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1临床资料患儿,男,因出生后呼吸急促,伴全身瘀斑2h入院。患儿为第1胎第1产,足月,于2008年7月24日连续硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产娩出,手术顺利,术中 相似文献
刘阳 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》2013,34(3):469
一、病例摘要患儿,男,生后33分钟,以"胎龄小,生后发现右上臂包块33分钟"为主诉于2012年7月19日入院。系第一胎第一产,孕32+5周,因"胎盘早剥,胎膜早破"剖宫产娩出,出生体重1550g,Apgar评分8-10-10分。 相似文献
发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒是一种新发现的出血热病毒,患者感染后表现为发热、白细胞计数减少、血小板计数减少及多器官功能衰竭等。2010年-2016年10月全国感染该病毒的患者平均病死率为5.3%,其中危重症患者病死率高达25%。发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒感染没有特效治疗药物,关键在于及早诊断,早期识别重症患者并对症支持治疗,从而有效降低病死率。本文就重症发热伴血小板减少综合征的临床特征展开综述,以利于临床医生早期识别重症患者,降低病死率,改善预后。 相似文献
原发性干燥综合征伴血小板减少8例临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:提高对原发性干燥综合征伴血小板减少的认识。方法:对原发性干燥综合征伴血小板中、重度减少8例患者进行回顾性分析,探讨药物治疗与血小板相关抗体(PAIg)、骨髓增生程度的关系,不同剂量糖皮质激素治疗效果及复发情况。结果:原发性干燥综合征伴血小板中、重度减少者PAIg阳性率高(85.7%)。骨髓增生活跃者疗效优于增生低下者。中等剂量激素治疗组(泼尼松0.5~1.5mg/kg·d)治疗无效的改用大剂量泼尼松≥2mg/kg·d治疗仍有效。结论:原发性干燥综合征伴血小板中、重度减少者与PAIg有相关性。骨髓增生活跃者疗效好。对病情重,无明显感染者主张用大剂量激素冲击后用中等剂量维持至少1月,必要时可多次冲击治疗。 相似文献
发热伴血小板减少综合征即无形体病,是由嗜吞噬细胞无形体侵染人末梢血中性粒细胞引起,以发热伴白细胞、血小板减少和多脏器功能损害为主要临床表现的蜱传疾病.潜伏期7~14天(平均9天).主要表现为持续性高热、全身不适、乏力、头痛、肌肉酸痛,以及呕吐、厌食、腹泻等.部分患者有咳嗽、咽痛. 相似文献
气压疗法治疗血管瘤血管畸形伴发血小板减少综合征的观察及护理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
血管瘤或血管畸形伴发血小板减少综合征(Kasabach—Merritt Syndrome.KMS)是一种慢性局限性血管内凝血。其临床特征是患儿有单发或多发的巨大血管瘤或血管畸形,伴全身紫癜、血小板及凝血因子减少、纤维蛋白降解产物(FDP)增多。KMS占婴幼儿血管瘤的1%,即使经过恰当的治疗,病死率仍为20%~50%。气压疗法对四肢、躯干、头皮部位的血管瘤合并KMS疗效确切,副反应小。我院自1997年10月~2006年2月.对8例KMS患儿采用气压疗法治疗该综合征,取得了满意效果.现将护理体会总结如下。 相似文献
Objective This article aims to present a rare case of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) complicated by with bacteraemia caused by Campylobacter jejuni, and to discuss the pathogenic characteristics, culture methods, clinical features and treatment points of Campylobacter jejuni and the patient's outcome, with a view to raising clinical awareness of blood culture and providing experience for the treatment of this disease. Methods The clinical data of a case with SFTS complicated by bacteremia caused by Campylobacter jejuni admitted to Weihai Municipal Hospital were collected and the diagnostic process of the pathogenic bacteria as well as the treatment plan were retrospectively analysed. Results The patient was a female who had been bitten by a tick bite half a month ago and presented to the hospital on 30th August with a fever, vague pain in the peribulbar abdomen and diarrhea for 5 days. Laboratory tests showed leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, and nucleic acid detection for SFTS was positive, resulting in a diagnosis of SFTS. After a week of antiviral treatment with ribavirin and symptomatic treatment, the patient suddenly experienced high fever at night, with a temperature reaching 39.5 °C. Blood cultures were immediately taken from both sides of the double bottle. Bilateral anaerobic bottles were tested for positive after 53.06 hours, and Gram-negative Campylobacter was cultured anaerobically in a transfer blood plate and further identified as Campylobacter jejuni using mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF MS. Vancomycin was stopped clinically on the basis of bacterial pathogenesis and meropenem was used for anti-infection and symptomatic treatment. During the treatment, blood culture and nucleic acid detection for SFTS turned negative, and the patient's symptoms improved. After normal results were achieved in the follow-up testing, the patient was discharged. Conclusions This case serves as a reminder that Campylobacter jejuni not only causes intestinal infections, but can also lead to extra-intestinal infections in immunocompromised individuals. Clinical and laboratory personnel should increase their recognition of Campylobacter jejuni, prioritize blood culture methods, and utilize a multidisciplinary approach in diagnosis and treatment. © 2023 China Tropical Medicine. All rights reserved. 相似文献
1临床资料患者男性,76岁,因发现血糖升高21年入院,诊断为2型糖尿病,既往有冠心病、陈旧性前间壁心肌梗死、心律失常、阵发性房扑病史。查血常规:白细胞4.41×10^9/L、中性粒细胞0.576、淋巴细胞0.34,血红蛋白145g/L,血小板121×10^9/L。 相似文献
孙英姿 《中国医学理论与实践》2007,17(3):363-363
特发性血小板减少性紫癜系自身抗血小板抗体(PAIgG)与血小板结合所导致的自身免疫反应,引起获得性出血疾病,临床较少见。我科于2006年10月收治了1例新生儿特发性血小板减少性紫癜的患儿,运用静脉丙种免疫球蛋白静滴抑制免疫反应,维生素K1、立止血等增强免疫凝血因子及血小板功能以及抗感染、改善微循环治疗后,病情明显好转,治愈出院。现将护理过程报告如下。[第一段] 相似文献