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Evidence of poor performance in the evaluation and management of common geriatric conditions suggests the need for changing physician behavior in these areas. Traditional lecture-style continuing medical education (CME) has not been shown to be effective. Expert faculty initially trained 60 nonexpert peer educators to conduct small-group, learner-centered CME using tool kits on memory loss, incontinence, and depression. Peer educators presented 109 community-based sessions to 1,309 medical practitioners. Surveys were administered to community participants immediately and 6 months after a session. Evidence of effectiveness included statistically significant increases in self-reported knowledge, attitudes, and office-based practices on the target topics at the time of training and at the 6-month follow-up (P<.001) and two-thirds of respondents reporting continued use of three or more tools at 6 months. Participants reported that the interactive presentation aided their understanding of and ability to use the tool kits more than an off-the-shelf review (mean rating+/-standard deviation 4.1+/-0.71, with 1 = not at all and 5 = significantly). After the formal evaluation period, additional information about the project dynamics and tool kits was obtained through a small interview sample and an on-line survey, respectively. Receiving copies of the tool kits was an important factor in enabling educators to offer sessions. Barriers to offering sessions included finding time, an audience, and space. Findings suggest that modest positive changes in practice in relation to common geriatric problems can be achieved through peer-led, community-based sessions using principles of knowledge translation and evidence-based tool kits with materials for providers and patients.  相似文献   

T-wave alternans (TWA) is an alteration of the ECG T-wave which repeats every other beat. An alternating pattern has been also observed at myocytes level, involving both action potential duration and morphology (mainly in phases 2 and 3). While this might happen in a specific region (i.e., myocardial ischemia), it can also involve the entire myocardium. It is still unclear how alternations at the myocytes level are reflected on surface ECG modification of T-waves, especially when in vivo human hearts are considered. We have recently proposed a simple stochastic model of ventricular repolarization (IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2011), which takes into account both repolarization heterogeneity across the myocardium as well as random beat-to-beat variations in cells' activity. In this work, we generalized that model incorporating a term which describes myocytes alternans related to T-wave variability. Starting from the model and using the electrophysiological formulation developed by van Oosterom, we derived an analytical formula relating surface ECG to variations at the myocytes' level. Several theoretical results were then obtained. First, temporal small random variations in repolarization heterogeneity affect the precision of TWA estimates in a significant way. Second, TWA theoretically differs across leads, but multilead configuration can be used to reduce the effect of noise. Finally, the dependency between TWA and T-wave amplitude was analyzed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study explored the challenges in providing end-of-life care to low-income elders with multiple comorbid chronic conditions in a fully "integrated" managed care program, and it highlighted essential recommendations. DESIGN AND METHODS: A case-study design was used that involved an extensive analysis of qualitative data from five focus groups with interdisciplinary team members, two in-depth interviews with administrators, and open-ended survey responses from social workers detailing death experiences of 120 elders. RESULTS: Seven major themes characterized primary end-of-life care challenges: (a) the nature of advanced chronic disease; (b) the incapacity of support systems; (c) barriers to honoring care preferences; (d) challenges with characteristics and needs of participants; (e) needs of complex family systems; (f) barriers with transitions; and (g) barriers with culture and language. IMPLICATIONS: The lessons learned suggest recommendations with implications for program development, practice, policy, and future research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the development, components, and initial uptake of Thailand's national program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission. DESIGN: Historical review, interpretation of experience, national program monitoring. SETTING: Public health system, Thailand. PARTICIPANTS: Policymakers, clinicians, HIV-infected pregnant women. INTERVENTION: Voluntary counseling and HIV testing of pregnant women; short-course zidovudine for HIV-infected women and their infants and formula feeding for infants. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Program components implemented and program uptake. RESULTS: Research, monitoring and evaluation of pilot projects, training, and policy-making provided the information, experience, infrastructure, and guidance to develop a program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission that was implemented in all Ministry of Public Health hospitals in Thailand in 2000. A national system was established to monitor program implementation. Monitoring reports were received from 669 hospitals in 65 provinces for the period October 2000 through July 2001. During this period, 93% of 318 721 women who gave birth were tested for HIV; 69% of 3958 HIV-infected women giving birth received zidovudine; and 86% and 80% of the 3865 children born to HIV-infected women received zidovudine and infant formula, respectively, through the program. CONCLUSIONS: A national program for preventing mother-child HIV transmission was successfully implemented in Thailand. Early monitoring indicates good program uptake. Lessons learned from implementing this program include the importance of paying attention to counseling, communication, and training in the program, and using pilot projects and focused monitoring and evaluation data to guide the program development, expansion, and improvement.  相似文献   

Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a rare acquired metabolic disorder characterized by hypophosphatemia and inappropriately low serum levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Symptoms include chronic muscle and bone pain, weakness, and fatigue in association with a high risk of fragility fractures due to osteomalacia. The diagnosis is commonly delayed for years due to the nonspecific nature of the presenting symptoms, failure to include determination of serum phosphorus levels in blood chemistry testing, and difficulty in identifying the responsible tumor. The pathogenesis of tumor-induced osteomalacia involves tumor expression of fibroblast growth factor 23, a hormone that inhibits proximal renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate and down-regulates renal conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to its active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. The metabolic abnormalities may be partially or completely corrected with phosphate supplementation and calcitriol. A definitive diagnosis and treatment require excision of the responsible tumor.  相似文献   

Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) describes any sample collected by cooling exhaled breath. Because the method of condensate collection is simple, non-invasive, repeatable and does not necessarily require patient cooperation, EBC is not only an interesting, but also challenging, biological sample. Despite a period of EBC research lasting for more than 15 years, there are still many open questions with respect to EBC collection and analysis, and many biomarkers are still awaiting careful validation. In veterinary research, EBC collection has been described in conscious animals including calves, pigs, horses, cats and dogs. Numerous studies performed in these domestic animals not only contributed substantially to the current knowledge about the potentials of EBC-based diagnoses but also demonstrated pitfalls in EBC collection, analysis and interpretation. This review summarizes information about the collection of EBC and the interpretation of EBC results, particularly with respect to proteins, leukotrienes, hydrogen peroxide, urea, ammonia and pH. Published data emphasize the need to standardize approaches to produce reproducible EBC data. Quantifying the concentration of the EBC component of interest exhaled in a defined volume of exhaled breath (instead of comparing concentrations of this component analysed in liquid EBC) is an important step of standardization that might help to overcome methodological limitations deriving from the EBC collection process. Although information is based on domestic animal studies, it contributes to the general understanding in EBC research-independent of any particular mammalian species-and opens new perspectives for further studies.  相似文献   

A middle-aged woman presented with fatigue and mild increases in hematocrit and red cell mass. Polycythemia vera was diagnosed. She underwent therapeutic phlebotomy but clinically worsened. On reevaluation, other problems were noted including episodic malaise, nausea, rash and vasomotor issues. The JAK2V617F mutation was absent; paraneoplastic erythrocytosis was investigated. Serum tryptase and urinary N-methylhistamine were normal, but urinary prostaglandin D2 was elevated. Skin and marrow biopsies showed no mast cell abnormalities. Extensive other evaluation was negative. Gastrointestinal tract biopsies were histologically normal but revealed increased, aberrant mast cells on immunohistochemistry; the KITD816V mutation was absent. Mast cell activation syndrome, recently identified as a clonal disorder involving assorted KIT mutations, was diagnosed. Imatinib 200 mg/d rapidly effected complete, sustained response. Diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome is hindered by multiple factors, but existing therapies for mast cell disease are usually achieve significant benefit, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis. Multiple important aspects of clinical reasoning are illustrated by the case.  相似文献   

Smoking cessation: lessons learned from clinical trial evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke cause coronary heart disease. Cessation dramatically reduces the incidence of primary and secondary cardiac events. The review presents up-to-date information regarding nicotine dependence, recent findings related to its treatment, and recommendations for addressing smoking cessation for the primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. RECENT FINDINGS: Bans on smoking in public places are associated with significant reductions in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction. Counseling and pharmacotherapy (nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion) are proven, effective treatments for nicotine dependence. Clinical trials of two new pharmacotherapies, varenicline and rimonabant, have recently been reported. Varenicline is a safe and efficacious medication for smoking cessation, and has been approved in the US, Canada and Europe. Rimonabant has shown mixed results for smoking cessation and is undergoing further evaluation. SUMMARY: All patients should be screened for tobacco use. Clinicians can effectively treat nicotine dependence in the general population using counseling and first-line pharmacotherapies (nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, varenicline). These same treatments, with some modification, are appropriate for smokers with coronary heart disease; however, brief interventions without follow-up are not effective in this population. For smokers with coronary heart disease, the best time to intervene may be during hospitalization.  相似文献   

Gupta R  Irwin A  Raviglione MC  Kim JY 《Lancet》2004,363(9405):320-324
The UN has launched an initiative to place 3 million people in developing countries on antiretroviral AIDS treatment by end 2005 (the 3 by 5 target). Lessons for HIV/AIDS treatment scale-up emerge from recent experience with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Expansion of treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis through the multipartner mechanism known as the Green Light Committee (GLC) has enabled gains in areas relevant to 3 by 5, including policy development, drug procurement, rational use of drugs, and the strengthening of health systems. The successes of the GLC and the obstacles it has encountered provide insights for building sustainable HIV/AIDS treatment programmes.  相似文献   

Stuart M  Weinrich M 《Chest》2004,125(2):695-703
Rated number one in overall health system performance by the World Health Organization, the French spend less than half the amount on annual health care per capita that the United States spends. One contributing factor may be the attention given to chronic care. Since the mid-1900s, the French have developed regional community-based specialty systems for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency or failure. COPD is the major cause of respiratory failure, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, and its prevalence is increasing. Despite the clinical success of home mechanical ventilation and the potential for cost savings, providing such services in the United States remains a challenge. Lessons from France can inform the development of cost-effective chronic care models in the United States In this article, we review the French experience in the context of the United States Supreme Court's Olmstead decision, mandating that people in "more restrictive settings" such as nursing homes be offered community-based supports. We suggest that regional demonstration projects for patients with chronic respiratory failure or insufficiency can provide an important step in the development of effective chronic care systems in the United States  相似文献   

Murine lupus genetics: lessons learned   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent reverse genetic studies in murine lupus have taught us the following lessons: (1) Lupus is extremely polygenic; (2) A single locus may be associated with many different phenotypes; (3) What appears to be a single locus may turn out to be a cluster of loci; (4) Different loci facilitate different immunologic steps leading to lupus; (5) Epistatic interactions between loci may engender novel autoimmune phenotypes; (6) Whereas some loci may be pathogenic, others may confer disease resistance; (7) Whereas the expression of some loci is sex-dependent, the expression of others clearly is not; (8) Two or more loci may have an impact on the same phenotype; (9) Lupus susceptibility loci appear to co-cluster with other autoimmunity susceptibility loci; (10) Lupus genes are likely to be polymorphic alleles with subtle impacts, rather than outright mutations with extreme functions. In contrast, forward genetic studies have revealed that molecules that impact apoptosis, the clearance of apoptotic cells, B-cell or T-cell function, and end-organ pathology can all potentially contribute to lupus. Collectively, the loci and genes identified by these two different approaches factorize into a few distinct pathways leading to lupus. Delineating the molecular mediators of these distinct checkpoints is the challenge that lies ahead.  相似文献   

Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a distinct subtype of non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma, originally described with a strong predilection to the oral cavity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals. Data regarding patient age and gender, HIV status, initiation of and response to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), tumor extent, pathology, treatment, and outcome were extracted from 112 cases of PBL identified in the literature. The median age at presentation was 38 years with a male predominance of 7:1, and the median CD4+ count was 178 cells/mm(3). PBL presented on average 5 years after diagnosis of HIV. Common primary sites of presentation included the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and lymph nodes. Most cases presented with either stage I or stage IV disease. There was a variable expression of B-cell markers in tumor cells, but plasma cell markers were expressed in all cases. EBV was detected in 74%. Chemotherapy was used to treat 55% patients and was combined with radiotherapy in 21% cases. Complete response was obtained in 66% of treated cases; the majority of these responses were seen after CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone). The refractory/relapsed disease rate was 54%. Death occurred in 53% of patients, with a median overall survival of 15 months. Sex, CD4+ count, viral load, clinical stage, EBV status, primary site of involvement, and use of CHOP failed to show an association with survival. PBL is an aggressive B-cell lymphoma that presents in both oral and extra-oral sites of chronically HIV-infected immunosuppressed young men.  相似文献   

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