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Blue nevi are common skin neoplasms that typically present as asymptomatic solitary papules, although they may rarely occur in an agminated configuration. We describe a case of agminated blue nevus in a segmental facial distribution associated with soft tissue hypertrophy and hypertrichosis in a 16‐year‐old boy and present a review of the literature. Although they are generally considered to be benign, concurrent soft tissue changes occurring within an agminated blue nevus should be investigated thoroughly to exclude alternate diagnoses.  相似文献   

There have been few reports about the characteristics of the pigmentary arrangement of congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) and nevus spilus (NS). Though the lines of Blaschko, which don't correspond to other lines such as Langer's lines and skin dermatomes, are well known to be followed by some rare pigmentary disorders, the relationship between these two disorders and the lines of Blaschko has not been discussed. Therefore, through an examination of 200 cases, we investigated whether or not the arrangement of CMN and NS follow the lines of Blaschko. Thirty-nine out of 92 cases (42.4%) of CMN and 67 out of 108 cases (62.0%) of NS were considered to follow the lines of Blaschko. Today, the idea is widely accepted that two functionally different cells proliferate during early embryogenesis of the skin which is caused from mosaicism and, as a result, the lines of Blaschko appear visually. In our results, we found that there were some cases of CMN and NS which showed a relationship with the lines of Blaschko, which is meaningful considering that the lesions and the lines are both related to pigmentary gene anomalies. The result was compared with CMN and NS by the chi(2) test. NS showed a predominant tendency to follow the lines with a significant difference (P = 0.0055). This may indicate that the lines of Blaschko reflect more clearly the proliferation of the epidermal cells than other cells in growth of the skin of the embryo. Further studies are required to elucidate the reason why some cases follow these lines and others do not.  相似文献   

Issues of health equity are rightfully in the national spotlight. Here we present a narrative piece on the sacred importance of hair and its ties to cultural identity among many Native communities in the United States. We introduce unique values ascribed to hair in some Native cultures, and include examples of how hair has played an important role in both abuse and generational trauma for many individuals and families. By sharing experiences, we hope to illuminate perspectives often underrepresented, and to enable more culturally humble, responsive, and informed dermatologic care.  相似文献   

Hair loss and thinning are possible complications in those undergoing endocrine therapies with aromatase inhibitors. Alopecia in pediatric patients undergoing endocrine therapy has not been previously reported. We describe two adolescents, 14 and 16 years of age, who developed androgenetic alopecia following treatment with anastrozole for idiopathic short stature. Accordingly, the possible adverse event of alopecia should be considered in the pediatric population undergoing treatment with aromatase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Cancer typically results in loosened control over genomic integrity, resulting in alterations of the genome of cancer cells. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a method that can be used on DNA extracted from routinely fixed tissue to assess the entire genome for the presence of changes in DNA copy number. CGH analysis has revealed that melanoma differs from melanocytic nevi by the presence of frequent chromosomal aberrations. In contrast, melanocytic nevi typically show no chromosomal aberrations, or have a restricted set of alterations with basically no overlap to melanoma. These marked differences between aberration patterns in melanomas and melanocytic nevi can be exploited diagnostically to classify melanocytic tumors that are ambiguous based on histopathologic assessment. In addition to potential diagnostic applications, detailed analyses of recurrent aberrations can lead to the identification of genes relevant in melanocytic neoplasia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to find out the practice patterns, awareness, and knowledge about psychodermatology in Albanian dermatologists. A survey questionnaire was sent to Albanian dermatologists by mail and distributed during a regional dermatology conference. The dermatologists were requested to provide information on demographic variables, level of training, referral patterns, degree of comfort in managing psychocutaneous disorders, awareness of community resources, and interest in continuing medical educational activities. A total of 75 surveys were mailed in and 41 were returned for analysis. Only 13.2% of dermatologists reported clear understanding of psychodermatology and 41.5% reported being somewhat comfortable in diagnosing and treating psychocutaneous disorders, however requiring further help. Psoriasis, prurigo, and acne were the most common diagnoses associated with psychiatric involvement. The most common diagnoses referred by dermatologists to psychiatrists were psoriasis, prurigo, acne, and trichotillomania. Almost all 98% of dermatologists were not aware of any community resources. About 70% of dermatologists expressed interest in attending continuing medical educational activities. Albanian dermatologist have significant gap in the knowledge, training, awareness, and in treating psychocutaneous disease.  相似文献   

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic relapsing, remitting disease which results in the formation of inflammatory nodules and pustules in intertriginous areas. HS is a complex disease with known psychosocial impact. Adalimumab is a biologic, used for treatment resistant HS, which working by inactivating TNF‐alpha. Our primary objective was to determine the effects of adalimumab on HS‐PGA and DLQI scores in patients with HS that had been on the treatment for at least 6 months. Our secondary objective was to note and assess the significance of adverse effects and impacts on wider health, namely occupational and social. A retrospective cross‐sectional study was performed using clinic notes from routine follow ups in biologic clinics in three specialist HS centers. About 77% (n = 78/101) patients demonstrated improvements in their HS‐PGA scores. Significant improvements in the DLQI scores of the patient cohort (P = .0001, 95% CI ?12.8 to ?5.9) have also been demonstrated. A total of 31.7% (32/101) patients experienced adverse effects spanning multiple organ systems, with 27.7% (28/101) requiring treatment cessation. Three of these patients stopped due to the worsening of preexisting mental health symptoms. Adalimumab is effective in reducing HS‐PGA and DLQI scores, but patients still complain of systemic effects necessitating drug cessation in some instances. A holistic and multisystemic approach to follow up is required, and there is scope for further studies examining temporal causality in the context of adalimumab and its multisystemic physical and psychological effects.  相似文献   

Vitiligo commonly affects children, with half of affected individuals experiencing disease onset before the age of 20. Because childhood is a time of advancement in social and psychological development, understanding the extent of the effect of the disease and means of alleviation is crucial. Vitiligo has been shown to decrease children's quality of life, with greater distress in children with highly visible lesions and darker skin tones. This article reviews the literature regarding interventions that have been analyzed in children. Studies evaluating the effect of camouflage, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological self‐help tools, and support groups on the psychosocial aspects of vitiligo were included. The review highlights the ongoing need for studies to better understand the modalities described in this article, as well as others, such as skin dyes, bleaching creams, medical tattooing; week‐long camps that cater to children with chronic skin disease; and biofeedback, that might have a role in preventing the psychosocial sequelae of childhood vitiligo.  相似文献   

Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a severe form of psoriasis, which is rare in pediatric and adult patients. It is characterized by sterile pustular lesions that appear on erythematous skin, associated with systemic features. A recent identification of mutations in the IL36RN gene in some GPP patients has led to a diagnosis of new autoinflammatory disease, interleukin-36-receptor antagonist deficiency (DITRA). DITRA represents an emerging group of autoinflammatory diseases with hyperkeratotic skin involvement, called autoinflammatory keratinization diseases (AIKD). DITRA diagnosis and management are challenging as neither DITRA-specific clinical assessment tools nor treatment trials exist. Autoinflammatory Diseases Activity Index (AIDAI) is a validated tool originally developed to evaluate disease activity and treatment response in other inherited autoinflammatory diseases with systemic and skin involvement. We report the first use of AIDAI in a pediatric DITRA patient with the following goals: (a) to describe the contribution of AIDAI to our patient's management; (b) to identify potential limitations of AIDAI in DITRA; (c) to review literature for current psoriasis assessment tools; and (d) to propose a preliminary DITRA/AIKD disease activity index (DITRA/AIDAI) to be validated in future studies.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 9‐year‐old girl with severe plaque psoriasis refractory to multiple topical and systemic therapies. Physical examination revealed extensive, erythematous plaques with overlying thick scales that covered more than 80% of her body surface area, which included the face, scalp, trunk, and limbs. Because of the severity of the disease and lack of treatment response to other systemic therapies, she was treated with ustekinumab. Three weeks after ustekinumab was initiated, her psoriatic lesions fully cleared.  相似文献   

Eighty-five people aged 2-76 years with 250 common and plantar warts were followed prospectively for 9 months. The majority (57; 67%) had one to two warts. Of the 54 subjects who had a past history of warts, 41 (75.9%) had sought treatment for them. Twenty-four (58.5%) said that treatment had been unsuccessful; 22 (53.7%) experienced pain during their treatment; 14 (34.1%) said that treatment had been inconvenient; nine (22%) required multiple treatments; and eight (19.5%) said the treatment resulted in the development of scars. The quality-of-life assessment related to their current warts revealed that 81.2% were moderately to extremely embarrassed by them; 70.5% were moderately to extremely concerned about negative appraisal by others for having them; 24.7% said that it was moderately to extremely difficult to play sport because of their warts. Moderate to severe discomfort from their warts occurred in 51.7% of people and 35.4% said they had moderate to severe pain. During the 9-month study period, 27 (31.8%) of the participants had at least one wart regress spontaneously with 49 (19.6%) of the 254 warts regressing during that time. These data confirm the impression that a wart is not merely a blemish on the skin. Warts have the potential to cause considerable morbidity at times; this should be taken into account when a patient asks for treatment.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study (two measurements with a 1-year interval), 69 patients with psoriasis completed the Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Medical Outcomes Study SF-20 Health Survey, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Data on coping (Utrecht Coping List) and severity of illness (body surface scores) were also collected. The results of regression analyses indicated that a strong illness identity was associated with more visits to the outpatient clinic, and worse outcome on physical health, social functioning, mental health, health perceptions and depression. Strong beliefs that the disease is controllable/curable and that the disease has disabling consequences were also related to more clinic visits and more negative perceived health, respectively. Patients who initially engaged in coping characterized by more expression of emotions, seeking more social support, seeking more distraction, and less passive coping were prescribed a lower number of different therapies, were less anxious, less depressed, and had a better physical health 1 year later. These results have implications for the management of patients with psoriasis, which reinforces current views on integrating psychosocial aspects into clinical care.  相似文献   



Psoriasis is a common, long-term skin disease associated with high levels of psychological distress and a considerable adverse impact on life. The effects of psoriasis, beyond skin affliction, are seldom recognized and often undertreated.


The aim of the study is to evaluate the quality of life, anxiety and depression, self-esteem and loneliness in patients with psoriasis.


Eighty-four patients with psoriasis were enrolled in the study. The quality of life, depression and anxiety, loneliness and self-esteem of the patient were assessed using the Dermatology Life Quality Index, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the UCLA loneliness Scale (UCLA-Version 3) and Rosenberg''s Self-esteem Scale, respectively.


The Dermatology Quality of Life Index score among psoriasis patients was 12.61 ± 4.88. They had statistically significantly higher scores according to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale -anxiety subscale (p=0.032)-compared with healthy volunteers. Moreover, a statistically significant difference was found between the two groups concerning the UCLA-scale (p=0.033) and RSES-scale (p<0.0001). Female patients presented with lower self-esteem than male patients.


Psoriasis is a distressing, recurrent disorder that significantly impairs quality of life. Therefore, the recognition and future management of psoriasis may require the involvement of multi-disciplinary teams to manage the physical, psychological and social aspects of the condition, as is the case for systemic, long-term conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Skin diseases are known to have a major impact on the lives of patients and their families. Many instruments are available to measure the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients but no measure has been developed so far to quantify the secondary impact on family members of the patients. OBJECTIVES: To develop and validate a dermatology-specific instrument to measure the adverse impact on the HRQoL of family members of patients with skin disease. METHODS: Detailed semi-structured interviews were conducted with family members of patients to identify different aspects of HRQoL affected. An initial draft version of the questionnaire based on the main topic areas was pilot tested to assess the face and content validity. A 10-item questionnaire, the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI), was finalized after modifications to the draft questionnaire based on feedback from families and dermatology professionals and on item reduction. Psychometric evaluation was conducted on a new cohort of family members (n = 132) who completed the FDLQI and the patients (n = 109) who completed the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). RESULTS: Fifty-nine different aspects of family members' HRQoL were identified from the analysis of the interviews, which were categorized into main topic areas. Factor analysis of 10 items of the final questionnaire revealed two factors and together these explained 60% of the common variance. The FDLQI demonstrated high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.88) and test-retest (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.94) reliabilities. The responsiveness of the instrument to change was shown by significant change in the family members' FDLQI scores in cases where patients' clinical condition either improved or worsened. Construct validity was assessed by testing a number of a priori hypotheses. A strong correlation was seen between the family members' FDLQI scores and patients' DLQI scores (r = 0.69), a significantly higher FDLQI score was seen for inflammatory skin diseases compared with noninflammatory diseases/isolated lesions (P < 0.0001), and there was a positive relationship between the family members' FDLQI scores and patients' disease severity (r = 0.49). CONCLUSIONS: The FDLQI is simple and practical and seems to have the potential to be used as an additional outcome measure in clinical practice and evaluation research.  相似文献   

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