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<正>近年来,价格不菲的多功能理疗保健椅、座垫、床、振荡器、红外理疗仪、理疗贴、理疗灯、理疗裤、理疗背心等保健理疗产品充斥市场,不少老年人认为购买这些产品可以"有病治病,没病防病",加上厂商夸大宣传,使理疗产品变成了"无理疗"和"乱疗",甚至疗出了大问题。理疗不当惹来健康问题六十多岁的患者安某认为自己息上白血病的原因,与使用某含有放射性气体氡的理疗产品密不可分。因此他起诉了这家销售理疗产品的公司,索赔190余万。安某的儿子则称,父  相似文献   

我院历来重视保健工作在医院发展中的作用。面对竞争日趋激烈的医疗市场,院领导瞄准中老年保健这一新的市场,于2001年7月引进了光波能量长生机保健理疗技术,通过光波动负电位理疗,为中老年及亚健康状态人群进行保健,成为国内首家开展该项业务的医院。自开诊至今,已接待顾客5000余人,保健理疗13万余人次,保健理疗效果显著,医院的社会效益和经济效益均得到提高。现结合我们的工作实践,谈几点体会:1中老年健康保健是保健事业发展的趋势,更是具有潜力的医疗市场1.1多种慢性疾病及亚健康症状是影响中老年人健康质量的主要因素我国是一个人口大国,…  相似文献   

用单片机控制的外科理疗牵引仪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种自行设计制造的外科理疗牵引仪。该仪器采用闭环控制方式,在单片机的控制下接收键盘输入和力学传感器输入,驱动电机带动牵引机构实现牵引活动,同时将输入参数和运行状态输出显示,可用于对颈椎和腰椎疾病的治疗。运行表明,该仪器具有快速准确,使用方便,安全可靠等特点。  相似文献   

1 高科技的保健理疗仪器敲开了医疗保健市场大门 当今,具有超前发展意识的医院,都在不断拓展新业务,通过引进高科技的大型设备及高科技人才,使医院的综合服务能力和水平大大提高。于此同时,重医疗轻预防的现象依然存在。引进理疗设备及通过开展理疗保健开拓医疗市场还没有引起医院领导的足够重视;传统的理疗模式,是对症进行局部治疗,是医疗的一种辅助手段,工作显得也有些被动;目前充斥我国理疗保健市场的是品种繁多的小型理疗仪以及五花八门的保健药品。我国是一个人口大国,人口老龄化及如何推进其健康生活已成为一个重要的社会问题,老年病、慢性病以及亚健康群体的康复保健,已成为提高人类生活质量的重要手段。我国的人口老龄化是在经济不十分发达的状态下进入的,老年病、慢性病的普  相似文献   

由中科院上海光机所创建的一所医疗设备有限公司研制成功的WUX-1P型无创伤半导体激光活血保健仪已正式投产并上市。 经有关专家鉴定,该仪性能已达到国际先进水平,能改善心脑血管血液缺氧性疾病的辅助治疗和康复保健,还可对口咽部淋巴系统、神经系统等产生多种生物效应。  相似文献   

贺军成 《自我保健》2011,(11):71-71
9月1日凌晨,著名歌手齐秦在位于北京的家中接受某腱身服务中心的保健师拔罐理疗时,由于保健师操作不慎,意外将酒精洒在齐秦身上,结果引起大火,导致齐秦的背部、面部以及躯干等部位严重烧伤。此事件的发生为热衷于中医传统理疗的人士敲响了安全的警钟。  相似文献   

袁穆 《自我保健》2010,(7):32-33
近年来,随着温泉旅游的兴起,各地建造了不少温泉度假村,成为人们养生保健、理疗健康、沐浴休闲的好去处。温泉不仅让人沐浴感到爽滑舒适,且具有保健疗养的作用。  相似文献   

脉搏血氧饱和度测量精度的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血氧饱和度的检测能够为医生的临床行为提供快速、直接、有效的操作依据,脉搏血氧仪因其能够实现无创和实时连续地对该参数进行检测,而在临床上得到了广泛应用,但是目前市场上的脉搏血氧仪的测量精度有待进一步提高。本综述从血氧饱和度参数测量的理论基础和技术基础出发,深入探讨了影响血氧饱和度测量精度的各项影响因素,为指端脉搏血氧计的性能改进提供了重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

王颖 《药物与人》2014,(8):251-251
随着国内外近年来对针灸医疗技术的深入了解与广泛应用以及物理疗法在社会上的陆续普及,传统针灸与康复理疗在医学体系中的应用被不断扩大,也越来越被广大者所接受。因此,将传统针灸与康复理疗有机结合和联合应用具有广阔的前景。本文就传统针灸与康复理疗进行深入分析,探讨二者能够相互结合的要点,以期推动传统针灸与康复理疗技术的联合应用,并取得临床上保健与康复的更好疗效。  相似文献   

蔡碧 《健康大视野》2006,14(6):78-79
1 ACT diff分析仪的测定原理 属电阻抗法,三分类可提供18个参数。即红细胞、白细胞、白小板和直方图。有的是电脑计算出来的,有的是测量出来的。用于检测血细胞的数量、大小并以进行血细胞分群和构建白细胞、红细胞和血小板的直方图。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the cost-effectiveness of brief physiotherapy intervention versus usual physiotherapy management in patients with neck pain of musculoskeletal origin in the community setting. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted alongside a multicenter pragmatic randomized controlled clinical trial. Individuals 18 years of age and older with neck pain of more than 2 weeks were recruited from physiotherapy departments with referrals from general practitioners (GPs) in the East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire regions in the United Kingdom. A total of 139 patients were allocated to the brief intervention, and 129 to the usual physiotherapy. Resource use data were prospectively collected on the number of physiotherapy sessions, hospital stay, specialist, and GP visits. Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were estimated using EQ-5D data collected at baseline, 3 and 12 months from the start of the treatment. The economic evaluation was conducted from the U.K. National Health System perspective. RESULTS: On average, brief intervention produced lower costs (pounds--68; 95 percent confidence interval [CI], pounds--103 to pounds--35) and marginally lower QALYs (-0.001; 95 percent CI, -0.030 to 0.028) compared with usual physiotherapy, resulting in an incremental cost per QALY of pounds 68,000 for usual physiotherapy. These results are sensitive to patients' treatment preferences. CONCLUSIONS: Usual physiotherapy may not be good value for money for the average individual in this trial but could be a cost-effective strategy for those who are indifferent toward which treatment they receive.  相似文献   

卢宇  盛元相 《医疗装备》2000,13(9):9-10
目的:研究物理疗法辅助治疗小儿肺和支气管炎的方法与临床应用价值。方法:搜集200例小儿肺炎和支气管火,其中第一组150例用物理疗法辅助治疗。第二组50例用单纯药物治疗为了准确评估治疗效果,制定了统一的治疗效果评估标准。结果:第一组(物理疗法)一疗程的治愈率为94%;第二组(单纯药物治)一疗程的治愈率为75.9%p〈0.01,两组治疗方法的治愈率有显著差异。结论:物理疗法辅助治疗小儿肺炎和支气管炎明  相似文献   

卢宇  盛元相 《医疗装备》2000,13(7):13-14
比外线并超短波外耳道疾病的临床应用的治疗价值。方法 本组搜集临床确诊的耳部疾病共计243例。其中第一组用物理疗法163例。第二组单纯临床药治疗80例。对两组病例治疗效果制定统一的评价标准。结果 物理治疗治愈率为88%,显效率 愈率为72%,显效率为85%。结论 物理治疗效果高于药物治疗效果P〈0.01。外耳道疾病的物理治疗法有实用价值。  相似文献   

Stroke tends to result in a range of disabilities which have been shown to benefit from rehabilitation, in particular physiotherapy. Patients tend to have high expectations of the extent of recovery they can achieve through physiotherapy, and subsequently view discharge from physiotherapy before they have achieved that degree of recovery as disappointing and distressing. Current literature suggest that explicit discussion between physiotherapists and patients of the anticipated extent of recovery tends to be avoided during the programme of physiotherapy treatment, making discharge from physiotherapy the point at which potentially differing expectations might be expected to be confronted. This paper explores how the process of discharge is managed and experienced by patients and physiotherapists. It draws on Craib's (1994) ideas about how disappointment is managed in modern society. A qualitative longitudinal study was conducted with 16 stroke patients and their physiotherapists. These data comprise interview and observational material. The study found that the discharge of stroke patients from physiotherapy is not a point when patients' expectations and optimism about recovery are confronted. The notion of natural recovery that was raised with patients by physiotherapists at discharge and the information physiotherapists gave about exercise post-discharge had the effect of maintaining patients' high expectations and hopes about recovery. This has implications for the process of adaptation and adjustment that the patient eventually goes through in order to accommodate their altered abilities and identity. We argue that a number of factors contribute to the denial of disappointment within this interaction and that services need to be developed in ways that enable physiotherapists to engage with the possibility of disappointment about stroke outcome with patients, thereby making a positive contribution to the process of adaptation and adjustment that stroke survivors experience following discharge.  相似文献   

We investigated the experience of ten patients who received video-based physiotherapy at home for two months after a shoulder joint replacement. Videoconferencing took place via the patient's home broadband connection at a bandwidth of 256-768 kbit/s. Qualitative interviews were carried out, transcribed and analysed. Through qualitative content analysis six categories were identified: (1) a different reinforced communication; (2) pain-free exercising as an effective routine; (3) from a dependent patient to a strengthened person at home; (4) closeness at a distance; (5) facilitated daily living; and (6) continuous physiotherapy chain. The access to bodily knowledge, continuity, collaboration and being at home were all aspects that contributed to the patients' recovery. The patients described experiences of safety, and strengthening during their daily exercise routine at home. The frequent interplay with the patient during telerehabilitation made it possible for the physiotherapist to make an individual judgement about each patient; this could be one reason for the positive findings. Home video-based physiotherapy may be useful in other kinds of physiotherapy.  相似文献   

The predictive value of diagnostic tests for faecal incontinence with respect to the outcome of physiotherapy was investigated in a recent study. No obvious predictors were found. This is not surprising. Diagnostic tests are known to exhibit a large overlap with healthy controls. Further, the study was carried out in 15 hospitals, each of which had its own method for performing these tests. Physiotherapy according to a treatment protocol was given by 48 physiotherapists. The Vaizey score was used as the outcome measure and revealed an improvement of 50% or more in 13% of patients. However, some clinical changes important for the patient are missed by this score. The rate of effectiveness for physiotherapy reported in literature is around 70%. This study not only shows that diagnostic tests have little predictive value regarding the outcome of physiotherapy, but, more importantly, that all patients with faecal incontinence should have physiotherapy first. Patients who do not improve should be referred to a specialist for further diagnostics and therapy.  相似文献   

目的:设计一种野战环境下手动充气滴速可调式双囊气压输液装置,对液体输入进行非重力、滴速可调式的输注,以达到适应战场恶劣救治条件、满足不同救治需求的目的。方法:通过介绍手动充气滴速可调式双囊气压输液器的结构组成和工作原理,分析讨论该种输液器的优缺点。结果:手动充气滴速可调式双囊气压输液器结构简单,设计巧妙合理,使用维护方便。结论:该设计具有科学性、可靠性及便捷性特点,适用于野战条件或其他恶劣条件下的伤员救治。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the components of physiotherapy valued by survivors of a stroke. DESIGN--Qualitative study using in-depth interviews. SETTING--Two adjacent districts in North East Thames Regional Health Authority. PATIENTS--82 survivors of stroke taken consecutively from a stroke register when they reached the tenth month after their stroke, 40 of whom agreed to be interviewed. MAIN MEASURES--Content analysis of interviews. RESULTS--Patients who agreed to the interview were significantly less likely to be disabled 12 months after stroke than those who did not. Twenty four patients had received physiotherapy, and these were more disabled than those who had not. Patients appreciated physiotherapy. It was believed to bring about functional improvement; the exercise component was valued because it was perceived to keep them active and busy and exercise programmes to follow at home were also valued for the structure they gave to each day; and therapists were considered a source of advice and information and a source of faith and hope. CONCLUSIONS--Many of the positive aspects of caring which patients described in the context of physiotherapy could be incorporated into the mainstream of rehabilitation care and training. However, health professionals need to be careful not to promote false expectations about recovery. IMPLICATIONS--The outcome of treatment is of critical importance to patients and should become a central dimension of patient satisfaction questionnaires. The impact of physiotherapy is not confined to reducing physical disability but may also affect wellbeing. The choice of outcome measures in rehabilitation research should reflect this situation.  相似文献   

The provision of physiotherapy via general practitioner (GP) 'direct access' arrangements or in primary care itself has become increasingly common in the UK. Evidence on the economics and the cost-effectiveness of alternative methods of organizing access to physiotherapy services is reviewed, and the likely impacts of different organizational models are discussed. GP direct access physiotherapy and primary care provision appear to have a lower average cost than consultant access physiotherapy models, while GP direct access appears to minimize health care resource use per patient. Primary care physiotherapy provision appears to minimize the costs to patients of seeking care, and appears to generate a greater demand for service than other models. The extent to which physiotherapy provision in primary care can substitute for physiotherapy and other resources in the hospital sector is discussed, as is the extent to which patients may benefit from receiving physiotherapy in primary care. It is argued that continued expansion of access to physiotherapy should be critically appraised, and its ability to improve health status compared with that achievable in alternative patient groups who might benefit from physiotherapy in hospital or rehabilitation settings.  相似文献   

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