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Previous studies have shown that the skeletal dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) pore subunit Ca(V)1.1 (alpha1S) physically interacts with ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1), and a molecular signal is transmitted from alpha1S to RyR1 to trigger excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. We show that the beta-subunit of the skeletal DHPR also binds RyR1 and participates in this signaling process. A novel binding site for the DHPR beta1a-subunit was mapped to the M(3201) to W(3661) region of RyR1. In vitro binding experiments showed that the strength of the interaction is controlled by K(3495)KKRR_ _R(3502), a cluster of positively charged residues. Phenotypic expression of skeletal-type EC coupling by RyR1 with mutations in the K(3495)KKRR_ _R(3502) cluster was evaluated in dyspedic myotubes. The results indicated that charge neutralization or deletion severely depressed the magnitude of RyR1-mediated Ca(2+) transients coupled to voltage-dependent activation of the DHPR. Meantime the Ca(2+) content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum was not affected, and the amplitude and activation kinetics of the DHPR Ca(2+) currents were slightly affected. The data show that the DHPR beta-subunit, like alpha1S, interacts directly with RyR1 and is critical for the generation of high-speed Ca(2+) signals coupled to membrane depolarization. These findings indicate that EC coupling in skeletal muscle involves the interplay of at least two subunits of the DHPR, namely alpha1S and beta1a, interacting with possibly different domains of RyR1.  相似文献   

Ca2+ channels play crucial roles in cellular signal transduction and are important targets of pharmacological agents. They are also associated with auxiliary subunits exhibiting functions that are still incompletely resolved. Skeletal muscle L-type Ca2+ channels (dihydropyridine receptors, DHPRs) are specialized for the remote voltage control of type 1 ryanodine receptors (RyR1) to release stored Ca2+. The skeletal muscle-specific gamma subunit of the DHPR (gamma 1) down-modulates availability by altering its steady state voltage dependence. The effect resembles the action of certain Ca2+ antagonistic drugs that are thought to stabilize inactivated states of the DHPR. In the present study we investigated the cross influence of gamma 1 and Ca2+ antagonists by using wild-type (gamma+/+) and gamma 1 knockout (gamma-/-) mice. We studied voltage-dependent gating of both L-type Ca2+ current and Ca2+ release and the allosteric modulation of drug binding. We found that 10 microM diltiazem, a benzothiazepine drug, more than compensated for the reduction in high-affinity binding of the dihydropyridine agent isradipine caused by gamma 1 elimination; 5 muM devapamil [(-)D888], a phenylalkylamine Ca2+ antagonist, approximately reversed the right-shifted voltage dependence of availability and the accelerated recovery kinetics of Ca2+ current and Ca2+ release. Moreover, the presence of gamma 1 altered the effect of D888 on availability and strongly enhanced its impact on recovery kinetics demonstrating that gamma 1 and the drug do not act independently of each other. We propose that the gamma 1 subunit of the DHPR functions as an endogenous Ca2+ antagonist whose task may be to minimize Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ release under stress-induced conditions favoring plasmalemma depolarization.  相似文献   

The benefits of exercise and the element selenium on mental health and cognitive performance are well documented. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the intake of a diet supplemented with diphenyl diselenide [(PhSe)2] and the swimming exercise could enhance memory in old Wistar rats. Male Wistar rats (24 months) were fed daily with standard diet chow or standard chow supplemented with 1 ppm of (PhSe)2 during 4 weeks. Animals were submitted to swimming training with a workload (3 % of body weight, 20 min/day for 4 weeks). After 4 weeks, the object recognition test (ORT) and the object location test (OLT) were performed. The results of this study demonstrated that intake of a supplemented diet with (PhSe)2 and swimming exercise was effective in improving short-term and long-term memory as well as spatial learning, increasing the hippocampal levels of phosphorylated cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) in old rats. This study also provided evidence that (PhSe)2-supplemented diet facilitated memory of old rats by modulating cAMP levels and stimulating CREB phosphorylation, without altering the levels of Akt.  相似文献   

Examination of store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOC) in single, mechanically skinned skeletal muscle cells by confocal microscopy shows that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptor acts as a sarcoplasmic reticulum [Ca(2+)] sensor and mediates SOC by physical coupling without playing a key role in Ca(2+) release from internal stores, as is the case with various cell types in which SOC was investigated previously. The results have broad implications for understanding the mechanism of SOC that is essential for cell function in general and muscle function in particular. Moreover, the study ascribes an important role to the IP(3) receptors in skeletal muscle, the role of which with respect to Ca(2+) homeostasis was ill defined until now.  相似文献   

L-type Ca(2+) channels have a wide tissue distribution and play essential roles in physiological responses. Recent studies have indicated that regulation of L-type Ca(2+) channels involves the assembly of macromolecular signaling complexes such as the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor signaling complex, the small G-protein kir/Gem and the BK channel. Here, we report the previously unidentified role of another protein in binding to the II-III linker of the alpha(1C) subunit of the L-type Ca(2+) channel. This protein is COP9 signalosome subunit 5 (CSN5)/Jun activation domain-binding protein 1 (Jab1). We have demonstrated that CSN5 interacts specifically with the II-III linker of the alpha(1C) subunit in a yeast two-hybrid system. The alpha(1C) subunit and CSN5 were coimmunoprecipitated in rat heart and both proteins were colocalized in sarcolemmal membranes and transverse tubules of cardiac myocytes. Silencing of CSN5 mRNA using siRNA decreased the endogenous protein level of CSN5 and activated L-type Ca(2+) channels expressed in COS7 cells. These data indicate that CSN5 is a protein that plays a newly defined functional role in association with the cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel.  相似文献   

Little is known about prostaglandin F in cardiovascular homeostasis. Prostaglandin F dose-dependently elevates blood pressure in WT mice via activation of the F prostanoid (FP) receptor. The FP is expressed in preglomerular arterioles, renal collecting ducts, and the hypothalamus. Deletion of the FP reduces blood pressure, coincident with a reduction in plasma renin concentration, angiotensin, and aldosterone, despite a compensatory up-regulation of AT1 receptors and an augmented hypertensive response to infused angiotensin II. Plasma and urinary osmolality are decreased in FP KOs that exhibit mild polyuria and polydipsia. Atherogenesis is retarded by deletion of the FP, despite the absence of detectable receptor expression in aorta or in atherosclerotic lesions in Ldlr KOs. Although vascular TNFα, inducible nitric oxide enzyme and TGFβ are reduced and lesional macrophages are depleted in the FP/Ldlr double KOs, this result reflects the reduction in lesion burden, as the FP is not expressed on macrophages and its deletion does not alter macrophage cytokine generation. Blockade of the FP offers an approach to the treatment of hypertension and its attendant systemic vascular disease.  相似文献   

Neural circuits are initially redundant but rearranged through activity-dependent synapse elimination during postnatal development. This process is crucial for shaping mature neural circuits and for proper brain function. At birth, Purkinje cells (PCs) in the cerebellum are innervated by multiple climbing fibers (CFs) with similar synaptic strengths. During postnatal development, a single CF is selectively strengthened in each PC through synaptic competition, the strengthened single CF undergoes translocation to a PC dendrite, and massive elimination of redundant CF synapses follows. To investigate the cellular mechanisms of this activity-dependent synaptic refinement, we generated mice with PC-selective deletion of the Ca(v)2.1 P/Q-type Ca(2+) channel, the major voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channel in PCs. In the PC-selective Ca(v)2.1 knockout mice, Ca(2+) transients induced by spontaneous CF inputs are markedly reduced in PCs in vivo. Not a single but multiple CFs were equally strengthened in each PC from postnatal day 5 (P5) to P8, multiple CFs underwent translocation to PC dendrites, and subsequent synapse elimination until around P12 was severely impaired. Thus, P/Q-type Ca(2+) channels in postsynaptic PCs mediate synaptic competition among multiple CFs and trigger synapse elimination in developing cerebellum.  相似文献   

Although abundant ryanodine receptors (RyRs) exist in cardiomyocytes from newborn (NB) rat and despite the maturity of their single-channel properties, the RyR contribution to excitation–contraction (E-C) coupling is minimal. Immature arrangement of RyRs in the Ca2+ release site of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or distant RyRs location from the sarcolemmal Ca2+ signal could explain this quiescence. Consequently, Ca2+ sparks and their cellular distribution were studied in NB myocytes and correlated with the formation of dyads and transverse (T) tubules. Ca2+ sparks were recorded in fluo-4-loaded intact ventricular myocytes acutely dissociated from adult and NB rats (0–9 days old). Sparks were defined/compared in the center and periphery of the cell. Co-immunolocalization of RyRs with dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR) was used to estimate dyad formation, while the development of T tubules was studied using di-8-ANEPPS and diIC12. Our results indicate that in NB cells, Ca2+ sparks exhibited lower amplitude (1.7 ± 0.5 vs. 3.6 ± 1.7 F/F0), shorter duration (47 ± 3.2 vs. 54.1 ± 3 ms), and larger width (1.7 ± 0.8 vs. 1.2 ± 0.4 μm) than in adult. Although no significant changes were observed in the overall frequency, central sparks increased from ~ 60% at 0–1 day to 82% at 7–9 days. While immunolocalization revealed many central release sites at 7–8 days, fluorescence labeling of the plasma membrane showed less abundant internal T tubules. This could imply that although during the first week, release sites emerge forming dyads with DHPR-containing T tubules; some of these T tubules may not be connected to the surface, explaining the RyR quiescence during E-C coupling in NB.  相似文献   

A virulent recombinant HSV lacking the diploid γ(1)34.5 gene (Δγ(1)34.5) have been investigated over the last two decades both for anti-tumor therapy and as vaccine vectors. The first generation vectors, while safe, are incapable of sustained replication in the majority of treated patients. An interferon inducible host antiviral kinase, protein kinase R (PKR), limits late viral protein synthesis and replication of Δγ(1)34.5 viruses. This review describes the development of new Δγ(1)34.5 vectors, through serial passage selection and direct viral genome engineering, which demonstrate selective PKR evasion in targeted cells and improved viral replication without restoring neurovirulence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor (InsP3R) and the ryanodine receptor (RyR) are the principal Ca2+-release channels in cells and are believed to serve distinct roles in cytosolic Ca2+ (Ca(i)2+) signaling. This study investigated whether these receptors instead can release Ca2+ in a coordinated fashion. METHODS: Apical and basolateral Ca(i)2+ signals were monitored in rat pancreatic acinar cells by time-lapse confocal microscopy. Caged forms of second messengers were microinjected into individual cells and then photoreleased in a controlled fashion by either UV or 2-photon flash photolysis. RESULTS: InsP3 increased Ca(i)2+ primarily in the apical region of pancreatic acinar cells, whereas the RyR agonist cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) increased Ca(i)2+ primarily in the basolateral region. Apical-to-basal Ca(i)2+ waves were induced by acetylcholine and initiation of these waves was blocked by the InsP3R inhibitor heparin, whereas propagation into the basolateral region was inhibited by the cADPR inhibitor 8-amino-cADPR. To examine integration of apical and basolateral Ca(i)2+ signals, Ca2+ was selectively released either apically or basolaterally using 2-photon flash photolysis. Ca(i)2+ increases were transient and localized in unstimulated cells. More complex Ca(i)2+ signaling patterns, including polarized Ca(i)2+ waves, were observed when Ca2+ was photoreleased in cells stimulated with subthreshold concentrations of acetylcholine. CONCLUSIONS: Polarized Ca(i)2+ waves are induced in acinar cells by serial activation of apical InsP3Rs and then basolateral RyRs, and subcellular release of Ca2+ coordinates the actions of these 2 types of Ca2+ channels. This subcellular integration of Ca2+-release channels shows a new level of complexity in the formation of Ca(i)2+ waves.  相似文献   

Aims—To evaluate the clinical utility of two newtests for serum trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-α1antitrypsin complex (trypsin 2-AAT) in diagnosing and assessing theseverity of acute pancreatitis (AP) induced by endoscopic retrogradecholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
Patients—Three hundred and eight consecutivepatients undergoing ERCP at Helsinki University Central Hospital in1994 and 1995.
Methods—Patients were followed prospectively forpancreatitis and clinical outcome. They were tested for serumtrypsinogen 2, trypsin 2-AAT, and amylase in samples obtained beforeand one, six, and 24 hours after ERCP.
Results—Pancreatitis developed in 31 patients(10%). Their median serum trypsinogen 2 increased 26-fold to1401 µg/l at six hours after the procedure and trypsin 2-AAT showedan 11-fold increase to 88 µg/l at 24 hours. The increase in bothmarkers was stronger in severe than in mild pancreatitis, and inpatients without pancreatitis there was no significant increase.Baseline trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-AAT concentrations were elevatedin 29% and 32% of patients, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy ofa threefold elevation over the baseline value was therefore analysed.The sensitivity and specificity of these parameters in the diagnosis ofpost-ERCP pancreatitis was 93% and 91%, respectively, for serumtrypsinogen 2 at six hours after the examination, and 93% and 90%,for trypsin 2-AAT at 24 hours.
Conclusions—Serum trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-AATreflect pancreatic injury after ERCP. High concentrations areassociated with severe pancreatic damage. The delayed increase intrypsin 2-AAT compared with trypsinogen 2 appears to reflect thepathophysiology of AP. A greater than threefold increase in trypsinogen2 six hours after ERCP is an accurate indicator of pancreatitis.

Keywords:trypsinogen 2; trypsin 2-α1antitrypsin complex; ERCP; pancreatitis


AIM: To study the expression levels of E- selectin, integrin beta1 and immunoglobulin superfamily member-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in human gastric carcinoma cells, and to explore the relationship between these three kinds of cell adhesion molecules and gastric carcinoma. METHODS: The serum contents of E-selectin, integrin beta1 and ICAM-1 were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in 47 healthy individuals (control group) and in 57 patients with gastric carcinoma (gastric carcinoma group) respectively prior to operation and 7 d after operation.RESULTS: The serum E-selectin, ECAM-1 and integrin beta1 were found to be expressed in both control and gastric carcinoma groups. However, they were highly expressed in patients with gastric carcinoma patients before operation or with unresectable tumours. The expression levels of ICAM-1 and integrin beta1 were significantly higher in gastric carcinoma patients than in controls (P < 0.01). A comparison of the E-selectin levels between the two groups showed statistically insignificant difference (P = 0.64). In addition, the expression levels were all decreased substantially in the postoperative patients subjected to radical resection of the tumours, indicating that the high level expressions of these compounds might be the important factor for predicting the prognosis of these patients. CONCLUSION: Serum E-selectin, ICAM-1 and integrin beta1 expression levels are probably related to the metastasis and relapse of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR)-dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) heteromers are key modulators of striatal neuronal function. It has been suggested that the psychostimulant effects of caffeine depend on its ability to block an allosteric modulation within the A2AR-D2R heteromer, by which adenosine decreases the affinity and intrinsic efficacy of dopamine at the D2R. We describe novel unsuspected allosteric mechanisms within the heteromer by which not only A2AR agonists, but also A2AR antagonists, decrease the affinity and intrinsic efficacy of D2R agonists and the affinity of D2R antagonists. Strikingly, these allosteric modulations disappear on agonist and antagonist coadministration. This can be explained by a model that considers A2AR-D2R heteromers as heterotetramers, constituted by A2AR and D2R homodimers, as demonstrated by experiments with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and bimolecular fluorescence and bioluminescence complementation. As predicted by the model, high concentrations of A2AR antagonists behaved as A2AR agonists and decreased D2R function in the brain.Most evidence indicates that G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) form homodimers and heteromers. Homodimers seem to be a predominant species, and oligomeric entities can be viewed as multiples of dimers (1). It has been proposed that GPCR heteromers are constituted mainly by heteromers of homodimers (1, 2). Allosteric mechanisms determine a multiplicity of unique pharmacologic properties of GPCR homodimers and heteromers (1, 3). First, binding of a ligand to one of the receptors in the heteromer can modify the affinity of ligands for the other receptor (1, 3, 4). The most widely reproduced allosteric modulation of ligand-binding properties in a GPCR heteromer is the ability of adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) agonists to decrease the affinity of dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) agonists in the A2AR-D2R heteromer (5). A2AR-D2R heteromers have been revealed both in transfected cells (6, 7), striatal neurons in culture (6, 8) and in situ, in mammalian striatum (9, 10), where they play an important role in the modulation of GABAergic striatopallidal neuronal function (9, 11).In addition to ligand-binding properties, unique properties for each GPCR oligomer emerge in relation to the varying intrinsic efficacy of ligands for different signaling pathways (13). Intrinsic efficacy refers to the power of the agonist to induce a functional response, independent of its affinity for the receptor. Thus, allosteric modulation of an agonist can potentially involve changes in affinity and/or intrinsic efficacy (1, 3). This principle can be observed in the A2AR-D2R heteromer, where a decrease in D2R agonist affinity cannot alone explain the ability of an A2AR agonist to abolish the decreased excitability of GABAergic striatopallidal neurons induced by high concentration of a D2R agonist (9), which should overcome the decrease in affinity. Furthermore, a differential effect of allosteric modulations of different agonist-mediated signaling responses (i.e., functional selectivity) can occur within GPCR heteromers (1, 2, 8). Again, the A2AR-D2R heteromer provides a valuable example. A recent study has shown that different levels of intracellular Ca2+ exert different modulations of A2AR-D2R heteromer signaling (8). This depends on the ability of low and high Ca2+ to promote a selective interaction of the heteromer with different Ca2+-binding proteins, which differentially modulate allosteric interactions in the heteromer (8).It has been hypothesized that the allosteric interactions between A2AR and D2R agonists within the A2AR-D2R heteromer provide a mechanism responsible not only for the depressant effects of A2AR agonists, but also for the psychostimulant effects of adenosine A2AR antagonists and the nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist caffeine (9, 11, 12), with implications for several neuropsychiatric disorders (13). In fact, the same mechanism has provided the rationale for the use of A2AR antagonists in patients with Parkinson’s disease (13, 14). The initial aim of the present study was to study in detail the ability of caffeine to counteract allosteric modulations between A2AR and D2R agonists (affinity and intrinsic efficacy) within the A2AR-D2R heteromer. Unexpectedly, when performing control radioligand-binding experiments, not only an A2AR agonist, but also caffeine, significantly decreased D2R agonist binding. However, when coadministered, the A2AR agonist and caffeine co-counteracted their ability to modulate D2R agonist binding. By exploring the molecular mechanisms behind these apparent inconsistencies, the present study provides new insight into the quaternary structure and function of A2AR-D2R heteromers.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies against the beta1-adrenoceptor (beta1-AAB) in the serum of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are associated with stimulatory effects at cardiac beta1-adrenoceptors. They enhance cardiomyocyte shortening and increase the amplitude of L-type Ca2+ current, ICa. However, in contrast to the unselective beta-adrenoceptor agonist (-)-isoprenaline, beta1-AAB produce positive responses in a fraction of myocytes (responder cells) only and fail to do so in the remaining ones (non-responder cells). To understand this peculiar behaviour, the electrophysiological characteristics of ICa in response to beta1-AAB and (-)-isoprenaline were investigated in responder and non-responder cells. The immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions containing beta1-AAB (beta1-IgG) were obtained from patients with DCM undergoing immunoabsorption therapy. Only antibody preparations that tested positive in the neonatal rat cardiomyocyte bio-assay by enhancing beating rate were used for further experimentation. Calcium currents were measured with the standard patch clamp technique in adult rat ventricular myocytes. Less than half of all cells exposed to beta1-IgG or purified beta1-AAB were responder cells in which ICa amplitude increased. ICa increase by beta1-IgG or (-)-isoprenaline was reversed by addition of carbachol. Exposure to subtype-selective beta-adrenoceptor blockers indicated that the effects of IgG were mediated via beta1-adrenoceptors. In responder cells, there were no differences between beta1-IgG- and (-)-isoprenaline-induced changes in current-voltage relationship of ICa, in the time constants of fast inactivation, and in steady-state activation and steady-state inactivation curves. (-)-Isoprenaline (1 microM) effectively increased ICa after wash-out of antibody in all cells including non-responder cells. However, when non-responder cells were challenged with (-)-isoprenaline in the presence of beta1-IgG, any further increase in ICa was completely suppressed. Conversely, in responder cells, the cumulative concentration-response curves for (-)-isoprenaline on top of the autoantibodies reached the same maximum ICa amplitude as in control cells. From these interactions we conclude that beta1-AAB not only may enhance ICa via stimulation of beta1-adrenoceptors but also may inhibit beta1-adrenoceptor-mediated increase upon stimulation with catecholamines suggesting a receptor interaction distinct from that with (-)-isoprenaline.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the adhesive mechanical properties of different cell cycle human hepatoma cells (SMMC-7721) to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (ECV-304), expression of adhesive molecule integrinβ1 in SMMC-7721 cells and its contribution to this adhesive course. METHODS: Adhesive force of SMMC-7721 cells to endothelial cells was measured using micropipette aspiration technique. Synchronous G1 and S phase SMMC-7721 cells were achieved by thymine-2-deoxyriboside and colchicines sequential blockage method and double thymine-2-deoxyriboside blockage method, respectively. Synchronous rates of SMMC-7721 cells and expression of integrinβ1 in SMMC-7721 cells were detected by flow cytometer. RESULTS: The percentage of cell cycle phases of general SMMC-7721 cells was 11.01% in G2/M phases, 53.51% in G0/G1 phase, and 35.48% in S phase. The synchronous rates of G1 and S phase SMMC-7721 cells amounted to 74.09% and 98.29%, respectively. The adhesive force of SMMC-7721 cells to endothelial cells changed with the variations of adhesive time and presented behavior characteristics of adhesion and de-adhesion. S phase SMMC-7721 cells had higher adhesive forces than G1 phase cells [(307.65&#177;92.10)&#215;10^-10N vs (195.42&#177;60.72)&#215;10^-10N, P&lt;0.01]. The expressive fluorescent intensity of integrinβ1 in G1 phase SMMC-7721 cells was depressed more significantly than the values of S phase and general SMMC-7721cells. The contribution of adhesive integrinβ1 was about 53% in this adhesive course. CONCLUSION: SMMC-7721 cells can be synchronized preferably in G1 and S phases with thymine-2-deoxyriboside and colchicines. The adhesive molecule integrinβ1 expresses a high level in SMMC-7721 cells and shows differences in various cell cycles, suggesting integrin β1 plays an important role in adhesion to endothelial cells. The change of adhesive forces in different cell cycle SMMC-7721 cells indicates that S phase cells play predominant roles possibly while they interact with endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Integrins represent a gateway of entry for many viruses and the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif is the smallest sequence necessary for proteins to bind integrins. All Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) lineages own an RGD motif (aa 403–405) in their receptor binding domain (RBD). We recently showed that SARS-CoV-2 gains access into primary human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HL-mECs) lacking Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression through this conserved RGD motif. Following its entry, SARS-CoV-2 remodels cell phenotype and promotes angiogenesis in the absence of productive viral replication. Here, we highlight the αvβ3 integrin as the main molecule responsible for SARS-CoV-2 infection of HL-mECs via a clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Indeed, pretreatment of virus with αvβ3 integrin or pretreatment of cells with a monoclonal antibody against αvβ3 integrin was found to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 entry into HL-mECs. Surprisingly, the anti-Spike antibodies evoked by vaccination were neither able to impair Spike/integrin interaction nor to prevent SARS-CoV-2 entry into HL-mECs. Our data highlight the RGD motif in the Spike protein as a functional constraint aimed to maintain the interaction of the viral envelope with integrins. At the same time, our evidences call for the need of intervention strategies aimed to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 integrin-mediated infection of ACE2-negative cells in the vaccine era.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis  Cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R) antagonists such as rimonabant (Rim) represent a novel approach to treat obesity and related metabolic disorders. Recent data suggest that endocannabinoids are also produced by human adipocytes. Here we studied the potential involvement of endocannabinoids in the negative crosstalk between fat and muscle. Methods  The protein level of CB1R in human skeletal muscle cells (SkM) during differentiation was analysed using western blotting. SkM were treated with adipocyte-conditioned medium (CM) or anandamide (AEA) in combination with the CB1R antagonists Rim or AM251, and insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation and glucose uptake were determined. Furthermore, signalling pathways of CB1R were investigated. Results  We revealed an increase of CB1R protein in SkM during differentiation. Twenty-four hour incubation of SkM with CM or AEA impaired insulin-stimulated Akt(Ser473) phosphorylation by 60% and up to 40%, respectively. Pretreatment of cells with Rim or AM251 reduced the effect of CM by about one-half, while the effect of AEA could be prevented completely. The reduction of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by CM was completely prevented by Rim. Short-time incubation with AEA activated extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and impaired insulin-stimulated Akt(Ser473) phosphorylation, but had no effect on Akt(Thr308) and glycogen synthase kinase 3α/β phosphorylation. In addition, enhanced IRS-1 (Ser307) phosphorylation was observed. Conclusions/interpretation  Our results show that the CB1R system may play a role in the development of insulin resistance in human SkM. The results obtained with CM support the notion that adipocytes may secrete factors which are able to activate the CB1R. Furthermore, we identified two stress kinases in the signalling pathway of AEA and enhanced IRS-1(Ser307) phosphorylation, potentially underlying the development of insulin resistance. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Different forms of ventricular arrhythmias have been linked to mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR)2, but the molecular basis for this phenotypic heterogeneity is unknown. We have recently demonstrated that an enhanced sensitivity to luminal Ca(2+) and an increased propensity for spontaneous Ca(2+) release or store-overload-induced Ca(2+) release (SOICR) are common defects of RyR2 mutations associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic or bidirectional ventricular tachycardia. Here, we investigated the properties of a unique RyR2 mutation associated with catecholaminergic idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, A4860G. Single-channel analyses revealed that, unlike all other disease-linked RyR2 mutations characterized previously, the A4860G mutation diminished the response of RyR2 to activation by luminal Ca(2+), but had little effect on the sensitivity of the channel to activation by cytosolic Ca(2+). This specific impact of the A4860G mutation indicates that the luminal Ca(2+) activation of RyR2 is distinct from its cytosolic Ca(2+) activation. Stable, inducible HEK293 cells expressing the A4860G mutant showed caffeine-induced Ca(2+) release but exhibited no SOICR. Importantly, HL-1 cardiac cells transfected with the A4860G mutant displayed attenuated SOICR activity compared with cells transfected with RyR2 WT. These observations provide the first evidence that a loss of luminal Ca(2+) activation and SOICR activity can cause ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. These findings also indicate that although suppressing enhanced SOICR is a promising antiarrhythmic strategy, its oversuppression can also lead to arrhythmias.  相似文献   

目的 以标准剂量的聚乙二醇干扰素(PegIFN)α-2a联合利巴韦林作为阳性对照,评价新型试验药物Y型PegIFNα-2b注射液联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者的疗效和安全性。方法 采用多中心、随机开放、阳性药对照的Ⅲ期临床试验,筛选符合要求的2型/3型CHC患者,按照2:1的比例随机分配到Y型PegIFNα-2b组和PegIFNα-2a组,同时口服利巴韦林,疗程24 w,停药随访24 w。采用Abbott RealTime HCV Genotype II检测HCV基因型,采用Cobas TaqMan实时定量PCR法检测血清HCV RNA水平。详细记录不良事件。主要疗效指标为持续病毒学应答(SVR),并进行非劣效检验。结果 本试验实际入组2型/3型CHC患者255例,实际治疗241例。全分析集(FAS)数据显示,158例试验组和83例对照组患者SVR分别为85.4%(95% CI 79.94%~90.94%)和79.5%(95% CI 70.84%~88.20%,P=0.2402);对符合方案分析集(PPS)人群分析显示,试验组和对照组患者SVR分别为87.9%(95% CI 82.45%~93.27%)和85.9%(95% CI 77.82%~94.01%,P=0.7060),率差的95%可置信区间均符合非劣效标准;对PPS人群分析显示,85.8%受试者获得了早期病毒学应答(RVR),RVR的阳性预测值为90.1%;试验组和对照组不良事件发生率相似,分别为95.6%和95.2%,严重不良事件发生率分别为3.8%和3.6%。结论 应用PegIFNα联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型CHC患者,新型试验药物Y型PegIFNα-2b具有与对照药物PegIFNα-2a相似的疗效和安全性。  相似文献   

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