sulfate and glucuronide conjugates were determined after 6 h. There was no evidence of renal damage in any age group 6 h after APAP. While no nephrotoxicity was present in young animals after 12 h, BUN was elevated 94% and 214% in middle-aged and aged rats, respectively, compared to young animals. At 12 h, APAP-induced renal lesions were more severe in aged rats compared to middle-aged animals. APAP-induced renal damage, as judged by BUN and histopathology, was not altered in young or middle-aged rats following unilateral nephrectomy.Six hours after APAP, both the middle-aged and aged animals had significantly higher plasma levels of APAP and APAP glucuronide compared to young rats. There were similar amounts of the sulfate conjugate in the plasma of each age group. This suggests pharmacokinetic differences could contribute to the age-related increased susceptibility of male Fischer 344 rats to APAP-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

Levels of norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) were measured in eight discrete regions of the hypothalamus in three groups of male rats; genetically obese (fafa), non-obese (FaFa) and castrated non-obese (FaFa). DA levels showed no significant differences among the groups in any of the regions. NE levels in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) were significantly lower in the obese and castrated animals than in the normal animals. In the median eminence (ME), NE levels were significantly decreased for the castrated group. None of the other regions sampled showed significant differences in NE levels.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implicated chronic elevated exposures to environmental agents, such as metals (e.g., manganese, Mn) and pesticides, as contributors to neurological disease. In particular, there is a concern that sensitive subpopulations such as the aged may be at increased risk for the onset of neurologic disorders because elevated exposures to Mn is associated with increased incidence of parkinsonism. Here, we utilized a rat model of pre-parkinsonism to investigate the effects of Mn exposure on neurotoxicity and the exacerbation of parkinsonism. A pre-parkinsonism state was induced using a unilateral intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), followed 4 weeks later by Mn exposure (4.8 mg Mn/kg×3 intraperitoneal injections/week) for 5 weeks. Female Sprague–Dawley rats (n=44) were divided among the following treatments: (A) control, saline/vehicle; (B) Mn only; (C) 6-OHDA only; and (D) 6-OHDA+Mn. Brain Mn levels were measured by ICP–MS. Neurobehavioral function was assessed following Mn exposure using a functional observational battery (FOB) consisting of 10 neurobehavioral tests. Unilateral 6-OHDA lesions produced significant ipsilateral vs. contralateral striatal dopamine depletions (60–70%), but no measurable impairment of neurobehavioral function, thereby substantiating this pre-parkinsonism (i.e., subthreshold) model. In contrast, Mn exposure resulted in significant impairment of neurobehavioral function for eight of the 10 FOB tests. No effects of Mn exposure on striatal dopamine depletion were detected, despite the 3.4-fold increase in brain Mn levels over controls. Notably, Mn exposure in the presence of a pre-parkinsonism state significantly exacerbated the neurobehavioral impairment in the reactivity to handling (P<.049) and hopping contralateral rear limb (P<.033) FOB tests. While the persistence and Mn dose–response relationship of these neurobehavioral effects were not evaluated here, these results nonetheless suggest that chronic Mn exposure may increase the risk of neurobehavioral impairment in subpopulations that are in a pre-parkinsonism state.  相似文献   

Perchlorate, an environmental contaminant, is known to disturb the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis by blocking iodide accumulation in the thyroid. Iodide deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism and goiter in rats. The objective of the study was to characterize the pharmacokinetics of perchlorate in male Sprague-Dawley rats relative to inhibition of thyroidal radiolabeled iodide uptake and onset of up-regulation of the HPT axis. Radiolabeled perchlorate (3.3 mg/kg (36)ClO(-)(4)) was excreted in urine (99.5% over a 48-h period). (36)ClO(-)(4) is rapidly distributed into tissues with preferential sequestration into skin, gastrointestinal tract (GT), and thyroid. Calculated half-lives of (36)ClO(-)(4) from the skin, thyroid, plasma, GT, and GT contents were 32.0, 7.6, 7.3, 10.0, and 8.6 h, respectively. Perchlorate was very effective at inhibiting thyroidal uptake of radiolabeled iodide ((125)I(-)). In animals iv dosed with perchlorate followed by an iv challenge of (125)I(-), thyroidal (125)I(-) uptake was diminished by 11, 29, 55, and 82% at 11 h postdosing in the 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, and 3.0 mg/kg perchlorate dose groups, respectively. In perchlorate drinking water studies, dose-dependent inhibition in thyroidal uptake of (125)I(-) initially occurred with corresponding increases in serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and decreases in thyroid hormone levels. TSH stimulated recovery from the initial perchlorate blocking effects was evident during 14 days of treatment in the 1.0 and 3.0 mg/kg per day treatment groups. However, recovery of serum thyroid hormones at these doses was much slower despite evidence for iodide sufficiency in the thyroid. These results suggest that the typical homeostatic mechanisms of the thyroid may respond differently at high doses of perchlorate used in this rat study (above 1 mg/kg per day) or perchlorate may be acting on the HPT axis by mechanisms other than thyroidal (125)I(-) uptake inhibition.  相似文献   

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